I THE ADVANCE. < of the leading Local aud Family Newspapers in North* Ontario. Published Every Thursday, KBOUTHK Om, Qullingwood Street, - - Fletiiertvn, Old. TEBM8 OF BUBBCKIPTIOS : 1.00 per annum In advance; 91.00 If not paid the en d of 1J yean. No paper discontiuued t 11 all arrearages aro paid ui>, aoiduo uubbcrip o n , takou for l*is than one year, oicvt wlmn poclal si rangotnenti for snorter psTloos ara mad with too publisher. ADVE11TISISU UAXES, &C. Casual advertisements, ticoutspor Ut insertion nd 3 cent* pur Hue eaoh tubwquuDtiunurUon. Traimolit nlviTtiouuH-atu to loe paid for whun ardared. AdvertibouiAt* without spatial dlreo Ion* will belusurtod till forbid and charged accordingly. Liberal inducement* to regular advertisers. Notice* among reading matter, 10 ceuts per line oacb imwrttan. No advertiseuiaul di*eontinaed until all ar- rearage* aru paid m>. Copy for adTnrurmentn nlioul.1 reach tbi* ffloe uot Inlet than noon on Tuesday to ensure uertiun iu current issue. A. R- FAWCETT, Editor aiui Flesherton Meat Market. BEPT.GOOD, Cash paid for fat Cattle and Sheep. resh Meats constantly on hand for Cash. Orders promptly filled. GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTON CLAYTON'S HARNESS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, / the i>laet to get yoiir Harne CMart, <tc, made up in good ttylt. Shop in W. Clayton' t Bwt <L Shot Stort, .. <t i,, ... - ;, I 111 I i-sfllli 111 T..T: K . IT*. I . 11.. Ill I Vi- II li I WllO wiiuiH tu Hiii'iS'i nrfFili'liar. flu. In lii Illjio In- IbtiuaiioB fie rcon In-a v. lille for him wflb will liivi-stnnn litm'ln .| lh<ni*iui<l dollars In nl- vcrllii'.ns, n ' ue i-> indloiiti'il which will tun t 1,1-. I' , liri mi-'rt, or rfH bt maile lo i/i> ji. ./".- - 'i nrrimtat liycor* reipomlrii'-r.' Ii. riltltnlM Imvi- l'i Issued. Henl. |M.t-ii:i:il tontiy iul.ln-i. Kr lucent". Writ., in i. in. I'. IMIWKLL, * CO., HRWSP.MTH .\HVKin IHM, HURRA!'. (lOSprucc.st. I'riiiling House Sq.), New York, tfYEUBRATED rq v>JD? CHASES I com.x>"'ll from .. r- - well kn,,.nl,v,r ,laU>r. MAHman AM. H.M....N. CDSlMMd wifli many ohr iiwsluaUe .... K"l. and hrrha, having a po,"rful tffrcl on H- Ki.ln.yv, S.nmach, fWl. and 111.--'- 600.000 SOLD 1> CONUMlttsB. A l..u.t stlaaj II. .uli. ! tu..iln i Klu.i I Klo, n.h. Hri < u I viu Ne<r. f ulil-. A la. I (Friday) nighl'i WMhlngton, D.O., despatch says : (Jaite a sensation was ormaied m iLe House Ibis if Mroooa by * personal eLoounter bi*eeu BepreaenSa- livai Uobb, o( Indiana, and Laird, oi Ncbratka, growiug oat of olukrgvii mde by *tie lutoitr on Ibe flaof of b* Uoiua to the effect thai tbc Ncbrhk& member bMt been eoooaraed in Uod rio|. Kcprtieotalive Payaoo, of IlUooit, k m*mber of Ibe 1'ublio Ludn Ooinmillet, WM uplaloing to KtpreieDUlive Uilttltu the (fleet of oer- taiu Heuate amandmeDti to a. BUI iatcadtd to ptoteel the rigbti of bomeoteftd eettlers, wbea RepceienuilTe Laird leaned (ram bin teat toward the party and Mktd " Wby do not you fellow* (referring to Ihe Public Ludt Committee) do 10 rneibi t to breaJi up tbe Uod nun in the Bomb, inotead of raiding upon tbe Nortb ? " Mr. P*y*on replied tbt tbat wai wbat tbe committee WM eodaajvoiiog to do. Mr. Oobb ouder- lock to defend tbe committee, of whiou be wan tbe UoaJimar, and an uux'y r- ""K 3 ul word* oooarred between him and Mr. Laiid, wbiob endtd by tbe Utter gentleman calling tbe former a liar. Wiioecnee eay Mr. Cobb declared tbal Mr. Laird did uol dare to oome oat- aide and repeat bii language. Mr. Liird U *kii to havo replitd tbat tbe gn- tteman oooid not K . oat icon ecoagb for bim. Witb tbis tbe pair started through Ibe lobby into tbe ba-.tmeut. H JB.O one called Mr. Payton'B attention to tbeir tut, witb tbe elate men! tbat they were gjmg ouuide to figbt it cat, Tbereapoo Mr. 1'ayfcon bained through the doorway, and, eomiQg uu witb tbe wtuid Da ojmbataole oo the btaiiway, eaugbt Mr. Cobb by tbe collar and remocatraled witb bim for pnr- iniag ao boyiib and foolitb a coarie. He iaooe<ded in getting Mr. Oobb to retrace bii itepe to far ae Ibe weel door of Ibe lobby, Mr. Laud following, when tbe con- trcvery broke oat afretb. Beearriog to tbeebargee Mr. Cobb bad made agamil bim lo a >pxob several wteke go, Mr. Ltird aniirily decUrtd tbat Mr. Oobb wae a liar." Mr. Oobb ri j .mud Ibal Mr. Laird wat a " perjurer," but tbe word! bad bardly pMied bit lip* before Mr. Land truck bioi a heavy blow on tbe month acd noee. A Cream ol blood tuokled down Mr. Oobb'i faee and be wai thrown backward vgaiDil tbe doorway, A crowd wbiob bad collected iutorpoeed, and tb* eombalaoU teparated, Mr. Laird taking bid neat in tbe Hiue and Mr. Cobb reelioiog in an tMy ebair iu tbe lobby, where be was bucrouLded by friendi. Tbe bad deling between Ihe two members date* back gome monlhr. A CHILD WirH it tlltll . I VI - Hi llc.li Op.rlln ou I nl.ini I. rT ihln K. lorrd Kurpi lhf. A Obiaago deipatob laye : Two months go Dr. Smith, ot Ibe Eye and Ear Depart- ment of tbe County lioipital, perforim d a dimtall sorgiaal operation on the cye of a litile three- montbe eld ebild, wbieh WM totally blind. Il aoflered from malignant opbtLii'mia and tbe eorcea of one eye WM urribly alged and c tnpletely ocaqae. Dr. BmitU dieeeetel ool tbe inflamed cornea and i-RralRd with delieite needles tbe cornea ot u hialiby rabbit. In perform ing Ihe operation eare WM taken to pr*- icrve tbe delicate ktraetore of Ibe ooujaoe- tiva of tbe rabbit eye. No nope WM exprtSMd a-, the lime tbat tbe trautpartuey of tbe eornea would be r.reaervid alttr II bad been icgratted. After a moolb had pMicd and tbe cferal o i bad proven cue- ooeitol in every other way, inert) were tbme ligni Ibal Ibe child might receive at leant partial eight. B a ilmilar operatioo wae ptrformed on the ebiid'e aewoad eye, tbe cornea if Ibe rabbit'* eye balog nril laid on a piee* of eork and tb* mtmbrane* ad joining it. eibieb bad lou<bed i/O after the flret operation being removtd, tbe inrgeon belig ooavineed from the flril operation Ibal the vitalising power did not proceed from thane membrane*. Tbe eye on wbieh tbe flret operation WM made ban MBOined its natwal ibapa and color and Ike olher U bialiog BatWaetoriJy. Tbty are normal lo every reipect, exmpl the giving of sight. Hal for tbe operation Ibe eyeballs would have burnt. ' - I H' 1 - Over tm-kalf milt** '/ I'r. Haul A<,./* Kxkl iM <* (*/* *'*" H , umt n<ry m**, mm** *! f>uU rolu> ii Irful-ltd wilk Lnir itm- filial If try /*" IMtllnl rtmtiljf. SOMETHING New. GIVEN AWAY F*ft Wrapi>d around evtry bolllr of I )r. ( hac\ l.ivcr Cure i, a valuable Hotiwhold Medical (luid* and R*rip llo.k (04 |agcs), containing vrr aon U4ful rr, i^, 'pronoun. fl T.y mc.li. al mtn ami .Infill, at invalu- able, and worth ten limn th pric* of the medicine. ^TBY CHASM CATAIIN Cunt. * < ~i poiiv* /emedy 1'r ice, as cent*. \T*Y CHAti't Kionit AMD linn Pun. >s cu. p w. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS jT.-BDtUNsJOS) * O.. e>le) Ate>eie. I < Iu Car* Kll Dw> b.nUmml I >o 'l.-n -I..1 Vive Trick llor.r. Klllrd. A lait (Friday) nigbt'i Portland, Me, deipateta lays : loformalioa WM received hero tbit afiernoonot a fatal aooidtnt lo Forepaogb'* circa* train, on tbe Male* Oentrai Rail nay, at Vanalboro', about fifty milae north of here. Tbe itorm bav- log interfiired with tbe wire* particular* ire miagre. Tbe train, ooniieticg of twenty eare, wa* m route to IbU oily and wis ran- ninK at a lively rale of *p*ed wbeo foor oari jumped Ibe traok and plg:>ned down tbe fitly f cot embankment toward Ib* Kinnebeo Hiver. Three ot Ibe eare contained aoioaat* and one WM a pa- cnger caboote aontaiuiug anomberof empkyiee. Tbe cars rolled over and over several time*, bring smatbed to splinters. Twenty-flv* valuable trick bone* vere killed outright and a number ot olbera badly i. tared, some of which will have to be killed. The caboose was occupied by ten men, several ot whom etoapid by jumping when Ihe osr left tbe irfcK. They were saved frctu .injury by tbe lofl earth Tbe otbtrs were earned down tb* back and oaogbl lo tbe wreek. Their com- paction* extracted several of Ibeie, who were badly if not fatally Injured. Two, whose namee are^eot given, are buried beuea>b Ibe wroK in Ibe river, and were doubllers fciilrd- inilantly. A wriokiDg train hM lift for tbe eoen*. IIKI- ( II til ON I "to I H I l III -.1 - I hr fi lil.lplr ! lluiur llul. liu|>li llul tke im.ii- ru*iiu -Aiuri.u DIB*- |lb) lur llill>lu A L judcn oble says : Tbe Daily Neiei n'tuii an luiervtew witb tb* Kav. lieory Ward Beeober, iu wbleb be remarked upon ihu qiuol and orderly ebiufccier ot tbe Kugliih elections M ocmparid with elee- lioniln Ameiioa. Btmardiug tbe polilioal battle, be laid tbat American* wire tro- njiy iot*reat*d in the Britiih leaders, boldiog tbeui in a sort ot ideal reverence With respect to bis presence here amid tbe ilrife, he laid Ibat hie finding Gladstone snd Bright palling letter* at each olher produced a mrange lUotioo. " From Ihe American btaudpomt," be said, " tbe qnea- lion at issQ* is M simple as 'ABO.' Bat when we oome here we find dtttaiU rather Iban principle* separating the great leaderr . While In tbe first instance oar wbole thought goes witb Mr Oladitoue, yet wlien we nd the argameuta ot other men, we admil our mabilily to meet tbem. Ttaen we are pnuled, bat on the details, not en the general toheme at all." Heverting to Ike election*, Mr. Beeober slmiiud that the English laws were moob more rigoroan than tbe Amerieun. Bat be (huDgbt Ameriea's system ot regiitnttiou batur ihao Eoglaud'i. Bribery, he taid, was agraal duKr iu the American tlca- live *)*tem. To* difficulty WM to obtain laws to bum j'" bribery. The dynamite fund *ent to Eogland waa raised by an iniigniflcant eirel* ot impeded wretebes, to waieb American born Irish- men were) *B tuuo.1 opposed as Eagllihmen. Tb*) American natioom feeling WM not in tympathy witb any Mjleut form of inter- ference. They weleomtd Miisiing the Paroellites in Parliament, bat tbe dynam- ite food was a olandeftlioe movement to aioutu the lympelhy of the Imb in order to cbliin their voteti, and it WM a move- mtbt tbat had not taken deep root in America. He otj'.e:d to Englub paper* treating tbe American interMt in tbe Imb qaeetion M an intrniion. He earnestly maintained Ibal tbe Americans bad no inch iutention. Tbeiri WM a non-partiean, kindly intereet in tbe notation of the dim- eolty between Or*at Britain and Irelsid. II balooged to the region ot kympatbutio Utereit. The development of Euglicb ffair> WM a study, a deep, abeorbiug problem. I know, be said, in eontlooiou, Ibat onlookers ar* said to seo most of Ibe gtmc. I know alo that wben a man is playicg ebtsi it is never allowed Ibat an oatoider i-hould lavgail a move. tt on .trim ov maMBiBO L.IITB. In. .1, ,i loi I r... - ill: K in aimle Alilrc II u.baa^ . it urf WUr' tlr t... A Byraaut* dcpttcb isys . The alien- lioa of Officer Kiraan wae altraeted tbis moruiog to twj men wbo bad a abort time pteviomly arrived here by Ihu D.-laware, Laokawanna * Weatern (rain. Watching their movement* for a line, be eventually arrested tbem and convoyed them to police btadqairlen for examination, litre Ihe aupicion tbtthebad formed tbat one of Ibe two wun a woman drMtcd in male a:tire WM co-. firmed, tbe sospected party contesting to her sex, bnl dtninooiug her arrest as au cntrtge. Ibe parti** were *Qbe*qaeoily taken befir* Ju-iioe Molhol- land, tbe woman on a charge ot wearing man'a elotbts in violauon ot a oily oidnaioe. To tbe Ju i>e tb* laid tbal her urne WM MIL me Aveiy, 22 )tr old, e>ad tbat tbe waa tbe wife of her ejii.|iLioii. Hoe (unLer titled Ibat the *a ban ia Taokhauuoek, Pa , where her mother lived, and tbat she WM a dret* maker by occupation. Ice man elated to tbe Juxtioo thai bie name WM W. L Av*ry, ib -I his borne WM at Boolder, C ,1 , atil tbal he bad been tbe baeuand ot tb* woman tor two years. " Why do yon allow your wife to go around in aaob a ooelnme ? ' atked toe Jafltt. Well, yon see, Judge," be replied, " my wife is *s>s>y, and every now and tben I have to humor btr. I know it ain'i rigbl, but you ste I humor her to tbe death." Tbe man (uilhcr staled Ibal they bad been vintinf relative* at O/ertoo, Chen aogo ognnty, and were on their way to Fort Ljon, where be had obtained work. Bolb were looked up pwding further examina- tion and a r*ply from toe woman'* reputed mother at Tnt kbannoek. In the woman'* lolhtng was found a *n barrelled revolver. Tbe polio* believe tbal the pair are an lopiug toapls.and tbat tbe woman die- ; uiied bertelt Ibe belter to s*o*(s detection. A (-l.oai HI.K '1*11 "*. A < HI KI i * e i m. I 1.1- A > amn 1 " Brwtel I rulmi-nl Jn>. nllr I'rrl.rmrr.. A Viecna cable says : Oonsidcrable ci- eilemenl wa* ckuied on Saturday by Ihe Irial ol a man named Kuhu for cruelly to onildren in hit employ. Us has Iwo boys aged 10 and 11 and two girls ilightly older, who ntrform in th* villages round ths city aa dincers and acrobats. The per- formances; are given on a small portable atsge, drawn trom place to place by dogs. Rahu returns her* weekly to ipeud hi* Banday in Ib* city, and last Saturday eight t a late hour he was arrested a few miles away. Be had the (our children yoked to the cart with rope*, and whenever they slackened in Iheir ipeed b* lashtd them with a tone whip. When arrested the children wen bleeding from cut* about Ibe arms and shoulders, and were so exhausted with their exertions as to be barely abli to Hand, 'i be trial revealed a terrible system of eraslly. The children were purchased (or small mm* trom their unnatural parents. Oeioe In halms hands they became, bis slaves. In training tbem he used the whip unmercifully, and every Bandar was spent m devising and carry Us; oat ingenious punishments tor faults, real oi Imaginary, eomailled dnrlo ibe weekly tour". Ac examination of tbe children showed tbal tb>ir back* were one mass ot Bear* from tbe floggings they bsd received, and tbe eldast girl gave an account ot tke cruelties practised on ber and her companions Ibal was sickening. Kohn was sentenced to five vest*' im- prisonment, and tb* children have been placed In homes, while an iffoit will be made to bring to justice their btartlen on lor llonlnl.n l>alml fo. I .hi.blr In- mil. p An Ottawa despatch says : Ae an cut corns of the recent toe* of Ihe great Atlantic liner, tbe Oregon, and tbe inconvenience to commercial men, both in Oanada and ths States, consequent on tbe linking of Ibe mail bags on board the ill-fated suamer, many ot which have not been recovered and probably never will be, an application hM Joel been made tor a Dominion patent {era buoyant mail bag. Tbe inventor li Mr. Charles E. Knigbl Urrgton, a valued officer of tbe Allan line. The bag IH a double one. Ibe inner lining being ol eorra gated rubber. II is entirely impervious to water, and can be used M a pillow or even M a lifs buoy. Tbe invention is Intended to obviate, M far M poiilble, any such ealMlropb* as tbat wbioh happened lo tbe Oregon mail bags. As) rang effort will be mads to recurs its geceral adoption by the chief powers, and bet iota patents bein) taken out in Oreat Britain, Oanada am tbe United Stales, applications have also been made in France, Germany, Italy, Aus tria and Bslgiom. fllad Irem 4.ni m.n. Letter. A Providence, K.I . despatch says : Abou a wesk ago, John While, 36 years old, i loom fixer, rtoeived an anonymou* lev* toewlos: hi* wile, Liuie, of anfailbtul new HB has been brooding over the mat ter i vsr since, and to-day had to be taken to the Stale Insane Atylnm mad. He am his wife and three children have lived ver; happily here and formerly in N . Lo idon and Marlboro', N.H. He is ao txper denigocr and p*ttern-maker, and whil* in M-.rlb.ro' suffered mental derarnmen orer his invenlione and WM ooifloed for time In the Concord leean* Aiylnos. BVW IN I II t WENCH Tk > I I lu. I A II > s* BOBBBHV. I Thru el Bllb the Jae>IUai*e1 lluu . el ale- Weellls* Hal Mrokcr A......U tor Veralsaj '>' Uaehtcr'e Naasir. A Boston (Msas. despatch say* : As will pOMibly bs retailed lo miud, u. (Jonsoiidatsd Bank ot Oauada some tin* *go null -nd a peculiar robbery. It wa* iiaviux printed a new isaui ot bank note*, aud wbil* in the bank building awaiting tbe signature ol Ibe cathter lo make IDS in a lKi tender, a large bouule ot nucompletcd f IU bills, amoDQUcg to tome 1.0,000, was btolsu in a myslertuns nuanucr. As tar as kuown the thiel WM nevir detecud, bai tbe diteeliveS) having tbe case in hand kepi on tbe look oal lor tbs bills. Latsly tfaiy bave bein showing up with tbs eashisr's ame badly toigid opon tb*m. Taking up this clue, although me uolei came from all parU ot tbe country, tbe bogus bill* were traced to Boston, where the case was placed in th* bandi ot the L* ailed Btates authorities. Oa Monday a merchant paid in one ot Ibe bills into hi* back, asd a few boori latsr be was waited on by a secret service agent, wbo lock bim into custody. II* pro- iB.lerl against bis r>e*t, Bayi: n be received tue note in good fiib iroiu Jac^b Alexai der, a moniy broker UoiLg bu-.mebs at I'i Slate Btreelbere. Tbm morning Alexander wa* arreated m hu cffiiw, wu.ie a lar^o Lumber ol tbe bills wste tound, aud taken boiore U. 8. Oammiwioner Hal.it. Alskander u qait* a wealthy man, and moves iu good society, so bis arrest oaumd sometbi.gakin to a icusatian. Be dtcied knowing tbal tbe bain were stolen, bat nii he believed tba'. Ihe Gooedidated Bank was rcniouaible for thbiu. 1 1 wae proved, how- ever, thai be knew tb* aachisr'i name wan forged, and il not the f .r K cr wax aeoncivanl to ibe same. He aUooiapoaei ot Ihe bills at 75 per cent, discount, aod elill made a tmtll profli, t-howitgite low figure be mail have paid for tbem originally. Wben he Icucd a customer BLffiareml? green he dis- posed at Ibe notes at their supposed value. He would also give no eatkfactory scoaaul of bow be came iuto posrctsion ot tbe bill-. He was released on bail tor the action ot the United Stales Circuit Court. (Xly a small Lumber ot the bill* were reojvered,hebaviugdi*poeed ot Ihs greater * i i- 11 HI MI i A I mi IBUHII II. u. ran. I.I, ll.l.km l.i llnral. i . Il VaUllr II |ui- .1 ACkc ncati deipatcb sajs: Mary Riley, a roiy-ehbtked, baxom*ervknt girl, lies at the paint ot death in a ooitag* on Mount Wacbinglon with a build-bole in btr brtuatt. Sbe wh* shot thi* morniog by Win. O. K-.ever, a eon of her employer, noder the impreasion Ibat she WM a bur- glar. L. C. K**ver, tb* latbir ot Ibe youcg man, ia weatrby Cincinnati whole- sale grocer. During the rummer be and hia ttmily liva in a beaniifol coltige on the *ummu U il.uul Washington, ten milt* dittant. Aoout miduighl young KMver thoogbt be biard burglar* try ing lo gain entrance to Ibs bouse. He arose, and taking hie revolver, a 11 calibre, made an investigation. Finding every- IbingqtHSl he placed tbe revolver under hie 1'illow and weal to bed. About 1 o'olcck a terrvfcle rein and thunder ttorm spou-g up and Mary Bilty, Ihe servant, got op lo cbie Ibe bboiter* a bos I tb* home. Sb* o I d yoofig K-.tvcr, bat M be WM asleep ai. d did notaoewer ah* entered hi* room sn4 il>sd Ibeoi bersell Tbe no:se awoks him, acd with tin lisa ot barglar* null iu bis bead be saw a form coming from tba wiLdow, and imagtuiog it WM a houts- bieaker he flred. Tbe girl made an outcry acd he *aw bis terrible mistake. As ibs tottered be iprang forward, laid her gintly on ths bed, aroused the family and da-bed out into tbe storm after a doctor II wa* luuod thai the bill peutlrated above the lef i bread in front and paand through It* entire body, lodging nnd*r Ib* akin behind the ibouldu Mad*. Il 1s thought tb* girl will col recover. V K I I -I- l.l I I ..Illlt |r Tkelr i u. r i,, . r WMS*SI la New Tb* head of tbe fl-rn which publish* Ooner.l Grant's backs be* none to Karop to direct their *ale abroad, He slates tbal on bis return he expseta to py Mrs. Grant another ohiqat (or J.50,000. oi War l*> T)*>T' A latl (Tbnrsdk)) night'* Paris oible )s : Tbe expnliion of the Due d'Anmale was t he cane* cf an exciting SMBS the isnate to-day. M. Caeinelong taid Ib* Dake' lettir to President Orevy in no tse jaitifled bis expulsion, and tbal Ihs Ojvernmrnl had violated tbe principle tbal au iffiosr's commission WM hi* pro- :i-rly. Odoeral Boolanger, Minister ot (Var, replied thai he would not tolerate an naolenl letter like tbe Duke'*. An oproar ensued, and Baron Lvotuty shouted tbal tbe txpoltion of tbe Duke WM an ait ol eowucdiee. Qeneral Boolangir declared i* would not permit mob an espr*iion to be applied to Ihe Minister 1 1 War, and quitted Ibe tribune. M. Sarrien dated lual tb* Duo d'Aumalo'i letter had ben iilton with tbe consent ol tb* Cjuol de Pari, and Ibat the wbole affair wa a venlaOle plot. General BoalaiiKtr declared thai be would falfll hi* duty M a Repnbll- oin Mioiiter. M. Laniniy laid be ie- Mreltcd tbal so di*linaiib*d a soldier M General Banlanger shonld ininlt any one WDO was absent. An order of Ibe day WM tbin paised by a vote of 157 to 78, approv- ing tbe oaadoot of tb* Oovtrnmeui and expressing confidence in it* vigilance. Uan. Buulanger bss eballenged Baron Lareinly to a dnil, in coneeqaenceof tb* affair in tbe Senate in-day. Tbe duel wiH probably take place to-day. Pistols are tbe weapon* chosen. _ WIIIHPBU S1V TUKIK FATHKH. I n i.uu Tettei > H hop HI* 1 1 '..i 0*1 A Pdtersbnrf, V.., despatch cays : Bol Joyner.au aged and iucffeusive eilisan of Southampton, a day or two igo went to a neighbor's, Wm. Prices, to make some repairs to tbat gentleman's mill. After tbe day's work be returned home, ate bis tap- per, and after conversing a short time with bii family be retired, lhat night after Joyner had fallen ailrep, bi* Iwo daughters, Millie and Addle, aged respectively 12 and 18 years, wint lo tbe bedside ol their fslber stmed witb an axe, with which they chopped tbe bead of the old man into a jelly. After making sure ot their deadly work tbe girls made Ibelr eeoepe in the niihi into E'sex county, where Ibey were subsequently arrested. They bav* both been commuted to Ibe county jail to await trial. Tbe only motive for tbe crime of the girl* ie revenge for a severe whipping wbioh tb*y bad received from their father for taking proviifons and weariog apparel without pernrssion from a neighbor oamtd J. D. Prince. _ _ Paaleml turn. Strod.y school teacher: " Johnny, do you undtralaud tb* parable of Ibe ibepbeid and hlitheep?" Johnny : " Ts, fir." "If >on little children are Ibe sbssp, what am I ? ' "A blgsbeep, sir." Den i Vret, mm* I..IV* I ns- He tn y Moody, ot 0pc Eiiztbetb, Me., known a* a woman " who nv*r fretted,' 1 died wetk before last aged 1(W The moral allaebed to this incidsnt is ons that could be IN* M My didene* by blind HMD. er < rnk A Suepeniion Bridg* (Oat) dplcb says : Oeorg* W. White, a barber of Oswago, cam* b*re oo Tburiday with the announced intention ot swimming the wbirli o jl rapid*, clad in a eork sun about Ibre* quarters of an inch tti:k He stayed nearly all day at Clifton, and mad* arrangs- mants to make tb* swim yitlerday morn- log belween 7 and 10 o'eloai, but be failed to keep hit agreement. B* (topped at an hotel on Ihe American aide, and lift at about 7 o'clock in Ibe morcing. He said somslhiog to tb* manager ot tbe hotel about swimming the rapids, but tbe latter Ibongbt it WM A joke. Varttus reports ar* in circulation about While having been (sen on Ibe river banks, bat nothing authentic can be learnid. He told Ihe editor of tb* Niagara Falls ft. ' i'w it b* did net show up by B o'clock in tba ailernocn bs oooli writs bis obituary, aad that hs did not eare mnob whether be came out alive or not. An objtol wbioh looked like a man'i body WM seen in tbe wbirlpacl about noon, bat it WM sacked in by tbi meelilrcm before its nature oonld be determined. Msny beliov* tbal be made Ibe attempt and lot! bii lit*, while others regard th* affir M a gay. Eft jrt* lo nod Wmte inn afternoon wart nusaoetulol. Ao Oiwi g i man who i' hi ri tayi tbal hs ii not a crank, but a pretty levelheaded fellow. The search ii being prosecuted diligently. I irii tTnsB law Nenkwcst. A Winnipeg despatch say* : Pelksy's dry goods store WM dnlroyej by Or* yes- terday morning;. Lo** about t'J 000 OB lock and ta 000 on ib* building. L.eomotive Fireman WiUon, ot tb* Canadian Pacific Railway, WM accidentally killed near D.nald, B C. Mr. R T. Thompson ban been nominated as tbe Liberal candid te tor Rboal Lak* lor tbe Local Asumbly. " A " and " B " BalMrits pMsed Winni- peg last night en nute cast. It i* reported here that Mr. Dewdney will get a second term as Lieutenant Oov ernor ol the Norlbwul Territories and that Mr. Hayter Reid will bscooio Indian Oommissionsr. Mr. Robert Sinclair, Utely from the Nurib ol Scotland, now a homesteader in Turk Colony, Auioiboinc, write* : " W* have bed green peae for dinner on 27th Jane and splendid new potatoes on Ibs SOlb June. Grain is far advatoed and shot oat from five lo eight inebee, and fully three weak* ahead of last ytar." '1 lie Canadian I'.oi uolUilway authorities bold tbat tbe burning ot tb* ear* of the second thiongb train by tbi bush fin at Beaver Crick, B.O., might have been pre- vented, and have dismissed tbe engineer and fireman ot tbe train. Extensive prsarie fire* are raging along tbe boundary at Wood Mountain, N.W.T., and threaten to swsep Ibe oauntry cast ol ths Soutb BMkalchewan. War* ' Ike Assaieer B4ltr . Tbe arnitenr newspaper man also circa- late* at ease. Il I* amuiintf lo watob hi* eflarts to attract attsotun. Maro'ii g with dignified dep to tb* held ot Ibe or, he turn* quickly, and easts one searching look first down on* sidi snd then down the olher. HI* brow*, firmly knit, betohtn the deep tbougbl which i " svoluting " witbio l.i < mighty bsatm. H* pull* oal a notebook, applie* a | moll, nod* bii bead three tim ss he writes, lams again, opets the door and diiaprxaisiueothe unl ear, where Ihe proeeea is rcpeaMI. " Who l tbat '.'.' ak*d an incredulous country man who happened to be along. " He ar a editor, repllid the small boy. " A edltur I Ob, yee, 1 ve kearn ov em," rejoinid tbe qoeetiCLcr, M hi looked again over ths Uilli In tbs dielsoo .- Ikr 1,ih.,.l, I -..I f. i..i. II.-KII. rk. " Tb* patitnU bore are all women," said tbe manager ol a quiet, nuob'.roaive private nocpilal Iu she btifEab.irbi.od cf OnQlrsU Park, l-'rjiu tba ou.iue ol the buildlug uuitiiug ouuid b* aeeu to indicate tb. ooaracur of ibe (.ceupantl, and it eonld easily have been taken for tbe home ot a bume*e man of mtavni. " Woai svr* tb* special fiatuiia of Ib* iostiin i'ju ?" ejuuuued Ibe maoagar " Tber* m only one disease treated hire and Ibal in drunkenness. Drnukences* a discaee? Uudoubiedly, Ibt name ai any oluer disordered o noi:ion of the body. Alcohol U a joi ou, and people wbo laks il habitually suff.r from ebiuuio poi-tu- ing, jiul M tbe man does wbo works ia a hi:e Uad f.o.ory fur any leoglh of lime. Tue tjiti-'utu are all wealthy here, and, eoofldentially, tbis pl*oe u uutbicg more Iban a bi*b toned ii<>bria.te e>*ylom. It would never do to call ii so, as H would ruin the busuuttf iLiinly. 1 1 is a [ecu)i:r thiug aboal many ot oar patent*, tbal i, iboee wb j eou.e willingly, tbt If there were aoy thing esid aboat tbis being a reireal fur diujcards lb<.y wool! never oome btre. Xbey art evntitive on Ib.e point, aiihoogh ibey know wbal is the difficulty with tbena. Tb* boipilal ie always lu.l, and, in f c , palieols bavi to n* lurted away every day, aud I under sund ttat places similar to ibis bave beeo started foituer down torn,to take ear* ot th* iecrehie in tbe basinen. I san'i say that dru keccces amoi-g wealiby women is on ILe increase, bnl there is no dcubi Ibat the number . f pecpla eeeking treatment ia larger than u wat a year ago. B^me ot Ihu cases are bitd, and woman wbo bava formed tbs habit ol taking morphine to qj-ji*! the nervous condition induced by alcohol are ths worst. Bam* are brought here in the wildest paroxysms ot delirium. tremenr, after the treatment of tbe family pb)bicau ha* ceased to be of benefit. "Are Ihe patients cured ? Tbal is bird tottll Tnoutj-oof ibe treatment U to break in* habii. IVi.irs bave been sent borne eeemiugly euo-g and all righi, wto atitr a timu o^ma back woru than tv.r Bat bills aiedieine is grveu i . tbi plaa of ireauuent, and no subaliioto for the alcohol. Mediein* to take away th* appetite for alcohol ii nooisnss, for by giving some- thing for ibi purpoM auothtr habit nill naaally be formed equally M bad, What- ever ttudii to nrrngkhuu Ihe body U u ed, su.d no patiinlUaato KXiMotrge antil ibe ufltiu jiati'ju ot the etomaeb caustd by alcwhol has bean removed. Frthb .ir, bjatbs, exeiciic, light fuod aad agreeable mental rocui/aiior do Ihe work if a cure is possible. Thurc is a uiis of patisatu who do aot waol to stop diiokiug. They spend a lew weeks with as, git Batoned up miuuwhal, and go back lo tbsir exeeete* witb tke vigor cl youthful indnigenm. AU tbe patmnu are bee. Hiiaa by trial- menl, u^Krs there ie too great an organic derangement cf tbe kidui) a and liver. I knew ol *ume abeolate care*, bat they are but a comparatively sm.ll par- oants^e cl th'.-.e treated. Tbe l:ouble i* tbal when Ibey l*av here, a< son M there U a reaction, however tligbl, Iroai tb* cessation ot tonics, tbey (oil itier.'osd and take a lilll* mimulaut to drive away ibe dukta* and oounterael tbe low vitality. Wutn tbis is done once, il ii ci 1> a qaw- tioocf tiu-e wbeu Btimulault mm takvu in Urge iiuauir.ie. for ivury little ailmsal Ttiu set* up au I: fl -. H.B.UL wbiob i< ibe eaok* ot tbee-kving for a ooh I, and Ib* babil ia formed. 1 bave had patieui* anaer my charge, wbaie r*lauve> w..uM willingly pay any amLu^toI mooey to h*v th* habit broken. It is nut a qatstion ol mousy at all. Millio(.s oonli not cur* a person wbo did LO) have a sir Jt-nr dtsits to stop drinking tban to drink. Tkl* i* the re.l Kccret of a radical car*. "Toe patients cannot s* a rale be trailed. Tbey will He about ibeir ooLdi- lior, make thtmeelvee appear to be will aid strong, only thai tbs restraint tn*y are onder may re reined to lhat tbey may bavs a obauet to gel aomeihiug to drink. Even when Ibey are brought here, pbyncial wrecks, trembling with sbaltsrad nerves, wild ey* and waoJering rnindu, tbey will declare thai tbey bave not druuk in months, and claim that they era beiLg psrsieatsd by their family or (r.enl*. Tbero are many sad cane* where th* habil of drinking ban been formed innocently, and pernapa under tbe advice of a pbyai 01 u. Then tbers will aaoally be an bonsst (florlto break away from thi grip tbat is lighter than a band ol iron and tbs ment.l torture ludiu.i by tbi ifl.rl to kicp straight and tbs lack of oobflleues in tb* ability to do so is tomelhing bornble at times, audoui only be appreciated by tboie who bave inn oases frcquenily or under- goni tbe sgjny tbsmselvH. " There u one .uiking p:onliaril> about the alo.holic [aueul. i'bey will agree witb sv.ry ataUnetl made eoocerniLg ib* ujorione eff. caof aleobcl, and will ao kuuwledge lhat dru;.koLuu* is the wont b^b.l that c;oU to termed. Tbey wiil deliver teiaperance leotaree t) each o.aer by the boor, and weep frtelv ae tbey re- eou&t their mwery and rdfi.riugi. Oiv* tba most eaioeil protestor auung them s cbL:e to gel a boitlsot whiekry, sol tbey will etui il eagerly. Ibe ib.-cgut of wb'skey itart. ibe miebincry ot dctire going eo blroogly thai LO|LW< eau resist U, and usually quttl a patient'* itcmacb ie beaud ib* will drink wui-kev if ibe c.u gt ii until inssEsibUily ii prodoced" ATctc rots rrios(. <.OI> < I KfeU llf.K Vlrl sn... Bairn I'.r.di., aael < ... . . Back 10 IK.. (slacoo Teiefrapb > Tb* In il town ot Veruoti, Lamar eoanty, Ale., Iwenty-eigbl miles norlbeael of Uolombus, Mis*., na* furuubed a ntsl-elasa -cuatio. , wbieh ba* set Ihe wbole country wild. kfollis Pinning. on, dauaihtcr of O.-i.-rgs PcnuiDgton, who reeidee four milt* m Veii'Oa, aged 13 years, was taken -tok on tbe 1 j.h nit. Puysieiane stale Ibal ocrilloas* repreented bydropbobia. On be 17ib Drs. Kecd, Brown, Morton and Barns wer,. ealud ia to see the girl. Bos presented every lign of bydrophcbia, .. to hit* ivsry one around ber, bciaslf. Uatbe 18m ibe tomcwaal riUlied, guusd her ojuuiouicr *, aod told ibose arooud bsr that BBS would die for an boar exactly, and al ihs expiration of Ibat Uoai to chain ber hands and test and Ibal rbe would C MB UCS 10 LOT. Al the biiie preJioisd she died away, and physicians (resent elate tbal death wa* apparent, the ruUe faiiicg to heal aod btr oody waictll Her pbjsteians doriog the uuar applied all available remedies to rsitore her, and at sxty-two minutes exactly from the time sbe iwoocsd away he astonubed all by opining ber eyee aLd jam, ing i/iuoly t.xm ber bed. Bae told tii sLe bscl been to heaven and tbal U d u>d cored her. Has then told that she was re.urned to preach lo Ib* earth, and com- menced there eiuortati .us that aousisd them all. Tbs rrosj *otion* oircomaiatoe u tbt i he remarked immediately tbal ah* bai seen Mr.. IV: uroir re in heaven and h- d talked with ber. Mrs. Bnermcre, wbo livts four mil** away, died daring tbe hoar that the girl wae apparently dead, and no one bad bad oommanieation from Ihe family. At the appointed tim* of evening she bae oontiLoed ber exbortationi , telling beforehand al what bour *:D WLCLL ii WITH axa. aaULitten from all over ths country ar* nicking to ice her, and bsr discounts BOO vi her anditncci to shouts and tears. Men cf strong minds say tbira i* some- :MI g tupernatoral abool ber. tine never went to eebcol a day in bsr lit* aod cannot read hsr IBO.S, and never beard bat oos seraiou iu utrlife ; and the good lacunae* otsd by hsr in her discourse* and ttiols icaobinga strike her bsarers with wcnder. Sbe u ULOanaily en. all for her eg*, weigh- ing bui forty-one poundr. She has always oeeu of a rtfioeut disposition uutil within tba last montb >hs hae been in unusually good aptiit* a: d talked lueeoaatly. Tai* *i%temeut ie corrcburastd by al least a dosMn m*n yocr corv<*pond*ni has talked to, wbo have seen ber and bsard ksr talk. Oreat crowds are reported a* going from all over Ihe coon try to bear ber. I The following poem, wbleb neeatlr ape lo Ui lion Record a ekljt cools i ii in i i 11 1 faralMl* > Iklrir train' <*taB*)tak| turvsl al !. r'. A Quebec dnpateh lay* : A great s*nsa- lion wa* created Ihroogboul the city last uibt by tbe Muouneemsnl that a very sinking miracle bad cocurrid ai La BOLD* 8 .e Anne la Ih* preeeLOe of 700 Dilgria.* from Si John'* suburbs, wbo went down totht sb'tos yenerday under Ihe direetion of ibur onrr, Rev. Mr. Plamocdin. A M *t Ltbrie, one of th* rilgrim*, wbo tor *0 yearr. tai lol ths DIB ot her legs from p*isjy>i, and b , 10 g-. log down, bad to M oind from the b-oa. t . tb* ebn/eb in a ebol', roee up, il i said, iu tbe siht of all, .(itr rua.1 at wb ob obe bad taaua con.- ruuaioL and vencraud tb* riliee of Ib* >ato, aLd walked back to tbe boat without asaietaiee. Tnie feel WM ajmoooeid to Rev. Mr. Ptamondoo by Mine Labrti bsr **if, wbo MModed to the barneana deck (or tbe porpoee, and atttr satiatyicg him- i*lf thai Ibe core war really a certainly. Ibe rtvant-d gt .tltoirn nqaasted the pilgrims so joja 10 singing tbs meascifleat. U* alio aonouLCed Ibal ou the lesurn of tb* boat to town a solemn T* Deam " would b* ebauted at 8l. John's Cbarch, and last *v*niog Ibe aaered rdiflie wae densely crowded while ibe hymn </ praite and ibaakrgivmg WM sung, and tbe Dells of the eboroh proclaimed the glad event to thi com vanity. IN I.Ml,l>lll f.llcr Tl..r,.[r Or.l.oo I kl.k,. I kill UBC ...ih Ub.rrvaa. I .. T. *)* l.rt. Hlolh >li. Police Magistrate Dsciaon rpoke pretty ilrongly in thi Torouio Police Court yes- ter Jay morning on tb* subject ol tjabbatb observance. O.-ouiioa for hi* remark* WM givso whin lutpiextr Arctabold bad Mrs. Daman, an I -laud boarding boa** keeper, biooKhl cxlore tbe oarleo a charge ol Mil ing giLgir .e, nuJwiobe* and ice cream on Ib* Habbatb III* Worship sligmated Ih* ebarg* M frivolous in Ibe extreme, and laid tbat ih* citis ins of Toronto shoal! be ibaukfol toy ware allowed to breathe on Banday. He eonld not see his way clear to convict she defendant until some m.tbcd oouU b* arrived at by which people e mil do wttboot eating on Bauday. The present prosecution bai a tinge ol Ih* leaven ol hypucrisv in II, and il termed almost riji euluui to expect a oonvteiiwn. People bad soeat, and so long M they wanted so tat ibey bad a right to sssk il and boy U and bav* il sold to them. HII Wortkip dis- mused ih* CM* against Mr*. Uarnaa, and also two other charms ot a similar assure again*! Iwo tnor* I*tnd hotel keeper*. TradlSMI "liitr lor Wllr. A Rleih. N. C., dMpateb says : Nearly even years a,o, in L'aion County, Altrsd Qodlrey snd bu wife were livicg togeibir, apparently happily. Tbe near*.! niigkibor* wer* Hutu* Porter and bi* tlikr Susanna. A* tims relied on the fact WM dineloaed that a strong attschmeol bad been formed by Oodfrey for Mi-s Porter aod Ibal Kotos I'-.riir < uirtii J similar tender leelicge toward sire. G dlrey. A trade was dually proposed Porter WM to lake Mre. Q >dfrey and acme property M a bonui and Oodfrey WM to take Mi-s Porter. Tbis waa carried oal wilu th* ao'iatnt of tb* women, and everything movad on [ aaceably and lovingly. A few years ago bo-h tamilies moved to M-cklsu berg County, amicable relations having prevailed belween tbim. Al limes Ihe two families lived on Ibe tarn* plantation. Il was DO! until last week tbal the tranqailltj in Iheir domestic him was disturbed and their bcuseholds divided. Borne one bad a warrant issued for Iheir arreit, and Ib* OM*WM brongbl bsfore a maarulrate en Tuesday. Tb* warrant WM ool served upon Porter, be having run away. Tbe oae WM bear J and lor parlie* were bound over for tb* action of tb* Criminal Court. While tbca* wbo had been tried and bound over were in ebarg* ot thi oonitablr, Qjdfrey mad* bis escape and hM nol si nee been beard from. lu abcJ*ati. attracted HM notice Uueeu, ana Her tuiealy wrote .Iceire tu be furoiaLoJ wilb to* aatbcr j I'm bat an auM Uxl* tavio' up la Ueweldo, la a iwa-room'U bu b>oo*le Wia toofa' tnslde. Wi my ooo and mji gnrnfttf I'm a* hpp> 'a a bete, But I'm Ut pte>a lor BOO I'm oae aa* lai past wit I'm fie trl aaW haul. Can Ulan I iwa-Um* BsvwUee. Au look arter mj kawi . An.l woen out QoeeB pasaee I'm oal toaee>, Um bjr luo*. sbe mteht aottSM Aad nod ool to mel But i vaje teea oaloeky, AuJ U> blind* Till ISM w*kUM O-bevveesMee I waviil mv Ul aoroo As brisk a 1 ec uiil Jave, AD' Ue gurea laocb'd la' Aa' BOddtltBBasI M M II OM M* to An' jet wb.Q I teink o't 1 u **.r lu iu trwv 8h4 may fo. (or my aoraow Bh*> i a luiUur. Tuu as* la' maytw .U. k.ui u t Wt.o ab*> aoi*Ut at a* I MI -i t> IIIMU* * pilssc r>ew*rtearl ar all I <,!..!.. Arrivtd on board tns P. aod O. ship C.tsford I took my birds to my eabin, ay* tb,* aotbor ot Parrote I Have Met," in the July ConktU. Tae nixi day. Mr. Parser, goiaa; hie round., saw lae par rots there aLd ordered them 13 the butcher's. Nay, stsrt not, gentle reader, true WM not tns signal fur Ibeir instant exaeauon. but eke batcher hM ini charge of all animal* on board, whether ibey belong to pee> serjgirs or to tbe snip. My poor little bud* ! I went forward ooossaoiiy to feed ibem, and tbsu joy eaeb tun* at seeing me again WM quit* paiteiic Tbsy wen ool only worn to Aid Is strings, but poor Dr. Johnson wore cut hi* tall with kit eeaeeleM eflorte to tbrosl himseU tknuslh iks bars ot hi* esave. Tes, wben be nured to the butcher s hs owned M baoisocBS bins tail futikara at parrot could wi*s> ts possess. Wnen be left be WM a drooping creator*. Tb* sigbl of kroken-beenedoees decided m* tbal mat' ten could not go oa toast, so I mads frisnds witn ibe ttftftfiin and got his permuaion for tbsoo to go back with ma lo my cabin. Tbey mad* an extsuaiva toilet ia konor ol tka *ve*at No single Uaiber but wbal waassl in order, tnough poor ttt. Jobnaon'i tail, or rasbsr Ihe waol ot it, perplexed bun sadly el ird. Aftir shu, they apsnl tbsu BOM oa th* deck, where every one felted aad spelled ibem. Arrived u. England, tbey wsre cut in a very large cage, eat Ibey an ctten boa* and fly lo meet me and their inMter wben wt enter tbe room. Dr. Joan- son WM th* first to speak. He one day whispered Pntty, pretty," e,mtt die- unetly. Then Joey took op hi* parable, aod far oat-siritped bu teeener in th* art u' speaking. U* is a oioet tsnum*ntal eaaracvsr and makes love and knees in the pr.ltiset way. Be bates eoiitude, aad romelimee, wben Dr. Johnioa, won out witu 8; ILK, scolding at 4 eatiug, tack* bis littls bead ncdsr bie wtog to enjoy a sieeaa, Jo y give* bim no pesoe. hot polls hi* tail atd wing* and trice to make bim talk, and U ibn i u vain he oatehes bold at bis kill and forcibly polls feu bead from where it nestles atvbng tbe soil, green feathers. Tbsu the great auger of Dr. John eon st, a sight to witness. H* ereoea bu nick, his i)M tUsh forth yslluw light till the Mae* papil u hardly viiibl*. aiid long*s forth al Joey ao4 teream* with rag*. Joey sits witk a p acid smile. He is happy, for h* hae dons wbal hs wuhsd rooesd up Dr. Johnson. For mlBln B BrlcJlf. For staining brick* red, mell on* untie- ol glue in one gallon ot water ; add a piece ot alom tie BIBI ot o eu, thin one-nil' pound Venetian red and ons pound ot Spari'h brown. Try th* color on tbe bricks before ailng, and charge light or dark witb tbe red or brown, nsiog a yellow minvral for bofl For eoioriog black, beat a*pb\ltam to a flaid iKee, ASM modmly heal Ibe urfset of Ib* briok-t aod dip them Or mak* a hl mrx tors of linittd oil and a-[,|nl , beat the brieks aod dip 'b-m Tar aud MpbaJt are *J*o u-ed lor ihs sa-i i purp . Il i* inpuiranl tbd th* biiek ha inAnently bol, and be held in eke mix- tare to absorb tb* color to tbe depth of on*- ilxteintb of an Inch. Prnidenl Bjlouior, ot Uayii, hat been Dr*armllsallss Oa* of Ihe mail sigaineaat ilgai of th* present demoraliaatioo ol Trench socisly t* 11* utter absenoo ot reapact lor lb dead. Only two wek ago one ol tbe beat known psintcrs in Paris tuvi sd bis friend i to a most characteristic nteriaiumenl. Tb* all* ol bis irniu-us* atelier wen bung from ciiling to floor with heavy black drapenre.and on a bur placed ia the centre it ibe room, surrouudsd by lighted wax ctudlei, wire set oal the refreshments for on gusslB, a Mack velvet pall being used M table oioth. Tb* WIOM were cooled in aa infants ocffiu transformed for Ih* cone* into aa iot-psul. Tb* men present were all dressed in white shrouds, while Ibe ladies wore Ibe deeped widow'* weeds. Skulls aod eroMbone* wers disposed in the moil artistic snanntr on ths walla, while skele- ton* hired for the occasion appeared to mergi from behind the draptriee. Need- ISM to add Ibal ths wildest rsvelry pre- vailed, daneicg was prolonged till Jayllgbl and on Ibe following day tbe newspaper* ot Ih* capital gave a meet anlha*is*lio Jesoription ot this original tstt, marked by so much dalioaoy and refinement. A few days later one cf the peculiarly shaped and well known tank waatgous ol ths Oompagnis Richer, wbieh ere need lot conveying the contents of ths cesspools down to the bargee on th* Siine, WM being slowly driven past oae of Ibe best known club* ot the 1! mlevard. Blruek by a brilliant idea, twenty of thirty cl ihs ruimbirs, among them representative* of Ihs oldssl families in France, rushed oat ol Ib* elab and followed the waeMon all down the Boulevard in procession, walking two and Iwo wilb bare bead and revsnnl mice, M if following a hearse. K'leouraged by such txtmplM on the part ol their superiors ia birth and educe- IOP, tbe lower eUsM* flock in crowds to -Is o tie op*n*d torn* tim* ago by the x C miuunist Lisbonne. where ibe table" %ro shaped like etfO ', the tankards like kails sud whsr* tb* thinly are wait*i upon by yoong wosuan who look nfreob- tugly cool ia thin hoi wreiber to their grav* -loibe*. om a Purii Lttttr. Mr. W. McL*ib. lau ot Dunde*. hM bs*n appoiiited lastruosor in Navigation and Nautical Aitronomy in ibe aew Im- psnsJ Naval Oolleg* al Tiec-Tsin, North China. Oa tbe oeoasioa of Mr. Gladstone s speech in EJinborgh recently the three morniag papen in Olasgow hind a special train for tbsir repottccs. Il mads th* ran in Si m mules. The golden wedding of Mr. aad Mrs. j ihn BpeLCi, Paisley, wae celebrated on th* Jlrd nil. amidst u* eoograeulatsoos ol r&aay friends. Their united aajca are ISO ysarm. Mr S,*cee WM the tcnodtr ot the well- known firm of John Bpeao* * Bone, provi- siin merchants. In the Gaelic Pariah Chareh al OreMjek on tb* JOib nit , on the proclamatteo of marriaaj* belwesn two youg people, a man roM aLd protested agaiaei toe bean*. Oa retiring to tb* seanion-hoeMC M Ike etoes ot tbe service he gave in M his reason torpro- ts't tkai she partsee were too yovoe;. The Doke ol Kicomund aod Gjtdon is drawicii (ometkin*; like sill 000 to U 000 a year from the Bpey ; while Lord AMnajer gM about M n.uon in one yeetr oat at the almoa aahino 10 ib* Locby a* Ihe Dohs of R obiurnd s (real graodtakhsr did from tke enure Loehabor property. Tbe eataioaio* of tbe Uorery of Mr. L :ker Lauif.oj mcludee a few Ik will be of tpeetel mtere*t to leetoM. inelodicg ib* HB. ot Bom*' Books Wha 11 M " that hae tk* foUowisgixpaaged vim . Oo yoa bear you ehUdrea err - W.i we turn la akuae to r 1e* c..uie levatftoralbejrty: ' ther saail be tree. Isabella Archibald bM lost bar breach of promise ease aajainal James Oil**, farmer. aennstbmonl, Aberdecc shirs. Tbe Bbirifl ik inks tbal thirty years u rathtr a toag tim* to (lapse before asking fulfllsnsal oi th* prosDias or demasjM. A Mioucapolie man eay* thai in China red ie thought to be a verylooky color, and thai I* Ih* reason why Ohioee laun dr\men in this oouuiry nee so mock red paint and so eaany red ourisini A vary strange and p has josl com* noder my a 1'ffio, O., oorreefoadenl ot the Cineuaati CimmerctalOaiitti. LM| October bltle FieJlie Lots, sou of Mr. sod Mrs. H. B. Lota, of this city, was taken suddenly ill and died. Be WM a kind aod loving boy, and bad. for a pet a lulls terner log. too which b* WM vry kind. Attar hie death tb* dog showed signs ot great grief, crying and howling piMuosly. Siceo the death ol their loved eon, the parents bave regularly visited bis gnv* and strewed no wen aad dropped tears oo the little ntound. Tbe dog t>M always accompanied them, aod at th* grav* would ibow unmieaakahle BsfBi ol gn*f A few day* sgo tke family visited Ib* grave, aod Ihe dog did not return kotos with them. Late In the evening the lopertnteodent ot the) osmetacy, Mr (Jlooeer, saw ths dog lyiog on hie young masters grave, bowline piteooaly, and tried to drive bim away, bat he would not go. H* lay there until the middle of she ueil day, when ke WM finally dnvea sway with great effort. The wbole oeenmMe u a remarkable one, ant can be veewbed tor by reliable witoeeees . also tkal ths dog ahows signs ot .rief and pain al Ihe mere anulion ot hie little raMter'i name. When EthaUnda D. Wigge Tiaiked ke* cousins io tbe eoouiry last week, oc* of them said Linda, don'i yon wani to help DBS piok but I am ool properly dreeeed tor piekits*] . how is lhat ?" I fbrci to brinej a peajaekel with me." CkrameU. A contemporary state* that Mr. Esskial Uogere. ot Treotky, South Waste, ie minoe bath Mini, and uses hit tongue to lorn over t ti Uavss ot tui BibU when ia tbe pal pit,