Holroyd-Myers. -At Feversham, by the Rev. S. A. Arkells, on the 10th March, Mr. Arthur Holroyd to Miss Lottie E. Myers, all of Osprey. Douglass-Bewell.-At the residence of the bride's father, on the 17th March, by Rev. S. A. Arkells, Mr. James Douglass to Miss Nettie Bewell, all of Osprey. Douglass-Scott-By the Rev. S. A. Arkells, on 24th March, at the residence of the bride's father, Mr. John Douglass to Miss Mary A. Scott, all of Osprey. I KEEP The largest assortment of WaUham, Elgin. Springfield, and 8is. Wtcho-in3.4,al 6 oa. Coin Cusea-to be found in Central (Jrey. J,ro.dw.y Movement. !) oz. coin case. $18 net cash. 4 01 $2 extra. Kll.'i-y '* A 1'artletfs at as close- quotations. Oilier mikes same price iu MUIO Bdc8. Scth Tliomus and New Haven weight ck-e.sH to $7. Handsome Spring Clocks, 0h. i H ,ly. I can give better twiu.s. cash or credit, than any other jew. Her in tfaia section of (Jivy. Why? because of a lirst class wholesale oonnection, who keep we well stocked at closest jobbers prices. Oe my prices for proof. Warrants run 'J years &, cover breakages. /*.. UltOWIV. Prices Watch Repairing CleaulnCyliuiIttniand Verge* (0 T all i.mk.-it of 1 A) vert 1 OO Vlvotingtop or bottom 1 OO C)Iiii.lcrvO VIvoU 5O llalancc .5iaH I SO Hwiaii ami Aiih.iii an Uaimpruigi 1 OO foot auil Cap Jewelling BO Hi>U< JewnU 100 Fly it ml liH^kSpriuff 76 llraBH and Htcul HatiilH. i>r pair l> to I) SO t'lu-kii ami Click Sunups, each. SO Ulane. 15o., aOc anil US Iloflt material m*e 1, work promptly dono and folly wirrmi'.' I I'V.T 13 yari at tin trade. Honeat vgtiuiattm every time. W. A. BROWN, A IMinbU H'ufeA- Krpairer. C Ladies' Gold Watches. 10 & 14 karat, do 10k. and Koll Plate long Chains. It. T. Simmon's Roll Mate C'lmins, Draper's Fire Gilt Chains. Roll Plate, bar Pins, Ear-Rings and Sots. Moll Plate Cuff and Collar buttons, warranted. Roll Plate and Silver Brace- lots, 9k. Lockets, roll plate Lockets, fine roll plain Necklets, ladies. Lazarus' Pebble Specks, " The Ik-st." 3 linos of Fine Silverware. Engagement Gems 18k. acid teat Kings. Violins, Strings, Hows, etc. A fine stock to select from. W. A. BEOWN. TO8 ?APER FLESHEKTON: TIIUHSDAY. APRIL 1. 1880. IHSTItHT NEWS. f V7*/wi/ from our Kfrlminjeg, niul Other lteli<thl<- fiuurcit. THE KIEL ItKHATK. The debate in the House of Commons, j in regard to the legality nf the execu- lion of Louis Kiel --which was brought on by Hou. Mr. Lauilry's motion was j taonght to R termination last weok. It resulted in eomplet* victory for the Government, hy a majority of 94 votes. During the clrbatr, noiiic of the grand- est apei'ho8 which have ever been tie- l.M-i. 1 siucc Confederation, were pw-n. If anybody. Grit or Tory, ever bad any ilonUs M to the ability of the various mrmbcrs of the Liberal Conservative cabinet, those f.oul>tn must have bt-on upeedily ilisjelled on reading, the bril- i liact, forcible, and iiatriptic spwclieH j;iven by Hon. Sir Hit-tor Uiui|;e\ in. Hon. T. \VhiU'. Hon. Sir. Adolphe C'ar- on, Hon. Mr. Chapl) an, and Hon. Mr. Tbompeou. Tho attack by Hon. Mr. Rlato, Col. Onimc-t. and follow inn, wa trjrt fai<v and squarely at every p>int l>y Government up|K>rttTH ami ! arly nbnwn to >> ilki^xiaJ, ill a.M- 'I. nn<l ^ unpatriotic. It -ua *howii that c\.r\ oppoKinrity wan aflordcil by the Gov- ernment to the i-oiin.M-1 for Hil. eou-it- cnt witli the proper ailuiini^tratioii of justice. It was slinwn on tin- nm'-t un- <iurtionabl< luithority. that Uifl wan not insani.-. The report of the Medical Conuninuon furniulK 1 *! undoubted cvi- inc of his sanity. It was was slmwn *'iiat Rii'l was |./-.|, a r. .1 I., s.-ll tin- Metis "body and soul for HufKciriit filthy lucre to enable him to li\< in eoniparative Rffliicni-r the reinainilir f bis ilayn. The fiery niul i-onviiiriii( fli|iieneo of Sir Adolphv Caron, in liis scathing < porare of ('<!. Ouiruet; the ma^erh. logical, and powerful speech by the Minister of Justice, in reply to Hon. Mr. Blakc'R lengthy and carefully i>rewarl attack upon the Government ; the burn- ing, loyal anil patriotir utterani'-- of Sir. Hector Lan^t-voi. Hou. T. White, ml Hon. Mr. 1'haplean were all too lionest. too convincing, to be attended by anything else than the complete vindication of Sir John's cabinet, in the matter of the execution of the traitor Mer.fonl is a paradise for burglars and other la\%li"-H iuilividualri. Mirror. Ml. I.d\VS fl.KASA.NT \Vl)HM SVIU'P An agrc-i-abli-, suf- iimi rfli-ctual r'i ..... > to romoTe all kindt of wornm. James Hamilton, of Glenhurou, deputy i, . M- of N'ittn\va<a^a. was thrown out of his cutter on Saturday, niul hail two of his ribs broken. i'n-rmorr Adrvrtiser. 1'dll Rough i-i.ii'iiti' it-, of tlu> Skin, Sluiin- piwini; tbe brad. 1'iinplc 11 -, Kniptinn and Skin liiM-8, uw; 1'rof. I.OW'B SnlpLur Soap. Mr. J. \V. Pond, of this to\\-n, has n 1 . ceivi-l word from the old country that be is one of a niinil>er of heirs to a for- tune of half a million ilollw.s. M,>\fr,l Resolutions of thr Town Council 'l I I Mo .Ml. Moved by Robert U ,..ls seconded by Samuel brickor anil renolve.1 : That Us ON YOI-B detail. I>oii't allow a cold in t)i>. liriul to i-lowly an<l mut-ly d.vrlnp it si-H inlo Catarrh, lu-n you can In- ciin-.I for U-i ri nts. A fiw applications will cure inciiii.nt Catarrh. Out- or two knxe will . MU/wdteanCatarrk On. to tin. ,,, lXP8 this toiuicil dwire to expresH their K reat will cur,- olmnic Catarrh. Try l>r. Cha*-'- l>leaurc at the 'xtraordinary energy Catarrh Cure- it will cure you. Sold by with which the Dim-tori, of the t ana- \V Kirliardiuni. ilian I'acific Kailw ay have pushed oil to Quite a tUU-r was caused on Tuesday ^m\,lctiou tlieir Main Line from Ocean b\ tl,,.pres.,,.-e of several couHtables tj. Ocan ,ul at theexUM.Hive accouinio. from Marl.dal,- .,,,1 FU sh,rton, in Ihir- ****^*l ^'l'.,. 1 ?.. 5*fe.lJ? liani. It turned out that they wt-ro looking out for tlii'KOtxls of P. & J. Vilnh from tho vicinity of TraversUm, which were attaeheil at the station here on thoir way to Dakota, iu the interest of various creditors. We have ln'cn in- .~"Y. formed that all claims wen- adjusted, to ni ""; l the products collected it the satisfaction of the cla.mants.-GVy ^I'h^SLflS^J^J^ Krri.tr. VVnKM I'OWPKRS di-- < rins without injury to I.KY .tSSKKTS IT- SI''. I. i-'. \ tueclinu was rucontly held in Kim liouScy. KH object was to disc us* po- litical matters. The chief promoter wasa ju*tic<>t tlie Peace -annppoiuU*.- of Hou. Oliver Movvat's (iuvivinaent. Those at tho meeting c-arne to the cmi- chisinii that they cn-.iM knock the <'i<>v- ernment sky hi^h by united iffurt. Thry ileiiouiiccd provincial oxtrava- Bailee, ilouiiniou extravagance, ami am other kind of extravagance. Salaries paid to civil service employees were nl- .together too high, our national U-M hud anor*Hl<_niprnioM.dy, awl it }\f\ came this th.t Umilicrley imist awrt itself or biiti Therefore the following resolu- tion" le.ic*l out of tli Mftty valve : Resolved that this meeting |ile1cs it- nelf not to lie influenced by partisan consideration, iu choosing onr future re- presentative to Parliament, but that the withe* of the people shall be tho guide to our representative. That the meeting protests against the expenditure of Ontario Lieutenant Gov- ernor's house, anil favor the complete abolishing of same, ami fr.rthtr expen- diture incurred ly paying l)rputieti in the difforr.il departments out of the public. fuuils. That tin* iiiMtinn is in favor of the _--Hiunhinj; af t^to Dominion Senate an it U..ICHS auiU'Xjieiisive body. ElHTOItlAI. XttTKS. The luiseatine of Mayor Howland has cM)d much excitement amoupst the pood i-iti/.i us of Toronto. An act vrhich is no**tasins the regular stages in the Ontario Lcilature may i>erinit Mr. Howland to (jualify on his wife's pro perty, but there will have to bo another election, nnletm an apital against the ilt 'cisiou. which niillified his election as Mayor, be mistaiueil. Slumlil Mr. How land be a candidate again, ho will be elected by a larger majority than ever. If the citizens of Toronto confidcr him >mt.t nt to do their busiucH, ho\v- *ver, wliat docs property qualification Miter y Last week's Durham Ckranulc gives Credence to the rnnvorn whic)i have been ctuTOBt here for nouie -week's past, as to <Je |oba)>Uity of Mr. Jenkins allowing in raw If W be uominaUxl as th stamlan' bearer for the Liberal Conservativt )<a.rty in South Grey. J)r. .lannoson is Bcationrxl m another possible candi- , anil Dr. Cliristoe as another. Nit* HTABVATIOH'I Dooa. -Mrs. NIJMUI \V. \V"hiti.)ir'l, of N'iluii, Wftfl a rlir.inir ai*fffr from ilfnpepxia unit IIV*T cnmtilaint. and van iKmcelr \>l? in take tliu ino*t mil pl mirinhiofiit. Ki allow of watr duck Bli'od Hi tli if riired her, !. u ni. il-'- failed. H)i heartily recciooi-ndl U.io /l&d. to ill Buffiicr.. KUKKMAVS troy unit remove adult nr infant. Thr pre-* nt pastor of the Methodist Church of Owen Sound, buinx near the i-li.xi. of the third year, the i-on^ri-nation , \ti-nded an invitation to the Itov. T. M Cnniii.iell, of (loderich, to l>cconic tin ir |i:i>.tor for the coming year. Ad- MfMW. OUSTIll't TIONS nf ill* Stnmacli. Liwr iii.l H.'VfK are promptly removed by Nati. n V. I'il!.. A f;iruur came to town .hiring the n i-fi.t i-old wave wearing aliorseskiu coat. A > \ ki-s Htra-t merchant iiuniired : Why Inn t M.II wear the hairy side in iasteail i.: .., f.'" "I reckon the hoss knew \\luclisidewas the wannrst when lie wnre it. didn't he?" replied the fanner. That's M.Mntf<*rd Mirror. Mt. n IN A LITTLC..-- Hamilton Powil. writ- ing from Unriu. Out., say* lie was afflirtril with ctiill>lainB wbich were very un and I ainful ;tnd wliirh nnthinK n-liered until lie tri.d HupvariTs Yi How Oil ; leas tliau ouu bottle cured him. This week we received t)ieftrstintal- ii i ut of Kprinx pin-try. There are just :i.">i'r.! similar productions l'ft over from priAioiiK yearn, the**- will have to be in- siTti-d bi furr the one jut received. It will lie a long time to wait, but first come rvi-d. II'iiofMxiV Tima. \ VALCAIIU FISI>. Jiirui'i Alex, fiproul. ..f iiraniiifVillr, av h<> lian fouml Burilock lU,,. ! Uitten to be il.. lient ineitiolne hi' ever took fur kidney eomvlaint. with hicb he wan Inns Duffering. He declarei B.UH illiMiit a ritil We rej/ret to learn that Mt. A. 8*elc, Heal Master of the High S < -V, has been unable to dirtchar^e his dirties on account of a serious attaek of eoni;entioii of the lnni{!i. Mr. X. (iordon, 1'uliln S, In. ..I Inspectur.il! aKxistin^' the teach itiH Htaut during Mr. SU-ele'H absence. Ihnmqrrillr Ailrrrtiirr. W.iiirn HF.VI Miiraiso. In a long letter fr li.rin II. llall.i.f Haibliek. Caff Union, X.S. . lie na<'t : "I belief* cre it not for |!iii'l"i'lt HI..,-. I Hitter* I kh< nM be in my fi iv. -." It i-iired me of ki.lin'v and li*r cninriliint aud general debility, which had Hourly prowd fatal. Professor Drajn/r, who wrote columns auaiost the use of tobacco, declaring tliat it was n poison and shortened life, died iu Xew York a few weeks a^o ai^etl 50 years. About tin same time a man in that City, who has used tobacco sinee he was fourteen years old, celebrated bin ninety -fourth birthday. "\Vnnor n Pp." Probably one of tb icniit ili!Ticiiltconipl ; utn to doctor iawlioi.|. iug couch. Whi>n ireateil l>y ordiimrj iiirsn- tho poor victim ii loft to )... i.j> i np n hf<t he can. Ilagj-ard'n Peetoml Iltl sain yivi-s relief in thin n well AH in al throat, lironrhi.il. dad lunjj troible. About 9..'i last Friday evening thi barn belonging to Mr. John Moore, lot ir cnn. 4, IVi.ti.ii. was struck by liohtim; Two of the boys were in the stables al the time attending to the cattle anil horses, and were knocked senseless ; one horse was killed ; another horse- was also rescued ; but the barn caught fire and with the remaining; contents was c'liisuineil. About '2(>o bushels of ip-aiii 8 tons of hay, some straw, a set of bar- ness, fanning mill, other farming implc inenls and a net of carpenter's tools wen all destroyed. Tin- loss is aln>ut . r .(Hl; there is an insurance in the Saiiyeen .Mutual, hut owin" to some difficulty in si'ttlenientH we are unable to say what anitunt. -Vf. Firrtst ( liuife It rutr. A \\'M.I KIM.I . A wide range of painful .iii limy I"' nirt with Haxyard M Yel- low Oil. Jaiui'K M. Lawion, of Wooilville. Ont., Kp<ukii of it iu high term* for iln n.n lame back, spraiiif. niul ninny painful .oinpluiiitR ti> nuiueriiim to meution. It i uneil internolly or extcnially .John MrtNawcr. Bouilbea', rit. t WlieneTpr I tori out nf nrli, hilimm, or my liTot nnt wurkinR ripht. or rncki-il wltl lir'.-HiV 1 "'. I l k 'liai-' Mandrake l>ande lion r.iTrr Cure. Tliero i more real benefi from .n" done of your I.iver Cure than in many bottles of gome medicim ." On Sunday afternoon Alexander Oilles who resided abouthalf a mile from (ib n hnron station, lust his life by the eolapsi of a shod. The iHiildinu was a lean-ti the barn, and tho roof was covered w itl snow and ice, the weight of which cannot the roof to cave in. Deei-ased was emn inj; out of the she*! when the roof fell 01 him. hi ;itli must have heen instantan eons. - t'rnin'trt Adr<-rtistr. Sruivii ANT SemirB.- I'rcpare the bod; fi.r I.' ultli iin.l vi k M>r l.y tiikin^ l>r. ('bane' I. vi r< nri'. No Spring Mr. Ill-inn equals it ll i-tiniiilnt<.B thi! l.ivnr, aldi digeiition. mi iiiirifieK the lilnoil. I .nfi bottle and lien p. hook, f 1. Sold by \\ . Itichurrlion. One of the nicest little affairB of yes terday waH the marriage of Mr. .J. P Marshall, L, 1). S., of this place, to Mis Kate A. lirowu, of Nottawa. TheintiT estino oeremony t<Hik place at tho resi deuce of the bride's father in the pres- ence of a few invited friends. The ha| py couple will return from a short trip and take up their resilience in Shelhurne in a few days. Shtlhurnr Erminmiit. A large number of fricnda met last Saturday at the residence of Mr. Hiram Oillson to celebrate the fifty fifth aiini vi rviary of his wedding. It is nut many towns that can boast of a couple who have lived tu celebrate tlieir golden wedding, lot alone the fifty fifth anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. (iillson are, considering their .ii'e. Mr. (iillHiui heinK in his 7Hth year, in UIHM! health and promise to li%.. for iniiny years tu conm.-- hLtocmifythat I1,au.od Mc(i renr- i.fil) rtn lor ny|>eiinian(ll.iverliiioiilnint. .l <tiiliiuifstl> ,) tlmt it it c.^t mi' one Imn- r. .1 .li.llaru 1*100.0111 a l.ottlt I woulrt nut l>5 Ithomit. a.itha,lon<.mr rafoodUuiaU ,,, IM..II in,si..v,. f UH. .1. aii'll Ji--1 l ian.-Yi.iir. truly. ALKI. STKKI-. lace. Out. Tins medicine in for ial at Me ami ?li.i,.. rl.,,ttlrat the I)rnstor. Manitolta aucl the North-Weut Territor- ies by the constructions of branch linen. \\V also have uiui-h pleasure iu acknow- ledging the courtcMicM of Mr. K. A. Bai- ley, Kuiii^ratiou t'tuiunissioner for Maiii- both for the op]K>rtunity of ex- iu the valu- able information furnished the Council by that Gentleman. ' W i i.i MM lit--. Mu i/or. Tlios. E. Hay Ksq., Reeve, a new - ,-.,i:. 1, .1 by K. Martin Ktuj., Deputy hv-ve and resolved : That the Council _ _ _____ j of tho Town of Iiistowel in Council as- A~voun man named Hill, hailing from sombled. having heard a repres-'iitative Kirreinont wi> understand, puuisluul member of the tanner-i' I mou of Mam miMdf severely in the bar room of the toba on the various .jucstions in con- .IcOnilla.i lions.- last wc<-k. He was nectum witli tli agriculture in that trvin-to act the cow lx>y in the way of .Province do freely rc-commeud to all IrinUng whiskey and flourishing a re- -ekiug homei. in the went tn K " to volver when in some way the firearm Manitoba ml the North West lerntor- as discharged, the ball losing through "^ in | reference to Dakota or any of the Hill's baud. It is wou-lerful that uo u f*teru Statc-s . Uduving that portion me was killed by the noisy revolvermt, of the Dominion of Canada offers MM' and a gi-cwl act tiiat it was himself who er advantages to sc-Ulers. especially in tin punishment. Ml. Prttt agriculture ati(l stock - Hef>rtitHt<ttirt. Passed in 1U841. Council this 10th March, U 11. I.I.I M IU..SS. .'f !',.* HKV., \..ii ev.r tn.-.l Mrltrecor* I'irki- Car- Nil if Orate for norm of any kind? It lube in,! ilunbt ttji- \,-r> l..-.t |>ri'|>aratHiii in th Krknt (or lirnliiit anit rnriiiK Sore*, Kuril*, l m-.. l-iiiipk. Hl>ti In-", ainl iatlin only |iro| i,:,.tl,..l..T..|.|.liiii!<'arU.lic Arid. Sold attlie >VASHIM.TOW. March -M Th chap- Dm Mora r..rx- pwbot. . . i t M.,, ,.- lm of the luMisi' inailc a prayer on MOD- . Sharp was up before Mayor attrw;U .,i J^J attention. Mockler, and Ivi-ve .lauiieson, on lues-.. .. last on a charge of assault, and was H.OO and cost, about J7 in all The evidence showed that the assault was n premeditated eowardlv attac-k. J. E. MOOKE, Builder and Contractor, Durham street. Hooper's uld iland for (ifnrral Jiri*tiri. Money to Lend. On Kami or Town I'rojierty, at lowest currant rateHofnitfri'sl. Apply to K. J. SI'Kofl.i:. PontniMiter.Fleiliertoo. , ^ , Tliee, Almightv ,, . , "^ '^l' the p-nple of this country to lea t hat moniyyau,,,! othorw.se than I him coiniuiuiilcst bv the sweat of , J . the face, as th* fair and honest wage of , 1.1 . ,i,ii,,, te ace, as t* ar an onest wage o e arc pleased to note that altnounn tne fine wJon tho light side, our Mavor 1-,-orabe , uai.hr vork of bramcr hand. has shown, dispos.tion to MtoDWwdy "- ^,ne, 1 hv th.A. n> mutW.r how ' ' ' i )iD(( blat.-kgna.rih who lircnk the law. mav he continue a terror to evil <r'rry Rrrinc. Long doers. mutW.r how we that money IH never name the stei roiiverti-il into wraith noteM. it ci asos to he the pander- of fur last*, and lifts UH atx.vc the level of the animal, tilting us Lime Cdpound. ii-" . i..n-iui.<t) in i>it ...!. not y ji.u have takfii ..v.-rythina you l>v. 11 iUlii.l..r >..ur .-..i,i ,.r vour ovlDion will I.. 1 tlif f-Miu 1 u.i.ut.via .th.t iti. t),el~-.t >l.oobottli.l>) thi -DruirKlat. until . in.l to manly admirktiou; naakii*; us kindly with our kind, pativut to(Kl'lawH aud reverent to uurselve. Kid the land of all t;aiin stem, we 1-ewcch Thee, of all solcllnsiuc.ani'l gamesters, whether they gmuble with ilii-e or cards, or chip., or uitli wheat or -^- 'stocks, or i <_ru r (tton. l>elmr us The RrKllll of thf Volr. fnnu the iuflnenon and \>m\t** of rob- Toronto \VurM. IKT-*. who, entiring their victimx to What is tin- result of Mr. Blalic'H Ixiard of trade aud stodi e\chmigcs and tin- Kiel question from a pure- bucket tiliopA. uauic tlieir ]iracticc of ly part\ -,tnndi>oint ? Has he gained or 1 plunder "sbtwrin^ the lamb*." Kn- lost '.' Is he nearer or farther away from lighten our intelligence witfl Thy truth ; oflit-e and power? nwreeten and dccpem our humanity with Mr. Hlakc lias had one steady policy in Thy love ; quicken our piety with Thy his whole career at Ottawa and that baa spirit, and may Jam* Cluist become liecn to win tin- Frciirli Canadians over moie iunl moro tht? miU> and rnU-r of tohiniMlf. He lias never opposed them our lives mid characters ami thoughts, in anything. Whenever a splitoci-urreil \VepraytUrongh His hallowed name, or was likely to occur he was alwayn Amen. found en their nidc. Tho probability in Tlie dflivcry <4 tbt praycT was nt ten that instead of having as at present a tmdy listi-n.-il to and ca'nsed quite a small minority at his back from Quebec, sensation moiv the ineiiilx-ni. On next election will sec the majority of motion of Mr. Butterworth, of Ohio, meinliers from that province supjiorterK secondel bv Mr. Weaver, ol Iowa, it of his. The jveoplc nf Qne.bec look npt was ordered printed in the Congrcasion- him in a way that they look up to no al Kecnrd. oUier publie man ; they consider him a gentleman, a (Treat orator and a friend of the race. His vote fur Mr. Lamlry's motion strengthens all thin. Hut to thus win over the French vnto he has had to stultify bin record on tbo first Kiel rebellion, when he offered a reward for the murderer of Thomas Scott : be bus had to justify the rising nf the halfbroc.ls; he has not heen able to take his small following in the house with him. for m>t losi than twenty-three liberals voted with thr envernment ; bo has weakened the cbnnees of his candi- dates in doubtful constituencies in On- tario and the Northwest ; and ho will have to hear more or less responsibility for the dishonorable course of his organ, the (ll'ihr. As far. then, as we can sro, Mr. Hlakc has gained something in Quebec and lost something in Ontario and the Northwest. The other provinces will probably lie indifferent. His net KAIIIM n the Kiel n iiit t IT are not of a kind or of an amount to ui vc him place and power. Mr. Blake will have to beat Sir John on some other plank. lUvoymi Toolhadie? l"w> Klui'l I.iKhtnliiR. llfivi- yi lUu.imiatiiini ? Tie Hm.l I.ixlitliiiiR. llav von a Stiff Joint? >'' Klnlil Uiptnlnf. Hftvi- you Ni'iirrilfxia'^ t'*l* Fluid Lichtnlnfl. ll.iv,- .m I .iiiiiii.il.'.' ' Uw Fluid LJinitnlnf Are you troubled with Hi<a<-aclio ? 1 - Klnlil t.iulitnini IUv, you i.nv Pain? t'at Klulil l.l,-lilnlii(( It wllfourn vnu ttixlnitant It l p|.lloil Try it a.c jicr l>nttleatlh linii.- Stun-. Ai>virnT'> MI-TII Kits "Arc you ilinturlM-.] at niKlit Ami lirukin "f your rMt liv a nick chilli Hiirfi-rint! an.1 . ' >in^ with pain of ('uttilii, IVi'tli ? If -M -finl at i.n.'i' ami get abottloof "Mm. Vim- Hlow'ii KootlifiiuSyruii for Cliililren TMthll(. Hi valiio in ini-aluillabln. It will relieve Urn p Mir littln utiffiTi-r iminivr1iati.lv. I**.] 111 " ' upon it. niiitlinra; tlirn- i- no iinsiki- n.Mint it. It c'lrt-s I i\i.iitiT) ami Iliarrlor-a, ri't'iilati--. tt.i- Stoiiiarli anil llownl". rnr- Wlnil Coll. , ...ftm- Marrlrd. lli.i.ii'ivn MTWU. --At Feversham, by the Rev. S. A. Arkelln, on the 10th March. Mr. Arthur Holroyd to Misx Lottie K. >fycrs. all of Osprey. lioriii.AMs ilKWtLi..-- At the residence of the bride's father, on 17th March by Kcv. H. A. Arkulls, Mr. James Don glass to Mi8 Nettie Hewell, all of Os prey. DOI-OLASS SCOTT. By the Rev. S. A. Arkelln, on '24th March, at the resi deuce of th bride's father, Mr. John Douglass to Miss Mary A. Scott, all of Osprey. NK\V A]>YEKTJ8RMBm I .n ii nnd I* i ne I u in in r for Kale- Th.. mi'lcrsiifiif'.! ban a quantity of I'im- l.uiu- br anil I'lin- l.atli for nalpat I-'l*nerion Station Vll.l.AUK LOT KOll KA1.K. 1 hare also agood lot fnr Hn1i in Kli-xherton wlilch will In- iliu|Ke<l of nn iaiioiial>le tiirniK at AI>VAS KOBl<-. or to .M,I s MrLEOI). Klunhonon Station. N ..i M- l thr Puhllr. Tliour rciniirliiKilry I'liw Mvl IUH- IVH| I.uin her. I .ui]:, ,r Slilnfllw. will Un I il to tit, ir ad- vmitagnto call anil no.. Moon- 4 Wliltton. who have aKuoxlrlanit of tin. nhny,. i.n haml Ware I", pr.-jmri .I t.. <lnall kind* of Framing, llotme Cu|M.|iU'rinc and Joinoni work at raoimt>li> imr.-i hi r. | 'in )!KI| >-r i.l, l imi.i. I 1,..|,,. rl j K -.IOUHI:. JOHN \\HITTKS. Thos. A. Blakely, luw> ho.jlliliiK Syrup 1 fur rlillilrcn teeth ing in l>l'K--tnt lotto lHtr ami i" tlio pri'crl|iti,>ii of . ii.-i.f tin- otiti-t HIM) lM-Ht frniale iihvniclatiH ,ui. I i.nrs.fc in th I'ultcil Stati--, and i for "aln by all ilrilKKlltfi t liri.iii'hont tin- worM. 1'rico twi'iit> flvi- 1 < -nlii R (inttli- He urr> and ark Inr Mu \VlNHI. (IW'M HUI'THINT, S . It! I , nn.l tak noothvr kind. and ilrnamtntal House and Carriage Painter, Flesherton. tin- iiu .- in the rm>t atisfantorv and workman lik umitiu.r, KAtiiimten chiM.rrully ftirniHhed nnd < 'rfitnn f , ctrruil mitt" tln< letter. Order- in town <>r rmintrv, ly umil or ntherwlfle, will rc>i<.ivo<inallv ironi]>i Mtcntinn. Shop ovrr Milbtirii H o*riin^ work*. TH08. A. BL \KELY. WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, D12ZINCSS, DYSPEPSIA. . DROPSY, INDIGESTION, FLUTTERING JAUNDICE. 4 \ OF THE HEART, ERYSIPELAS. ACIDITY OF SALT RHEUM, t THE STOMACH, HEARTBURN, DRY NESS HEADACHE, OF THE SKIN, And every tpeclet of dliaae arialnr from dlaordwvd LIVER, KIDNE.Y8, STOMACH. BOWELS OR BLOOD. T. MILBURN 4 CO., PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BULMBR, Ph o togrn /t/tcr, Flesherton, - Ont. +L.J9 NEW VAEIBTIBS OP POTATOES ! ^ -FOR SALE AT- JOHN H. HEARD'S. K ABLY Kl'NBlSK, Ixiat for early imc anil very proiluctlva. 10 cU. per Ib, 1ft II,.. for !.(. BKiiL, KrowB larKo ii>e ami good quality, 10 ctx. pr n. . +i lb. for *1.UX IH.l-sli. hlgbl) riMouuiicntludauilonp of the mt for cr|i, J eti. |mr Ib., 90 lb. fo* |1.0. . 1'KIDK or VMIiHK'A. Id.-ts. p,. r II, Jl II ( (,,r *l 00 WAI.L'H OKASfiK, .1 ct |HT Mi.. SO Ilia tor 91 M. WHITK KLKl'HANT, WRIT! KOKK. and WHITE STAR. Iba. for 01.KX Alo 1'ark lx>t X, lleacbol'a lurvey, and 10 Village Lots in Block .1 Apply to JOHN H. 1IKAW) Saw-Dust and SHAVINGS. BROWN'S Steam Saw .Mill & Planing Factory, In the Village of Priceville, Being fitted up with N. w Macliincrv, of the latest and most improved {UMT terns, is SECOND TO NONE in tho County of Grey. Wo are prepared to supply the public with any amount of Lumber and Bill stuff at Lowest Cas-h Prices. We liuve on hand nbout 50,000 feet of Maple aud BircL Flooring, dressed and matched ready for use. Sawing and Planing done expeditiouaJy Midi bargains given to liuilders. Contractors, and Ca*b purchasers. satisfactorily, fcpeciul bvint laU'ly put in an Kmery Wheel, wo can fjnm Crosscut Saw* in Aral c!;ss stvli- uiul on tlie shortest notice. A fair trial will convince )oai that this is the spot to bnv vonr Lnmber. rriccville, Feb. 23nd, 8fi. Toront I ari|inrt' 1 f-il tlM --tu'lio <f til* y. H I I>U- n. rt'd \afnnMr kn<>1< d^ in H. i\i ftKHiirtnl I ran pue f""i iTcrirral A callrepv(tfu)ly noiiciUfl. MKS. r.tl.MKIl. FlehU>n S|.t. 17th. 188S. Butcher Shop in Flesh- ertoii f Peich c^ Mitchell. I Havo on Hand a Full Assortment -OF- RING & BUKMBR GOODS. Till: itndaxiitiiii.d rvfi'iuifull) !,. Ihi* .'i>|>or tunity fn atiTiounrc t *ln | fir i.f 1 1,-sli- iTt'-n nii-I -in i. .n i.i ^ ...tr\ tli^t Ihcy bftve utitrti'il a ItikCclnT sliojt n: tic rnml r.rxt rftxir to tin- Murl.V \V..,k- H.I.SIII KTllN. ti,-r<. tllty wiM !"' I'!' HS< [] to M*t With All H)K> f.iv-.r tin-in with tli'-ir p >in;iii><i. l"..-li Mot* of all kind!. and F1li. Ar In tiY K. ..|,. I'ifully yoirrn. A GIFT ' n I 10 n nt* ixi^tatfr, n.l nlll nut 1 1 t,,u r,.. n royal, Tlnl>l*. *!!>,. 1<- l.<>\ l.f |'.i'.,U tln.l till put M.II in (hi. wayof niakinc more munry HI onc, tl..m any thill* ' lie- m \iin-i ii- i II. .ih .. T, ^ i>( all an<*P <-an live Hi Ii. MI, niul work in xpiirr ti.ru. <>r i] the tiiiir Capital not rqulTf>. \V, nil! i>tart you IniiiK'ii"- |.ny hiir, (..r Ili..k. wlm >tart at nn loiiiUMiMr pay r,ur' fir tlic>Ki> STIXM.N .% To., FmtUnH, M In GouU, I*du's, Misses nd Childrens HOOTS A FIIOKS. I endeavor satisfy our customers both in Goods and Prices. WM. CLAYTON. Largest, Cheapest^ and Best stock of -STOVES !- IN THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, FLESHEBTON. WORKS : E. VANZANT, Important ITotice! i H.-r I H to inform the . J.Bellamy FLESHURT01T. Loan o and Insurance ^ Agent. Money to Loud on good Farm Property at cunont rates of interest and YOI'H (AV'N TERMS to repay the IVincipal. Expenses at tho very lowest possible figures. INSURANCE Kffectctl n: tho loading Companies and at Current Itatei. CONVEYANCING In all iH braneh8 attended to. Office on Toronto fit,, opftoiite Town Hall. Fl<w>ii<rt<>n nn.lMurroiiiMlin^rouiitry.tlnit In- )mb MR. IIOGti'S WILL 9 inilon from FU*s)ii>rt(iii. niiil is now p:oparf'<lt> furiii-li I. ills of any length or nlzu of I.ninUr LUMBER LATH, & SHINGLES. Always on liiul. KI-I ' * .--^--, i, on haml rutom SswInRdouc hy (III tll.MIMlll.l. REASONS WhyyoimliouliUvt vour Lumber cut liy Spiini i r: (!>-F.viTy Hnw in ti.ii Mill | s New anil tho mill l In iHTfrct oriltir. (2) BocaiiBc hf In aprnrtlralnawynr find limps himmwH ami niRrliiiuTy in iwrfcctonlor. CU HITRII-IC In. , -iit all KiantliuR Jolcooxact- ly tnthf hill furniftliad. (IfHi- lian piii in n I.iin.hi.r IMKrr iiii.l all lioufls are Banic friiltb* from onn i-nd to tho otlii-r. (Sl-nocaimoyoii can take* loadnf Ingitotho iiilllanil a loadnf lumber homo mo day. (Ol-HecatiBo ho giiarantocfi to cut allcuxtom work In a workmanlike mannor and fHi(actlon KnarMiti>ri]. 171 -Heeaimo all KUW in In done at rock bottom price*. Lumber Drlirfred if Hrquirril. G. H. SPENCER Bopt I0th. 1HH.V YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMANS WORM POWDERS. An plamat to taka. C'ontain th*lr own IfllatlT* It a aafff, lurr. and rttrrtuil *^>M W wvnu In CbUOnn Of AdM KIND!) OP 0,9 Monumentt,. r anib Tables, HoaditoiM Crnuitor ami Table Toprf in American and Italimn Marhlc and Granite, aud mad* on sln>ft noticn. Also Mantles iu Marble aud l Slivtc, Ac., ic. Klexhurton, Arijj, TO) 1JWJT. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAY'S PILLS &OINTMENT THE PILLS Purify the Idood, correct all Diftorden of the Liver, Stomach, Iii<tny, and J3owel. ; THF OINTMENT ^Bf%^^ For SOUK THRO.n, HKOMWJTIS. COUGHS, COLDS Glandular Swelling., and all Hkl-xI^-anoH It ha. no rival ; and for contract* and itlff Jolnta It act* Ilka a charm. nanufactnred only at Profo.nor HOI.IX>WAT' KaHhllnhmenl, 78, New Oxford Street ( late 5, Oxftr Wreet ), S !.. n .^-^^ . 'A' I"M '' 'V F*t <ni nT*. If <<V nddron ti not Orford ' Of Pnrchoter* J. W. BATES, Furniture, Denier and tfndertdkcr, FIjRHHKKTON, NOTICE: A thorough hrod Pill-hum Bull calf, ne month old, for sale. Also a one year old Durhfcin Bull, with pood j-wligreps. Also a Rood St. inn Flour Mill at I- 'i-sln rt. HI Station for Bale. Apply to ROGER LKVRR. Fl. shertoa 1', Q,