I V on u, I J at*, you Mil mi, from all elanuei it UM lil* yon lead io-da> " Bo TOOT good r|>uu i. grandei TLn that it a prtos n*d Pr And you'll never bnmor coesii' by a wore i vrvtsi aaa coy MiQ and carriage. Ab. you woianlji freedom, y*< without allow ! Car*. DOT Jetr I Bee you those tout ttoaiuln( from * verdaut (It- Bow Ui* bre*z Uilr prl Je deposes, Tuelr lves cuuug ua ttui walk .' Torn ui'l scattered, uotu tumr buaucy. Urav*l-stsUud au J oome to nought, Juu bvoauae a wind 1M booty Lifhtly la tbelr ruiu tuugat ! Look, wbire mountains grutt the iinre, Wlu*s a songster gladnotu*ly, tVtitl* of lunlixbt tlie araaure, oddac madt, lldoa* uoi t*. Wbwa an '*> uiark. iu dally 'Mid Us glory of the iky, And trow crag's gloom forth .loth sally, bo thai tODg wako* but to di* I Bat*, you Mil ui*. from aspersion It **cb word and deed you give ? Ah. lu world oeedi much conversion Kr* one are ao free to live I CaralM* feet will coma and go. dear, Raising dual OD Life'* worn floors And M luog ai winds iliall blow bsr, alsn will put torn* faith io doon i A. NOVEL (BT THE AUTHOB OF "GARTH") "I WM going |J Mk yea," *aid " whether juu woul-n'l prefer lilting ou this tid* ? You will find the river belte worth looking at ibau tbatiton* wall." "I am under yoor order*, lir, tor tb> present. Ton pal me here, and now, if you Mil me I am Io go eleewbere, I iball obey." Bbe rose at abe ipoks ; the jolting of tb oarriag* earned her to loee her balaooe ; held ooi my band to aaaitl her, and o sb toitsrsd aoroat and Mated heraelf oppoiile me. " How, are you lalisned ?" eba aiked de marely folding her hands io her lap am lending a flab into me from those mystical eye*. " Tei, indeed, if yon are. Did yon eve travel Ibil way before ?" " It you mean alone with a gentleman never met before no." " Oh, what I mean WM " " I know I didn't mean to make tan Tea, I believe I WM in tbU part of Ib country ooee, when I wae a very little girl that wai before I went to the convent, yoa know." "To the convent? ' Bhe gave a charming impromptu langb. I WMU'I qoite a nun I didn't want tc make you behave that I Only I WM brongh up in a ODDvenl near Parie ; educated there M many yoong ladiee are. I WM there aeven yean WMD'I that long V and I ool; got out a little while ago." " It moil bave been awfully doll." " Ob, I liked it in a sort of way. The were very kind to me there. Bat then didn't know bow pleMant it wae oateide Ton would never believe low delightful the world it if yoa were only told about it. My papa ated to tell me abiot it aometimee Bad be if a great traveller be UM been ever/where. Bat I didn't realizj it until eaw for myself. " Have you been to America lino* leavin the convent / " Oh, yet. I went to New York and taw my eoutini there. Papa went with me, bo be came Back to 1'arie Bret and I followed later. I met him again in Parie only week aco. Be will be eorprieed to see yo ere, Mr. Oainiboroogh. Wbl a toon way yoa have eboeen to go from Parie t Rome through Dreeden !" "Tee, I bat, by-the-way, how did yo know I WM ftoing to Rome ? And why wil your papa be surprised ?" Again she laughed and regarded me witl so delightfully mieobievoot a glance that felt convinced I must io tome way be mak- ing a fool of myself. What did it all mean I bit my lip and the color same into my face from provocation at my own evident thick beaded ne it. " It yoa had only waited a little longer in Paris," she continued mill emilicg inigmati oally, " perbapt we might have met in a more regular way, and, perhaps, then yoa would bave let ms havs a look at your diamondi My diamonds ! That explained the mys tery in a flash. " Is your father Mr. Birebmore ?" " I am Uisi Birohmors, if you pleaae, sir Ton never Mked me tor my card, and didn't like to force it on you. It WM at kind of yoa to take me on trait, withou making tare that I WM all right tint. thought EaKlitbmen were more caution and reserved." I could now pin in the laugh againel my aelf with (all appreciation of tbe excellence Of tbe jest. Mr. Birobmore, then, bad been a married man, after all. Of course be WM Why bad I not before remarked the itron family likenesi between him and his daagh tot? Take her on trust, forsooth I Bow longed to retort that I WM ready to take be for better for worse, then and there, if ah would bave me I If she were a fair ipeei men of American girls, what a nation o honris tbey most be, indeed! Bat, then they were not all brought up in French con vent*. It WM that that added to Miss Birobmore the iMt irresistible ebarm. Tba It WM that gave her that naicette, that inno oent fraokoest, that nnooneoioui freedom And this lovely creators bad actual!; known me, by report, before we met. He father bad told her ot me, and evidently h had not given ms a bad character. And thi accounted for the favorable obange in he manner wben she saw my oard. Well, i WM altogether delightful. I bad been aided by a btppy destiny. Tbank Fortune I bad so conducted myself at at least no to prejudice Miss Birobmore againit me Verily, good manners are never thrown way ; and, moreover, I prided myself (M fancy most gsntlemen do) on my ability to detect a true lady at a glance. We now returned our conversation on s still more oonliiential footing than hereto fore. MiM Birehmore related many amai ing anecdotes of her late experience in New York, M well as of her earlier days In ih convent, aod even tome pMsages of he obild-life previous to tbe latter epoch. observe!, however, that ever and anon she would cheek herself, seeming to pass ove attain passage* in her history in silence aad this reminded me of the similar behavior which I bad noted in her father That secret, that mystery whatever it WM that weighed opon him bad cam it shadow over her yonng heart likewise Honeeily did I sympathise wilb her an known trouble, and ardently did I long al vulgar ourioniiy Mide to bave tbe know ledge of it imparted to me. Few oalamiliei ar to beavy M that, by earnest and friendly olp, tbiy may not be lightaaed. Wba Mid it be ? In vain I Mked myself tha question. Here WM this lovtly girl, in the nrit treth bloom of sxittenoe, jotl begin nlof to tMle witb eager, nnaloysd palate ail tbe sweet joys and noveltiM of life health, youth, a happy temperament and ample wealth ranked on her lide, aud yet tbi* bitterness ot a misfortune, not by rights bar own. must needs commnnieate Its blighting influence to her. It WM tragi eel to think ot. Yts, ever aod anon I could mark its trecM in her vivid face and win nlng bearing . a passing gloom ot nadneas In those wonderful eyas ; a qalver ot appre b*nsion aboal tbe lips ; an involuntary .gesture of nervoasnses or lassitude ; man] trifling .urn., Miareily peroiptible, perhaps, to a regard less keen and watobfnl than t had already beeome. Already? Bo rime in an aoqoaiotai.ee like this is not to be measured by boars or minatse. It is a trite laying, aod yst how true, that thote who are under the inflames of a stNOg motion may live years io a few heart- iat*. " i'leau ot, pletst doii't look ao lolemn, dr. QaiDiborouKU I Wtaat ban btppsned I ibould think, to look at yon, that yoa had wen robbed of your dmrnouds at tns very sjaajl" "No. Tbey s>ie safe enough," laid I, ulliutf up a cheerful a tone and atpeol at . could muster, aud palling my baud over ibe mi.tr pocket us I tpoke. " Are you ond ot diaoiooda? ' " Ob, did yoa ever bear ot a girl wbo ratn't ? I think there it nothing so beauli- oil Ppa, bu a ureat many, bat he lays I m tutu I wear them until utter I am mar- ried. Iio'l that hard ?'' But perbjp* yoa think of being married jelore long ?'I itqaired witb positively lealoat lutob tt my heart. " No, that'* the trouble. I know I shall never bo married." Tbeae words wire n.ttrei iu a lower and graver tons, and once more I thought I oould ditoern the rtt'.ting traces of that mysterious meUn- ouoly. Bat tbe brigbleued up when I eaid : Well, bcwoo'lobjioi toyuar teeing my diaraoDds, at any rate , not even to your jutting them on, perbtpi." " Juo for* mino.e may 1? That will be splendid I Pp aayii that some ot them are tbe flucil he ever saw." For louijtr than a minute, MiM Birob- more, i( ?on are willing I mean if be What did I mean, pray? Waa I goiog to make an offsr of my band, heart and dia- monds on lets than anbonr'i acquaintance iu a rail w ay carriage ? And WM I going to forget that the diamonds did not belocg to me at all, bat to my rtrp*oted mother, wbo would probably Fee me oat off wilb a limiting before granting me lui disposal of tbem? bnokily for my self possession and self- reepeel, the train drew npjOtt then at Ibe nation known as" Krippen,"on the bank ot the river immediately opposite Behandao. Tbe guard opaned tb* door, we alighted, and tbe flril person we saw WM Mr. Birob- more, and oloss behind him a ibort, un- gainly, betUe-brawsd fellow, a valet or footman apparently, witb a camp stool, an umbrella aod a imall baskit ot trait on bii arm. CHAPTER IY. Mr. Birohmore tbook my hand cordially, yet I (aooiid that be betrayed signs oi em- barrassment or onesiinssi. Ho teemed glad to mill me on my own aocoao^, and yst to feel oooitrained by my prsiecoi. Had be any reaton for wiibing to oonoesl from me tbi fact that be had a daughter ? It now occurred to me for the first Urns that in hir oonvenation witb me Mm Birobmore bad nsvsr alluded to ber mother. Perbsps ber mother WM dead- bad died in her ebid'i infanoy. Perhapi the silence concerning ber arose from some other and less avowable oaute. There might be some matrimonial disgraoe or tragedy at tbe bottom otthe father's and daughter! reserve. Tbe idea bad a certain plausibil- ity, and yet I toocd it ansatistMtory. Tbe true explanation of Ibs mystery might not be worse Iban Ibis, bat I fancied it muit be diSerent it moil be somitbiog more un- usual and strange. Ibis is an unexpected pleMors," laid I for tbe etks of saying something, as ws daamoded the sups down tbe river embank- ment to tb* ferry-boat. " Ibe world is ool ao large a place M people pretend," replied Mr. Birobmore. " Have yea been long in Dresden ? ' A wsik or so. I've been doing tbe neighborhood tod was told that Saxon Switzerland must not be left oat ot the Int. I oame near going by tbs boat" Here I uddeLly reoolleoied that if Mr. Birohocore had gooa by boat, as In daughter said be had, his prteeuoe in Bobandao WM whcl y inei[ 1 icable. " How did yoa manage to gel here ao quickly ? ' I exclaimed, " ibe bteamer can't be due for three hours yet I" Hi looked al me in apparent perplexity atd Mi -a Birebmore, too, seemed taken aback ratber than sharing my own Mton- isbment. There wa* a panne of a few momenta, tben sbe laid io a low, hurried tone: " Ton know, papa, I got word that, from somi mtiunderitaudiog, you bad taken tbs steamer instead of Ibe train." "Ah, to bi sore," be rejoined with a short lauf.b, " I see tbe difficulty. Yoa mail look upon me, I suppose, M a sort of megioian, able to transport myself about Iba eaonlry on some new telegraphic prin- ciple. Will, I'm afraid I can't lay claim to any iaob supernatural power. I shall lose credit by tbe explanation, but yoa abtll havs it, nevertheless." " No, no ; give as room (or ths exorcise ot oar imagination," cried I laughing. The faol wan, I fell an if my query was in some way unfortunate. There WM a certain effort in Mr. Birohmore'i manner, and a want ot spoutaueily in bis laugh ; and tbe awkwardness seemed sbtrsd to some) n- tent by bit daughter. ID my ignoranoe of tbe Irae lay of the land, I WM continually making tonae irritating blander, and the more I tried to make myeelf agreeable, Ibe worie wai my loeoeis. Mr. Birobmore, notwithstanding that I depreoated it, obone to make bia explana- tion. " Kkte WM right," laid be, " my fits! intention wae to go by train. Afterward I decided on tbe boat, and left the hotel with tbe purpose ot (letting oar passage that way and tending Kate word to meet ma at tbe landing. But Ibe boat turned onl to be soorowdtd, tbtt I changed my mind again ; it wan tbsn so late that I hadn't time to reach tht central railway station. My only obaooe ot catching tbe train WM to jump into a drosky at the steamboat landing and drive aa tbe ' Kntsoher ' never drove before for the lower station, which WM half a mile nearer. I got there barely in time ; and Kate, it stem*, wan waiting at ths central all the wbile !" "And, ot course," added Mill Birch more eagirly, "tbe people at tbe hotel fancied tbtt be bad gone by tbe boat, and tent me word so, On, yes, I understand it all, now don't yoa, Mr. Gainsborough?" " I don't take it kitidly of yonr father to atrip away tbe illusions from life to pili- leiftly," returnid I in a humorous tone, " I should bave been moon happier in believing that be bad fhwn through tbe air on tbe Arabian king'i witbing-carpet." This tally Bofiiaed to rails the imile of which we had all seemed so greatly io want, snd to wi got into tbe ferry-boat in a comparatively etsy frsme ol mind. Ths) valet, to whom I btve already alluded, sat on a thwart near the bowi, in auob a position that I bad a full view ol him. A more anoanoilltling object I btve aeldom beheld. His body and arms wsre long, bat hi legs were short and bowed oat- ward. His festorei were harib, forbidding and strongly marked ; but there wai an ex- pression ot power stamped upon them which fisointted my gtzs io spile of tbe ugliness which wool! otberwite have made LLI glad to look away. It WM not Ibs power of intellect ; for, although there WM plenty of a saturnine kind of intelligence in tbe countenance, it WM not to be supposed tbsl a fellow in bii position ot life wonld bs remarkible for brains. No ; this power was of another kind. I do not know bow to deicribt it, bat I believe some people would git oal of tbi difficulty by calling it mag- netic. Whatever it was, it produced a very disagrettble impression on ms, and I oould not bat wonder that Mr, Birebmore should btva oboeen to take loch a creature into his employ. I had ths tens*, however, on Ibis oootnioo to keep my speculations to myself. I WM resolved not to make a fool ot myself again it I ooold helpil at least, not wilb this particular family. I noticed tbat whenever Mr. Birebmore had oooanion to address Ibis man, he did so in a peon liarly severe and peremptory tone, very different from hi* usual luw-voiesd style. There wan seemingly no great affection for him on his mMter's part, Ibsrtfore ; and certainly the valil looked incapable ot a tinder teeliog toward any human creators. Fosaibly, however, be wae invaluable M a isrvanl, aud bii noptopillatiog exterior might oovir an bout st aod faithful heart. Only, ibould tncb torn ont la bs the ease, I would never again put fMtb either iu pbytl- oguomy or my own inttinot of aversion. 1 disliked to think ot tuu ill favored mortal being in daily MSOCUUDU witb my lovely Kats Birobmore lor already, iu my ssotel tool, I called bir tnibe ! and I made up my mind that it ever fortune granted me tbe privilege of making her what I called ber, I would see to it that mouttenr the valet formed a part ot any one's household ratber than onrt Meanwhile the fenymau had paled and padjled aa across tbe river, on tbe shore of which a swarm ot hotel porters i.to jj ready to rend ot limb from limb. Bui Mr. Birch- more pot tbem all a>ide save one, to whom he pointed out my trunk and gave him come directions which I did i o) bear. " I taki tbe liberty," he Ibeu (aid, turn ing Io mi, " to so far do the honors ot this place as to recommend yon to the mast tgreeable botel in it tbe Badehaun, al Ibe farther end of the vlllige, and about bait a mil* up tbe valley. These hatela that front the river would give yoa belter fare, per hap*, and Itsi nnprctendmg aoooinmod* lijm , but, it quiet a >d eoolneis are what yoa are after not to mention the msdiei- ual spring water aod a private brass band tbe Bidehitui i* tbe thing." "Tht Badehaat be it, by til meu. ' Thii attention lurprised me, not because 1 Lui-J ub ed my friend'e ojuricvy, but beouelbad iiuagiced that bia ojurtesy would nota:aod in the way of ao nnobtru- sive attempt la withdraw himself aid hi* daurfbter from my immediate companion- ship. Yet si far wai this from being tbe case, tbat he bad taken tcma paint to secure oar being together for, of ooarie, thi Badehaas mast be hie own quarter*. 1 glanced at Ktte, who had laksuher father'* aim and WM pacing betide him thought folly, wilb downcast eyei. WM ibe glad aa well M I ? We pMsed through a narrow allay be tween two friendly buildiogs which neemei strongly inolined to lean on one another's thouldert, crossed tbe rough oobble-ttonet of Ibe little market place, and, gaining the farther ude of the bridge, found ourtelvei on a broid, level walk which skirled the southern sids of the small valley wherein the village lies. On oar right hand WM a series of etoeooed villas, built againit tbi steep side ol tbe hill ; on our lift a tlrip o meadow, with a brook brawling through it and beyond Ibid again tbi straggling array of the village, and the bill on ths other side. Overhead, Ibs spreading branches o low tree* kepi off the glare of the tua. liai Kite and I been there alone, metbougbt tbe charm ot the place wonld bave been c plete. "What delightful little vilUs these are ! ' I exclaimed. " Aren't they bitter tbau any hotel even tbe Badehtas?" " If yoa tbiak of spending any graatlime here I believe tbey doi't lei for less than a week. Bat probably these are all fall ai this seaion. Higher op Ibe valley, two 01 three miles beyond the botel, you wculi find detached farmbonies, wbote ownen wonld no doubt be glad of a lodger. If yoa are not broken into a traveller'* hardships though, you'll prsfsr the Badehans." " I think I shall prefer it ai long at yon are there.' " Well, I'm sorry to lay that won't be long wa sbajl move to-morrow morning If I bad expected yon, I I thonld hive been happy to bave arranged matter! other wise. Bat tbe fact i', I bave engagfd rooms at one ot tbe farmnoaeea I spoke of, ant to morrow they will expeot ai." My spirits fell at this newt like a feathm in a vacoum, and I dare say my faoe showed it There oould be no doubt now that Mr Birohmore WM resolved to get rid ol me Toat bs would go to-morrow to some dii taut farmhouse I did not question ; but M to bit having intended any soeb thing baton be taw me alight from tbe train, I confess I didn't believe it. It WM an unpremedilatec expedient, and bis inviting me up to tbi Bdebni wts only a polite mitigation of tbe shook. " I am very sorry I" WM all I oocll lay Kale turned ber faoe a little toward me al the words, and ber eyes met mine tideloLg Only tbat look the did not speak ; bat I saw, or thought I taw, tooogb in it to make oar parting at tucb brill notice a sentimen- tal impossibility. At whatever sacrifice ol tbe laws of esrsmony and oivilicid reserve I determined that my acquaintance wilb ber, so wsll begun, should not thai be nipped in tbe bad. I would sooner win bei M a barbarian than lose hsr at a man ol tbe world, tiow to execute my determint lion WM a problem to be solved al my lei tare. Wi sauntered on to the hotel, chatting discursively. My mind WM too much pre- oooupied to be thoroughly aware what ws were talking aboot. Arrived al oar detti nation, I followed my trunk to my room having arranged to take an early dinnsr with my triindi. It WM marly two boon before we met sgsin. The dinner passed with Ibe lame tort of desultory converts lion tbat we bad affected daring oar walk Mr. Birohmore'i manner WM serious and ratber oold. Kite, too, WM subdued aud grave not tbe brilliant, laughing Kte ol Iba railway carriage. Ws wers wailed upon at table by the saturnine valet, whom bis master called Blurk a name that seemed to me to suit bim excellently well Ha wailed on at in psrleot silence from the beginning ot tbe meal to Ibs snd, though leveral timii peremptorily addressed by bis mMter. There was to me somethiof disagreeably impressive in tbe fellow's vert taciturnity it teemed to indicate reserved power. Kate, I notioed, wts careful never to tpeak to him, hot I taw bis glance several times directed fixedly apon her. Alter dinner, Mr. Birobmore prodaoed a cigar and said : " I must take a drosky over to our farm- house. Da you yoaog people care to come or would yoa ratber stay here ?" " I think I'll slay, pspa, pleaie," answerec Kate. "And I, to MS thai nobody runs away witb ber," I added witb an easy tmile. " Blark, get me a carriage." taid Mr Birebmore, and, nodding a good-bye to as he wsnt oat. "How far is it from here this farm- home, Miss Birohmore ?" I asked wben we were alone. " I believe about two miles. ' " I should like to know its exact situa tion." " Why didn't you go with papa, then ?" 11 Oan'l you imagine?" Bbe had been absently puckering her handkerchief into foldt in her lap. Now ibe looked up. " Wby do yoa wish to know whsre we are going ? ' " BeokOie I've taken a great fancy to -to Mr. Blurk, and I oan't bear to tbink of losing night of him." I had expected ber to laugh, and, perhaps, blush. Instead of that, an expression ol something like terror swst t over her faoe and he laid her finger on her lip. " I > >L'I talk of bim," sbe whispered. Her emotion had so astonished me that I oould only stars In silence. Here was anothsr mystsry or stay I Oould II be thai Blark WM at tbs bottom of all those strange signs and enigmas that I had been puzzling myself over from Ike nnt ? I WM prepared to believe whatever amount of evil concerning tbe fellow might be required. But what could he have done, or bave It in bis power to do, tbat oonld so tffcot MIRB Birobmort? Had h* held hsr life or for- tune at Ihs mercy of a word, ihs oonld hardly bave betrayed more dismay at my jesting satire. " It's nothing," eh* raid, recovering ber- Mlf after a moment. " Only I don't like him much, aod yoa and I wasn't expect- ing to hear bis name just tben." " Heaven knows, it is a very different name I ihould have ipokenl" " No, no, no I Yon bavs amused yourself with ma to-day, and to-morrow yoa mast flad sasasoue else to amuse yoa, that's all I" ' Amused mytslf , Miss Birobmore I" ' Well, Mr. Gainsborough. I'm torry if I in euisrtsia yon. I'm sore 1 tried iard. Bat it's to difficult to entertain an " Upon my word, I believe you've been augbiuK at me from the biginning I Bnl, lowevrr ridiculous I maybe, Miss Birch- more, I oan bave thoughts an 4 feelings thai aie t 01 ridiculous " ' Oa, please pluase don't be angry. And I'm sure I nevsr though* you ridionloni I ob, anything but loat t" Tuu tone, Iba look wbich accompanied tbe. o lat) words, made me forget caution and self-possession far a moment. " Mite Birobmois cb, Kale I I cannot lost sight pt you I cannot lose you ! Da yon care is il nothing to yoa if we never meet after to-day ? Kste, I love yon I'* Had tbe oonfesaiou oome too loon ? Was sheoSendtd? Bbe shrank away from me witb a glano, searching, yet pathetically appealing. " DJ not foritel yourself, sir I Yoa are an bouurable lv ^iitu gentleman I Wuat bavs jou said / ' " I love yon yes, Uve you I" " lie lovsa ms," ibe repeated slowly aud oaunui ber bralb wilh a kind ot sob. Her eyes fixed themselves ou me with an in ward look, as il of intense reverie. " It must nol be I l mu. not be 1 But be does love me I " Her hands fell in ber lap, there wen tear* now to b> r ejts, but a smile quivered over berlipe. " Wby do yen say it matt cot be, Kate ' It ill II shall be I' I took ber band, wbioh ah* scarcely at tempted to withdrtw ; I fill tbat I had won her and wouU bold ber againit all comers Jus! tueu s> knock o*me to Ibe door ; she snatched ber band away and rose to ber feel. Mr. r3lurk entered. II Tbe band ii goiog to play in tbe court,' be said in German. " I have kept chairs and a table for tbe lady and ggullsman beneath Ibe trees." He made alow obeisenee M he spoke, bu his malignant glar.cs never twerved Irom Kale, aod she, htlt tuning toward bim seemed impollid, by a power stronger than ber own will, to meet it, tbongb slightly shivering the while with pure aversion. For my own part, I longed wilh all my heart to kick the varlit into tbe hall or tbrow bim out ot the window. But prudence warnec me to bide my time. If I obtained tbe foot iog to whiob I aspired in Mr. Bircbmore'i family, I wouli mule summarily witb Mr Blurk. Meanwhile, I should heel oonial my ictereeliby conducting myself wilb al due qnielnesi and deoornm. I offered Ktte my arm to lead ber from tbs room, but wilh a barely-perceptible geiture, shs ds olioed it and walked swiftly before ms through tbe doorway, Blark making anolhe deep obtiaanse at we pasted. To* fellot bad a smoolb, unimpeachable way ol get ting tbe better ol one tbat made my blood boil. I commanded myself, not wilbonl an effort, snd nursed my wrath to keep i warm. (To be oonUnoedj 1 AUf IK TO A \ 01 M. Wria 11 01 \ . ih, at i . t ni . Don't worry, my eon, don't worry. Don' worry about something that you thick ma] btf pan to-mcrrow, because you may dis to-Light, and to-morrow will find yoa beyond Ibe reaoh ot worry. Don't worrj over a thing that happened yesterday btOiUie >eierday is a hundred years away It yon don't believe it, jail try to reach il and bring it back. Don't worry abon anything ibal is happening to-day, because to day will only last 16 or 20 minutes. I you duu't belitve ii, tell your creditors you'll bs ready to settle In full witb them al sacset. Don't worry about things yoa can't help, became Ibeu tbire'i no need to worry. Don't worry at all. If yoa want to be patient now aad tbeo, il won't hart you a little. It will do yoa good. If yon want to cry a little once in along while, that isn' a bad thing. If yoa fill like gain goat an clubbing yourtelt i coa-i jubliy, I think yon used 11 and will lend yoa a helping bane at it, and pat a plaster on you afterward All tbeie tnings will do yon good. Bui worry, worry, worry, tret, fret, !r*t wh . tbere'i neither torrow, penitence, strength peoanoi, nformation, hope nor resolution in it. Il'e list worry. Burdttu. A < rumbrr Ki). The late Dr. Ralph Farnsworlh bad a recipe for preparing cucumbers whioh WM peculiarly bu own. It wa* to go into tbe garden early in Ibe morning while the dew WM on the grMi ; telicl your vsgetable pare il, slice luto a deep diib tilled wilt water, pal in a pieoe of toe and 1st it stauc till wanted. Wnen resdy to eal, pour c the water, seaton with pepper, salt and vinegar, and tbsn throw ibe stuff oal ol the window. Tbls it all very wsll for a pjrson wbo dislikes cakes, and baa plenty of time atid seasoning to throw oat ol ths window. The recipe ol tbi doctor Ii tbe correct one, barring the throwing ont ol tbe window. A cucumber prepared in thai way 11 a delicacy, and with the addition ol cayenne pepptr to tbe seasoning will not bs an injury to tny one. Bat wben tbs vegetable baa toaked for two or three days in lake warm water, has become wisborsd tod tough, ao that the shoes rstemblu apiece of round lawhide, and is tben placed ou tbe table (or consumption, then the consumer ol Ibe cake must stand from under. Il is then that the word " deadly " can be placed before tbe name. Manv a nighl cf active business life hM bien pot iu where such a dish hM been parlaksn of at ibe table. It it tben tbat the indulger will hang himself over the back of a obair, claw tbe air and ery : " Ob, why did I come on this tool?" In spile cl hoi dro,(, brandy and otbsr eoolbin^ drinks, be will usually whoop 'er op till daylight and then swear by tbe absent but tons on bis nighl shirt thai " If svsr I eal another occimber may I be blowed.' He will usually lake a little bitters Io quiet hii nsrvii, sit down to Ibe breakfast table and eat another cacnmbir. Norwich Bulletin The Fewer ! Use t*rt**. Bprhjgini. You are a looiely rsporlw aren't you? Pennibi. I bavi that inexpressible felicity. Bpriggini Yoa write ap the fashionn, don't yoa? Peunibs. That is one of my numerous function*. SprJgglns. Wsll, how much will yoa charge me for a parigrapb staling that a plain gold band it now the proper thing for aa engagement ring? I have to bayou* lor Mamie Io -morrow, and it I could show ber inch a paragraph, it would be 8100 in my poakel. lloii n ,,.i liberties) In Kmttmmt. TIBS of thousands of basket* of cherries arrivi in London every week daring tbe icaion from Holland and Oermany. II il pays Io tend Ihsm to far I oannot uuder- Hand why land ownira in tbe home ooan- Iriei do not " go in " for exteniiwe cherry orchards. Tbe demand for cherries ii enormous, and increases every year, and I understand tbat a remunerative prioe is alwsy* forthcoming London Truth. l'"l i Knn tlioni U ..If-ril In.ll.n. " How do ths Indians act regarding plurality of wives? " " They marry young. Frequently a girl i sold before rbe is 14 yean of age. If an Indian marries an older sistsr, that entitles bim to all tbi rest of tbs girls In tbtt family an they grow op. He takes all ths sisters alto. They are practically Mor- mons." from an Inttrcine ttith K* Agent UeQMicvddy. n -i i i i > < rarl Torlarr ( I'riunrr LT Ike Order Ol 'lll.ll III 111 UUIUU. Ai I entered the court-room two stalwart jiilers were rouxhly bringing in a prisoner ftocustdut ihn crime of piracy, tays B. P. Westoo, writing in the Ban Frtnoisoo ninrr of a oouit icene in Canton. AiouLd the teak of the prisoner WM an 'ron collar, to which an iron ehain WM ktltobed. One of tbe jailers was dragging Iba prisoner along by Ibs ohain and ths other WM aiding him by poshing and kiok Ing. Tbe aocuoed was taken before the mandarin's deik, made to prostrate bim self on the floor, and ths trial commenced. Tbe aeeueaiioo charging the prisonsr with pirsoy was read, and tnsn tbe mandarin isked bim through the interpreters to eon let H tbs charge. This the prisonsr refused to do, claiming that hu WM innocent. Ttais seemed to anger the mandarin and be iustruotsd ths liotora to strike the prisoner with their leather tboogi. This they did, striking him a number of times on the faoe witb a leather strap two inches wide aud a foot in lenglb. This failing to bring thi desired answer, the mandarin tbeo ordered tbe jailers to prepare a torture. An in slroment of tortore resembling a common bench wat then brought in auid placed it position on end. From the upper legs ol Ibe bench dingled four stout oirds, and near Ibe top of Ibe plank forming the nea WM a olotb band about two inches in width Hod aUv.ened to a winch at ibe back ol the board. Ths prisoner viewed these preparationi with a dogged and tolltn look The lietors tben teixsd tbe prisoner uu< toroed him to kneel with his cask agaios Ibis frame and quickly laetened a cord to each of the large toes ot tbe feet, and bending back the arms, fastened tbs olbe two eords to his Ibumbs. The cords wer now lightened until tbe priionsr's knee were raised clear of tbe floor. Tbe bam was then placed aroond tbe forehead am lightened with a few tarns of ths winch The position ot tbe body naturally threw Ibe weight forward and made tbe pretsun on tbe forehead Isarf ul. As tbe cords and bonds tightened ant tbs weight ot tb* body WM thrown on them the victim began to ibow evidenoes of ex trems pain. Hit breath oame heavy ani lioored, aud a deep groan ooeMionall escaped bia lip). In this petition be bun lor a couple of minutes and WM tbsn again aiked by tbs mandarin it ba WM gnilly o the charge of piracy. He refused to can IMS. The perspiration WM starling out a] over his body, and the oords wers begin ning to eat into Ibs flesh, and Ihs muscle were becoming knotted. The mandarin gave an impatient order to tbe lictors, am the winch WM given a cjuple of turns lightening tbe bands around the forebea< until the prisoner's eyes seemed to star from their loektla aod tbs flssh on sael tide of the band WM puffed aod discolored Again he WM Mked io eonfees, and again refuted. Another lorn of the winch WM ordered. Tbe eyes ot ths suffering man bad now rolled back until only the white were visible ; tbe muieles of his faoe began to twitch and knot, and froth WM collect log around bii lips. His groans aa wrilbings wers horrible. II icemed M if human sensei could stand ni more. A few mere tarns of tb winch and the band wonld crash in tbi tkull. Tbe mnteles ot tbs armt and leg stood out rigid and knotted from tb weight of tbe body. Once more be WM Mkcd to oinfeei. This time he hciitttcc and tben (bricked oal thai be would OOL bsss any thing they desired if they would ful tike him Irom thit horrible rack The mandarin therefore ordered thi liitori to release bim Irom the rack. Tbu they did muon in tbe same manner aa a ttevedore handles saoka ot grain. The; untied tbe cords and loocened tbs band allowing Ibs prisoner to fall in a heap on ibe fl Kir.. Tbe tortured man's face hex lost tbs semblance ot a human being Distorted by Ibe pain aod agony sndured with ml, staring eyee, and open month it presentsd a grinning, unnatural, bideoui aspect. Tbe arms and limbs wsrs rigid and cramped, all muioular power seemini to bavs lift ibem, aod tbe perspiratiot wa* rolling from bis body iu streams. Tns doctors now hastily tbrow a cloth on bis taoe to bide its hideous grinning* roughly straightened bis limbi and ici bin up against ths raok from wbioh bs had juilbeen released. Hi* Iocs and thumb i were bleeding from the eats made by Ibs cards, and tbe band had left a deep red mark around bis forsbsad. Tbe suffering ol the man WM horrible and bii groans sent a thrill through my blood. I'M" t Illllll. Tbs eminent sanitary engineer, Gjorge K. Waring, says : " II Is carious, in examining the rseom- mendatious of public hsallb officers and the requirements of local baaidi of health, to obisrv* the uniformity with which this moil imporUn : subject is passed ovsr witb tbs prescription that the vault tball be light, sometimes tbat it shall be vaulted ovsr, and sometimes tbat it shall nol bi wilbin a certain small number of feet of a boundary line or of a drinking-water well. " Thsss preioriptions are most absurd. It ii tafe to tay that ot Ihs millions of privy vaults in Ibis country, cot mors Iban hundred* are raally tight; that a still smaller number are so vaulted over M to prsvent tbe tree exhalation of Ike gMes of decomposition-, thai those that are so vaulted over are in all respects ot worse sanitary efleol than loose wbloh have frssr oommpuication with tbs air, and tbat their possibilities of svil reach many times farther than the limits ol dis- tance usually required to intervene between them and Ibe wsll ol tbe neighboring property. They are always ths seal ot tbe foulest, and even of tbe moil dangerous, deoompoiition. They taint aot only the air and the soil, bat tbs water of tbe toil which goes so often |j feed our sources ot drinking water, and their local stench is of itself spmoisnt to liokeu all wbo have not by daily and lite-long habit become aoouilomed to il, * * Iu many ways tbe octipool is is bad as thi vault, but in tome respects th* vault ii facile princepi M a public and private nnisanoi of tha moit annoying and dan- |erons character. " Whsrsvsr a public or private iswsr it available, wherever disposal by irrigation is pottible, and wherever even the crudest attention can be teonred tor an automatic or timple sarib-olossl, tbe strougeit effort! should be directed to the absolute inhibition of tbe common privy vault." New York Sanitary Bra, Dry i srt i defecation of all privies 1< required by tbe ordinances of tbe Board ol Health of Davidson county, in which Ibe oily of NMhvilse is situated. A statute provide* flu* and imprisonment for viols- lion ot inch ordinances. CitUins art required to keep a sufficient qaantily ol dry soil in each privy, and evsry lime it ii used, to cover th deposit therewith. II effectually enforced, this requirement wonld work almost a sanitary rsvoloticn. At least, it wonld remove entirely one of the mod offensive cf nuisances. Sanitary Urn, Auftut ;tA. 'llhi N*l h, 1'i.nli iil.r. " Km- um," h* said, robbing bis ebin In sslf-satitfled way, " I tbink I oonld marry either one ot tbe girls, it I fell dli- losprt to make an effort." 1 Yes," replied bis frisnd, wilh an affir- mation ot recognition aod Interrogative negation. " Yes, I think I oiuld. Yen sse they are getting along toward the time wben girls tre not unwilling to marry," " Yes, and nol very particular," oon- iuue<l bis frisnd, and Ihs conversation broptly concluded. UNION JACK nilou. l-olin. Atom Ihr Bauer al (iral Itill.lll xu.l lir loud. (Letter t* thi London Daily N*wi.) We ars all familiar wilb tbs white, blue and red sntigoa, snd wilb tbs union jiok wbioh occupies tbe upper quarter nearest tbe flag stsfi. Ths white ensign hM Ihs red erois of Bi. U sorgo in addiliou to ths nnion jack. Without Ibe jok lbU wuite ensign witb a red croas represents our old national flsg at il c lilted Ire iu Ibe lime ol Richard 1. until Ibe death ot Elizibttb. Tbe red cross flag, the banner of St. George, ap- pear a to nave been oboaen by the Soldier King in honor of tbe sainl who WM the patron of soldiers. It re mained for more tbsn 400 yearn tbe Hag under wbioh tbe Englinb warriors fought on lend aod on MB. When Jamet VI. of Scotland succeeded Klizabetb, the botch bad a national flsg. That alto WM a erosi, but it WM ahaped differently from tbat of 81. Qeorge, and wai known aa the CroM ol 8 1. Andrew. Tbe ground ot tbe Beotob flsg wa* bins, and its crost wai white. To mark th* union of the two kingdoms naderone sovereign tbe national banner underwent a change, although Scotland still retained it* sepsrata Parliament. In tbe new fl.g tbe two ban- ners of England and Scotland were united There appeared ia il ths obliqoe white cross ol Hi Andrew on tb* blue ground and the red oroa* of 81. George on a white margin, worked in the blae dtld. Th* Km j was accustomed Io tigo hit namt in tbe Trench form of James, " Jacques." He WM, in faol, the Union Jaeqae*, or, as we improperly pronounce il, Jack. For local purposes tbe Beotob still continued to me tbe white Bi. Andrew's orois on ths bias field and tbe .English the red orois on the white field. It WM stated by royal proclamation in 16V6 tbat " whereas tome difference bath arisen between oar lubjeot* of Booth tod North Britain, travelling by teas, aboal ths bearing of Iheir fligs. For the avoiding of all inch contention hire- after we have, wilh the adviee ot our Council, ordered that from henceforth all our subjects of Ibis Isle and Kingdom ot Oreal Britain and the members thereof ihall bear in mind maintop the red croai, commonly called 81. George cross, and Ibe while orosc, commonly called Si. Andrew 'tcroii, joined together, and in Iheir foretop oar snbjiot ol South Britain shall wear tb* red erost only M they wer* wont ; and oor tub j cots ot North Britain in tbeir toretop tbe white orosa only, M they were loom- tomed." In 1707, when the Beotob and Kngliib Legiilaturss were united, tbe dis- tinctive dags osasad to bs used, and Ibs united flag* ai arranged in 1000 became tbi tingle eniigo for tbe United Kingdom. Il was Ibe sovereign tbat made tbi onion and established tbe national flag and an estab liabmsnt of distinct legislatures again would nol alter tbs flag. Ireland would lake presumably tor its local ensign tbe red cross ol 81. Patrick. This Irish banner ought to bave appeared in tb* onion flag of ikXM, bat il did not. Ireland had no distinct recognition io tbe nnion *Ugi until 1801, wben the Iriih and British Lscisls- tarn wsre aniled. At that date tb* Union Jack underwent a Inrther change, and tbe red diagonal cross ot St. Patrick on a wbile field WM introduced. Bicoe that date tb* Union .Jack bat shown Ibe red oross and white margin, recalling Itaat banner ot St. Gdorge ; Ibe wbile diagonal and bias field of St. Andrew'* banner, and Ibs red diago- nal croe* ot B). Patrick tbowing ever tbe wbile diagonal orois of the Botch banner. Tb* blui ground of th* Jack I* therefore due to Scotland, and ths red and white M crosses and margins to England and Ireland. tSISCk ,!.. ,11.. >Uf 111. Ars rapidly becoming a unisinoe, and we tbink ii behooves pnbliibsrs Io examine into the merits of many articles [ofied up in their columns. We do not deny thai many meritorious remedies are properly to be olasssd under Ibis beading. Take tbe hundreds and thousands rsiieved from sol- fermg by the use ot Poison's NXSTILJM, wonld ii not be unreasonable to expect them to condemn that tar-famed remedy ? Now ws know for a I aot that Poison's Nir- vilioe ii without exception the moil powerful, pleasant . ' certain remedy in the world for pain. It cannot fail, foril goei right to Ibs bottom ot pain, penetrate* to Ibe nerves, soothes ibem into quietness , and affords prompt and permanent relief, Nervilini is told by all drogguis. Bamfle only 10 cents. Try it. II. DO lUilo'l ttr, otfal Toronlonian (away from home)- What's that eluff in Ibe glass hsr* ? Waiter Walab, sab. " Water ?' 11 Yes, tab." " Now, see here, young man, I mty look green, but I'd bave you understand I'm not from the country. Yon oan'l play thai on me lor water. Watsr's yellow." t (And then he went down to tbe hotel offise and told tbe clerk bow be bad been insulted. _ Dca'l Kamw thai yon oannot afford to ntgliet that oatarrb ? Don't yoa know that it may lead to consumption, to insanity, to death t Don't yon know thai it can be easily cured? Don't you know tbat wbile the tbousandi and one nostrums yon bava tried btvt utterly tailed that Dr. Sage's Catarrh ttemedy is a certain cute? It has stood the test ol years, aad tbsrs are Hundred* ot tbooiand* of grattfol men and women ia all parte of tbs oalry who can testify to its efnocoy. All druggiii*. I M, oimoll.l.lr J|rcMBSlU<*l. Judge Tbi officer says yoa were drank last night and fell down on the street. Oan you sxplain that little matter ? Prieonir (wilb dignity) Thi oanti of my tall, Your Honor, WM nol attributable to liquor, but to circumstance*- over which I had no control. Judge (in surprise) What eironmitancei do you allude to ? Prisoner (tadly)-My legs, Your Honor. Kll.llou Bobby earn* into the bouse sobbing and told hii mother that Tommy Wbile bd kicked him. " Will, Tommy Whit* is a very bad boy," aid Bobby's mother, giving him a large piece of cake. - You didn't kick bim back, did you?" "No," replied Btbby, between bile*, " I kicked htm first. " Netc York Sim. Tacr Will rui so i, Thoie wbo once lake Dr. Pierae's Pleasant Purgative Pellets " will never consent to ase any otbsr cathartic. Tbey are pleasant to lake and mild in Iheir operationi. Smaller ibin ordinary pills and inoloied In glats visit ; virtuei unimpaired. By druggiiti. Tlpinlloillln f drr.l . Althongu MoKewau'i camp was de- itroyed, aa reported last week, all Ib* Oov- irnment snpplie* were saved, wilh lha ei- eplion ot one or two trifling arliolsi. Only ome 100 feel of lumber WM destroyed. Hugh Ksonis's boasa is nol burnt. John Oochrane't tost will fool ap to about (800. Two shanties, a stable and a ban on ih* Stover farm, next lot to Ooohrane'i, were destroyed. Oolmtn Waggp frame barn, near Minn*. domoya Lake, i gone. The fires bave done a great deal of dam- age in the Gbre Bay section of country. Among tbe sufferers are John Kennedy, Willmm Orthim, James Sawyer, Arebis Oranatoo, Edward Kllis aad Jamei Kin- dnok, all ot whom loil everything. BBBU**) Kuiior ft/rlir* .1 Us*sur Grethsusi * Other 'l.nr,. In Ibe IHiutrateJ London Kevi ot July 17lb, Dr. Qeorge Augusta Bala gossips io bis (tcouhtomed department ot " Echoes ot Ibe Week " about Cooper Graham and hii barrel. Mr. Bala moxalizis cleverly, at iver, buJ bis distance is BO grsal from tbn icene of the barrel episode tbat tbe " eeboes" tbat reached him evidently got warred a little. " Tbe oopper of Pniladt! pbia," he writt, " it evidently a skilled artisan with a strong inventive fatally. Wby doea he not invent something nsslnl say, a machine tor ptying one's debts or keeping one's temper, or staving off old age, and patent the instrument aod nihko a fortune by il. but no ; tbi* inconse- quent cooper is willing to ruk his Ufa sgain (if bs oan mike any money by il) by tba performance of a entiless, nseUie feat of dare-devildom. If the foolhardy cooper ttie* to shoot tbn rapids a sioond timt, somebody whom I know will bet long oddn that Mr. Graham will be suffocated in his tub, if be h* nol sucked into tb* whirlpool and daubed to atoms." All of which is very well. Bat ibo famous journalist goes on to tell storiex. Her* is tbe first one : -The last time I wae at Niagara a lad aud ber husband were living in a pre ly villa on tbe American shore of tb* Niagar* Rivir, jail above tb* falls. On* afternoou tbe Ikdy aud h*r haiband had a qoarrti Bach thing* will happen in connubial life ; and, ot oonri *, in tbit eaee the boibanu WMin tbe wrong. At all events, slang t temporal y madness, tbe lady rushed oat it the boase, through bir garden, and flung herself into ibe Niagsra Rives. Bbe bad no safety barrel, poor thing. Bbe wen i over tbe Falls and into tbe rapids . and all that was evir found of her, a fiv weeks afterward, WM one bronxe kid hoc t with a fool in il." Ws are afraid tbat George Augustus told thai yarn to amuse bis English readsra and nol tor publication on the dangerous bank* of Niagara. But bow is the followiig, which robs Boobsster and tbe Gcnesen Falli of tbeir chief claim to glory and bit- lone remembrance : " Bam Patch shot, nol tbs rapids, bat the Oitaraot itrelf, in a birch bark canoe, mar i than fitly years ago. Booeeistul tbe flrsi time, be perished miserably tbs teeond. Take oouosel, brave cooper ol Philadel- phia. Busy yoorselt witb hoops and stare i and bangholei lor casks that can be tornsil to useful purposes lay, to hold palm < il or port wine. Leave Niagara alone. Bne ia twin-sinter to Ibe Sphinx the sister who doss not bo.d ber tongue through tb i aget, bat talks and talks torever and ever. More perilous she than her kinswoman b / tbe Nile ; for Ibe first conundrum the pro* pounds to her victims the sometimes pjr mill tbem to guess ineeesstolly. Thn vain creatures thick tbat they can solve the riddle a second lime, and Niagara devour i tbem." George lakes tbe oak*. 11 Psrkini i i nowben. II S.ss Patch "shot Ibe cat- aract " in a birch-bark canoe, Bala is eat- able ot shooting Ibe Styx on a shingle. Buffalo Exprtu. ALMA LADIES' OOLLMI, ST. THOMAS, oroiled Us I year 180 students. Its oounes) ar* thorough and practical, its family composed of graduates and certificated teachers and its record aniarpataad. Rate i I)W. For GO pp. announcement, addre- 1 PatMcniA Aetna, B. D A I . T , . i ,,,,.. |lrl| M hlrd (Scene at tbe arrival of tbe tteamsblp. " I bave reosived a cablegram," said Mr. Book to Mist Terry, " wbioh will interest you greatly." " A cablegram I" echoed Miss Tsrry. "What oan n be?' Mr. Buck produced a paper. It wMdsUd from London yesterday morning and raa M follows : " Faisy foand. Si glad. Love to all. G ' Mia* Terry sprang ap. " Fassy foand I ' sbe i xolsimed. " Ob, bow glad I ana. M poor little dog ' You know we lost him on tbe way from London to Southampton, aid I was broken-hearted absolutely. Next to my daughter I love my dog." Brrack. Ituptun . or Hcralai. Com guarau teed in the worit oases. N i knife or truss treatment. Pamphlet aint references, 10 cents in stamps. World i Dispensary Medioil Association, 668 Ma i Btreet, Buffalo, N. Y. Tkc VV . i rrn xplrll ol !, ., The ipirilot poeiy sssms to havs tlruo c a] oath of tbe wstt hard, tor in a frontier newsptper, witb one sys on tbs polie* c uri and the other on tbe divine tUlnltnc* wilbin, Ih* miusirel thai breaks into melody : Hard WI* M If Ana In ilia UUUUHII of bis opness htole a ham." Ther* i* more ot it, bat thi* is luffleisn la indicate Ibe timbre of bis voles. Alma Ladies College ST. TIIOIttAS, ONT., Ofiers unsurpassed advantage* In Ml niry Work, Ivltjftlc, FIsM) Art* HIHI Commercial Defence. W Larplr patronised by all tbe denominations Attendance last year, 180. HB.OPBNB "KITH Tilts- K ia. For M pp. Announcement, address, I'KS.Mi I f i. A I I l-v D.D. .".'." " lp I """ tuortsd Porslcn Rtaiiitis. Ota tllir.r.| Wlllard Bros. 1810 Yea Pelt 8t;?hlla CONSUMPTION. aVc*,tiMt I p**Ulv*rin*<|vr<>r tb. abo** dls*atte> , hv ft* _ Mi of .a u r i i.o wurvt kind am of lno ' i r,r -' iB<tr4, ... if..,,, u mr fl:h In iu III Mild TWO Bdni.SH rait, lot.lh.r >IH ntEITISI 01 IMi 4kMM '" ! ['* a 04 r n _ . , Branch Office, 37 Tonga St, Torotto ; i. i.. .13 no IESLEYAN LADIES' COLLEGE HAMItiTON. CANADA. The Hr.i of ihr l,.dlr.' Oallrsjm. : paduaM* over 900 ladle* In tb* fall eoart* Ha educated over 1,000. Fall faoaltt** ID Literature LsnRiiagM, Mnilo and Art. Tb* lanten Oollsgs building In tb* I'roTlnc*. Will open on Kept , in 1*8 Addrwt In* Principal A. Ill HDN. D, D., I. I u DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND