Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Aug 1886, p. 3

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THE ADVANCE. of til* leading Local and Family NeWRpapci e in Northern Outarto. I'ublialied Every Thurisda-y, FBOH TILE Orriot, CMngwxjd Street, Fleiherton, Ont. TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION : 1.00i>erannnin iu advance ; SISOIf not paid tbeeudof 14 years. No paper tlucoutiuufd . tl all arrearages ru paid up . and nu nutmcri n i taken lor lt>s tbaii ouo year, oxoeut wtie puolal arrangement*! (or ebortvr periods are made with thu publinhor. ADVEUTIS1NU 11ATE8, SiC. Caiuel adTertiement,|)coiitper 1st iusortion nd 3 oeiitB per line each lubtKHjuunt insertion. Tranaient aUvertiaeuiesti to be paid (or whuu Ordered. AdvvrtUennjUtB without special direc Ions will be inserted till (orbid and charged accordingly. Liberal inducement* to regular advertise r. Notice! auioug reading matter, 10 cent* per line each insertion. No advertUemeut diicoutlnued until all ar- rearages are paid up. Copy (or advertisements ahonld reach this mco not later than noon on Tueiday to euiure ertloa in current l**u*. A. B. FAWCBTT, Editor and Proprietor. Flesherton Meat IMarket. SEPT. GOOD, PROPBIilOH Cash paid for fat Cattle and resh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP RLESHERTOJ CLAYTON'S" HARNESS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, It Ihf place to get your Hanteti Collar*, <te, made up in good rtyle. Shop in W. Clayton* Boot tt Shoe Store, Flethtrtun. t< ll lriillllllll-.ll-l-ol I,, -. -.iiiiii-l :iil'lr-llm>lt Ol lll< l-ltttol ll.l\ , M 1-1. Hie -|.|V. Ill-' I Wlllll-, 10 *| ..... I C.I, .,.11111 llli'ln 111 It til'' I i million In- n-i< m>. L whlloforhlrewffcwl Vcsl inn- liMii'l: 'I lh"il*iili'l ilc. Him hi :'! Vftll-Miu. ll I mi- N iti.|li-:ili'il whli-ll will iiti-rt In* \> , i .IK rathrma-lt to ilnt, ,1,0,,. 'i arriralut bfcor- raSJNNaitaarv. IT!,-.. - IlllVr IM-.-II 1 ilril. Kent. IKISI-I.HI.I touiiy inlilii'i." leu- 1'ioenH. Writ.' I" i.l" I* UOWKLL * <'>, KKWsp.MM.i: \l>\ I I.TI-IM. nCRF.AU. (lOSprucuSt.l'rliitliistllouncSq.). New York. THtftElEBKATED PH .v>J>? CHASES " LIVER CURE HAVE YOU -S REMEDY Tk. unqu.lific.l MOW rfDl Chu.'. "** '- Liver L .mpUinl reM* -.My >> *' "",' ' COTpoumM f,,,n,n,,urr -,.:'. k:, ... .l.vjr "Utor.. MANI.KAKK AM. 1 ml infd wiih mny h,r nv.L',1, r,,,,, 1 rta nJ h,,l, h.yn, erful cffrcl ,.n ita K.-! . s . M-TK.. h. Bow.1 500 OOO SOLO nd r tt try tkis txclltnt rfmttty. SOMITHINC NEW. ClVCN AWAV FSCE Wrapped arouni! evfry Ixittlr of I>r Chaje'j Liver Cur* 'il a valuable HouehoM Medical tluide ami MSB* Hook (84 |>ac), containing over too neful rtcipe, Bfooounrntby medical men and draniiti aa invalu- able, anil worth ten times ll>e price of tin medicine. _TIY CHMl'3 C*TAISH CUM. A ufe and poutivt remedy. Price, as cents. \mCMai f iKiov.iioliviiPiuj. >s<;i. pii. SOLD BV ALL DEALERS /TV BDaUNSON t CO., eol* AC*I>>. Bradford Thrrr iMllaaw Mcel ll ni Dcatiewby WHY JIUUK ii Mu\ UlMkarie*! Or. Mproalr, Ike Hrlllak .lumbla -IUMI. rrr An Ottawa despatch says: In tba Ex- chequer Oonrt yehlerdsy Judge Heury rsuaersd an elaborate iad^meut in ths case ol Bpronle, tbe Brilitb Columbia murderer, whoaa discharge bs ordered > Tba judgment concluded aa fellows, after reviewing ihe oaaa : "Tne oooeiitnlion ct ihe Supreme Court In Britiah Columbia is ounded on a proclamation ot the Lieut.- ioveraor nnder a statute and his oommis- ilon. Tbe proclamation providss thai tbs Supreme Goort ot eivil jjslies of British Columbia iball bave complete cognizance of all pleas whatsoever, aad shall havs urisdietiob in all osaes. civil aa well as irm.iLal, arising within tba ojlouy ot Bfil- Columbia." Tbe unlimited jnriedictioo hue given to the oouri includes tba UMUiag ol Wilts of luieai corpui at uhjieiendum, and ths disabarge of irieoners illegally imprisoned and in Ihs of that part of tbsir ffieial duty tba judges of tbe court bavs lUlbority to pursue Ibs , raoiioe ot Ibs court H and io England, and it tbs udges in tbs latter country bavs eatab- ishbd the practice ot ordering tbe die- bargsof a prisoner without requiring him to be brought personally before them, the udges iu British Columbia are, in my pinion, al liberty to prfrsne Ihs same coarse, and Iba earns power is givsn to a udgs of Ibis court. I have considered tbe bj oiion thsl. baviog ordered the issue of he hitUat eorptu, I have no powsr to adopt be otber maiia LOW sought for the dn- barge of Ibe prisoner , bat no case has en sited or argnmsnl advanced In favor I ibal proportion, and I can sea oo reason b>. if ons alternative courts bas tailed iroufc. 'be nstgligsBCi. : improper conduct t ths Hasriff, tbe otber should not be adopted. 1 li ve Iberefors decided to make n ordsr for tbe discbargs ot tbe prieouer." Il i* expected that the Attorney General f Bniirh Oolnmbis will appeal to tbs 'rivCiuieil againil tin Jjdgmsnt. If prouls be discharged bs will likely bs re- rreaied immediately. A. lli/.'etou, 1'a , deapatob layi : Ne eopac, a little itaiion Mbval eixteeo milei from tbU boiougb, wan tbe toene of a ter- rible tragedy OD Sunday evening. A party of Ilaliane and Hongttrtana, eng*gtd at lumbering on tbe new Ptnnejlvania ra>il road, went down to Neeoopeo on Bainrdaj to atutid a wedding, and Ibe wbolo on w. KOI oo a epraa. Ttae etnpor tbat remittee continoad ant. I eandown on Sunday, when one of tbe Ilnngeriana, named Kolowakl picked up a flgbl wilb three Italian* wbo bad orepi Into a brn to ileep off tba drank Koloweki deliberately whipped out a beavvy revolver and ibot two o! tba Ilalia,D thtoogb tbe bead, tban, tbrowing II aeidi teieed n aie-haudle lying In a orib and pounded tba tbird Ilalian'e bead o a jelly. Tbe tbree vietlme oi tbe Hungarian' BMiae died within bait an hour alter Ib fiml ibot. Tbe barn ebowe tbat there wai an awfal itTTMRl*. blood epatterinx ove aTerylbing. Kolowikl took to Uie mono trim and lietill at large. PITH nr i TlirtZK I'r rUvalr U Ike Be4v *>l l.luir Vic, Ike ejjMeca el ik* Air," s-ouud in a Vlieecilai ito.ui. A Nsw Orlsans despatch aayi : Victoria Uraee, " Little Vic, the quean ol the air," as she was called, waa rcaagniced yester- day among the todies io tbs dinseoiing rotm of the Charily Hospital. Bke bad died ID the hoepital wilbont any one knowing wbo she was, and was about to bs borisd in Poiter's Field, wben eome ot the members ot ibs protsssion stepped In and gave bsr a dscsnt buna 1 . Victoria Oraoe waa 86 yearn old, and a native of Philadelphia. Shu went on Ihe trapeze while quite a child, and travelled in late years with Baronm'a, Fjrepaogb'e aod Howe's great London eironses, Bbs made s trip to Mexico wilb the Urao Brother*, to Cuba wilb Loon De Lx>n's troupe, acd lu Central America with Clifton & Mo MaLou. Bbs made plenty of money, abd was) reputed to be well eft, but spent money evtn faater Ibsn eke made it, aud, beiag addicted to the use ot opium, pradn ally dril ltd into dsbl and poverty. O igi a very handsome woman, she worn and old. Two days ago *bs come to this city in distitnts condition, was taken ill, aid carried to Ihs Charity Uospital delirious. Thsrs abs disd wilb- out any one knowing her, and Ibsnee ihe was buried. AiMXher m>a>n . I AMoneton, N.B, telKram <fvi: Tb arop in purKi of N"W B:un-wi'' > - I' 110* Blward InUrid and N>va -in wi>rr rutly i jur, d wed H' '.. ' rl<M>f troyed by m- di>*lroo hair mm )t* tarday. Bntdredi of pane* of (>a>a in hooeaa were broken. QJC bnodred pares were broken in tbe Catholic Obaptl at St. llary'e, N.B. Tbt bailttonaa were an ineb ll M inch Ml a quarter tqouc. KBW WAV 10 .i. i Utll*ri0. at ll .011.1 br !*>eaMlfl ea 0,1. S.lkrlT >e n . .uli la ll.pp' JIaukr*. Maria Bobarl, a woman of S5 year*, in ood olicum*lanoss, on North Well* elreel, bboghl sbs was old enough to marry, .01. like Katiaba, bsr bsaux bad all run ay tri-m bsr. Belie vitg in the b.-sk art be wsnt not long since to Mrs. Bjrnp, a lairvoyanl, ia bsr neighborhood, and ntered into Defoliations to acoore a spouee mystic means. Tbs medium labored wilb the spirits, and by gradual secured 1*0 from ber client. Mi Hebnrl obeyed all inatrnetloue faith- nlly. She went to Oracslabd Cemetery aud toother bar) ing groaudi bight after night and apal npou twslve graves as *bs toiled Ibe Lord'* Piayer backward. Bbe nur v jled woollen e jok* and buried the yarn in tbe back yard wilb a papsr on -blob ber dsi-irss wers inssribed. Bbe .ilied a black cat aid lasted il* blood wbn be mumbled eome felieb jargon. She went brough all Ihe locanialiou and Voodoo per- ormances Io which sbs was instructed. At last ooe day wben sbs called on Ibe uedinm sbs waa lad into a darkened obam- wr aod told to pray. In Ibs midst ot ber levolions a door flew opsn acd exposed an adjoining chamber, to which a man sat with his bead bowed and armi folded Tbs medium then entered and informed Mias iaburl thai Ibis man wis the husband for whom she bad prayed sent te bsr by Ibs mysterious powers which control tbs tales aud destinisa. Mi. s Babnrl waa ovsr- oysd, and readily accepted her spirit glvsn sponie She lived with bim se bis wits for six wssks, until lail Thursday, whan ebe snddsoly rouesd from ber delusion. ibs ibsre'ora went to Justice Barker acd swore ont warrant* agsinsl tbe man aod woman lor oinspirsey aod obtaining money under tales prstenors Tbs man, wbo*s name is Philip Ltonard, an exprsssman, an arrested aed gave bail Ths medlom laa not yet been eap'.ured Chicago lltrald. ea* Haw He Waa Dead. I waa silling csxl to Mr. Frith at dinner ths otber nighl, says a London letter in ibe Bosk Buyer, and I was mentioning a very clever portrait bs bad painted ot n mi elf, whsn a young man, which I bad seen some years sgo. He was tsllmg ms that be saw this idsntioal pietnrc io a deal- er's window in Hobo ii ought to bave Been In Frith atrssl, bnl aa a matter of fact il wasn't and recognising it hs wsnt in aod u quired tba price. Twenty guineas." said the good lady behiod tbe counter. Twenty guineas for ibal thing I" sx claimed Frith. "Tbal thing I" replied the vendor. " What yen are pleased to call that thing waa painted by the eslsbrated Frith ; it's dirt obsap at thai pries, for he'll never paint ai other." " Why not ?" asked Ibe artist, smiling. " Btosaie bs's dsad "" Ob, ooms," replied the paibter, " a friend ol mine saw him only yesterday." " N it tbe real Frtlb," repined the nndsunted one. " I kcow he's dead, became my huiband attsndcd his Inneral." " I bad to pay my twsnly guineas," said Frith to me in ooneldsion, " put ths picture noder m] arm and look plsaaant, and wbsn I tolc ber on leaving the ehop thai I was the rea Frith, she waa not at all impressed, bu sail : 'Oar long ; I dsseay there are i good many o' your sort about t ' Fectleal an.) el a Preaate n*lkcr. The human race soema to havs a weak ness lor weather prophecy, Tbe varion eigoe in whiob mortals put their taith are almost as numberless as Ihs mortals Ihsm selves. On a calm, bright day last week witb only a few flaky clouds to be seen in Ibs distance, a Oti*ga & Northwester train wss scudding along toward Lsk Oeueva. In one ol tbe coaches waa matron wbo was worried about a goo many thing", and among them too weather 1 I do believe it'* goiig Io rain," eh aid, |iA'.olaDl!y arjJ uupuelieally, " I fee il in my ton' a." ' Ou, DO tuaiDme." rep'i'o ' o.year.ol mi ., h'- o rt 'I ^amiil th wi do*, and l.o f , - tty sye- <*ere*a<i K eagerly l * fli u K ii.-i-e(is > hi>riz ni ; " oh, ito, niaoims, it O'i*i r in. The aloud* ars ont iu their bios blue and while drs'see Wben they have their ugly black drssies OD, tben il afraid. ANOTUKB 4*11 An I m r< .rU Dcaaaae: ler Weeaca IB Ike Weal. The demand for womsn ia tbs Northwest only exceeded by Ibe demsul for rain Onl in Waggon Wheel, Idaho, recently, a couple ot old maid* wsrs called to alttud a dyiug brolber. 1 hs brotbsr disd, bnl before ibe girls could gel away the whole male population was after them, including the Mayor, Justice of Ibe I'oaoe aid otber notables. Exsilemsrt ran bigb, acd bids wsre six to one on Ibe Mayor et al. In six days aftsr their arrival Ibs battle wa* ovsr and ihe girls bolt sngagsd. Ths Mayor bad been onl ont by a strsppiog youug miner cf 80. Tbe wedding* were set abd Ihs mother sebi for, in order tbat proper eclat might be givao. The uialber arrived in due eeason, and at once sailed into the girls for their disreepecl of their lass brolber and their immolerate baste. Bbe declared tbe mariigee i !l, atd announced aer intention of taking ber daughter* Dime with her. In dep*ir a mass mseilUK wa- oallsd, and lha M yur was ap pointed a committee to wail oo tbe molbsr aid per- suade ber to reoinsidsr the former motion Like all good Mayors, Chicago's included, lui* gentleman waited upon the irale molber. He called ber attenlion to tbe great need of Wa.gou Wheel, and in tbe isme of patriotiam implored her not to id.olhuoa acruibiDK blow on the hope- ot the town. Tbe m Ihtr was otdarials, and declared tbat sbe would not dspaii itbont her dangbttrs. Oa this bid the Mayer r-poke. He at onan promised a compromise. Tbe mother need not depar 1 at an. She WM fsir, tat, and fifty ood Bo was bs. Tbey would pool their istnss And tbsy did. Tbs tbree women ars now eoLSoeting exoueaa by wbieb all thiir belated tsmals friends and relatives Ea*l can be brought to Waggon Wheel. Chicafo Mail. TWUnTV *n* j 411 I ii f roKimnl i.r lloidluat fubll. ParsU** la . rnnd K.plrf- A Urand Rapids despatch says : Mayor Dikimao on Wedoesday isansd an edict eompelliog Ibe Salvation Army to refrain rom public parades or sofftr arrest. Tbsy ditobeyed tbs iojnneliou last oigbl, and wsrs all licked np-lwenly io all. Toe proeeatioD was headsd by L D. Bhaw, wbo s conducting ths Biats holiness camp meel- og. A portion ol Ihsm wsra bailed onl to ap|ar iu tbe Police Court to-day. Great xeitemenl prevailed lor a lime, tbonsande wilneeeing IDS arrest. Tbs Mayor ia da- srmiusd to suppress tbe parads*, aid Ibs lublic sontiminl is wilb him. The Police Oonrt was crowded this marn- eg with sympathisers cf Ibs balvaioni*if , and tbs scene waa quite drsmatie wbsn Ihs irisouers kneeled in the ptn before order raa o tiled and praysd for Ins judge, police, ily< flhialii and Ihe oily allargs. " Amens" rsre heard Ircm all quarters. Toe trial will lake place next Monday. la Prof. M x S -holler, of Berlin, is con iceed (Ufumhe Utd. Wotkautk , No 94) of be Bu^eriority ot masnags over otner msaontM employed in the treatment of oiaiioa, and relates bis sxperieoee of fteeu eases all in males, at<d exospl ia os or two instances (wbicb were inu malic) due to exr,oaure to cold. Moat ol beca<ei were dealt witb frjm tbe fl--t by tnas-age, tul in a fsw lostaLo.s elrct'ioity, apor balbs, ele , ba1 beru truillei-ly *m- lo)td priur to earning under hi- or. Tbe alien! noder trealmenl lice on tbe uu- fleeted >lde, wl.b koece and bip slrgh'ly ixtd. Tne onrae of tbe sciatio UCITS is nobbed fro jj below upward partly witb jib thumbs, partly with tbs ball ot ibe iltle flagsr or thumb; eomatlmee elruek lib Ibe olossd Qcgsr, somslimcs tbe moaeulsr mass over tbs csrva pres(d and kneaded with both hao<!s. Tbe pain vcked by tbsss manipulations soon paee<l away, ai aftsr a short lime beoimis less nl less al each siltlog. Ths neuralgic >aioa very soon abate, dimniehiug alter a svsrsaod painful mieiags, Ihsn rssnrriog with Ion severity, and gradually dixappear- og entirely. Tba power ot walking to- irovea after each tiilioa;. Oa an averafs be trealmenl lasts about two week* and a ialf bol in ooe eass nins daya, and io eral|from ten to fourteen daya toffiaed. )aa patient abandoned the irestmjLl after five days, owing to Ibs pain caused iy it, and tried without relief a fortnight'* course cf electricity anl vapor balbs ; be ben to tbs musage trea'ment, and was cured in two weeks and a half. The Luutt iik r> ia New terk. Bnobhery n rampant now, and no line la Irawn more finely than thai which separ- ate* tbs world ot fashion from trade and rom ''the city," as ibs busloads part of tbe town and its Inhabitants are now called. All ibit le quits rseenl, too. I am a native of New Tjrk and I remember very well when rich merchants, doctors, broksr*. Wall street operators, and even Ihe beada of great retail ibops found tb*ir vcoationa io bar to social recognition. Not so now. Axainst tbem all Ibs protssliug band ia raised. Tbs banker ii raoognissd, bat not Ibs broker. A tew years sgo the j illy, frss, ivsly, richly dressed and spendlbrif I b-oksr waa eoosidsred oo sod of a good fellow. Sow bs Is Icoia 1 on as a vulgar and noiey man wbo conduct* gambling operations for clients aid drinks oaamptg^s ovsr a bsr. The doctor reosivss money from society. il-Loe be ia as much society's servant ae Iba dry goods merchant, aod neither can be retarded as an cqosl. In a word, society o Nsw Y >rk to-day Is a powsr thai maks* tt own laws and draws them mors severely svsry ssaaon. Tbsrs ars only two tbiogn shout il tbal a Nsw Yorksr floda to admire, Is rspeol for old rsridsnte ot Ibe town and its ooDtsmpt for any other society. It snubbed an sari aod blackballed a lord al one of its clubs last month wilbont momenfa hesitancy. 1st member* form ibe only Itisure class ws bavs in Amsriea Tbey detect trade. I'm sure tbal I have mads a great mistake in admitting tbat my Boelon fiitbds had a falbsr who was an apothecary, and tbat they oces link a boarder to obligs a distant cousin. San f'ra*cueo n r.. 4 Ir, r l.nil n .1 Ibe I'.llci i.n Ths policeman at the door of the church offered Mrs. Cleveland an umbrella, nnder bieb sbe might safely rsaoh ber carriage through tbs rain. Tbs average woman nnder the oircnmslaLos, woald have so- cepted tbe umbrella wilb a grateful " thank yon," and carried It over benel to Ihe oarrisgs , but Mrs. Cleveland i*o'l aa average woman. Instead of merely accept lea Ihs umbrella, she accepted Ibe true sn( gallant blue coat ae well, took hia arm M i be bad been a Miutxter Plecipotentlar] and Envoy Extraordinary, and wsnt witl him to hsr earriags. O! course the police man to-day ii in a slats ot delinoua com plimsntednesa which totally ncfltt him fo duly, but bs will recover witb careful nnrs log. JFosAisytow Gride. A BBAVK . flew tie iii.ut-.i HI* l.tlet* Hlcpafraln Tkrenlaaj HI* l.enroi Mr*plauj| Kaujiaeer. A taw weeks ago, says ths Philadelphia T\mti, there paeeed away so old man ol uir*-soore or mors, wbo had led a quiet and apparently uneventful life. From a liiila before his middle ag* hs had been a follower ot railroad wo<k. and lor years failure hi* death a weil-kuown member ot ibe " loot-board " coterie, or, as is more commonly called, a loeaDBwt)*: sogiuear Hume fifteen year* ago an occurrence lock place iu hia life thai may havs obabged lie wbule current. One atormy, snowy tuhi in Dseembar a freigbl tram sooidoui occnrrsd tbrongh ihs brsakicgol acar-axle. Tbs aoene of the accident wa* on a portia? ol ins road vsry crooked. Tbe wrtoker* bad oeen oalied out,and wilb them the youogtsla- graph boy, wnose duty il was to climb a telegraph pole, make tbe necessary ailaeb- uttnta wub wires, olamps, elo., aid to aaaul in the working ol other traioe past me obairucuon. Tula boy waa iolrn<itd wub tbe importaul task of < peniug aud op- rating au audnional tttoe. BiltiaKou au loipromptn choir, bum of fscce ril- ud atynes, al ths lout cf tbe telegraph pule, hi) doty was io atop all train* ouming ,oward the obtre.oiiou and hold them lulil ons ol Iba track* bad bsan cleared. ll was on a Saturday night, and bnl few iraivis save ths re K ul>r night txprets were rouuug. Uloibed with nuuiual eipontibilily ibe lad sal thr u^h a terrible buudiog anow and tlsel storm, hour after i.ur, no sbslter and no eompauy savs lha eauatanl lick of Ibs Ultle iostrumsnt tbat Id him iu comionuioauoa with the outer world. Due o'clock baa come. Tbs nigbl eipres* should be ibsre. Orders bave come from ihs wreck, " Bold tba express at all issards." A glance at the watch tells the My thai be must take his lamp* aod meet tbs sxprssa a* tar abovs aa possible. Tbsre wsre no air -brake* in tboae daya. A beavy, blinding, ohesrlsis fog has milled down lie a thick caver over a dsep cut in Ibe r>ok<. Tba mow from above waa itlll coming down in sbssla. Ploughing hia way bruugh tbe wet enow over Ibs uneven inr- ace of rails and Uss want tbe bey in tbw dirsclion ot tbe eipceted express, wbone 'aint rumble o juld firi be fell, Ihsn faintly isard. Planting birjuwlf firmly bslwssn bs rails, tbs boy siood, a lamp in each isnd, waiting to swing al tat tirsl barn ol ibs beadligbl tbrovgb Ihe log. Nearer md alossr eame tbe heavy irsm. Ooa soeond, Iwo, tbree, and the headlight com- mences to lighten up the bauka and rocks f Ihe curve. Tbe fog lift*, the light Kleams on the wel, thining rails. Bwiog ;oe* the red lamp ai lha blinding glare if the powerful headlight shoots Into sight al tbs oppsr and ol the curve. Faslsr swings ths rsd light N j answsring blast of the whistle. Toe red light is on a desperate- , almost despair- ug awing. No answsr yet Tbe boy leaps ovsr tbs outer rail into Ibe ditch ilougside, poisiog himself as bs jamps, aod aa tbs great, glariLg monster is upon lim his right arm puts an almost super- mman force into Ibs last awiug, tbe Ismp savss bis band and wilb s ore-u goes ibrougb tbe little (lee* d jor in front of Ibe eugius's sab, rlgbl into ihs fsee ot our old riebd Ibe eu^n- *. Tba lad sank back uto Ibs rocky n^eurca if ihs cut, tbs tram uihss by b m barmleoly, bai with a ur ib.e sbiitk of Ibswbisile. The old ebato- iraks tbape lik* an evsralrained mu>c:a away ru-bti Ibe exprns* past Ibal is lusirumeul ; oo, on, into Ibe dark- ness, oil of nearlLg and beyoud recall, lluwly aod weanly ths boy plods hie way Y, r ihs lies to h.* coal at tbs inilcu usui, nndsnog over hi* unbssded tfljrta aod bs rsaDil. ' Huld Ib* exprs** al all lasefda I 'aud wu*r* waa Ibal sxpresa ? fuere, wilb bie treoibn g fioger* upub Ibe i*y of Ibe luatruoienl, be al Iryag to ull i superior officer al Iba wrick tbal hi- ffjrte tu h.ld tbs exprses bad failed TDIB bs did without telliug ot tbs tale ot hat red ligbt. Voiesa ars pre- sully beard Ibrougb tb* dark- ut*>, and era long lha twsying I several lighted lanlarua u to be eesn as tbsy cams from ths direction of ihs lost rain. A fsw ueooude later Iba etger, p*or- ng faoss ol ibs trainmsn atpear, and tbe :oy reeogniSM tbe familiar teeot thieon- luotor aud braksti an of lha ix^rees. Tbs r*iu bad *lopped, bnl only a It* yard* away from the wreck, and the men bad come bask to pick up lha opr.tor, wbcm n*y suppoesd wa* tuauwlsd a~d Jead iu ib euive above. Tne npnsar, Ihsy say, bad eiu badly hurl by soms ot tbe broken irako-ebaiu. Tba boy is gratsfnl aud tappy because ii is DO worse. In a mi-juts jr eu Ihs euninesr our old friend make* his appearance). Face covered with blood, whiob bs bad vaiuly tried to wipe away with eocenes of grsasy waste ; s loog eui ul Ui-dsr lha roots ol tbe hair, told where bs bad bssn borl Tbtjwicg hia arms about ihs bravs boy's neck, bs whispered through bis eob< ot joy, aa tbs tsars tiiekltd down his blood covered cheek i I was atlsep aad yon risked your life to save us all, Tbank Ojd, yon thrsw it eiralghi aod Iras, I will be a different man from to night." 'Twa* so. Tbe true tale has nevsr befors )ssn told. That engineer's lite was IhsLoe 'orlh a Irns, boosel aod sober one. Tbs chain eerved aa Ihs prelexl tor tbs wound, and Ihe fireman, wbo was noddlog on hi* >ox, tco, never knsw tbs trus hutory. I) ath long at{o oama to him ib ibs d s- obargs ol bis duly. And now tbsi ibe bade*, ot death have aloaed over our old Iriend, pesos to bis msmory. He bas gone to Ibal final foot-board to real, where bis " runs " will ha iu pleasant placet. His oooa-ional mssliogs witb bin operator fnsnd wsre alway* (rbtle, kind, and full ot afftoiion, and no msbtiob was ever mads of the attempt to " hold Ibe express al all bssards." II- mln a Jr~. .. Rev. Or. B E<er, rabbi, contributes tbe fallowing : A Ooristian lady, wbo has been married in Canada to a young Nraelile and iboa bseoms Mri. Lvy, bol now residing wilb bsr hosbaud's rslativts io this o ty, was received yeatsrdsy into Ihe pale ot Judaism. Tbs minister* offici- ating oo the ooctsioo were Rabbi 1'jliro- vio>, of Kimira, N. T , now on a viil hare, K.bbi Eger and Kiv. M Ooplab, of Ujiroit Tbe lady bad to undergo tbe prescribed ircin iriou in tbs preasnce of trustworthy Jawhh lady wilbessss and ths otbsr for nialitiss. Tbe ceophtta atisrwarde received tbe name of Sarah, a daughter of Abrabem, the first riobteoos pronelyw. A marriage according to Jei-b ire -mum lu this ease also he psrformed, which will take place ID doe eoume of time, wben tie Revs. E*er and Ouplan will officiate. Detroit Newt. im i i.- AND .l h I !> br a tave 1 rH e>r a axfcc a Blare el * .. .1 Do not exercise your mlcd too moeh abunl smukiug your goeal, ia the good advice Of a wiitsr lu t'tumtien' Jtsumii I havsoltsu tboutibl tbal iu eomo lursigLi u uuirieH, and uutably iu mauy paTM ul Anieriea, the telatiou ol boat aud goeal waa a suri ot doutli ulavery. Tbe boat baa tbn aumlorl ana amnesmeol of bis (Ueel s^ palLfully at heart thai Dolb audeigo fur us IIRIU bviug an atuonui if eocial m ser> tbal entirely i(*>ils Ibs and i U ature of Ibs viail. In our eounlcy u I. i floreni. GJ to tpeod a week in au K -Kiisnmau a bi-n-e, and yon may be sore Hal nsitber jour noi nor hjeieoa will Oulbsr>bu abLUi ir tl i-u master* onlsa* you seem w d*ire it Everylhiug goee on a though you were noiiheis, saoayei, jtr contra, tbe bou.o and its belougltg* .re praciieally >our* so loog aa >uu remain. I oji.eider i: ILC eilrtmeof bad tavi'.e io pursue a visitor with eja.iuual i-flsrs ot amueiuuinl. If treated as a u,tuiber of ibs lauily aid anffacad to uuu5 timeif be w 1 geueially do very w*il, L J will feel uixju bappier aud moru al taae lUau wbsu he is Ko sluosly looted tier. I bave bsard porauus cuuiplam bil- lerij of nudue a:ieutione aud continaal rnuuing afier, from wbion tbey have sot- tersd tar more acutely then it actually negicotad. " Wncrs IB Mrs. L) *.u ? Wbo ia ailiiog witn bsr ? ' er.e* tbs flamed noatoas. " G jod gracitos I Is il po*>ible sbs has been l I by bsraslt ? Q> at o .se, Mary, or Julia, or louou/, aud us wub bsr ai>d amuse her null! 1 bavs Uoie so come." And all Ibe wnile, p>erbaps, ibe bapleaa Mr*. Da*b is etrngKliuK sogslalsl- ter or two wiitteu, or a bill or eooosnt mads up, and uojngratnlalinj brrsslf upon ice nnwouted luxury ot a lew delieiuna moments of absoluls ejuei. Bae is rtfel- ling in Ibs ihcujhi ot bsiii( led elous, wnso, Io! Mias Mary, aged 10, comes awkwardly in and stands inifflag io the window, or em side>sye upoa the piano stco', s:ramaiug with OLS hand at Ihe n.ta-, wbiob w bsr idea of keeping tbe viaitor o/iupany until mamma ojotes. Or, Master Xouimy, agsd 13, sn:ers witb a burl cf ntis;, aud pro- ceeds to relate to tbe i :!1 eled gueel bow be) and Jack J juts are la tbs earns Litia class . and bow said Jooes n beyond bim in Biieltd, tbbUgb interior 10 eommbu.g alas ; and bow Brown lickod Black for call- lug bim a dai.e wiih a variety of ointr informalioc, by no msans lutaree lag to OLO.iiOerned partMs. To tu> aaboyanee are (tw ot us ah.Lve tot besn nb).c:ed. A greavr error of jodgmiLt scarcely bo ojmmiltsd. To make a ussl feel comfortable and si bmii, leave im pretty much to bis own dsvicca. To be always striving to amuee him itafoir mplimsnl to b s own rstouieaa. A boat*. a wno cannot prstcrvs bsr itrsuity upon vsa Ibe rr j* I srncial sbgagemeuts is lac king is ons of tbu ID > t eeaenual qialiuae ot an nlsrtainsr. Tba tbou^h>.e.a epiliing of er best wine, tbs toil < ol hr whiteal lablMloib nay, even too emasbing ol a whole trsyfnl ot bsr bs*i old family cbius, uuld LOI eau:s ons mn>els ol ber ooun- . a^oj to obangs. U j ibs oinsr baed. an sflecied irfcorecce e.pteiing ihe ojUtoUj ot the day s bill of are i* al timea annual as fata a ibs opia- te txireme. I wa* m;eel( |>rseul al a luusr parly al WDiOJ o.e uf tbe uu.u.ou J bls-hclura bad Deeu br;iiu. u ou au UjcrKLO/ to aael.t. " Wuai are tbtae, JUL,' i.qaireJ ihe Uu^ud hj>:es*, aa -hj ir.uiou. ly turual lot ward a Ulab of aitlets JJ-.I u^ltr Dar riui e b.w. ' ou'i kuxw, ma am, rsaily,' be rs^Uled but 1 lLi-k ibey is iut|D9e I" 1.1 4 'l.,x.)-i I 4 It,.,- 4- MIH.lil>. I US 4-UI^I 111 I UF II I t Ml 1 Barrle* U Ike Htltialeai Mrmutj aM I au( M r *u. k Ths supremely sltrasllwe womsn at L -UK Brausb this esaaon, says a Nsw York Ilr raid ourrsepoodenl, is Baoore He Barrios, widow uf tbe late President of jatemala wbo was killrd io a recent ei gaairmsol wish rsTolgiionUsa. Tbla lady ie of mtd nm beigbt avud good A^ure. Bsr syea ars wob- dsrtully briUiani, ai.d charm all wbo corns within tbetr spell. Sbe is in dsep mourn- ing, sLd ie dwslling al tbs Wsat Kud in rsmi-riiismeni. Ber eraps and laae dresses are ibe envy if ibs ladiee and ibs delight of tbe men. Ons ol ner mourbinii toilet* la a* paibslie aa a nqoism. Ii ia a fl jatmg msse of black mil*, crape aid Ibs eoetlbat laaa ; sod, sopplsmeotsd by tbs ravsn hnsd manulla gathered about hir torebead acd naeb. as caly tbs Is lies ol ri|< aMrb bl oil can arraatte il. glvee to her figure aod (oe s spiritnel ,rac aud beauty ibal la matebleaa. Bbe leada a very quiel life ia loo mid>l ol ibis great bot*l, with lie te*>micg popolair u tlhowicg and jNtliog each otbtr. Sfdame-,'orsbe i ae frrqoaoily ealled by ibs Freuohformot address a. by tbs B, aL.L genaially fcnak!ast* alube in b. r parlor. St hu a Ibiurioo* suite of apart- mnte, wure tbs fsw wboate pircailMd to n- 11 brr in her bereavemebl e>il. A< may b-i, ahs has uumberKs<i soil rt, ie ar.d iTeMEi. Trns, shs is Ihs molber ol IweUs ekudreo, bni ahs has mors than a million of money fir each of them. A obaia n t ek of b u<hi face* cjusiitnls no leriuoe drawback to ths prospect* of so fair a widow so nebly eudowed wub wealib. How many of ber little oaei are wub her I bavs no means of knowing. Hut many, .1 iaagios. bhs is aud rimmf i. it i. la Plrsitr. Csrtain il is tbat fat mn and oorpulen women ars growing vary familiar obj -oi wherever I go. I'll warrant there ar 1000 wrtnen in this resorl today wb measure between forty-two and fifty fiv bus) inramrr, av.rl upon whose protrodio form' it would be more or lees posihle to l'1-y a game .| earj*. Bat al any rat* thsrt'lue'riaii.'y i"irr>riivi:yf r moflof > a > h ' 'loan her* 1 1 mki! v hn-^ 1 ' ' b u vh- pl'ynn>l .1 i . and frvu ii m, . of -hir adored Djlduees. C'lHem ' Knqnirer. Wbars one man wants but liltls hsrs below " three others are within hailios, JIB tauss who wanl all. ii . i t*e>wrr *>l pec t. n omi A Lsominatsr (Masr.) deepatoh says While attempting to rocns a child from being run over four ysars sgo Mre. Uatlia Sutherland loel Ibe power if spsseb through fright. She wss dumb Iron Ibal sventfn' day until last Monday, whsn sbs was vitit ing in Filobburg al ibe bouse ot a friend who observed Ibat in a short lime her void would return, probably as *oddecly am mytfrioualy an u left tur. To its itfliit urp?i<e>ot both parlies, when Mra. Satber laud unit tried to apeak, iba did to in an audible tone. Tbe tone waa weak, hut ye it w* Iou3 : uru<h to b* .n'iuo Iy hea'd Hin * ti.-.' HU idi'ii r ur> ion bar v io ha Kradu " ) - * , t i . - d 11. 'H il I* ar u' aa h< aiib> k d i ibuft aa ii was prior to be fogUI four years >K A i- r al), tin- word 1' a daigerun place -T>ry lew evsr get out of it alive. Thsre i* nothing Ilka prosperity I ejver faults, anil 11 may bs seidlbtl moos cover* mots tban obaiilj , t Il-p ul .!. A msmbtr ot Plyuiouth Cba.oa u uuvsl in wbioa Uoury Ward U-oonet ,ur*< ae Ibe bru. A N.w Y rk u>.l-.r diaJtr bas invsoled diadge wnu wbion siarflau, tbs grealeet oemiea ul en* oystrr, o... be taken from a bed without disturbing me oysters. Ilisalaat worth kuowio aod rumim aribg Ibal a Isllsr ssulsd in a boiel ovslope, which fails to resell ibs pereou addrensed, ia al once seal to tbs de-td lei- r ittiw, DO.wi'.hsiaodiug Iba leu days ttluruiug notios LD ths o^ruer. As a usual itiug, it the baibands didn't jus in Oj-iaol wilb pretty wjoie.i of till Ues msuial eulinre tb*u thtir wive. e-i-, lb dtdetsol Ibe ia> er atd iikir wu oontacl *HU " mtu of idaiaa " wouldn't ccp Ihs divoro* oout>* vsry bj.y A liulo girl wbo bad bcsn told tbal wbso II wae tbui. dating u wa* Ojd talklu B , ras onl oo Ibs lawn one oay LOI long a]o Isyibg with hsr dolls. U>r mo:hsr, assiug aiorni coming up, eailid to lulls Anon t j nrry and o jme iu. Bus began piokiud up icr plaything', bai bttors sbs h >d ^01 bsm a 1 ii ibuudcrsd, wben ibe eislaimsd : Oa, Djd, doo'l r.u* suoh a ios* aud cold so. I'm hurrying faa' se I can." LI Q. Hotebkits, of Lyona, kuowb aa bs Peppermint Kng, says that ssfeu- Khth* of tbe ptpyermiul of the world is ai*ed in Wa>ue oou-ly. Tbe average irop u about 100 000 pounds. Tbs vi rajc-. noe paid tor crude oil ie from 13 75 10 t4 1 pound. To give an idea ul tbs mouey hal n in pei>psrminl, Mr. lijtockus taid bat a farmer leal ) tar brought to Ibe .I .ery an ordinary sleinb load, wbiob, wbsu msasnred, proved tu bs worth }lO ).' eourss, tbie wat to ibe crude oil, wbion ibe farmers diitil ibemselves. early to tba siaow. Tbls is worn ovsr s Jieo or ItCeoiiirt. Altix.Dub all dresees <ie-i i tbi|rleadio( ftraturen, and all the nwerebtuit* in ibe eaet a* tbsy o ib toe wail, >et ibv d ffr to a g'ssl -:.! in l*ail and aflirl a stop* tor tba culi-.r t s aul fsuoy of Iks w*arsr. .01 Aa r .!.. t . i. a,.. i An old (aehuned sbosl story that is told id thoroughly believsd by ibs workmen al Worcester (M a** ) icel works earns to is kuowledate of a Bl. Lauia (j loA* Democrat e t n>rtar. L> > ti<bl rwCdnlly a young %ni J MioUael Ol**o>, wbo wcrks al ibs aiiuK furtjse, w.e walkinK Ibrougb tbs i l, h oil era* well ii thse i wub elec rieuy. '.i pM*d tba boiier-hones ai.d saw a rat ge oi<o nandiiK i .-id* i h hie baod i tbe Ibrottls of the fOHne, wb>ei bad oi beu flrtd op, Tte man 1 . keJ al easoa wub a -tern and sarunal g<sa. r eas JD rsye be halloed hi him ep irtivsly d a-ksd him if bs wss xciog to start u, , wbsn ib* rna-i mrusd his bead slowly and xsd upon bim a ateady ulare. Uis eoou s-auce did not change and hissys* seemsd o jump cat from th-tr ocksls. Ths man i a etrauger to O easoa, wbo had worked n tbe mill a In ic time and kaew svsry- x>d). Tnroioiiqniekiy.Oieeaoo ran to the tber end ol the mill, terribly frightened. >rop* of perfciralioo etood out on bia faae, waa white with fear, and be eoddsoly wooned sway. H* was eared for by bis companion", and wben be reoovered bs told whsl bs bad isen. Us deecribed ibs ao's srpearanos minutely, tveu to ibs tripsd jacket wbieb bs won, but oo oos nsw him null), al leuKth. one recalled bsl it was a perfscl descriptioa ol an ngloeeuwb} was killed two ysars ago at ha vsry epol where tbe etrange man was rt D by Oleason. Ttae appariiion ba been a'.sbed for, but has not been aesn lines. TIT il l" Heiokrf Tos L-iil'd Slates Navy annually takes uio iia sarvi:s a large number otspprenlios boys, wbo are sent all ovm tbs world aod taught to bs thorough eailoti. Il bas been tbs policy ot the Government einee tn war to educate Ihe " blue jacket " upon ibs principls Ibal ibs more intelligent i man Is Ins beltsr Bailor be u Uksly I btojme. Tbsrs is BU lack of cacdidaite for tbssa positions. Uui.drsd ot boy* pply, but many ars, bseaoee ibey cannol pass ibs pbyeieal eiamlnatton Majjr Uonetoo, ooa of Ibe marine eorp* wbo it in charge of Ibe Washington navy yard barracks, is Ibs aalboriiy f >r th* lalemenl tbal one flfih of all tbe boys examined are ri j o ed on aeoouul of h*r Jiaeass. Uis flrat qmaiian to a boy wbo desiree to ii-li-t te : " Uj yon amgke ? Tbe iuvariable r^epoiaa is " Mo, sir," bnl Ibs sell-tsJe duojU r.tiou o! Ibs teeth al once shows ths truth. Tbe enrgvoo* aay thai cigarette eoioking by boy* prodnoei bearl diaeats, aud Ibal in niuely-nln* eai-ea onl of a hundred the rejeeilou ol would-be apprfaiiose on sooouus ol Ib* defect come* from the exee*Mvs n-e of ibi milder form of Ibs wisd. Tbls is a ra*on able slatsmenl, eomltg asil doss from io bigb au authority, aud baesd upon tbe rsinlts of actual examination going oo day after day, and m julb aftsr month. Tbe Eastern reporters are all in lovs with Mra. lieno, of Ihe English yaob Oalatsa, wbioa has ju*t arrived at lio-tou and eii'-udeui-iii 'ual Etifliah in ber praue with great liberality. Hsra is a apesi na >n one of the m lle.-t, fromaBjston j mruai "Lsnt. Heua'' eh.ronijg wife is ebcrl inoliutd to he flout, and ba< bright, tear l>r* >)ss, atd a ooaa loolioed wh'Ch dd ks-n:\, "d'i*1-:t a e- Iliot l> vtry r >; U.b-rarriva \- M I'lUnta" Mr-. H- n dr. * t i r >UH ol b.uu M . B D> a J . .ul) lllil Tb' i>t e b.b> ' *>> I 'o bav- b b -n In t Wnite U >u wa* ebrialw ' Heorv Walker," l> now 4O years old. aid tivtain Montgomery, Ala. His mothar, a niece of President Polk, was viaillcg bsr oacU whsn Btnry WM bora. Wbal S Ivlllaaitea a>M i.r o.r ,!!.. I. tBMCW k ..IMM. Oos o! the bast known dsntisss of Ibe Iy wao in a ex>mmunis)ative mood tfa* other day wben a re t ort*r waa asaviag a iililctoolb ewprotsring done. Naturally iba me j i st turned upon tbe preetrvatioo oif ibe tesib, aod IDC dueXor was seaailj mdaead to sxpraes his vu wj, which bs did atool as follows: " Wben primitive man diced so toocb msaiia a raw r hall aookad soodiiion, uaring ths fl rh wub hia leitb sad gnaw- u.g tbs bone* like a lioo liltls need bad be to lobk atisr the etaie of bis grist-mill, fo* ibs viatorcu-. action, tbs firm prsseors ot >bs gum., hi rough fricuoo agaiD*t booa a .a t netis, to sbori, ths easrgeiis sseissasi 01 ths whoU mouib, k*pi bie milie in perfaet oui dittoxi. Oar tnmiuve fnnt,d Uvsjd t ripe old s. .Ld then disd wilb a movtkftal of scuod tseth. Bui a a ! with tbe glorias and amsni* tie* ol oivilisaiion earn* tbe new prosssss ost oot.kiog and ebangm cl diet. o.aab asasi favoraoie to tbs baalth cf our gn*s- aoiUsk Usai* wsrs made tebdsr by iboroosta SK- po or* to ti ; vegatabise were reduael to a soil fiaprasaiai by tbe aam* atxecey, aod fin* wbits brea a*ec9s tbs aeafl ost lit*, au tbal us te* h had liltla w I i do, bo bard work to k.ip tbei iron*; or to stake tbs K nme Irm b. a. b>. To mat* Batten stul oaviLg In ie or t olhlu to sbew, we tbe fp>id old habu ol shewira;, acd even our eott food* wsre swallowed wiibool thai tills masueastoo thai lb*y ceed*d Thtw) lack of oae produeed fcsole catriUon aoSj les-sned pows.' cf aad sassB orxaLls acids, dssjompoaad food. Ska., wrought bav.a upon iba sooib sroding aad sating awsy tbs enamel dennne till one Aaa day a sharp sternly sailed atuo un so the (set civilised babtli are not compatible with MBd grtcders. " In ths eauaea of decay given abOTS are) shadowed forlh tbs Iwo pntsupal cscaasi which U is useasaary to adopt in order to prsasrve ths teslh , tbal is. euacluieaai sasl uas. Cee your tsslb ia answitg your food i chew svsrytbiLg yoa pot in yoor moatea vigoronely and thorcvgbly, wbetbar u * jslly ot pigeons' braini or Isatbsry stsak. If yon do thu, azd 1st nclbici the portal* ol yoor rxsjuib w 110,001 bavtoaj Ires Kiv^a ths teeth eome vigorous exer- eiee upon n, not only will tbe leatb be) flriusr and ttroogtr, but tbe wbols will he healthier aod the improved. To further this objeet avaM eu:tinn ibe msai into ench mietXMCopta biaw thai n aan be, or is likely to be, swallowed wbol*. aad avtud nndus haata in ssaJnar 1 Ihta [roper ne of the tsslb tbosaU bet *np[ Itoiented with a vigAsxua ot* of tba Ixitbbroib upon tba teeth aad gwaas), sipeeully ihe latter. Tiajorona tnsuon in this way is a enbeliwie tit thai beiir* spoken of ae being so beneficial to oar pnnsi- live friend wbca b* gnawed booaa aad easw sd kriitle. It sagaudar* an iuaieiistl low ot blood to ibsguffls, n mala tee ibs an utd improve*! their nntntioo. Brush ttissi every d*>y till tbey bieed. audit obly makasj tbsm Armsr and healihie> unul finally BO amaimi ot braahim will make ik*on bleed. Next comes eieanlinssa. By mean a ot i *iDfiok sod rio.iLg tbs moo h witb water att*r each meal keep Ibe iatenMaae) cf tb* moutb Ire* from of fjd " A popular error ibal iboi.ll ceeorexMd, sol by wbom belter tbau by docora, u ibe id*, i .iai tb* flriii or mile leeib ah mid be puiled uui ai soon as ibey ars daeeyed or -u,w eiga* if lojieneaa. Lei il be rem-ibbtrea loal wbeo Ibe milk teath are ex risked before tbe proper um a narrow nap >ioi*l ojtf >bal sura* back, reaching aud contracted or more seriouly dsformad bevsr secb walking on the verandas or la ibe parlor. Ibontb shs is fond cf tbs dance, her recent widowhood (orbid* it for tbe preaejbL Al the lael foil drtaa ball sbs oeoupied s chair ID the rear ol tbs bail, aod dspiie the IL conspicuous poamon she bad eboaien, bsr sad, though daamliog. fact wae tbe objeol apuu wbieb all eyee centred. I bavs apoaso of she eflesl as dassliog. Thi* impisaaion wai donbilees beiattaisnsd by tbs two great diamonds, large as HI ber la. tbst sparkled in ber ears. A !'... H i I.I - . Although ths brids was vsry young, hav- ing, ai tbs mjsl, sesn eixteen aummers, roogs, alas ! wss no ilranger even to hsr [rally tacs. Her hair, wbieb was jet black aud very lone, "aa planed into a number ol nuy tail*, tbe ends i-f wbich psspcd forth from nnder the ehagat ot folded while linen she wore on her head. Nothing can ic jed tbs nxlinss or Ubbetxiaiogoesa ol tbu headgear ; il ie merely a tqaara piece ot muilin or cotton folded eoruerwiea and tightly f sstsosd with a tr. or Uuy bexneb Duder Ibe obtn urith two scd* ban(icg dawn the back, and the rsmaioiug Iwo fating over tbe breast. Orer Ihi* again is worn Ihe h> u> veil, wh:ch envelope the whole flature ; it ia s large iquare or routded p etce of muslin or gay-pailsrned abiois, and is not fa>*kod oo. bai simply kepi in its (!os by ibs arm*. Ber volnminuM skirt was of wbita aod pink auiptd uua, hand- somely irimmcd wub gold laas, and r> mcbed only half way to tba knee , the less were bare. Olien an many ae IWSLI> )*>rd cf nlk ur satin ars smploysd tor the-* i-kirw. w> iih ars glta*rcd ml > a bn I ai m* w'i a-e worn ovsr f mr or tio pjiiiooaiH ry muoti nfliued. Tas more a ekirt siaodl< out ibe more fa-blou- able It ie. Tneb>di:a is a 1 o-e son of a jc-l Lf ailb nr Velvet Irimmad wuh gold o-; tn sleav** af* long, and Urmi . jawreenlas. Tbe rapidly growing jsw ol tbe boy or girl eloeee in upon Ibe *oa*M Uf I vacant by the lot, absorption ol i hi aive ilar proae lakes place, *o aeforna- i. Kibe j.w that wusu ahs tesoosl Metb e itiie iby Aid ao room and besoms eniukeJ aud i-rular I j *borl, aa irrsj- mvdiabls error bas been made." ?*K*7 abfwai, a ai fill* 1H' mm clear. I'raoiiee n evtryihiin, ' said the Pull- mb eoudoetor. wbo eiood in ths stats- oom ensaftt d in a peiformanoe which io maty men find difficult sven undsr the mo*i f avorabl* aondiiiooa. ' Teara ago I bnan trju g to shave myetlt oo the ears. Al flret I dudn't dare try ii wbso the irain was ranting, bnl naiLtcg eoLUdeiee with experience. 1 soon tot so ibs motion ot thr oar mads no difl*rrDOS wbatsver. Now I oen abivs tiijself jaat as well at fifty mil** an boor as statdiog nil I). K ; o* ? Not altll. eic-i I IUI it wouli bs rib*r awkward M have an aoeileul occur, a oilliaion, or a dtrailmsni wbsn you bad a ra* ir al yoor throat. But aocidtuaa ar* awkward aoy war, resv or oo risar. Why I know an saginssr wbo renulerly ehave Dimowlt oa hi* enime. li* I* a yonag aod baideome fellow oo* wh likes so look nies all the while -aud wbtn he gs's oal ID tbs ouQotry where there i a ole*r iraek b* lew > 'b throttle aod takes up bis rsjjr. ' Ilirmld. I .lki.( Akeai H.I Mi "Talking abonl hot weather, said s brakeman, thai we bad ibs otbsr day was uoibiuti loog aids of wbal I'vs aeen down oa lha Southern Paetfic. I was DweakJOat dewy* loere laal -urnmir ai.d iu aom* o tben dsad, dxjri vail, . A iiua. wbars rain n*vr t*.. aLd tb* un's alway* h leteriBg, I'veetea weather ibat'd remiud a man ot what'* in stors lor uim after be Uawes tsvii val* o' tiara aod b ardl^' bon e. O^s day la.iauuiuisr wa w-.* ranuiDg .loag to ibal cuuutry wQ. a an aacilsut oeasurad >u9b as I a POM WM uv. r k&own la all tea butory i.f railroad, g. A 1 ot a <udd( .. tbs locom : tivs was ae*ta to be bJUtcing along like a ball, aa' tbs stgineer - *o trubtsoad that k* aha' <.fl a am rtmi-k as hi knitr hrtTanil wassalasl Ilk* em io call all tb- men lorrstd. Ws riubcd up abrad aod i. .. wbal had barpsosd. bai ws laugh* ai i in aod m*>J* o mneh f nu 1 1 bim tbal bs fluallr failed opsn tns Ibroisls ag in j uai to show us total b knew wbal h* was talking abouk I bops to drop dsad in 81. LOOM an' as ami up Ib a medical so!lr*j* it lhal loouli'v* didn I boubcs just like a ship ID a iwvll. Ws wers a 1 so fn*iht*a>d that we) ihs ecKn.*r to shut cfl sts> ber. What waa th* matter r Notbia , tb* rail* wsrs so hoi ibal tbiy aa<ged deem betwreu ihe ttse wbaov*r las sagtsM truck em, an' tbe wb**l were *c h it Uiai ibay were poaading ocl fla Te, nr, it we'd rn i a mil* turttsr w'd a.'ial nolain' bat >ja\r* wb*sui noJer oar loeoeteHTs. N in* ol as had aver seen an sa<<as ras i b ( ir wh e;s, sod so we didn't tjry it.' 1 <Jlucajo UermU " Train TaUk, ' Wbsn l.d. t. I mnmmMtmmmm Wben ie a thief like sseamsireas bs call and runs. Wben ie a cow like s bulls! / Wbsn i 1 uel gtrna. Why ia a modsro strawberry koi liks an hour ulssa ? Ueeanss whsn empty it ia bard to tall wbiob is Ibs top of it. Ac:ux8roxuiiii of PuMicOpiston writes Al 8 MID port, Lverpool, Ibsre ars s grsal ma-iy bores* for the use of vUitore to rids on Ib* saods tber* ; they ars all white. A triei d (topping Ibere for t month could nil belp policies; ibu, and aaked ibs qoes tioa why tbey were all white. The aniwsr WM, " Tbey ars white from s*j." Wf II, Iberu re plenty cf white bores* 4 years ol a<e a'ld npwarle. Now, tbe qaration is, d d a' v ons ever see s wbitr f al, aod. if . >. irn do lhe> beo>ro* w! i e I A lb-s leal* t-i DS a po-r* o all Ihs born* dnOera timt I hv* aipoken to, anl ai-o ii the v-'*r i ary mrn. on, 1 >hll bo i(l .! i' s >ms n' \ .if \ icr, o.ii (,.. h a< r. Henry Golden, wbo calls h>m*el T- I'.r . , . i ol-.iui <> b ib* blfbfsdio ot Wniia Oloud, sn Indian chief, bas i ed Ibe Melbodi-t Cborej in R>obmooa,\f., aod la irawisg large aodJensea a* a To tbe k^lsor of U>* 8L Jobe. M.tU Bim I nmotJ ia Tuseday s ISM of ths cArxnieV an item rsfcrrug Io tbs li>ijce*iy.>t th* McLeod family ol West River, 1'iC'ou. Ihe UuiKd ss ot au Bribers and two sts:srs tastog 404 ysare o STsrag* of 76 .er-. for *->ei metnbet. N ). u,iu >u-umrjg up Ibe ag' of out laoilly, 1 flud Ibal iba ua!'* 1 *] of ov family, or I ehonid *ay tb* M iraabfaoatlr, o( five slaters aad Ibroe br jsberw, is 4M > ear-, an average ol "-' yeara I ksreby iv* y >u ib* nance of *oi SB*nber of tbs r.mily. d<sseodaatsof J .bn M>r**b (s 79) who** f lb*r wae one of Miner* of Laotnharg : Natu*. Ml^ KwMllba*NtU'..**aw. -niir !* i i,_ij V Mr*. MbaJl.r . ^___________. * Mr* t*il*- .. .. ... __ SI H a A*B*t lalill livlias) ,, Mra HtiuUi | _ M MicbMl ktunab .__ _. ... aj Uo. Uoiaab. tUI 'iiviiijr!'.! '. Tb*y wsre ail L itberans in wsll as tho*e two wbo are living. My father (Charle*) eras a BOO of Pbillp. sod J.iu*. Biaeohanr ( ny uoei*) wmaaeooot Mr*. Eivenbanr, aa abjvs be R. atotvasa, ot Luusuburii, N B. Nobody loves ths iours1 man. He in tot an agreeable eoaftntoii; bis sympathise have been warped, bis tamper mad* atjrly, bu diipositiou s filtered b* is al cats witb the wcrld N > oos very wall reaaera- bern what h* once waa. All have furg >ir*a tbs tints wbsn his pube b*ai warm aod hlgb, whin hie hand bad a first aed b*riy uratip. whsn be Kved acd booed. Bwwy- b.idy kcows ibal he la rulJ. crpeaaraScei. lmpractio.1 a-1 eybicl BOW. Tbt ratal poahs* bim a il. oi*' vjtwblma b-r*, bd bU be*t frioJ s*k* tfflr b ads seel westdar thai tb*y twee? anfpnasiil ibjat as) * ul I aiu-' I t' -i -'h. al Hi M k failan a- d *v>rybody kuuwo U aw well as b* dues biDKCaf. Tbe sign ol bar bsr upon a h- ulevard read, as follows , " X European bather. Cassodtatt toawd a> iry langatsjl,"

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