^ May 24 1006 The Markets. Carefully Corrected Each Week. ^0•tll 31 to 31 Pean 72 to 72 lU'loy 45 to 45 Wheat 70 to 70 Hny 6 00 to 5 00 Potntoes per bag 50 to 50 Uuttor 15 to 16 Ct(i: * liesl' 14 ^ 14 Wool 27 to 27 THE FLESIIERTOJJ Al)VANCfe gg^ ^. In Furniture The lari^est and best stock of furnituie ever shown in Flesher- ton. This withunt fear nf contra- diction. Cuine and see some of the nice tbingu in . Sideboards Dining RoorT\ Chiairs Parlor Setts Bed Roorq Setts A special reduction just now 00 everything in order to reduce the stock. W. H. BUNT ro ^unnltune SDeaten FlestertOD - Oot. â- J •â- 'Canada's Greatest Nurseries" WANT A Local Salesman for Flesherton 'To sfll Hi^h Class Nursery 8tock in Fruits and Ornamental. Largest List •of NEW SPKCIALTIES ever offered. START NOW AT THE BEST SEL- LINO SEASON. Big inducenienta.Lib- ural I'ay, liandsoine Frue Outfit, Terril- •jry K.«erv«d. WrtlTK FOR TERMS and Catal'>gue and send 25c for our ALUMINUM I'OUKET MICROSCOPE ^(ningnitioH 4} times) and uOo for our liANUy SAW, jusi tlie thing Jor trim- ming trees (cuts iron as well as wood.) Stone & Wellington (ovKiiSOO acres) Toronto • • Ontario HURRAH ! For Pretty Homes. Don't Cet Jln Jimateur* In. i^1bu]:icla.n.ce \yahav« jiiiiir<;uilvHd <mr iivw wiiU |>A|«rs. Kiir l»il roiiiiM iiiul liviiiK nuMim iiointi rnf re»h- •hi«lvl>riKlitoiiil linlit r.>li)Hii«« »r<' provided, . while for lihrarii-.inndiliiiiiii^ rooiiiH thr Upeatiy Mid f»hri<; Ircaluimiliiarf iLirticuUrly HtyllKh. We «j.ow 11 liirifd rant;i' o( iiu:x|H-n»ivn |uxi>eni for high clajwilm-Miiuion, in piiiiteil r<-loiir», iw.i toiii! tic.ilmi<iit>i, art noiivciui dtBlgn«, HJIk iiaiwm, iiiolii'it, (aiifl decoratinnii, riown etTi'Cia MidKoUlciiilHWKKd papi-rii, in iwtdition to mi\ny otUrr Htyl^.i*. Oallniirly ami iiwnre yoMr clinicoof pajHT for 1,<)0() roomi. I'l iii!» raiitfe from 'Ac. \mt roll up. Haiiiplra iient fnn to any pernon for tlio aitkinit. flntiT* for paii«r'U:nit(ing .•liould buin early tu avoid the nmn. C. E. TRYON - - - PRICEVILLE Practical Decorator, A Practical Kdu- cation At Tlie Owen 5ound. Ont. will dniiliU yniir ndrnli.u pownr. It onl? r». t\n\t*» % \*ii louiith-i ktiliin Iiiatltiitlon to r.iin> ll»li' » tlinionuli |.i«<iilcal hu'liniM tluuno or • KliiirlliRiMl anil T> pnwi ItlnR Coum* and fit villi for • rnniiiiivrallvfi pnnltien, ndaiita ailniiitr.l nt utiv tlinx. Full p«rticn- Uia Bt itiiv (liiiu fro*. C. A FLEMMINQ, Principal Ayrlag Tirm Bctint April ]n4. For the Children To succeed these days you must have plenty of grit, cour- age, strength. How Is it with the children? Are they thin, pale, delicate? Do not forget Ayer's Sarsaparilla. You know it makes the blood pure and rich, and builds up the general health in every way. Tho chllilren cannot poiilWj h»T«jfoo4 tatalth nnloaa tba bowolK itro In proper coodlllua. Cor- raet any conitlpallcn hj bI'Idb amall laiatlTf doaoa of Ajar'a rilla. All T»g«ubl«.ang»r<oat«d. br J. a. Xyn Co., I'Owjn. >(*••• ,so manwlhrrtarra of 9_ HAIRVIOOIl. AOUe CURE. CBEKKV PECTOKAL. ifers W« h*T« BO â- •ar*ti I W* pubUih tba fbrmalsa of all onr medlolnM. Bargains at Portlaw We are making a special run on PRINTS OINGHAMS, DUCK, SHIRTINO.COT- TONADES, ready-to-wear Shirts, also Boots 81 Shoes Of which we have a large stock, JUST ARRIVED. Ladies and Childrens fine and every day boots, also Men's and Boy's to bo sold at VERY LOW PRICES. On ceriesâ€" A full stock of fresh groceries always kept on hand. Shoppard's fluur for sale. Etvetroughing and Lamb fence building a specialty. St. John and Roulston, General Merchants Port Law Business Cards «/l'CUIil.OU(»H & YOUNO lU. Ktnkor Markilala Do a Kuaeral bankiiiK bualnoaa. MoDoylosDou a reaaonablo rate Call ou us. TCmSLETT, • I'oiituiaater, Oeylon. ComraiBaionor In H. C. J .Conveyancer, doeda, luortKAKUK, leanuH, wilU etc. carefully drawn up Culluctioiis inad". chargoa reasonable. Aluo Krooaries, Hour, feed etc, kept in btock, I'rioeB rlKbt. RJ 81'ROULR roatmastcr, Floaherton ...onimtsaloner In H. O. J., Anotioneer Con- veyancer, Appralaor aud Money Lender Itoal Eatato and Inanrance A Rent. Deeds iriortnagea, leaaea and wllla carefully drawn up auil valuatlonn made on aliorteai notice, uionoy to loan at lowoat ratoa of iutcrcat. Col octlona attended to with promptnoaa oliarKeH low. Agent for Uoean Dooiluloo Btaamihip Company. A call solicited. Societies AO U W meets ou the last Monday in eaon month, In their loiiRS room, nhrlatoe'a block. tMeaherton. at B p.m. M.W., Frank Chard; Heo., T. niakoly. Klnanoler, W.J. Uel.amy. Vialliog bretbrsD iDVtted. PUINCR AIITHUB I.ODOB, No. S33,AF* A M. meets In the Maaonlcball. Htraln'e block, Kleahorton, every Friday on or before the full moon. John Wright, W M.; C. N. lllchar son, Hacrelary. COl'UT FLESUKKTON, OW, I. 0. F. ireeta In Chrlston'a lllock the laat Friday eveulnR of each month. VlBttlng t'oreaters heartily weloomn. C. B., Dr. Murray; U.C. W. Loncka; Kin. Hue. H. A. Wlllott. Pleaae pay duea to H. A. Wlllett oo or before le laal (fay of the preooodlug nioiitb. the CHOSEN FhlENDBâ€" Pleihorton Council of Chnnam FrIiinilH inceta In Clayton'a hall flrat and thhil WudneMlav ofpkchninut 8 p. m P»V asKoKHuinnta lo the llui'order on or Iwforo toe lirat day of each month. Chief Oonnelllor, T. Ulakeley;Ueoorder, W. U. Uunt. Medical DB OABTRB M UF A SOnt, Physician, Burgeon, etc Office aud residenceâ€" Peter St., Flesbertou DB.A.T. HOND Uiaduata Toronto rnlvorslty. Mem- ber of Ontario Collego o) rhyali'liaiis and Kiir- geona. Maxwell, Out. riucoeasor to Ur. Soott. JP OTTKWF.I.Ij Veterinary Burgeon Oradnate of Ontario Veterinary ColleRs, rnaldence â€" second door south weat. on Mary street. This street rans south I'reHbyterlan Obmch. n WILHON, niaoksmlth "" 'iradnate of the Veterinary Bclenoe Asaonlatlon. Uealdimoe, Durham Itteut, op- poaitu Uoyd, Hlokllkg'B hardware. Legal LUOAB WUKIHT ft McARDI.R llarrlatera Kolloltora Conveyancers, etc OlMoniiâ€" Ow«u Kounil.Ont sndMarkdaleOut W II Wninnr, McAiiiiLa 1 It Lieota N »-Kl«ahcrtan olllce, UltobcU'i Bank every Saturdav. Dentistry D-. B. C. MURRAY U D. R , dental anmeon honor Rradunte of Toronto Unlvoraitv anA Boyal Collffeof Dental Sara^osa of Ontario, (i aa adinitiKii ration for teeth axtraetinn OIBce at raatdsnoe, Toronto strest, Flesbsrtoa The Flesherton (Grey Co.) Advance •ays there were two inches of snow there on Wednesday morning of Ust week. This beats Burks Falls all hollow: some snow fell, it is true, but it melted as soon as it reached terra firma. â€" Burks Falls Arrow. Archie Carnahan has the distinction of being the first uian arrested for drunken- ness in Owen Sound since local option came into effect. When arrested ho car- ried the goods in his hip pocket, but re- fused to t«ll where the bo<JZe came from. For his indulgence it cost him t3.75 or ten dsys in jail. Chances are Archie chose the latter. â€" Reflector. Eight head of cattle belonging to Mr. Win. John Brown, of Garafraxa, becom- ing tired] of rural life, wandered off to more exciting points and found themselves ill tirsnd Valley. Unaware that running at large was contrary to the rules of the villsge, they found themselves impound- ed, and it took about $19.00 to gat them back to the quiet of their farm life. A most disastrous fire occurred at the home of Mr. Thomas McMurchy, Mc- Murchy Settlement, last Sunday morning between eight and nine o'clock, when bis house with almost all its contents was totally destroyed. The house being a frame structure, burned so rapidly that they were able to save but little of the furniture. The loss is estimated at about fl5,000. We have just been informed of a re- markable instance uf canine sagacity and endurance. A well-known farmer, form- erly residing near Meaford, while en route for the west, about three weeks ago, took with him a favorite collie dog. When approaching Winnipeg the dog escaped from the train to the open prairie and has since returned to hie old home, gaunt and lean, guided thither, no doubt, by an in- stinct similar to the incomprehensible in- stinct which guide the feathered tribe in their annual migrations. â€" Express. In sprinit the tomcat howls and sings because he's full uf fiddle strings; he challenges hiF deadly foe, and at it both combatants go, and all our nights are filled with dresd when the cats are fight- ing on the shed. The groundhog sallies from bis den, this time he'll not go back again, for when the crows began to nest, the winter's knocked all galley west. The daisies in the woody dell will soon peep out for us to smell. The swallows soon will skill) the lake, and in the woods we'll see a snake. The pesky bugs will loop the loop, got in the gravy and the soup. The very thought puts ua to rack, for we think we feel one down our back. We were asked this week by a delin- quent subset iher why we kept on sending the paper after the subscription date had expired. Every weekly nuwspnper in towns of this size are forced to do this. Should we stop subscriptions when lime expires nine times outof ten thosubscrib- er would give us a "calling down" for in- sinuatiiir that his credit was not good. Rather than to cast a reflections against the honesty of a subscriber to pay a small debt, it is next to a iieccessity for a home paper to continue sending the paper after the time has expired. It isnot neccessary for the city dailies or wookliofl to follow this rule, as their subscribers live at a distance and are not personal friends as is the Case with a majority of our suliscrib- ers. Our suh.icribors should deem it an honor to know that we do not doubt their integrity and continue to send them the paper after their time has expired. Should any deaire their paper discontinu- ed they should notify us and remit to date if they have not already done so. Choice Farm for Sale Onebiindretl acrf^H, lot 13 and 14, 3U(1 R.D.R., Onpre), 90 acres cIoAiud, 10aor«ft hardwocx) btinh Bmall oieliard, cotnfortaWla h>g botiBo 18xd4. frame kltrhun l2x^) never faiUnu wdl); frame barn &OxGO, hIodu futimlatioti. 90-foot wall poetn fiamuattauhiiieiit :)Gvi^,8toiie wall uiiitsrlwlioltf, liorii« and cattle KiubleH, oeuient doori, water Inside. A Buap for t|uick purchaser. Have a faiuilyof boya and waut to ko weat. JOHNQUUMMOTT. Wareham PA Fisbing notice Notice la horaUy given that nahliii on lot 33, con. 10, Arteinxais, la atrictly prohibited, and treapaaaera will be proaecufced, luelt ANDHKW OBAHAU. STEER STRAYED Yearling ateer, came to my prrmiaes about April IJi The owner i» reque«te<l to prove iiroiwrty, psyoxiK-naiwand takr the same away jot 3S, con. 6, ArU'nieniH WM, F18IIER, Portlaw. Tenders Wanted Tendera for brick work, carprnler work, ar.<l mill run work ali<o fur frame work of stable for new hutel, will beivceivod by the undersign- ed up to noon of We<lnes<Uy, Sth inat. F. G. KARSTKD'r. Fleshertim, May 21. IDOO. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to got the beat Photos is at bULMER'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. Flesherton Cemet«ry Trust. The trustees of the cemetery request the attendance of all plotholders on the 24th May to improve their pkita and have all rubbish, weeds etc. removed. â€" By Older of the Trustees. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Special Attention to Copying and Babies' piokures. Pioture fram- ing a speoially. Try as (or an* kind of plotatM and we will promUeMtisfaotion. BO YF.ARft EXPERIENCE Trade Marks DESIOsNS Copyrights Ac. AnroDtt aenrllii^ a â- ketch and (t6MTiptlr>n ma,; inlckir oicertntii our opiutoa free w]<ciher aa iHTentlrm Is probahl/ patciitablo. rt.nimaiilm. tinna «irict1rc(iiindnntlal. Ilandbookon f'ait>r.tl â- «nt frue. OKI«flt aifoncr for eecurittft patnt-i*. Pat'uita tiUtOQ tbrouL'ti Uuuu ft Cu. receive 9p*ciai notice, without c Larg e. la the Scientific Httterican. A handnnmclr lllndtpatM w«<»klT. I nrcre»«t rtr- rulatloii cf nny it(*iet)(.illc jAuruiil. 'j i.mit. ^ a yi^ar : four months, (L Sum by alt newsMenlom. MlJflN&Co.3«'s-"'-'N.3ȴYnrlf U.-aucb OIT.oe. C2S V St.. \V««b*i,i:icn t •" Beauty and Utility Though worn as a necessity, a beautiful eye -glass - artistically fitted is a facial ornament. We will fit you with a frame best adapted to your features. iEWtLE'" 'NO OPTlClANt «^LESHERTON- w ; V K tx K .^ K. : \^S^^:-r YK(x Ys' K '.' r\ Jt L /Z Nervous Debility OCR NEW BIF.THOD TREATMENT will car. yon, and make a man of you. Under lt» InHucnco the biam bucomei active, the bloo'l purified ao that I all p;inpl«fi. blutcbra and ukrra bfcal up: ^be n«rvcs become atrong as ateel, aa 1 that nervousnebs, bashfulnea:! and ilL-yponaency disappear; the eyes becoma bright. 1 the face full and clear, enerpy returna to the body, and tb. moral, physical ai.'l I aexual ayauma are iQvlsorated; ail drains ceaseâ€" no more vital w.iste from t.-.e I ay<tcm. The varloua orgaris trcon.e natural and manly. Tou fsel yourself a man and know marriage cannot be a failure. We Invite all tba afUlcted to conault ua corftdentUlly and trie of chaige. Uon't let quacks and fakiri rob you o£ jour hard-earned dollcra. WE WILL, CVHE TOU OR NO TAT I CT-NO NAiiES VSBD WITHOUT WRITTEN CO.NSENT. THREATENED WITH PARALYSIS. Peter B- Summera, of K »l» m s i oo> Ulch., relatea hia excertcoce: "1 waa troubled with Nervoo. De- bility for Biaay years. 1 lay It to In- discretion and excasaea In early , youth. 1 became vary despondent and 1 I flidn't care whether 1 worked or not. 11 ' in.agined everybody who looked at me, 1 â- sguesiicd rr.y aecrcL imaginative > Jdreania at nlgtit weakened meâ€" my backR /ached, had tains In the back ot my 1 head, bauds and feel were cold, tired ' la the mcrnlns, poor appetite, nngera were shaKy, eyes blurred, balr loose. memory poor. etc. Numbness In the flngera act In and the doctor told me ha feared r»raly»l». 1 tooE all klnda of medicines and tried many flrst-class ^fhyslcians, wore sn electric beU forg three months, went to Mt. Clemens for= ,.,.,_,__ , â- (rose TsraTMlBT batha, but received little benMt. While .rrxa TSSarislllT at Mt. Clemens I was Induced to conrult Dra. Kennedy A Kergan, 'bough I naa !oJt all faith m doctors. Like a drowning man I commenced the New M«bo<i Treatment and It raved my lite. The Improvement was like ""Mflc-I could feel the vigor going throuch mv nerves. I waa cur*d tr.enlally. physically and seauaJly. I have sent them many ritlents and will continue to do ao. ?vU'*ma?Vnd*c'i«^^^°niCO^%LE^^-6TRICTrRm NHRVOUS DEBtUTT. I BL<X)D XEASESrURlNARY COMPLAINTS. KIDNB7 AND SI^DDBR D18- '^CONSUI.TATION FREE. BOOKS FREB. If wiabl. to call write for « | I Question Blaak for Home Treatment. DRS.KENNEDY& KERGAN Jp5^ 148 SHELBY STREET, DETROIT, MICH. FROST STEEL GATES The stronv features of Frost Fence ar* combined in the Gates. A special feature Is the ftanie of coutinuotss ateel tubincr. ThU la vastly Htroo^er tliana frnme with elbow cor- ners aud malleable castings. The heavy wire filling InturtS aj^aiuat sa^gins. The public Is warned against btivinf; grates that Infringe against Frost Wire Fence Ca*S patent, as purchasers as well as users are laying themselves liable. Per sale by G. W. ROSS. - Maxwell 'A H. RIDLEY. Cey^lon ll ?w""^a. :^ >fe CLEARING SALE Of Buddifts, aia^dns, DemoeratSt Carts, Plows, l>arrows, etc* Having .sold my wareroom to the new hotel company I find it ncces.sary to clear out my whole stock of the ahjvo articles. Reduced prices rule now. Don't Miss The Chance. J. HA RD. - - - Flesherton. XXX^I^S^9^XX^I^9C^ie^l^f^ D. mcxavish: THE [lEHON GiimASE eUlllER For First Claas Dugyies, Carts, Pleasure and Lumber Wagons, cutters. Sleighs. We koep a stock on hand to choose from. AL50 HORSE SHOEINQ AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and Buarantoe first cisaa work. Wo keep ou hand PlouKhs and Plough repnira, and Harris and Nuxon repairs for binders, Mowert machinery, also Binder Twine on Itand. • â- 'so Ma<wey- all kinds of Olben in town give US a call