Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Mar 1886, p. 4

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I KEEP The largest assortment of \VaHham, F.l-in, Springfield, aud Bwias Watches -in 'A, 4, and B 07.. Coin Cases to be found in Central Grey. Broadway Movement, ii <iz. coin case, $13 nut cash, 4 oz. ft2 extra. Kllury's & Kartli'tt's at as close quotations. Other makes buiue orieo iu same grades. Setli Thomas and New Haven weight clccfcri I to $7. Handsome Spring Clocks, HOh. & H day. I can give better terms, oatOi or credit, than uuy otlier jeweller iu this section of (iicy. Why? bccauae of a first class wholesale connection, w)io keep me well stocked at closest jobbers prices. Get my prices for proof. Warrants run 2 years & cover breakages. XV. /V. HI IOW IV. Prices Watch Repairing Cleaning Cylinder* and Verge* tti T all make* ut Luvera 100 Piotiiu;loiiorl>oUou 1 00 Oylludurs. Pivot* t to lialaiu-u btaffn 160 KWIMI ami American Mtiimu'iiua'* 100 FK* aud Tap Jewelling CM H.J Jewel* 1 M ru ,md i...i-ks|iriuK. ere Urm- ami Htuel HMidi. pur pair 1.V to SO Clicks and Click Springs, uacu M UlaM lie .JOc and as Heat nmtrrul usod, work promptly done and fully WkrrMitud. tnur l.'i yuan at tlie tradu. ll.,i.r-t ^limuti--i overy tun, W. A. BROWN, A Kd'utble Ifateh-Kepairtr. Ladies' Gold Watches. 10 A 14 karat, da 10k. and Roll Plate long Chains. H. T. Simmon's Hull I'lito Chains, Draper's Firo Gilt Chains, (toll Plate, Bar Pius, !'.,u longs ami Sets. Itoll Plate CuflT and Collar Buttons, warranted. Knfl Plate and Silver lirseo 1. ts, 9k. Lockets, roll plate Locketo, fiuu roll plate Necklets, ladies. La/.anis' Pebble Specks, " The Best." S lines of Fine Silverware. Engagement Gems 18k. acid test Rin^s. Violins, Strings, Bows, etc. A fine stock to select from. W. A. BROWN. i. wh-r -*ul, Matneu iaar be madelur 11 IS HKtV Y FLESHERTON : TTICRSUAY. MAR. is, issc. .ro/rv ni, \TIIE, .v.r.r. Wo to-day present our readers with a j;ood picture of the rei>rtjs<>utativc of South Grey in the Ontario Legislature. John Hlythe, Ksq. At tlio late {,'f-n. ral election*, Mr. Hlythe. defeated Mr. .1. II. Hunter, of Dnrlinni, by an overwhelm- ing majority, iiincc whieh time he has ably reprcHvutod his coiintituuncy in tho provincial parliament. Mr. lilythe m a farmer and lives in Normanby, of which township ho was Ilcuvc prior to his elec- tion as M. P. P. Ho in very |x>{>nlar amongst Reformejs as well as Conserva- tive*, lie ia unassuming ainl ni" in manner, is thoroughly honorable and utraightforward. speaks seldom but well, aud pOMHOttscH the confidence of his con- stituents in a rr.:irl;p<l degree. Sprint; Owen Sofliul Advortlnar. The Spring Aasiza coninicucexl here in the Com t II. PCI.-', on Tuvaday lait, before Hen. Mr. Junticu Armour. The docket was a small one, the civil busiiwag being already disjK*od nf, x rvjiort f which wu give below. Tlw trwl M Philip Koy for the murder of Joel Snuxitra, is now go- ing on, the result of which wo will give next week. Tho evidence in this cage \v;u yiven in the .\drtrtitct in full at the tinn 1 . MI that our luadtrH no doubt under- siaiici the nuturu >-l tho cast 1 . Tho fol- lowinif us a list <>f tlii- timid Jury : ,lo8i>h Korkc, Forvinan ; Jnnic* E. White, Thoniiu l. White, Alexander .M. l^ui-ii. jr., (ieorue LieikiintflMLm, Kob- ert TyiKliill, Jnmes McOirr, jr., John Robitimm, William WaUon, Thoinan Hut- chinion, Rnlmnon Damude, James Young, David McNichol, .Inhn Proetor, Josej>ii Mordon, Henry Hurd, Robert Sam Jones. From the Toronto World. It ia surely refreshing to hoar of a man . who dues nut care fur money, and wants only wry little of it. Sain Junta, tho southern ruvivsUist, wliu in nuw tryiug to , convert tlie Chici(o |><.>pl0, clainia to be A CRYING KVIL.--Cliildren oflen fretfuland ill wurn worms are the cause. Dr. Low's Worm Syrup safely exprls sll Worm. HO.Utl* <)/' IIKALTH. Thoro is no use shutting our eyes to the inexorable fact, that in the i>a-.t m-.r uo-callrH "Boards of Health" in the Township of Artomeaia illicit jiibt aH well never have existed. The dtitieH of these "guardians" of onr health han- milv been performed in widely isolated caac.i, ami then only when force of pul>- lic opinion or rircnmstances eonij !! il them to move in the uiatu r. Not uiauy yearn *'fn onr sinter village, Markdale. inaili' an exo-lleiit step in tlio ilirr, ti,.n of enforcing strinjji'nt sanitary regula- tion*, whieh. ha'l it been foll<.w< I -ip. would have resulted in a nio.-t healthy state of things. But the agitation fell to the KfntinH as rapidly as it ha<l ri-w-n tlierc'ruin. and no\v find publ i pools in that place which arc a disgrace to nineteenth century civilisation, and liack yards fairly rer'vinn with disease producing filth. Nor need we go cut dido of Flenhi-rton to find a similar con- dition of things not in connection with our hotel, for wo do not beliovu that there is a nmrc excellent hostlery from a sanitary standpoint hi the I'm-, iuce. Bnt (.'" into many of our private back- yards, and what do you ftnd clean and health v though our reputation as a coin munity he ? A filthy newer ago finding it-< way into neighboring wells and poi soiiiun the water thereof : filthy cess pools, poisoning the air with diBcase-pro- dncinx odors. No gno'l. deep, covered drains to carry off tho disgusting excres oencofl, no eridenee of the existence of an in*titution which has liccn dignified with the title f. "Itoard of Hualth. Tni, an Health officer has thankless and unremunerativo dutiey to perform, hat if he allows himself to he appointed to the position without romotiRtrancc, he shonld get himself earnestly and zeal- ously to the task of performing the dut ies of hi* office to the very best of liis ability. That these duties have never yet been properly performed m any ol onr villager is a well known fact. There are diffii ulties undoubtedly in the way of a propnr discharge of their duties, hut no know that tin Healtl Officers will have the hearty support of .every citizen interested in tho sanitary condition of the various villages in the Towiis3ii|i of Al temesia. Kii vs. KL(K>rD. Action for for tre|i t ^ootls in a carriage factory at Meaford. Ywrdict for plain- till f..r *100. J. Onaaor, Q.C. and J. 8. Wilsou, for phuntirT. 14. H. Oslur, Q.C. inl T. C.> furdcfeiuhkiit. Kons vs. WIMON.- Art-ion a to owner- ship of good*. V.-rdict for defendaiiti 1 . .1 Masson, Q.O., f.,r plaintiff, . '11. (.)- K-r, Q.^. and J. .T. Scott for defendants. (jt EKN vs. PiiiLii 1 KOY. Murder. The Grand Jury l.n>u^ht in aTiuu Bill. Qt EKN vs. DAVIH MM>S. Obtaining inoiiey by falsu pretences. The Orauu Jury brought in 11 True bill. I. IN., vs. WILKOM irr AL. Action for two years runt. Verdict for defendant*. J. MIIMOII, Q.O., for plaiatitr, B. B. Os- ier, (J.C. and J. J. Scott for defendant*. IU....KHT VH. MYLM. Action of reple- vin. J., Q.C., for plaintiff, J. Creasor, Q.T., ft>r defi'iidvnt. Verdict for plaintitf by consent for the recovery of the good* in quution, and (5 damages for their detention, lliMoi K vs. \Vun.i.EY.--.\ for re- en riy of land. Verdict for plaintitf by consent for the recovery of the laud with- out c<U. J. Massori, Q.C.. for plaintiff, J. Ci-casiir, Q.C., for defendant. ST. VINCKST n, M.-IF.I.H. Action respecting a Ixiiiiidary line. Judgement niTVe.l. J. I 'i. -iusor, QC., for plaintiff, A. Frost for defendant. BLANKER vs. JOHXSTOX. Action for seduction. Verdict fur plaintiff by con- sent for I150.0O. J. M. Kibourn for pliuntitf, J Creitaor, <J.<' , for defendant. ( v. OALLOWAT. Ajctitin furfore- cl<Muru of Mortgage. IX-cree by consent i'i r foreclosure with 12 months to redtwa, .). M. Killxiiirti for plnintitf, J. Mawon, 1,1 '., for ilffeiidant. In the Koy ciuie, the jury brought in a " What is good for a cold ? " is a question torily tun- ~ - ... > , i,T,i. ,,r * .in njianrr iu mi 1 R&tlKfaCtioil that kind of a mail. CkuMtitteM are im- , ftl , i( th(>y wi| , ,,, onr a j vioo ,,, , portumng him on every hand to make lee- Hazard's Pectoral Balaam, a safe, plcai-ant tare engagements, but ho is i-ositively not ., 1(l certain throat ami lung lifalflr. Sold by in the lecture Held. He is very earnest all driiKgidtf. on this jioint. He is not working fur _____ -.. inuney. ''I havu no use whatever for money : I have all tho money I want. My needs are supplied bountifully. I get I'h-nty to cat ami plenty tu \M-ur. M family in onufortable and happy, and . A Sor , BCl ?"r *" the most prolific sooree of ebronio ills U in dj ^ ,,v,K..p S la. unh-althy blood . yet taken' j u tin,.- it is positively curable. Bur<l<k Blood Bittern ban mired . can t nee what on earth I would do with m.n,, of the worst easii known, vm of 15 mom y if I had it. Why, money ia ade-'fears' duratlcn. If troubled with indices- testable nuisance ; it is always in the way tiou trv it. V and 1 don't want it. A couple of him- _____ . i m i . __ dred dollars in the bank is an abundance, | HAIII)T T0 n T.-Kwy honwhold should and is all I have. As long as a has ker , ome r ,. ady rem ,j, 8t bftn a for plenty for his wife and children and him- dieas<. s , ! Jru attacks of inflammation and self he ought to be oOBtmtM. As far as Accidental injuries. Snoh a n-mady is bt money is concerned, I wouldn't be both- fonnd in Hafjysrd's Yellow Oil fur intornal cred witli it. I don't think the Lord sent and external uw. It cures rheumaticm, me into the world to make money, but he.sor* throat, croup, neuralgia, lame baek, did send me out into the world to do'prain, brniwf and bnrnc. Kood. and 1 am Koing to work for Him - As far asiuy wifeisomceni I QOOB BupcTx.-Jamcs McMiird.x:!., is insured for 912,000, the writing from Kinsaie, Mars : " H.B.B., ag a interest on which, when I am gone, will remriiy for<Ti*'e of th^ blood, lier aud lie enough to keep her ; and as for my kidney*. Las an excellent reputation in this children, J don't want to leave them $1. locality. I have used it, and upeaV from ex- it they are of any account they won't need, perienee as W.-1I as observation. It is the it; if they aro no uood money would be Pn ty """'icin* .' '. m d I * o That is my doctrine." > ot " tr J " " until 1 die. ed. my life HI ft ItATTALIOS. The following is from the Depnty Adjutant General'* annual report, and ffiren Cn-neral Middleton'8 opinion of the HUt (Grey) battalion, volunteers : HlUT (ORP.T) BATTALION. Thm in a first rate battalion, being composed of fine material, and in well commanded. The officers, non-comniiH- sinned officers and men have great TCB. poet for thi'uiKLlvcH and tli(! service. Tlie movementM of this battalion in brig- ade drill vrero most satiofactorily por. formed. I would recommend a change rewpcctiuR the staff of the battalion, which would prevent no much of the fvork fatting upu the << nnuuling officer, and their mo>A cttcint and paiuwtaking adjutant. ADTIOJI TO MOTIKBI Ate you ( iirhrfl at uUJituml bnikf n of your tn-t by a nuk rlilM saffniliC l e.-jlngwltb rm .ilruttn ; , r If o enl at nncK and "t a lintll" of "Mrn Win uliiw SiKithinx Syrnp for Chilrlron TutthlDg ,'t rmlM U In'-alcuUlile. It will rellcvn tlm po<ir htUnff,.rnr lnni,.lit,,|v |)|IIMI.| uiKin U.. iu 'Uicro. tbr ii. n nilnUkf i,,,.,t It It t:\trm r>fri-li-Ty ml l)if\rrlm r. pilule, tlio st much ami liowoli, rnitn Wiml Ci>ll, Mnfteoi tiit Oum. rolnoai Inflauiintti.ii! . an<l n irmi t> aa4*aat to the wh>le iVKtuni. "Mr \\m'- |. ' H<iiitiilni(Syrtip" f..r rhIMrrn t<<rtlilng It r'- nl I'i ()> tail. ATI, I In tloi piwriptlon of .. ,f the ..!1-t .n.l !; f, ..] nhyilolaiii an>l nwrMKln tn (.'..iti-.i .!,<,.. , ,,,|f, f,, r .],. by \U Irnirelnti thrmiuhnut tho wrV I'M.'.- lwn;v tlvi- -.-i.t- '. I, .1 io ;'.,. ir o aiul a k f..r .1. v - A t Ho./fa/ixo k-ini r," ai, I take Contiiiutd from O. 8. Timei. QCBKN vs. PHILIP KOY. Murder. The evidence in thin case wns very similar to that given at the Coroner's inquest of which we pavo a full report. The jury ietiirin d a verdict of iiianc'iuiu'hter. I'n M.ner ( ntencwd to U) yeaiii in peniten- tiary. A Front 'T C'rown, J. Creawjr, Q.O. , for prisoner. Qi BBS vs. MAHON. Larceny. Verdict, L'uilty ; aentencfd to six in. nllis in Cen- tral prison. A. Froat for Crown ; J. W. r'nt fnr iirinoiier. Qrrr.s vs. (!IM.M.AXI>. - The defendant wan charged with having sworn to rnis- statements in an affidavit to be used in Crown I..LII.I otlicc, thereby committing po juiy. Jury returned verdict of not jruilty. V. Froat for Crown ; J. Mawon, Q <'., for defendent. This case (tried this Thursday evening) concluded the business of the court. Euphraiiin Frm our n\rn t SL-KPKI.SK PARTY. Mr. Edward Duke, who is leaving EuphraHia. was ai(r**ahly iirpri.-ed on Thursday evening of latt week, )iy about thirty of his friends in the neitfh'wirhofMl tiikinu' iossession of his hoime and innking themselves at homo, iH'fore partaking of the pood thine* in the bukuta lipni','ht with them. Mr. and Mrs. Duke were asked to Vie seated, when Mis* Marion II.. yd read a neatly worded address, expressing regret at parting with them and wishing them success in their new home. Miss Louffhead and Miss Milne then stepped forward and present- ed Airs. I'uki- with a silver MI ;ar howl, nnd Mr. l>uke with a t(old riiur and cuff- hnttons. Mr. Duke replied in a few words thanking them for their presents and;i- miriin; them that ho would always L happv t.. meet, tin-in wherever he was. Mr J. W. Hoyd and .Mr. H. Knott were then called on, and replied by a few well rli.MMi remarks ns to the occasion whieh hroiii(lit them together to-night \f tur tins came HU|>|ier and a few hours of socinl enjoynicnt, when the company sep- arated well pleas'tl with the evening ipont. OBAIRVRK. H i uil.< rle> from our own Corrctpnndmt, Mr. (ieo. Proctor intends building a brick residence in Kimbcrloy neit snni- mer. He also intend", in connection with Mr. Vsrty of Flcshrton, running a brick yard here next season. Mr. <5eo. Thompson, sr. , has gone to the city, where he intends staying for a mie time. Mr. James Onrrutliers, who has been living in Ohio for some years, has return- ad home and rented Mr. J. Ferris' farm. Tho JJow England Gospel Hand ha* (.en holdina meetings through this neixh- IxirhiHMl and ulsowhero with success. Mr. It Jl. ..!! is givim; up blacksmith- ing and Intends going into the implement agency busines.". Quite an exciting trotting race took plave between Messrs. Plrwcs and Wal- lace's rolls Mime time nun. Mr. Flcwes* colt, whieh promises to bo a fine mover in Inn.', came ill !<. ml iR'st. Mr. Oraham has on hnnd, at his saw null, timber nurK'MRtit from which to man- ufacture admit WKI.IKHI shingles during the c<niiiii)( season. eonitiMiFoifriitWK 10, 2. Messrs. John stid .Times M. Carrulhertj have moreil to Now Rn^hiiid Msjit^r John Kurd, of this town, bs yono Ui the 4 \ to visit friends T. B. Carruthers, Win. 8tewart, and fleo. Proctor, purpose . n- tin? brick n^idenres tlii< arason Miss M. K. Smith, of Klosherton, is the of Mm. Pn>ct"r, of this place. a curse to them. HKADACHB, niMonnnui>. "Whenever I feel out of sorts, hihonn. my liver not work- ins right, or racked with a headache, I taki Mraford From our oicn (.'orrapoiidtnt, Mr. W. Gilbhrt, while engaged chop- {Chase's liver Cnre There is more real b*n- ping wood, met with - bad accident- a i eflt from one do* of yonr I.irer Cnrr than chip atnkiiiR him in tlie right eye, and | in many bottles- nt some medicines. Johu completely <>yiiig the sight. ' MoNasacr, lionU H.-wl. Mr. .limit's Sparling had a narrow es- cape firm n pair of broken legs. He ha Liver (Vrnplaint cau*e Dyapfpma,. In'i fitted up. a lathe machine, which he is.Keslion. Liver Complaint eausm Sick Heart- runninij with a portable engine, and while' ohe, Dizziness. Liver Complaint can*** at work one of the pullies bursted, a por- i all KMuey Tronl.les. LiverConjplaint cau- tion of which struck him below tin- knees, inflicting mime pretty si ! l>riiiaun. Miaa Minnie Hutchinaon IB home again. She is looking well after her visit. Mr. Kbt. Klls starts fur the great on the legs, i" 08 thrco-fonrlhs of all diseases. Liver Complaint is -cured br Dr. Chase's I.m r Cure. lone land again this week. I ! -Iierton < hr.-sr Factory. On the 8th inst. the patroua of the above cheese factory met in the Town Hall, Klunherton, for the purpose of dec ting officers for the present year, with the following result : O. Stewart, President; J Hrodie, Secretary; W. W. Wright, W Hill, W. <! I'ickell, T. Wright, H. Mi-hlriini, and D. McMullen, Directors ; \V. Harrison and \V. V\'ilc(xrk, Auditor*. There was considerable discussion about purchasing the factory from Mr. Garrett, Goon Vitoi. Many snfTrrerH bnylns me- dicine bare bwn iliiwpplnt-l, don't givo np bny a reliable article like Dr. Chase's Liver f 'nre, and with it you get a rci|i bok alon wortii the monrr- NBW ADVERTISEMENTS- for Salr. One aoxxl use (ul working Maro. will bo sold cbvaii fur ca-li or ou time lot K> '"I \V. W. ' To Brut or Kelt. The (arm lately occupied t>/ U. UrUotialil. Ix)t Sfi, Con. S, I'.-v. iii-hip ot At t.-iiK-hid. ! fur Kale or to rent. For full particnlarn apply to Hr.crolt KRKNRDT. near tbe |m mm * but no ueninte conclusion was arnred at, further than that the factory should b Farm and \ ill:- Lots for HlUc. rim this year tho same as heretofore. The I The undortlcno.l haa a farm for lp. nituated of the milk on the diffemit '' 4 '""' (r< " n rrotot i tUon.<: r n . halt mile . fri.rn * liiijrri, fichtMilhouMi and powt-office. 130 route* to the factory wan to havo len let : Kru . t at , mit ' ttl c i,, allo d ; KO ,,,I Jw,.llli, K h.u.r. at this meeting, hut wiu laid over until the iitli of April. Com. How to Hurreed. Slightly nlttrtA from the Toronto H'orU. U you would win iuceM in trade, Thin aiuiple rule obay : First, nnte tbe men who wealtb bave uiadr, And dealing never be afraid To follow in their way. Whlcli way in dimply thl. Indeed, To weekly advertlw; That la Tn An\ *s< K all folki may road A li'-t of UilnRi i" ihai's they need Anioii( your large tupplle*. I^s'Tlic best, cheapest, most dur- able Pianos, Organs, Sewing Macli- inc-8, for sale by C. Treadgold, next door to Clayton's, Flesherton. Also, old Hewing Macbines repaired and ta- ken as part pay on new ones. Shuttles, Needles, 4c., nnd all kinds of Sewing Macliiuc supplicB. TIIVRB is NTTBINO LlKH IT. Tbett IS HO "ii" ri'im ily offered to milToritig humanity whone nc is so unlvernally and fri'queutly r.'qiiirefl ns Haffrard'n Yellow Oil. for rheu- matism, neuralgia, colds, lore tliroat. il>af nesa, croup, lumbago, and arhei, paini Uiin n"i< and unrfneas of all kindi, whtn and externally oed. nrcharrl. free of frot. Full Jnfnrrnfltirin .MI |i|'lirii"ii AUo two vlllae lota In Klmli- rton for nale, located nuar tin- t*.iia*r>-. Hea- onablu t. HUH Kor full |>&rticula> iu rK>r<l to farm and l.itu aiiiily to KRKD. AHMH' KTHOXO. Flechorton P.O. Bull for H4>rvice. The thorough bred Klinrt Horn Hull, "Billy I>uiilr.'lKttliit<<red l'ecllnr*) will be for HIT- vice at Lot Hi, Con. 11, Artvmw-ia th* Mnon of IHMi. Tonim 91.00. PedlttriM} ran IMI MM-II any I time. ARTHl'H .tOHNHTON. WORMS often destroy children, but I ref> mn'< Wiirrn Fowdn destroy Wortni, and rxjttl tleui from tbe*yFtim. Efttray I. am. Rtravo.1 from the iirernliof of Win Carr, I..t Coo. 10, Artniftnia, on or about lt Hopt. \H\>. a V year old Ham, wlutu wo. .1, witli a V *La|>e< uichfl iii tho U ft uar. Any ouo |dvln|{ infurnia in. 11 laa.Ung to the rocorery of the Kanio will be rewarded. F. T. C'AKH. Kunnnla P.O. < , .1 <.r;i in Tor Salr. HOO bnilieli Tartar Oavta iirenentprkeWcents per bunlwl and AM liimbvla Karly Frame I'eajji grown on ao.l and lail thrunluid, will I.,, anld I. r Cash. byJAS. CHAUKiiHIi, l,.il B, Con. 13. <i prey. 'I in farm till lately was all under paHure anil ia not troubled with tiiUiur wild oats or ruuitard. To be I <( or Sold. That desirable, well built roldvncc BOW oe cupled by J. K, MionR.eontainifif{7 roonia.wood ah' ' and oxrrllcnt ci.lfar: hard and soft wat.-r taule ; garden, about half an aero, with youni orchard. Apply on the premises. A OKE.T AWAM M^". Tln'n. i^ ,1 K 'rft !i:il oiiin? <>f the InfKish ..r^nns ..f the hn UIHII Mvntcm whneverBunl.'Ck Ulund Hil'e s arf taken. It arnnspi the torpid livrrtol action, i . KulHli s the tmweln apd the kidny*,i puriflfs the blood, and rtore a healthy tone to the system generally. TO REMOVE DANDRUFF.-CUanaothe icolp with I'rof. Ix>w' Magic Sulnhur Soap. A deligbttul medicated Map lor the toilet. for Tiie Advance. Notice to the Pnbllr. Take notice that a pronilnrory note made by me In favor of John J. Martin, of Owen Hound, auil dated on or about the 15th January. IHHfl, and payabl<< nhout throt> muiitlm aftiT date, haa buen lost HIII) tho public are hnreny warned imaniHt nifC'tiatinuor purehaiillifi aald note as payuieut of >amo ha* been stopped. W. O. PICKBLL, Flesberton. Land ant<i Wanted to purr.haeo a piec of land, about 4 acres, miltable for a cemetery, within a distance of one milo from th centre of Flo .hi-rton. Ap- iilicationn, stating price, turms, and location, to bo a<ldreod-not later than Hint March to WM. C'UIYTDN, Ho'y for Trustees. nmherton, Feb. M, 18M. H71JL CHARLESWORTH, OWEN SOfNI), ONT., Urecdor avnd Importer of Orange , Huff, Cochin and ?<ttinmcith I.iuht Brahman IHTKC an turki-ys. KKC*. Hnffn, *:t pi'r iloz.. Itruhtnaii * ', per doeon. Ravo fine Hlack Hpaniiih aqi) i'lyiqimth Unck egj|> to will. ImproTo your stuck- R. J. SFROILE. Fleaherton. Is ARpnt and Apprainer for tliatold reliable and hotioraljlt. in. iu>> landing company, Tbe Canada IVriuaiirnt Loan ami Havlngfi Com- pany of Toronto. He ia authorised to lend a largu quantity nf innnoy at lowt't current ratof of iutereat. Thoae wanting chnap m(*ney will find It to their advantage to give h.m i call. W.J.Bellamy FLESHERTON. Loan ^ and Insurance Agent. Money to Lend on good Farm Property at current rates of interest and Yoril OWN TERMS to repay tU Prineipnl. Expenses at tho very lowest possible figures. INSURANCE Effected in the loading Companiefl and at Current Rate*. CONVEY AIT CINQ In all ita brandies atUnikil to. OIBcc on Toronto st,, opposite Town Hall. ' .1.1. M oo ic i:. l>itlder and Contractor, Durham Ktrec-t, Hoo]n-r' old stand Ultimata fur 6'oKTo/ Honey to Lend. On Kuril! .! Tewn Prn|irty,at lowest current rate* of lutcreat. Apply to K. J. Si'ltoUI,E.r.ntuiatei,Fle.her*)n. Burdock BLOOD WILL CURE OR RELIEVE BILIOUSNESS, DIZZINESS, DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION. JAUNDICE. . ERYSIPELAS, SALT RHCUM, HEAKTBURH, HEADACHE, DROPSY, FLUTTERING \ OF THE HEART, ACIDITY OF ^ THE STOMACH, DRYNESS OF THE SKIN, And every species of dlaeaae arlilir from disordered LIVER, KIDNEYS. STOMACH BOWELS OR BLOOD, T. IILBURN i GO., PHOTOGRAPHY. MRS. BULMBR, Flesherton, - Ont. Harlox 'l>ont ronie traieln the stm'io of tbe 'ainoiif Tonxito l'>Kraiiher, Mr. H. J. Dixun, whvrr 1 it* .ji.ii . .1 valuable knowledge In I'.rtmi- hinr. I feel aaiiurrd I fan cire Rood K*ncre>l satUfacliou. A call respectfully aullclted, MRS. 1H T LMER. Fleaherton, Bept. inh, 1W. New Butcher Shop in Flesh- erton Fetch & Mitchell, fi{(>l'KIK.T.>HH. rril i: undornliniml rraiwctfully take till* A tinnty to announce to tllu i>r..j!r of rn'u- erton and Hiirrnuntlins; naititrv that sl>ybave ktartwl a ltntcht*r Hlir>i> in tin- Kiuiil sieitdoor to tlie }lnrl Work*. PL.E8HKRTON, where th.'V \. i!1 lie ploa^c'l to meet with all who favor them with their |iiitroiiacw. Krenh Meats of all kinds, and r'uh. Ac. in their seasons. He|>ectfnlly youri. PETC1I * MITCH KLli. A GIFT Rend 10 rfntoi and we will mall yon free a royal, valuafilr, sample box of that will put yon m the way of maklns; norm rnnrmv at once, than ainy- thliiaelaeln America Both sexos of all an" cau live at luuun and work in ftparo tiror, or all Ibetlme. Capital not inquired. V, . will at you. tramanee par amre for these *% etart once. STINHIIM A r.. I'.irtland. Maine Important Notice! inform tbe people of Fleahorton and aiirroundingcountry.thal he hal loaiod Hit.HOGCi^MILL 8 in ili-s from Fleihorton, and I* now prepared to furutih bllli of any Icntfth or alze of Lumber LUMBER LATH, & SHINGLES. Always ou hand. Rlabwoodout toatuvn-lenythi on hand. Custijni Sawing doae by the thousand. EEASONS Why you should out yogr Lumber aud Shlnglei cut Ity Spi'iioer: Hi I:V.T> Sn in the Mill Is New and the mill In In perfect orilnr. (81-Beranae heU a practlcaj Hawyer andkeei* bin Kftwn and marhlneryln perfoet order. (3) Ilecauso heditR all Scantling Jolce exact- ly t.itho bill riiinMif.l. .I'll., haa put In a Lnir.hor Edger and all boar.)* %re name widths from one end to tbe other. i r .i llc<-min<> you on take a load of loin to the mill and a load of lumber homo name day. ici HiTause ho guarantees to cut allouatom work In a workmanlike manner and tat Iifac t ton guai-nntcrit. (7) Mocausoslliawinglsdoneat rock bottom prices. Lwnfor Delivered if Rquir4. G. H. SPENCER HI-I-I.. inih. n*v HAGYARD S ' . -^.^Wf/A,.^ .O YELLOW OIL CURES RHEUMATISM FREEMAN'S WORM POWDERS. An plesuaat to fike. Contain their enrs Pmnatlre. Ii a ufe. sure, and rttrrtm*! mt In Children or Ad Saw-Dust and SHAVINGS. BROWN'S Steam Saw Mill & Planing Factory, In the Vi/lage of Prlceville, Being fitted up witli Now Machinery, of the latest and roost improved pat' terns, ia SECOND TO NONE in tlie County of Grey. \Ve are prepared to supply the public with any amount of' Lumber and Kill stuff at Lowest Cash Prices. We have on haud about 50,000 feet of Maple and Birch Flooring, dressed and matched ready for use. Hawing and Planing done expeditionaly and satisfactorily. Special bargains giveu to Builders. Coutractors, aud Cash purchasers. Having lately put in au Emery Wlipcl. we can gum Crosscut Sawa in ffrat class style and on the shortest notice. A fair trial will conviueo yon that this m the spot to bny your Lumber. Priccvillc, Feb. 28nd, '88 BWOWIV. JOHN H. HEARD, Horse-Shoer d General Blacksmith, Manulacturer of Cutters, Sleighs, Baggies. Democrats, Wagons, Iron Harrows and Pakut Farm Gates. Also a>;ont for Chatsworth Plowi. Noxon BroB. Ingeiiioll Li^ht Low Down Hinders, Combined Reapers & Mower*- two kinda of tSiuK'lo Helpers, three kiuda of Mow.-i-s, four kinds of Grain Drill* and two kindsof Horso Hakes. Please come and tec tlum. J ui 1st, 1880. A i . Clayton rfns 011 hand a large stock of MENS, AUD CHILDHE1TS BOOTS & SHOES! Largest, Cheapest, and Bestk df.or> lr r^f stock of -STOVES ! Ilf THIS SECTION OF COUNTRY, AT STRAIN'S, KK/TOIV. FLESHERTON. MARBLE WORKS: E. VANZANT, ALL KINDS Or Mo ui Mo&isuid S:icli aa Monumonta, Tomb Tnblen, Heaxlatona* Counter anil Table Tops in American aud Italian Marble aud (iranita, and mad* 011 short notice. Also Monties iu Miubla and MtirbloizeJ Slate, &c., Ac. Fleaherton, Aug. 'M, 1883. HEALTH FOR ALL. HOLLOWAYS PILLS&OIMTMENT THE PILLS Purify the Blood, correct all Disorders of the L^iver, Stomacli, Klcin'ym, and Uo-wela. They InviKurat* and reatore to health UehilitatxK'onatltutlon". and are Inraluable In all Cpn , plsiflt" incidental to Faroalos of all agea. Kor Children nn.l tho aged they an priceless. THE OINTMENT U*n Infallible ranwdy for IUd I^n. Bftd Brewta, Old Wmimta. Horn and Ulflew. U ! Unoaifor Qout jd l^lntuiualimii. Kqr il^tOT^tm of th Client it has no eqaal. For SO RE THROAT, BRONCHITIS, COUGHS, COLDS ' has no i ivi 1 1 ; Mid for contracted and stiff nan.u's/>titred only at Profenor HoLViW4T'a nstablUhmsnt, H, New Oxford Mireet < late 5B, Oxford HtrectK LondoB, ^^^..^,.*..-^^^^ /tirckow* snoiiM loofc If. *' /xiM vu. U* Pofc atui Bmrn. If Ou oddrttt it not 5,M, Or/orrf Ntrr1, Ismdim, Ufy are priHf. NOTICE: , . A thorough bred Durham Dull calf, no month old, for sale. Also ;i one year old Durham Hull, with %'onfl po<lio;res. Also a good Steam Floor If ill at Flenhrrtnn Station for aalc. Apply to LF.VFR, Fksherton P, Q, J. W. BATES, Furniture Denier and Undertaker, n.ESHrRTOV,

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