May 24 1906 THE FLESHERTON WWWWWW F, T. HILL & CO. WWWWWWV Special Inducements FOR THE WOOL SEASON WOOL! WOOL I We are open to buy any quantity and we are prepared to pay the highest cash or trade prices. ADVANCE lu making this special annouQComent in resjard to the wool season we wish to draw your attention to the fact that we have THE LARGEST STOKE IN iMARKDALE. We also carry a very large slock of General Merchandise. Theso two advantages, combined with the fact that we pay cash for all pur- chases, enables us to show you a very large assortment in all lines, with values not to be beaten anywhere. These are statements which we are prepared to stand behind. We cordially extend an invitation to you to come and look through our store. We are always pleased to show goods; no ne ed to buy. If you have noi already been selling us your wool do so this season; we will not dissapoint you but make you money. Iftany Speoia.! I^ines In All Department s. CUPS & SAUCERS AT NEARLY HALF, 68c PER DOZEN, UEG. 91 VALUE 100 dozen Heavy English Dclph Cups and Saucers, bluo band decoraiioii. This is a staple line and when sold in the rei;ular way sells (or $1 a dozen, while we have them you can get what you want for per doz. 58 LADIES SILK GLOVES FOR 19c A FAIR 150 p*irs Ladios fine silk gloves in all colors, Blacks, Browns, Blues and Greys, 26 and 35o qualities, clear- ing at per pair 19 A SNAP IN FLOOR OILCLOTH, 22Jc PER YARD Now is the time to buy Oil Cloth for your floors when you can secure a xoud reliable line iu good patterns for [Hir yard 22i We are also salliui; a two yard wide cloth for 48c. IN OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT This is a department of our store that we ezcell in. Nothing too now for this department. Our styles speak (or themselves. When we tell yuu our millin- ers are working nights to keep up with the demand we are telling you what is correct. No juggliuK of news- paper talk here; nothing but what will bear the closest Dspection, hence the reason we say "F.T.Uill & Co. for Miliiaery." A SNAP IN MEN'S SUITS 97 90, FOR »10, 10.60 AND eu SUITS. 48 only Mens Fine Canadian Scotch and English tweed suits, nu two alike but all sizes represented. This is a clearing up we made from one o( the leading Canadian Baanufacturers and the values are one-third less than you will pay so bo on hand early. $10, $10.50 and 111 suits, your choice for $7.90 A SNAP IN TWEED VESTS FOR BOYS, 48c FOR VESTS UP TO $1 100 Tweed Vests in a varied assortment of good pat- terns,good wearing qualities all well lined and tailored sizes 28 to 36, special while the lot lasts, your choice for 48c A SNAP IN TOILETWARE, TEN PIECE TOILET SETS FOR 1.68 This week we put on sale 40 Toilet Sets in Blue, Pink, Brown and Green, Beat English Delph, good clean patterns, regular value $2.50, while they last the price will be $1.68 GROCERY DEPARTMENT SPECIALS This week we put on sale two lines of teas in fine green Japan also black. These are regular 25c lines and are excellent In the cup. Selhng for per pound 18o WW MARKPALE MWWi la publiahed every Thnr»day at »1.00 (lOf >onum if (Miid in advance, fLrK) « nril so paid. All 8ul)iicril)er l>»yinK $100 strictly in advi\nce get th« Montreal ll«rald one year /r>'-! OS a premium. Football The first football game of the season jwas pUyed here Saturday evening be- Itwoeii the Flushertun and Kimberley teams, resulting in a draw, neither side Buocoediiig in scoring. The Fleshurton boys wore their new sweater of black and ^nd yellow. ROCKVALE-FLESHERTON On Monday evening the Rookvale team met our boys on the show gronnds hero and won the match by a score of 1-0, Tlie game was a f;ood one, the Rock vale boys, Mpecially, playing some excellent football. The Fleshurton line up was weakened as was Rookvale strengthened by Mr. Mar- shall, who played with the latter team. Charlie Tryon did some fine work in gosl. The hue up was as (uUows: â€" Rookvale Flesherton 0. Hoy goal C. Tryon Bud Pendleton Uoka W. Davis W Kelt, in F. Malhoson W. Hebdon half backs A. McLood A. Knitlish 0. Cairns Wei. Graham L. Rutledge 0. Armstrong forwards W . Livingstone Kerton W. Ix)Uok8 E. Manhall A. CoUinaon 0. Alton P. Norris J. McKee D. Wilcox Flesherton football team plays a Dur- ham team to-day (Thursday ) in Durham, an exhibition game. Not if as Rich as Rockfeiler. If you hail all the wealth of R<M'kofeller,the HtandanI Ull Magnate, you rould not buy a bnttar mwlinlne for liowel coiupUints than Chnmlnu Iain's Culir., (.'Imlera ana Oiarihoea RemmlV' The moat eiiiiiiuut phynician can not |>roiicrilw a better |>re^i«ration for otiolic and Hiarhnea, lM>th for children and adults. It never fails and wnen reduosdwitlt water and • wofltenb<l, is pleassnl to take. Kvery familr shnulil b« aiipplie.! with it. Hold by W. }!, Uichardion, Mid IltUUuuglsss. There are some very intelligent hens in Manitob* acrsrding to a letter wu have racoivod. The writer sutea that ho had a ben with a sore foot and to afford relief h« tied uB a broad pouUica. The foot improved rapidly until the hen pocked tho bandaged ofTand she and her friends made a meal »( the poultice. Next morn- i|)g every hen on the (»rm was limping- ^mani (Hap.) Uwah), Hnnovcr had a $10,000 fire in their cement works last week. Pretty well covered by- insurance. John McCulman of CoUingwood was fined S20 and costs or 30 days at hard labor for spitting tobacco juice on ladies' drosses. The law has been amended so that constables at the sessions and assizes wil in future be paid two dollars a day instead of one and a half dollars. The officials of the Methodist church on the Holland Centre circuit have extended a unanimous invitation to Rev. H. Berry to remain as pastor for the third year. It is a fact worthy of note that, while the hotel rates are going up in many of the license towns, the prices in the local option town of Owen Soun I remain as low as they ever were, and the service is just as good, if not better. â€" Banner, Rev.G.R.Turk, pastor of the Methodift church in Owen Sound, had presented his rosignation to the oflScials in order to return to evangelistio work, but in response to a petition with over five hundred signatures has consented to remain the fourth year. This season bids fair to beat anything yet accomplished in the manufacture of cement at our big mill. The output for April this year was 10,000 barrels ahead of April 1905, though in operation for the same number of days. The daily output is 1100 to 1200 barrels a day and Manager McGrano has hopes of even exceeding that.â€" Durham Review. Mr. Harry Crowther has been commis- sioned by the 0. I". R. to superintend the work of replacing tho culverts on the line from loronto Junction to Owen Sound, and with a company of workmen is now on tho job. The old stylo culvert is giv- ing place to the modern cemnut article.-^ Banner. Tho nian who went out to milk and sat down on a boulder in the middle of tho pasture and waited for the cow to liack up, was a brother to the man who kopl a store and would not advertise be- cause ho reasoned that the purchasing public would back up to his place of business when it wanted something. Two "precious stones, supposed to he diamonds" have been found in a blue clay forniati»n at tho stone qutrry at St. , Mary's. The men employed there are 'said to be on the look out for additional ' discoveries. The Mt, Forest Rep, man lost his ,umbrulUaiid advertised (or il in his paper. It was promptly returned, B«t It was one i>( the 25c kind and not • worth keeping. The Sub-target Gun. A very interesting and rather compli- cated piece o( mechanism is the sub- target gun, one of whicli the Meaford Rifle Club has received from the Government. In its mechanism, compressed air, electricity and the magnet are employed, while its oonstructiim admits of the rifle being adjusted for firing from either the stand- ing, lying or kneeling position. A minia- ture target attached at tho end and just above the muzzle of tho firing-piece, is dta>rn forward by a magnet at each shot and receives an indented registration indicating preoieely the location cf the bullet in the main target. The device was invented about three years aito si.d its probable cost would be at>out $300 or $400. It is especially advantageous to the rifleman in that it admits of indoor practice in either rainy or wintry seasons It also asdists in enabling him to get the range more quickly and a consequently more accurate aim, â€" Meaford Express. Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF OSPREY Notice is hereby given that the fint sit- tting of the Court of Kevlsiun on the usaeasj. luent of VXX), will l>e held at the orange ha'l, Maxwell, on Monday, the 2Hth day of Moy l*J0<> of which all p.".rtie« interested will taks notice. TIIOS. SCOTT. Twn. Clerk. Dated at Ospray the 21st day of May.VJUti HOMESEEKERS' EXCURSIONS VM TOTNK NORTH WEST Vliwlpag Isurli BHiiidoa Areola E«ttMUl\ Verkton/ tsflM Nmss taw NCTURN fares: • IKJn Stra*sbar| • Saskatoon • Prlaoo JUbtrt MM Its. Uttlofbrd u.n Cal|aiY Rod Diir • Itsttlsr *« UsMstsa/ * $3(.n S7.H ttoo 40.N nM aoina: Juno ith, |Md to NtHM oatU log ust Ith. Jsao inti. - •* «o|u*t nth. July M. » > lopt. Ird. July inhi " " lopt. inh. For ratss to othar points and oomplet« In- formatioD applr to nattrastCanadlan Piaoiflo Aceot, or writ* to C. & FooTSli. District Paaao ii aor Aiont, n Toofo 8t, TetOBtOk ...,iL- ^„ ... i I I BOYD, HICKLING & CO, •FLESHERTON, ONT. Wool Wanted When you are ready to market your wool remember we are open to buy any quantity and will give you the highest current prices in cash or trade. - - - OUR - - - Special Prices for Blankets Flannels Yarns \. Sheetings .• Tweeds Clothing WILL INTEREST YOU. All were bought before the advances in wool values and are marked to sell accordingly. . AT F. G. KARSTEDT'S 50,000 lbs. WOOL WANTED for cash or trade and highest prices will be paid. il R Q. KARSTEDT :i General â- mACercAant \\ Flesherton Ontario, ij I >^%%%%^%%%%^^^%^^%^%%%%^«4k^%%-«,%%%%,^^^^^^^ 1 Farm For Sale 80 acre grain or stock far.n, well fenced, OO acres clear, 10 acres hardwood and 10 swanip. Spring creek 10 rods from baru. (â- o.)d brick house with furnace. Good frame barn with ntone foundation and part cement atabliii^, also good young orchard. South half of lot 21, eon. S, ArteuKiua. Apply toFretlK. Uolaud, Vandeleur p. o. FARM FOR SALE. Lot 39, con.T. Artemesia; 100 acres more or leiM. 7S aoroH clearest, fiG bush. New barn, 4*ix TiO, Btoue btable. Uooil frame houno, 4.1 ro<lH (loui aohoai.i mile from I'oat nmcv.i uiila from church. Splint! on (arui, well at nousa. For further particulars apply to B. W. CLARK. (Bookvale Mills) Flesherton Summer ~ ii »~ o ~ irii i^n r iii â€" >i _ j ( Goods. Everybody' s Automobile. Although tho automobile has now reach- i'ui*"'8e of being a practical and reliable vehicle it tloes not by any means displace the bicycle. The bicycle light and convtnisntâ€" can b» ridden almost anywhere that you c»d walkâ€" covers the distance quickly and caa be set aside when not in use about as easily as your umbrella. And ttje price is within the reach of ftlK boon pays for ilsulf in the saving of time and carfares. The Bicycle is Everybody's Automobile. Silver Ribboa Massey. Brantford. Cleveland. Perfect. All summer good* in stock including Dusters, wool and plush Robes, Rubber Dash Aprons and Ruga, Whips, Lashes, Curry Combs and Brushes, Hoof Oiutmeot I ^»"»"U8 for easy running qualities and Axle Grease and Axle Oil for Carriages. r„:u .„ u »k p^'k^'^^^l; Ai _ „ 1 . . . , „ Built in both Cushion rraiue and Risidi large assortment of single Barneas also I Models. i«ain Harness mad© up to order if desired. Covered by the br<«d guarantee of th«. makers. n W. MOORE, . Pleshi^on Ont. ' ''°'*°" "•°^'^- Cmmada CyaU <£ Wfoior Co. LIMITED Oat % > : t * ^ â- % t % ^ • ! * » >^ ♦f ♦ * \ * • » « ♦l'» •I' 4« •» * 'Ai t\\