Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 Aug 1886, p. 2

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; Above llie orj-au'n highest noU 1 bear her 3er voice tingluK. And 1 *ui epelibjuud to the spot, Tboogb I dou'l know whet they're singiuj. 1 Muobwl ber book to nud ber name. Her Mrllily name 'lit ALU. The ftogeli uiot havo tbouxbl tbt tame Wbeu ihevteutdown uiy soprano. There's DO place now like cbaroh for me. Tney whisper I'M grown plc'Ut, They now not bow I WIMJ tw l/d liMltlo ber *klrt oat luu. Wb4t ewe 1 thougb tbe tenor drop Aioo aely buue.' Burton*, alto, all may etop, But leave my iweet soprano. I have no eye* (or men or thing*. Tbe ewruion ie but a jargon ; I litre u" ear* fur biui woo emgi W Leu tue'e uut by tbe ur**u. BDI gbr th* oouiet the whole tbiug liuiun JUT twelle like showering manna, And rather queer, uo vaioe I bear but ben, 017 dear soprano. \Vlien tbe'i not there tb* whole ohoir'i wroox ; ' ru uot tor me to praiau her ; The counter eereamt all tbrounb lue n Dg, And toe bate become* mill banr. Ah I when 1 mine ber dear, dear face. I'd giTe a ttraigbl Havana. U tbey were h. tome other place, 1 ber* with my topraoo. Phil<i4llj>/ii<< f i.'l. (BY THB AUTHOR OF "OABTH") CHAPTER I. Superb ! I don't know when I have teen ftnir, Tom. really!" "Ah!" taid Tom ooaJplaotQlly bandlirg hu left whisker. " And," he added alter a moment or two, "and thereby hangt a lale ! ' It WM after dinner after ooe ot Tom Gitntborounh's *u\in, inimitable little din- nen ; only we tbree Tom, bis wife, and mytelf, and a eoople ct negro attendant!, at will trained and le*s overpowering than tbe ot tbe native EuKlich nt.ok ; aud Ibat ebarmiog dicing room, jait big econgh, jail eool ecoagb, eof i-orpeled, clear- walled, and the steady white radiance ot tbe Argaad barniri detoendiog opon tbe damask tuble olotb, crowned with trim* and fl jwert ; and an agreeable shadow over the reel of tbe room, 10 tbat those table eervitors ooold perform their npiMlatt tv j IOUUUH oneeen ; and a pervading Rente ol uaainacious good breeding and unobtrusive wealth ; and but I wilt cot cpak if the chita ; I will col deoactnpon Tom'a wioee ; I doa't wiih to make otber people envicui. Oily it was all inexpressioly good, from fatsinstlng Mr*. Oainaboroogb and ber dlamonda down. I felt a peoaliar iaterett in Mrs. Gains- boruuu, because, in addition to ber other attraction!, tbe wat a countrywoman of In* Ibal ii to eay, an Ameriosn. She wai brooelte, slender, jtfaceful. with a weird fUU*o\i oTthe eye* under straight, eyebrow-, an expression wbieb some). how aoKgettd meamtritm or, perhaps, a liability on her part to be metmerUed ; faolileat threat and thonldere, and hands ana wrists that the o mid talk with, a'.tnott. Whtre bad Tom found her? I ntvtr bad thoagbl ot atkiog him. K .e wae a Vir- ginian, very likely a.i " F. F V."-aod tbey had doubtleti mitop^ntbiCkuunenl. Thin wai thi flrtt oco i :; on wbieb I bad eeen her in ber diamonds. Indeed, Tom and b* had only been married a year or two. atd bad been tettled in that btjtrut>i- dines of tbeira eearecly tix montnr, aul tbit wae bat my tbird or fourth dinuer there. Well, her diemonde became her and ahe them ; tbey lomebowmktebedtbat weird light in ber eyee, and I told Tom ae moeh when, after dinner, rhe withdrew and left ut over oni wine 14 And thereby bangs a tale," repeated hi thoughtfully, reaching bit band toward tbe decanter and filling my Rlau and his own. Mow, it teemed to me entirely in aeeord anoe with yoong Mrs. Gainsborough's " ityle " that there should have been tome thiug odd and romantio ia tbe oiroum tlaoeee of ber first acquaintance with Tom, and tbat diamond* nkould be miitd op with it. Therefore, I was more than will- ing to give ear to the strange story wbieb b* proceeded to relate to me. Imagine tbe servants dismissed, a f re. b lamp of coal 10 the grate, tbe decanter between u, and oar leg* and elbows disposed in the mutt com- fortable manner possible. Then, this is the itory. OHAFTEK II. The diamond* , yon mam know, b*ve been ever so 1 ing in oar family. It 11 said they were brought from India in the time ol Maree Polo, by an ancestor ot mm*. Bat that it neither her* nor there ; and, sore enough, they were only pnt into their pre tent thape juite recently. I can remember when half of them were ULOUI, or out in some barbarous, Oriental manner, pietor esqne enough, bat not fashionable. And come were mounted an note rings, tome clasps, some in tbs bills of daggers, and in I was a all aorta ot other ways. When child I was sometime* allowed to plsy with some of tbe loose ones, aa a trsat ; no 111, at laat, I contrived to loai one ol Ibi biggest. Ton may not believe it, bat the governor actually horsed me and gave me a birching, aud tbe diamoodi were looked op from that day. II wae only a few yean ago lhat my dear mother, now no more got them out and insisted upon tbsir beiof made np into a regular aet by scms ssulfu jeweller. We were thinking of going to Rome at Ibe time to apend tiz or eight montbt, and tbe first idea waa to give thi Job to Oaetellani. Bat then il appeared my mother had got her eye fixed npon a oertaio man In Paris, who she bad been told was Ibe flneat lapidary in Europe. Be. and but he, ahoold eel our diamond!. Yon know my mother generally bad her way, aod she bad il io this CMS. The fellow cer- tainly did understand bit bnsioeis ; bis work waa well done, as yon may have ooliaed this evening. A queer, pale, cer voas little chap he wai ; oot a Freoobmtn at all, but a Bixon born io Dresden, I believe, or aome village ia that neighbor hood. HM name wat Rndolph Ilemrieb Radolpb. He lived and worked ia s littls dark shop ID tbe Latin Quarter. He and I became qoue intimate. You see, I bad been eommteeioned to attend to thi* diamond business and to remain io Paris until it waa done. I was to watch il through all its stages and be sore that my mother's directions regarding the style of tbe setting were accurately followed. When all was finished I was to pay the bill and bring tbe diamond* on to Rome, where tbe family would by Ibat time be established. Well, I was a young fellow just feeling my oat", and psobably I was not mnob cast dowo al tbe prospect of spending a montb or two alone io Par!*, as yon might sop pose. Bal I doabl whether I should btve attended to my defensible business so faith fully as 1 aetnally d d. bad 1 not been to greatly taktn with my little friend Radolpb He and I twigged one another, a i boys sty from tba firs). I used to tit and watch him work for hours at a lime, and as bs workec be would talk, and very qaeer, captivating talk a god deal of It was. lie wai i thorough artist and enlbaiat, and seemed lo aare for nothing untiide of bis profes aion. Hi did nol appear to me to be In t ie way of making moon money, aod i occurred to me Iba- il might be acceptable were I, io an noob'rn-ivp way, to lotro'looe him lo some wealthy customer*. I koe few people iu Pn ; u there waa a Mr BlroUmorr, aa Am non geull' mto, any InH al toy hotel, with wb TO I had foregathered ov r a cup of o ff-tiod cigar once or twice ; he waa a bandaome, middle-lifted man, with an atmo-phere ol refined tffloeBee about him tosh at would have befliMd a dake. Not a bit like your traditional Yankee ; ia fact I'm not sure thai I should have taspecMd him, U I hadn't ettu hi. address-" Fifth Sew York Oily, U. B. A "-in the hotel- rfKi*t about a wetk at ttr my arrival. lie wit an tgreeable man enough, tboogb not at all tbe sort la take hbertiea with ; b jw ever, I made up my mud that I would gel him to Rudolph's t-n tbe flrit pretix> that ' Well, I bd aa excellent pretext bs'ore loDg. Mr. Birohmore eme into tbe taft one afteroooo, with rather an annoyed look, aud made tome inquiries ot the waiter. Francois raised hi* eyebrow and shrugged bli iboalden; tbtte was tome further conference, and then he and Mr. Bircbmore began searobitiK about tbe fl or ut the room. It presently traneptred that be had lout a diamond out cf his ring, wuiou bad contained three watched iuuiis It was nowhere to be found. I diu'i mind the lo.t of the ttoni melt,' taid Mr. Birehmore, at last, tittirg dowu near my table ; ' but il'i one of a set, maiahed ni:b great difficulty, and I'm alraid I may never replace it." Here was my opportunity. I net fortb tbe wi dooi, tkill and re?ouioea of my little Baxau friend in glowicg ealors ; meutioLcd tbe work be wat doing lor me,and declared Ibat, if any mn in Kor >peomld help Mr. Biioboiore to repair his lo>i, Rudolph wan be. Mr. Birohmore at first paid I it; IB beed to my representation ; but fl Jally 1 induotd him u accompany me to Ibe Latin Quarter, and at kast roak llu attempt. The next morning, accordingly, we eel !or:h ; a: d, ae we tanntered aioug Ibe wide pleasant boulevard*, our oanver- tatioo b'.oaoie more frte and tfUble than it bad been hiibarlo. I found my com- pauiou could be exceedingly ontartaming when be obose it, and bad a v*l fu&d ot experience aud adventure to draw upon. He bal been almout everywhere ; be bid made bimielf familiar with all variation ot olviluid and uuoivilizid men ; as a matter of coarse, too, he wsa a versatile linguist. Tbe only direetion in which he gave any evidence ol comparative deficiency was ia that ot literature and the ttoe arts. Bis life had been essentially aa active one. Be oared little tor Tennyson and Swinburne, (or Mtllhew Arnold and Oarlyle. Be bad, however, read and appreciated " Macbeth, " and tome otber ot Baakipeare't plays, and be was well acquainted with several of Ibe romaooee of " Unabashed Dafoe." I did not discover all this in tbe course of that one ttroll over to tbe Latin Quarter, but it leaked out daring oar sabtequenl acquaint- ance, which WMI destined to btcjme more lutiomto aud prolonged than I had any idea ot then. A.I I have iutimated, Mr. Birch- more wae quite frank aid open in bis talk except upon one topic -himself. Ot hie inter lite and oireumitanwi I eoald learn nothing. Though be never waiobtiumely reticent, yet he contrived never to refer to bis own private affair*. I could not satiety myiielf whether be were married or eioglf, woeiher be were a Catholic or atheitl hardly whether be were rich or poor. Borne tbadow of grief, some ibcubni of fear or calamity istmed to overwhelm him and :&54*. -TbS-"' I Kali lo wai to draw ioferenoeii ; and my inference was that he was a biohelor, a millionaire, a tkeptio aud a man wbo, at tome period ot hi* lite, bad committed, either deliberately by force ot oiroumitauoet, a terrible crime. You will aee presently how far my estimate was from the tratb, or how near However. I am enlioipa'iag, a it ii. We arrived in due time at Buduipb'e little nhop and I ioliolnoed him to Blrebmora. lhad previoaaly told the latter ab.ul m> dia and now I made Rudolph proluoe them. The aim ot tbe world examiued the gemi with evident intereet and with a knowledge ol their value and qnalitiee which aurprieed me and caused tbe little jeweller to eye my friend wilb a keennest that I took to mdioUe jealouiy. "Tbeee are all Indian stones," wae Birobmore't first remark. " There u not an American among them or, etay ! What is Ibit 1 Neither an Ameiioan nor an Indian 1 An African, I declare, and one of the fineit I have seen !" " Der Berr hat reobi ! ' muttered Ka- dolpb with a glance at me. "Er vemteht ja alien. "Ton know Oerman / Be lays what yon don't know about diamonds isn't worth knowiuK," I put in. Birobmore nodded wilb a ball smile. " I ought to koow preci- out ttoiitB," bo said. " 1 spent tbree year* in a diamond mine, lor one thing." Ill Deemed oa tbe point ot saying more but checked bimselt aod went on eerntiuiziug tbe nonet, rnoet cf which were already in their newDllioK " Acoatlyjparurelbat," be remarked at length. " It wouldn't sell for a penny under thirty thousand pounds "Five hundred at>d eighty five thousand trance, with tbe setting," replied Rudolph, to whom the wordi had been addressed. " Monsieur's estimate would have been cor reel, bat tbat this stone here is a little ofl oolor and thu one has a slight flaw which it now ia pail concealed by tbs setting." " Too travel under proper precaution*, '. trust,' said Birebmore after a pause, turn leg gravely to me. " I know the confidence yon young fellows have in your courage and clcveruesi ; but a dczin or a rcore ot thieves might conspire together for each a prizs ai this, aud against tbeir skill and address co tingle man would stand a obauee. Ah I I know lomathiog of it. I WM robbed one*." " Do tell me about it : ' I exclaimed witb an impulsive betrayal ot interest that made me emile the next moment. " Auotber time," laid he shaking nil bead, and presently be added, " Yon will pardon me for preeuming to counsel yon ?" 11 My dear sir, I am much obliged to you. My idea il tbat the simplest precautions are the beet. I shall carry Ibe stonee In an inner pocket and I thall go armed. No one will Buspec) me ; and if I am attacked I Bhall make a good defence, at all event?." Mr. Biiohmore said uothltg more, and, indeed, seemed scarcely to listen to my re marke. I now suggested to him that In might tbow Rudolph bis ring. He pat bii baud to bis waistcoat pocket and gave a half-suppressed ijtonlaiion of disappoint meut and annoyance. Be bad left tbe ring at borne. " No matter ; I will call to-morrow, lierr Rudolph," he observed. " I ve no doubt I ball find what I want bore, il anywhere. Oxid morning that Is, if yon are ready, Mr. Q linsborougb ? By the way, Rudolph, I suppose yon pnt your treasures ia a eate atniKbt?"- "Oh, by all means, Herr," replied the little Saxon. " And I have a watchman, also, wbo guards all night long." " A prudent fellow. Ye, that will do," murmured Mr. Birohmore in an undertone to himself. Then, with a parting nod and emile, to which tbe jeweller did not respond, be sauntered out, I following him. We walked back to the hottl. I did not see him again until after diucer, wben he offered me a cigar ; and wben we had smokel together awhile in silence, be said abruptly : " I vs found thai stone." I looked at him inquiringly. " Tbe diamond out of my ring. In my troaaer fooket, of all places in the world I Fell out while I was groping for my ke;i, I suppose. Horry to have railed false hopes in your friend Radolpb. By-tbe-way, he'll have finished Ibal jib of yours before very long ?" " In about a week, I fancy. I shall be sorry (o leave P*rle." " Yet? Well, it rs a nice place, bat 01 e g"t- ir d ot Ibe nice*! places in lime. I do I like lo be ru vi< g." . I KM-.II have * moilb to spend on my wat i R>oie Tbi- i almoul oiy fir*t ex- periwijo* of it e Qjutiuenl. I winb I bad eoma travelling eompauiou wbo knew the ropeo." Tbis bint I let fall in tbe hope tbat he might prcpo e to join me ; but, at ni made no rejoinder, I at length ventured to pal II more plainly. I gave a rongu iksiob of the root* I proposed lo follow, uia opinion upon n and Dually caid that, IK aid his inclination lead I ioi alru in tbat direoiiou, I sboold bo very gUd of his company. "Well, sir, I'm obliged to >oa," replied Mr. Biiohmor* after a | iue o' to^e momenta. " You ojuldu't pay a inau a better compliment than to auk Utui to tra vel with yon, and I would ace3(>l jour i ffer an frankly and fearleee'.y at >ua nuke it, only well, Ibe fact is, I'm not to entirely at my own ditpo^al as I may appear to jiu to ba. I hava beta through goal many experiences in life, and uonio of the o nice- qosnoes are upon me still. When you bave reaoued my age it yon ever do reteh it you will understand me heller. I tni>poee I may be fifteen year* your ttnior; well, UI.I.LU meant a good deal a tood deal." U) luflei a meditative cloud or two and then added ; You're tot hurl? Vu a:e hgw il it? 1 would reall.- l<ke to ao ocuipaoy yuu-bnl I oau'l." Or ojurae, I warmly disavowed t>li reo..l iceut and fell inwardly ashamed o! having forced him, by the freedom of my dv*LOi, iniu uukijg ibis explanation. MsaLWhi!*, I o uld uot help likiorf him belter than ever au 1 f eoling in jru tbaa ever interested, tot to tt y can JU3, ubaut him, II was now oer- ' tki-i that some mystery or O'hir altaohid to him I CM! CJVt:rl ttlstLCesat him iu the ' vain stunij'i lo red simethiig oil i secret ', through un oatwrd aspect. Bat he was iiuorutioif, or, vatbtr, there ws t.otbiug enpocially noticeable iu him His tao ', aa I b;.v j eaid, wai bahdaome iu it eontvOrs, be worn a heavy moustache and abort, poiLl?J beard on bis cbia. His forehead was wido across tbe temple-, bnt very low ; aid dark btown hair, rather stiff aud tlreaked here and tbeie wilta gray, grew thickly over bin bead. His hands were large and hairy cp to tbe ecooud joints ot tbe fingers, but they were finely atd power- lolly formed aud Ibe fingers tpered baaoli- folly, with naile smoothly cot and polished. In figure be wa* above ibe medium si s aod appeared strongly built, tbnugb he bad complained to mt more tbao onoe ot rntu ruaium or some other bcdily failing. ID walking, be took rather short steps foe a tall mao, and without any swaying of Ibe iboulders, bis beois being generally ihrual iu the tide pockets ot bu cost and bi* face inclined toward Ibe ground. Bat hie eyee. large, bright and restless, were hie moat remarkable feature. They appeared to take LOIC of everything ; they were seldom fixed and never introtpeotive. Compared witb Ibe mineral immobility of tbe rust of hi i OJuntenBLOe, these ojes of Mr. lurch more seemed to have a life of tbeir owo snd a very intense and watchful ooe. Whenever they met mine folly (wbiob waa but seldom, aud then uly for a moment al a time) I was ooosoiooi ot a kind if start or turill, aa if a fins spray of icy w .u r bad wept my face. What bid those eyee looked opoo, or what was it that lurked behind them 7 " We may ran across each otber again hope we may," *syr, Mr. Birohmore wben I hands with him al parting a few days later. " Glad to bave met you, Mr. Osina- torongb very glad, fir.'' Thanks. I am glad to bave met you. Your acqaaiotacce hat profited me cot a little." "Ob, as to that," says Mr. B.rohtnore ilh a emile aod oot ol those ttartlicg, straightforward i(lanoet into my eye, " as to thai, tbi prcfil wiil have been mutual, to say Ibe least ot il. Good-bye 1 ' CHAPTER III. My route to IitJywaa ra'.her a raonj- aboot one. lostead ol running down to Mari.tiilc i, aad so on via Civlla Veajcbia to Rime, I eel iff eaelward and oro-ed Ur m*oy, paniog thrmib Cologne, Frankfort- on-tbe M*in and Nuremberg ; tbeooe I pr oxdtd to Liip-ic and al lecgih brought up in Dresden. Il wat my intention l> go trom there southward tbroogb Bwrz:rlud to Venice, aod thus to make my approach to the Eternal Oily. Dresden, however, detained me longer than I had eipeoled. II was in Aa^um that I reached il. Toere were not many people io town, but I wae delighted witb tbe Gal- lery, with the picturesque sweep of tbe river and with the green shade and good mutio ol tbe Groeser Qr!sii. Tbere were teveral charming drives, too, io Ibe neigh- borhood ; and at for beer, il waa really a revelation to a man wbo bid never known aoythmg leu heavy and solid than Alliopp's pale ale. I had pal ap at the Botel de 8xe, a broad-tided old building oo ooe tide ol a large, irregular " pit a." ealled, I believe, the Neumarkt. My landlord, wbo waa a young genllt in w of great personal attrac- tions, interested himself a good deal about my amutemenlr, and one day hi happened to ask un whelbsr I had visited a region known at Bazoo SwiUsrland. Tbia, it ap- peared, wai a mouottiooaa district tome twenty milea op Ib* Kb', in which waa solved tbe problem of putting tbe greatest amonot of ronuntio piotoretqueness into the smallest possible compass. Il wai a land of savage rookf, wild precipices and profound gorges, conveniently grouped witbio the limits of t good day's tramp. Il comprised all the soblime and startling features of yoor Yosemite Valley in Oali- forma, witb ao area about equal to tbs summit ot one of tbe table bluffs iu that region. I packed my valise for a sojourn of two or three daya among these pocket Alps, pal my diamonds in thsl secure inner rookel, and took a drosky for tbs railway nation. Tbe trip to Bobandao (the principal village of Baxcn Switzerland) eao also btr male by steamer, bat, after disonsiiDg the proi aad cow ol rival routai with my boat of tbs hotel tbe evening previous, I bad decided to go by rail, which provides nearly half as much pretty scenery aa the river road and lakes up less than a fourth aa mncb time. I alighted at the station door somewhat late, and, having given my trunk in charge of a porter, was harrying lo gel my ticket, when my attention was otngbl by a youug lady wbo was standing cm the platform in an attitude that baspoke sospenie aod anxiety. Her veil was down, bat, from the slender eleganoe of ber figure and tbe har- monious perfection of her eostame, I ooald col doubt that her faee was beiatifol. Evidently she waa oot a Uarmsn ; tbe was nol an English girl ; aa il wai, the might bi either an Austrian or an American. Even then, I rather loolincd to tbe latter hypothesis. Baa appeared to be entirely alone; bat she was scanning witb ill concealed eager- ness the crowd tbat waa enteriag tbe sit- lion, aa it io searob of a familiar face. When ber glance fell npon me, I fancied tbat she took an impulsive atep in my dirco lion, bat she obecked herself immediately and looked away. While I was hastily debating wilbio myself whether or uot it would be " Ibe thing " for me to go op and ask her if shs Deeded any aesiitanee, I saw a lutniimmn or carrier come op tbe atepi, and, taking off bin op, deliver bar a note. Bhe tore it nervon ly open, threw b*ok ber veil impatiently and ran her eyea over the contents. Beautiful she wai, iodeed ! My anticipations bad been behind the truth oa that score. Bach strange, mystical dark ayes underneath level blaek eyebrows I bad nivsr sesn. But josl then there waa ao expression ot dismay and dietraaa in them thai made me half forget lo remember tbeir fascination. Sue now addressed the carrier, seemingly in broken German, for hi evidently did not well understand her and the answer hi made appeared lo increase ber i m barrets men i Hsr tlendtr foot tarptd the atone l>*vem*ni; she read tb* note one* more, orotbed II ap in ber bt' d aod then btr H-mt fell lit 1 -ly it ber Kid- wrb aa - r almost ot Sbe looked tbia wty and that bel}lf*>lt. By tbi* tims Revere! pireoni besides my- a <lf bad observed her bewilderment, and I thought I pnroeivr-d thai a eeriain fl eld Bavariin, wearing a number of flittericg rings and a very mataivs wateh-obaia, was inclined to take adveatafi of II. Thia da- oidtd me on my ooorta ot aouou. I cuue tjuiekly forward, aa if I bad just caught night ot her, snd, lifting my hat with an air ot rcepeclfnl acquaintanceship, I taid iu Frsuob : It madtmoUelie will permit me, I may, su", b) ot lome use " Her vtil, eitbor accidentally or cf derrigc, sgainovtr ber faee as she turned il toward me. I kua tbat tbs wae toruti- LIZ i 3 ma with a womao'n lutnilive tight aid I triod to Irok ts gaiUleas and rstpoct- fui aa I am sure I fell. Iu a moment Bhe aiked: " Monttuir e>t-il Fraaeais ?" " I'm au Eot;liabmau,"Iantwirjd clash- ing a little, I dare say, at her implied eriti o;sm of my imperfect aoouut. "Ob, I m it'adl I, too, am almout Eoglitb I am American. But I doa't know bow I ou be bribed, reslly." " Borne friend ba* n i<- td an appoint ment ?" " Yd, i aJeed 1 Ou, d jar, it's worte than that I II'H my fatbcr." " You wore going by the train ?" " Tbere has been some stupid mistake. Tin tare I dolTI know what I shall do. W had ai ranged to start at ten o'clock Inn maruiig. acd I h'arred first baoau-e '. waoted to da tome fhoppiug on the wa] diwu. I nndeidtood thai we were to ren d s o.i-i h r B r. be did not coma at ten i%: J I teul a DienitmiKH to (be hotel ; an( LOW be bus txougbt wurd from tbe hotul keeper lhat i i xarlid by Ibe ten o'olocl eteambaat. I had not understood that i was to ba the sicambaat, yon sec, and I'm left here all alone." Bu: if yoo took the next train you would blill arrive two or tbree hours before him ; that is -ma; I a-k whore you are going? ' Oh, I thick Bohaudan is tho name cf tbe place." "Bchandao? Oh, tben, it's all right. There IB a train marts immediately." Yes bat no ; I'm afraid I can't do tbat." I wat puxi'ed. " Pertaps yen wculd like to telegraph him to ojme baok here lor you ?" " I don't know where to telegraph to that be would gel it , betides Bat, excuse me, ijr yea are very kind, but I won't trouble you witb my affairB. I dare aay I shall get on very well." Bhe turned a way wi.b a tligbt bow, but she waa to tviieLtly nonplussed tbat I de- termined to make another ifljrl to gain her eoLtiJi-uoii. Tntrs wat nol much time to love , tbe first bell wss already ringing. 11 1 am going un to Hjhandau," I said. " It yon like, I wnl tend yon baek to your botel in a drotky, aud when I get lo Bcbandan I will bunt up your fatber and tell him tbe miBtake he ban made. Bere ia my card." Bbe looked ut it aad her manner at once changed. Ahaif-repreised smile glimmered on btr lace. I tell thst we were oo a right footing at lati, thougb. I eonld nol at Ibe lime irirlctilaiiii bow il had happened. "I will ooutetB lo yon, Mr. Oains- borough," she said glancing up at me with a ebarming trustfulness in her manner. " My papa u so forgetful. We were not coming back to I)<e<den. After Bobandau we were going on to Prague and he baa gone 00 with all oar luggage, and and be bas lefi mewiiboal eveu any money to buy my ticket. At letet, I did have enough but I speut il ail iu uy shopping." 'ibJB chartof up maitsra at once. "How stupid tf me no) to have seen it all before I" I exclaimed. " Now we have jail time to get Ibe irln " 1 hurried bar on with me at I spoke, bought our ttckeie in tbe twinkling of an eve, ud, wi:bou; wailicg for the etaange couvoyed her tpidly toroes Ihs platform aud, with IJe k>isla::oe ot a guard, we fouud onreslves safely intoanced in a flrtt- da** oarruge jo<l ad tbe train moved off My beautiful oooipauioa, breathless, tmtl ing and yn aueuiiiigly a little frightened aank baok on the oanhioua and felt for Ibe fan at ber girdle. I wished to give ber plenty of Um a to reoover her composure auc to feel aMored Ibal 1 bad uo iatenlion o taking andne advantage of our position . to having arranged tbe windowe to tuil ber eonveuieuce, 1 butoik myielf to tbe other end cf tbe carriage and diligently stared a 1 tbe protpto) for Fully five minutes. Natun oould audnre no more, aid at tbe end o tbtt lime I waif tin to change my p. -store I stole a glance at my fair American. Bhe too, wae abaurbbd in tba proepeel on be ridr, wbieb ojueuted at Ibe moment of i purpeudioul tr calling about ten feet die t.ijt fr ^01 her window. Ber attitude is the sat there wes the perfection ot feminine grto). Ber Itfi baud, loosely holding the tan, drooped on ber Up ; ber sleeve, alightl; pushed np, revealed Ibe lovely curve of be arm and wriet. I am a particular admire of beautiful wriste and banda, and here saw my ideal. Bow exquisitely tbe glo fitted, and bow artistically the color bar monizi J with Ibe reel of her costume 1 Th otber little hand supported her chin, c^nld jait see the rounded outline ot be email cheek and the movement of the dari eyelaah prtj acting beyond it. Beneath he bat tbe black hair toraed in a oareleea 001 and charming little downy curls nestled 1< the nape ot her Lock. Bhe was a thorough brunette, pale, and y el pervaded with warm oolor. Beneath the tkirt of ber crisp dres peeped the pointed toe of an ineffable lull bout, which ocoitioaally lifted itself am ttppad tbe floor softly. Suddenly, in th must ofmy admiringinipsolioo.sbe turned ruui.d anon me and our eyes met. Then wai an instant's constraint and then wi both laaghed, tnd the constraint passei away, nol to relarn. (To he oonllnued) t UIU VI TOPICS. A J.i.iolH.h. In Alaska tbe salmon jam tbe eatnuie and inlets so that the flsh cannot move all. A recent visitor " aaya tbe outlet a Lake Luriug, which Is a rivulet two milet long and two rods wide, connecting Ibe eal water with tbe fresh, is so chocked will living ealmou that if a plank were laii aorotiB their protrudiug baoka a man oonli walk at rjst dry shod. One can lift them out with bis hai.d-i ontil be ia tired. Il almost impOJBibie to thrust a spear or boal-hook into tbe mass, and cf ojurse, li-h muss corns out whenever il waa with drawn. Bears take their opportunity ti scoop them out witb their great paws, and wben they have regaled themselves to satiety they retire to Ibe adjteenl thiekel tor a detserl ol berries, which grows in great abundance and variety. Ot oourie, a great many salmon gel into the lakes a< every tide, bnt alter each recession mnlti tud-.a are stranded, of which the lusties flap back to tbo ocean, while the maimei and hapless remain dead and stranded on the denuded rtoka,- Chicago lltrald. FrlklrtM*1 Ktrptmau. " It'a a wtll-kuowa fact lhat elipbanls MS afraid ot imall objects," said Bsad keeper Byrne yesterday at tbe Ziologio* Oarden, " and I have teen them tcarei bin OH t in to a fit al the lighl ol a moose These warm days we have been giving them a warm bath at 4 o'clock, and to amuse them and tbe speota'ors we have thrown ball a dccin u.ilitcd bladders into tb pond wben tbey went into swim, At fin thsy almost scared them ta death. Then Empress (truck at ooe with hir trunk, an wben it flaw into tbe air both trumpeted and tcrambled out ot tba pond. Today Empreet, wbo has Ibe curiosity ot he isx and a mind ot ber own, neatly flihei one ol the bladders cut ot tba water am Iben kicked il with her bind feel. Ni strions retail* following, she continued he iav<elii(kiiou*, wbioi i ndcu by ber puitini her f runt to >\ on tbe bladder. Il explode< lth a load report, * -'1 tb* two Alepha toumptred h me. 'Philadelphia Timei. Wife : " Ob, dear, Jamee, here you are in a miierable oondilioo again. Wb] don't ion stop drinking?' Buibaod ' My dear, I'ih nol drlnkia'. I bat h ihtopped." DICKBNB Old Cjrio-ily Bbop, where jitUa Null immortaliieid herself, is now iu. i- KM! to be tbe slruelnre at No. U Poriemoulh utreel, Liuooln's Inn Fields, n, coaupied by a dealer io wtste paper. The neighborhood ia one thai D.okenH often vitited Another ot iia atlraetioLS it Qjilp't Wharf, which exists nnder tbe name ot Butler's Wbarf. (Jjilp himself is well remembered by a few of tbe oldcht inhabitants, and tha latest inves- tigations increase tbe evidence tbat Dickens liked to chronicle wbal bis own eyes bad aeen. TKB Ibe advance of the British troops into Barmab, il is said, a ocuipany of Obinese soldiers were fed lor a month on soup, bread and beef, tbe idea being to ascertain it tbe new diet would iucresse tbe avoirdupois of Ibe Orientals and briuK to them the more pjuderoas and martial port of tbe Engluh ujeu-at-mn. . At tbe end of tbe unnth it waa tound (o tbe report mar) inal tbe average lotaot wtigbt among Ibe Cbiotinsn wai seven pounds, aud that tbey were quite broken down in spirits ; whereupon the ntnal rioidiel waa im uediate ly restored. TBI Montreal Pott tayd tht among Ibe electors of Ohamtly who out tbeir votes against tbe Tory candidate wai an old veteran ot 1813 and 1837, wbo shouldered hii musket in tbe first instance lo defend Canadian territory and in the second to fight for the rights and liberties ot the >eople. Tbe age o: Ibis patriarchal patriot s 96 years, and bi* name it Pierre Vinoe- ette, a reeident of Langneuil pariah The >ld patriarch went to the poll with two of its sons, almost as venerable looking ai limself, and voted solid for Mr. Prsfon- ame, M. P. Mrs. Viaoelelle, 90 yetn of age, la alao alive. THBBJ are evidence] thai that remark- able book, " English as Bbs ie Bpoke," baa cund lie way into Egypt. Tbia is the oglieb parlot a placard printed in sev- eral languages in a caft chant*nt at Alex- indria : " Every ot the consummations ot be coldees, one piastre betide*. Every ot he claim to be uddresncd directly ot tbe lireotion. Daring of the repetitioni Ibe irice of ooninmmationB to be the same that in every tba other'a coffee." Tbe trautlation ol this English is : "AU iced drinks one piastre extra. All complaints bould be mide at the tmoe. Notwith- standing tbe parformacoj, the prices will )e the tame as those of otber ealei." BHAM-SHO, according to an Etat Icdian temperance journal, ia a powerful liquor, capable ot disaolvicg a Martini-Henry lullet in the space ot thirty minutes. In Barmab, which is Ibs place ot its manufac- ture, it is a popular beverage, and ii used aa a drink solely. It IB tail to be made ol rice and lime. Tbe English mauler* of Bnrmah, il i* understood, will endeavor either to prevent tbe manufacture ol sham- sbo or to have ita strength diminUhed. Il waa not found in Ibe course of the late occupation that a Burmese soldier dissolved the bullets which were fired into him, but Ibe liquor ii dreaded for other reaaont. Its tffsel upon the atomaobtand nervea oloan- inmert ia frightful, and il ii feared Ibat il will work havoc among the Britiab troops. FBOM Glasgow, the Shifping World sayt, " camel evidence ol an nomiatakable char- acter Ibat oil has been tried and fouud wanting. Tie manager* of tbe Laird line after a long trial of oil oo board cne of tbeir stesmsra, have decided, on purely economic ground*, lo abandon altogether Ibe me t f oil as a fad. having ascertained from praelioal testa exModicg over a con- siderable period that coal ie Ibe cheaper Iu il of the two, AoootdinKly, they have bad Ibe oil tanks taken i ui of their veeael, and have returned to tbe use of coal, not- withstanding the fact Ibal the oil tanks BLd the apparatus for aoopmplHbiog com- plete combustion ot tbe oil coil a consider- able tarn ol moniy. Although consider- able ingenuity bat been ditplayid and several diQijulties have been overcame, there is nothing in tbe latest apparatni and arracgemebls which have been adopted in Bautbeasleru Russia, where petroleum baa been exteneively oied at fuel, which appeara likely to expedite tbe adoption of liquid fuel in our mercantile marine. There is little probability of pelrolium being sold in tbia country at a price which will enable il to take Ibe place of coal." ACCORDIHO. to the L judon Lamttt, dark- nesa, damp and dust are potent agenoiea ot diaeass. Every one reooa;nix>a Ibis ; bat bow many tail to adopt ita precepts I II there be sermons in stones, surely the summer duel and ita dangera would provs a fruitful eubject lor medical discourse. Tbere ia as great a difference between London sod country duel aa there it between tbe oorreaponding mud*. Pol- verizd matter would be harmless enough if il were deprived of its physical properly of ready diffusion. Tbe atmosphere m Uden and swarms witb parlioolate matter of highly complex nature. Its oblel peril to living beings resides in tbe organic con- stituents i largely, thia organic material consists of minute forms of life io a atate of latency, only wailing for a spell of heat and moisture and a favorable amount of light, or il may be darkneaa, to awaken ii into activity. Tbe babtti of individuals in every olaaa of society, including he " mtisae," arc not calculated to diminish but rather to aagmenl the amount of organic matter in oar atmosphere. Muous, Baliva and humor popularly known aa " mailer," mast be discharged from tbe mouth and nottrili to tbe extent ol many gallona daily, and nol a little ot thii comes trom u. feoiive sources; whilst we venture to think that the bulk of il mingles with the dost of our streets and courts. If, aa aeems not unlikely, consumption is largely caused by " gems," then a very ready theory may be advcotted concerning the m ids io which tbe eontsginm Is caught. Wbo cm esti- mate the amount ot miiobiet lhat Ibe ahak- ing of mats may have caused? Bow many young girli eariy in the morLing on thtir way to business have, so to speak, received their death-blow whilst inspiring, all un- conscious of barm, aomc ot the clondi ol doit thai every morning greet them ? Who can tell? The abatement ol this danger and nuisance Ii a dimrally that almost seems ininrmountable. Much may be done by personal habits ot prevention. IVINU TUB < o Ml I I MUM Valssahlc Him. ! Venom i ..u. . i *>l HI AIM. K I HOW* . ni A% " II it well enough io go into the country acid play tenois aud on q let, go on fl thing exouriiouiiaod picnics, and tit io tbe boi son halt ot the day, bat what aball one do witb tbeir complexion ?" lamented a fash- j tenable yonug lady the oibei day. Borne ooe taggitted that it wai faabion able lo return home at brovrn aa an Indian " I do nol get browo," ibe exeltioaed ; " I taro a horrid red, and my skin b.-gitt to oome ofl, and my face geta rcn jh aad doea oot look at all pretty." For the benefit of loch yooog ladies Ibe fellowiog items are given by an old lady ol 60, wbo U atill considered a beauty, and wbo retains a complexion noted tor il* dclioaey of coloring : Wear a large white BUD hat wben out- doors io the day time, even it eitliug in tbe thade. Tbe neck shoold never be permitted to be aoo bnroed, and t) avoid this wear thin fUnoel underwear, with a lawn or mutlH' dress, and tic a Bilk handkerchief about the throat wbeo oat boating. A cheap toilet water is made out ot a half pint ol water, a email cap of oiler vioegar and the aacue amount ot milk Fill into a j tr or bottle and apply to the taoi witb a foft epooge. Lot il remain over night or uutil perfectly dry, aud llitn watb it off with warm water. Ii will remove lau. A shining face may be avoided by ladiee wbo do nol nee powder it it ie bathed over bight witb warm water, aud ibe ejei only sponged in the morning. A pomade tor the faee, to remove tun and whiten the tkio, is made out of as oui-oe of almond ptste, tbe juioe of two lemoos and a little eau de eologot. II la to be applied at bed- lime aod left on tbe ties until morning. Gloves thould be worn constantly to prevent tbe bands from tanning. The most serviceable are Itrgi onei of dogskin of a dull Ian shade, and these are suitable for moil country pleasures. Hm water Is beat tor toilet purposes and keeps tbe skin toil and smooth. Boiled raio water is considered as effective as a Turkish bath in, removing Ian. Masks ot white elolh damptbcd witb warm water are worn at nigbt by ladies who have the courage to stand their un pletianlneea, and are considered most i ff .0- tive for beautifying tbe complexion. Dark colored veils cf a heavy gaoz are a protection sgtinHt tbe nan wbeo driving or JdiDg. I r,in* 10 'ho.i Hrwrl. " Mea gol hardened ia WAT to a point of immorality that aeema incredible even to themselves in after peaceful years." Col. Gooduuw was indulging in recol- lections ol Ihs rebellion aod weot ou thos : " I woaldn'l try to shoot a man now tor all tbe mocey in tbe sartb, and jet I remember onoe in Yiokiborg shooting at a rebel for the pure stk a of seeing if I ooald bit him , putting la a doable charge aod doing all aorta of tricks, and Ihinkiog no more of il, each was tb* itflaeooe ot IDS burronadings, than if be bad been a brute instead of a brother. " Tbe campaign ia Ibe spring before we atptared Atlanta," be continued, " was a very hard one, oar biys fighting 87 out of tbe 180 daya, and to many ot tbem were killed Ibat every man came to bave tbe feel- ing each mornicg tbat that might be bis last day, and to grew reekleei aod almost abaodcntd. Why, over at l)eotur io Jul> oar trox>[ s had a b:g fight wilb tbe Jdbnolea over a blackberry patch, aud a good many were killed oo both sidu over the toolith nets. We gol tbe patch, thongh, and cur boys ate the berriet with ai moeb gatto as if tbey hadn't beeu bought with blood Boob tbinga bring onl the heroism io a mao lomelimea wben more important matteri would nol touob il." Af Journal. I h. I o.l ol . l r. I NatMC. A great name is the ooodenied essence of yeareottoil. 1 1 represents bard work in a garret- days of hoogtr perhaps and bourc ot otter deapair. All through years ot un- recognition Ibe artiat ba* toiled on. At some period Ihete oomes the torniog point. Fvrbaps tLeexbaatted frame gives way and the unkuown toiler -inkt into a oameles* grave, perhaps he atriaes an iiea, works u oat, and ths pioiore commands tbe atten- tion of tbe world. Wbeo Ibe ebauge oomes il ia like the wave ot a magician's waod. Pictures that the arlisl conll not get a dinner on are esgerly sought for by tb> dealers. Wealthy miters iffer gibing tor a portrait, and hie brolne arlisti, ttill at tbe bottom ol the ladder, gszj np and tay, " L jok at thkl fallow. He can't paint, yet everybody U running after him;" tbe public ibiukt what a locay dog be ia, and oar abased friend, tbe millionaire, buys his paiotiogs. " Out hundred dollars lor a iiDgle operation like that," eried the patient. " Oh, no,' aoswersd tbt surgeon, " 510 tor the aiagle operation and *90 for the years I have spent ID learning how to make It a simple and sacoetttnl operation rather than a oomplix aad ascertain one." Detroit Frit Prtu. . frrr.k. .t Wca* io make Turn, l.cou cams-Bate*. Mountain atevea are ornamented with a great bow of aearlel, orange or Hue ribbon. Gold and pale-blue Is a combination favored in Ib* small toaneta worn for ai lerncoj driving. Olutteri of ferua are among tbe corsage bouqueti worn in ibe monulainr. A fresh bauoti ia pal ia every hoar. Yellow satin gowns with white eoabroi I- cry itndded with aeed pearls are among the handsome dressee sein al Newport. QanBs veils, wben worn to protect the (ace from tan, are tied over the hat only and faaten in a amsll knot at tbe back Bangle braoel t la no longer deck fair at ru , bal are olilicid as dog oillara tor KU<|I blaok-and-taoi, or aa banglci for blek poodlcB. Young ladiis at Ibe risorta who are i "'. engaged are caret ol to wear a bandsi me ring oa Ibe engagement finger. Thi*, tct-y eay, triage them more attention tbau if they wure no ring, and they must have attention at all hazards. Drsstes of the palest Hue mall are worn over slipi of rote-piuk aiiin and caught i p with elusteri uf pink ronebnds. Blue slip- pers witb pink bows, long bine ailk nuns and bsir slightly powdered adds to the pretty and qmiat tflsol. II is ooundered valgai to wear diamonds at breakfait, and the ily'e is obsolete at Newport, but flooriabei at Saratoga and LougBracob, where people nae tbeir dia- monds as they do Ibeir back hair, on every and all occasion a. Turquoise and a few peaila are admiaalble. About one-ball of tbi dretsea tor banse and street wear are now made with plain skirls, and very graceful they are. Bomt ol them have three pleats going from the waist to tbe edge ot the tkirt and others are pleated all around, boi the majority are made with plain gorea and a prolusion of plain drapery. the lln-loi Klele l-ii< - Lrieiid to saloon-keeper) How's whiskey business, old man ? Saloon-keeper (snthoiiaalieally) Firit rale ; oouldn'i be bettor. I've j osi got in the fineet lot ol tripe and pig*' leel you ever tasted, and two oil paintirgi that cost me 110 000 apiece. Oive tbe boya a plenty of art and pigs' feet and yon cm ottoh 'em evjry time. Boston llecord. OeiBWI I* Kno Him. " Qx>d morning, Mr. Blank," " Oood morning , but I believe you kave the advantage ot me in tbe matter cf acquaintance. I don't know yen, sir." " Don't know me ? Yon ought to I Why, my brother worked two weeks for you latt rammer." L. Bowman, tear Akron, Ind., while celling a fence post, was surprised to lee the p-jet disappear. Be enlarged the hole aud found a o*ve or underground room about twenty fsel tq-ire and nine fe t huh. lo which wire Ibe petrified bodies of birteen mtn. Probably the youngest preacher in the world la 1. E. Bill, Bapttit.only 12 yean of age, wbo preaebed a sermon on tbt 27ih un. at 81. Mania's, N H , to a Urge con- grexii-u. Be was born to the profeaeioo, bi father btiog a clergyman. ALMA Licrca' COLLEOB, ST. TBOMIB, enrolled lat year 180 sindenta. Ita oouriee are thorcu|h and practical, ita faculty composed ot graduates and certificated teachers and ita record nnsnrpaaaed. Ratea low. For 60 pp. announcement, addreeai AVBTIK, B. D. "Ooa-Mt-Dul-Ba-Na, a Mojava Indian medicine man, waa clubbed to death, beheaded and eremalel recently for allow- ing loo many ot bis patienta to dia." It ia now in order for some parly, brimlnll of wit, to rise op and ask, What would become ol tbe white dcetora it tbis usage were applied to them ? Nearly a month bee passed without a contribution ot tha kind to the presi, Are wit and humor, at the expense ol the f, -eternity, things of the patt ?-Af<mira< Herald, I n. lll.d .' II alt l .urf Hur|l< ! lo*llluir. Tbil widely celebrated institution, located at Uofialo, N. Y., ia organind with a lull stuff of tightoen experienced and skilllul Ph)sieiaot and Barge one, oonatitai- ing tbe moat complete organization ot medical and surgical tkill in Amerlea, for the treatment ot all chronic diaeist, whether requiring medical or surgical meant for their core. Marvellooa sneceta b%s been achieved in the cure of all nasal, threat and lung die eases, liver SEd kidney di-easte, diieatet of the digeetive orgtn*, bltdder disetuts, dlteases peculiar to womsn, bload taints and skin diMBte*, rbeumatiim, nenralgia, ntrvcus debility, paralysis, epilepsy tills, spermatorrkea. impoteney and kindred affeelions, Thoua- auds are cured al tbeir homes through eorrespoc dense. The cure of the worst rjplurea, pile tumors, varieoeele, hydroetle and ttricluree it guaranteed, witb only a tbort reeidenoe al thi institution. Bend 10 eenti in slamis for tbe Invalid's Ooice- I3xik (168 page*), wbieb givea all pailia. olars. AddreiB, World's Diapensary Medical Auooittion, Buffalo, N. T. Oily KUin-Sae baie, Mr. Joeepb, 1 don't want to walk home with you witb those horrible pants on. Joeeph Ooeh I Ibe lolka woald raiee oil Ned il 1 took lbr- off. A Nrw Ucrtaaai Bewlni n A remarkable ttep in advance in aimpli lying the sewing machine baa been made by a Otrman gentleman, and tbe practical nature of tbe Invention waa rtointly demonstrated. The new machine has nol a wheel in il, and m >y be describe! ai tbe working parts of a goad sewing maohiue deprived of all exiraneoas delsali, and eon deused within ibe smallest possible compiai. II measures only tijhi inches high, by about two inches wide and one inch deep. Il ia fitted at the foot with a icrew clamp, by which it can be fixed to tbe edge of a table, and fairly worked by a child. The working motion consists of a vertical plunger pressed downward by the finger trom tbe top, tbe plunger being returned into posilion for the next pnib by a spring. II makea a perfeoi look-stitch, and will BIW all kinda of f abrios, floe or coarse, within certain reasonable limits. Beyond ila efficiency, it poaaesaea an advantage which appeala to all, namely, tbat of eopnomy in price. Bo small ia ita cost that it can be pnrebaaed lor aboul S ~>. Origin *| i he Deadhead. " Just mark that D. H .," aaid Oaneral Manager J.W. Sehrage.ot the Erie Express, tbe other day, at I brought in a package to be sent to New York. " Yon see you're deadhead ai a newspaper man and it won't cost yon anything" 11 Tbat doesn't approximate to deadbeat, hope?' " No, nol at all. A deadhead is another kind ot an individual. Yon know bow tbe term originated. No ? You've heard ot Mr. D. B. Ojvilie, of Chicago ?" " Yea ; he waa Mayor ot the town once. 1 " Tbat is tbe man. Be waa ai one time agent of the United Btatea Expreaa Oo., and he used to receive a great number of personal paokagts, which, ol coarse, were tree. Well, be got BO many thai the olerki ?ol tired ot writing on them, ' D. B. Civille, ree,' and they would jait chalk down ' D. B.' Kverybody aronod tbi office knew tbat tbat meant il wa for Mr. D. H. Ojville, and Ibal nothing waa to be charged. Finally all free paokagea came to be marked ' D. H ,' and at last aome smart ehap tranalated the letlera aa standing for deadhead.' II it a viry expressive term, too, isn't il ? ' Cincinnati Time* Star. t urn Ofixlna Ii a pr out conducted by tbe tgeney of tight boote all the year 0->rn reap log u btat o uirluoied tiroogb the agency o' Putuam'e Painleti Girn Extractor, tbe only stte aod aure-pop corn care. Putnam's Extractor is now widely imitated. Baware ol all poUonoue an J aore producing anbs'.i- MM " Ojlden Medical Ui*6ov>v" aha araal blood-pntifiar. An advocate of funeral reform taya m " crH would die off mueb more rapidly if in tern eal expenses were reduced tuffl- oiently to make il ao object. Offensive breath vanithee with tba nae ol Dr. Bage'i Catarrh Remedy. A New York young man whose girl went to Chicago and picksd np another fellow, gol a letter from ber Ibe other day so cold that bs said it moat have aome on in a refrigerator oar. Aim a Ladies' College ST. THOttlAS, ONT., Offers nninrpassed advantage* In Literary Work, ItltHlc, I in*- Aru it im Commercial Science. ur Larcelr patronised by all the denominations Attendance laat year, 180. HB.OIBN* MKITKnHKK W.fc For 80 pp. Annonneement, Mdrett. S>KirM If AS. AVBITIN, D.O. I CURE FITS ! Vmm iir.- I tl'innt m*>an m*r>lj t tnptbm farm n4 lh*-n hav ih^m rt-turn acln. I mn*D a ra<tlcttl . I hve mad* Ihr '1lar,. ,,f fj l.H. Kril.F.OY , r*f,I, IN(I MH'KKEK-S* llft>luBC "fty I w>ml mj r*tri4f lo i uf r lh woil -* Hr*oaM -ii,. i . h. i - i,,r. i i. tM reawnnfer not now rorHvIni , , w,,,| f Bftf , a,,, , lren,w an-1 ftff llotllo of tny ln(*lllMr r>m>>1*. Olv* KiprwMiiod r.KMlfllc* II Coa>U jnu noltilna; fr a Irltvl. > i I will rnro TOO. ''-.. UK M fl H"" I Brancii Office, 3? Tonne St., Toronto. !> tl N. L. .'II IM WISSLEYAN UD1ES' COLLEGE HAMILTON, CANADA. The s-ini ( the i,.,iir.' i .iir|{<-.. HM (jradaatod over 900 ladles In the fall eonrse Ha* MMsaed over 9,000. Kail faoalMet In Lltrttur* l*niiS, Mtulo ami Art. Tb* lr. UoUeej* linR In ttie Province. Will open on Sept., Ill Addrcee tb* Prtoelpal A. BfJlBNB), D. D., I. L. l.| DUNN'S BAKING POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND

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