ksfe^rtutt Aiijana. TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" •• PRINCIPLEfa NOT MEN. VOLXXIt, no 12S9 Flesherton, Ont. Thursday December Q 1906 W. H THDRSTOh, PBOPKIETOK j (Chri stmas ffoads \ Just to kantl. The choxest things in ebony, leather, pluah and silver for Ohria- nias !>rosenta. Wheo makitiK your selection do nor. tail to li>ok over our a'ocU, which ia one i>f the Utg«<»t, ra^st complete aud up lo-date north of Toronto. Wadding rings and jewellry in bewildeiitig variety ar prices to suit every pocket. W. yi. >Jlrmstrony, Jewellef cf- Optieian. ^le»kertoni • Gntafio. Wu noticed in last week's Usue th^c thure wa:i an oaiiaaiuii of two uc three Imes ii> ruf::reiicj to tno divine «ei vie«s uf this limse, which mule the rjiJiu^iif tlie Item iuc >ni[jlete. The Item should have ruad; We have ho.trd of Huiuo uouny Hontcs of Kofujje in a aimil.ir [jositiou auJ the iamutes vuiy sel- do.ii uieet toijethef fur divine worship. At!'>in ihuru are others whtre an oidauied uiiiiiKier uiid al.su an orgtnisi if Ae leiurni- ber aright are eiij{ai;ed aud receive t reitiunc.atiou for theu'. services. Duiing the past week wo havo Deou au'hjuticftlly iuforiutid ttiat in both iiiutauO'-.s our lufur- ni .tion has been correct Witli regard to the services Wj have no fau:t to and as thuy liave boeu cuiidii^ti.'d regularly since the DptiiduK of the iii!>titution loainly oy the .suporiutendmit, at the same time u must tie an arduous duty on hiin conaid- eiiog the uiauy aud vauous duties in- volved on hini du4iug the week wh ch take up t.o much of his tnuu to give the Wouted study to the subject lo Lie listened lo by the iiitelligaiit audience which gathers at our service every Sjuudty. True, Ihure are two ur there ;;eniieiuau lu M.'irkdulu who ocuisionally leiievu hiiu by takin;; his ^jlace and to whom be is no doubt mOit thank lul, yet, while they are tak;n.{ hi8 place it treciueutiy occur!; ibni lie is blliiig Mouiu iiiiiiMter's appuindueut el8ewh>;re. It is also true that (he re^u- Urly ordained luiuulers residaig iu Mark- dale hive iiutlicidut duties each tiaboath by blliUij their rei<ular appointiuenta iu Chd rural comuiuiii:i<!8, therefore we cau- uot 111 truth blauio them, hut on the other -hand sliould teel thankful to them tor a SabbAth service wheuovcr th«y cauauatch the opportunity, even if it Lie oi.ly oiice or twice a year. They fre(|UUDlly vifit, read and pray with us smue day during the week, tor which we should feel grateful, and no doubt some uf us aie, Uui, not all. The plum era oomplote<i their j >!> altering the seWi-r and water uipe:i and » better job we betieve could not have been 'doii«, no not even by a watchmaker. WUen the new driveway *was Iteing graded one uf the old fello'vs remarked, it would be nice if they wuuid only puk a gooJ fountain iu the middle of thai circle whilo they are about it . Ves, comrade, it wou'd, but would'nt it ba nicer still if whe.1 doing that, they would put on suiao i.ue oiufui table seat, pLiUf some nice shaoe ti'' us, erect a lew nice ivy-covered suiuiuer-ll iuses,aud bent u; all coost.ructa If vm, hard drive, with a.sphalt ,or cemoni about four feet wide, s<j that, in tine wea.i er I could take a few hours daily exerci.se in my tricyclo? If iliey would do lhat,c»iurade,I would wiili|i<;ly conlrio'ite KBvei) cents towards defraying the cost of it's OO istructlon. O. happy though'. To n Derby, the old piy luinaiu recent- ly adiUitted.stiU continues to be n n gilt y disiuroeruf his coiurade.s' slumbers by ritiii^ aud rambling wherover he can find his way to lose hiinailf at all hours of the night, visiting every room he can itei acoe.sa to â€" tiAmp,trauip,traiup,but knows nothing about it nexi'uny a'ld fi'e<|ue.itly asks, did ah slop in this hijuae last nicht, can ah stop here ih.i nichi? Uuo inucklo do ye charge mah for stopping? Ah oooiub'd hire lo wark, said he to me the other evening, but there »eem« to be uaetbinj sduuing round here. O, don't make yourself uot»uiy, Toui.uii tb<t score, you'l get no pay for your work atlyway. M t ptyl Werl th«u, na pay, nae w.jrk, ah wiiiua wark f. r uny body wi'oot piiy. Thlie or four nights a^o he got up at>out the Biuall hours, went down to tlie base- Biant auti toiu the waabrouui, luriiud uu I the hot water lap, letting all the brciikfaft Ij water run away from the kitchen boiler; \ the breakfast was late that morning. SomelimeH he slips away unobserved to the villagtt begging tobacco. Mr. U. had to go after him the other morning. Ho is a very heavy smoker. The poir old fellow is peifectly hanntrssaud converses rition^iUy en'-ugh, yet rei]uireB constant walching dav and iii^ht to kei'p him in bounds. It ia fiuite likely his friends will be requstfd to t^ke htm away or pay some j one to look after him a.s report says the old fellow owns enough money to keep him decently the remainder of his life. He is ceitaiiily a source of great trouble htre, but the p.jor old man can't help it. Herb. Robinson, Stone's Line, paid a visit to his sister Miss R., uf the staff, on Sunday last. The matron desires tn kindly thank Mrs. Saul Bowles, of Yandeleur, for a pair cf tine gee^e, one for the Btuffiind a large one for the male inmates' Cliriatnia.i diuner. Your scribe never eats goo.se, iieverlhelrss he fuels equally thankful to the uo'.d lady and guarantees t.liu thanks of hii comrades for their lirst; Christmas [.oose. Mr. B. Would have del.iyed her uift until lat«r in the inoii'h but did not expect to a^aiii be at Markdatu hefoie that time. It is with Mr. and Mf.s. Bowles that Mr. .John Cameron, our late com- lade, resides. Uoish'ghly pleased with the place and they are e<|ually saiisfied wiih hiin Oi Sunday thrt 25tli inst., Mr. Crone, iif M^rkdale (/tlieiatcd at the divine service. An a pulpic orator Mr. C is widely known and his discourses never fill lo attrnct the close attention of his heiirers. Yesteidsy wo had the pleasure of iistemng to Rev. J S. I. Wilson, who preached a well worded and apprc^priate ferni'in chinfly tjr the benetit of the iotn4ld.s and applicable to asjed people everywhere, takiui; for his text Isaiah 46. 4. K ad it. Miss Duiiningt'iii of the staff presided at the oignn ..ud Mr. Eiiiiis conduced the after menting. Mr. Har- aes Idled Rev. Mr. Wilson's appoint murit at Uarkuway in the afteruoou. Killed at Clarksburg. McFARLAND& COMPANY MARKDALE, OISrTAl<IO Malcolm McEachren and George Gold- 8mi*,h, both of ClarksburK, were struck by j the evening G. T. R. train at the crossing just below Crnigleith when driving home from CoUingwood last Wednesdav niijht. ,. „ McEachren, who owned the team, was (irey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE kilied instantly, and Goldsmith's RkuTtI was badly fractured. They wore picked np by the train men and brought on to Thornbury station. Goldsmith was re- turned r<j Collin-.fWood Hospital and McEacheraii'a body was removed to Idles' nndertakiug cstHiiliahmont. C^ironer Uurlburt was called and after considering the statements of train men and passen- gers decided tliiit the company was not re- sponsible and deemed an imiuest unnec- esaury . McEachern leaves a wife and two childien. Gold.smilh has a widowud , mother, w.th whom he lived. The I horses Here also killed. 'Dealers say that those who have used Gham- lierlaiiis Stomach and Liver Tablets are i^uite loyal tu them and can not be persuaded to take suy substitute. Get a free somple at W. K. Uichardson's drag store, (jive them a trial, and you too, will wane them in preference to any other. They euro stomach troubles, biliuua- tiess aud constipation. â€" â€" *♦ • ^ Pox Social at Ceylon Only 15 Shopping Days Before Christmas December's first week and the biggest storm of bargains of the year. Christmas gifts are inckided in the big list of saving opportunities. Everything mentioned is a seasonable need â€" goods you want. Start shopping early for best choice. No opium in Cilamberiain'sCough Remedy There, is not the leaat dautjer in (riving Chaialierlaiiis CotiKh Remedy to small children as it contaius no opium ur other h.irmful druK. It lias ail established reputation of more tiiau thirty years as the in.jst successful medicine in use for colds, croup and whnopiug cough. It always cures and is pleasant tu take. Chil- dren like it. ijold by \V. E. Kichardsun. The Electric Railway President Kilgore Outlines the Great Scheme. President Ki'^our, c)f the Huron and Oiitaiij Railway, attended a public ineet- iog held in O ven Sound last week to dis- cuss the Huron <k Uutatio Electric railway [)ro6pects,and sccoidi.'g to the Times out- lined the scheme as follows: Iu brief, the scheme aa outlined by Mr. Ktlgore is to construct an electric railway from Whitby to Ttiroiito.thence to Owen Sound by way of Tottenham, Flesherton, Mea- ford and Thornbury, "he survey for which was complo eil on Wodnesday eveninii; of last week. Then across m Southampton and south ab'Oi; the Lake Huion shore to Goderich, with a line i unuiiiK east from Kincardine, to Ui>peville. aii't continu ng south from Guderioh to Parkhill, S,rnia and Wiud.sor. In other woids the pio- posed road would {{irdle Ontario,tuuchiug all the lakes at the loading centre-. The distance fioin Owen Sound to To- ronto Would be one hundred and fifty two miles which cmild be covered in Ironi three aid a h.ilf to f .ur hours. They would have a i^nide U't uxce(dini< one per cent., with a curvature of not more tbao six denroes. Electric loco.iiotives Would be used. The coal of conttruction would be greater than a steam road, thou<{h the cost of overatiiit; would bo a third less each year. Both passenger and freight rates would be less. He denied that the Canadian Northern or any other C'lmiiany wero back of their oompany. In reply to a question Mr. Kdijire said, they were not prep'ired to say who their financial bickers were but that their iKiiids had been sold in Londmi, England. for eleven milhiii dollars, and ihiscouM be veritied by any one oal'iiii{ at their office in Tor^aito. They wore desirous of obtaining a franchise (roiii the town to peratu a street railway system iu connec- tion with their Keaeral road. King of all cough medicines. Mr. E. C Case, a mail carrier of Cautoa Center, Conn., who has been in the U. S. Ser- vice for about sixteen ycsrs, Rays: "Wchave tried many cough ujediciues tor croup, but Chamberlain's Cough Uomedy is kinfj of all aud one to be relied en every lime. We also find it the bent remedy for c nighs and colds, givin); o>:rtaio results and leaving no bad after tt.tov. t*. " i!'ur sale by W. £. Aichardsoo. On Tuesday evening Ceylon L. O. L. htld their annual box social, which w.is a decided .success from every point of view. The weather wa.s favorable and the hall was crowded lon(< before the program cooiineiiced. Had the Uraiis/emon a much larger building it would have been tilled also, us it wis quite impossible for every person to Knd room in the .small building. However, as the proceeds of the night are to be used for the purpose of enlarging the hall and putting a base- ment uudorneiith we will douUtiess see an improvement in the noar future. Mr. R. J. Spi-ule of Flesherton discharged the duties of ch.iirinan in a very pleasing and efficient inaiiner and a sp'cndid pr >- Kram was reiide.o.l. Prof. Logan, vocal- ist of Given Sound, was present and kept the audience merry with bis humorous selections. Ma.ster Alex. McDonald and his siiter, Miss .fessie, danced the High- land fling to perfection and also <:avo a splendid exhibition of tha sword dance. Both times they were encoied and good naluredly responded. They were accom- p:inied on the bagpipes by Mr. Hector McDonald, who also L'ave some pleasing selections durini; the evening. Some violin music by .J. Brodie was well re oeived aa wa.s also that uiven by Mr. Wilson McMullen and Geo. Cairns on the violin and mouth organ nccouuiaiiied on the ors/rin by Mi»s McLeod. Eiuht little girls gave a very pleasing drill and the string band plainly .nhowod that Ceylon can produce some musicians that the general public are not aware of. T iwards the end uf the program the chairman auc- tioned off the boxes that the ladies had brought and ihe money realiised on ihiiu, together with the door receipts, amount-' ed to about $85. LADIES FCR JACKETS 3 only Ladies A.strachaii Jacket, sizes 34, 8() and uS, regular price §^5.00, on sale Friday mortiinti for 822.00 SILVERWAKE 50 Setts Triple Plate Silver Knives and Folks put up in boxes half dozeo knives and forks in each, dessi rt and dinnor size. The regular piice per sett is $2 50, special for S1.50 HANDKEIICHIEFS Lawn rictnstilchtd Handkerchiifs put up in fancy tin boxes, three in a box, makes a good Xtnas gift, put box. . . .25c CHILDREN'S 130NSETS 15 Children's B.innets, regular price 81.00 to 11.85, on s,ile at tt9c. BABY RIBEONS 20 pieces Bahy Ribbon, in ureen, blue, navy, brown, red, yellow and shaded col- ors, regular per yaid 3c ju side at. ..2o HAT WINGS 25 winsa and Breasts, regular 25c lo T.ne, on sale to cleiir at each 15c CUSHION TOPS Tapestry Cushion Tops, regular value 30c, clearing at each 200 LADLES JACKETS 9 only Ladies Short Jackets, almost every size in the assortment, to clear Friday moruiiig ?1.88 MENS CASHMERE VESTS 1 dozen Men's Fancy Cashmere Vests, good weights for winter wear, regular !S2.75 and $2.50 on sale Friday mornini; »t ei.45 MENS NECK SCARFS About five dozen in the lot, traveller's samples, bought at a big reduction, extra special values at 15, 20, 25, 35, 50 and 75 BOY'S GLOVES 2 dozi-n pairs Boy'% Rinuwood Gloves, good Selection of colors, extra long wrist; hands. These are 25 and 30 cent values for 20c BOOKS & STATIONERY Story Books by best authors, regular 25o f'T \a^ Cheaper binding, reg. 20c for. . . . .lOc Papotiies. reg. 15c for lOo Wilting Pads special 4j TWEED PANTS One d.izon pairs Mens Tweed Pants, good Weight, reiiular selling prije ?1.75, to 52.00, while they lait for each . . ..L43 FRENCH FLANNELS 8 pieces All wool French flannels in fancy checks, dota aud paisley patterns, very- serviceable for winter blouses, fast colors regular 60c, on sale per yd 32j L.\D1ES BELTS 2 dozen Ladies silk belts in black, greail, navy nnd red, regular 50o to 1.25. all on sale to clear at i ach 25c Shop Early, The Benefit Will be Mutual McFARLAND 8L COMPANY In Prais3 of Chamberlain's Remedy Cough kiinberlcy There is no other medicine manufactured that has received so much praise and so many expressions of gratituje as Chamberlain's C»ui;h Remedy. It is effective and t'rompt relief follows its use. Grateful parents every- where do not hesitate to te'<tify toils merits for the beiiuht of others. It is a certain cure for croiip and will jnevent the attack if given at che first appearance of the disease. Tt is especially adapted to children as it is pleas.int to take aud contains nothing injurious. Mr. E A. Humphreys, a well known resident and clerk in the store of E. Locke, of Alice, Cajie Colony, South Africa, says ; **I have used Chamberlains Cough Remedy to waid off croup and colds in my family. I found it to tM? very satisfactory and it gives me p]e."isiire to recomuicud it." For sale by W.K. Richard- son. The Oiitatio Government purp se iin porting an innect from Spain to seize on th* codling moth. The codling moth is an apple pest. Califoinia has just been experiinentiog with t .e S[janish math eater and the experiment has been a suc- cess. Hon. Nelson Mon'oith says fh.Hl the Departinent of Agricul:ure will have lo take the luat'er up and iniro<luce the in.aecik hero. It will be a itrand thing if wa can pr^iduce apples without worm holes. A destructive fire occurred at hit 9, con. 2, Sydt*nhain, on Wo.lnosday morn- ing last Week It started in a hou.se own- ed by Mr. James Molfiti and occupied by Mr. Simon Johnson of Elmhedge. The hui'diiig W'lS completely d<>Nirov<d, together wi'h the contents. The wind caused the flames to apiead to the barn, which was also coosnined, as were ni'ist of the contents, including sleighs.cuiteis, cutting box and a .pianliiy of hny. Or- igin of tire unknown. Th<'r« wns a small insurance on h'U.se and barn but none on oouteuta. â€" Miaford Expnst. { Miss Mae Cully of Kansas city is the guest of her ft lend, Mrs. lliuhard Faw- ceti of the suburbs. Mr Robert R. Fawcett is this week attei>ding the Graud Division of the Sons of Temperance, which is being hold at Orillia, as ropresentalives of the Vande- leiir Diviuiiiii. Mi^s Miry Abercrombie who has boon in Oakvillu for some tiuie returned home recently. Mr.ChriKtoplior McNichoU look chariie oi Iheseivicu in the Union church on Sunday evening last Report of Kimberley public school for November ; Senior Room Class 5 Sr â€" Elvie Bishop, Eva Magoe, Delia AUiroroinbie, EuJa Mnrd. Class 5 Jr.â€" Veiua Wallace, Eriol (jlaudin. Class 4 Sr. â€" Willio Hanim-ind, Enna Buriitt, Mildred Harris, Mary F-awcott. C!a«8 4.)r. â- Annie Curiy, Vera Ma- gee. Daltoii P'er'.'uson, Bernice Scott. Clsks 3 Sr.â€" Liziiie Isnaa. Stanley Wal- ter, Stanley Wallace. Walter Burriti . Class 3 .Ir. â€" N.lllo Burcitt, Mag({ie Ruid, MaudtO Plewis. Average iittendanon 21. Chas. E. Stuaet, Teacher. Ji;."»iott RooM 2 Sr â€" Bonnie Walter, Violet Fergu- son, Barbara Curry, Maud Fawcett. 2 Jr. -El«ie Ferris, Addie Gaudin, Jo- sephine Fori is, R'isiell UaniH, Vnrna McCuiinell, Annie Corntield, Rubeit Newman. 2 Pt. Sr.-P«rle Fawcott, Albert Smith. 2 Pt. Jr â€" Rachel Hutchinson, Vornon Bishop, Elmer Ellis. Average u'leudance 28 a (J Bit .III UK Cacs.vu. Teacher. Farm forSale* L-it .33, Gon. 13, Arteniesia; 100 acres, 20 cleared, 50 acres hardwood bush, 30 acres swamp, (jood frame house and log stables, aud log stables. Well watered. Wdl be sold cheap and on easy tsrms. Apply to nov27 R. W. MjMallen, Eag«nia. Farm for Sale IiotSo-aS, Con. 8, Aitemesia, contaibin7 30U acres, 1 Ift acres cleared and under cultivation, bslanc'i h'lrdw.iaod and cedar; brick house, bank barns, driving shed and pig pen uniler; g ood oi-oh.ird ; well watered with two ifiml wells and Beaver river. For terms apply on pieirises or writs Scptltf Will. CAMERON, EugeuiaP.O Tmprevcd ?arm for Sale Lot 10, Con, 10, towntlilp o( Osprev, 4 niilo from vilfaKO of KevHrsjiain. Situalion is choic*. ill a first class farmtog Uistriot. For tuims, etc., ai)}jly 10 A. G. C.\W1'BELL, dljoo Box 304 Cullingwood, F U Yorkshire Boar for Service. The noilerKlgtiod h%ii fur servlno on lot l&l, ami W. T. A S. fi.. Arioni.'.sia. a thornnKli'ire.l Ynrksntro boar, "Lakuviuw Victor.'* No. 18490. Tdi'iuB (II. 0], 'l'liorou,;hbt'eils uxtia, A splau.. di'l Kt'OOK t'Hvtor. 3 mos 1 ITvb. TBOa Ql/'IQ'i Prop. Improved Yorkshire Plg» tcr Sale Bred from Otehaid Honw f.lly, Xo. 17R>.'; sU-a, r,o miner Hill l*lca*nr Hnl, "HSi ; Uwii Sau. iniir HillClioiry imp. I;i7.77: broU by h»rl .f UoKeberrr K. ti. ScuUa.i..' Dalmuiiy Park by Ijalnieuy TurU,t*.'<7, now laa<luK IjorU Uoic bnrry's !i«r<t. A lev ctioico youitg plga ot bout tK I lor sal*. Apply M d«nl» - .^ r. W. SK)liOL3.>K,roil lAH