. wh. - . cwauauu uuj u> moUu lor u IN NKVV Vull .ilpfl llC. i'\S, the lUake. of Mr. Mackenzie and Mr. ey is lout by the fast cteamcr, which aro a nu.ti.m ofierin expel KIH/ b,^ ..nd general Mief, and FLESHERTON: THURSDAY. MCI. 19. Dr. T.nu let-kin's & Ot) til.' Kit 1 ip. ,tie:l. ill last Uiek's issue of THK Ai>viN. i., v.o-iM have U-en rcplu-il to in tlic KiiMu- issue liy us, had it nut boon that 0.11 eoliiiutiH '.M r> over- crowilc-d vsitli live III--AH matter. How- oter, it is not u>o late to do so yet. The tirt i<urai,ia|.li of the Dr'n lettt r IH oaleulaU-tl to eii.Mv tin- iiiijMe- .me that v.e l,:i\e In -i :i < mien , orinn to eru- Yto prejiiiliiu ae;aiu: t linn in So ih (in '. , wliirli e:>!i*t:ti:e:iey hi- iv: i. - i.t-t in the House of Common.*. Tin 1 fiu-ts say otherwise. THK AbvANii. is not a hiile IKIIIIII! i ,uti.:n, as the. niemlier for Smith lirey very j-rnjnTly intimates. ItllMOBtwooc threo o L-usioi,-, ^ivin tin 1 i^'utleuiaii full credit tor faithful ili^-hiiioe of hiri duty to )iis eou^titueiits in thf HOUHU. It also now -;ms him en-tilt for his s|;li udid sp. 1 . ii nhum to the Mibsidmno of UK ill railways h\ tin' t^<>. eminent. But it doi-s think. that tlu' Dr. di<t not net in the int. i. : of the majority of his eon-titiieiiU 1>\ votiuK with Mr. Ula'he against the legal- ity or constitutionality of the e\eentioii of the 'iouble-il\eil traitor, Loni.s Kiel. The execution x\.i^ not done t tl.e Lidding of a HI-, tion of the 1'rote-t.uit couiiuimity," hut iu tin- list iiit.n-;- of lh nation, in r Imve \\e ever said anything which would jiiKtify the imj.'li- catiou. It was i.ot tiie j.n -i r\utin of any political |>arty " tliat led to the execution of Kiel, hut it v>us done on the broad |iriuc-i|>lcs oi jiihtieu and for the preservation of tin- nation's ]>cace and honor. Had the (iov. rnmeut of Sir Jollll ~-olel) ileMIe 1 tin )'le-.el\.l tion uf tlu ir jxditicol party. ' the traitor Kiel mi^ht hive esen;-< d the Callows and lived to >, e another insurrection in the North- Wist, with lu'iusolf at the \iuA thereof. KverylxMly knout, or ought to know. that French (.'nuaTian influence has ex- i rriscd a iuot hiin- fid and |ierijieiou> effect ujHin our I>oiuiniou ]>olities. The (lliibr has never lost an oeea-imi t-> ref< r to the allayed fa< t that Mr Jt.hn was tie<l to Preuch-Cnuntlian apron strings. ami that every time the strings were jmllod Sir John was eoni|H>lK d to dance to the music to the national dishonor Well, apparently >>ir .luhn cut those apron string*, when, in direct Opposition to tho will of three funrths of the French-Canadian raee. lie lanctioned tht) execution of Kiel. I', .t ,1,., -, tin <'/../!<. Mr. lUake. Dr. I.audirkm. and the Miimll fry, nive him credit for doin-- a noble action .' uf ..... ise not. They at once tie thems.h., to the apron Hiring of the Kr. n. h ('.inadia-is. and Keek hy faniiiiit; iaei.il llanu--, an I de- Iioillieino the most riuhteoiiA aet the Conservative ( i.nernnn nt ( \ i r pi rform I'd, to repaid the 1.1.1- ; i ,"... nmcnt for thenis*'l\es ! It is not the honesty of Mr I'lako or Dr. Lautlerkin >M- call into i|iiestion. however. Thrv miyht have IM-OII hon- 8t, and no doubt we;e, upon tlie -land they took, hut in faee of the i vidi i:ee of the ^reaU'st judicial minds in this coun- try, their course v as. to the unpreju- diced politician and patriot, manifestly unfair and unjust, houever It in -t. In face of the i iKivi.iciiiK e\idenn of tbo medical ex|K>rt.i and othern, we are ntonisheil that Dr. I.nnkei 'K!:I should think Kiel wa.-i inwine. Hut if he wt re. ho was a dangerous man all the same. Frpm th<' ti'in . when under the pi'.tei : inn \\i\ijf of .Archhishoji Ta-i-he, he at tenilctl -> lioid. until the rebellion of 1870, Kiel was a sullen and morose. Kpecinien of humanity, lie i -tahli-h'-d a "Provisional Government" which was iieviT reiooiii/,. I liy eoiistitnttoiial ntithority ami shown! his cruel and vicioim din]m<<itiou in the horrible mur- der t>f Thomas Scott. He was a trai- tor and murderer then, and doubly so when in the spring of last year he cross- ed over from Montana into the North- West. antl nc'iin raist d the standard of Tlerwdlion. \V t re his plans oi campaign. his letterH to Indian chiefs incitin;; them to deeds of hliM>d.-.hed and horror, evi- dence of an unsound mind ? Admitting bin insanity, his bloody deeds, his twice inciting to revolt and all the horrorB of an Indian war. would be sufficient to warrant any (iovi rnme.nt under heaven removing him from the fnce of tho earth. Guitteaii was |i"i'ty of far less crimo, and (Initteau paid the penalty upon tho caffold, although undoiihteilly he was iuKane. Su perish all mnrden rs ftnd traitors, t-ay we ! Kane or insane I This Dr. refers also to the rebellion of 1870, and that famous letter of Sir John's to the. Archbishop of St. Honi- face, to show, he says, that Sir. John did not act rioht. The Dr. knows an well an we can tell him, that occasion- lly there aro national exigencies. There have l H -en KIH h in tin- history of overy nation : times when it becomes noccHRary to use money to accomplish certain end- . which would be in the best Interests of the nation. Such wan cer- tainly the cane when Sir .lohn wrote thai oft quoted letter. Hut the money paid to remove Ricl from the country was wit the wi.rk of Sir. John. A couple of prominent uentlenien in the North-West i oiiHidered it netcssniy to do something of the >rt. for the peace of the country, and they a- It I accord- ingly, but ned i'iif'1 funds, which. however the ;., mmeiit. very pro|ierly m<f flood : and the letter quoted by the Dr. contained one uf the n mittan- cen. We hare a faint conception of seeing onu'whin. that Louis Kiel siyni d hiii name in the House of Common* n , as member for Prorcnclier, i ur- KA-III.Y t M.' K Mi . It, rl.iiit.lmw. 'Jli -ml-i'-l.-. St. Toronto, <-uinl of a liiiil lami" __ ,,,-aiiiliii kiiei \ 'int. ii| M ,|, wh: 'ti lli imr- 06,000 rtwnrd for the apprehension of they nave the advantage of an eiionnous (,,., tt , rt , a i M)11 tj,, ,.,,, ran- Other u..it Hiel. said motion beiii"; endorsed hy Mr. passon^i-r trattic, Inch is lacking in Can- ment hud him trud in vniii. Blake. If we arc to eotiileuin Sir John aJa. Ho thought that tl-e fuirett way Vollow Oil was Ihu reine.K u- !. tin lu-> action in regard to the first re- would be to dividu thu mill anuuii; thu < Obstinate skin dii U Ilioil of Kit-l. Imw ean Mr. Kilwa.nl line* and tingle out the fastest vessels of Hlake l* held blameless? Precedent nil thu lines running to Montreal for tho :ifti I [irecciletit eiiM In- proilneed. ill the mail service. lii-tory of all t(rcat aatioDH, to nhow ". ">" of tl. l,l...,l. and o|. 1 Mires an- cun-il'liy ISiinl "i'k lllooil I'll it tf. wiiii-li purify ami regulate ull tho no- ClftlOIIN. THE MARKETS, PLSSHfiBTON. Curt fully 1'nri'fctril Kiirh r'loui- J I!'- to L' -:> Kill I Wheat .^U JOtofl !> Spring \Vlir;it 05 that Sir John's course was not uncom- mon amount great statesmen, when national c\iyeiu ies arose ; but where, in all the annals of history, do \ve find n precedent in the caso of those niuinbers lie. ,i,,rd Road. From our mm (,Vrtv spotidtttt, The nlKciaU of the Wesley church arc going :<> get it painted and lixed up L-I-II- cur'd TttlM-, 'I U|. i : \: M. llcv. \Vm. Stfuit, uf \\iartnii, wi of KcrofuliitiB abscess tlj;it seventeen nxiM not cure. Itunlerk Hlnuil Hitter, was the mily inOoeisfllT ri-mi'ity. It cure* all of the blood. .... , A MII.NIOHT AL.VUM. Theru is .- . enulv. rins is a much needed improve- .., fnifiit m..re ih,.n,i,i u, m ,ih, i than tif the Reform Uovcrnmpnt who did not incut and should have been done before the omOUoM *oumi uf croup KO liable nt protest against or strive to prevent an outlaw & murderer reoisterinn his name nn I taking lux scat in the Houso of Commons ? this ; but "better lat than never.' * '".'I'V ' '"f'"',, t..r..l Italwui ifi.r tlii> thr, nt uii M. ssrs. K\di r and Mcl^uchlnn, brick- jhunil. croup and ilihtri-ni IIIK layers, an- busy putting up Mr. Carson's half tin ir t.-rror>. It cuu-i. cjuj-hs, '* IVC , ^a) is at (Ml 75 () 00 -2(t 52 !1 12 '25 5 (10 10 on 7 25 JU house. alel I r. ncllltlP. But then the Doctor says that an am- j Mesgr _ Warling ntid lirodic are putting A (i,,i.i.iN Oi-ixmv-Mr,. Wm. Allan, of nestv w as in-anted to (iahriel Dumont . f v ,,, , Act.,.,, .! -i-Uin- that Bagyard's Yellow Oil .', . .. . ,.. , , , .- . up" house for Mr*, role). l the tot hoMe&oM remedy in the worM M m, ROM and Sparling are nut on for colds, croup, sore throat, burns, scald* war-path again with theii steam a J ". tllor I""".'"! <-' "niplainls. llei opinion just before the reeent Cliainbly eleetioii in Quelx-e iirovinee, and tliat Piimont v as more responsible for the blood shed t | ireilhin)l r lnai .| mu \. I'.uriiiH the reet-nt rehellioii tliau Kiel. Admitting that Diuiioiit liiis been <;rant- ! aiiiiu-sty. we emphatically take exception to the l>r's statement, that Dumont WHS tin- more responsible man of tin two in the rebellion, and our ex- ception is most cli-arly borne out by <ii:ieial Middletou's report, and \M 11 authenticated facts from other sources. Besides, while Kiel twice raised the standard of rebellion, ami was therefore doubly guilty. and executive clemency wan extiiuled to him tho first time I 'union t upp< ars as a minor political offender i although a prominent oiu I and that milii <>. If he be guilty of a second treasonable offence, however, as was Kiel, his fate will be similar to that of the latter. \Vc \v;uit every eonii'liiint, Dyj- ig will fouiiiled. Tho farmer, are busy now securing A I'mniT.iiM! I.n -, -IVw men have c- aoaipUabed the mm* ii.i.ount 01 work and tin ir i-rops, which, notwithstanding the ^, 01 \ j,, t |,i s W11 ,n a , n., n |, l,r .ite.l Dr. Tory ilry weathor that wo have had, ale I'buse. Ovi r ;>nti,OOO of In.-, works have L'oi.d Home of them beinu' extra. Mr. - person troniili [I. \Yalker sajs that lie has two fields of |,e|,~ia Hi a'luelie. Ki.'ne\ or I 'r'iniiry Trttu- puas that eanuiit bo beaten. bles. to cull m at tliu liriitf Store UM buy a . . . . bottlo of I'r. Chase'.- l.tvj-r Cure, it will cure Mr. Gilbert came very near havmu his y(|i) M ^ .^ ^..^ Huok ,,_,,_ house burned down last week. Had it not been that Mr. (iiltort saw it in time \Viiv 1'vi-uiv I'.u miis. -Consult a doi-tor and hail a .upi.lv of water on hand.it fr a tt ,,, N ..*.!,, ttu- ..f medicine suit the I'lU^i^t iiinl lie will give you a 12 would not have been saved. j oz bott j e , l( ], r QMM'I l.iver Cure for tl. Mr. \V. Badger, one of our old School and a v:ilnaMe He-dp* Book free. Teachers, gave us a short visit last week He is looking aa yoiinv' and fresh as ever. I11 \' lf '' J ' I ' ,, ].?. ,,' ','(' '{*, , Y.'U* t>y a'Vi'i-a 1 " hi'l'l He ia living in Manitoba at present. iiAwing and crying with pinoCuttln((T)oth? U louodatoDcnandgtft abottlo<"alTi \Vm slow'1 Bootbinjz ttyntp* tur Children 'li-i tliinc Its miii,. i, in. .ilcHlilI'li- It will rrlit-vi- tin INMUT Intl.- lutl.-r, r iniinetliatelv. I'ei^-ti.l upon t. in 'tin i tin n- it no uiiitakt- alxmt it. It Oiits II -* Peas H "- llutter 11 K--S, fresh 12 Pork ... !.'..'.'.'.'.'....'.'..! 5 00 Hay. per ton H IM) Hl.'leS ti J"' Wool 18 Sheepskins 60 Thos. A. Blaikely, louse and Carriage Painter, Flesherton. I'li'i-n. i -1 to ntlt'iKl to ull Vb ' >rk in lii-- 1 1 in < In th*' ni-^t sat ^fu- i") \ nn ! workman k' inaiiiirr. 1,'timiUt s rh.-.Tfull \ fiirni-hfl i^i contrtu'^ (nrrifl nut t<> tln> ]<-t!i-r unli-n i town or ronntrv, t*y iir.il <>r i'tln'1 \vi-.-, uil >li.>|. -\. i M'llltiirn 1 * oarrinu.- u-nks THOS. A. BL \KELY, _-_ __ JCi>Vlll'<l ! nn: IH{. CURI8TOM. l!ro. Farewell, of the Tho >'.(/, i/n/-./, will no doubt ttxcusc us Kreiitly amused at Home of his refer \Vhoreas some evil dial limed person, or i-un-. l>\~,-i.tvr> mid liiarrhu-a. ret-uUt. . tin- ,-. i .. / Kaoniacn ainl Howe-lfl.fiurtia ^ p ind Colif, aoftem persons, did, early on the iiiorniiii; of ,,.,( ,., . r ,.\i,,., .i.iflnniiiinti. .n.an.i i;i. Saturday last, thu (!th instant, set tire to ami- '' "Mi^ \\in-- my new House, in course of completion, '^"'^"tiiUM^a'^an'^i'uiifpiSaCTliBiton of oil Lot Number Seven* on the Smith side ,,n,..,f tin- -! I- t in '1 l -t fi-nmle )'' ,,r,,l,nrv of Xaitoleoll stn-t-t. ill the Town of Eu- >nl "'" - '" '' ] ":t. I Static, aiol is for sal.- oriiDiir) | v !! ,i r iio;i-i. throushoul tin ..rlil 1'rn-e f,,rl. i-'ema, wheivl.y the said House- was to- lw ..,, t . _ rt , ,,,.,. a , N .ttl.-. lie m- ami a r k for tally burned, ' If . WnsLoWs HOOTBOI* Hviur," ami take X"tii- in hereby piveli. that I will give no other kiml. ,-n. . s t,, our |M,,,,,Ur citi/.,'ii, Dr. Chris- a reward of One Hundred Dollars to any ^^^ ^ vnll , no ,, l<1|>ureha ,.. L-,^ , u ,, lt ti.e. ill last wet-k s issue of the Standard, person who will give such information as ,,iii K in pnlarvno* to nil otln-r reim-iliea ar: shall leail to the conviction of the guilty Itapnl n-suit CUTM ioataotljr. It to mally ap- At the same tune we feel amio\(d when TI .1 -i T pll'-l noti..ut-!, Dolosttime It ,!. not re party. This, together with the Two' ,..,(.,- ,,n,- a|.|>Ueation i-. ir.,-tui. we consider the false position the >f.in.i- Hundred Dollars offered by the Township dnu bottle will remove more pain than any . .th- ard uiinittiUKlv. uo doubt - places the Council for the discovery of incendiarism " "'"i> m '"-" ""' ."},*'- " , ( ',' r , "SHui . _, . . >,, t .1 . Tootbacno, HBfl iKiaiisni. oia ai Dr. IH fore his readers. We blame our in tho Township, will make the ; above y^ ..bottle by all Drrfef~ nametl Three Huntlrt-d Dollars. The in- formant'8 namu will, if possible, be kept private. HENK\ MKI.DIU'M. Artemeaia, 10th August, I >-i. einitt mi orary for uot exercising more care. First, thc'ii, the Doctor is m</ a lin-al preaclu-r iu auy church, although he o.'easioimlly delivers very interesting aildresses in Uio church of his adoption. ' . ALWAYS HKyl 'IKKH --A ....d rathar tic nn-aicine. National I'llU nil! i:ol ili&ap He never sjieaks froiii tho pulpit even, j,,, lnt ,,, but from tlku^datfarm inside the altar railing. Besides the AI>VAM K did NBW ADVERTISEMENTS. U jilts Mills uot sa\ he jircurhed, as the Nt'inJnid inti inate,. So that tin- St-iniiiirtl in mistak- en and not I'r. Christoe. Then the X in,(..r./ refers to Norman \' .vies a^ a n:an of " onraxe. lionor and e.insi,t'iiey." (ireat C'aj'sar's ghost! Again the >'fini/'ir'/ says: "Korinan lto\le- in no simpli ton. but a plain. Idiuit honest man." Thunder and turf!! l'i>or |iitty-pat if somelKwl , reads that to him. Why. everyliotly around here knows that Norman in half-witted, if not indeed a lunatic. If you told him he possessed "courage, honor, and consistency," the i liances are he would open ' in eyes to their fullest extent, ami alter staring at you for a few minutes, say you were a gate big fool !'' or some other equally polite term. Perhaps he might fling a KKKKNfAXS WOKM POWDBU are (. mm- anil tpealy to rtuiove wurmi from cliilJnn or sdults. in:- or/; .v.s Monday, Aug. 30th, 1886. Heavy and Lisrht Harness, It'WS Sri.pHUl SO.U' shonlil fount] with every toil. t. It.,- clem healing. I'll. LOWS PI.KASANT WollM SYH- HTAIT -\T. WII.LIAMN. H A Principal; .1. H. HUM II-.- u. II V . I U-M..1 Mn.ti-r; .1 i lie 11 \. Mi.tu,.| l: atl.l.MH-t.r; U I. . >. ^ ' : " *' T " 1I " il ""- aA - Tllit Iii-titiiti-H,.nt n|i t.. tin- .Inl, fHKiiiina tioai (is MatrlvulaBta. fiT l-o^t "A's", tlnrt>- L P Is a safe and rebaliU- worm i.mt.ly fer , vv .,|, rBt -i ^ , aity-two Beeoods, and one boa- all worms affliolina ohildnn or advltf. ,i r .-.Un.i - > i,i -i. ill,- only inn. that makes a l'l\K VKMIS oy Toini HK.MrH. 1'. Anton, )., i ilt\ ol ti nrhi-i- rxainiiiiiln n ill Itruu'liriiljje, wnti-i to fay Unit llmdot-l. l-'KKs" i.i. from \iM{i^t to D.-e.-n.lii-r ; *.'i Uloinl Hitter" cured lurnl heaJaohfS, Imin |'",'. l ,t,'.',n' 1 niltVijf '' literary M-i-ietv. t')nmn- heart will go ( which uliv huj mtllt-reil fur tivu years, nil lain, foot ball, linatlnii, .M- "l-or tmtin-r ininr- ans having full'd. niatH' 1 Wliut I" MiM.n-uor'sSiiui 'Ij run- fr ' It IK f<>r ii, -IM i- iu, Llvvr Complaint, ln'in-< tion. Hill. iien, M, iiml It l- tin llm-t Muoil 1'iirl !ii-r in thu known wi-rl'l i- ' 1),'!". It Kl\f siltl^lrtrtl..!. We cannut point to onu hmtancc when- It dlil not. U li.-n- iltMjn ft have tin- largeit ^ale ?" Uiulii m tliu city of Hamilton, whero It U inafiufacturt-d. tlu-n- tia !>-* n nverone tlimiKnllil ilollan' worth M>|I! in tliu la*t >uar retail, ami the Kri-at majority of thu naif* am l>> ri n L-ti.lini; it to another I or fait- at :**-. anil -\VM. \VII.I.I\MS. rrinci|i>l. Voters' List, 1886. . . ./ /(.. I'J ''I'' ;(. , . . __ <y Arttmm* I ilu-i troulileil with I'iiiipli-n, Nol'H 'i: is 1 '.' -ii I > >! M. tl-at I Imve trans- iniiti"! or ilulieitil to tin- IMTMIII* i'i'-n- ti "in- 1 in tin- Hurl ami fourth - < ; i -m- < \ ..t.-rii' l,e,t Ail. Hi.' i-o|in s ini|i,iieil liv Mini aevtiuli to lit) no t -.of the |llllt'-l|. K. ll-l NIM.Il- |illlliailt t ' -Mill \.t of Illl or K.-i-. or Sor f n> .l.-sc.-i|.- i>iii-rini! h> tin- I.I-T i T ,v l'nk,. c,irl.o|,,- oi Ml* >alil Uaniolpsllty t vutllled to vote Iu brick hat or a stone at your hea I. , , .. ,, . , -I* 1 tion, nil nnlil UMsMct i r-u. .. .* ..- - - It is to l>c liop-il the ,sr<iinftiri( will , ,. rilt ,. i t H ,n IUT ibcshtalla prtoelbaltb, tbaiald Uan|<:t|>allt> at Klvotioua for Muuiboi ...ir I..- utiffirii-ntlv f-nliitliti-ni-il nimn I amootli. t-lraii anil p.o.l ,oi,,r H.- -..re an>l Ki-t of th. 1.. -^i-lat i% auil al Municipal 1 tliK.-miint-.iiia.i. r.verk I-,,.-,. i:ii.-.-ti..n. autl that l.l li.lwa. Brat |v tun points at least, to prevent further i"*. sM at all IIFUK storua. mistakes in thi- n S|KM t. As regards the Iiis|H>etoriUe tliM-ussion, Jj^lfijf. fffff Of DM th.' It' . Ol Vut,!! '. 1 . . JUiallll til. : tl- II. " Kcailor.' 1 Ill informing you of thl wnii-li-rfiil KU-irtorn an- - ..Ii. I iponto . \-nuiii.- ti r. no -t> for Coiili~. fi.lils. Asthma. Hnnu Intl.. lit. ami it an> .mii - ". .."v otlll Conauuptlon. and all niI.-.-ti..iis of tin- thro.u are found tHwreiu. to ' imnic.liat* |iro a louff, wo feel that w aro tlolng you > great on: t" kiri'llipn*-. ft" if >'ni have an v uf tin- alxivi* roin- to law. think, to I'lnim- il >on mil only Iry'it we will n>iarant< .. . . > natisfm-iton in i very i-am- or niom-y ri-fuinii I make a wise selection from the list of | Aak for UcUregor'a L,on| OompoonA I'm , JL " i 'i .. Htoroa. ' " v '" nrs are quite coiniiutcnt, we V.'II.I.IVM.I IIS'.I.I.VMV. i li.rkot -:n-l \I Miiniiality. Dntetl thin 4tll ilay of A. The The Atlantic Mall. TVie Mm it mil I'liil'i Slur. shippiti'.' coininunity is just now considerable attention to the At- lantic mail service K-tween < ireat llritnin and Canada owinu to the advertisement by the Government askin-.' tenders fur earryiiif! the mails between Canada and England for live years from April next. It is a pretty sure thins that the compe- tition which has usually taken place be- tv . , ii the Allen and Dominion Lines over this contract will not le m-en mi this oc- en>i"ii, and that these lines will make a joint tender for the contract as they man- a(,'(! it at present, divided between the two lines. Tho Beaver Line will also probably tender this year, although it has not been decided to do so yet. This Hue has two steamers, tho ** Lake Superior " and "Lake Huron," which are more speedy than several of the vessels at pres- I etit carrying the mails, and, with the new vessel now building, will be in a good |M>- ition to tender but for one thing, which is that the Government specifies that no cattle shall be carried on mail steamers. As is well known the Beaver Linn does a laitfe cattle trade. Koine eicitement has tieen caused by tho report that it is the intention of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way, or mure correctly, some of the capi- talists connected with tho undertaking, to put in a tender on It-half of a project- ed line of steaniein which aro to ]K)8sewi very superior speed to the present mail vessels. It is reported that tho visit of Sir. Donald A. Smith, Sir George Steph en and Mr. An^us to Rnqlnnd, is in con- nection with this scheme, and it is well known that Mr. Van Home is a warm ndvnnita of a faster Atlantic service as he fears that the trade will bo completely drawn away front Montreal by the swift- er vessels of the American lines. A leading shipping man informed a Nf.ir ri'i.rter to-day that he thoutjht the establishment of a Canadian lino of steamers to compete with the Ameican lines, so far as speed is concerned, would he impossible withoi* very large Oorcm- PUINTKK WAXTTN IM.MKI'IATKl.l nM: with from 1 to ft yi-ars i-xperii'in Must !xt notiiir and thoroughly relniNe Din- who hat workf-l in country |irmtlm! oltin-. with KIMW! *. ....... kni.vvl.ili;.- .il TH .. ,-|i:i].i r. joli. iin.l |-res work, |>nnoeati uliij p..; ill fwrtiei "r.- hi-reb) . ri'.l Veiilv. Mntllllt WHKOH. WUb or with MY wilr, Iti I' .-:, ;i K. nn. -l\. li\ili(,' left im lieit ami I"-. H.I .\.tn- it .oi'. j..-t . OIU linanl. to ADVAXCK Olhro. Hi-fhi>rtoll The ThorouRli-Bred Berkshire Boar. forbiilileti t<> L-I \ i- ii.-r anything on my \M,1 s hl.NNKUV. Artcmia, Aui; :inl. I--. -J.s- For Sale J^acren 1J niilen from II- -.In-rton. ii.<-nl warm nt-ll * liro. will IM. fur wr frKini. ilw.illing. 7 room . [ood collar, good (tabli 11, Artemuaia, tlurlng thin a | leV er -failini! -iirn: ( on-el I, i ,, - . partlcnUri npiil> i" U I 111 :i.l. \ M V. Kl)->li. r AltrtirU JOHNSTON, Proprietor. t uirorto('. W. HKI.I. \.\I\ . M.okiiale. WOOL! ! WOOL! Those haviug Wool to sell or manufacture will find it to their advantage to call at the FLBSHBRTON Woollen Factory ! The Machinery being now in splendid working order, and having engager] a staff of competent hands, we arc now busy niuiinfactnring goods usuull kept in stock. Any Custom Work entrusted to us will receive prompt am careful attention and done at reasonable rates. Don't fail to give us a call. W. H. FLBSHBR FLESHERTON. Loan & Insurance AGENCY. MONEY TO LOAN. HE ARD'S CAK1KAUU .WOIIKS ! Fleshert-jn, May 28th, 1886. lo our Fnends and Patrons : Our efforts nrc honestly directed to-wards the manu- facture of Carriages which shall be the best that can be pro- duced. During the past year large additions have been made to our facilities, and our buildings enable us to pro- I 1- 1.1 1 r w w duce better work than ever before. Carriages and VVaj^ons. We make Buggies, Il) c.nr loi,, |irii. te .il .-\pern net unit careful attention to tho wanta of tho trade and the beat material, wi lil m makiui; u hjgtjy wlm-h^ia* no hupt-rior. , Soliciting ycui . I1KAK1) S rAKHUOK WOBXH. _ Cures ijholcm.Cholem Morbi-i. ! \,- scrtcri/, Cmirps, Colic, 8 n ne&aandSumifltrComplal -t : c-lc-) C ! i i .n /; antutr. and a'! ' plants peculiar to d.ildr . / : inn. n-tl u>:-'l I'.f 'cun.l < i t-i'U beneficial for adults or children. FOR SALE CY ALL DRUGGISTS. T. MILBURN & CO., Proprietors, Toronto. AT CORDON'S HARNESS SHOP V<'i ill ftli'l All i rtlji* lit of Itrn-li* 1 '*. Tun \ ('"iuli^ S\. t I'l . r^Ml, .1 ' I'M I;. ~- I Ml K mill 40! I.IKS i SI'Et I VLTV.> V % Cli 'up fot i ' Voters' List, "i NuTlc'i: i IIITI in i i ..-n tint I li:iv.- trn- noil. . I or ill li\. l.lllfll III III)- tlllfl Kll-l ' ' I 'i-r-' l,i*t Art.' III.- - oi> i.nt li -1 -. i-t tnnilf |,iir-iinnt lo -ni.l Ait of nil |"-i mi- appeiirini; I ; ' I-'H f tin- hn nai.l Muni. i|.:i . liunn fill M.nil..-r Mhl I ---li I'U nt; 1 rlt ".[llli i-'U'lll wtli .n- in .1 Unit -..i.i ii.t v. . - -.-.I up t l:iv i,::i..- ..ri tin- Itll .lilt of Anii III 1'ini.ii:-* tlh-ri- f-ir .f.- j. tli'li. I.! .-'-'I. lire i Jl'l upon to oxsmlne ttic r*i'l ist mnil if mi , I,IIIO.II.HH or nnv i.rti.r .n.-i* f.i n.l t In, -I-MI. tot'tki- niMiiixlntti- |.r...-i, I H to Imvi, tho Mil. I erroli* i < rrei-tt 'i r nu' to law. WILLIAM MILS I'., il. ik .-( Ml i \l nii-i|iality. Dated this Mb dajr ol \ in. Hew Karnoss Shop PRICEVILLE! i .i Til,' liTI'li I- ! .nf., Illl till- |>l>o|ill. >( 1'ii, -i-tilli- nn I MII ri.un. line n. . .hat I-. . II - ,il-ln Illl \\ I . it- In- 1 ..] r- I,. . i . iMliili.- of I ' ii-jre .Ml \. 'k -.viilli- . .1 tt> nt 1 ! il loiilih- I l.ii mi-- trot up In nrt i lu- ,i\ ).- i,... ..I i..[it if V. ). . j . t -i 'i I . . < in ' \ I .iij' 1) . ' ' slwmys III stock, R.J. WATSON, PBonURTOR. i ot i lOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO riiiii ,- ( Have on Hand a Full Assortment -OF- SPRING & GOODS. In dents, Ladies. Mi^s, s anil Chililrciis HOOTS & HHOKS. I endeavor to satisfy our customers botli in Gotxls and Prices. XX WM. CLAYTON. Largest, Cheapest, and Best stock of -STOVES !-- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, FLESHEBTON. MARBLE WORKS : E. VANZANT, AM. KINDS Of d Hmml \7:rks, S i -'i as M Kiiiiien' |, Totnb Tables, He ad s ton r (' ''iiitei- and Taliie Tops in American and It.tliiin M irhli and (ininitc, anil made on short untie.-. Also Mantles in Marble an4 \1 ll-lllel/t'l Sillte, ,'.,'., ttc. , Auu'. HKALTH FOR ALL i UK IMLLS I'url.'* tin 1 IilcKj.l.correi-t all l)iinlrH of tho In tlmnking my customers for UK ir liliiTitl p.itroiiilge ill (lie p:it, 1 have inncli pli iisnre in heing still iihle to supply them with tho following celc- hrateil nmchines, \ i/.. The Toronto Light Hinder. The Toronto Mower. The Shiirp Sulky Huke. The Mnssey Hurviv.ti r. The Mnssey Mower. The Tolten IN-ii Iliii'Vi ster. The Fox IV;i Hiii-vester. Hamilton's ('nniliiinitioti Plow. Token's Ccntru l)raught .lointer Plow. Hamilton's Senftlers. Huinilton's linss (ian^' Plow. Wisnei-'s Sjinng Tooth Cultivators. The Chatham Fanning Mill. A full stock of RKPAIRS always on hand. Parties requiring any of the above will do well to call and inepect Mach- ines, which will be found in Sprouli/x warehouse. A. 8. VanDUSEN, Fl.KHIIKRTON. Tlio) -invUforatriiiiil i' "'"I ""' iiualnnlili- in all Com 'plaint eo I.I. tit.i; ti- IV-nali-nof fill !{<". I ' ' uii'in-n unit tl i i;il they are l>riclM. Til 1- OINTMENT UanhifiiHilil-- M--I- Iv fm H-i.l I.I-U-.I'-H! Hn-n>t < il.l Wi.Minlii. *,ri- ml t'lrcr^ I! in famouifor (i nit mi 1 K'n ,,ni u in I .-r !:.. ..I. -i- ol t In- 1 'In- -t it hn DoaqoaL /"or SO ft K 7'lllfO.I'l. Hltn.\ ri/JTIS. COL' (J as, COLDS (lUr.hilar Swlliii.:-!. ami all Skin l>l*'v < it "" " rival ; and for contracted and stiff joint- it tut- likra i-llarm. i::in'ifi-tiiri-'l only nt l'rofi-'or l!"l.l n AY'it El taMi-liini'iit. 7H. *. I-M OxTorit M refi < lair 5:i:t. Oxford Street ). London, '"-li l!..\ ->r 1'ot. and may be bad of all lie* i'iit ttii- \\ or Id. - /'..'.s m,,l H<,.rn. If thf ndtlrta u nut inl an- mid at In. I Jtl ,8. W.. 4. M . 11 . '"" . "' i in, \ , n lov> tlir T-W- Pnri-li<iffri< t'Hit'l I<><J; Ii 'h>- fjnln-1 I>H i>,-f,, n />'(/-.. t. l.iiin - o Insurance effected on Farm and Village Buildings and contents. IiiBurancc against LiglitnhiK ft specialty. Deeds, Mortgages, I.eases, Wills, Ac., oarefnlly prepared and properly ment siiUnlies. Tho eipericnce of the ; executed, QpncB,- Toronto Rtrect, near Town Hall. Amenean comnanie. has bee., that mon- -- j^ g^LlLAMY, Ag6nt. oooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S -WORM POWDERS. J. W. BATES, Flint il n rr I>rn/rr anil I 'inlcrld k't- r, KI.KSIIKKTON. ONT. NOTICE: A thorough bred Durham Bull calf, one month old, for sale. Also a one year old Durham Bull. \\itli "noil petlii.-i Also a good Steam Flour Mill at Fli -., In rtnii Station for sale. Apply to ROGER LEVER, Klesherton P. O. 'BELL" Unapproached for Tone and Quality. CATALOGUES FREE. BELL&CO.,Gnelpli,Ont. A GIFT James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Fleshertoa Ui-i>alrinR. I.UM ir.nii;liin(i.aiid In (a<;t uvery- thln In the bnnlnt-HB will roci-lvo my l>roin|it aiel cnn-fol attention at reasnnalilii |irh-i-. St-nd 10 i- and we will mail you Iri-i' a roul. valualila, , nainplo tioi of gnntla tliat will put v-ii In thn . way of making mori- money at on. -p. than any- thiii-- .-;-' iti \in.-rii-n Hnth KOIPM of all ag iitii live m h .mi HIM work in n|>an< time, or all tin- time I'apital lint ri-ipiin-il. Wo will Mart you. Im ..... IIM- |iay aure for thoito nho itart at one*. HriNMiN A Co., Portland, Main* New Butcher Shop In Flesh- Am pli-aaivnt to Uka. Contain th*lr own Pmrgfti.iv* ! a saf, anrn, and eft^etual l la Cl.ildran or Adutf* i.v ri.i:stu:i:in\. TO BE LET OR SOLD. Tlio undiirtdrni'il offi-rs for lo lil DUrk imltb Hhori, HUbl* and rri-nilm-n mljninlnK. t n roannnalilo |irlrr-: or will loa-e tin- ani< to a ROO<| man at a fair ri.ntnl Ttil i.r,.|-,-rl v i wn'l Hltnatoil on <'nlliiii(i><l ntr)-.t.Kl<lii-it.'ii. ni-arthi' planlU fMtOTJ For ti-rniK ami partlenUn iij'l'lv to the pro- OBRBT Cl.AHh. ,,ri,-t..r ' .lulvilBth. Fle.hrtnn Fetch & Mitchell. I'lt'M'lilKTdHS. THK iindunilKrd ri--l>oct fully taki-tlii" nppnr lunilv I" iinni'iiucf to tin IM-O|I)I- nf Klenh- (rtonaod inrrouodlng rnnutry, tint thry hare tartd a lluti-hi-r simp in tin- ttmid noxt door Maililx Work". Kl.f.HHI HTON, whxre thev will In- plranod to mpnt with all who (aor tin-to witli their patrnmieo. Krp*h Mat* of all kind*. and Kinh, Ac In their naonn. Ronpectfully yoiirn,