Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 13 May 1886, p. 3

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It > THE ADVANCE. a) et Ihe leading Local and Tamil y Newnpapwi In Northern OnUriu. Publlihed Every Thvarssdny, FBOXTID: OmcB, CotKngvood Street, flttherto*, Ont. TLBMS OP SUBSCEiTTIOX : LOO por wuDum In advabc* ; L60 It not paid t *M oa<l of 14 yuair. No ixt^cr dhoootlii ttttl all wr*ar|ju uto pud up ; anU no Bttbaor ijtu* tekoa for lui. than one year, ei.*pt win n aplal arrangement! for shortor priod> TM* with, th. publisher. ADVEKTlMLNU BATES, Ac. Casual advertisvineuts.Hcoutsper lit iutertlou art I o.nt pur llji uiah subaequout inrtiou. Trauaivnt advertisements to be paid for wliu rdoctxl. A-lvurtiBomunU without >i>ocia) direc tons will bo luoortod till turbid aud charged aeoocdiogly. vLfcoral iiiducenujuts to regular advertiser*. .Notices among reading matter, 10 ctmts per line eaoli iusortion. Mo advertisement discontinued until all ar- rearages aro paid up. Copy (or advertisement!! should reach tliii ofllce not Inter than noon ou Tuesday to ensure section iu current issue. A. R. FAWCETT, Editor and Proprietor. Flesherton Meat Market. SEPT. GOOD, PKOFBIETOn ait paid for fat Cattle and A I I I BIOI, 1 tIKOYtKK I. oily la Ottawa l>lS(Blil Iff l.iir y I UUB.WB \ ...a. An Ottawa telegram tayi : Ltet (Toes- day) night ae il.ry Uolloy, ot 319 Back slteul, wa<i oat walking up and down in front ot her own door, & casually observed a woman approaching ber from an oppoeite direction. At first the noticed nothing peculiar about Ibe woman's, actions, but ae she oauie never ebe eroeeed direetly in Minn Molloy'e patb. Naturally toe latest stepped hastily aeide to allow tbe woman to pas*, and it ia poaalbly to tbal movouiuut thai Mies Molloy owe* ber eye- igbt or peiUitpe ber life, for al tbal in- laut Ibe stranger bad eoddenly drawn nor band from benealu Ibe auawl abe wore, and, ae ebe paeeed, Ibrew tbe eon- teultt of a small bottle in Ibe girl'i face. Bo unexpected was tbe attack that Mits Molloy stood dazed for an instant, and after baetily rubbing the drops from ber fate, ran into tbe hoaae i.i alarm. Tbe DOMINION PARLIAMENT. liquid *fcioh th: --ss-m had thrown at her WH vitriol, and BOOH began its dreudf u; work. The poor girl'i suffering watt fear- ful, the agony increasing momentarily a* the vitriol ate in way into tun tortured fleib. Medical &autanoe was oblsiaed, but she will be disfigured for life. Neiiber tbe author nor ifae object of the crime U known. Fresh Meats constantly on baud for Cash. Orders promptly filled . ~" GORDON'S HARNESS SHOP FLESHERTON James Sullivan, The Tinsmith, - Flesherton. Repairing, Eavotrongbrng, and In fact every- tn^s. in the business will receive my prompt and careful attention at . reasonable prices. Stove. & Idmri ia Sloe., CLAYTON'S HARNESS SHOP ! FLESHERTON, It the place to get your llarnut Cullan, <L-e, made vp iu good ttyle. Shop in W. CTayf cm'* Boot iL Shoe iHurt, Fltiherton. EUGENIA Grist Mill, ui L.U 11. Having made extensive improTements In my Grit Mill, I am confident I can give good satin fiit lieu. CHOPPING DONE ANY DAY Good Flour always on band. Custom Sawing, aud Bills filled on the shortest notice. Lum- ber aid Lath always on hand. Cash Paid, for WHEAT & OATS. M. A liook of lixi pnid-i. Thi 1 b-nt licxtk loi uti r t>,r { o* pi- ___ l or oth i rw !' slikUol ncwpnpurnnl estimates iirUii-coetaratlVetrtlsliic.TboaavortlMTwbo wiinii lo <|'ii I one ilolliir. fliulA in It tin- In- f, in mil Ion lici,-qnln',wti!leforhiniwfl<) will Invi-l oi-rliiinilri-cl ibiiHnil ilolhiMln nil- M-ill-niL'. n - I i IIM MS unlimited wlllcli will mci-l III- ini'iit. or ran If rnmlt I , ,/,,/., ,<,-, ir,;i,ii I,;/ nor- sent. iMi'.r- \VrtiA t iinii. to any iiililrivt lor llicenti. '!" i' I:D\VKI.U A CO., .\HVKIJTIslMi nVIIKAt'. i^u.), Nrw Vork. TfllftELEBBATEO pn ? CHASES I -' LIVER CURE UNIVKKHITY. Kl.rll.n ol liu.lrr. AIBIIulloii ul ?|,dl- r.l School.. A Kingston despatch says : Tbe troateci of Quern's University met yetetdy, when th.tollo.ving trubteei were elected : Rev. Dr. Wardrope, Quelpb ; Kev. Jai. Barclay, Rev. B. Campbell and Mr. A. T. Dram- mood, Montreal ; Dr. Boolter, Bttrliog ; DC. A. . Malloob, Hsmiiion, and Qeorge Oillieu, Qananoqne. Kegarding Ibe affiliation ot other medical (booln, Ibe Council bavii|t decided that such a Hep WM desirable, il was resolved bat the standard of eliminations for medical schools tffiliated molt be Ibe common standard, and tbat Dr. Grant, lames Mtcleunac, Toronto, and Dr. A. Iklalloeb, Hamilton, be a oommittce to con- sider propose Ii ot afilialK u. Il wai reported thai private arrange- meala weie made witb Victoria acd Trinity itaai a oommoo board of examinera be appointed by tbe three universities for Ibe nj mediation examinations al tbe different High School 4 of Ontario io connection wilb Ibe departmental examinations. Tbe Senate expressed tbe hope thai before long Torooto University would onite wilb Qaeen'a, Trinity and Victoria in this ajaiMr, and ao siouu pommoo matricula- tion sxajninatioDB tor Oalllio. MMMII **<! (kiU v>lu it trfiMtd with /-"" l ft*,*! la liy I kit i.Milltnl rrmiJf. SOMETHING NEW. GIVEN Aw<v FE Wrapucd arouml f very bottle 6f l>r ( hav'< I ivfr t'nrai ia a valuable Household Medical < ,ui,!r jij Kup Book (84 pagr-), containing over too uaeful rerii**, pronoun, wl by medical men ami drugliiti a invalu- able, and worth ITJ time* th. price of the medicine. TIT CHMt's CATAMH Cum. A t> and po>iii remedy. Price, s cam*. TUVCHUt't KIDNEY AiolmiPiui =<m perbo. SOLD BY ALL DEALERS &JQMANt)ON t 00, A|eM., lratff.r.1 ill l- 1 r K ! II K AND A i .i..u. .nui.rr WMch Was Ike f U'orllt II < r n, r al u. r Dl I ,.pr r !>/. W. O'Neill and Dr. O. 0. Wallase, ID oo mm a mentions to tbe iltdtcal and Burgital Reporter, bave related oaiee of dyppepaia tbal bave been sueccasfally Irea 'd wilb bottermtlk and icnr milk. Dr. Vi'.llaee Blatee) Hal be bat preoribed Iliie ti. --mem far many years witb good .fnulli, a nut being reoommended to be taken at t>oh meal. fiSaoy other pbyiieiani bave observsd tbe btnefieial aesioo of buttermilk ia dyspepeia. A glastftol taken in tbe early mormog u a capital potion for" biiiunsncsa ' Canvur'cs ao, ID tbe time of Bbakipear?, bnitermilk wa eiteemed as a remedy tcr indigestion and was in vogue M a general duck, lotue* with an tqaal ptojpornou of beer. Tnis queer mixtore 11 alluded to by " Rare " b-ij Jooaou, tbe friend ar.d eontemporary of Hbakspcare, in bii play called tbe " New Ion : " Sir, they do seau<lal us ufoo (its road ber* ! A pcr quotidian rmos of mutton, roasmU liry tu lj jrauxl I aud Itial drlvB duku Willi b*r ami DotMrulik DJingleJ lugeUitr, U in axaJust my (rebuld, my inheritance. Il i IK is UMI word Uutt Rlads (h bul cit uiau . And mtDd'i too bouse of wine. back, says mjr Q luarry and drink sbsrry. that's my pus*. i.rrm npn 1 1,. Xbe pioiaretqoe bistoriaoe of tb next gtaoratiou if any toob eorvive the growth of Prof. Seeley and tbe pbtloeopbie aobool will bave a great obanee in last oigbl i debate. One tblog only, is Mr. Qladilone laid, is certain abonl tbe polilloal aitua- IIOQ Ibat we are at tbe partiog of tbe waya. and DO elimenl wai wauling yester- day to enable a writer to empkaei^e Ibis igu post in oar hietoiy. He will be able to tell tbal the scene in Ibe Palace of WsstEumaur wai eoob aa bad never before been wilnesved tbere ; tbat members were M lanziooa to hear tbe great Miuinter Ibat tboy took their seats twelve boor* before- hand, and that straofjeri begged bard to be allowed toaeand beneath tbe gratings, at> ae to os>tob come eobo of bii voioe. Tbe MioiBter'a ipeeeb iteell was a marvel, be will go on to tell, of physical endurance suid intellectual grasp. Members were not aebamed tn o af es tbat tbeir f aaal(ibi were beoamcc 1 y hearing 11, and in after yearn fathers will tell their children ot it avs ore o tbe great events ot tbe brave dy.i of old, wUcn tbere wero still giants in ihe laud. Pall JfaJI Oaictu r*j BMtlc ! the "ft... i.. A majorit* of Ibe Toronto Babool Board has voted to not use in tbe eity schools tbe Scripture seltolione published by tbe Edcoaticn Department for tbe me of Mhooie. The argument tbat has been made to do moet urriee in tbe onset on ibis book ban bsen Ibal lie use implies Ibe czoloaioa of tbe Bible from oar Fablia Schools. Tbueetu-ato as a misleading play Of oil the pbraae, " tbe Bible in tbe Obbol." The only sense sppropriala to tbe Bubjeoi which tbis phrase oan bave is thai porticos' of Holy Bonptore are rea< io Ibe sabool. NJ one ean mean by tbe Bible boing in tbe sobool tbal tbe Old and New Testament, bound in one volume, ia ktpl wiihin tbe walls of tbe building. Boiei of bleH io tbe aobool-booie woold do no good. Bo long ai tbe Word &! Ood is read in the school i oaunot be tratbinlly caid tbal Ibe Bible it esoladed from the aobool. Wbetber it is read from a big or little volume tt of DO importance to (be value of tbe truths read. Chriitian Guardian. * B-lT.llon !" U. .Hi njd. ID tfae new Salvation Army barracks at Toronto laet night, prison life experiences were related by sold- iers wbo bad bern " implBOued for JOQ" in the Dominion. Five cmocre purod on Ibe platform in priroo garb : f I. WiggiDS, wbo put ia 10 day* in Brook- vilfe jail; Captain Oallelly, 10 days in Brampton ; Capt. Oowan, 20 days in Lon- don. Oapt. Drew and Lien*. Ball, 10 days ia Kingston. Marshal Booth related how be was run in al Manobeeter. Tbe feature of the mreling was Ibe dedioalicnol Barry Bill's baby to tbe Lord. Mr. and Mrs. Bill salon tbt platform with tbe precione little bundle. When the babe was banded lo tbe Uftmhsl to dedicate, the graceful wa>y be held il otraied an eld lady al the bstok lo cjaonlale : " God bless him . he's minded Ibe baby afore now." n -. U-irrn c. Old In'nnl Al Ibe Toronto Anise Oonrl yesterday, lo the ease of tbe Temperate} Colonies tion Oo. vi. Good, tbi defendant proved bal b wan an iotant wben be entered into tbe agreement, and Judge Oall dis- miseJ ihe action against him wilb eosle. Be wait 18 at tbe time. Tbe upcutors of Victor Bugo Ihe discovery of an unfinished diama by Ibe poet dated 1880. It il entitled/." Mr. Bealy, in moving that the House go into Coaimiltee of the Whole on tberesolu tion declaring the eipediecay of ameudiui. tbe Act Respecting Ibe Traffic la lutonoal ing Liquors, Haid tbal tbe proposed aoienc iiiMiit would 1.01 interfme wun the vorkiu of tbe BOOH Aol in any eounty where il w now adopted. Il WM proponed that count i which bad not already adopted tbe Boo Aol should bave Ibe cptioa either of pae leg the Bautt Aos or paasio^ tba by-U I (ouibitit'K tLo tale of k^inu and uliowio tbe ni-; of buer, wiueu suid aider. Namei oas i'. ; bad beea pitaeused i . tb Home Making tbat in oouuUen which ba already adopted the BoottAot Ibe elector might be allowed to vote on a proponal thu tbe sale of wine, beer and cider should kx allowed. Hia Bill did not go Ibis far, ae : did not interfere with the Boot) Ao eoontise al all. Il wss intended Ibal tb vote oa the Bootl Act and on tbe propoee by-law prohibiting ifat sale of e;-irin nboul be taken separately, and tiiat thovote oboo be taken flraion lbal measure Ine petition tor wbiob bad Ibe greatest Dumber af tiga tarei. Mr. Jamiesan taid it would be impose! ble to disoucs tbe proposed measure tutelli gently outi! il wan printed. He wa pleased to nee that the bon. member di not profo-o to interfere with Ibe Boot Aol. Tbe motiou was earned. Tbe Bouse went into Committee, and adopted a reeolntiun which merely de olared tbe expediency of amending th Aol respecting trsOh'o iu iotoxioaUng lujoors. Mr. Beaty tben iLtroduoed a Bill fonudcc on tbe resolution, which wai read a Are time. Mr. Bobertson (Bbelburnc) oblalaod a order for a statement showing tbe amount of liquora mannfaotared in Canada during 1 3*0, tbe Amount of liquors imported into Canada during 1885, acd the duties col lit: d from Ihe same, and Ibe cnGsber ul efeiablisiiments now in operation in Canada ID wbiob liquors are manafaotarid. Mr. MoMallen moved for a return okow ing tbe name and post offloe addreas of eaota person on tbe anperi,naatd lii ol retired civ.l servauti oa tbe lit day of Jan- nary, A. D. 1846. Be pointed out tbal ia lltSt 4 the amount paid ioto tbe super auunalion fund by Ibe members ot Ibe civil serrioa was til.882. Tbere were 43* persons on tbe retired list. They were paid *l'ja,672, of which the eivil servant* paid only ( 1.U80. leaving a net loss to the country of 1140,010 In the year 18M5 there were 488 p-rsoon on tbe retired lUts. They reoe>ived IMS 630, leaving a ell low to the country ot Jlil) U84, The average amount p.ultosaefa anperaoooiited persou waal4!9, and of IhU sum only till was oontribnkd by memben of tbi oivii ssrviee. Tte system ofgrantingiratniliias baa also been greatly aDUaed. In 1874 ihe Lumber entitled to superannuation was 7*3, now II was about 3 000. Toe system of " adding yeari " arbitrarily to tbe term of service iu order to inereaee their anperaonuaiioo allowance was an abuse. Hi gave several ppecimeus of abuses under this eyitem. Hi gave instances of the contrast between the ami/acts paid into Ihe fund by the taper- aocaak-d cttciali aod tbe amonnta paid to tuem io salariie. Iu one ease be tneLlioned an (filial who bad paid ID 961 ,.od drawn 10 000, aod in another an < fkoiJ bo bid ojuiriMte*! nothing, wbo drew 112 000. Ibe Bouse weut into Ccminitioe on Mr. Edgar'e Bill resptcung insolvent backs, tradjiig oom^aolei, u.suraLco c'jQpaniai, loan erapeniei, bailding con.tio aad iradirjg eirporatiocs. The Bi>l,ae amended by ibo Commute* on Banking aud Com- nieroe, allow* c'.erks Mid other employees of tbaae eompaniee to rank as preferred or rliier s for Ibe wages due for tbree mouths previous to insolvsney. Mr. Edgar pointed out Ibal the Bill was a revocable oue, inasmuch as it allowed tbe workman to rewver tons pjriou of Ibal which be bad ortatea i// All own lebir. Bir H. Lwigeviu sug<eted that Mr, Edgar should ask tbe committee to rite, io order tbal tbe amendment! might be printed. Be aisured him tbal the Gov- ernment bad no intention ot killing tbe BUI. Mr. E 3g*r said tbal after tbe aeeuranee of ihe Minister he would move Ibal tbe committee rise and report progress. The oo mm i Use rote and reported pro- gress. Tbe House concurred in Ibe amend- ments made in commutes to Ibe Bill lo amene. the Animal's Contagions Dissaiee Aet, Mr. Malook moved tha third reading of tne Bill. Mr. Wbile (Renfrew) moved an amend- ment bringtDK borr-ee under tbe operation of the Aniraali' Contagious Disease! Act. Mr. Pope oppoeed the amendment. The House divided on the amendmenl, wbioh wai lost, yea* 86, aayi 99, Tbe Bill was read a third time. ^ Tbe Bouse went into coin mil tee ou Mr. Robertson's (Hamillor.) Bill to amend tbe law of evidenco in criminal eases. Tbe Bill allows courts to noslve tbe testimony ot persons wbo declare tbal tbe taking ot an oath will bave no binding efleet on tbeir ccticienoc. On tbe first clause being put, tbere wer. bud cries of " la t" and " car- ried" and great uprobr. Tbe committee divided ou Ibe clause, which wai pasted. Veasl,na)ie>. Mr. Thompson proposed tbal tbe Bill should be made to apply not only to arimi- uai matters but to sunb civil matter* ae tbu Parliament bad oonlrol over. Tnis was aeeepied by the mover of the Bill. Mr. Amyol objected on the ground thai tbe Laeal Legislature had control over Ibe evidence in civil cases. They might urge tbe Home into Radicalism, they migbl abolish Ood if Ibey liked, bat they eonld 00} abolish tba power of Local Ljgisla- tare*, Mr. ThoaapsxM gajd he would be sorry to abolish either, but tbetc wre some civil oaten, noon as those In insolvsoey, over wbieh this Parliament clearly had oonlrol Tbe amendmeut was carried, tba subse ., an.' clauses carried, aud tbe Bill reported. Mr. Liantarkin moved tbal the Speaker issue biit warrant for tbe election of a mem ber for Haldimaod in Ibe roam o! tbe late Pavid Tnompson. Carried. Mr. While (Oardwell) introduced a ' to make further provision regardioti t9M Admiaistration o( Public Linda in Bniu>. Columbia. Mr. Orton asked whether, in view of tbe faat tbat tbe Scott Ael would come ii*to force la many counties on tbe lei of Hay, and that it would Involve great ii jury to hotel properly, an opportunity would be iriven to the Boose to consider tbt various Hills now before Parliament relating lo the! Aol. Sir H Ltngevin laid Ibat tbe Bill* referred to were among tbe Pnblio Bills and Orderi, and were Itemi not f r the Government, but for the Uiuse to decide 10 what order these Bill* should bo taken n. Tbe Oavsrnment had DO objtetion to one order being given precedence over another, but would not ibetneelveo alter Ibe prtoudsuM ot tbe Bills. Tbs House went into aomoiiiiee on ibe Bill to amend the Dominion Lauds Aal. Mr. White (Oardwell) said thai otie cf Ibe objseti ot ibs Bill was to relax Hbe provisions a to retldenee, so as to allow [arsons wbo resided part cf tbur time io towns to acquire homes in Ike N ril-wrn 11 provided that tbe settle r Deed not com me ties msldtnae till Ihe third jeer afier booaeetead entry. Mr. Blake asked whether Ibis privilege wool! be extended to persona wbo bad already taken up homes Mr. White (Oardwell) said thai Ihe iveruraenl was oooiidiring that queition Mr. Watson spoks In favor of allowing homestead* to be granted on condition of I cultivation instead of residence. Mr. White opposed ibis view. Mr. Wasaon said that in 1IMJS be bid moved aa amendmenl to the Land Bill, providing tbal in Ibe tint year 80 aorw cuusl be broken ; ibe eseot.4 year 30 acre* nuder eiop, and 10 uore broken ; Ibe third year (0 under crop, and 80 more broken, aud tbe fourth year boildiugi to Ibe valus ot (600 mast be up. There wai no room tor speculation in that, and a homestead might be allowed, giving the settler S30 acres iu all without danger. Be urged Ibal eultivatiou should be allowed ae tbe (jnsli- Uoutiou for a patent as well ua reeiauLoo Tula would give a UIK ola*e of people, wbu cuuld col aow aa to, the oppcttuuity to iL(M>o ia tba cultivation of the, potting tbeir inrplns earuiogi Uito tbal work. Be urged Ibat pre-emptions should bo given at II ao aere to all those people wbo bad settled ixwiu tde on tbeir lands. Tbere were some now living under a charge of la 60 an awe, although their neigbbjis were charged only II an aere nuder regnla- liooi made before or after thoss providing (or tbe charge of II 50. Oa a lubiequeut clause, Mr. Blake urged tbat scmeibiug ehonld be done to make 11 clear at what time land became liable so municipal taxation. Betllen had written aim from different points for a report, representing that lauds which nooody doubted bad beu sold by tbe Canadian Paoine to tbe Northwest Land Company or others, were anil legally exempt because inert was nothing to prove they bad been sold. - This was a great bardabip and oieanlShouid be taken to make it known wben these sales touk plaoe. Mr. While said be did not aea what tbe overnment oouid do in this direction. Settlers' landa were not taxable until tbe patent bad been i-.gned, aud Manitoba waa exsmpting most chattels as well. Any- bing the Government could do to meet the j.mcaity lugKemed by ibe leader of tbe (<1 u-iiuoB would bo done. Mr. Wiatsoo said that large quantities of aud sold by the Byndioale during tbe woia bad fallen back into tbi Syndicate'* lands. Wbile Ibey were in tbe hands of lurohaiers municipal taxes bad aecnmn- >ied against them, and ba thucgul Ibal tnese taxis should be paid out ot tbe iruceeds ot the sale of tbe lands. Mr. White explained tbal acelber clave >t Ibe bill abolubed tbe practice of sccand omeateading. He bad been eonviceed by what he bad learned in Ibe Northwest thai his was expedient. Mr. Trow wa* in favor ot Ibe practice of icoonil bomesteading. He pointed col tbal I gave an opportunity tq tbe saltier to sell ml bis flril homestead to a farmer wbo was LOI so well fitted for a piouser life, and bsu go went and break Dp new land. He Klisved Ibal Ibe reason a large number of Janadiau settlers bad left Manitoba for MiLuesola and Dakota wai that they ooold not gel second homestead* in Canada. Mr. White (Caidflelif said tbal tbti Qld ti>l be tbe aaoa, btoause >eoond hom- leading bad been allowed in tbe Canadian forth weit Mr. Trow Only for two years. Mr. White (Cardwell) said thai the first wragrapii ot an addreae presented to him Mtuoedoea aeked for the abolition ot Ihe raotiee of sscond homssttadmg, and Ibal ms was in accordance with tbe views ot hose wilb wbum be bad conversed. Ii ad been found tbal settlers abandoned rsi homesteads, and thai Ibtae so-called tnpiovematit* were otteu wor.e than tus- as, wce>. tba till WAS merely turned up aud ief i witLuuj fqrilier eultivauoo, u WM lei valuable loan 10 f.s na'.ural state. Mr.Woodwortb said tbal provision should be made for the ease of tboie wbo bad aJready applud f jr second bomsateieU. Mr. Watson said hi regretted that tbe pstern of second homnteading bad not roved successful. He attributed Ibat lack not to any delect in tne statute, nl to Ifae taut toal (or Ine Issl two years isre bad been praaueally no Immigration. t Ibere bad bieu as mueb imnpigtatiou a hue was in the yaare 1881, 1883 and 189 of these ii.e>nT*uieuOee would bave II -i i icon A WwwDJin xitui Uw t.t.ui tlollnl.i KaUrtf l.airgt SMS* ! nmti l*r Frctli tilrl. In tbe antnmu of lUit Papuan! resiaicgal a villa utsr Prn. ill was an invalid, taid l-jok very Huh noiioe of any other occupant of tbe villa. Tbe only other occupant lor whom be appeared to care mncn, sayt tbe Fhtlalelrbta Nmi, NiOblte, a youog end pretty waitress wbo attended him. Oue mortiiog Nicitte wai sad and de jsoied, ULU her bine eyes ibowed si;,. ol weeping. PAgaBiai, wbo had takeu .u bOLt: akin/ for tUe poor kirl, was not luL h in luarLiLg the oaune uf ber griuf . Tbe eui, o-.i| 4i..ti bad just ooou dr*ii ; a bad br Had fallen lo tuu ,'ol bf her lover, and. said ifae: " Poor Adolpbe mnit go tfl fora soldier, i.d I shall nevr see him again." " But why don't yen Mod him a subsli late ? ' atked Psganicl. " Monsieur is joking," was tbe sobbing rply. They say there in I j be a war. acd 1 MX) fra^OJ is the lowest price for a inhetiiate." A (ew week* passed and Christmas wai al In Fraoee il la the custom to piacs a wooden shoe OD Ibe hearth joal as wo bang op a ktockiog. L,ts in Ibo after- noon o: the day before Cnritlmae Nioe:te eotered the saloon where tbe moaioutu WM seated, tbe centre of a large group. Sue laid that a huge parool bad just arrived tor Big. Paganint. He aatd he could not itnaiiiLe wbai it wa*>, but ordered it up. Wrapper after wrapper rs opened befure the ouricos speaiaiors, and finally there appeared a huge wooden iboe, a m:sl large uoogh foe an lulaut caaoie. The byetanden laughed. B;mo hinted tbal il *aa sent by tome oue wbo msanl to insinuate Ibat the great violinist wai more toed of receiving presents than of making tbt no. Paganiai laspecte^ as much and a sudden ilia iieamed to strike nitu. " Well, well, my friend*, we shall see if tbis shoe docs not prove of value tu aomsDuoy. ' For tbree days litUi wn seen ot situ, and il was reported thai be wa* busy iu bis litua we kuup, ILI i whiea acue wire permitud totu ft. Then it WAS *i.nt.uto<.d Ibal en New Year's Eve the greai maestro woold give an unique concerr, in Ibe eourie of wbioti he would execute fl.o [iecss ou a violin and five on a wooden shot. Tbe price of admission wai to be 'JO traces aod but 100 ticket* were to b i sold. Ol coarse they were dit posed of alouoe. VVLu tbe evening came Paganini n,adi his appearance in ntoal spirits. Tbe violm exe Aral on tbe programme, aad every oni declared the great maaeuo fairly excelled himself, axil there wa* no ead of bravii. Be retired for a moment aud ibeo appeared with tb* ventabl* wocden *bo> nuier bi* arm. But in bl* three day* of seelaalcn bs bad col and carved U into a rude imitation of a *Mlin, to wniah be bad deftly fitted tbree strings. Upon lbi> carious uulromsnt hi began k> iini/rutics one ot those skrangi faLlafeias, wuioti many tay wer* the high est uuttrameois of hu wjuderfal ftnius. Scarcely had Ibo tumultuous applause ceased wben Paganiui bdu Nioetie ap proacb " Here," said br, ' ars ibe i 000 trance wh.oi tbe old shoe bat brcuic Tbal is more by 600 fraocs than u na.dt.i3 to buy Adot( bs off. Ketp ibe mt to bagio houeekeepiug witn. Here, loo, is tb: old wooden boe. Maybe ecmtbody will give " > JB* f*w frano* for it. Ibtfn WM k r*a.omp*inion u- to wbo suouli bav* tko wondtrfulrcne violta 1: *,ut up a> Mjali u iu,il svld t<i nob e OOU franc*. ariMU. lie was ID tavor ot allowing k I seiller to tae a; a pre-emption as a second bomesUaj/ Mr. Fairbauk taid that the Minister bad evidently got hi* information from those wbo remained ou the first homesteads, not tboss wbo went away. Mr. White (Oardwellj moved an amend- meal providing thai tbe new law should not lake away the rights ol aoy peiion wbo, before tb* psaaiug of ibis Aet, bad received a certificate or a recommendation for a patent. Carried. >rw.p. frr |,aw. ons risen. He waa io favor ot allowing a> tb* publisher may COL tic o* I? aaa4 it Mil l.Apoalejiater u nqairedto gives colioe by letter (ritturuiag in* paper deea LOI answer ib* I.-) when a subscirlwr doe not lake hi* pa^er out ol lb tttj*, and tat* tbe reatoua fur its noi bi. g taksu. Any nrgltei t) do so makti in* poa:- makr r*ipu:,>ible tj iba pui.ii*h*r for payucat. 'i U auy porroii i_-r.'er. bii paper die continued, be rnuit pay all arrearages, or payment la made, and oullsoi ibe wholo H. oui.h new*. Tb* death took place in Edinburgh on tbe 18th April of Bishop CoHirill, wbo succeeded to the See in 187S. Tbe Burgh Licensing Courts wire held on tbe 13>b April tbrougbonl Scotland, Th* tendency was to lessen tb* :. umber of license*. Lady Elizabeth BaUli* Haldane Dan- oao, daogbter ot tbi celebrated Admirsl Dunoab (fint Earl ot CamperdowL), died on Ihe 15 ib iost., al North Berwick. Kev. J B. Soiilb, ot Union B .reel U. P Cuurob, Oreuuoek, ia spoken ct aa the Moderator of the forthcoming annual meeting ot ibe United Presbyterian Synod- Tbe Marquis of Breudalban* cannot see bis way to accept tb* Lord High Commis- tlonershi,' ot Iho General Assembly. Bis L-itdihif's reasons are entirely pereonal, and cot polilical. Mr. Harry Soiitb, ex-Sbsriff-Substilnte for Oreonoek, ban been chosen by Ibe Liberal Council of Ibo Falkirk Btvgbi as prospeolive Liberal candidate for tbal ecu utituenoy al tbi nexl general election. There baa Jon been erected in Ihe churchyard at Tougb, Aberdeenshire, a handsome monument on the grave of tbe late Mr. William MeCombie, of TiMyfoar, for some time M. P. for West Aberdeen- sblrs. II ! OB. ' Mr. Katberly," sail Bnbby al Ihi dm ner tatli, "What's an average?" "An sveragsT" "Yes. Pa tayi yon oonia to ee sister twice a week on an average." Fealberly waa very much amused. Alter explaining to Bobby tbe meaning of tbe word, heaald: " I suppose you thought n was) some kind of a carriage, Bobby 1 ' " I tbongbl perhaps il migbt be a b. cycle, but I knew it ouu'du'i be a carriage, be oiuse m iye you're loo meaa to hire - " 'Bobby," iDterrnptel bis moibar, wil you bave anothsr piece of pie T'Ntv York Sun. The liuJ. l>ll< mtuai " Tes, indeed, Miss Clara," continued Mr. Lt Didah, giving an account of bii Iraveli, " I bave beeu in great perils, don't von know. One time on a railway train out well, don't yon know, we were slopped by the train robbabe, don't TOO know, atid one fellow, a terrible brigand be was, you kuow, he put bis pistol to me bead, don't yoo know, and ho laid, ' Your money of your brains !' aad 'poo me soul, Mlsa Clara, I bad nothing for htm." Hurditu. A !! iln. ni |n. i|". Winifred, a little 5 year-old girl, hap- I* ued oue day to eee her maidin aonl t<ak* oat ber teeth and brush tbim. < How old moil I be, auntie," said ihi, before I eaadotbatr n oscls a week This reminds us of a man wbo lived en notbmg. It U true thai be livid but oui w**k, but tbeu tbe principle waa the same. /foiton TraiueHst. Tbi Boston AiheiMm will hereafter tpen its library on uday aflernoon tor , but not for issniun books. Tbi wm DOW bas abonl 160,000 volumea. wbslber it U taken from ibe or not. Tbtre oan be en legal discon- tinuance until the payment ia mad*. 3. Any person who take* a paper from tbe puai offlM, whether direcisd to bis name or another, or whether b* baa sab- sciioed or not, u reetoneiole tor Ihs pay. 4 II a anokcriber orders hie ptptr 10 be stcppud ai a certain time, aul tbe pnb- Inher oautinneeto setd, tbs eobaenoer is bound to pay for il it be lake* U out of Ib* puei-bfno*. This proceeds upon the ground tbal a man muat pay for what be naee. 6. Toe courti have dc:ded Ibat refuting to take newtpapen and ptricdioali from tbe post office, or removing and leaving them uncalled for, 1s frtma facie (vidsto* of inteoliocal fraud. Mrs. Virgitia Thompson, tba taoioua LiLi-viiie poiln.iilrees,ls adaoglerbf the founder of the seel of CsmpbelUUs, to which Garfield belonged. (J .: o! th* baiidioga ooustituting ' Libby Prison " during tbe war tell down la-t Wulueiday trom senile debility . Il wai a monnmeut oi Ibe U. B. civil war that o-igUi as well be missed. Tbe Uuited Slatea Presidsnt is ai go)d as mirrisd already, nolwilhstanaing hi* mdigua ion and prowiiau L-. The J ajtrs and aoine of the relatives ct the youug lady have settled the boainoes (or him. At a 12 ass maeing beU iu WaaaiLgtou lastnigbl, at wbioh Ooa-greMtnan Bandall presided, a rciololion of sympathy with Irish ilome Hols was passed, after a letter from Samuel J. TMden, eadening Olid- stone'* (oheme, bad been read. A Wraliby Parss.r lurrf.,. A Racine, Wi , despatch "' Wllr. Tbis . Joeei b Ubler, a farmer, 76 years old, residing ib the town of Caledonia, aod reported to be worth 160 000, shot hi* wit* through tb* body, iLflieiing a mortal wcuud. Toe tragedy ooaurred at the hcmt of ber son. Toe morderer then ptoxeded "> hi: cwn bom* aud *U>I himmlf throogb the bead, d>iug Instaotly. Ubler mar ried bii wife in 1D84, but they lived unhappily together, and a few week* g che commenced ,rjo;edings Jor a Jtvoro- on Ibe grounds ct ornel aad Inhumst, treatment, and anked for alimony, Tois fact H supposed Id hav* led to ibe nagtd/ in \ ..,,,. JnJgi, Hhm tells me thai Iboagb Biisvtaam Y^uog left ov*r a million, Us children are fan going tbrouyb it. Many ol Use fttifcs have not lamed out well, aod ia his opinion, none of the children have the ability of tbeir father. I came aoroaa a euriooa fact in eouneelicn with Brighaiu Young tbe other day, and thai ia that his children acted ia the Salt Lake Theatre When it WM first started. Tbe M jrenous are not proud of this, and wbu 1 ask Mr. Cains about it ooe day b* evaded answer- ing Ihe question, -/rvw a titter, -. I- or u. l.r III. ri- . Mini Cyntlii* Mushroom: "Now, ps, do b* cartful al dinner and don't mortify as before Mr. Htuyv.-anl Sturttvaui." Mr.-. M : TCP, Phioeaa] da mibd your maDueri, and remsmbtr ear iintruoiicn about etiquette." Mr. M. : ", that'* all right ; you kin go ahead and arrant thiugH la suit yourself, but I'm darned if Mi eat pi wtib a fork for anybody." Chicago Tribune. The London Uardeum' Chnntcle, retir- ing to the durability ot larch limber, says maov ot tbe ahaieta coa*true4d of ilia the Caaton ol Valoii dale from tbe four- tesuth century, yil tb* wood i* ae found as ever. ATUBBBIBB 4r f Hir Ibr I >rr*-M<k IlKlllr Mel I n-aani Tiwwscr* I SUBS IsUo sVlDf. In England tba Prince ot Wales has been for tb last twenty -nte yaara tbe great pro mulgator of faahion for man and the Prin- c>* (or women. The Prince ba* enooeadsd in some degree in bringing Frenchmen within bis jurisdiction. English laahioo* are, in fact, more or UM " ibe rage " among the pleasure-teaks*! per inn ot Freneb socisly, which oulliratsa the conarcbial traditions and " la sport." Bal tbe French tailors acd draaaraakers do not aucoamta to any foraigu iLtlutuoo, and l ill try valiantly to oiamlauu tuo old it fluouce in oia'.tenof druts. A writer in the Temp has recently been giving ao interesting account ot how they do H. The leading tailors ia Pans appoint a oammiltee every season, whose duly It i* to get op a "fashion plate, ' and Ibis set- bain for Psvriiian tailors and the** of tb* province*, wuat change* are to fee made in men's cl jtiiia for tbal seasou. Bui tb* dreaanskara in Paris bave no oigatiittlon like thai ot ibo tailors, aad do ' acd provi Je fashion* through a ommitiee. N'euribelesa tvery isaarm witneaaa* tbe EO.I startling abangtw. Under the expire a Ja*b on was started by trying a dre.a on tb* EmorsM or on. of Mr immediate circle, ihe 1'rinoaas rie Met. leriiieb or the Dnehaaa d* Moray, the M*:itaale d'Albufsra or th Cjuatea. da Uoc, al ball or a court reo*piioa. If it Ifkad il sal tba fashion for tb* season tbi court ladies wore it aa a sort of iv*ry. "ays It* sauua tbiog ii doaa .aruagb a circle of abont twenty fatbiiaa- ble women, who employ the draaentaker and meet in bit salou d ssaavage. What they alof l carries the action OwMijually they saeeamb a little to Ihs i-flacoce of foreign courts). For in- iti. acnoBLC jj thai oracge is to i tbe dominaiiog color in female toiUia dnricg tbi eoming eeaaon, owing ta tl n fall by a Rnauao Pneeaes cf blood. Tc* ret l woollen staffs wbiab Frtnebwoaen have lately bean waawiaai re an importation from England itartea by tbe Piiccase ot WUaa to eneoorawe he sufl -ing woollen indoilriaa of tbi forth. Tba fashion once rei in this way, it* fusion ssnuag all etas*** and ooadittoo* f won.aa now laka* plaea with a rapid iiy formerly unknown. . Ad " 1 *' forioetacte. bas bsen approved of and worn by a well-known faaaionabl* All her sit icon got tbi same The scouty papers de<eribe il aud Ihe imaliir dreomakari cf the eep--,i fopy it, aod il make* its way ea,-- B ' drwaay, well- to do pecple ol ' grade*. UMf U'llr. (William Alllncbaa la oao Now Kitty O'Ha. darilaa- J.w. 1 wUc you w.,uid eui: >i<ir lay O wno oouid U Uv* oo r. tu cm.l lo h ok ID ibal b*ul fulfme* 1 M rccas U> l.aloua, no uatMr Thd.iasbtae'slailove m.b yccri_ What aluflo. bird wuuMu't l flatter Tu aayff. hw vote* wami rta *p**M * Kilty U'Hsa, O'Haa. kitty |T. MT u> my sou . kitty O-UM. U-MML. 1 m WHurUac roa lawe> y luoottu I eau navar ks*p .tasdy, Nor mar* nor a mao in a dreni ; U> MtMr lia. Mraws la aa Ssto, Iu i>i*M ol psumuag theesjessBi win swsssi aad BMM t dua'Kanfor, 1 DKMaallka a oow goo. aMray . MyMlf know* ia* why an.l tiia 1 am UunJuof of kuuy o ttsa. suttv OHsa, O'Bes. *a> I cavr etja.!*! in n To baa* .its: a ttitLt or a se but.. o un-t aJway* in aaMo 4D4 L*ut lau I rr tmt osT. "a"'?' T< Tf*f' * ** ""* Aa4 .1041. I'll got pu! to* 4m,. . I r. . . I :i lake bo uiud yburaa.f. sully irflaa. . Katrv. adn LM.I to sav Kisty (riasa. U MM. Kilty. 1 u oouruof roe loss]. Find opponanlUes bal sow aolt*s. auo its streesnb is spoi. U . aa sbuii a./ 1* u but kb. clf B wi alltk*sjj w. uon l*kva. laa real umak Tt. iibi w. io*w u ao, ib. * roiu jul a nudaiM *kf. H u. sw.atauiutio^ Tba IWMU.I !t M ar CUM* to Jaty w*e. W k xe i ' -* Tb* BUJS; cit Ufa it, ahluiaa; r**oed ring ao A - l I in IN 'it t i w 10 Brlrrl the | k.,. r 4 >u mm4 Ut ^1 wflUswui ikt Itan.Sj, r -. Opl.l.a. The majority of peorle who bay meal 5d at to its qoaUly upon ibe state. ' of tb* man wbo sail* u to them. A rich piece of meal, in tbeir eye., is no eot from a poor piece. A laugh steak Ib* table. And y*i ibe quality erf m*M o- easily be told by running tbe flu^er over u People ean edccite tberreolue in retftl ia well and as iccosssfully a* they aa lo art tua: srs. if pecpii. would inves'.i^at* tbis sub- jio'.' laid a. tipsrl, ib.y cerxJ never i hatchet ',. or.iaian. h<ard should be bad for tbrev ihiags color, grain and tbe lioeaof fat Tbe eolrr should ba bright and red . |b Main elcse, so Ibal wbsn noier [' lejP over il a -rcooth svsc arfaoe (raaetli itaelf, a-.d tbs fal Uoe* booll bt flu* and run ail tbrucgh th* rail fl ."b. The flavor will be preserved, aod the rabfJernaaa aud j'jjcio.a-ee>a be relied upon. The cook, bo<iv*r,otl*n fl<bu tue botch.r ai.d uivur faiU tg knock him out when be o.lls to bii aid iba Melbiag pot aud t fi.tirg pan." " and mutton ? Will, veal properly cooked ia aa deairable ra-at M ever Anile in way into market, slieoagb il ii geae. rally oonsiJered lo aff jrd little nourish m*ui and to be hard to digeai. Manor, wben il bas been allowed to bang three or four days, in also a whulaaomi usai. Tb* ailipaiby of some people to it, I believe, reultn from their having al some lime got hold of a leg of strong old sheep. While Ihe old sheep n always rank, a young oce u Lever so. Thar* ia also a great differ- sno* as to Ibe kind of a aheap u ia a ew* or a w.iber Th* wither N always in* lender..! and tb* mo*l finely flavored ; il stacJj in the same relation to mutton Ibal capon dose lo poultry." Twrl. Tba well-known rtoa mare Miani* Msteor. by Meteor, cut of Lady GUsfow, ha< becu soU lo Mr. T. H. Live of the Ksdbank Hioek Farm, Montreal The eheilcul geldiog Gerald, '1 30i baa been sold bv Mr J. O. Wilkinson, nt Oeo Hound, to Mr. J. Sberidaa, ot Toronto. Price pnvaie. osiatio * SIIT CLCI timixa sttrrnie. Tbe following are tbi waigati in the hauuioap of the ucelug of ih* Ontario Jockey Clnb : Open canh handicap, to U ran BalnrJav If av lu^.bouillaulM. Hum* wtMdMUraaowt l>y May Ulh. Hurw*. Weight Hone. Wtlht Rica, aaexl__ _ 190 Itla.nioa. aii.1 . . Haiti^tr., 4 vrs IU Itrait, yr- . luu (rwrU<yrs iu Usawater. lews) . H CXiuji^u*. 3 jrra _ 110 bu Hull. 6 rr. . M ManOamiaa. ail... 1IB Trmw,. 3 ir_, .. w La.1 ?*> wiuaw wilb Hi Ib*. I>omlni"Q llau<lioa|>, to be nn Mrn-tar liar *, sioiws *- ' to about Ii mil*, tir May lllb. Hon.. W.igbt. Bat.r, a|*d._ It] Wilil. W.tyrt 1S3 Wiod. Priol.a*l IJi luppir*. I yrs..~ CurtJluialjrn IU Buuai. Uvk.l vn.*ory,ac.j... lie " gl Ban*. rawDbrok.r.9rre- 10* Her- Holl. Syr. HR Annt Alic., 6 |rs... US KduiODtoo. in... Ill Uns* of W.ilfc loa. I yr. ni Sir Ubario., l yr.... 80 Tia.l. a. 1 yn 90 Railway* Randlc*|i. to a ran May Mih ; abuut ik| uiUwk UonM to b uut by May lltb. Hone. W*l*hl Spactaela, ft yr. ..... 144 hfi.tunicli. aafrl 144 Hora*. \V.igj:t. Williams, agaj IB* Tb. Lclr.l. aKl. Willie W. i yrs im IN . ru T. jrra l.1. ao lDap<ctur, I'awuluiM.r t*, yr. yr*. L.DIIUX, aged alauilauiu-. a.| . 1M UJ . UO 14* Ctian.loa. yr. Sir K Iw.r I 4 yn. Ligbtfuul. I Boas, y r... L-..CJT yr. WM UH Last yr wmn.r willi 160 Ib*. Mr. Palgrava baa been appointed Clsrk ot ib* Brni.u Hoosaot Uosusnona. Tba Praaeian Ooverntueot. leariag Ibat sinks* are impending, baa ieened a decree ordering the police to interfere In case) mrikem intimidate workiafmeo. Extra vigilaoo* is ordered ag.ioat strikes eon- Qeoied with the Social Demcoratie agita lion, th* leaders ot which ruak* as* of Ibe strife for higher wage* to widen th* gulf between *mploy*rs and Mr. Morl.y addressed a Urge mesting at Olaagow, on Friday night. Ue ridioulrd tba proposed Goautv Boards. Io rvgard to reparation, be eaid il waa impossible tor Inland to aeparate against Eaglani'e will. I'h" II 11 waa not a oast iron measure Tt Oivrrument knew the snormou* dif&oulij of d'Mtni witb tb* constitution, heuos II formod a flexible plan, capable of aeSpiouoo M a variety ol oiroumi>iaiio*a. Lot Ike oppooenM ot Ibo B.ll ooosidsf tbejsrospsst ot another fifty yean of troae**. Oisrelic was not stroog enooh So quell. Iboojb i might iulinjida, Ib* Iriib people. With regard to Ib* removal of Irish msmbcrs from Ibe House of Commons, Mr. Glad- stone had already slated Ibal aoy workable or feasible solution of this probltm would he isajelved y and i mrarliaUy slothful to iodtjatry. Yoox, girl* ci wive* with a long acd lonely afternoon of mend- tog before them oan sal tbe easja on tbe) table be 5 id. ib* work-basket, ebai to ihe bird, aiag with il and leach tl new cote* aa the* i* plied. PaMei tiLuaU instraetton only can trick.. B*c*ose il *om.tisa octward aigo of Imitation i* Dot to ba accepted as a belitf tbal n ie net learning. - praeiwicg the trick la pnvaie, and II i* not until after a perfect rsbeelnaJ will it Civ* > public sxbibiiioo. To leech a bsrd to kua, hold him lightly, enattiLg in sooth- lug tonis, till ba ia quiet , than kiaa tba bill repeatcdiv. still sootbirg him witb (ntle talk. Kiss tba bill again acd 4mi) till be e.-aau to straggle in .'ear of tbi) salato; then basiova fltal one aiiaiof approbation and nl*ee him to partoka ol bisj ujayueot, Rtptat ibii tb* nexl day-atvual time, a day if yea wsak I) leiob bieu qaiakly aad he aoon resortt to this pirformanae aa a method ct coax- ing, op.aing aod aloaing hi* bk between you up* exactly as yoo bav* don* by him , ao L*arly m bird imiiati.u is pj*ib.e. It b* picks your lip* do not nolle* it before him. The esg* of a uarvcxaa I neiar be toucned wilboal i: tt tenant's atunlion, ing aJ. ays some s:<;ot, au abrupt i larile. him ja.1 a* 14 would abuoMti who ic come upon soddebly. To teach him M til upon you draw a ebair up near ib* eag*', bold a con- fereco* w.ib him, thin introducing a finger between the wire* bear hi* favorite perch hoi-, ti there, patiently rsadlng year oock or r*pr mnauwni . Tb* new chjaat showicg uo dupoaition to harm bim, be no*, up Muliooaly for an sxammatioo. Then tie p.oks to ascertain tba mstsfsal may be b* Oxbis u. This is a good aaaa. H* no longer fear* it. him with eon* eboiea morsel and etaeerfol word, for tu* *oartg*. Try bias again in tbe after 1000. He taay go faith*/ and Uajbi oa it. Possibly the trick may tak* several " B* patiaai. GJO. tbe atap ia vary ibs programm* by introdooint ' flagtr inoihsr.pcU. H* will 1000 jatht on l at aay pctat or angle. Nixl try ihraiting the fUgera oader the dow. N.xt time fasten it open, egraaa with iba real of band at one Infer M tends with- n. Wbaa be perabee oa il draw forte) a ittls way. Next tempt him to the perch outside a little, and so on. In a short Mm* real bat have to open the safe ajeor orlifi a finajar and be i* eore to fly aac u. aad b* may be thus called to any part of tba room to r*l on Ib* familiar pereb. To sal treat Iba Boners. 1*1 him hangar several day* for eoms favorite dainty say a fag. Show him disregard his slatiun ; do net Ul him have U. Spread a fsw seed* over the end at your nugwr and aflat team esoae by hie percb. allowing bim pUnty of tune for speculation. 8 x>n b* will snaMb c ff a ased or two. It he utterly rttoeaa, pat bim sadly away, leaving tbe fig where b* can ace il. N.xi day try agate : be'U lake one or more. Tbal will do. Do not platjoe him any longer. Give kirn a piece of if in tk* eag* and Isav* bim sA~s- ?>**) xi day. U. may feel independent, being aor- feitsd. aad rtfuae to pick. No matter , oal him sway without his AC. Tbe next Aay be i* car* to pick all off tb* fiDijwta. Prair* tbe aoi acd reward him. Attar tbat n i* plain sauting. may oe ljw io many bal not alow to lore The laws of Mexico elaim girl* at 11 and boy* at 18 year* ar* luible to marriage), and it ia not an un- osual siMbl to see st we man wbo Icoka no m ;re than 83 a gr*al- grandmother. Al ebildreo tbe MexisMO* are rather pretty, bat wheu a girl pae W sb* * maebo" aTMrdopole. and ai <X) abe sports) a oiostacb* and gal ways" thai would eaajse young ba*h*aott in the Swats* to lorn iiaan with savy. Tbt mau. on tb* contrary, ar* alim aod wiry ad io not bosstl of tbwir hirauie ebarsns. wpwially wben in eom pany witb women, aa ih.y have little deaire to call attention to tbe contrail, and tb* diamond rinn flcda other meaaM ol datplay than stroking and Iwsatinf an imaginary moalaob*. Tel this axabange of eharaa mtarfcrw* in no way with love- making, aad the young man waft* sweet kieee* from hi* finger up. to th* fair no, dark daaaMl. and snjoys it as tnnoh aa if that biaea. silky down on bar lip were fringing tbe gateway to hi* stomatk. Mixita* Litter t* Pitltburg any. Too " Eavw yoa *** f hnetsiwal. whersf ' ake -** * friend Mo. I never saw tbe tike of you. ar. aleejniDoiug after him." T*, ai7 'car. Before we wen mar ,inl I bad him on deposit, bat since tbe Ibavekvpla ranniog aeojunl with him. Dr. Tork, an infldsl leetorvr wbo baa ately been viaitiog New Sootb Wale*, on itaviog wa* preswDted with an album eon- latniug photoktrapb* ot persons aad plaeaa in th* colony, lie sloaed bis missA of thaoka to tbi doiors by sayiag, " (rod I 700.1

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