Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 29 Jul 1886, p. 1

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BARKER - EKINS - On June 26th, 1886, by the Rector, the Rev. Octave Fortin, of the Holy Trinity Church, Winnipeg, Fred A. Baker, regimental and civilian tailor, of Nottingham, England, to Maria J. Ekins, second daughter of W.. J. Ekins, Esq., of this place, and sister of Mrs. Dr. Purdy, East Selkirk, Man. The happy couple immediately took train for the south. i PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BULMER, Photographer, Flesherton, - Ont. Havini >|wnt some time 111 tli ituilio of tbe fasMMu Toronto Photographer, Mr. H.J.DIxon. sail I aoqutn* valuable knowledge in Bolov obhMi. I f*l assond I oau uivr &apos;<! qeumai saslsuetiuu A e*>ll respectfully ultcivad, MRB. BTTT.WER. B.asptTmnVlWeC"*&apos; Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch. &apos;.TIME &apos;1\\.DL<,K. July STO, 1886. Taking Xffect, Going North. TATIOXH." >lil Ki|> &apos; MH..1 Tomato Leave CardwMl Junction I &apos; Cbarleiton ()rMK. I Arm- Mil.- i Jiin.-ipm Hhlburno c 8"md Arrive 1 106 " Coin* >ii i ii. STATIONS. Willmmiford Wr> m Dandatk Hhalburn. Orange ville Junction Ovwig*- 1 Arrive i vfllti I IjosvQ .. ... Chrl4lou _, U> Cnlw.II Junction .... OU Toronto ..Arriro 1014 Kip_! 0lii e 10 | - &apos; 017 " T ; TB " TS1 " 8H " 8 " It 45 " &apos;&apos; > Mlud. 307 J*> HSS 4 ir, 491 M 5 as 555 613 C30 810 if TWHVTK, i. kM. Hor&apos;T. D. Mi-NICOM,, UlN L HA AOT. J. B. SLOAN, Has any quantity of Shingles Ac., on hand at his factory, at Eugenia. Cheap for Cash. DR. OAHTEH, M.C.I&apos;. AS., Our. rillsn i tv si t:.i ,\. *r. KLK8HKKTON. ntrt f<> 7irui.n <&apos;t,urt <>/fict, J.P. MARSHALL. I..U.K _ DENTIST. eini:ATR of Toronto School of Dentistry, will (-< at Murk-till.- the l.t tn.l :ir.l \v. .li . , fttitl :tr<l TUurwUy in ra. li Of hl I&apos;frtfi--. -p.ti Mnlittoii nn ui ii.tli lur thu pr J. W. FROST, RarrMrr, SvH<-itor, OlHri-. strln&apos; liniMIni;. Fr.rxHrnToN. A. A. CHKALKV. ; &apos; . ! ->r TI^ C<in\ii]ranrrr. lt.-i.l. &apos;i.l M..nn;i.r. MR FHOST will t- fnunil at the Offlco ou Thnradftri a* hnrrlofur*. P McCDLLOUOH, Barrister, Solicitor, $c. Ofllrr. OMT MrFarlnnd&apos;s Stwrr. Markdnlr. Moni-y to Lono. B MASSON & MASSON, MIHHTK.U&apos;*. S (MCITOHS. *e. Orriciu Ownn Kouml. in Vlrkor&apos;K l>luck, li&apos;lt SI ; Kranch nfflei- ill Mt&apos;k.liilo. on-r Mr ParUnrt&apos;irton, on Krlday uid Halurrtay efurjr wook J.aiASROX.Q.C. B. MASSOS W.MAHSON. N II. l&apos;ripi4iA Conipany&apos;ifunik to invtut s,t Bis to Kliihl yer -oi BM1 r r*II W. (IASVIK HANDS, EUHLIN & OARVIN, to Ldiiilrr A Hetnil*, BOI.K&apos;ITOBH. NOTAIUKR. M..ny to IX>KII at I,* won IUl< of Intorat. Offices, 10 kiUK Street Rat, Toronto. BAKItlSTKIIA. COMVBTANCKB8, c. (far (I-:.. John W. Armstrong. FLESIICBTOI, Co. Qnrr. TM VISION COURT CLERE. COMHIHHInNKK ** In II II . I&apos;OIIVHV nccr. *c AKent for |nircliae sad ulu of land*. Appralwr for C. I.. C. Cora- anil P. P. B A H. Sr.rii.ty. Moni-y tn Ixwn on t lir- moat roonl<lu t^rni^. IMMI KII up^fAHHIA(tK LICKSSI.S NOTAItY PU1I1.IC. W. J. BELLAMY. TW*. n.rnic >RTh H> -n CONVEY A .\CEK, C&apos;O.V.W/ASr/oJVJS?{, INHVRAtWB AWT, ,{(&apos;. DRED8. MOllTdAO KS. I.r.AKI&apos;H. Ac . pronar- <t ami |irojnirly iMMit<) Iniuraunx affoc- 4 In Brut cla companies. Uoncy to lend at IfwaitraUs. Flcsherton Advance. . .- . . __,_-__ _^ -nm "" ~ &apos; r ~ - T ~^^ - -. LEITCHS Tailoring TRUTH BEFORE FA FOR-"- ES, NUT VOL. 71., NO. 267. FLESHERTON, ONTARIO. JtTLT 29, 1888. A. R. FAWCETT, rror FLESHERTOZfl Is the place in frt 9*** Suit ft m<uif in future. and Cimrfyanfrr, Affrnitrr, Val- Money IrnHrr. Drtdt, Mort- and H&apos;ilh dnitrn up Htui mail&apos; o thorttit wofioc. CViar- gti wry ioio. Apply tv R. J. SPROULE, Pottmatter, Flttkertan. Money to Loan. At G\ Per Critt. /utrriwt on Strni-ihl TJTlTn Intretpald yearly, not in advane*. No v oomoiliiilon charged. Apply to A.CKIBK. TBOKMBI:EY. HiM. CHARLE8WORTH, OWES HOUND. ONT., Importer of OranKe. Duff, Cochin and Mammoth Light llrahinw largo antnrkvvn *gg.Huff, $.1 per dot.. Ilrhni (2 |wr dnrn Rn Ann Hlark Hpanlnh and Plymouth Itoek i to !!. Improve your Htock. J. E. MOORE. Carpenter, Joiner, ft Cabi- net Maker. All ro|>|r* iTomi&apos;Uv * neatly einciited. Rhopi. Durham St. neit to Pitch&apos;s Ti1orln. Plant and i|>MMMttonii on nhortent notice. th and llnc l.mniM-r for Halo. Ton it iirlnriiiiil ban qnintitv of Pin Lum- ber n,l Plaelth forUrii><ihrtonSUilon. VII.I.AIIK IX)T FOB HALF. . . h ? T< V!"&apos; 1 <pn1 lot for " lo I" FlMhrrton, K will l, ffiSMad of on rmuionablo tnn. *PPlj AnTAm Oftlr p. or In AWUU8 McLEOO, FUaberton Button. HAMPDEN WATCHES Durable, Accurate, and Reliable. SPECIALTIES: American Watches & Clock*, Wedding Ring&apos;s, Silverware, and Ditlicult Watch Itopairinj;. Fine stock, Cluo 1&apos;nccs. Witaru Oil at Medical Hall. Mr. F.arle Strain m lin^wood. home from Col- Stationery and School Booki at cal Hall. Medi- MUs Addie Armstrong ancl Mrs. Aiken- head arc viaing at Uweii Sound. Call and tco the splendid s(pck *>f Methodist Hymn Ikiks afcTHwIical Hall. Toilet Soaps, Hair Ac., at Medical Hall. HruehtH, Cunibi, | The best, cheapest and most satufac- I&apos;.ry Pianos, Organs and Sewing Machines of the day, for sale by C. Trea<lgld, Klesherton. All kind* of needles for sewing machines kept in *t<>ck. of Mr. and James O. ~, i&apos;.t Ward, eldest ion of tho head- master of the Collingwood public HchooU, in visiting his grandparents in tins village. Master Oeorge i-* a Htndnt in the Collegiate Institute, and likely to The A MOI:L <.ti:iti > AgriVnlttiral Editor III.-H.N i Garden Part) at Mr. Brootn, from Buffalo, N. Y., were here ou a recently. bocolne M clover father Saturday \. nnv lat the agricultural &apos;lit;.r of the AIIVAMCI, his wife, and Mn \Vin. Fetch, niii<lit havu I wen aeen i trolling leisurely along on tl,,- Colling- | W.K..I )rravel road. It might ohu> have j Ix&apos;i-n obterved, that quite s niimhvr of i thi-r citizen* of this town wt-re> wendins; their way in tho aaine direction. Enquiry At Last, There likely to ho an A. U. U. W. excursion from FU-sherton to Elora about tbe middle of August. slmuldur Kraces), Ladies and Gents, at Medical Hall. We noticed a field of fall wheat iu " gtookfi " in tin- Mea/ord Road neigh- borhood OD Monday. \V. A. UtffOWM, A KtliabU Jruxller, MARKDALE, . . . < ( .\T. " Tit - Bits. of /.nful ami < itli-r i lUiut ijnttirred by Tht Advance Keport&apos;rt. Abdominal Supporter* at the MedicsJ Hall. There are picnicH to Kugeoia about every day. NVi- know of DO place in Grey where a few days, or even a few hour* &apos; outing can be HO plcaatuitly put in M in the picturesque Eugenia neighborhood. Mim Scoley, of Toronto, is visiting at Dr. Christoc&apos;H. Miss Robbing in Viuil>usi-n. visiting at Mr. A. S. The new History of England and Can- ada at Medical Hall. CLOTHIMU. Richardson A Co. are ihnwinK an itnineniie range of Cloth*, Tweeds, itc. For geiita&apos; ordered el.. thin/ harts yuu seen thoir $12 nobby tuits made to order 1 A very superinr brand now organ, har- inif six seta of reeds, excellent tone, for chsirch or family use, at a great bargain from C. TrvadtfoM, Flcshurtou. 27 -&apos;t Any one wanting to n-nt a honae and nice piece of lain! a<l joining for garden- ing purposes (ucar Klfslu rtoin Khouhl iil&apos;i&apos;ly to A. K. Fawcott, Ai>\ vsu- OfBcv. FlpHJierttm. LOOK 11KRK! UtMxl Family Flour, miulu from choice aelocUxl Spring and Fall wheat, delivered anywhere in town, or at Fleshertou Station, for 1*2.1)0 ]r hag. WM. I11L\I)L.KY. Having engagod the services of Mr. Thos. New i ii one of the fanttnit com- pOKitorn and tantict job printers in tins ProTincc THK ADVIXI&apos;K in in a |>o*itiou to biiataiu ito reputation for ftrat-clatts Work at clone cash prict-s. Just received hogtheadi Porto Rke, Raw Sugar, bamls, refilled and standard. Granulated au.&apos;an at Rirhardoni & Co. &apos;a st lowest market i|U<>tatioiis. Lettooe in a very usuful garden vege- table, for a liberal mipplyof which we are indebted to our e>-t-enie<l frieml and neighbor, Rev. Thou. Watoou, who ban a vflet*ble garden, st-.-jml to nono other in KlcubcTton. Pall Good* aru arriving st Richardson & Oi.&apos;i, and you can buy summer stock of Clothing, lists, ttc., at very low price.. Call and svu them. Dr. Christoegave anaddn odist Church last Sunday evening largo eoiigregati< m. "Luketrarunuu ould have elicited the fact, that a party, comprised chiefly of young |*nplc. had been inritud nut there to partake of the &apos; &apos;hospitality -,f ,,ur estrvmed friend, and citi/eni, Me. and Mn. Keecnjft and fam- ily, aitd enjuy themselrrs grn.rally At Last ! thejAurch andjts offensmmeas toJJod, l arainilll? the Uiv/Illfi( ,.,., , U(1 rcr> . emU)Il . nn m.m, n> stock of \VaUr !.,. CJock., Jw*lry, Spectacle. Ac., wl.ieii fonncd the theme of hi* v"-y address. On Tuesday evening Mr. Win. Woods of C&apos;roemore was fooling with a revolver when it accidentally went off. lodging tho oontonta in hi* body. The cartridge wan loaded with fine shot and fortun- ately the charge was HO light that it did not do any HcriouH injury. t&apos;reemurr Adeettiter. Man Kvcciving Kail Goods at Richardson A Go. &apos;s, and clearing out summer storks in Prints, Dress Goods, Millinery, Ac., at reduced prices. Mean. Joseph H. and Herbert Strain were serenaded by tbe Fleaherton Band ou Monday evening hut, on the eve of their departure for Uncle Sam&apos;s dom- s). Tbe Baud was handsomely treat- ted. Tho Strain brothers left for the I" S. on Tiif-fclay morning, having en- joyed their vi.-u to their native land very much. One of our village boyg got into some pretty hot water last Tuesday by call- ing a well -known gentleman wee-wee." AH the hoy wan hotly chawd some two or three Mot-kit on Durham itrcet by tin- indignant gentleman, with threats of &apos; coort " ringing in his ears, it is to be inferred that tu fuu was) not altogether one-sided. (juito a number went to Bell&apos;H lake on Friday last. The occamon was a Ma- ivu collection of plant* and flower*, in thu wc-ll cultivated and ta/tU-fully laid out trroumln, promenading, playing all manner of harmless games, and in many other wayi paving an evening long to be re- mumt>ered. The plant* and flowers of "Flesherton Greenhouse" enjoy a wide and well dcs- eru-.l reputation ; thoir adaptation to the oftinics vigorous climate in these elevated rugiciia are well known. Here one can form a pretty opinion as to the amount of labor and carts which mint Keceasarily be bestowed upon tlu- plants, iVo. , in order to briny them to that hii>h itate of perfection which will ensure a steady and increatiiiK demand in the market. It may here hu remarked that there is a fine large "patch" uf tame raspberries ad join ing the grounds, and that the A. E. , with remarkable purriitence, stuck to this part uf the premises. The bcrrwsj were good. We had a short time at our disposal before it grew quite dark, and accordingly >ur li.ivteu kindly showed us thmuirh tin- heavily laden orchard and the vegetable garden, everything evincing cultivation in the higheat decree. Jut at dark a few drops uf rain fell, i huh had the effect f sending all the young people belter ikelter into the house where the rvst of the evening was spent in a very agreeable manner. wiling at Centime Ilargaing. Jast imagine a Fine Solid Silver Swiss Watch for 3 H -- i > met cash&apos;, warranted two yean; a rtal Waltliam or Eljrin Watch from $10.50 up, wairauted from 2$ year* to 5 yean. .S^-ctacl*-* from 9O. a pair to $2 the famous H. LauraiKe tlie beat in the worM. Tli.-y never tin tbe eye ; bay no other. And if you want your Walcliea or Clock* I U paired Rnaaell in tli man to go to. aa Lo inporria*-* all repain hunswlf JAS. G. RUSSELL, Tilt: Ji&apos;sMS WAT<&apos;HM.(KEK. MtKklltl.t .1 U l.sHI HION Utrat#> Court. th. I i... ii&apos;.. v*. FlrshrrtoM. Murv than usual interest centered HODIC picuic. All cnjoyud sailing on tbc | "" match of baa ball between the En- lake on board Moffatfn tidy little ateam o "&apos;* and Fl.>liert<m t-ams lant Monday n the Kus- yacht ; hut the good-lookiog young man from Flesherton, who manifest*- 1 a ] r fere nee for row-buata, tliinkn lake water is rather cold and unpleanaut at times. Wo agrue with him. for we&apos;ve tried ba- thing with our clothes on oumelf I JUST RECEIVED! Direct from Staffordshire, Eng. CHINA & DELF WARE CONSISTING OP TEA SETS, BREAKFAST SETTS, DINNEE SETS, SETS TOILET WARE, All in new aud beautiful design*-, white and colored. COMPLETE TEA SETS, 44 Pieces, no secouda, at $2.26. What make* tu hopping mail is to liear any person running down the town or village they live in. We have no axe for such people ; neither has the place, which wonM thrive much hotter if thin olaaa of bchttlom and gruinblrrs were transported to Halifax or Hotany Hay, or somewhere t-le. If a man dix-ftn&apos;t like Ins village or town, why in thunder &apos;t he get out of it on the double if tornuon. The game was played the former, Mr. Jas. i ell umpiring iu his usual linn, decisive and rii-i-llfiit manner ; ami m fnatnt, au umpire&apos;s li>t is nt a pleasant one. There was a goudly number of spectator! frtn KIvshtTtou, Ku.&apos;riiia anil Tin- c-oio- f lacmsse between tie ji nior teams of .tnd rleohertoii. announced by p>*U-ni to take place on the grounds hero last Tiwsxlay aftermmn, didn&apos;t cotiio off. Although our hoys were prepan-d to meet them in <l shape, and had .iinin r <>rilere<l ! r th-* crowd at thu hotel here, Mark dale failed t> put in an ap(>earajice. sending the following let tet by way of explanation : all >sp**y. ID two of Uinu-n ,-rs the and Mrs. Pmniek the defendant. OSM 1 for injiirv to property, la whieh defend ant I&apos;n-Mirk wu finnl (Sand enta ; th other, for assault aud battery uf U inters, was rxatpnne*! until 7th . K>a.m. The third case was bmRht l>y Jehu (iraJiaai. sr., a^airwt John. Gra- ham, jr step son nf compUunant not isvMsd at time of wntin? Mr I^unon, of Dundalk, appearad for defnuUnt isr MAMDAU. July * , tb| . ca- . whlcfc ufaM ^^ I&apos;KK SIR. \\e have decided not t- play y..<ir club at all. after the names you called ui and the mean way you treated us through the paper, which w<?rv all lies, which we can prove and back al you needn&apos;t expect us down. MAKKDALC LA<-NSBB CLI-SX &apos;"&apos;"""< "- tn<J tult - preniissst of the pstrties id Tbe game was conducted throughout, on the part uf the players, in a friendly <l-int Hut whun will the *pr<-(u6ir at all the amateur games Irani to prea- , of it, and erve decorous kilenco respecting J-ci uuni of the umpire, "r the good or bad playing of members of respective teams ? After arranging the match, |N*tera printed and circulated, ami other wiiu preparing to receive the Markdale club in a much ui&apos;.re civil and courteous manner than our juniors were treated in Markdale on the I&apos;.&apos;tli. this is tha answer AM insolent letter, written on the very afternoon upon which the game was to liaie buvn pUyod, and not ruceived until &apos;between 6 v and siiochi-k in the eve- ning. If the juniors were offended lie- cause of the remarks in the Aiivajica, why did they nt raise their objections in time to prvvent our boys losing a whole afUrncun and putting them to other ex- pense and tmulile I Tho whole thing looks shady and durvputable on the face is in perfect keeping with the IT Hair or i. Attention is directed to the fact, that Mr lUi.t Clark otfars his Uacksaiith shop. iubl and pn>miMs:on Collin(won<i trnjt. FleHhertun, for aala or to M off >nahl< trntu. past actions of the Markdale Junior "I.a. cruise Club," who allowed some of the members of thu Klsshertuii team to get as mi t- uUsif< mrnt uf ibr (laads at tb ak is u-rmJ. may tw ealM a (rowiait ml in more than .ne tens*. Mn. Reorr .f H. rriJlc. was eorni .if nlax lh aeb sod sore tbr<.*t >>y t external use of Harvard&apos;s Yellow OU. fc=T.\HVKKTI>K IN TH We never saw a game played in a more their own dinners and pay for them on friendly and neighborly manner, and we , the llfth uf July, and otherwise trsate>l point with pride to the fact, that the them as never club- lacrosae or IMS* ball ^i\, i Eugenia buys carry the palm of victory . lor sustain a defeat in an equally .|init The Orry A**i convoniantly for: it- ,,! gentlemanly a manner. Our Fleh- to answer the question we askcil it tin- week before last. This ia not [>oliu in our contemporary, Boeing that we did i ,| ley na j m(lt "f.^men well worthy their j n..t been mistaken. We now advise our not fail to regpond promptly when it iUH .i.&apos; At the chwe of the ninth inningi &apos; b-ni to give the Markdale sharpers a waa treated in FWherton It that time we advised our bnys to have nothing further to do with the Markdale club ; we rrt on UMUII also showed, that while, for {knew they would be ahabby enough the tiine, victory crowned their efforts, j pest the affair of the 12th, and we have was the questioner. But the tronlde is, that the IOM tho Krriew ban to My about for the home taam, and the eighth f< r the Tint ink&apos; team, the score stood. Flesh- the hanging of Kiel the better it v ill !H. < 4H Rugenia 24. Two matches for tho Kefonn M. P., Dr. Lajj.lerkm. |, avi . ,,,, w b^.,, |>laye j between theae Hence the Jienrw wisely clowa ito nioutb and in mum. Tho Right Place to buy Crockery, Glassware and Chinawaro is at M. Richardson & Co. PLESHERT01T. Tho Canadian Pacific Railway, now that their train service to the Pacific Coast is fully established, in order to en courage travt-1 to British Columbia and give their many well wisher* an opportu- nity of seeing the country and their line, have made a big reduction in rates. Sec- ond Class passage is offered to Vancouver or Victoria, from any point n their line in Ontario and Quebec, for $CO ; Firat- ChtM for 75, and First-Haas return tourist tickets, good to stop over at any point of interest on tho routo, for f 110. teams the first being won by Eugenia by s majority of 21 runs, and the hut by Flosherton by a majority of 24 runs ; so wide berth and play only in future. with ym-; jntlrmen The at has Rr-oprnlng of I hnr. Ii InlMlocr. This pioneer Methodnt church U-on renovated at a cot of between that neither team, thus far, have n~.ra&apos;"d f^OO, and was re-o^ned last Sab for bnaatine, being very fairly matched. . bath. The rU^ &apos;. -uish. Chairman It is needless to particularize aa to the "f th.&apos; Markdale I>i-tru-t, oHiciatiug many excellent caU-hcn and good play morning and evening, and Kev. W. Ayers made by members nf both U-ams on th* i" the afternoon. present occasion, aa wo had not apace to A tea in connection was held -n M. n i to do . i when the tint match was Hut in all future matches, we shall give each player duo credit by publishing full scores, &c. Mr. Tweed pitched for the Eugenia* .in.l Mr. Williams backitopped , while , Mr. Will Cb\rk pitched for Kloaherton Passenger* have the option of going hy , i \> tv n i- i _ and Mr. Will > okes backiti>pi>ed. We could not close this brief account of tho match without referring specially to tho hospitality and urbanity which characterized Mr. and Mr. McAlear&apos;i treatment (if all visitors to tho popular their Lake Route or Rail Route. Id-turn tourists, going by one route and returning the other. W. C. T. I ulon. Next Saturday, 31st inst., at 3 p. m.. in Strain&apos;s Block, the Royal Templars have kindly placed their lodge room at our disposal, for which we thank them. Visitors are cordially invited. We are not a secret society and we have no pass word. Our motto is, "For God, Home and Native Land" ; our watchword, "Prayer, looking to Him who has said, &apos;in whatsoever two or three, ahouhl agn-e as touching my kingdom I will do it.&apos; Punitilirr. day evening, when a large and dienco was present to take of the |.r.i sions so lumptuoufly supplied by thu la dies of tho coiigrvgation. Then f. >l!i w>-l one of the most interesting meeting* held in this section of country. Th.-r. were two ministers of the Church "f Eng land, one IVesbytenan, three M- beside* Messrs. Brown, tho jewel!, -r Markdale, n. tho iiierchant at FlonhertAin, and i&apos;hr:t"<-, the il---tor, of the same place, as chairman, and not least was the Pundalk choir ; all of whom seemed in the spirit uf the and well conducted Eugvnia House. The supper at thia famous hostlory, t.. which prise, and eloquent speeches and splendid the vistiing team were treated by genial Kugt-nias, was a grand one. Married. I:\RKKK KKINS On Juno 2f)th, 18fl6, by tli.&apos; Rector, the Rev. Oetav Fortin, of Holy Trinity Church, Winnipeg, Fred. A. liaker, regimental and civilian tailor, of Nottingham, England, to Maria J. Ekins, second daughter of W. J. Ekins, Esq., of this place, and smtor of Mrs. Dr. Purdy, East Selkirk, Man. Thu happy couplo immediately took train for the South, the Frvm oitr oim Mr. S. U. Gaud in, school teacher here, is now attending a drawing ftchool in Thonibury during his vacation. Mr. (). L. Thompson, who has been working in the city f Toronto, is now home for a time. Quito an exciting scene occurred singing were the result. It was intletil rare treat to hear the unity of sentiment upon the Chrutian p.wrr of the Sabbat) and churches, from so ihvemried snur\t < irvat g<KNl rnust result from such g<>dl} men. The prvweeda were somewhere near $200. Phrbr Takr* The terrains of Phtelx- Boyhi lab one evening recently Ktartled ncuoe oi tbe neighbors from thoir alunihrm. Kn 111 i|&apos;iiry elicited tho fact that I&apos;hinbo wan the rale into and Si John vtrvcU. town a few days ago, in th,. form of a CJMwWllJ , h<>r , 11DSM in (1(der &apos;"&apos;off certain imaginary boy., whom ahe atoms tt corner of Kront i _. T , . , liarni. Tho whole thing exist. ,1 Ph<rU-&apos; .Us tor u-.l imagination. Some plaop ought to bo pmvi.lcvl fur trwwr Pho>bi< and Norman, wo mean ^ they are rapidly becoming au ir- tolvraM- nmsancr. BIT. OEO. n TIlAYKIl ,.1 Boo,- bnn. In.l.. says : Both myll an) wifeowi our lis to SHlLOiitt UUKSl H&apos;RE " < /- &apos;-

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