Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 22 Jul 1886, p. 2

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After STetrew. I know ol something nwecter tban U> obime Of Uiry blli Hint ruu Down mellow wiud*. on I tminc than the Urn* Yeo aau< abuot lu ui>|jy bruJuu rLynie Of builwriliw aud uii. Hut ob I u uieuy fed. U 1M<UM wsy At IUS to-iuorrow wtiou iht, uui Lrks gray - In this wmcu IIM luuietb. r luunt lull 1 tar Uetweou Ui euutel eoitl 11. e a . u a tut star, And knowu u yesterday. I know something better, dearer, loo, Thau tbe first roee jou bold, All sweet wiib June auU .laiut j wuL llie dew, Tbe .MI-" mar's perfect promise breathing us white leee' tender fold. Obi better wueu the late wind's gathering flow Behind tbe nigbt and moaalM ' u<1 luw Acroea the world. shaJl uiakitlb music dumli, 01 dealer th" tbu earlit row to com* Will U tbe lut to go. I know ol something udder thin the neat Ol broken egi you briug, With iocb kweut uouuie blirriuu ut yuur bre&bl Fur lore undone the uioibur bird uuresl TLt yesterday cuul* mug. My little ebiid, too grieved to wait tut kie* ; Do 1 lorget tbe wMluett they will miss Vihu built the home? My heart with yuure mates mo . i u , ihitohl lht uoel, (rom which the tnrdtt hive fluwn, li udder far than tiii. I u Be* I u lac I ou n ir > KoncJ me the rumble aii'1 the Uiund'rout beat Of all a city iwelU and diet ; . Konnd tbee tbe holy silent tnceni* sweet Of perfect tiuwerB aud perfect skies. Boaudiuetha aguuyul djuiyntiife la waned lur huuur, luae and gold ; Round tbee the h&lu of a country life, That BU tbee like a cruwu ll ruilea. |Are we apart ? Kuy, luve, I think not 10. Dor kearU beat atnwg acruae the apace; I |lio laude alride ue lung, uiy love, 1 kuuw ; My eoalwill ftud its renting place. And, pet, tbe city thuud ruiu tbrubbiug uie, Aad all lue country s pejifecl kies Were OLe tu me, couiJ fa uuuent gare Into tbe saumier ol thy tyee. AID OTHU " MOLLT BIW, HOYIL* " OU tbii T" pointing to tbe smoking structure between them. " I don't believe it" " Mo, tb* deed.' Anoluer mleuoe. " It'i a capital cake," says Mr. Kelly pen lively, who has been eating steadily iiooe tbe first bite. ' Altai all, W ve me a (food, iweel, borne-made sake like) this? 1'uone bought ones aieu'l to be named m tbe urn* day with il. Tbere is something so light and wholesome about a oake like this. " Wboleeome 1" doubtfully, " I don't know about that. What I like about it il thai il U hot and spongy. Bat, look here, yon haven't yet laid what we are to do wilb it.' " 1 stank we are doing uuoommouly well with it," tayi Kelly breaking ofl another ' Bot wbal arc we to do with the re maim, provided we leave any, whiob, al preaent, eeeme doobttol?" " Keep them, ot oooree. You ougbt to, considering that abe gave it to you wbole at a present." " loo are rigbt. No one ihall tooob a orumb of u save you and me," tayi Mr. Deemood a* tbongb luepired. Lit 01 moggie il op to my room and keep n then till it ii naianed." 11 I feel a* if I wai at school again with > plum oake and a chum," laya Mr. Kelly. " Well, eome and follow me up wilb il DOW, and dutraot my uoole'e attentioa il we meet aim." " To my room or yuan: ' iouoaatiogly. " To mine," firmly. "I'll take tbe greateel care o( it, it you like to troet u to me," with wbat KII would eertaioly bave termed " an obliging atr." " I don't doabi yon," eardoDio.lly. " Bal aertainly LOI. It wai given to me, and 1 (eel tuyeell bound to look after it." " 1'ily we eaa't bave il petrified," eayi Mr. Kelly Ihooxbtfully Tbeu yoomigbi bang il round yuur neok ae a Iroptay." Al Ibie ihey both laogb and naally the iropby, after mooh diffiooJty, n Mliefaotorily stored away. II is a fortnight later and desolation ban overtaken Mooiea. Brian bae paeeed out of ber active life, hae eeased from thai aee- ing and bearing and ealiifaotiou of tooob that belong to a dally intereourie wilb one beloved. Only ia thought oan ibe ti .ii bim now. He bas gone apon that threatened journey to those detested estates of his in Westmeatb. Yesterday he went ; and to-day al she wakes it aeemi to ber tbal a cold and cruel mtel hae wrapped ber world in ite euibmee. We never kuuw bow we prise a ibu ^ uutil we loee II (N B Mark tbe novelty ol tbii idea) ; and now, tor the first time, Mooioa duos beratlf tuny awake to ths lot ot buw neoeaeary Desmond ie to ber every. da; happiness. one had gone down to tbe river side to bid him farewell and bad been oalm, almoei careless, throughout tbe inter view so oalm that Ibe young man's heart bad died wltbii him, and a latent sense of bope deterred bad made it siek. Bat juel at tbe very last sbe bad given way and bad flang herself into bis embrace and twined ber arms round bte neck dear clinging arms and bad broken into bitter vetoing. And "Don't be long, Brian, don't be longl ebe had sobbed with deep entreaty and wnb iaeb a tender paeeion as bad shaken all her slender frame. 80 tbey bad " kiieed and Rinsed' and parted. Aud Desmond, though sad as man may be at the thought tbat he should look apon ber faoe no more tor four long wt eke still left ber witb a gladder heart tban he had ever known. Iler tears were eweet to him, and in her grief be toand eolaoe (or bis own. And, indeed, as the daye flew by, tbey found tbe pain ot abeenee was checkered by dreams of tbe reunion thai lay before them and eaeh day, ae it wae born and grew and died, and so wae laid apon tbe pile of tbom already gone, wan a aad joy to them, and counted LO! 10 mneb a day lost at one gained. " We take no note ot time bat from its loe*." Tbis loss in the present instance wai most iweel to Monioe and ber lover. Tc them time wae tbe name of a slow and cruel monster, wboee death wae to be de aired. And now the monster is elain and to-day Brian will return to Ooole. A tew linee of joyful love aud glad expectancy had been oroogbt to ber yesterday by the eympathe tie Bridget, who affected an ignoranee about Ike wbole matter tbal utterly iu- posed on Monica, who would have found a bitterness in charing her heart's seorel witb ber maid. Yet Bridge! knowi qoiw e mneb about it e tbe doee. Tu Kit alone bee Monioa unburdened btr cool, and talked, and talked, and talked, on her one toad topic, without discovering tbe faintest symptom ot fatigue in tbat inde- fatigable person. Yet, to-day be oomee t Monica bad risen witb the lark, unable to Ue abed witb the completion of t eweet desire lying bnl few ebort haara away from ber, and bad gone through the moraing and afternoon lu a dreamy mate of lender anticipation. Tel rarely not short, bat of a terrible length, are these bourn. Never bas the old elook lieked witb -nob maddening delibera- tion ; yet " Be the day weary, or never so long, At length it rlngeth to evensong ," Mri at last tbe old eloek, tick il never 10 lowly, maet bring round Ibe boar when she may go down to tbe river to meet btr love again. Bat the relentless Fatet are againtt ber, and who shall interfere witb their woven threads T As thoogb some vile imp ol thsir sjovt bad whispered in Mia. PrteeUla 'a eat the whole etery of her forbidden atttMh- meat, she keeps Monioa In tbe morning. room ilb hsr, oopyiog out certain reoipee of a dry nerr, thM eomlU hart oe*n copied jostle well to-morrow, or next year, or never. At tbe boar in which ebi ougnl to meel >* lover eomes and goal by, the poor child's polsee tbrob and ber bearl beats violently. Kit bae gone tithe village, and 10 eaonot belp bsr. All seems loel Her tyesgrow large and dark wi.b rtpieaatO giog, her hitnd tremblee. Tbere, that will do. dear obild ; thank yoo," says Hies Priaeilla. gratefully, (aiding np tbi obnoxious paper* and elippiug them infeo the davenport. XI It now quite hall an boar pail tbe time ippointed by Desmond in his letter. Monica, riling impetuously, moves towards Ihe door. b tbe writing at an end ?" Hiss Peni- lope'i voioe comes to ber trom tbi other cod ot tbt room, with a plaintive ring in il. Il despair npon Ibe hope thaim kmdliuu atreab within ber boeom. " L)jr, dear I I'm 10 glad 1 Monica, eome to me, and help me with Ibis wool. It bae got 10 entangled Ibat only brigbteyes likeyourt," witb a loving emile, " oan reeone it trom its hopelees state. Poor Mooioa 1 atler ont paaiionate incli- nation to rebel, ber courage falls her, sod she gives in, and taking ibe tangled skein of wool (ibat reminds ber in a vagus, sor rowlnl f atbion ot berowabaplesi love-itory) between ber slender nngiri, beads over it. Her obiek) are attains. Her eyei are miserable bat tsarles*. Il all aeeme toa oratl There HIS aunt Pi i cilia al Ibe davenport, witb a smile ol triumph on ber lips, ae ibe finds bsr accounts right to a halfpenny. Here lite Anal Penelope fan- ning berselt with a sofl ojmplacenoy, be oaute tbe day, tboogb ot Siptember, ia as of hot July. Aud ill this time ii walking impatiently to and Iro apon tbe liny beaeb, tbinkiug her o jlil an. loviig, indifferent, watehug wilb straining reproachful eyes tbe palb along wbioh aha ought This ltd thought is jut too mnoh. A great tire kindles in her beautiful eyee, Ibe spirit ot defiance aeizie on her gentle breast ber lips quiver, ber brealb eomes trom be. IWMQ them witb a panting baste. "Yei ebe will go to bim, ibe will 1" She riaee to ber teet. Jut al thai moment Ihe door ii flung wide open aud D wmond enters Ihe room CHAPTER XXVIII. One moment of coma euanei. It ii an awful moment in wbieh DO body seems even to breaibe. The two Mieeei Blake torn into a rigidity thai might mean clone ; Ibe yoong mm panaee irresolutely, yet wilb a eteruueua about hii lips tbal bespeaki a purpose not to be laid aside tor any and thai addd tome years to his age. Monies bae tnrned to bim. The tangled wool hai fallen UUOOUBCI >uily from ber bauds to ber teet. Her Upe are parted, be eyyj wide, abe sways a linle. Then a soft rarturoot ery breaks from her, there Ii aimnltaneooa movement on hit part and OD ben and then ehe ie in bie arms. For a tew momenta spteob it imroseinle to them ; there aeemi nothing in tbu wide orld bnl be lo ber and ibe to him. Teen bi lifts her few and looki al ber long and eagerly. " Tee, I bave fonod you again, my love at laat," be aayu. " Ab, bow long il hae teemed ! ' whiipen ebe wilb tears in bir eye*. Tbe old ladiee might have been in tbe next oouuly. 10 rapt are Ibey in their happy meeting. Their hearts are beatiLg in not- eon ; tbeir souls are in their eyei. Sbe bas reached ber borne hie breaal and has laid ber heart on bia. Tbe moment ii perfect and ae near heaven ae wi paor mortals can attain until kindly death oomn to oar aid. Il ie bat a little momiat, however. It paiiee and recollection returns. Moniea, raising ber head, seee the two aUudiug tide by side wilb foldsd, nerveleee bauds) and fited eysa and borror-ilnckeu faeee. Shrinking still eloster to ber lover. Mooioa regards them with a troubled eon- eeieuoe and witb growing fear. She is at last discovered and ber sin is beyond re- demption. She trembles in Desmond's arme and pales visibly. Bui the frantic beating of ber bearl agtinel bie renderi bim etrong and boll He tbrowe up bie bead wilb the stir of one determined tottgblto tbe dealb. Mo one snail ever take ber trom him. He is only too anxioai to enter tbe lists and do battle for his love. And ibeo, ae bis eyei light upon hie toee, biispiril diet. Poor old ladiee, 10 stupe- fled, eo ilricken I An tbey not already oonqaered ? Looking al the trail front tbey present, he fsels bie weapons most be blnnted iu tbii fljht, bia glove i aoylbing but steel. A terrible ulence fillilbe rouoi a silence tbat grows almost unbearable, antil, at length, il ie broken by Mite Priaeilla. Her voiee is low and bnsbedaod broken. Moniea, wby did yon deceive us ?" ibe aata. Tbere is reproach, agonizsi diiappoint- ment in ber tone, bat no anger. To these poor old women tbe moment ie tragical. Tbe child of Ibeir lut yeare-lhe one they bad held moil dear and saered bai proved unworthy, bar linked herielf witb tbe opposition, bai entered the line of the enemy. Tbey are quite calm, though trembling. Tbeir grin ie too great for teare. Bat Ihey stand together, and there ii a loil and heart-broken look about them. ilonios, eeeing il, breaks away from ber lover's restraining arms, and, running to Miss Pruoilla, falls down on ber kneei be- fore ber, and, clasping her waist witb ber soft, white arms, bnrits into bitter tears. Bbs cliuge to Mus Prisoills, bnl the old lady, though ber distress ia very apparent, slinds proudly ereel and looks not at ber bat at Desmond. The lean gather slowly in ber eyes tean come ever slowly to Iboae wboee youth lies far behind and (all upon tbe repentant, tanny bead; bat tbe owner shows no lign ot forgiveness ; yet I tbink ibe would bave dearly liked to take tbi aweet sinner iu bir arms to eomlort and forgive ber, bai for the pride and wounded feeling Ibat overmastered ber. " Tour presence here, sir, is an intuit," sbe eayi to Desmond, meaning to be item, bai ber grief has waebed away ihs incivility ol her little speech and has letl it only nproacbfol. Dennond lowers bis bead be- fore bergszj and refrains) from answer or explanation. A greal sorrow for tbe de- feneeleiinesi of tbeir lorrow baa arisen in bit breast for these old santi and killed all meaner thoughts. I think be would bave tell a degret ot relief if they bad both fallen upon bim and said hard tbingi to him and so revenged tbemselvei in part. Monioa is sobbing bitterly. Not able to endare ber grief, Deeoond, going even to tbe f ei-t of Mise Prisaillt, trlei to raiei ber from tbeflr. But ibe elings even more closely to Mies Priioilli and so mutely re- funBH to go to him, A pang, a sudden thought ihooii through him and renders him desperate. Will Ibey be bad to bis poor little girl when be baa gone 7 Will they scold ber ? " Ob, madam," be etys to Mies PriuiUa wilb a break in bie voice, " try to forgive ber ; be gentle with bir. Il wae all my fault mine entirely. I loved her, and wben ibe refused to bear me plead my cause and shrunk Iron me because of the nnhappy division tbat leparatae my family trom yours and became of her reverence for you wiihee, I still urged her and in- duced her to meet me eeoretly." " You did an evil deed, sir," eaye Mise Prisoilli, " I acknowledge it. I am altogether to blame, "saye Deemond baetily. "She hae bad nothing to do with it. Do not, I be- eejeb yon, eay anything to bir wben I am cone thai may augment her self reproach." Hi looks with appealing eyed al Mice Blake, bis band on Motilca's iboolder, wbo ai ber laoe bidden In i fold of her auut'e gown. "Btr," says Mill PriseUla, drawing ber- elf up witb a tomsh of Old World grandeur U hai miDDir , but a si 1 trernulousaeii ID bet tone, " my nieee has been wilb ae now or some lime, and we have dared to bops be baa been treated in accordance witb the Teal love we feel for ber." Tbe great love," echoes Mils Penelop* (eully. Though deeply distressed b>ib ul. adiea re oousoious ot a luMued udoiira iiou 1 ir tbe y.ui K mu beonuno of tbe ten derue-eof his fears for his beloved. Bat if," aays Miss Prisoiila wilb > mournful glauoe at the pretty bowed bead, it tbe thinks we bave tailed in our love Mwardi ber, ae, indeed, U seems it may be, by your finding it urces-ar) to aek ua to treat ber wilb kindbeae 10 this trouble we only Bay to ber tbal we regret that we " Here sbe breaks do wo and eovert ber sad old face with her trembling baula Mocioa springs to her feet. " Ob, auntie I ' she saye, a world ot love and reproaob and penitence iu her voice Sue throws ber arm* round ber ttnut's neck, iud. Miss Puaeilla elanping ber in turn, someho* in one motntut ibt crime is ouu doned aud youth and age are met iu a fui_d embrace Gta.sir," lays Mis* Friotlla presently, without lif Hug her ey i e. Tbere it so mool geotlenees in ber tone ibat tbe young man is emboldened to ask a question. " fan will permit me to come u morrow to to plead my cause?" be ei>e anxi ouily. Mini P/ieoilla hesitates and a pang of spprebeusiou ruahex through bid heart. He ie almost in despair when Miso Penelope's voice breaks tbe oppressive silsLej. "Yes. Come to-morrow, "he says press i.-K AliM Priuilla s arm. " To-day we are too tired, t jo upeet. To-morrow let il be." " I tbaok you, madam," eayi Desmond hnmbly , and then he lorne to go, but still liogeru with grieved eye fixed on Monica " Monica, yon will give me one parting word ?" be says al laat as though Ibe pali lion U wrong fron bim. Still holding Miss Prisoilla's band, sbe turna to him, and, raiting her other arm, [laces it softly round bis neck. Holding them both Iboa, ehe eeeme tbe embodiment of the epirit tbat must in the end anile them . Her position compels ber to throw back ber head a little and sbe smiles al bim, a lad little smile, but bright witb love aud trust. " Mot a parting word," abe isys witb a aweetneae so grave as to be almoet solemn Too will be true to me ?" eays Desmond reekleu ot lialenere. He bas his arme roaud her and is wailing tor ber answer wilb a pale, earnest faoe. Something ia tbi whole loene touches tbe two kindly old maids witb a sense of tender reverence. " Until my death," eayi tbe girl wilb slow distinctness, laying ber bead agaiuei Ibe gray sleeve ot hia ooat. A great wave of color born of emotion and love tbat is stronger than tbe grave iweepi ovar hie faee. He stoops and layi bis lips on hers. When he ie gone MOBIOS lurne enddenly upon Miss Prlseille. " Do not eav a word to me I" she cries feverishly. I eoold not bear it now. may bave done wrong, bat I am not sorry (or it. I love him. Tbal ebonld explain everything to you ; it means all to me Nothing can alter that I Aud I will bave notbisg said nothing ; and " " N Jibing shall be said, dear child," eayi Miaa Penelope gently. " Everything thai be ae you wish with regard to us. Can you not trust at to spare you where we ctn I" " I am ungrateful. I most go end think il all out,' aaye Monica stonily, pressing ber hands against ber head. She turn away. A little cry breaks trom Miss Prii cilia. Ob, not without kissing as too, Mooioa I the says in a broken voice, holding oat be srme to ber nieee. Moaiea throws beiael into them. Long and eager ii the discussion tbal fcl lowe on tbe girl's disappearance. Tbe two Missee Blake, side by eide, argue (wilb wbal they erroneously term dupes ilonale calmness) Ibe case jnil laid before them. " I don'l know wbat is to be done," says Miss Priscilla al Isngtb, " all I do know it tbat for btr sake, consent will be impos aible." " And what U to be said to bim to-uior row ? He looki to earnest, eo (all ot her What ii to be said to bim? ' " So his onele looktd al her mother,' laye Miss Priaeilla with terrible bilterueee " and wbal eame ot tbat? Ii this yonni man to steal from us our best and deares as be did? Be Arm, Penelope. For he; sake crush this attachment before tbi uckleneas tbat is in his blood at>serli iteel to break her heart." ' I (ear it will be broken eilber way, saye Miss 1'e-eli pe wbo baa astoeltaankr ing after all true loven. " At least, ber self-respect will be upared and lor tbat sbe will lhauk us later ou. She maul give bim up I" " Priaeilla," says Miss Penelope in a lo lone, " suppose sbe retnees to do il? ' " When I have fully explained tbe mil ter to ber the will withdraw ber refusal,' uye Mine Priaeilla very grandly, bat be expression m not ap to ber lane ia any way II is, indeed, depressed and uncertain. " He struck me ae being a very attractive yonug man," venture* Mies Penelope ab sently. Humph I" sayt Mils Priaeilla. " And bat Ibat would be impossible in one of his name a very lovable yonng man," eayi Miss Penelope timidly. " Hah I" says Mias Priemlla. Tbii eJMU lation is not meant tor surprise or aoqm eeoanoe, but ie merely a war-like snarl. " And very loving, too," says Miss Pent lope dreamily. " 1 never saw snob eyea in my lite I And be never took them cff her.' " Penelope," says Mi<e Priseilla witb sudden and awful amount cf vehemence literally makes Miss Penelope jump, " I am asbamed ot you. Whatever we tbat is' (lightly confused) " yon may tbink nbju ibat young man, pleaee keep il to yourself and, at least, never let me hear yon epeak of a Desmond in admiring terms." 80 saying, she stalks from tbe room, and drivel down to the village to execute a com mission that hae been banging over ber for a fortnight and which she chooses to-day to fulfil, it only to prove to tbe outer work that sbe ii in no wiie opaet by Ibe alter noon excitement. Yet in a very short time the returns from ber drive and witb a countenance so dii lurbed tbal Mlie Penelope's bear! is filled witb frpsb dismay. Wbal ie it?' she lays following Mis* Prisoiila into ber own room. " You have beard something farther ; yon have seen ' " Tee, I bave seen him yonng Dei mond," tayi Mise Priieilla wilb an air 01 much agitation. " It wae jntt outside tbe village, on my way home; and be wai carrying a little hurt child in bis arms, uc he wae bulbing it eo tenderly ; and Ibe little one wae looking up in bie taee and be killed it and Why isn't be a bad wicked yonng man ?" cries Mies Priseilla in a freLzy ol despair, bursting into tears. CHAPTER XXIX, In Ibe morning, a certain amount of oan- strain! prevails witb every one. Kit ie, ol course, aware ot all Ibat bas happened and of tbi day's expected visitor for Monica who bae refused to eome down to breakfast and wbo is as anseitlsd and miserable as ibe well can be. Kit hae espoused ber oaane cow amort, and ii (I need bardly eay) ready for open war at a moment'e notice. She bae, indeed, arranged a plan of action thai will bring ber on the bailie-field al a critical moment to deliver a ipeeob culled from some old novels in her room and meant to reduce both ber aunts to annihi- lation. When breakfast ii over ibe disappear! to lady ber part afresh, ur:d tbe MirMl Blake, too, separate and go to tbeir own rooms witb an air ot careful unconcern thai would not havs imposed upon a one- year babe. When again Ibey re-appear, they eeem dewinoi ol Molding each otber'i glances, wherenpon il occurs suddenly to everybody bai tbey have both pat on their very Uai ilk gowLH and laoe ope anil have, in fact, ot themselves up wilb elaborate care to eoeive a Diamond ! No wouder they ace mbamed ol themselves! 8 ill keeping ap tbe outward iyoi| I upreiue i-Jifl rei oe, Ibey !. lusm elvcB iu lb drawlug room, Mi s P i pi attaoking her knitting with iremnlous /igor, whilst Mitts Priseilla gets up, '(trout' oat in th) ptrfe ot " Temple B*r. ' Mvuic ilidiogin pteieatly like a email ghost in her clinging wiiitt ^owo, elipa into a seat in the window Ibaloverlooka the avenue, anubidas berselt and ber pretty, anxious laoe bebiud be lace ourtains. An hoar drags away with aggravating ilowneee, and Iben ibe sound of wheeU opou tbe gravel m >kei M iniea's bear! beat tliuoet to eutfjoauon. Tbe two Misses Blake, suddenly torgettul ot tbeir role ol uuooLoeru, start from their seats and go to me window wbere Monioa now is Blaudiog A brougham and pair of horses drive np to .be door and a yonng man, opeuing tbe luor, springs to tbe gronnd. It is D*smoud " lo eome bere in a clone orri.e t" Bays Minn PriHoiila wilb mnob contempt. " Ii ue afraid ot catching oold, I wonder? I uever heard ol snob foppery in my lite." " Ht is not a top," aays Monioa indig antly, and then she catches sigbt ot her over's faoe and something in u awaken n her a pre&oieboe of coming evil. Then tbe drawing-room door ie thrown open witb rather unceremonious haste, and the young m*n, entering, goes straight to wbere Mini Prisoiila is standing, merely taking and holding Monica'i band as he eaohes her, bat addressing to ber neither word nor look. He seems greatly agitated tud altogether unlike the man who ttood bere yesterday and almost defied Ibtm. His faoe is very pale and foil of honest griel a. d indignation. " My uncle is al death's door," be says in a voice that quivers wilb rage and excite menl. "Gaming home late last night hi wae ihot al by lome ruffians from bebiurj tbe blackthorn hedge on the Ooole road. Hi wants yon, Mias Blake," (lo Prisoiila) " he asking for you. Yon will not relate to oome lo a man wbo may be dying, for al we know I I have brought Ibe carriage for you, and I implore yon not to delay, but to oome to bim at once." Miss Prieoilla has snnk into a ohair anc a qnite oolorleta. Miss Penelope olaspi her bandi. " Ob, poor George I" ibe sayi involnntar ily, almost nnoonseioualy. His preseui danger has killed remembrance ot all thi angry years tbat stand between to day and tbe lime wben last ebe called bim by his Obriiiiau name. "When did il happen? How?" aaks Monioa tightening he r fingere ronnd bli ani trembling visibly. " About ten o'oloek last evening. Bath Kelly and I were witb him, and a groom Two shots were fired. Kelly and I jumped iff Ibe dog cart and gave ebaee aud ana oeeded in securing one pi them. Then were lour altogether, I turns;. We did no know my nude was wounded wben we ran alter them, bnl wben we oame back we toned Murray, tbe groom, holding him in bn arms. He was quite insensible. I lei Killy and Murray to guard our prwonei ,ud drove my ancle home myeelf. He i very badly hurt. MUM B:ake," luruici again to Miss Priseilla," you willojme witb me?'' "Ob, yei, yei," layi Mm Prieoill faintly. " And I shall go wilh yon, my dear Frit cilia," says Mioi Penelope beroioally. " Yes yon will want me. To find yourself faee to faee with bim after all these years of ee trangemeut and in so sad a state will be distrssaing. Il is well I should be on Ibe spot to lend yon some support." Miss Prieoilla lays ber band on ber arm " I tbink I shall go alone, Penelope," she eayi talteriogly. For one moment Minn Penelope is a little surprised i.d then m anolber moment she is not surprised al all But I believe in her heart ibe is a gooc deal disappointed. There 11 a flavor of romance and excitement about this expedi lion the would gladly have tasted. " Well, perhaps il is better 10," ibe lays amiably. " I am glad he has lent lor yon He will be easier tor your forgiveness tbongb be cannot obtain here, now. Comi ap-stain. Yon should not keep Mr. Dei mond waiting." There is a kindly light in ber eyes as sbe glauoee at tbe young man And then sbe lakes Mies Priseilla away V tier room and belpe ber oareloily with bei toilet, and accepts the situation ae a mat ler ol course, though in ber scorel soul eb< m tilied with am*/. -IBSU tat Tbe Deemoud'i >ending lor Mise Piitoilla even thuogl lying at death a door. (To be continued) 4.00.1 lt n . NSWS. If any one imagine* tbat good deed worthy ol mention do not gel Into Ibi newepaperi, il is an admission that baduei allraeis more attention tbau goodness ; foi there ii scarcely a paper issued which doei not publish lome story ot human virtae ie well as of vice. Now il n tbe retcae ot a child trom under tbe heela of a ruuawa; bone ; now Ibe salvation ot a railroad train by engineer, fireman or vigilant watobe on the track ; the rescue of a victim from a burning building ; tbe ereotion or dedioa lion ot an edifice for the poor, tbe friend leee, the inlieted. Day after day in the midst of a public calamity the newipapers publinb long columns of names aud figures witb the amount of money oonlribnied tor ibe relief ot sclTaring. Not a week paesiH in wbioh a dtzan incidents of bravery, o benevolence, of gracionsneas, of self-iacn floe are not chronicled and applauded in the newspapers. Tbe newspaper deligbti in taloguing tbe Peter Oooperr, B.I Kenbeo bprmgen, and Oeorge Peabodve II often gives columns of space to tbe dii ouesiona and proceeding* ol men wbo devote tbeir time and money to prison Btate charities, to Ibe care ot ibe insane, to ibe healing of tbe lick. If an] one is impressed, not witb tbe " gooc column," bnl witb Ibe " good oolamns," ol Ibe new*psperi, it is became be ia too abiorbed in reading an account of the last murder or tbe latest scandal. Dttroit Frte Preii. A lliinill Itorni-l In K.niurUt. Floe Knot, Ey., is described as follows in tbe gazetteer : " A hamlet ol Whitely oannty, on tbe Cincinnati Southern Rail- road ; it bas a oburob." Notwithstanding Ibe prevalence ot religioai influences in Pine Knot, thus indicated, Mr. John King, a resident of the pleoa, has been running amuck the like ot wbioh seldom bas hap pened ontside ol Ibe Malay Arebipelago. A special deepatob from Louliville lays tbkl Mr. King, upon paying a social viiil to Greenwood, a considerable mining village in Folaski o ,uuty , on the lins ol tbe eans railroad, turned himself into a human hornet and proceeded to clean ont tbe whole town witb a pistol and bowie knife, after which be took aud btid poseesiion of a railroad train and nbligfll n to transport bim back to Pine Knot, where hi cele- brated hii return home by killing tbe con- ductor. At Ibe laet aooonnls the remaining people of both ooaoliei whom he bad not dieabled were bunting {or him wilb ahoi- gam. Rubinstein Is laid lo have made 63000 [ranee clear gain witb hie aeven historical oonoerii in Paris. Hfi roomi were be- sieged from morning until night Poor Roeiian etodent* begging tor help, and nevir In vain ; others for permission to be ueard, and be in his anielfisb generosity was sacrificed. A yonng oompoeer eaked lis opinion on alaeteampoeition, " Funeral March on the Death of Mendeligobn." It e not bad, but il were better for tbe com- poier had be died, and Mendelssohn eom- :oud tbt marob," ii Rabinitsin'i onUoitm. I Ut M AND GABDEtV. Vallere el Peach An intelligent peaeb-grower gives tbe ollowing aa tbe chief eauseii of failure : A ret soil and nub-oil, * xioMive riohuf us ol he land, allowing ibe trees to overbear d urg.eotvu juicivti i. T *uo. u dJfJ, a o.ioja.e *j.i thu fruit buJ' re otteu, or generally killed by Itae cold ol winter, and wbiob is only remedied b> seleotijnof proper looalily. Thin ie often aooouipliihed by choosing sites nsar on- Ireeaiog water, or by selecting bills instead of f runty valley e ; bat a wii or water- aoaked soil evio on an elevated lite may Be more unfavorable. A good natural drainage ia important. Hi in in, r tr ul Wrk llui ., . The grooming ie il ii oallid ot borsei, is quite is important as Ibe feeding, anl iu summer lime wben tbe teams are worked tiard it is ludiopensable to tbeir welfare When a horse is working, the excretion From Ibe skin \ profuse, and pours from it in Ibe (orm of pempiration Whu ibis dries on tbe skiu ii leavee a quantity of Impure matter adhering to it, wbiob in apt to oioetj the porea and prevent Ibe escape of Ihe penpiration. Tbis produces dieurder, 10 tbe lurm ol congestion ot tbe myriads ol capillary veutela wbiob form a olose net work near tbe earttoe ot tbe body, end tbe excretion and secretions being etcppfed, Ibe skin becomes harsh, dry, contracted and diseased. Tbe impure matter being unable to eioape gather in places and tormi pimple?, blotehti or tumors, and, if il U not removed, there is danger ot poisoning Ibe blood, and, with tbe appearanoe ol farcy and glanderi, finally death. All tbia may be prevented by careful attention to the ki,j, by ooouiooal washing, regular currying and brushing, and proper oars to avoid galliug by tbe rubbing of ill-flttU| harneti Ai prevention is the best care, n is well thai ownen ol horses should exer oiie all possible precautions to avoid tbe frequent disorders wbieb remit from neg leei in Ibe direction pointed oat, and thus aave much annoyance and lots. Mherp al Twelve C'esili Hceel. The current qnotationa lor ibeep in Nsw South Wales, according to Ihe Sydney Journal, in Ha. Ia a moil despouden mood il describes tbe deplorable condition ol the ibeep basioese in tbal colony. Tbe trouble ia not all due to neglect aud wau ot "kill, for all claties of f arav-rs are sat feting alike. Tbe lack of rainfall appears to be tbe obief difficulty, 03upled wilb tbi low price ol wool. " It is not Ibe fire lime," taye tbe Journal, " tbat abeep have sold for twelve cents a bead ; bul never before, in all tbe varied bietory ot tbi calony, were eaeriaeis of tbe kind md under mob depressing oireamitanoce ae exiel at tbie time." Tbe animate are poor and tbeir only valui Uee in their tallow wbiob goss to pay the cost ot trying it ont If misery likes company, our sheep owner ought to be able to derive a greal deal o eomf on and oontolation from the suffering ol their fellow ebeep-raiien in New Booth Wale*. II inrely looks as it ojmpelinon from tbat quarter would not long exist in tbe markets of tbe worlJ. Oar cheep men have experienoed no sach dieeouragemen ai the Journal oomplaiai ol. Oa the con trry, tbeir bamuods aauuol jaally be sal to be oiuon more depressed than other line ot farming, wbile the indications are Ibat it Ihey do uol lose their grip, bat bold oa patietlly antil tbe tarn of tbe tide, mor economical management, the coupling o muiMn-growiog wilb wool production, im provenieots in breedi, and reduced com petition not oi>ly from other quarters o tbe globe, but from many dropfinglb busi-jtm at borne- will bricgtbemrenewei pr.nipenty in tbe future. We bave not ye gal down to the level ot Billing sheep a twelve eeuti a bead, and are not likely to 1 I, HIM l ,, K t , N ii Wben planted in rich mil good thrift; fruits will nearly alwaye overload them nelve>, and in order to Becute the beet emoolbset and largest (run ooniiderabl thinning most be done, eaye tbe Michigan MoriiM rurut Tbie is tbe o*a with grapts and tree truite. Uboioe apples peached, peara, qiinces i i lael, tbe bee ut all kiudi ot (rain command the bee prices and always) sell. Olllimei Ih markit beoomts glutted wilb poor fruit* aud Ibe prioea realised are really beloi wbal il O3tla to prodnoe them, and som limes tbey cannot be sold at any prioe while at tbe eame time tbe oboioesl an best are celling at a profitable price. Tot many tall into tbe error of thinking thai b iniutiug they leieeo Ihe quantity so niuc thai Ibey prefer to let ib trait remeiu Tbis it a muiake aa well as to think tba by thiuuiog tbey leeaeo tbt prxfli ou tb trait. When a tree ia heavily load. < the ft on mast nseeeearily be imall, and tbis will lessen tbe qnan lily ; then Ibe frail being tmall wil eii tor a let) price, and you really loe ratner tban make by not thinning. Tben in addition, when a iree or vine is allowe< tc overload and mature, tbe trait is a strain upon the vitality ot Ibe tree, eo rnaoh that rat mast be bai, and the next yea the trie will fail to bear. Whenever Iriei judioionely thinning frail always payi, bu it requires eoBeidirable oourage when tb treee are laden with yoang trait to go eve and poll off and throw away a oonsidsrabli portion ol tbe fruit. To one who bae never tried il al flret il would eeem like waste, yet it has been tested sufficiently Ii prove ile value. Tbe work, of oourse, shouU be doni earlv, ai soon after Ihe frail hae set as postible. Tbe longer tbe Irni growl after setting tbe more waite o vitality ot Ibe tree tbat abould go to th other fruit Ibat U let! upon the tree to mature. Gloee crowding is what often makei ill ibaped (rail, II you have nevei been In tbe babu of thinning, try a let trees first to tee the (fleet, and in i majority ol oaiet yon will conclude thai i 11 bentfioial. Other Kiiml J ..iilng.. Wbire sheep are kept in filthy place tbey will become infested with maggots. Bye land should be ploughed, early, so aa to allow tbe sod or stubble to decompose If ploughed again before the rye it icede< tbe orop will be largely benefited thereby Keep oarbolio acid always convenient for nie. Il U one ot the belt dieinfeelanta insect deilroyeri and vermin eradieatora tbat oan be need. A imall quantity nee< only be applied at a lime. Keep tbe ilrawberry rnnneri pinobed off and manure well if you wish large berriex next year. No graei or weede must be allowed among thim, and frequent onltiva lion nliould be bellowed. O. W. Priieey, of Hammonton, N.8., ha* 800 dnoka hatched in Inenbttore and railed m broodtri, some ot which weigh four ponndi each at eight week! old. Tbe best mode of treating grapevines tbat do not grow 11 loenl them cff near the ground and allow new sbooii to spring up, whiob may be trained Ibi eame ae new vinee tnd wbioh will be productive. Unlen butter be kepi in a moist atmos- phere the water of tbe brine will evaporate, leaving the salt on Ibe oalside. Any gtol butter, eeyi Mr. Alvord, will sbow ibU dry sail if exposed long enough in very dry air. The of tenir the grass Is oat tbe greater tbe injury done tbe weede, wbioh are than jrevmied from seeding. It tbe gran ie reqnently cut, however, fertilisers should be applied or the grans will exbanil the Mil. An authority itatee that tbe lail fourth 1 the milk from ibe eow eboald be laved n a separate vetitl. as this portion of tbe i/ilk is so noh in cream tbal it pays to ihnrn It all, and thereby eave the labor of kimmlog. A well-known bortioultnrisl in relation o trapping certain motbi, advieee ae lol- Owl ; " Xkkl sbal.ow r aui or SMOKI and place eome strong apple vinegar lo them fasten among tba branches of tbe tress Cbo odor of ibe vinegar attrioss tbe moib aad tbey arj oacgbl and drowned at tbe earnt) time." The best ground for a peaob orchard it a igul study soil tba) has been planted for everal ye <r. MO general ercpt. D ,>iuit ou Kr 'u d i 01 (t.uofth tt ^ludoo ODIOUS, peae, e|/m*eh or lettuce, lor treai- will be liable to make a late autumnal growth tnd produce onnpe wood thai will IM winter-killed. Alter calves get so they will eat bay, glvs them what Ihsy will eat clean of Ibis aid about one quart ut oats daily. With- out tbe grain the bay will only keep them in store condition and worth little more at a year old tban now. All tbe profit will come from the grain, and tbe farmer wbo sees tbii point will increase tbe grain feed all tba animals will bear. To water garden plants firil stir up tbe eoil well for an mob o: to i. depth, and tben, alter drawing tbe earib away from tbe plauls 10 aa to form a umail basin abou ibe route, p .ur tbe wattr therein and replace Ibe removed earth. Tbis will pre vint the formation of a ornt wbile retail' ing tbe moisture about tbe roots, thus leaving the earth looee at ever. Ths circulation ot sap, sayi th* Mew Hampshire Mirror, u like tbe circulation of tbe blood in ifae human body wben tbe olood it fint started trom tbe stomach, wbere il ie made. If tbie blood U stopped before il rescues tbe lunge tbe blood beoomei poisoned and produce diieime. Bo witb tbe potato vine, whteb, if Ihe sp be flopped, prodnoen a disease called roil. The black knot on plum a i* o&uaed by a vegetable parasite. Il develops from "litres tnat are waded about by tbe wind Tbe diieaae is therefore oontBgioa- 1 , and il u attaeke one tree the others may also be sfldoied. The best remedy is to cat cff tbe dieased branches aud born Ibem, aa notb ing short of fire will answer. Toe ground should alao be eprinkled witb a eolation of eoppiras. The unreliability of obemioal tests alone to determine tbe value of manure ii I'.rik ingly illustrated by leather aoraps, wbioh by obemioal analysis ibow a large percent age of ammonia, but all toil teats are fount praetioally worthless Tbe ammonia wbiob exiats m tbe skin of tbe animal from wbiob ibe leather is made is not discovered by tanning, but iu c tl -el by the aatriogent tab stauoss nied with it. Crocks of butter to be kept for aevera months, Bays tbe I'mtnt fatei Dairym in shoald never be placed upon toe cellar bit torn. Tbis causes two degrees ot tempera lore ia tbe crook, wbiob will be at tbe expense ot tbe quality ot tbe butter at tb top. Tbe crocks will keep Ibeir contents tar heller if plaoed al Isasl a foot from tbe c.'llar boitom, upon a bench, and a ibiel woollen olotb thrown over il. Happy ii Ihe apple-grower, eays th farm Journal, who bai a lew acres of natu rally drained uide soil, mellow and porous and Jeep enough to permit the roote ot hi trees to go down ont of reach of plough, o drought, or frost, and acc'jor ihemielve in tbe very depths of Ibe earlb. Such i not very easy to find, and particularly n large bodies, bat whenever il U fouud, b, all mtar.rt give the apple a ohanoe at il. A llu,Llni.m Palace Ball. While tbeQieen was peacefully aleepia away ibe snmtnsr night among feer lovei H.Kblaudi, sbe WM acting by a pleasan fiction ae boeteei al Buekagbam Palace wbere tbe lamps tbone bright over fai women and brave man invited to tbs firs Slats ball of Ibe season. Tbe scene wai ae oriili jui and about an gay ae inch flu usually are ,whioa seem to bore rather tba brighten those who attend them. Tb dancing at these State balls \* especially in animate ; quadrilles aud laaeers are walkt ibrongb witbipiritleti tread, aud Ibe strain ot the moil seductive wafTc answered b aristocratic partners wbo expreas no mor drligbt ia their dnll eyes tban do danoin doll* on tbe stage of a poppet sbow. Th txpreuion of the joyonaneas and gaytt natural to tbe dance, in theee people i woodirtnl. Joy let e and vaooon*, tbey ar merely lay flgnrts for Ibe display ot glitter ing gauds. In one lenie many of Ibe womei are overdressed ; in acoiber anderdreiined Ihe show ol bunts, b*oks, aboqlders au trmi being large, aud in tome OMes edif > ing. In this catenary oome the juggliu charm ol itonl, elderly women whom decency should bave prompte lo cover Ibe painted, powdtred aii polished shoulder-blades from nhic all nalnral f restates* Bind o ilortup hav long faded. Tnesu point tbt moral o Hbakupeare'n linee. Bnl there are ale happily to bb leen the better ronnde flesh of more beautiful women, abou whose peoke and on wboee bosoms priceless gecie rice and fall in flaahas of man, colored light. Tbe men tor the moel par are a sorry lot, all e!otbes and decorations and ot an age out ot plaee In a ball-room Still, on tbe whole, Ibey go to make np a inffloitntly brilliant tbroog, and the spec laole presented by tbe assemblsd guest whsn tbe Prinpe and Prmoees enter tbe lighted ealoon juit before raidnigbl an* pawiei even tbe polychromatic, aloriee o Ibe " Black Crook." Toe Princess wears usually mauve and ailver, whiob cBpeoiall; beoomea ber biueatb the glare of artiflom' light. She wean a very becoming curl; false Ironl inrmonnted by a tiara o diamonds : pearli and diamonds gleam on, glitter about her neck, which ia blways carefully concealed, and on her boaom aarj arms. 8be looks w pretty as a picture prettier than many piotarei, and no yonrjf as to make it teem incredible ibe oan hi Ibe mother of the nbeomtortable girl a ber elbow in white iilk and tnlle. Tbere were very few Americans at the last ball no new revelation ot loveliness like Uiss Chamberlain to secure Ibs adoration of a season. The Prince ot Wales is credited with having remarked, " Beauty ii al a premium this season." He in in such matters the accepted authority. from a London Litter. Ae .1 onl.hx ,1 < hi. ... foil, . in. i, Two well-dreeied ladiee were round in) the cape of tbe Asbland block, when i banana peel tbal lay in amboeb there brought one of them prone. Tbe offlier who came to her aid wai ttartled nearly oat of his booli when she ssid : " Pnll my leg, will yon, please ? Poll my leg." Affecting to mnanderstand, be took the lady by the arm, with the remark, " Wili yon let mi help yon, madam ?" " No, don'l t Pnll my leg, I iay ! Poll my leg, can't yon ?" The officer let the arm drop instantly. He WM thunderstruck. He backed off and wiped grest beads ot perspiration from bis reeking brow. Al tbii moment the second ady oame to her asiistanee. She seizj one ot tbe pedal exlremiliee ol her pro- strated companion and gave II a vigorous pull. It was a oork leg. Tbe fall had dii- arranged tbe knee adjnstmrnt, and a pall wae needed to let il right. Chicago Mail. Ill I. u,pr, more rapidly improved by reliet from tlttl Buffering than in any other way. llep on your friend's corn and Ihe impulse o alrike ii itrongeet. Putnam's Pamlesi Cbrn Extractor, by qaiekly and painleeely emovlng Ihem, iosuree good oalure. Fifty "ailatloni prove im value. Beware of inb- ilotii. " I'ulnam'i," inre, sate, painlees. II ii laid that there are al present al the arioni Onman universities no lew*r Iben 57 profeesors between Ibe sgee of 70 and 0. Ol these 12U deliver tfaeir leotorto M snal. Tbe oldest ie the veteran Elvenlee, ho it now in bli 90 ib year. A Pennsylvania geologist estimate! the monnl of ooal in the I'tttiburg region al 10,000,000,000 tool. I VIHKIt. . t ., ,.. uii, i Haitr*lr, ,i From Oadillae, Mici>. : Firei in the woods are bornlug fiercely, and every OLS s flbliug ths flmB. Tbe greatest dang) tula to b* iu ana from tbe north, and tin. ymdin blowlug slrorg f r< m ibat way. U. iii*. asmtll town uoribul here, is reporter) u great danger. The vaneer and paui I mill, a short distance from tbe town, ie i mmediate danger. From East Tawas, Mieb. : Forest fir. . are raging bere. Il m reported tbat lf . quantities of railroad liee are burning ar k ibe Une ol tbe Detroit, Bay Oily * Alpet Elailroad. The oropi are drying np. From St. Ignaee, Mich. : I ue foreal nr bave nearly bnrned tbf m selves out aft* r doing an immense amooi t of damage. '1 loci in I'Uoed u; 975.000, besides damage i . -lauding timber wuiou cannot be estimated. No more damatie i apprthecded. All tba orops in tbia region are parebed for t I rair, and a g-eat many fleldl look b IUKII fire bad ruu u,roui<u them. I) b . been exoessivcily bot a .d dry for two w. k. , -u ' ibe f r n: i are prayiotf for rain. From Spencer, Win. : The entire hamUt t Borneo waH burned this afiernoon, in eluding ibe new mill, planing mill, five m < nor feet of lumber, and tbe store, boarri'i.K bouse and dwelling ot William V . Uotear ; lota, J 150 000 Toe woods aie i u Ore, aud further partieul&ra cannot Ie obtained . _ Waal Ikr UlBdu l.lvee O Human life is Knpported in India apou the barest minimum cf necessaries ; the village population fr.el upon the eiai uoueS gritius, never ea'iug animal fc<u 1 (winch ie oonlrary lo tbeir reliniOL), i. rar*ly tarliuK ibe fluer grains, auob a wheat and barley. The olnlbiog worn ia (.f ibe totulieel, aud I was dietreesed to ceo many ot tbe people in the Northwctt Province* Hbivermg and belt naktd in weather ao cold tbat I wai glal to wear two topcoats. The bouses arc built of clay and almost destitute of furniture, a- d I nndersjand Ibal a Urge portion of ibe population only eat one meal a di>} . Ot course Ibis in an eastern country dcse cos higmfy wbal it dcsiiMn Enropt lite can be auslaiQed oj^kas food act* Uii nutritions diet than in norttieru climes; the lab^r power ol Ibe Hmlu-. 1 nmall ; Ibere is tar le taken oat ut ib hamu machine than in our labiriooi life ; II ooninmeH lees std pro- dueuH less ; beiidif, the Asiatic has tbe pcwer ot digttting a greater qoamily c.f Lod at one meal than is pjssible lo Eru. pei.ns ; bnl, when duo allowance Is made tor all tbii, i: ii not to be denied tbal tba poverty of a greal part ot tbe people ut India is extreme and mere acute tbau wbal we witnsti in Europe. It may b* said wilb truth of a great carl cf the rural population that it is nsveriar removed from famine. A scanty harvest any year brings tbal calamity within meatnraablo <:i-. tanoe; a failure of orops means demu to h largj part ot tbe population ntleis fed by Government. The Cuntmiportry Rtv e*. Tke Ulrbr.i me* lu the Wcu'.d he poor without heejlt. Tbu dying u. '. o.j,re ojui.amptiv<i would excb^ii M <>i>il be id worth for a, cew le-<id of lite. H . e >uid bve had ii tot a lurg had be oted Dr. P.' ice's ' Qjldeu M-dio>l Dihcovery before tbe disease bai reaebed its lost latfea This wouderlnl preparation in , p ilNve enre for oonBumpnon If takta , nine For all diieves ot tbe throat anil luigi II ii uotqnalled. All drgggiair. Tbe amount of emery a| JM aoDOslly cbipped from Smyrna lo Great Britain, tbe United Blatas, Franee, Osimany atd Be- gium averages 7000 tons, tbe rslanv.. quantity ODnsnmed in caeb oonntry btii, M tbe order named. ' > \ or.l ! Ike \ , ,, l. Mum, |. BI ' Catarrh ie cot timely ao ineonveoiei.rr, nopleaiaut to the soffertr and disguitirg 10 others it U an advanced outpost o? .;. proaobibg dUea-e ot worse type. DIV.I negleol IIH warning It brings deadly i vH- in lie train. Befnre it ie too late, w Dr Hage's Catarrb Bimedy. It rebbes tbe leal of. tbe ailment and is th, only ih>eg that will. Ion my Jr, joureelf witb qaaek medicines till |l i, too late- till the streamlet has become a reeistleie torrent. II lithe matured invention ot a icuntie* pbyiician. < A word lo Ibe wise, ii scft eient. ' Alabama it going into the revival".! buhi neH as wsll ai G mrgia. Bbe baa jnst rent J Allan OHart. tbs B iv Evangelii.1, ;.. Indianapolis. O'Hara is JO yearn old, nn* baa been preaching five years. Delicate dinars of either n*. bowevr indaoed, promptly and perm.i^tntly onrel. Bend ten cents lu slatrja tor large iliu- trated treatise, inggqiiif K snre men of cure. Address Worla'B Diipemary MArt.ol Association, G63 Main strset, Buffalo, N. T, John Ba/ker, ol Oilamwa, and Ev*. Joces, of Olenwood, Iowa, floated down the Des Moiues River in a email flatboul nnltl they reached Kcosaoqns, and tbe re they lied op. John tetebed a pareco, who married them, and then tbey oast loose the bawier, and floated away again on tbeir bridal tour. DUNN'S BAKINC POWDER THE COOK'S BEST FRIEND D J ' I ' 00 *e) BRANTFORD mm KII:H NEVER FAILS. VESLEYAN LADIES' COLLEGE HAMILTON, OANADA. Tbfl Kir. I or Ihr I ..Ur. .llr M r.. BM irrailuatod own 900 ladles in the fall eonree Has ktasetad over 8,uoa Pall faculties In Literature, UniQaffm, Mnslo and Art. Tba large*! OoUte bull Jing In tbe Province Will open on Sept., Ill IN*} Addresi tbe iTiDelpal A. BtvKNM, D. O., I. I.. D. I CURE FITS .' Wtin I My nn 1 An nnl n awn>l j to Mop th*m fr a lime) and then havr Ihrni rvlntn ijalii. 1 me-aii a rftdlctl car*. 1 he,Ti>ma,te|hf <ttes*>of PI IS KPI1.KI*!*Y or PALL* INO NH'KNKs^a llfw-loBf elndy. I warrant mvr*>rriMlr lo* lh wont -. mtrtmmu nthar* hef* fa lie. I U m rrs,nfnr net nnw rwrwfvlnc t* ear*. 9*nH sttnnc* for > Ir.etle- n<I Prv* It.. Ill* ol m* hifalilM- rwHtdy. (! stlprva* an. I I'nat (Ifflre It Coelte *i>D nth1n for triftL n4 I will ruro rnu. A>1<1rtM DR. H O HOOT, Branch Office, 37 Tonne St., Toronto, Yon are allnwrd afrte irtnJ <tf (Mrf y iayt at tbe fDr. Djrr'iKVM'riiUM VoltalcTVIt with Klx-tiy aw rwnrr AppllAnwn, f"T thft speedy rrlicf nod pm inMiimimof Mrnmu lirMMu. tueeof I lfaiir r ..(..."., mill all kln<lnxl troiiMM. Aly lot mc IIT il 11 . Onmplot* restoration to nntltrt, \\*< I Mssuiood fpanaeeee. No risk Ie ln urrwu iflt ni- -t prmiihlH In nfnM ttmiltm jnaul frefvbva rlni VOLTAIC B *^~* WANTKI) - I.ADIKH to work for ne at tbeir wo bomes ? to 110 per week oan be quietly made No photo painting; no eanTasslni. Vor full partlanlare, pleaee address, at onoe, Creeeiat Art Co., IB Central Street, Boston, Mast., Be*

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