Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Apr 1906, p. 3

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NOT HIS SEEKING. "Well, wtll," reinuiked Jigley, notic- ing Jajiley's bluck f.yu. "How did you iiieel with thai uccidt'nf.'" "1 didn't," replied Jagley. "It met witli me." A Sure Cure for Hendacho. â€" Bilioi:s liladurhe, lo which women are more sub- icct. Iliaii men. becomes so ncule in some .subjects that Ihey are utterly prn.s- Ir.itrd. The sloinnch food, and there i.s n constant and distre.s.sing ^â- !- Tnrl lo free the stomacli from bile which lias become unduly .secreted there. Par- meleo's Ve^'lable Pill.s fU'c a speedy al- Ipi-nativc, and in ncutralizint; llie effects if the inlnidiiif! Ijile relieves the pres- sure on llie nerves which cause the headaclio. Try Hiinn. nrill .'Sergeant : "Now, then; .smarten lip, there! Hi! you in the rear, there. ran'l you see that you're not behind the man in front of you ?" UK CW^ RtWARD will 4»J,WV bo pjid to any tHTTVon who prove* Sunlight Soap contains any injum>us cheinic.iU or suiy form of aduitcratiuD. is better than other soaps, but is best when used in the Sunlight way. Sunlight Soap contains no injurious chemicals. Sunlight Soap Is pure soap, scientifically made. Every step in its manu' facture is watched by an expert chemist. -' Sunlight Soap saves labor, and the wear of rubbing \A/hich common soaps require in washing fabrics. Your money refunded by the dealer from vvliom you buy Sunlighit Soap if you find any ciiuse for complaint. Lever Brothers Limited, Toronto Dr. Ajinew's Calarrlial Powder has (iiuved a ble.'^.sing to many a "man be- fore the public" in cases of lioarseness, had throat, tonsiliUs and catarrh. of the most recent evidence of its elTicacy foines from a well-known actor, whose luinie is in New York City, lie says: "I have never found anything lo equal this remedy for quick relief." 50 cenls--137 "How is your son gelling on with his work ?" "Beautifully I" aiKswcred the falher of the gilded youth. "He never irotibles it, and it never stems to trouble liim." To Those of .Sedentary Occupation. â€" Men who follow sedei.tary occupations, which deurive them of fresn air and exei'Cise. are more prone to disorders â-  f the liver and kidneys than tliose wtio lead active, outdoor lives. The former will lind in Parmelee's Vegetahle Pills a reslorative without question I'le most efficacious on the market. They are easily procurable, easily taken, act e.xpiHlitiously. and they are surprising- l> cheap considering their excellence. He- "Perhaps you don'l like my style nf dancing." .She (in evident distress!: "There is rather loo much .sameness atioul it." He: "How may I vary it?" .^he : ".Suppose vou tread on my left foot once in a while." POSTIMEN ON SNOW-SHOES. .Mounlain ('arriers Take Ureal Riiiks in Colorada. Strength and courage are needed by the men employed in delivering Hie mails in the Hocky Mountains. In win- ter the undertaking is difficult and dangerous. Sometimes the currier is swept away by a snow-slide, and months roll by before th3 brave f<dlow and the mail-pouch are found. About fifty of these mountain etrriers risk I heir lives daily on the dangerous trails in Colorado, carrying the mails on snow- shoes to the most remote mining camps. Only hai'dy men of re.soui'ce can do lliis work, for twenty-five pounds of let- ters, papers, and packages become very heavy and burdensome in climbing the mountains. These carriers know the peaks, passes, and trails as well as the city earriei's do the streets and numbers o( their districts. On reaching the .summit the carrier straddles the pole, and, placing his snow- shoes close togettier, begins his de.scenl. (me accustomed to ttie woik will go down the mountains with the swiftness of the windâ€" a mile a minute. f?ul it is net so with the one who is inexperienced, for out slips the guiding- pole, up come the snow-shoes, and the rnforluniile carrier, mail-bag and all, goes rolling down the mountains, in- stead of sliding dowti them. RHEUMATISM AHS PARALYSIS. rheir complete home cure. Post free to readers of this paper. For limited period only. A handsome illuslrutert treatise, giv- ing ftiU 'tu'sci- t'tion c' JMictlnialitsln uiic] Paraiysis, with instructions for a com- plete lioina cure, flet-cribing the most â- ucceHsful treatment in the world, re- commended hy the Ministry unit endors- ed by nicdicol men. 1 lii.s hiRlily in- Btructive booli was written by W. H. Veno, a (tt'iitlenuin who has made^ a •ludy of these diseases. Tiie pn^face i» by a graduate of tlio University o( wurtziiurg. Send postal to-day and you will receive tlio book free by re- turn â€" Address. Tlic Veno Drug Co., 31 ICuiK Sc . >Ve>t, 'I'cionlo CLEANING ^ LADIES' ,.. ^ WALKina OR OUTINQ SUITS Oatt b« doD« parfMtty by our rr«iMh Proosia. Tli' li â- â- ITHM »lltmCAM BYtlW CO. â- OMTKKAIt MKOMTU, OXTAWA * QtrBBKO Farms for Sale. It you want to buy a farm in Ontario send for our list of over 3,000 farms for sale. I'he Western Real Estate Exchanae, Ltd London. ONE YEAR AT COLLEGE FREE WK PAY FOR IT. I( you wiUdetote mily your SPARE TIMjE lending us names of farmorit anil feeilora and help AMaiAN" BTCOx Aim mvlhiy nw TAtLira A CDnimon Seuae Stm-k Food at a Common-tJense Price ..f ONK UKNT A IHJU.ND KATB. "Why am I like a pin?" asked Mr. Jones triumphantly of his wife, fie ex- pected she wa."* going lo .say: "Because you are so sharp." He was .sorely dis- appointed when she replied: ' 'Because if you got lost, you wouldn't be worth looking for !" Sanlipht 8cap ii letter tban otber soapt, bnt is belt when uied in the Saulighi way. Buy SBnlight Soap and follow directions. Do not lei a cold .settle on your lungs, liesurt to Bickle's .A.nti-Coiisumptive Syrup at the lirst intimation of irrita- tion i.'i the throat and jirevenl diseiuie from lodging in the pulmonary organs. .Neglected colds are the cause of untold .sulfering througtioul the country, all I f which could have been prevented by the application of this simple but pow- eiful medicine. The price, 25 cents, i" rings it within the reach of all. Mt Owa Tbo Lw|eil St*ck Food Ftcterj la The WerU. It coven over a city block, contains OTcr 18 acres of floor si>ace, coil $500,000. Size of our office 360x120, 300 oiBce i)eople, 150 typewritei» and we use fifty million letter heads and eavcloxwa every year. A cai^ load every 30 day*. Our chemical laboratory is one of the best. Our office is oue of the great sichts of the bunJaess world. Many very small concerns advertise lan:c buildiuKs. We iuvitc you to visit out factory ami see that we have everything we claim. Manufactured and Guaranteed by loleraslional Sisck toot Cs. "lottnulioul Slack tâ€"if *'lDlinuti«ial Beave Cars" "iBlsroaiisoal Warm Fow4si* "Ulerastisaal Oall Gars" 'â- Sllvsr riae BealiX Oil" "iDiecBsUoaat Comwwnl AW u sti lU "loisraatiaaal Pheas CUsra" "Dsa ritdi Stable DIsinlscltar "laleraaliaasl Pimllry Tooi" "laltrnaliensl Laass Killer" ; "lalsraslMaal BiittBper Can" "latsnatisaal raol â- emety" "laUraatinat Csllc Care" **IatsnatlMul Slw<9 Dip" "latsraadMal BssI OinlBMaf* "iBleraatlsnai Bamess S«a»" AIM "Jewal Ucokalsn" tad Bnadert, sal Jewel Chick tad B» ttat, DAN PATCH iTg^ MAIIiED FREE. We have a Beautiful 6 Color Picture of our Champion Pacer. Dia Patch l:55ii. size 16r24. Free of advertising, fine picture for frammt. uives all tbc records made by our pacing wonder. We will mail you one free, postal; e prepaid, il you will write us Ijow much slock yoa I own and name this paper. Write at once to LiNTERNATIUMAL STOCK FOOD CO., MlnRM^Ita, RInn., U. 8. A. i A.WITIING WILL DO. "When a rn;in axes you foh advice," j .said L'ncle liben, "it generally don' 1 mean nuflin' e.xcep' dal he's kind o' I lonesome an' wants to be talked to." Couldn't Estimate Its Value!â€" Dr. An- news Cure for the Heart never fails. It rrlieves In 30 minutes, it cures. 11 is a Icacon-light to lead you back lo health. | W. II. Mu.s.selman. of G. A. R., Weiss- i port, I'a., says; "Two bottles of Dr. ' Agncws Cure for the Heart entirely ' cured mo of palpilatioii and smothering J| ells. Its value cannot be cstiinuted." : â€"139 COMFORTING. We feel that the bad things other people know about us are more than counlerlialanced by Ihe good Ihings we Ui:ow about ourselves. ONE OF THK BEST old tima remedloa for alt akin att'ecti »n*. such as Kc/,ema. Ktugwurm. Scald- hetui and »iiiiilar affectiuiiH i» Weavor'H Conite. It is ail ointment that lias brought relief to thuudanda. "M.iny a mairiage turns out n fnil- ure," oi)i;.i'd Ihe philosopher, "mainly because the winning ways of Ihe sweet- heart become the whining ways of the wiTe." PEDLAR'S STEEL GEILIN Two thousand dasigns suitable for all cla-sses of work such as Churches. Schools, .Slores, Halls. Also special de-signs for Houses, Kit- chrns, Dining-Roonis, etc. Nothing has ever been devistd to equal Ped- lar's SU>el Ceilings for Farm Houses. Cheap as latti and plaster and will never crack or fall off. Avoid Accidents by Using Pedlar's Steel Ceiiing s. Made to lit any size room and can be nailed on by any mechanic. Shipped from our warehouses naiiiled all ready lo apply. Ol!» r.ATALOGlT!:, NO. M C. DKSCRIRKS MANY DliSICNS. WRITE FOR IT. IT COSTS YOf NOTHING. WRITE TO-DAV. THE PEDLAR PEOPLE MONmeAL, Qur 7117 OralK It. WINNIPCQ, 70 Lamkanl St OTTAWA, OHf. 423 Sussai St. T0R<«rO. ONr. tl .^ulbarna 81 WllITB VOUB NKAREST OfWlCK. Head Of I ice and WorkA, LONDON, GHr, eg OanOas St. I VAHMuves, a.o. ' C» Panter It. Oshawa, Ont., Canada When you see a young man silting n a drawing-rconi wilh the ugliesl four- yen r-old boy that ever frightened him- self in a mirror claniberipg over his knees, jerking his necktie out of place, ruining his shirt-front, pulling his hair, kicking his shins, feeling in his pockets for coppers, while the unresisting vio- lim smiles all the lime like the cover of a comic paper, you may .safely say that that howling hoy has a sister who is in a room not twenty feet away, and Ihal the youi.g man doesn't come there just for the fun of playing wilh her lirolher. The Pastor's Pily.â€" A prominent pas- tor of a Durham, Onl.. church, writes: â- "1 suffered intensely from Inllaitimatory l>heumalisni. Just otie bottle of South AnuTican Hheiimalic Cure healed me. I pity who suffer .so much and I'o not know how near they are to a cure. I feel like proclaiming it from Ihe house-lops." â€" 138 LANDS In Western Canada Saskatchewan, only s laila^ frtnu tw b'trong soil, 90 per rent. pl,mt;h tanj, spriu)^ ereak, no slunnbx Ali"ut *u mile.4 N.K. nf ludiau Mead. Pric* tiu.60 par aorc Write for map ami full particulars. K. PARSONS, 91 Wellesley Street, Toronto. Canada. Two eomarini (uctiuos, seleet* ed lands in railways, C.P.B. & O.T P. Mrs. Gramercyâ€" I hear your husband suffers from dyspepsia. Mrs. f'ark â€" Not txaclly. You see, he has it, but 1 suffer from it. OLD VIRGINIA FARAI3S ILUUSTBATEO CATALOCUI F«EE. LARGEST LIST FOR SALE IN THc C'SSSLMAN ACQ., Biowisswo, viHO NIA._ I an automobile' .\.rs. Crubshawâ€" "Vou seemed plea.scd lliul my doelor recommended a ffve-inilo 'valk every day.' Crabsliaw â€" "Yes, my gTATE 1 ticur; 1 was ulraid he would rec;ommcnd 31 oo D«r 100 l»r«p.^id and guaranteed, .send m » trial order and auk for honk let Ni'. 18 jiving fuU particulars about 100 Free l'reinium» offered. THE BeSAW chemical CO., BCUOHELI> B LIXi.. CLEVELAND. O . American Poultry Farm. We Breed for Color. Vinor, aud Heavy Kgx ProdiKtion. Our la«liornii and Wy,%iidotte bans have reci.rd.i of <iver lOO cfg » (jor year. Hires for HatchinK fnim forty Broeiline Penn ol Barred and Wh'te Pljrmouth Buokn, White and Sii»«r Wyandotte.", White aud Browu Legborai, Ki'ifs »3.0i) per 15, S.'i.oii per 30, per lOtt BriuM I'urkcvs and .lomey Cattle. !(0 jreara' ex oarieuce in Breetlins. Ciri; and I'ricea Kraa •^ P. n. MUlMOfeR & SONS. UaKalb. Ui HER nU.SINESS. "Y'cu can hardly help noticing what handsome rings Mis.s Flirt wears, can you?" "No: .she has such an engaging way 0' wearing them." DODDS K I D N EY /, PILLS ' 1 )V\v^»?' 'GHT S Dl5 Honesty .seems to he an ingredient that many a .self-made man neglected to mix in with the rest of his malerial. Ethelâ€" That lovelv Miss Kickinglon's feel are the smallest in town, so they .say. Freddieâ€" Well, her father's are the biggest on earth. Pale, sickly children should use Mo- ther Graves' Worm Exierminator. Worms are one of Ihe principal causes of suffering in children and should i;e ' (.\ pel led from the system.-. Callerâ€" "Y'ou appear to be very fomJ of your little playmate. It is pleasant tf. see such love among children." Tlie nigger Oneâ€" "Yes'm; he's got er penny â- to spend." Rheumatism Curod- Why do vou ;.uff()râ€" Starr'..* Ma.;ic Illiouai<iti?ini CMre will relieve the wor.>t cases ')f ;icute, chnmiu, or indainiu.vtury rheumatism in ~* boum. Bvery bottle h:»d a positive KUarantoo to cure. Iluudred.s of marvelous cure^ have been in:ule in all parts of Canada. If your dninRist c.'Liinot j»ivo you Starr's, take no other, .send (li reft to uti. SI. 00 per hottlo. ••iHirn* Rcmaily Co.. i76fenK« St , Toronto, Ont llalloway's Corn Cure is a specilic frr Ihe removal of corns and warts. We have never heard of its (ailing to lu- niove even the worst kind. II you Ihink that honesty keeps the majority of politicians poor you are en- tilled to anollier think. "Keep Your Sloinurli in Good W'orkinfj Order and your geneial heallh will lalvc care of ilself." This is the advice of ,in eminent specialist on stomach troubles, and he "clinched" the advice by pre- scribing Dr. Von .Stan's Pineapple Tab- ids as a wonder worker in all phases ( f stomach di-sorders from the little "fer- ment" afler eating to the chronic dys- pepsia. 35 cents. â€" 136 POISONED BY WOOB. Mysterious IHsense hv W''c'i Sliuttlc- makers Have Uecn Killed. Workmen engaged in the manufacture c! shuttles in Lancashire from a wood Known a.s West .\frican bo.vwood have leen afllicted with a mysterious dLscase, which in several has culminal.'il in what is known ns "the yellow death." .So many case.s of illness occurred tint the nialtcf was brought to the notice of Dr. T. M. Legge, chief medical inspec- tor lo the Factory Department of the Home Ollicc. .Suspicion eventually fastened upon the wood, and Prof. Harvey Cihson un- (Irr'ook the examination of its botanical ebarncters. These exneriments prove that Ihe wood contains an alkaloid which nc's as a cardiac poison, inducing a gradual .slow^nt; of the heartbeat and diminutiin of vigor in the contractile lis.suo of the lienrt. It is .sucf-'e.slcd that the fine narlicles of wood falling on Ihe perspiring .skin, ninrc especially of the hands, yield tne alkaloid in varying quanlily, which to tecomes absorbed int/> H'e ejre.ulation. Knicker â€" Strange they didn't name the taby afler its rich uncle. Bockerâ€" No; he looked at it, and said he'd give them $5,(XX) not lo. RHEUMATISM 11 any form and cold per.'^pirine feet positivelj mre«l within ao days, by our newly puleiitoij Macnetic Uisos or money promptly lefunded, MaliUd anywhere »).1HJ. Write for deioiptlva KHiklet. ABontii wanted. JdAUNICTlC KllKU- KATLSM CDUK CO., Slwrbnioka, tiueboc, Oaoada ll A TORONTO MAH TRIES SOMETHINO NEW AND IS DE- LIGHTED. FEELS LIKE A BOY. Mr. M. N. Dafoe, Manager Tho Dust- less Brush Co., 29 Colborne St., onto, is telling his friends how ho found health after jjears of illness and pain, Ha says: yIV?^2s«>' / \ "I have boon • â- v/k. l"^^ // g'e*'' sufferer from L I^W'^^^JI Dyspepsia for many y VM/^^*^ years. I have boon fjreated by local doc- tors aud have tiken Me. M. N. Dafob nearly all the adver- tised remedies with only temporary relief, it any at all, but since using Anti-Pill I can eat anything the same as when a boy. I have been taking one Anti-Pill at bedtime for the past three months, and find they regulate both stomach and bowels. My old time vigor hua returned, so tiat ray spirits are buoyant and temper normal. Asa result of this unhop«d for experience I am in duty bound to give all credit to this wonderful remedy, Anti-Pill." Every druggist sells Dr. Leonhardfi Anti-Pill, or a sample will bo sent fr«« by The Wilson-Fyle Oo. , Limited, NiagM» Falls, Ont. The remedy that cured Mr. Dafo« M oomDletclj U surely worth * triaL 608 STAMMERERS The Arnott Method is the only logical method lor the cure of Stammering. It treats the CAUSE, not merely the HABIT, and insures natural speech. Pam- phlet, particular^ and references sent on request. Address THE ARNOTT INSTITUTE, BKItLlN, ONT.\RIO. It is Known Everywhere. â€" There Is iiiil a oily, (own or hamlet in (.Uiiiada where Dr. Thomas' Kelccli'ic Oil is not kiinwnâ€" whei'cver introduced it made a fo(jthold for itself and niainlained it. .Some merchants may suggest some I tlier remedy as eipially lienelicinl. .Such recommendations should be received with doubt. There is only one Electric Oil, and Ibal is Dr. Thomas' Take no- tiling else. INACCE.SSIBLE FORESTS. Nearly all of the northfni and east- orn purl of riuatcmala is covered wilh dense tropical forest, coiisiiiting of mahogany, dilfercnt kinds of cedar, chielc and other hard woods. Along streams down which logs can be lloat- ei.i much of the mahogany lias been cut, but as yet very little of Ihe other woods Lave been marketed. This is especial- ly true of ttic departments of Peten, Al- ia Vorapaz and Izahal. .Most of the for- ests slill belong to the government, and the usual method of securing tho timber is by conces.sion, by which a certain number of li'ccs arc cut, at a given price per tree, or a stipulated sum is paid for Ihe timber on a given tract. It is not an easy matter to get titles lo large tracts of land in Guatemala, as it is dis- touraged by the govemnient. Thase conces.sions are not u.sually granted for a longer period than fJ've years. Some- times it is stipulated that if a certain number of trees are cut during thai lime they must be renewed. WISE. Johnny â€" "Come in. Sister's expeclin* you." Mr. .Sloplaleâ€" "How do you know sho is?" Johnnyâ€" "She's been sleepin' all the allernoon." A LITTLB QflKT is the Ijeirt of all diet, yet Ik| will not maite iMoie and muACle but " i»'ori*oviin '•' iwill. Try it. AU drug and general stores. tU bottlea. E.XPLAINING IT. - Mrs. Naggolâ€" You dont love me ai much ns yuii u.scd to. Mr. Naggett- riiink not'? Mrs. Naggettâ€" No. ->oii used to .say I was Worth my weight in gold, andâ€" Mr. Naggett â€" Well, you're not ai stout as you were, you know. Dear Mother Your btle one* are • eomlBttf car» ii Fall and Winlet westlwr. Thev will catch cold. Do you know about Shiloh't Coiuunpbon Cure, the Lung Toaic, and Mrhat it tku done for eo many t It i« laid lo be the only reltaUe remedy for all dw wm i of the air panaiet in diildren. h is aiuaJulely lurmieu and pleawint la take. hisgumnteedtocuROcyouimoMji i* retnraeiL The pnce is 25c. per bonis, aad aH doJen in medidas ssH y^ 5HILOH TVa m sed y Ae ul d be ia «raqr ^-inn hri U, J ISSli; NO. 16-M. V ^iami^.iiHiSSk..,

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