Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Mar 1886, p. 2

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m> i .mit i o mmt I. I tax* little hand in Bin*, And walk th* village itreet, Wltk oklrc and chattel M w* go, U an'it'*** cuuvereatluu sweet, Ami ple*ant salutations From every on* w* m*el , wm THOF AMD ortr. r.n rotuiaUi I take th* Uttlehau.l In tuii.., To climb a Belabouring hill. T piuok wBd Avwer >. oi lu trad* a laaghtag mountain r 11, By whieVwlen w*aiy ur athirst, Wa naw* U> dnnk our nil. Dear Utu* lad and I. ^Tw little bands In mine, boy upon my knee ; to a pl-asant voice, liab witt uuM* ot glM ; I feel a breath sgainat my cheek. A breath of lile to me. . Dear little lai and 1. 1 last* thoae little in Bin*, 1 t,ar a prattler's tongae atiug oaiidleh (bought* aad song*, w**tly said aud suag; rmooy with spirit harpe, heavenly uiusio strung ; Dear little lad and I. With theee two little kandt in mine, I think of oth-r d.ts On* generation full of veer* Between uur parting wave: And yet our toiil* claip haoda acre*) Toe cbaam la close embrace : Dear little lad and I. Thoe* little handt. so v*ry fair. CJod keep seem ever white ; *aea* 1JU* fcet, uofettertd ft. ,> j May they etwaJkarkht; That little UN. so precious now, I Wit II l the I'orl ol tkr /rr. ID old Anno Domini (Vanished bath tbo aoelent Mil*) Men could look upoo the iky. If tbe earth were wholly Til*. Now alae, " IL* heavy change !" All oar star gtsiur, U dun* ; Ternbl* m.cUi o. a d Urang* Glide between at and the ton. Land lawi-once they left ni wken Our democracy wai nvw . H Fined for tresuaxiag oa brine," Every day w* not* It lets. "Killed whan t ULlagem to* llB* Of a submarine aiurees : ' , In old A*no Demlul. la tL* happy days grown dim, Uea eould tall u, uu the e*a* at taelr pie*. ore d ve orewim. OB tbe land* tLe ebil.lren played ; Oa Ui* land* th* eblMren played i Now in* .and, they u. falls ; *5rU __' a tax oo *v*< y si*ae. itrlageat rulei c*ucrnln| pklls la old Anno Domini Men were aiuple, ujerry, kisd ; Never tragglcd for th* , Never e.uarrll*d f r tk* wind. Earth bath been a peaceful place ! Free from folly, free from Jan Were Ue elmple earl) ra* ounld look upon to* atan I O, litter tweet, who loved the spring. Tbe gracioas budding out uf Kreeo, Tne guide* willow bougns between, And all tb* fairy vluee tbal ellng ; V. BOM artist eoul with qoiak'atng thrill Haw aaith awake, new life, new hope, Tare' beauty* portal* seriating ope. Then drank utr spirit's very all. Together oft al eventide *e watched Ul* gulden glory die, And beard the wniu-poor will's k>u* cry First of Ui* spring al " iaodeosld*." Beneath the bill a tender Man* Of baddlog bought shoo* WIIB Ib* wet Of sett spring auowen, on them yet Lv like a crown tbe sunaet ting*. Tb* pearly mlete tb*n softly fell. Wber* quaked tbe **p*o's op'olng leaf, And eoiuj tuo ao uukuuwu grief Knthrall'd uur heart* with low farewell. And now I know that tboe, art gone. B*d>y 1 watch Uie SUUMI glow. Waiting a vuio* to whlp*r low Com* aod rejoin thy trva*ond one." ADaiMa Wxwnnr. Th* Panonag*, . Vmlj r*j Wlab a th Uf utl*e tone, yet tun echo rang In tb* heart of toe Ud. Ldke a par* while U fuded bim over ** ana land. Only aa old. old faabloned hymn, (agj la tb* twiiigBt, gray and dun, y uiotber'e eiile ur on f^tber'e ku** . let time cannot blot II from Only a song from th* Up* of on* Who** wlaelon is past, wnu** brief life is done A simple eoog ; aud jet afiar all. I aao never ting It bat teen will fall. Only a toag from feebl* p*a, Aud a faltering baud aud heart ; bal then, Who knuws '/ I'utiai'i euue life uno* *ad II Bin was made Io rjolo and b* glad. Brief as a song Is this life of oars, fleeting a* suuihm* aad frail ae th* flowers : Tb*n slug, 01 y neart 1 ob, slug and b* sarong I Tbuu shall on* day j >i u in th* ' New, Mew Bong." A IMonr r RU.I Bate*. " I bav* broogbt vuor dinner, father," Tb* blackuuith dangBMr eaul, And h took from b*r arms a kettle. And lifted II* *blning IM ; " There's .ol any pu or pudding, Ho 1 will giv* yuo this ." And up*n bis toil-wort, forehead Hue leii a childish nits Tbe blacksmith tore oft nil apron, And dined In bappy mood. Wondering uiuc-i at the savor Bid la hu buuibie fovd ; While all about were visions Fah of t>.opb*tlo ullee. Hut be neve/ tn^ugbt uf tbe maglo Io bis little ilauttj Hi's kin. Whll* she, wltb her kettle swinging, Menrilv tru.lue.' away ; Stopped at ene etgai of a squirrel Catouiag a*m* wild blra s lay . And 1 tnouKUt bow many a shadow Of lit* ana fat* w* would >lsi If aiway* uur frugal dlunars Wer* e***oned wltb a kiss. A pine tree near WBtbington, O., U laid to bear lrg* nnmbtri of perliollj imrmtfl a.09rai iDMnptned with ordmr pine OODM. A JOUDR maa while muu J aaleep walktd off a railway train near U>aille, Ku, Hi* baek wai allgblly iprained ID oooie qiMMI of bit somnolent leap, bat other wtie bt wa* uoi injared, Jamtii Hooper, of Ltfayettr, Ok., bear B( that there wai bidden trsaturo iu tb pound near a tree on bU (arm, (all M A'ftgtvt about tba Ofiot, and at last nn earthed ao old inn pot o mtaining IJ,0(X In gold a An aod 11,600 in silver . Bbadi trees throughout Main*, New Bampabire and MaeiabaitM bare la many untanoen been oompletsly dmlroyed by tb bnrdtn of toe wbieb formed abool Ibeir brauobii dorin| a rtotat storm, Many [nrfeolly Hound braoohe* a fool tbiok wert wrenebad off Trees wilbia a (e w mile* of ill e ocean mflared especially. Million! of dead Mtflib cover tb* banks of tbt Indian, Halifax and Hill*boroab rivers, Florida. In MOM places tbetr boDM Ue In drifts a foot deep aad tbre* or font feel wide. Tbe stenoh which arlwe* trocfi these decaying nib has driven craft of Mr* tort oft the riveri although tb* pre sent to tba (tiTorl** orniiing HMOO. D waller* along Utl banks have oar ted mny teeVi of fish into their orange gtOTM. The told weather of a month ago it held re VOialkla (at toll plaffM o( dead aaliUh. Vtetaawe Old Ret First Olrl (wbo has been at tmlUjs for aome years) -Why, what to fee tMttM I Why are 700 orytog ? Seoond Girl (nsw arrival and feeli a great 4Ml nocMeiobl-I-I-lt-boo-hoo II mkes mi to awfully unhappy to be so far sway from home. Finn Girl (eoolbinglj) Ob, you mart try nol to give war so. Why, TOO or j twiee M rnooh M I did wban I lift home. BMOnd Girl I Jot I am twioe tbe diitsvnoe from bom* that 700 art. A Mirer dollar, bright and aatarnUbed, M foBod lodged ID Ibe inteetinMof a largi i wbloii wai reeeoMy oaMbl in s "No, I ahooldn l,' etui more eolklly. " Oh, bat pa oagbt, yon know. if you are going to live for any time in a country, yoa Bboald itndy iM inatuutiooi. Tbe but wy to Me (Mi on* i to mak* ouHing remark* abont Ireland in a loud voio* when two or three of tbi peasant* are near yon. They don'l like oatting remarks, tbey are n Btupid. and jokie such M yours annoy thim fearfully. Hull, y ou mustn't mind lbt , juu must smother your natural kind- lioeeeot diepoaition and annoy thim, if yon want to ice tbe shillelagh-" " X said nothing to aonoy Mr*. O'Oonaar, al any rat, N iay*Bfr.Byde. " Sheneedir'l kavw takeu aimple word or two like that." YJU eri-, we sre .all BO terribly tbm kiiLiLcd," isya Mr. K-IIy regretfully, "I quite blaih lor my country-people. Ot e -urev, ben are noble exemption* to every rula. / am (be noble exemption her*. / don't (eel ID the leael annoyed witb yen. Now do try saint brandy, my dtar fellow, il will do yoa all Ibe good i the world." " 1 don'l know tbia'narnenl waethec you ut Unghiog at me or uot." say n Ihe marine, eyeing him doubtfully " I nirer laogh," eays Mr. Kelly reproach- fully, " IlbotJgul eveny<* ooajd see that. Well, will joa bive that B. and 8. T Bal Han ia bcff d aod dcoitnii to accept oonwolalion in any ahspe. He etrolla away with ao iujur*)d air to where bi* Drotber cmoer.Oentain Oobbelt, u taadinff near iU ball door, and pom* hu grifs into hi* rara. Ui laiu Cobbesl bemg a very ipare little man, with half-starved appearance aod a ditmal expression, il ii doubtful wbniber poor Ryda rteeivei from hioi tbe amount of sympathy required. Well," lay* Madam O Connor, turning around as ine seal bim disappear, and sddmBi&g the three or four people around ber Ksoerally, " 'pon me aon>oienee, Ibat'i Ibe liluett young man I ever met in my Doat be bard pon him," tayi Ur. He I. .kindly. " Tbeugh vary mad, hi it _ . f l.aruilere ! H* pUye tennu very will," iayi Mis* FitigiraUd, tilt tall girl. " 80 njoe, Un'l it ? Io have tbeae aueient game* ri pro- daotd!" This with the learned air ol on* who could amy nor* it RBI woeM. Aneuni '" iayi Madam O'Connor. " Faith, Itbooibt it wai a gam* of yetter- day." < Ob. diar nol ' saye tb* erudite Us I la, with a lenient looil*. " T*nuii wai oral brought from France ta England In the reiKD of Caar Ui in* Second." 'Tben now, Mua Bereelecd, don'l torgtl tbal," lay* Msaam O Connor, turn- ing to Mon 101 with an amused imiie : li U eeuntulyon should remember it, at il ta part of ooe'i edaoation." "May I aee you to yoor oariiag*, Mill Blake," uya DtimoDd, finding ih* aod Mm 1'dnelope are beut on going; and Aunt Priioilla, wbo bae taken quite a fanoy to bis strange jotng man, give* btr graeioui periuiawoQ tcial be suall aoeooipany tbem to tb* toMiliz<d ebariol awaiting tbim. "Wbo ia bt, my dear Frianlla?' aaki BCIsi Pentlope m a stage wbiepir as Ibey go. "Dau'l know, my dear," bat evaitly agreeable young mao, very inperior to those ot hn own age of ibe present day. He i* tnarveUpaety potato, and bai, I think, 4 ail* inperior air." "Qaik," ray* Picelop*. "and a very wot exproesion bMide*-io open, eo in gecuon*. I wish all WIN likt mm." This with a *igb, Terenee having Droved himeelf open to soipteion with regard to plaio deal- tog during tbe paet ft w daya. ' How, it ao bappene that al thU initant tbey tarn a corner leading from tbe shrub- bery walk on to tb* grav*l w*p befor* tb* ball dooi ; aa Ibey torn ibu corner, io doe* grsvel *wt*p M Cue waw, eo in*n, eu<n*>. quenlly, be is faoe to face witb tbe Mia*** Bleat, without bop* of retreat. Tbe walk ii narrow al tbe *otran** to il, and a* thi* o*W'Oomir essay* to pan bar- riedly by M.UI Priioilla be node himeelt fatally entangled wilh ber, ahi having B o Ji to Ib* nhi at b* went to tbe led, and af terwaido baring goo* to the left a* hi wot to tbe right, and KOOU. Finally a pataagt i* cleared, and tbe stranger who ie an amaclntly ugly old mao, with a rather btnign though ob lrlo oouuteoacoe epeeds pail tbe Miaaei Blake like a flash of lightning, and wilb a haste oredilable to bu y oars, bal inggMliv* rath*r ol liar Iban ilaittoily. 11 My uoolo I" says Brian Diamond ia aa awc-itrnok ton* to Mouiea, *bo literally goet down before this twnble annunciation aod tremblea visibly. Il M a rf no mtro fraugbt with mortal hor- ror to tbi Minea Blake. For year* they bav* not ao muoa ae looked upon their enemy's tafl*, aod now their ikirlj have eternally bruibed bim as h* ptieed. " O-imi, oome quickly, Monica," eiyi MiM l'u*lope, on tbie oooaion being tbi OBS to take tbi initiative. " Do nol linger, Obild. Did you nol see ? Il was ow enemy tbal pasted by." If eh* bad said "il wai th* arob fiend," her voice oouli not have been more tragic. "1 am oomiog, Aunt Penny," eayi nluniea, nur voaaly. Mow II te si thli intaipioioua moment thai Mr. Kelly (wbo, a* I have said before, ii alwayi everywhere) ohooee* to rnih op to Brian Desmond and addrtii bim in a load toot. " My dear boy, you are nol going yit, ait yoa?' hi says, reproachfully. " I eay, Drtuiciul, yon aan'l, yon know, beoanst Miss Filuerald eayi you promised to play in tba nut mtc_ i -u ber." The latal name bae been uttered clearly and disliuotlj. Ai tbongb petrinid, the wo old ladin itanri qatte ilill aad itare al Brian , then Mm. Priacilla, with a etately movement, gtM between him and Monioa, aod in lone* that tremble piraeptibly, eayi to bim, " I thank yon for tbe eoarteey already reetived, air ; bat w* will no longer troobl* yoa for your csoori ; w* prefer to leek oar paae and oojakccpla** eaoh otber for a uouveul lament!). " He-he to verygood-lookiBg." .ayi Mi.s 1'euelope at teat, ai tboogb o .ujpelled to makw tbe adtninioa (tea against her will. 11 He U abomihably b^udsome," saye Mm l'n=cilla, fleroely ; after which iLe darta into her room and closes tb* door witb a tabdnid baag behind ber. It U CHAPTER Vlll. th* evening of tbe next day Mid dinner at Ooole has jail eomi to an end. Mr. Kelly, wbo bai been Brian'! gutat tot tbe last loitnigbl, and who U to remain as long ai roiti bim, or as long afNr the SISJBS ibnnHasi m Aagut M bi willi, bai taken himself Into tbe garden to smoke a cigar. TDIS he does at a hint from Brian. Now, finding bimaiK alooe witb Lu Kbe iwttepi bia a terribly atif littlo alat and eails off, still tremkling and very pa|, Mus Ftoelope, aoareeJy lea* Date, fol- lowing 10 ber wake. Dee mind baa barely time to gTCip MoLioa'i band and wbisper " Bemttawer," ia u myieorioOB a lone ai tbe haplee* Bin art, when ihe, too, il swept away and carried from bto eight. Mot until tb* gaei of AKbyohlllboR are well behind tuem do the Miae** Blake offloiently rsooTer themeelvM for Boeeob. Tertooe, wbo baa bun a lilent witnee* ot tbewbolt traaiaotion, or eat ing a divinion by meJtiog awrne remark about Ihe day gin- rally, breaku tbe spell that binds tbem. Hil remark II passed over In silence, bat aiill the spell is broken, Whoever Introdceed yoa to that young ," begins Kiel Priaoilla eolemnly, " did a wrong tbiDf. Lit us bope II WM Aone In igooriWM." ihii Moniea tbiTera inwardly and turns oold, M ib* nmemberi that no introduciiou han ever been gone tbrongb between ber sud " tbat young IBM." What U loot I'fiieiUa peniite, and auks the name ot tbe offendiog medium ? Knr In- nately, ma* Blake lowii light of tbis idea, hem t: eo engneeed with a gitatef. For th* fa tore you matt forget yon TM vpoke to tbie Mr. Uesmood." she aajn, btr fan very elern. " Uappily he in an oiler strAogir to you, eo there will be DO diffiouliy about it. Too will remenaber thi., Muaioa? ' Tes, I will rimembar," iayi tbe girt, lowly, and wltb a viaibli effort. Then ktoyoi ie reached In solemn silenoe o far as tbe Mieen Blake am oonoerned ; in solemn mlsnee, too. tbe twe old ladis* moan t the oaken itaJroaee tbat lead* to tkelrrwni). OataUt on tbt oocriior, tb*y i, Brian aays, ia tb* eainal Ion* of on* maltjog aa incUffireal reniatk. By the bye, I ean>eau you are not on good terms wilb tboie old ladiee at Muyni." Ae be ipeaki hi btlp* himeelf leisurely to BOOJO itrawberriti, and ao refraini from looking at bin nnoU. " Ho," lay* Tbe Deemond shortly. " Buoie old quarril, I have been given to nnderetand." " I iboald pr(er not ipsaking about it, ' saya Ibe Bqau*. " IwiLgtis ot oanioicDce evin at tbii re- mote period," think* Brian, aad ii rather tioklsd at tbe idea, a* b* lilt* his b*ad to regard hit uncle in a new light tbat U, at a reitnlar Don Jaan. Will, ol cowee, I date sav I should not haw* mentioned tb* Bubjeet," be Bay* apolo- getioally, " but I had no iiea il wai a sore point. II wai net eo muob bad taate on my perl ai ignorance. I beg your pardon I" It wai a very uubippy sffair, alto- gether," taye Don Jaan. Very nnfortanate, iodied, Irom wbat I bavi beard." Hart than uolortunat* right down du- graoslul !" says tbe bquire with toob nn- looked for energy as raini aitooiehment in tbe breast ot bu nephew. (" By Jove, OM would tbink tb* old chap bad only now awakened to a lens* of hit uiisoouduot," he IhjukB Irrevtreutly ) Ob, will," b* lay* liniially, " hardly that, von know." " Qvite that," eiupliatieally. "U haibeea often dom btfore ; youre is not a BOlitary caM." "Solitary or not, there were element* about il luexoutable," aaye Ibe old Bqair*. beating bi* hand opon the table ai though to empbailB* hi* worie. " I wouldn't take it ao mneh to hiarl, il I were yon," iayi Brian, wbo is really begin- ning to tily him. 11 It bal lain on my heart for twenty yean. I oan'l take it off now," Myi Ibi Bquire. " Too bava evidently Buffered." returns Brian, wbo ii getting more and more in. z d at tbe volcano be has roused. " Of coarse, I can quite onderatand that if yon were once mote to find yourself in similar oiroamatanoee you woald aol very difl.r- otly." "I iboald, indeed vr>y differently 1 A mtn eeldoui maku a fool of bimtelt twice in lifetime." (" He's regretting ber now," think* Brun.) But col loud b* aay* : "Too didn't show muob wisdom, I dare ay." " No, none ; aad a* far *er-to fling away neb a love ai that " Btre be pause* and look* dr*unlly at tbi ul ver tankard before bim. Tbu lal *p*e*b ratber annoy B Brian ; to gtoal over the remembrance ot a luv* tbal had b*eo callontly cut aside to mil Ibe exigineiee of tb* moment, seem* to tbe yoangtr man a oaddUh sort ol thing nol to be ecdorsd. (> Thoogh what the mlaohief any pretty girl of nineteen could have seen in htm," b* mate*, gsxing witb ill coaosalsd amaxtmtnt than I oan fathom ") "Perbape II wasn't M deep a love ae y*w iniMlin*," b* eauoot refrain from aayiug afrofoi hi* uuol* .1 last remark, wltb a view to laaung him down a pig. 11 II wa*, ur, taye ibe Hqaire steroly. " It w*s the love of a lifetime. Ptoplt may doubt a* they will, but I know no lovs has oper**d*d it." " Ob, be i* in hi* dalage," tbinki Brian disgoattdly, and, rising from Ibt table be makee a few more trivial remarks and then walk* from tbi dloi-g-room oa to th* bal- cany aud eo to tb* K -rden beneath. Finding hi* fiiecd Killy in an ivied tower, loet in aoigr, aad poaatbly, though improbably, in Improving medital. i, b* t careful not to disturb him, but, makli'g ooceiefol detour, taoipei bie ootie ai luruM bil face toward* tuat part oi Cool thai is connected witb Moyni by meani o tb* river. At Moyne, too, Ib* dinner bai come to an and, and, tempted by tb* beaut) ol Ib qoiet evening, the two old ladiei and tbi ebildrio have trolled into tbe twUil gar din. Then U a itrangi and iweet bath in tbe air a ilillnen full of life bet siamberon IK*. Tue naeio ot euianu ean b* b*ard aod a diitanl murmur from the ocean ; bu tb* bird* bav* got their b*ds beneath the! wing* and tb* nalog night wind woo* tnam all In vain. It t* tbat bonr of quiet tcitacy, Whea ever* rustling wind tksl pat*** by Tbe sleepins. leaf make* busiest mlnstralty. "Ton are mloni, i'," lays MIM Ptcelope, glaooiog at her. "I am thinking. Bueb an ive tbii alwayi reoalli Katberine; and yeiterday that meting mil hae helped to bring tb pail moil vividly before me." " Ah , dear, yee," iayi Min Penilop* re gardingher witb a furtive bal tender glance " How must lit hay* fell, whin b* tbongb what griif hi brought to b*r young lit*." " Toa are talking of mother r aike Kii addealy, letting her larn*, dark *y*e reel oa MiM Penelope 1 * face, ai tbongb eearcb ing for latent madn* Ibire, " TM, my dear, of course. " Hi would nol have dared ao to treat her bad btr father been alive, or bad wa been bles <cd with a brother," eayi MiM Priioilla ternly. " Hi proved bimatU a dastard and a coward." " Perbape there wai iomi mistake," uyi Meoiea timidly, [lucking apale bloinom aud to adBtire It. No, no I We bellive hi contracted an for lome otber girl, and tor her "ke jilted your mother. It to, retribution lit and propir followed on lin perfidy, beeanie he bfonghi no wit* later on to grace bil bom*. Doubtlesn be was betrayed in bit turn. That wai only jail." " There Mimi to b* reason in that eon- jeotnre," nays Mice Ptnelopi, " beeatui hi wtnt abroad tlmoet immediately. I naw bim shortly before he left tb* oountry, and hi WM thin quite a broken-down man. He mas l bav* lakiu bil mm mie/orlune neatly to heart." " Birved him right I" *ayi MiM PriMUla nneompromiiiDtly. " H* deserved no greater luck. Tour mother saffertd eo muob at bit band* that ah* almoit loel h*r hetlih. I doo't believe ihe sver got over Ik" " Ob, yee, ihe did," lay* Terry suddenly, " she got over ii Baeonmonlw well. We didn't know wbo Mr. Demond wag then, of enure* ; bat I know ibi used |r> mak* uaits ajoksof him." A joke I" myi MIM I'rUellla hi an awful ton*. 11 TM, regular fan, yoa know," goat oa 1 erenoe nniannted. " On* day she wa* teHlag f athir eoaae old story about Mr. Deemood, a 'good thing' ikt call*d It, and be WM laughing heartily , but be wasn't, aal wbso ibe bad flutohed, I remember, he aid BOMetbhig to ber about want of ' dill My of feeling,' or eomitblng Uk* that." " I was there," aayi Eil in her high Irsbls. "lie said, too, ihe ought to be aihamad ot heraelf ." " Ok, Hmt was DOMBBg, n Mfi Mr. ford ai-tly, "Father and mother never agreed (or a uiMnent; they wvre alwaye squabbling from the time they got op till thiy went to bed again." The Unite Blake have turned (jatte pal*. " Tereaet, bow nan y ou apeak so ot your ainltd mother?" say* MiM Penelope " I'm aure, Irum ber Utteii to us. the wa* a moil dtvottd mother aud wit*, aod, indeed, aoiiaead her every wiab and pleMoze to yoora." 11 1 never knew it ooet her io muob to keep away from ae," say* Tcrenee. " K ibe WM dyiag for oar eoeiily she mail, indeed, have Mrinoed berielf, oecause ibe made it tbi buiineee of ber life to avoid u* from worn to dewy e ve " "DoobtliM ike bad bir dutie*," iayi MiM Penilope in a volee of lupprMeed fear. Wbat iiibi going to biMnizt? What are theM dreadful children going to nay ? "PirbiM ebi bad," My* Terence. "If ao, they didn't agree witb ber, M ibe WM alwayi in a bad temper. Bbe used to Rive il to papa right and left, until he didn't dare oall bie aonl bil own. Wbio I marry, I ihall take very good oare my wit* doeao't lead me tbe lit* my mother led my father." "four wife I Who'd marry you' 1 My Kit toornfully, wbiob inwrlud* giv*e tb* d iMiis.i in a ril for a littl* lime. Bat io>n they retarn to tbe charge. 11 Your mother, when here, had an aoKilio temper," sayi MiM Penelope. Miss Prli- cilia all tbii time Beemi incapable of ipeecb Well, she hadn't when tkert," eay Ttr euee, aud then be iayi a dreadtal IbioK, M vaktar ai il ii dreadfol, that his annt'i heart witn dUmay. " 8 be and my father lougbi like eat and dog," be Bays, and then the MtatB Blake feel tbat tbeir oop m indeed fcll^tj. " And lofBcer would lak* Monioa any where," laywmil, " so aaluiti 1" Ii U growiuit too terrible. Is their ilol to be khatlered ibu* before tbeir ijwBT " Mouiea, WM your mother umkind t< yoa T" says Mlts Penelope in a voiov (oil o; aogaiab. After all ibne years, 11 Ibe Ktherine ot their aHeolioni to be dragged in Ibe dnit ? Monies beiilitM. She oan Me Ibe grie! in ber aonl'i faoe and oannot bear to add to il. Tbe troth U that tbi late Mre. ford bad net been bulovid by ber ebUdreu for reaeona wbioh it will be poesible to eon oeiv, bat wbieb would b* tiresome to enumerate bete. Perhaps there seldom ha* been a more oareleee pr disagreeable mother Bo Monioa paniei, flasbM, glanoM ner vously from ngbl to led and thin baol agaio, and finally rente her loving, regretfn eyee fall apou Miw Panelope'e agitated faee Bomelbing she Mel tut re deoidei ber Sinking to her knee*, ib* flings her arm arooud the old lady * neek aud lay* bi ojitk to herd. " I will lay nothing, bat tbal I am bapp herr," Bk* eays ia a low whiipw. MIM Pewetope'e arms elo* round ber Tbe worst has eom* to her; yet there *olaoe IB tbii olibgiog embraoe, aod io tb dewy lipi tbal leek hers. II abe bae Io* one idol, wbo ean lay she ban nol gaiae a, olaer, and, pirbace, a worthier one ? Y*l, beyou>i dabl, Ibi two old Indie have BOitained a Mvere b jck. They bol diwn tbeir bead*, and for a loag time avoi eaeb O'.her's eye*, M though fearing wha may there be seen. " lilt ai walk round tbe gaidun, Aau Prisoilli," MVI Mooiee, feeling very sorr for them. " The evening it luvely, and th roees io i well. " "Come, thin," layi MiM Pr it cilia, wh ii, peraape, glad to eaeapa from ber o thought". Terecoe has diMppearad, but, M be is no gra! ou fljwsr*, bin pre*ii.oa U uol itii peusablt, aod LO one lake* any notice ol bi del M lion. PrMtntly tbey oome upon tbi old gar deoer, who U also tbe old eoaobmao, upo bis bended koee* bsside a bed. Tbe wbul gardvii i* sorupoloaaiy raked and uorupt Lusly weeded sill nol a fault oan b* found Bui Jli.B Prueilla is of lbo<* who deem ~ J^H:.. ... ... hi* tramp*. Stooping over the bed, therefore, *b carefully adjust* hir glaese* npoo ber no* andproeaedsioeaaniioiwiihmaeb miaaie nee* ibe earih bentaib ber. A tiny gree: Itaf auraoM her notice. "Oorney, ii thai a wttdt' 1 ibe Mk nvirely. I oertainly r*m*mber aewio one seedi iu tbii pUee ; but f Aat ban weedy look.' " Il'seeedl, miM," My* Oorney. ' Ve' know II by the eurl of il." "I bop*> io, I hafi ao," say* Mill PrU eilla, doobtloily ; " bal there's a oomoio oatlabiat it, It rimiadi me of grou .de Oorury, whatever yoa do, dun l grow Mre IMS." " t *iz, I'm too oald a band for tba mt,' nays Uorney. "But, to tell tb trolb, I think uiyssif. DOW, not to dataiv yi, tbal the leaf ye uiiutioued li uooom mon like the groundsel. Toa oogbt to proud of yer eyee, Mm Prueilla; tbey'r Meltar aeUwy were twitily year* ago." Greatly moUio*d by Ibu ojmplimen MIM I'rKoills dio ioe* to Mold any more and, tbegrooodael forgotten, movoeonwar to a inuwta piee ol iward on wbieh oart-load of Urge while from tb ava-ftbor* bu been raibleuly thrown. " Wbat is thin f" she Myi, indignantly eyeing the itonee with much disfavor " Ooraiy, eonae hire I Wbo flacg tkoe sioun down on my green graM 7" " Tbe reoiur, iuis. He lent his ma wid a I J of m, ud 'tis there Ibey let 'em." " A moet anwarraniable proceed iog I says Mi** Priaoilla, wbo ii ia hir manigto mood. - Wbat did Mr. Warren mean by that 7" " Don't yoa tbink il WM kind of him to draw tb'.m for our rookery, my dear I'm oilla ?" nayi MIM Penelope, suggestively. " No, I doo't," Myi MIM PiiMlUa. " bring otrl-loade ot uaaty large slous am fliug thim down npon oty velvet grass on biota I pride myeelf (tboogb you ma; think nothing ot it, Peneiopi) ii not kind I moat aay it WM anything out niM, any tbiug bat gsntlenanly.' 1 " My dear, be iiqaiM a gentlaotan, aui a very g.x>d man." " Tbat may be. I loppoie I am not to uncharitable ae Io he reonked for ever; little word ; bal to go about tbi oonntr; destroying peopla'i good gnu, for wbioi I paid a shilling a pound, ii not giulle manly. Kaiuerini, what are you al?" " A* the lone," Myi Kit. " There is nothing to laugh at in a stoci Don'l be liliy, Ktlbiriu*. I woader , yon doo't make it tba baiinni c your life to ioitil eonce IMM into tba obiid. Tb* idea of Handing still to laugh at a stotu /" Belter do that than itand Hill to cry I it," tayi Ihe ycmngsit MIM Bereiford rebeUiooely. Providentially, tbe remark it anbeard ; and Moaiaa, Menting battle in the breeze, My I, nattily, Do yoa rimember the roMe at Agtayo billbeg, auntie T Well, I don't think any of them win ae flni M this," pointing to a maguinsaut blonom near her. It ii the tratb, and It pleasM MiM Pruoilia mightily, ibl having a pMeion for ber roiea. And eo peace ie onoe mon re stored. Il growl dully," lays MiM Penelope, TM , 'lit u all go in," Myi MiM I'ris- ttagUt) tgwi aud ber rieofaa-vhroat aad half -bait d Mnin. Tbal dam li tbia. Do LuleHy oat too ong. Takilarnof yonnelf, my darling" ibe kimei bet |.rrtiy uieor, and theu lurri** on, M tbough asbamti'i of tbii tbow 1 sfl.oliou A litllu troubledky thi otress, M-juioa moves meobanieewy down tbe path thai ad* towards ihe Meadows and the river, ullowsd by Sit.- By tbi* tim* the latter ii a full poBMssion of all tbat happened yee- Mrday at leael M unob ol M relates to Monioa'* aeqatlataaii witb Mr. UMmoad minni tb* tender paMagtt), bia ncole's encounter witb her auuti, and Brian's obieqaent ill I BlatJI I Indeed, ao mneh h.s tranepirid in the tailing ol all tbii tbat Kit, who i* a abiiwd ehild, ha eom* to th* oil conclusion that the young Mr. Dei mond li fa love) with ber Mon ioa. Btraoge to eay, she is not annoyad al bil ?reiau>ptiop, bat rather pleased al if. he M iog cue flrst live lovtr ibe hat ewer oome u ojul.^l wiib, and therefore intereitiog n noiitalldegrM. Now, aisb* follows ber sUler down tbe lowiry pathway, htr miad U fall o( romaner, par* and iweet and gre>at witb obtvalry, M a etui*'* would bs Bui Monioa is sad and taciturn. Ber mind miagivea her, ber conscience prioki her, her soul i* dit]aietcd within ber. What WM U ibe bad promised Auut Priioilla ytiterday ? Aunt PrUoilla bad laid, " For Ihe f ut ire yoa mail forget yon ever ipoke to Mr. Dttmond. Ton Will re mea.bir Ibii V and ebe had answered, Tee.' But how oan ibk forget? II WM a fooli.h promise, for who bae got a memory under ooDtrol T .4*. Ot ejom, Aval Priioilla had meinl her to underiiand that *be wat never to speak to Mr. Diamond again, and *b* bad given ber promise in tbe spirit. Aod of course he woald be obedient ; she wonld at least *o tar obey that she wcutdoot be the flrtl to tpeak to him, nor would she Mek bim nor Bal why, tbn, ii ih* going to tbe river ? Is il beeauM tbe evening i* M do*, or ii there no Inrkicg bope of And, after ill, wbat eerlatnly i* there that- that any on* wll beat Ibe river at tbii boar ? Akd even it there ahould be, why need she iptak to bim ? ibe ean be silent ; but if be ipiake to her, wbst then ? Oan she refuse to aniwtr ? (To b* eontiniad.) 1 Ob, not yet, aonti* ; it n qaite lovely yet," iyi Monica, aruevtly. bh* eannol [o in yet, not y>t ,- the evening it itUl roung, and an of she would like *o mnok to to down to the river, il only for a moment. All thit ah* ay guiltily to liereslf . 1 Wall, w* old women will go la, al call," aayi MiM P*n*lop*. " Too two Idito can eoqatl with tb* d*w for a little while ; but don'l Hay too long, or ore ttaroats will b* Ib* reault." >'", y*s," aayi MiM PtiMilla, following ber i.iler. A* sh* paaaee Monioa, she looki aaziooaly at Ik* flrl'i little ilighi THE PAHmRB'INOLBNOOK. IM*B*% Hew l be Y Me**) n la l.koi. Ot Ib* nany hardehipi with which the pion*r biB bad to contend, uoue bav* perbapi been greater than tba) of provid- ing bi- fa-mi y wilb Ibe nteeeiary fuoi for winter. Twiittxl hay hu been tbe eeltler'i main fuel, for witb soti coal at t8 and bard coal at VII per tea bat lew coald afford the luxury ot a anal fir*. Wbil* iwiated hay it nol to be ine*ed at aa a hiat-prodnoer, till U bM ite drawback!, not tbi leant ot win h hM been tbe tim* oooiomed in pre paring n. How often bae a latller been oa ld from hie woik to " twin jail a tew twist*" to finish a baking. N me bat tbon* wbo bv beeo. tuere can bav* i idea uf tbe annoyance and loe* of tim* >!uii>d bytnlfllling jast KUCD little r qae t In wijler, ii one depeud* en hay, U i* uotbing hot twist, twisr, twist, aad when ibe bay is IwUtert ll keeps one warm feed- ing it to ibe stove. It you lit do*n to writ*, you mutt nae at every period aud pal a twill ia the stove, and il yoa forget it tor rven a sbjrl lime yiu will nod yourecll auetiioh tod eitoniog cold. Bat cow all that i* d.'i.e tway witb. Borne > uterpriilug Tankoe ia tbe vicinity of Mitchell t tidi'.: itta8'.:m.r : 'or oi'fi-g l<.v- b o'-i is ma wo:jCer aud admKaklioa of 'hi ooouiry. Toe app%ra(us U no-biug more or le< tbsn a sbetl irou boiler about tbe bape of an ordinary wash toiler, only deeper To operate it yoa stuff I bur lull ot fl x atiaw or IOOM bay th* llix straw i* preferable- and, lakiLg off tb* griddle* over Ibs firtbox ol ' . osyvd. yoa plaou ttae bailer U(itde down ov*r Ine tnai^k. .1 . a .. .. w_i r _ prl^iug what an ioteiiie hem: will euiil. Ojefllllcg wi 1 la. l from one to three bcori, aooordinii in* draughi )ou 111* ''. i yon haft a fire cqutl to a oat fir* for bakiug and all otbir parpoiei. A* there u an abandanoe ot.flix itraw in Ibt onnlry, fuel I* uow oosliag tbo people next to ualbing. Oa* of Ibe leadh.g oaal mer- obante nre compltlutd tbe other day that tbey w*ru I '-UK their b-, -l co.l easterner* on Boooant uf Ihe " blaetad bnler itiveu- tlon." Ai it if nol patented aud can he made by aoy tii.ner iti cost IB bal II el), wbieb plecti it wiibin the reMb ot all. A gr*|t msny are uetug their old *aeb boilers. wbub do very well, nnt ih*y ara uot nearly a* good ae tbi regular one*. Chicayo Tritmni. el 4lrl,n | lrllll|.n. Tb i proipeil* ot African oiviliitllon are aptly lumound op ia tbe rider jrsnobakoff'i tsrse dtfiai ion ol tbe cqaally aadevelopid vailoeis o( Siberia as " a good bill {.aya bit at a long dele." Veil aw are tbi risolti aohievi d daring the lais few years they an aa nolbiag to tbi work wbieb Hill rimaiae to be done , bat the outer world It at all event! beginning; to learn for Ihe flrit time what Atrioa really it, and what ihe really Deed* Ae lately as 1880, eiviliatlioo bailed M a great discovery ib* auDOuaoemcat that " John aod Kiobard L ud .r, havirg voyaged down the Niger from Tauri to tbi sea, bavi latii- faoiorily aaeerlained tbal it ii not tbe Ooogo 1" Er*n after tbU amixtiog revela- tion, acd, indeed, klmoit up to thi date of H-.anlcy '* fanioai " flading of hivingllon*," tbe few Baropeant wbo tboo|bt of Afrlea al all, thought of it M a VM! laedy de eri, witb a floating population ooasieitDg obi. fly of bangry lions and robber* BUI* tcruei. u- till, tb* Utter being in the habit of " earaering tb* waste " on awifl hoi nt* without any obvious eanie (or tbeir kin, ry, living oomforlably where than WM uotblng total, and arnaMlng stores of ill-xolteu wealth wbeti tbira waa no one to rob. Bal the fcreat tidal wave of emliiation wbieb ie now bnrittng into I be Dark Con- tloenthai iwepttway thete delation* at o' o* aad forever. Tbi inppoied " d*srri " proves to contain wide traeti ot allQvia) aoil ai fertile M tbe OMhmere Valley, fnrrete VM I enough to twallow up all toe wood* of Noribtrn Katsia, lakM to wbieb Ladoga and Oaiga woold be mere pooli, moantaioi M high a' tbe itatellMt piaki of the Alpa or tbi OauoMne, and riteri (ormiog a iiiiee of watery bigh-roadi M magniioeDlM IboM of Biberia iltilf, with Ih* additional advantage ot having n winter to impede tbem. Indeed, tb* future history of Africa will be wruteu along tb* linn traead by the Nile, tbe Niger and tbe Congo, M oartainly M that of Oentral Asia hM followed the ooune of tb* Hy r- Darya aud thaOxui; and wilb thiM three great natural highway* any survey of Afrioa'i devtlopmenl mail neoesssrily begin. in Htrptr'i Magtuine for Itareh, Abeeleitrlv Urn. DiaeuMlog a young man : Eugenia TM, mamma, I am lari Mr. DeGarmo kian nc soul. Mamma Why, my child, you Mtonteb mi. I tlweyi tboogbl tbal Mr. DuOareao WM fall of humanity andkindneu. Eugenia He'i not, mamma : for when Towier playfully bil him to-ntght be aotnal., ked the poor dog way aorom tbe room. Nt* York Star. > IrlT IlttBSb Be WM a new nan in Washington, and WM th* guest of a OaBgrMiBaB wbo hadn't D a Ooagnnman (or more than a mod rid yeiri. They w*r* draMlng for a Mtption. " I lay, oolonel," in quired the ueit " are RloVM *V n'ynir f Deoged if know," replied th* OonprtMrmaD. " Mine re kid. 1 nokon any otber kind will do well, though." Chicago Inter <ie fan. A boom in real waver Island. estate bu atrnok Vaii- naullid * U has been iaM th. . a aiogle foot aqoar* ot tort hai euooh in il, .iiiii-ial. vig*l*t>le aud mineral, t > fvoisb a natorlikt aud lit* miaroaeope with eat j olsfor a yar'*laiy. Tb* New Tork S tnu donh- wbal tb* magntfyieg-tUae eaa laak* if a single pider. It may " maks n* orawl," but il I* no IMI Ira* ana curiam (or tbat : A fnond of an amateur taiuralitl wa* pokiog Inn al him about bis eolleetton, and Mid, pointing at a eomnioci jumping pider : 11 Why do yoa bother with mob rub blsbT" "Take a look at bim through the micro scope ; be is a beauty," laid tbe amatsor. The friend looked Klgbt murderetjK yM glared up al bim. Tbey WIN arranged in iv,- j MmiotoolM on MM frost ol tbii head teeming with malli(uBnt ofaonieg aod (em- city. The itrong jawi wete open, and two boll 5 w, rrated tutki protruded from them. No Deck could bo leto. Body aod head wera one a moiel of cruel p >wer, eovared wiib itrlp lot lilkv tan and black hair. Eight long tryle-j minted, toroefol legl, ball hidden by hair and (ealherr, armed witk barp-poiuted ipikM like locust horns, endiLg in formidable olawo hooked al tbeir points aud teethed like ooarte oombr, war* bent in tbeatlitnde of tprining Tbepeol- men iwmed ae large M a chipmunk, and in general form resembled onr. Ur.hare l;r... Prof. O E Morrie layi : ' I am coming more and mote to believe in orahard gran*, not to rapplant otovir, timothy or blue graae, but to h*lp ou'. the feed when tbey are grown. Orehiard gram is vigorous In ill growth upon a riob aoil, but ie hardly liablt so make a throogb o tob ; for tbat reason it ie tnnoh more profitable to grow in oon- neoliou with otber graM**. Wbaliiiome- times nrgi d ae an ebjiottoo to iM general uie ii it* tendency to grow in tUMaekt ia- lead of betug iveuly and imootbly dii- tribated, bat Ibii oaght barJIy to oondema eo valuable a KTMI oat of ue. TI.UInB ta* Heaa I -T- If tb* (arner woald make bi* him lay in winter hi mast giv* iom* other (*ed Iban ilear eorn Where oorn U exolwivtlj fed ih* b*a* will fatten aud refuae to ley. It ie Boob bitter to give a feed oi bran and meal wet np with warm water and contain- iog a h it Ie oayinn* pepper or ground R iogr (or thi morning feed, and for oigbt a feed- < of mixed gjrain. Something i* rcqatred (or drink, and notblcg better o.u be pro- vided than to take akim milk aod warm i) (or that pnrpoie. Hen* will giv* n tarns fur good trMtaint ind eare a- qiiokly M a y animals Upon tb* (arm. Of kmt1* Ttlttraph all lor Fl. l r.p.. On ibis subjset, Trtf . Wiu. MeMartrle, of tbe University ot Illinois, wrilei in thi win : Tbt oeoM of the beuinoial Mtton it all upon th* soil and vegetation is doabt (al, yet there is no qanetion of tbe recall. We ha v* Men a & ild ot wheat thoroughly yello* in aprinf, obange almo-l alouoi lj a beaatifnl gren by tbe applioatino of 09* or two bnsbftUof *alt per aore It iiproba- bie that II aot* upon the iron o >mpouad of ihe soil and brings lb*tn tut . oo jdi:iu& tor abiorption by vagitatiou. Ii w iiu'-i iujj u.kibla io state bow j ut il i . ,, f to apply, bat we eboald oiuoidtr itw* VKU Ibe qtaolily above-named provtd icfBaieit to giv* beuinoial retain, il w uid b* useltis to apply a larger qaaoliiy. Oi tb* olbtr band, iloci de&uie HIITIUUUU Lavi ili'.wu tbattbireit no absolute nioeMityfer it lu Ibe uniiltiou of plains. wj should avlvib*. ae a measure of voououiy, Hi applioanon in limind qaaotny, aad oaly when tbe l.u: ; 1 1 ' to be u/f esttd wilb ooxioai luieoh, or tbe vegetation shows evidiDM o( aome speoial debility, toon M tbat above de- scribed. I ... I. Ing ( -I.e. It.- I* Orl nil . The following pertinent reomk* are narfe by a eormiDoudent of tb* farm t'ult and Stoekmtn: " Hvary o. I' mint bav* It* ueok taroki b*f jr* it oau get ill no** down in a pail," eald an old farmer u be stood atkii* a young calf, having j;.i been doing his bast I > aeiompliia Ib* ftal abov* alladtd ta. I fell M if I woald not bavi been io mueb excited at he w- for thelUf. I am a comparatively yooog farmer, bat have a*ver bad any iroatle teaebiog oalvet to drink Fint I take tksa away from Ibi ejw before they gel tbtir first meal. Attar a fsw boor*, nil k ibe o jw and take tlie milk to Ib* elf, wetting the baod in il and putting ii t > Ib* o.Hn inoatb. Tbe calf will gi a tattt o( the milk, and while kooking year BUIIIIB b.'iug your baud d >u iuij tbs milk I'heu gently withdraw )onr flcgtri, when up will o me the calf'* bear*, Bepeai ibe operation. Keep cool aod good natored. As egon M tbe Mlf'i notii g*te to to tbi milk with Ira* your flugert from Hi montta, bu) bell your band agatntt lie note. K->BL good naturel. L) .n i bother too loog tbe flrit time. A few Lour* attir try it again. AI >oon ai tbe calf* DOM giia into tbo milk, alip y oar fiL'gtr* out of tb* mouth, but 1st ibioi rwi again*! tb* nose. K*ep good natorad. Any ixtrsvagaui i(pree*iou an eon- i.lelely loil on our young friiud at Ibu early etag* in lu history. Nsver force i; bead down mto tb* pafl By fdllowlug ib* above plan, the fourth feed al tbe fir tbcst hM alwayi found my oalvi able to get tb* milk oat of th* p*il witboal any- thing Bjort than a " start" on my pan. Bal I have aliray* kept good natartd when teewiag yoaog oalve* to driok." aVareB mm* Uarslea Metre. . Tb* oaiiook of tb* wb*atorop i* r*p3rl*d to be nearly M ftvjrabl* ai that ot ItU Bran [ riciled with peppir acd mixsd witb milk ie sie<lUi<t (ood occasionally i a winter (or laying bin*, Pboapborio aoid aad potash will nol litob throagb tb* eoii and wait* Uk* nitrogen, but wll) be alower Vtw in.. Hkicu milk li well ,uilcd to tbe c.lvei to be r aiaed. A handful of llnieed m*al will eaoM tbe eatvi to thrive better. Oatmeal ii excelled. A foil third of Ib* territory of Ihi DnlMd titalei U sbetp pasture of thi most favor- able i jarater. Texas repreMoti tbsbigjbiit money valoe In ibeip, and tb* most xtetiiive rancbM are there. HIM meal li riob In Hanky material snd tend* to Ibi crodiotlon of n. Bran oom- bints a certain proportion of tally food wiib a good dial of fltb-forming material. Bar- y meal will probably be aboal iqaal M a teidiog material to riot meal, -. II will conduoe uiuoh to the comfort and ibrift of look if the watering trongbe are upt free from io*. Only an much ai will be needed ahoald b* pumped at one tim, or if some remaine in the trough il iboald b* let ont by a plug in Ibi bottom which oan be easily removed. There U no way to mke good ohesi* ezwpt by Mlog the whol* milk. Hkinj- rnlnf the milk at night and addiag the kirn milk to tb* miming'* milk will not answer. It makoe a (air qaality of ehe*M. but th* difference ia price of th* better artiele Will b* m .-,re than th* vla< of the oreim taken off. i .< ||>I|> Hcu.iuto ( ull.J Vreaa til* aVramejeU A man taid to me tbe other LI, I, : " Jouse, I wonUu'l bav* mu-<d your a*.- luoti for 110." and yet wbeu tbe pUI *a> patted aiouod ttul man put in a e-ipiet ecll Too mom piie* yourself *o lLal O ad c gel an udernold of yon. When I wa* a Doy I could threw another boy very quiekly If hi eoold give me an node/hold. Creed! What u a rt*d ? Itiilh*kla of tiath set op and itofltd witb aandikt and rand. If I bad orted 1 would Mil il to * maitnm. There are wiibf-WMby fallow* in ibi Cbuioh that have a eottoa itrlog wi h a few nb- ui to u, >* t^ty " It bset- boot. t LU a unu fro*. . _.- - r*e. .!> hMl way la ttae wotld to kill BIBB I* ,%> Bv* him tu deslb ; Iben you dot/t !: v, tn bury bim. It takll ls*set*t., riHiciao than t .' ryib'ng elfe. Thru are a great mai y oriiioa n Ibe lot a.ic atylum. I Lav ki.. -u Voroiu too poor to < w . a pair of I>IHA, cat I nivjr knew oce too poor to own a looking gla*n. The dt u i - tp mueU uf a gentleman to etiy where be ie not wtlcome. Why dote b* slay in year heart ? P<rbap* if you don't talk about y.or r*ligioa li ii you haven't any leH- (ton to talk about. When BJOIB of yon membtri of tba Oharoh g*t to heaven, tbi Mgato wi i hive toii.truduov yon. Dignity ii ibe itarob of tbe shroud. Tba mon dignity a fellow hai tbe nearer dead bill. Tbe grardiel ipiiapb I evtr saw OB a wife'e luujb to.-e WM : " 8ie made lifa plewraot " Tbe road to bell i* Ibe road to beano. The only diff<r*LM I* In the way }on sra going. I ea-j'l bribe O Jd' gracd Jury, nor dsf y tbe cjuri that trie* me on tbe lac I diy. I would rather be io heaven It an. I: g my AB O'l than iu hell reading (talk. I believe liquor U a good thi en i.ii-.B place, aod I baiiwe. iti plae* Ii In bt 11 Tbe sweetMl rest a Ban aver had it Ibe rent h* Aadi In activity. Maaj a fellow ie praying loV rin itb bit tab botuiui tide-up. Had liqaor ad Cbriitlsnlt*. we n't it*y iu tbe*. Cnnom ii |h* law tf f Ale? and il is ran- Ling Ibis o -autry. mailer of Ckoreb doeUiae it an ing Ib Tbe II w M) Url HlrH|. beMsytod hvrlx >uial bars, Indian olnba add ttae trap/s> 'are valoable aider oeruiu condition*, but Ibey are dtlri- Bitiital raih*r ifearuotiicflglat if Ibe blood U 1" or aiid tiiia aad i onon*J with bile. 17 ee ot ibe mosoln nieensiiatei wait* M will ae induct! growtb. If the *Jaod d >. s not carry *DB4i*al oulrinv. njklenkl to npair ibe WMte, Ipti aj etrengib nott**>ci y fol- low*, and growth i* cut tf ib* qalion. 1'imfy aad tarieh jcttr Mood v , ; Dr. Pieree'i ' Oaldeu Me :ioai Di-oov, ry ' and thin exiroist will dtvlop and not e- u DM* your pbyiiqae. Il li .. il thai iu U. BK maoli of a \'gor- uu furl; i'j-nJ cojfijb ncei-tly cu t i cfl th 'oer OJB of*ni>tits vtkh I. u .d a yUng duel, wbioh wai apimtutly mltJort'OT, abd' wbieb tried to fl sway w i releaurd from it OI>IVH>. A >ouog llues>, .kikbil^bVtiak^^eULds, w.- ehe ft- n. Dr. Btg*'i Catarrh Bemtdy luipatm all Natnrali-ti aiserl tbat more taei 1*00 different kind* of flub** may now be ! u : d m the. water* washing the North An, mean oootinint. Of these, 5"0 sind btloig to Ibs Paeifl* aavd abool (00 to the r v r and lakeB, whilo the greater part'bl thi remainder dwell only n the d p w > r of Ibe Oalf of Mexico and tbo AtlsnlM, n.ile* from ib* ibor* A f r , u el r. a. ( f. . Here are a Pick uf Peat, iwect Fait, U ;oa Will l'> rs< v.-ri>Loe, 1'atiener, Pr 'iii(>|. '* > > P'JOa.Mjey. Push and Pollir>u*<. i'.tl Io ilitxe Dr. Plirqt'l ' Pleaiai. t Piirtta- Uv* Pslleih ' and you will gel tbrou.b tbt *orU without much trouble. The P I oti l>r*vnt oojkiipktioa and eurploi , f bilr, wbiob lead to mai.y difcrent oon-i l.i:its. E olo-ed ia glMi, alwaje fresh, njii-el* Tcgtlabliu prompt, and ptrteotly harmlcaw, Ay drqggnt. ' Tbi fatuous PurtugaMi oyiters cl 4 oacbon aru being driven out b) tb* uar** bal vigoroa* *ud iwift growiug 'muii-fjol" of tbe Biyef Biscay. Tbef* Oi'teriare ao called from having iLe form ot a douk*>'* boot Ibal be* utvir been bod. raey ar* nearly all asveu ur tight iteben long, tome beiag rc-aaiooal!) fouLd bioh will mea ure a foot and a bait In length. tRCHEf.ON HOR8ES. Inland H < Farm i.i I-)-, Nloh.,lS Vt-l) ..-.v* i.MiiUv loeai < t i'f ' unii'lianit, ; . au Island ii. 1 r. U KiT^r.utn mil.-nl^low \VincUor, Ont l-ur- rhaaers will in, I s bxr^f numbcri.f pure brf1 and gradv iitaU- Jlonn, brood i in . .aad colt* of a.l na>t to artpct fn^n A "I pure bred m - . r*-i> lot. r- i, tlw Frrorhand Amenoan Blml i 'I Dm :i Mrcn * *. - "'"'.' i .... i. i , ...n merely lo *p flrai Mr I i ' h Minks Dr. terms. Oat. Navslty lanp glas* olMner, Bead H o*nt* f*r sample and Patent**, Box 197, fiislpb' ..--i- ft" allowrd a/VWH l lat4TrJUh|raV>MC _ tfBr._nt (>l*t>rated Voltalchelt with Flertho 8ui tppUam*. far tb* speedy r^ii.-r ssd ti Kimdnbrumt ;vi,i),. inei of \ti,rn v aa 1 lad an tvpeKlas. Atoo foe n.. lor the fmmtmmm, The oelibrated Lwwver Bull waa cue night going home very lat*, when h* wai aoeoited by a deipirate villain to one of Ibe inbarbt of Dublin and snked what he WM going "to iisnd." " Wall," r-plltfl Butt, miekly, ' I'm vary aorry that I can't giv you maob, toy f r iecd, ku1 what I bsvs w* will share. Br*,' r b* eonlinu*d. draw- Ing revolver from a pocket, li a weapon ha* aix chambers. I will give yoa tbrei aad " Bal tbt lawyer imrnt- dialely foond bltDtelt aloni. t'*am( iri' Journal Mr. Kakhart. M Tonto. bad kw am bnlnm ta two plaot* by 1 tbe upeeitlng of a leigh al FUahirton itatlon. . -*- > ' only. Bomithlng draw, all wait. A Daley 16 cent*, e.ripie br Mail for 16 MOM (tilvet). Agent* wanted. Donaldio*i A 0)., Riobmond BI , London, Oat. IN 17'Hbi AFRICA. AoTvnmtM tlmeng the avwatro and UrfJ. la* of ih. Oark Oattsira*. Prle* Ue., I sople* 96o. W. I PLina. Nseeaaweya, Ool. HOME S tocroMblV Wi addne* BBTJ BiValo. B V r, n , WM Buiaai R. U. AWARE Lorlllard'i

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