Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 24 May 1906, p. 2

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k WELL-KNOWN BANDA MAN SPEAKS K Well-Kiwwn J. P. U Cured ot KIdiwy Trouble ol Lung SUndiog by Uodd's KUJitey Pillfi. Uanda, Ont., May 21â€" (Special.) - I'hpi-e is no one more widely known and UigMy respected in this section of Ine country than Win. Bell, Esq., J. !'•â-  and the .slateineiit he makes liclow con- cerning his cure by Dodd's Kidney I'ills tears weight and carries conviction with it. "For more thon a year I was a suffer- er from kidney trouble." Mr. Bell snys. "Always in piiin at times the Hg- (ny would ln-conie unendurable and I was practically unable to attend to any or my duties. I doctored with several â-  local physiciaiiis and ti'ied every means jt<) gpt cured, but without success. At lust I was Induced to givi; Dodd's Kid- incy Pills a trial. I have the greatest iplea.surc In .slating that they drove iaway the pains entirely and re.storc(l line to my old lime health and strength. ^I nm sure I owe this entirely to Dodd's I Kidney I'ills." TRADE OF THE EMPIRE ,N0 LEas THAN SIX KIMJONS DOIJ.AILS LAHT YGAR. OF Inter-Inipt rial Comnierre Shown Steady Development â€" rorrigii Trade I)«;reasino. The second number of the .Stalistical Abstract for the Uritish Kmpire, issued from the I'oard of Trade, brings many i,f the fl{{ures concerning population, trade, etc., down to I9(H. On of the most in- teresting .soctionfl, which appears in the abstract for the first time, represents the annual cnn.sumplion of ccrtuin articles per head of the population in the princi- pal parts of the r-;mi)iie. llic following figures, taken from l^e Iflblcs, offer some eunous comparisons; the words "wheat," "outs," etc.. also represent the pi'uducls of the grain in question : Wheat. Oats. Beer. Tea. Liush. Bush. Gals. Lbs. C. Kingdom .. 5.99 5.10 28.8 6.00 India 0.67 0.04 Austmlla .. ..9.16 4.03 .... 6.84 Now Zeal.ind . 8.25 14.54 9.4 6.% Newfoundland . TOl 1.05 0.3 4.81 Cape 3.07 1.34 1.0 l.oo Natal I.G7 0.37 O.'i 2.28 the con- Auslialian In regard to beer-drmkinc sumption per head in the Cominonwe^dtti ui I'J(0 was 1 1.6 gallons, 29.7 i/i the United Kingdom. There UiiR Ijeen a eontinued decrease .n Great Britain since 1891), when the quan- <lly was at the rate of 32.6 gaUons per head. Besides the above, the consumption of barley and ILs prodiicl.s In the I'liiled Kingdom in KKH is returned at 2.73 biisliels per he.'id, and of maize at 2.01 bushels; Natal leads the list In the latter comestible with 4.00 bushels per head. The total trade of the British l".iiiptre in 1901 reiiihed the enormous total of Xt,:i05,28;(,000, against tl, 274,278,000 in 1903. Not the brust interesting feature of the tables is the coiiipari.sun afforded t)C- Iween the piirccintage proportions of the foreign and inler-lmperial trades. have been fairly steady during the lust Ihree years, but with a gradual develop- ment of the latter : 1902. 1903. 1901. Poreign 71.1 73.7 73.3 Inler-lmperial .. .. 25.9 26.3 26.7 The trade of the I'nited Kingdom with Ihe Biilisli colonies and possessions Increased (imporls and exports) from £271,311,000 In mu to £286,664,000 in 1901. ANI.%fAI.S WITH FALSE TEETD. Uave Been Treated by Dentists to Their Great BeneOI. Some faw years ago Judge Woodfall, of Kiigland, was called upon to decide 1 case brought by a lady, who sued a naturalist (or failing toi^ provide .v.r lox with a set of false teeth. As il is customary lor ladies to make i>ets ct foxes, or for foxes to suffer from lack 0. molars, the promised lo provide some features uncommon in ,lhe gener- al run of County Court litigation, but those present who expected the court to coruscate with the witty remarks of judge and counsel, who should have re- velled in the possession of such a peg upon which to hang their witticisms, were doomed lo disappointment, for it speedily transpii-ed that the fox in ques- tion had long since given up the ghost and that the teeth were lo be supplied sclely in order to give a more realistic appearance to the .skin that was lo be turned into a boa. Although the race of reynard Im» yet to pay a visit lo the dentist for profas- sional treatment, canine and equine patients have both been treated by ihe piofe.s.sion, aiid have greatly benehtled b/ their visits. Thus, in 1901, Mrs.. Jeffffer.son Seligiiian, of New York, had her .$4,000 saddle-mare, Anna, fitted out with (eleven teeth, which enabled the animal, that could not eat before the operation, to masticate its oats with a relish that il had long been a stranger to. It is interesting to note that the equine patient was treated with the snmc ronsideratinn as a human being, the nervBR of the teeth operated upon being deadened with cocaine prior to being filled with gold where Ihe filli i|.'s were likely to show, and silver whjre they did not. .\ New South Wales shepherd living at Hnrgreaves, near Mudgee, having ,"â-  valuable pedigree ram which found great difTiculty in masticating its food owing lo the loss of teeth, provided tho animal with an artificial .set thai u,i- doubtedly served a.s useful a .i..? the four gold teeth .set with diamonds that graced Ihn mouth of a seven-year old Gordon seller thai was exhibited at ihe I.ailies' Kennel Club show In N"w York ill 1902. This dog. by the way. Is by no mea.u the only canine patient that dentists ' nv liad In deal with, as can be gather.! from the fact that early in the year be- fore last Beauty .Sle<'l. a prize Boston bulldog, was In the dental chair three hours, while Mr. Reardsley cleansed the cavities in two of his lower front leelh. Tilled them with gold, and put on gold crowns. II may be mentioned, for the benefit of would-be canine dentists, that lh( doctor In this instance secured his snfelv wilhoul the aid of ana-slhelics bv Bluffing a towel into the dog's mouth. Free Gifts of Toilet Soaps Use SUNLIGHT SOAP and GET THE PREMIUMS The Coupons are the same as cash because they can be exchanged for Toilet Soaps for which you have to pay out money every week. Users of SUNLIGHT and CHEERFUL SOAPS can get their TOILET SOAPS . for nothing. Read circular in every package, or write us for Premium List A gift is of little value if it consists of something you have no use for. In exchange for Sunlight Soap Coupons you can get something you need and use every day. SAVE SUNLIGHT SOAP COUPONS X^**** Brotbars lUlatltvd, Toronto. Canada i6o OHENILLE CURTAINS LAOI OUmiHS "^•SA%[i:i"" Wril* !• oa ftbottryaora. I«M tTUM 0«L, Ml 1M, MwitrwM "What?" called the fair young thing to the man who liad fallen from his horse for Iha tenth time that morning. "Kalhng off again ? Where did you study horse-riding ? In a correspon- dence school 7" There can be a difference of opinion on most subjects, but there Ls only one opinion as to the rehability of Mother f.iaves' Worm Kxterminalor. It is safe, sure and effectual. Disgusted Uncle : "I shall leave my money to the poor and needy." No- good Nephew : "Heaven bless you, uncle; I always said you wouldn't leave me oul." Very many persons die annually from cholera and kindred summer rom- puiinls, who might Iwtve bcm .saved if poper remedies had beiii iimhI. if ui- Idckeddonot delay in gelling a botlli-of Or. J. D. Kcllogg's Dy.sentery CmdKil. Ihe medicine that never fails to effect n ctro. who have used It say il nets promptly, and thoroughly subdues the pain and di.scjise. Hostess : "Well, Tommy, you can tell your iiuilher for me that you are the hoy at table I ever met.'' Tommy : "Thank you, ma'am, but I'd rather not." Hostess : "Bather not ! And why, pray ?" Tommy : "She'd think I was ill, and send for the diKtor." A Requisite for the Rancher. â€" On the cattle ranges of the West, where men and slock are far from doctors and apothecaries. Dr. Thomas' Eclcctric fiil is kept on hand by the intelligent as a ready made medicine, not only for n.any human ills, but u:> a horse and cattle medicine of surpassing merit. .A horse and cattle rancher will find mut- ters greatly simplified by using TTii.i Oil. .Said the night watchmen, when, about dusk, he was invited to drink a cup of coffee : ".No, thank you; coffee keeps me awake all night. " And then he saw his blunder, looked very eni- barri-'ssi'd, and was no use. tried lo explain, but il SosUght Soap il iMttoT than ether loapi^ tn<t is bMt whtn nud in the Banlight way. Bay Banligiit Boaji and follow directiou. Mr. Si>rigg (gently): "My dear, a man was shot nl by a lurglar. and his lifo was saved by a button which the bullet struck." Mrs. Spriggs : "Well, what of it ? ' Mr. Sprigg : "Nothing; only Ihe button must have been on." •n>€ hnt ol tlMTr*f>lci ta4cs r»<7 .eli*«li». Itt«k*. »w-' the enerij. "Ferroiiin U the bu.ttmic »o hnwerim up. It .UiuuUWb the >;<t«iii. It iBikku the weak ntrooc. It u pl««- aat tu Uke. All dnifgUU mU il Charlie: "Don't you remember? It was that day you borrowed $1 of me," Jack hastily): "I don't recollect anything of Ihe sort." Charlie : "But you paid it back next week." Jack : "Oh, yes; I ivmemlwr that perfectly." OYI'SIIvS INVADK SCOTLAND. ( iideHirablr of Aliens .Swarm Into l.aiKi o' 4Uikes. Midlolhiaii, .Scotland, is suffering frdiM a plague of limiian gypsies, and wonts to cure lUelf as .soon us possible. They are brown-Hkiiiiieil, ragged, lierce- Liokiiig and duty m farl, thoioiigli gyp- sies- but llie iiihaliilaiil.^ of Midlothian <!o not appnxiule this picturesque addi- tion lo life. There are nou ponsiilerably over KiO ol these gypsies in (he country, and <Hpl. Thomas, of the .sbainer Weimar, whii-li brought ii.iu.-,-. Ihe balth, has ii fiiiiM ,111 aiitTii!Mlir ...oiiri'e thai within ;i Xi'iN .-.lioil time l.doo ul the nomads will Ik- liiiideil iii .ScdUijiul, Tiie siate- iiieiil i.s alsii iiiiide llial lli«rn are 5,0(X) gypsies in llmiiburg, all of whom Intend j;iiiiig o\ei there. Ihe gyjisies p(j.s.scss six large cm-a- viiiis, drawn by scarecrow horM's. They ore sturdy beggars, and steal aiiylliin'g they ran. lliii-riMi.>ls in the neighbor- hood have siilfeii-d severely, anil hay foi the dejecled Imrses is taken from ricks ill broad daylight. In some in- stancas the gypsies have boldly imiIit- «'d houses, iiseil threats and demanded n.oney and food. In conseipiciice, k x ot them have uli-eady been sent to pri- son. These IntnrAfitlng and very undesir- «ble aliens say that they Inleiid to make lln-ir way thrniigli England to Dover. Are you a sufferer wilh corns? If you are, gel a botlle of Moll way's Corn Cure. II has never been known lo (ail. VERY I.IKEI.Y. "What do you consider Ihe best foun- dation," asked the amilious youth, "on which to build a successful business .'" "Rocks," promptly n^plied Ihe inulli- millionaire. He : "The niinisler preached a .scath- ing dLsooursp on Ihe extravagance , f women." She : "Yes; and there his wife sal. Willi a «ai hal on." He : "That was probably the cause of the sermon." Binks : "Are yon going lo Ret n new suit U»is Slimmer?" Jinks: "No; my UiUw turn lilt rjiit'l allurd it." Yet, It U hunnietlnx to hnre a akin eoTered with foul eniptiiiti.i. It U paiulul, t»<>. Why n'>t •od the tniuUe aiul restore your iklu to iw< u*%- ural (airnoje with WeMer'i C«rate> AMKNniNC. THE DECI.,\ RATION. "My friends," exclaimed the candi- date. In a line burst of disinlereslcd pulriolism. "I don't want ihis ofllee if you Ihiiik I am unworlhy to fill il !" Here he slopped and took in a diinic of wilier. "And I iiiiglil add," he proceeded, Mliat my candidacy Is not the result of any corrupt political birgain." ''Yes, you n.ight," interrupted an old fanner In the. audience; "but If you did you'd bo lyin' like .sam Mill I" A .Small Pin, but Powerful.â€" They Uiat judge of the powers of a pill by 'Is sir.e, would consider Parmelec's Vege- table I'ills lo be lacking. It is a little wonder among pills. What it lacks in size it makes up in potency. The le- rr.edies which it carries are put up in Ihi'.st' small doses, they are so p<iwerful that only small do,ses are re- (pjired. The full .strength of the ex- tracts is secured in this form and do tbcir work thoroughly. Young Man {enthusiastically, lo Mr. Henp»r.kt) : "Your daughter, sir, has taken niv heart by stomi !" Mr. Hen- peckl (sadly): "I daresay, young man, it runs in the family. Hor mother lakes me by storm every time I conic home." "Oshawa" 5teel Shingles Made from Painted or Galvanized Steel, at prices varying from $2.S5 to $5.10 per hundred square feel covering measure. This is ItJe meet de»tralij« cov- ering on the market, and is an ideal covering (or Howes, Bams, Stores, Bl«- valors. Churches, etc. .Any handy man can lay tlie "©SHAWA" shingles. A hammer and snips are the only tools required. We arc the largest and oldest company of the land under the British llaj, and have covered thousands of ike best binldtn^ tbrtnjghoot Canad«, making them FIRE, WATER AND LIOHTNM«Q-PaoOF We f>''>.i maonfactura Corrugated Iron in long sheets. Conductor Plp« ait4 EAV.::^ lltOUGU Etc. MBTAL SIDING, in imitation of brick or stone. METAL CKIUNGS, in 8,000 designs. Write for CaUlogue No. lUt a.nd free sampies of "OSHAWA" Shingles. Write to-day. (ye. 7«7 Crais St. aa sojMc lit. UCuttMcaeea aSDua^aak.. 7« Lentaid »«. <U>iM>4wst. WKITB YOUB NKA&SST OKFXUB. LANDS In Western Canada Twe ormiaHBl sectioai, !«el«o%i eil l&uds la Suk^tchewu. only 3 rallM Irum two railw&yii, C.P.K. * fit.T.P. Stroeg 4oil, 90 per coot, plough l&nd, sprinx creek, ne sion^h^ About to milwi U.K. ol lodUn Head. Price^lO.60 pet aare^ Write lor mop end fell p«rticttUr«. R. PARSOt«S. »i WeUâ€"Uy Street. Tareala, Canada. ' '"' ' "' ' â€" - '-" DODD'S , t/; PILLS _ IIOW lit: BE.\T Till: STREKT CAR.S. .\ I'orontonian Keeps a R€c<)rd of Fores lie Never Pakl. A .small account book was picked up in the street recently showing a sys- Ifinatic record of the number of times lis owner got ahead ot the street rail- way company. Ihe blank pages, of Uiis book are ruled off in ledger furiii and each account headed with the name of a street car route in ToronUi. Kor iii- .slaiice llieisi w;is "Chmvli street," with .•>. debit on the left hand side and a cri^ dil on Ihe right. "Bloor and MctJiul" Pu same, and so on over Ihe entire .system. Evideijtiy wIm'ii the owner of llils iKiok paid a tare he charged il up iigsinsi llic car line he iHitriiiii/.cd. and whenever he .saved a fare he credited hiiiisclf with live renl.s. Al llrsl glance il might appear that the owner ol this account binik was in lh(.' habit ot dodging the conductor's lox but this was not the case. The tact is the fares wen- saved by riding a bicycle in.stead of paying Ihe street cai company for comings and goings and the fares were contributed on rainy (lavs when the wherllng was unpleas- ant. On August f). 1<XV>. he mad« an entry against "I'.loor and McCaul" as follows: "One fni'e- Inst of quarters worth of tickets bnuphl June i." The lolal ol fares unpaid amounted lo nearly 530 in seven months. l.itlle Eisie : "Urother Johnny can't come lo school; he has diphtheria." Teacher : "Indeed ! Where did he get it/" Little Elsie: "In the neck." They are Carefully Prepared. â€" Pills which di.ssipale themselves in the stomach cannot be expected lo have much effect upon the inte.slines, and 'o o\ercome cosliveness the medicmc ad- ministered must influence the action of these canals. Parmelec's Vegetable fills are so made, under the supervis- ion of experts, that the substance n them intended to operate on the liiles- I lies is reljtnled in action until tlwy pass through the stomach to llie tww- els HAD BEEN dreen : "I thought you s.iid low .Skinem was as giod as hi Brown : "That's what I .said." "Well, he lied to nie alioul a transaction." Brown : "But 1 didn't say his word w!is any good." that fel- word '.'" Creen : business PLAIN MAN WANTED. This odd advprliiiement recently uo- peared in the l.aliore (India) Tribune: "Wantedâ€" An assistant master, strong in English and good at sports. Pny Hs BO per month. Anyone with a proud Uok and a high stomach not wanted. AppUv to Principal, Church Mission llisti School, Singagar, Kashmir." ^' IP iSTOHISHED THE DQGTOB. Mn. E»toa Becorarinc. Althonith Har FliTticton Mid 81m HichtDrop Dead at any tim*. "The Doctor told ma I had heart di^aasa and was liable to drop OB the street at any tiino,"iiay« Mrs. Robert Eaton, of Duffaria, Out. " My trouble begnn four yeare ago with a weak heart. I waa ofteo afraid to draw my breath, it pained mu lo. I WM bothered wilh nervousneia, Mia RoeimT BiwMi. rfiortneet of breath. diixiiMu, Ion o< anpetita, imotheriDg aiiti •inhiug epelU, and I ceuM aot eieep. "Sometimes a great weakneaa would â- aiia me and I woud have to lie down to beep from falling. Mv hands and feat would eacB to go to aieep and a lori of num hn iM woald coine all over me and per- hapa immediately aftar the hlood would rush to my bead and a series of hot ^nihii would anvelep me. " I took alt kinds ot mediciBce, bat kept gradoally growing wone lutil about eight weeks ^o, wheo I began oaiog Or. Laoo- hardt'i Anti-Pill. Prom the etart I im- f roved nnlil now nj ai>petite haa returned, oaa sleep well, and have no nnrTiimnwi. dixaineae, paipitatioo, laintnaea or aajr of my e«ker trenUea. Tkey have all entirely <liaappeared. I feel much atreoger, look hatter, and altegether Aati-Pill has made a â- ew woman of ma, >" I aa aotuely oared and eanaoi aay toe Book for tbia woaderfui reaaedy. I would â- oat heartily renotaead Anti-HIl to any. ene aaflWriag aa I did." All Drtu^[ieu or the WiUoo-ryle Co., CONSIDERED. sudden?" inquired "Was his death the teudorfool. "Sudden â- .'" said the resident. "No, stranjier; he'd been under suspicion a long time." Wilson's FLY PAI^S ONB PACKET HAS ACTUALLY Kri,LED A BUSHEL OF FUUS ^old by all Dragglsts and Geoaral Stores and by mall. TEN CEfrrS PER PACKET FROM ARCH DALE WILSON. HAMIiiTOK, ONT. TSf jUj^fpifBntMilCSepetC 200 Nlen Wanted at Once 111 various [larts of the Dominion, as whole or spare time agents, to soil a high grade stock of hardy and well- prown trees and pluats. Go-ahead and riiorgoUc men can maJic a very prolil- able biLsiness ot .wiling Uiis stock, wliich is well known. Liberal terms and a complete outtil. Commission paid week- ly Apply al once lo E. D. .SMITH, " lleldrripigh Nurseries, VViiHMM, Ontario. rslablished over a quarter of a centi.ry. AQE NTS WANTED. $>».00 per wecl< and conmii.ssion. Allrod Tyler, Wholesale Tea Importer and Spic« (irinder, London, Ont, liaited, Niagara Falls. Ont. ISSUE NO. 21-M K» O O ^ J^ X.*E*. Send for pAriicular^. W« can offer at special price* : Peet«r Red Rook Crown Ml«er Laar Slivar mar More I QREVILLE & CO., Umltad M*mtieni Standard Htoek oari Mtai^ 1 i

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