Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Apr 1886, p. 1

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. B. laurances Spectacles d Eyeglasses Are the only genuine English Articles la the Canadian market. Real Pebbles are kept iu *tock. Tests are given to pur- chaser* to prove genuinqpe**. They are recommend, <1 by the President, Vice- Pres., Ex-Pws., and Ex-V^-PrM. of the Medical Association of Canada, Ac. J AS. C. ftKELL. ./wafer, sV-, ftukerton, On*. The only place whew they can be got. Canadian Pacific Railway. Owen Sound Branch. TIMET~ Taking Effect, Mwday, July ZTIk, 1886. "Narth." iTATIQMf.- fMaU | Eay.1 IMSW' Tttani 4Spm JOT " SO 45 703 Toronto e-r4wll Junctlou rharlwUon Ommto- 1 Arrira villa. i Lew OriiBTllU Junction ;IfllT' h.Iburoe ..................... 104* " l04 Dli1U ..................... "10 " l F1.S.HKBTOH .................. H* SU WO 7" . .................. Harkdalo ..................... I'M " 10" Wllllm.fnT.I ............... IllUptn : OSMWvnrth |l!-l1 Owes Bound Arrive 1 I OO lOW TAT10NH _ Ex l > 6wM ttouud .7.7. ... LMTB ObaMwiirth ... WUManufurd BUrk<iml . n.-MKi.i -v Dan.Ulk Sbelbjrne Junction 590 W - r " tos tl " SOD " Mil i sao SM ( . 431 4S7 MM. -I I Arrin ............ "1* ............. ss : ew4*ll Junction Ton. Arriw Mtf tor "'tiO W.WHYTK. ' U. McSICOLU, AT DR. CARTER, M.CXJ>. &B..OXT. . *frt to LHnri wt Ctnirf office, Ilixon. Physician, Surgeon, and ACCOUCH/:R, PRICEVILLE, ONTARIO. _ mi.l KM.l.'lir ucar ksrahM. Prienvllla. ilcutiotvy. J.P. MARSHALL. L.U.H DENTIST, R\Dt'ATK of Toronto Krbool of Dntl(try, will tw at Mrk.|l<- thn Imt tml .In) W1n> ; uf wh ui.inth, anil t H>- -hrrt.>n on tin let n.l 3nl 1 li'irly in . a< h month fur tbu practice f kn profcuiou. FROST & FROST. BaRKWTKRS. HfIJCIT(IIIH. CONVKTASCHH, Ac Ullrc I'oliUU Htrisit. <)KN AoirNI), and T.iy Tli.i.i l. at PI.KSHKKTI S J. W. mOHT, I. I. M ALFRED FROST. Crown County Attonwy. MA830N & MAS80N, BVKHISTK.HS. HIU,I<Trc)HS,*c. Orru:-Ow.m HouM. In Vli-kcr'n block, I'onlutt Ht ; Hranrh oltlm In Mm V 1 ! nvr Mr KarUud (ton, on KrtiU) ami Haturday etory i. MAHOON.O.r. R.MAR8ON. 'W.HAB8ON. N.H -1'rlvnu ft Company's fnn.N to Invwt at from klx t.. F.ilit par cant. . -.i>-*is iiiNii- n r. n MI.I-, i in i> v o tnMx HANDS, ECHLIN & OARVIN, Hiifffimiri In 1,-in'iff if- II ti"l-, BMUU-.I I us. snl. Ii I I in. >. KOTABIE8. ('i).v VKYANCEKH. 4c Money to Loan t Ixiwnit lUtctof intn.--t. UIBcm. 10 King Htreei ti. Toronto JBnsiiuw John W. Armstrong, I-'l rsn VCTON, Co. 0T. DIVISION COfRT CUKHK. In B K.. Conrtiyanrwr. *c Ai-nt forpurchaMi anl ! nf Itmls \p|irl--'f IT <' I. C Cum and F. !' H A S. Hoclntjr. Monty to 1/mii on the aoMrwaMHiftlilr tflrui*. Ii-n i." UK MAKltlACtK LtOBNHKS W. J. BELLAMY. TV i- rill. k ti.n "i -i CON VE Y.tM'KR, < '( fMMfJISIOlf .vcf; AHT, AC. DEEDS. M011TUAOK.S. I.KAKKH. *n . |.rnar- d and propur1)-axcut<1. Inwnrtneo anvc- **d In flrt cliMcum|inle. Honey to lend at ]owetrtr . U. J.SPROUU nhert<>n. It Affentanil AppralMir for thatold rflmt'l,- %/vl honorabl* tu< n*y Ivnrlinit04>nt|>ny, Thadtaailn fnnMMit l,omi tail SHTIIIBH tuni aajrsfCsioato ^ larilr , it l,o H- U r ,|imlitilt I lltllli-> al I of lntriHit Thono vaii ad It to th1r*4tvantKK d to . I t ratio Money to Loin. At 6j Per Cent. lutrreit <,u8traiykt Lonn. 1XTITR Int.'i.'st paid vevly. not In .lvtu- No V* eoiuiulKloll clur^i-l Al'Hjr tn A.EIEB. - I HOKMUR1. "H.'M. CHARLESWORTH, OWKN BOUND. ONT., Bredr aad 1m p.-i t >T of OTMR. Buff. Cochin nd Mammoth Light HrahniM laraea* turkeyi Km*. Huff*. Wjwr .Int.. llrtiniu *-2 pitr .loinn H fliu- Klwk H]ioi"li Kii.l I'lyuiouth Ituck *s*j* toa^l. Unprow yoor stock. THE MARKETS. FLESHERTON. Cart/sdly < 'or, <' >! Eneh Week. Flour ..................... M 0to4 60 Fall Wheat ............ $0 75 to 80 Spring Wheat . Barley Oats Peas 076 076 48 65 32 32 065 B5 13 Ifi Eggs.fregli. ............. H 12 Potatoes .................. 20 25 Pork ................... 5 75 00 Hay.perton ............. 10 00 10 00 Hides ..................... 6 M 7 25 Wooi ................ ....... 15 16 Bh.wpskiiw ............. 60 70 Geese ..................... 05 05 Turkeys .................. 007 Chickens por pair ...... 25 A 26 Pucks per pair ......... 040 M % Fleshertoii Advaik e. LEITCHS Tailoring "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR."-" I'HIWCIPLES. XOT MEX." VOL. V., HO. 250. I FLESHERTOI, ONTAWO. APRIL 1, 1886. A. R. FAWCETT, PLESHBETON ! /* the place to fet your Suits made in : ut re. THE ADVANCE. (I'Mtt}il every ThuriJuy morning.) R- Fiiwcett. Editor. Tit - Bits. Contittitu/ of Local atul <>tlnr Interetiiny It' iii. i gathered by The Advuxtt Reporters A lacrosse club ha* been organized liere. Ttic Methodist church choir here two authciiiH very beautifully hut morning and evening. Mr. J. Townaend, the respected ex- Editor and proprietor of th Wrry Ktritv, u a very agreeable call la*t Mon- day. He is looking well. A special meeting of ratej>ayora of Kli -In rt-'ii School (Section haw been callod for Saturday, 3rd inst., in tiic nchoolhouHo. Soe bill*. fur particulars. Orand Millinery oixming in M. itichardson ACo's anl D. S. Munro'a to- day. Go and aee the pretty millinery n all the latest stylo*. Krr4s lor a-li at (In Mrdiral Hall. Mr. C. Trcadgold, our famous organ and sewing machine man, haa moved out to Mr. C. W. Bellamy'* place, ami ;hc latter hag moved to Markdale. A public meeting of thoae interested n the Klcxherton ceiueUry will bo held in thf Town Hall, on Tuesday' April Oth, at 7:80 p.m. -Leitch's popular tailoring establish - ment will now be found in Hooper'n old atantl. opposite Clayton'* boot aud nlioo tore. and <luvrr Krrd for FOB SAIJI. WOO will buy a Brick HOUM in Fleahertou, block H. Apply Oar yeung frind, Mr. J. W. 8. RicliardMw formerly of Fleaherton^w to PETKB HOLMAS, FloKherton. j now iu the employ of the C. P. R. at Tho contract for the new AOVAMCB , Trudeau, On*. Lake an intelligent and office to bo erected outhelotptirchased lienaible younfl man, friond Sylvester from Mr. D. S. Munro has been let. I endowed a dollar"bul for the ADVANCE It will bo completed and ready for occu- 1 for ono year, frei#i paid by OH. Long pation by the 1st of June. -j Ufe to you, me boy I nl.-ii s. . U in great variety , _Bev. Mr. Ayer's sermons last Kun- j my a ttictl large oougrKati<)nH. .. Thfl thrflc Hebr-w ohjldre,, in the fiery furnance; . WBich fornie< i tho ^b. .^ flf the Rey geutlanlM .. evening clis- ^^ hjuiiM>tbeen ^rp^,^, in tucl intoret ox<siu j ^j eloquence of the I , b y ^y divine who ban occu- at the Mrdirul Hall. A strong boy, 17 or 1H years of age, wanted for alraut 7 months, to do farm work. Apply to Wm. Carr Parker, lot i, T. 4 S. R. went, Arteniesia about _, mili-H south of Flfisherton. One who can milk well preferred, -Ou Saturday last Mr. David Talbot ; ^ U)c Methodillt , )ulpit fell off a load of manure. He felt a j Ujc p^ yfl4r strange dizziness iu his head just before the fall, which caused him to loose his balance. When ho fell, the blood oozed freely out of his mouth. Mr. Smith, the popular Markdale barber, will bo iu Flodiertou on Monday next, cattle fair day, to attend to thouc requiring anything in the barbering line. He will be found at >Irn. Thompson's bakery. FOP 60 Days Only--60 Days ,* A 1. - REMOVAL ! LEITCHS TAIIXlRlMi ESTABLISHMENT HAH BEEN /.'r.'.Vcl ;./> T<> H< M U'EKS i iU> STANl>, ({>p>titr f7nyf<'< Wit*- itiirt) XLESHKKTON. lx>.\ T KtWUKT IT iv a < ash at the Mrdh-ul Hall. It IB ju*t five yearn ago to-day I Thursday! idncc wo commenced btiH- iu'Ks in Kli'shi-rton. iiinl wi- have a high- er opinion than ever we hail of the peo- ple of thin place and neighborhood. A scamp namod Springer hired a borao aud buggy from Mr. Rove, of Ili-athcoUv, last week, and hasn't been heard of niuce. Detective* are on bin track. Persona writing article* for the AD- VANCX an> respectfully aitked to be an brief as possible expunge all onelcst! phrast*, or allow the Kill tor to do so for you without gutting fighting mad about it. Life i- nhort, an<l we arc bound to crowd just ax many uewit items into the A I.VAMT us pomu'hlo. No other ncWH- |>aper in the county of Orey contains* more live local news than the ADVANCE. Just five year* ago to day we cool- menoed opuration* in tho printing bus- iaaw iu 1- 1. -In rt<m. The first job prin- ting wo did WM tome lulls for Mr. Frod. Sargent, who was in buiuneaa here at that time. The nxMtmaxninceut heavy draught imported C'lydeMdalo atallion over brought into tho county of (iroy, waa bron^ht to Markdale last Saturday by M. ,rs.' .\ I'u-ki'll. "Lord Derby," the Htallion in .|-.. stum, weiglm exactly S,00t) and wan imported from tho old country by Mr. John Jack- nou, of (irahaiiisvlli-. from he was pun hosed by Messrs. Triniblo A 1'ii ki II. He is a perfuct licauty. An excellent and com>ct portrait of " Lord Derby " can he Hot-nat Muiuhaw's hotel. Miss Bowes, ^rganisur for, of the Women's Christian Temperance Union, is coming to Fleohcrton next Friday (to-morrow) in the ink-rest* of the great cause- of temperance. She will deliver a lecture in the M. th. li>t church to-morrow (Friday I evening. A silver collection will be taken up to do- fray expense**. Then- ought to be a very large turnout, as Kleslierton baa always been noted for its onUmsia-m in matter* pertaining to Temperance.. W. F. Doll, Importer and Wholc- *alo Jeweller, laU- M and 57 Young Street, Toronto, now in commodious quarters on first floor of Clement* Klock, 926 Main Street, hai for the last fifU n days bora unpacking, opening up and gum-rally getting into* shajv- the largest and most varied stock of Watchu*, I '1,1 uondH, Jewelry, Clock*, Silver and Elec- tro Platod Ware, Optical Good*, Novel ties, ax., yet shown in the North* cut. Mr. iHill has had a very wide and NUC cr.vful . \|< runcc in hin lim- of liusiiM-Ks and we Ix-fti* ak fof him a largu and IMT increasing trads. If.imto^u fret Prea. An Oupra* oam-ttpondcnt infonns us that a most disgraceful row took place in Providence church a week ago last Sunday, in which four young men named Hubert Kill*. Uoorge Cooper. Henry Sinitto. and John Dyer, engaged in a fr* all-around rough-and-tumble scrimma|(e over a young lady whom each of ihe iudividnalx named had de- Ur mined Is wnoirt bume. "They fought fur her," nays our correspondent, "up aud down tin- alloy until they readied the pulpit. l ri the prnachsvr, in di*- gaat, partni Shsat. andahe Usjsjsss nan tank her home, after trouncing the other throe ou the road." The Noted Jewelry Man, Flesherton. Is always looking- after the interests of his numer- ous customers in tne way of Cheap Goods. He is^iow (riving \S% F*ei- Cnt. <9ti on ali pircliaws of $1(H> nd over of In* boanufnl and imam* tock of Walclios, Cl)cks. liiiiys, Rroix>h(s. KarriiiKS, I.ockets. Chains. ( 'harms. Cuff Hutt'iii*. 8pertrlf. Pip*, Purses, Violiu-, *c. Itcmnutx i this is a rare rhance. I>o not OIIM it. All ww gt>od*. 1't.sitiToly far 60 dayaouly. If you have any Watclns. ClocLn, or Jowvlry M be repaired, take tlmu tn HIISM II it will pay you a perfect job warranted every time. The ouly place where the famous li. Lawr.-:.''i >[. i-s can be obtained. Do not bay any othr JAMES G. RUSSELL, THE * * BOSS * # WATCHMAKER * * AND * * JEWELER. inure whilst the *chi.lh. use is bvi for. Thus a man aasrised for would pay for lupport of school fJi per year, heiide* aay flO a year f-.r school- h.. us.- ' Hut it ia certainly important to ascer- tain the actual changes before the Kleah- ertoti lection call* for Debentures. If half her area be lout, then tin- m-cvssitT for a schoolhouse, smple f--r tho whole, ceases. It would be most grievou* t. . tax the people for a larger lupentructure than ia absolutely nuci-aaary. As a c.>iii|*ratuuly diaintemtod party, I judge, if governed by dintance* toachnol, the Sinclair portion if tin: m-t i..n is the place to apply the remedy. Three uu ilutant i* rvally too bail li> vndun-, and a juat gn.uosl for rmplamt exist*. I am not sufficiently acquainted with lurroun- ding boundaries toa|>eak intelligently up- pon the pussibihties of a new suction, but time ihould be givea another year ianot at all too much to complete luch an im- portant change. I have bssm favored with a list of School Section* of Artemeiia and their beiide* th..->c I'm. n .S mi- . if these average an asw-u- N iM-r-ion fcnanam. ool Maltm. Spring Opening ! ^U*^* ?>* '^M X * -V-"gl NEW FEINTS, NEW DKESS GOODS, NEW TWEEDS, NEW CLOTHING ! New Goods in Every Department ! M. Richardson & Co. Sim, It appears that ths School ques- tion is attaining large and earni-at pp. portion*, and iwrhap* many who are sign- ing petition* and taking sidssi, icarcly know what tho issue* will be. H Ii., ,1 .|iif*tiona, as a rule, are knotty thing*, and frequently matter* are settled not xi much upon their merit* a* upon moinentary seal to accomplish some imag- inary victory. \\ould it not bv well, then-fore, to look at the matU-r calmly heated partitans too frequently utU-r rabid antiiiieiit ut- terly at variance with the truth ; and inattwd of appeasing and sofu-ning, ma- ture* irritability and paation. The Scli." .1 Suctions in Artcmenia are. very irreuulrrly hs|.*ii, hut I dare asy the exiffencie* then eintnn; w.n- the cause. Great centres of psaajatiafl did not exiat, lnit now a change haa come, and with it, demands for reiuixli-lling and, very naturally, friction exist*. It may K- put down a* a truism, that a multiplication of corporation* mean* an increase of expense. It matters not how nnpri-tentinu*, in w men lucsn new i pi'ii.liture*. Kecki>ninK upon the principal of and loan, Kleshvrtoii in nut at all too l.iru'i* to keep up a sch<-.l with -fficiency and wortl'y of the advancement of the pupil* surrounding it a school iu which thw pupil* themselves Would be proud of but under such circuniMtanci^, divl van- tage* no doubt mint emt. The ymniKer children cannot avail themselves) f Mich * school during certain month*, and then it becomes a question imt to be |>aa*vd liijlitly, ai to whether it i* most desirable to deprivii advanced pupils of th U-tti-r school, or deprive younger children a few months in each year for say two or throe yean for it must be borne in mind tural school* cannot afford to employ first-class Teachers. Thou a* to distances, taking Arteinoi as a guide, itny ratepayer who in within one mile and a half thinks himself not hsdly us. -.1, but I do not know a solitary school section whose moat diatant point i.s not fully two miles. Those hsve most reason to complain whose distance ei- csed* this. Hut in any proposed change, hurry, psecipiUtioii, in t<> bo condemned. It i* within the memory of the writsr, when Kltaherton and the Station were not in buoyant and expectant aa now with the *ine advantage* when property was at a discount and the |>eople oppress- ed. 'Depression invariably followi elation and taxe* become oppressive. 1 have no objection for those who have to bear the burthens tn speak out, but thoni- who never pay, nor expect to pay bill*, would practice discretion to be rea- sonably cilent. What, now, are tome of the facts that It ia said M. *ra T.I thf Klitor a f TV A'fainr' Dear Sir. Your n-jiort of the recent school uiuetinig. n-M(>ti-tiii): lr laftfon of a new sit.-. -vhowM that a lar^'i amount of oratorical talent has HiidiU'iily ilrvrlopi .i iu our uii.lst. Tln> uiiiHt lit- a iniiirccof ^ratihration to i-vi ry witliaspark of i.atriotinin in thnr K in. tiling I'lur hail l'i-n the .iiiU-omeof that nut-ting, thr n-vult .-i:I.( -I'll lia\i- Urn Inyhly i i-mli.i m- to our mental, and. Khali 1 tay. -| initial. | m ^n --. Although. I am fri-.- to i nnmas. that tin- language of om- gt utleman aav- i-r. .1 not Htrunt>ly uf tin l.itt. r element an important oni- in tl., . 1 ii^n iit aniU lirihtis.ii naln n. is a |>olitc woril Mln-n applied to tinman I !!.;>. and Mr. Pnrdy'n Urilhant ami forcible oratorical effort was some- what marred by its nsc. Mr. Hogg made light of " Valentine MuKunis ' and his letter* denouncing tlie Fleaherton achoelhooso a* totally unritti.1 for th- r. .( ir. mi nts of S. S. No 5. Thin wax |xi|itii-. au.l I-M n t.tii - nianhko, on las part. I i,t was only re- "-, 5( ! )r j reason ami j'1-.tu-i-. tin- action of the \\riahts Kh.-il section, as-eased in ! |rust(ts , mH ,,,. ,. ,,, , . r HW.HOO; the lowest No. or Stone ,*- tlir)(1 ,..| 1 , > , lt -, , .,,. , t of tlu- ir*.^ id in $ixs.;Hl. Fivchertun sectii.n is ' __-ti.,n I.JL. l-n _ , f ^* * n'ii i n* i * *sj ii It *how* that ... far as lueutiare coiicerm-d, for such an larly laid out Tuwnahip, the propoitioiis an> nut m )<ud. Menht-rtoii prrpmidtT- Stes on act-usjtt of the. village. Itut allow- ing for hfr two Teacher*, i n.,t urn. Ii in ict-M uf th other*. It also gi v .- a fair idea of how much asseaimtiit it requires I L , ,,tr. . and then must just an mirelv to sintain a *ch..d in efhciency, and it .. ,. Ur , . Imtl ,.^. K t | 1( . Trust.-,-* eri- an*wer emphatically that t-\en a 9,OOO i m ,, u Uiv,- s, h.~.l U.y-. a pre. , .lent tmgl.t UMssmcr.t cnnnot utain an ftti.-n-iit have Ut;n estobliiibad -r.- this whir" wh. H.I Let us *ee how the matter tandi, pp ividinx a schoolhouiw for Flciherlun c<Mts tfi.nflO, payable by Debenturt-n m !W jesrs ; tlio cost of Teackers aay rxcluiiv.- .fth. liuvi nun. -iit grant nig fund and inU-n-at t^XN) yuarl i-aasvry to ran.- f 1 1," rate of 7 nnlla in more than .me half of what it wuul.l cost to run s i<li.~-l st the Station. Notwitliitanding the ci'inparntmlv larifr aSM^SKniflita of 'lie -huol sei-lioni of III.- 'r..wnshi|N, there m in >t one but *aysi flic nchiMil tax i* t.K, hizh. I tliink wh.s-ver have the manipulation uf tli' matt.-rs they tliould arc tn it that the achiNil lystem of the Township, no part of it, ihould be so miiiilied * t.. fur- ever eiclude the |>ossibility if good Teach- er* being employed. . ft . w ,, iav ln t i,,. ,.,,,-j it w ,]| ,. . ,, , h lt ,,.,. ,. l ,, irs4 . ,, f tll( . -| ril , U( s M1 .i,^.,,..,-^,,., t j,. , tablmniucnt of Iran. I, st-h...|s . i, .l.u,! lHlI> . , U|1 |,. Mt mU-reHU ..f tho rate , payVr-.. I .\, r\ MHUI . .iinmt IIUM a choolhouw at his d.wr : then- must U- would liavi U-i 11 !n.>-t '.npli usaut iu its rititilu in tin- yi-ars whii-h art- to coma. llt-iug thinitihtf ul. int. -Him nt. ainl rntion al Dentil -men. tmrrasini; ili-lnrluitn.. nml 'li-riiptnin IIAM U-i-n rn.-rti.l li\ ti.i iirni. re*t RXXt jcitrly ; iu-v yet homirable. front tliiy havu pr-wnte<i. ,V. Thu would (jive a , m thf iiiixt \.-\iitioi-Hinl tryni({ -\rnl in tin dollar, or a Intl.- 'th.- history of S. > \. |i i Harkdalr from i>nr oirti t'vrresjamirnt, On Tli'iri.lftv evening lat. alxmt for- ty of the worthii- . of our villaaje aiweui- blisl at the Markdale bourn 1 , to do lion or to nin- wh<> has btiun a g.l citi/m. and aluut to leave UH. We npcak of Mr. I). J. Shaiialian. who IH almut totitki>n|> In-. |M|I- in IVnetaugtiislii-no, having piircliaw.l th<- business nt Mr. Munday . of that plseo. A(U-r tin* ' IH r bad IHI-H laid away to tin rut. | i\ or-- .11 Stunlay in xt. ill liriny nut tli- rati ; mni.1- iiml thiit all will unit, in Mtili'.it Hi'; the wrinr notion ol tin '1 r r .- VN Imt.'Vi-r IK tin- init.-oi-n-. it cannot be Haul that tin- Trustee* hart* not done tli.-ir iluty. Voum an ever, VALKKIINC MaxwHI 1 1 uM/ ip' As thu receut warm weather and raiUK haw S|H>I!<-I| tlic slfiKhiitt; ami the I'u 1-1- an- m'ttini; l>are. farnu-rs arc coin nu-ncini: to think of Spruit; work. IWti for cutting tirt- woo.) has Us n tin- .! litl'it of ni.MiT of our yonni; men for some time ami tin v mt-in to tlnnk it an eany way of doing it as oach on. in In-, turn maki a wood U-t- ami ijct from JJJ llu- manure float naw lugs down the river, ws . imt try to immrrse himself t help. \ (- tition lun been carried throasA tins | olhni; .li.isi.m and sent to the I.., ;.-. i ..miuiKMoiuirs asking them not to ".rant any liquor Lieanss in this pol- ling division we wisJi it A frw r. rim. IK 1 1 1 In your issue r* winding np kaai- assa of last seasons rlcshertun C'b^ese K-u>ry. the Hecretary siioweil that there had been liio.ftll lit*, of milk delivered .ti th. factory, from which 101,647 Ibs. of cheese was mauufarturisl- Pleass tell UK in your next iMioe if tln-sr Avurcs rr. . t ; also, how many pmaos of milk it usually taken to make a pound of cheese ? iMi Why not publish in the ADVAKTB the minutes of ArU-mesia Tp. Council'* meetings, also the annual Auditor's Re- port ? Many ratepayers know little or nothing as t > what in going on. If a fanner erect* new buildings. i-v it right for the Awtiwor to rain* has SasriKiliii nl to nei'.rly the full value of tli. 1'nil.tin^ erected? I V.uiy fanners nould like to erect I;IMM! wire fence*. It would increase the plnv,.il 1<- liinil. prevent the roads from u;.' up w lUi snow, and a help to (all wheat croa>. Would it pay, even -it i- --iri to lx- raised ? (.'>. Farms in ArU-meiua, as well as in Ontario gi-iu-rally. liavi- dii-hneii in val- ie. s.. tliat th. \ will not rent for more than :i or :ij JUT cent. Would it not pay ln-tu-r t.. .h.j-.-. of them at wliat- --iil.l tiring, and invest the m..iu'\ at 7 |s-r r. nt.. thus iloiny away A it.i labor and -avi- paving taxm ? Si BSi-anxa. 'il) Perhaptt Fretiideut Su>art can iinsw. r lli!^. .'li Tliey certainly ihookl !-. Imt in !':rst law. tlie Tp. C'U-rk ahoald be allowed | r..|s-t r.-inuneratiuii for hi* troiitde. Al-trwt of AinhUT's lt-|s.rtis anniiaUy in the Al'vs. r.. .I i ^i>: if proju-rty in aasiessied at its real vain.- in tin- Township. Prrhap* h. It. .M i-an answ-r tn question more to tin' isiint. however. (4i It wnuM pay ami ba.s where in use. (Si NVr think not . -uruebody woald have to till the -nl and why wt present ofecn- I-aiits ' Kr>. to loan at ix per cent on n-al Rutatc apply to M. RlCiUBJMON. One of our Citizen* has ^'^^^ " a .^* rtil L rC ! I>OI " 1 V^ tlu- Held, he l^ing ,UbU.'l IMS cattle to. the PTCSH thorn- wh .T.-. I w lllt ,. r M1 , UH . U.-t little vu<i yff w i.- Vitf \ wu , , . I,, have hoard for (tome time. Mr. .1. R. M ILLINBEY O PBNING ! Thursday, April 1st. with hit. usual Rood nature gave an excellent little S-otti-li >litt>. J. J. Irwin, iu his reH|xiiiMi! to the l.i I ieH," ( r.-HU-il comuderable merriment. Mr. W. L. Young after coiii}'lununtiu^ the guont of the evening, SM-nin-.l him that ho would pay a visit to IN-iu tani;iii xlmuc before long, inanv wumlereil what liis object might IN-. W. ,1. lU-nsou one of biti entrancing aoiigs, v\ Inch followed by a Scottish Ming l>> Mr l':it ternnn. Lant but by no lut-ans leant r;ii ni' the rt-spons of tin- li..-t .1. I . Mar-th. The company liroki; up aU>iit half pant eloveii. Mr. Shanalian will l-i miHwxl much. He wax a genial, KOO.I lu-arted. socialile man, who has won th. ren|iect and esteem of all with whom In- is acquainted, our womt for him i - that In- may pro*|>cr in bn*inuuiua IVne- tangiiiiiluino as well an lio did iu Mark dale. We have a now ilrugntore in our vil- a new furniture *tore, and a new I udert&ker's shop. Who says our ril- la^e i not progruHsing. Mrx. ArTnutnui-,'. w-ifo of Dr. Arm- is viiit Mr. Thu<. (iixnifv, for "u, 1 Davi.l Msdill. ling new frame _ * Mr. Dargeut m very ill with ion of tin- lungs. Mr. llftiiilm .if Mcliityrc was to Maxwell a few .lays a*;o. soiui- ntray roll.-, r.illle rillllllll^ afU r 111' n. w lien Ins horsi- ran away, thruwiug liim out .if tin- cutter. The home ran about a mile be- lor.- it wu st.ip|H-.l. when it was found tlit-re was very little damage J..i,.. Itut tlu-ri- wax a t;r. at s.-n-. A little Imy of Hol-crt Kenwick': wre-vtlin^ at H<-|IIMJ|. had on.- ..f his hsxlly hurt, and IH iiiulnr the care of I>r. K.-rr Mr. J. AlUson has reniovi-.l to Niools- ton. and other* are < \jtvt.. I i., follow soon. Mr. D. K. Preston, commences his Mail contract on tlie &rst of April M. Koa.t. f rum .r VWH ' '"rrrtjtutttlntt, Tli.' annual miMHinaary nim-titiK held in tin- W.-.|,.\ , huri Ii wan a sverma, Uie roll.i-tions and *nrmcri|>ti<>iifl bnns] in ex- casa of former \rHr-*. Mr. W. I Hull, v Ins left tin Valfc-y .iii-l i aim- liat-k r. . iitl\ to live on the M.ufor.l |{..a.l. Mr. C. ii:l)HTt r.-adwu from Wiarton on a visit !u-re uutt week, lie nays that 'time* art- >>oox| thvre work ami money ii llllful. Mr .1. \\i-N-r s i-liililr-ii are frmii .111 attack of tmo|>iui{ cough. if Mr. .1 Hoolly'K children an from the -aiur iliMcase. lvi<-v Mr \\i-rn vulkisl in froi-i KU>h- .rton Sunday to&ll ln~ .ip|s'intinit lie is nut .Uranl uf UitteH in tho of hi* pantoral dutU-. Mr. S. (1. Alt-Mill. Irr. V. S. in eniliryo, of Oakville, is practiMiug with J. J. ought to be well eonaidered. that the proposed new *oction will pn>- _ duce an a*s.'ii*ment of 933,000. providing M tron formerly of thin plao>, certain lots may be included, vis,, >C0 jn^. t Mrs. MeFarland'i*. acres of the 2nd sml 3rd range* Wsst. To this undoubtedly terious ..l.jwtion will be made, for although parlies them- Mhos wo.,1.1 l ^^ ^ "Iff W- '' ''"*. foreman of the *.,! would oh,,,-t enenretu-ally. and ,Mn -n|j ,, M ,.,.,,, t,, , |iw , fiw lht . [taut two wpekx, but we are glad to *,-. lim out ag&iu, evi-n if it u on crutrhpH. Mennrs. Ttteildi- anil 1'iek. U'M import Fr*m our oirn Ct>rrn/>Jr*t. Mr. < li-o. IV>ctor, i>f this plaoo ha* Knne Ui tin. C'lty of Toronto to live for a lime. V a > K. Mcijuilkin. who ha* l>pcn fr "'"'' < '" M '""' l> * >turned reutrd K in. Teacher would making 9300 c,.,i ?'.':-'. the rate Mr. A^nstus Burritt. has house in tins villa+je anil is i Mr. .1. llnwe j,ur|M.v-s house in th<- village this ^' luuliTHtand Mr. <o-. - (1 going to try if posstlile to run t H.HcliiiM-H lor a while this spring, on ai-- 923,000 **X IM'TlllCIl MOl'i lll i !( ^^r\r*r | " . - - -|- - i M <WWLUST^*SI s^sia ss *a*ii v t UTI n&*I I UK, uu I*A" would bo 13 mills in the dollar bssidss a, d draught horse "Lord Darlvy" arrivfwi count of tho stock of stiiugle tiiuUr Is- schoolhniise to coat say 9800 would to- in town on Saturday. He is anno aui , ing so large. gether be extremely high -9S .Won every mal, ono of which they may juHtly U Mr. T. Kllis ,.f Kimbcrlfy. ha* con 9500 assetsrnent, and nearly half as much pro'- trxtoil with Mr. Tynon. of 'Thornruirv. 1'art nml mon 1 , and rnors, I'ry (.iixiin. (.'lotlnng. Hat*. Vlilliiii-ry ,tc o|i^uiiiK daily at lilOHAJUMOD 4 Co'*. salmsx-riry Now that tlw m t.-rp rising little rillag* of KiniU-rl.-v lia-s sMterted itself no cour aaaoaaly in couiKi-tiou with political* iiiattent. we would like to hear what its erudite and learned politicians hav* to <ay al>oiit Connty I'ounciU. Township Conncil*. ami public im-n who are on- able to write a doaen simple wsrda with- out llllsjs-llnn; or .4 Fr.mi TI.I Bits. 1 til to b now, sssaltj _ n to iuiii> i and *V,w. plutWr aud |>Utl. It uiiwl lr, WMVIX; s think Mllow I liuti.rl^ Wluillr, BsMsail HajriiiK "IXMil hfrldo< I irtall rs* ! :il HUM ..-it i-.H lititaavsrk. dry up jruuf whinltiif \ u U ink .>ur.- ' will) . I i>i nialirr thk?i >IMI lint I k Mr taui* u N i>n*i7 . kaMto (omit, Aa * lir- hn.l in.-.. n hn tin iw.1 firni!y whtfr. I K

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