Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 1 Feb 1906, p. 8

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ii m mi.i«i||bT"i-"'" / February 1 1906 THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE \ The Markets. Camfully Corrected Each Week. Oai. 84 to 34 p6H« 76 to 76 JU.ley 4« to 45 ^Vli,.i»t .. 72 to 78 Hay ^. 6 00 lo 6 00 Po'.atoeH per bag (iO to 70 Kuiter '. 10 to 19 E«{<(.fr*Bh 18 to 18 Turkeys 14 to 14 Du2k« 10 to JO Oicso 10 to 10 Clickeu« 7 ti 8 OLlKowl 6 to 7 Big reduction on Suits Overcoats Pants Before Leaving For FEVERSHAM H. Alexander FLESMERTON, ONT. FISH Salmon Trout Finnan Haddies. Canned Goods \Ve have a large amount »f conned goods on haul >ii>i; which are the fullowing,â€" Canmd •Saliroii Cuiined Tomatoea , . , ^ Caiineii IVtx Canned Corn Canned Tx>bater, etc, etc. Bran, Short", low Grade Klour.Fiird'a Patent Mumiiig Glory, Koyal Uoueehold. The Reuaule Groceh LESHEKTON ONT- Sciiool Gldren's Eyes Snpply Their Intellect ' Defective eyes stunt tlie mind Can you expect fair progress in school or success in business if so handicapped ? ^, Examination of children for 'glasses is a special feature of our Optical Department W. A. Armstrong » ^KW^LE" ^NO OPTICIAN rtES HERTON. *- 1-. â€" 1 â€" . â€"' '• Canada's Greatest Nurseiles" WANT A Local Salesman for Flesherton Til hhII Hii{h CUm Nuracr/ 8tock in KruitH Hnd OriianiuiiUil. Lnr)((>Ht Lint «.f NKW Sl'KOIALTlKS .Vi-r .SPAKI" NOW AT THK BEST SIOI,- lilN(i SKAS >N. Bin iiidiiueiiiuiita,Li>>' ithI \'ny, HmuUoine FrHM Outlii, TiTiit i.ry Ri'>ervea. N\ KITK KOIl TKHMS nml C»i»l''mie »iid »«""1 25o for mir AlAIVllNl'M POCKET MICUOSCOI'E (iiiHL;'<i'<uf< 4} tiiiii'x) HiiU 5<)c for mir llANUY SAW, jtirtt the tliiiiE for iniii- iniiiK truuM (otiia iioti aa wt-'l a« wnod.) Stone & Wellington (oVKIlSOO ACtiEM) Toronto • • Ontario WANTED; Oiui Hundred tnarn Vmiiig Men nil I woiiitii, wl»i are Binbiliou.s hiiU •ntiTiJiitiiiit, to nual.fy in ilie •i • ...""O. ONT. Mio nMf.y P'^'i i"'" nppn to all tlm^e • l"i urn th^ruii^hlv preparej Ui aucept ••^U4<l>> A six iii'iD'hi' c'Mir>e in tluH C"l- • I'P iiii'HiK fur it yoiin^ iniin <>f thu* rlul>t kill , "'1 eiliicntiMiikl i>i|iiipiiiuiil licttiT 1 1 an I' a "V uaJoa i-r |i nr<»a»«riiiii in uion.'V ••n II ntr xiwiir. S'li.lanu a'iiiiiltsd at Hiiyiiitu. C.r-«l«r«(ri». W J W.lin«t, P.inoipal. (A<r Tongii«n<J A o»*!t •r Hta. For Lung Troubles Aycr's Cherry Pectoral cer- tainly cures coughs, colds, bronchitis, consumption. And It certainly strengthens weak throats and weak lungs. There can be no mistake about this. You know it is true. And your own doctor will say so. Th« bMt kljad of a taatlmonUlâ€" "Sold lor OT«r sixty years." ilu >y J. O. AT*r Co.. Xxiwall. All " â-  .so maauihotttrers of >. SABSAPABILU. PILLS. lUUi VHIOB. VT» luT« no itoretl I W* pnblllk th« fbrmul&a of all our mtdlcln**. yers Keep the bowels regular with Ayer'a Pills and thus hasten rscovery. Portlaw Store We wiiih to draw your attention to the fact that we have purchased a first clasa outfit of TINSMITH'S IXJOUS and MACHINKS and are now able to supply the pnbKc with all kiuda of ^intvare and Guaranteed. Call and sec us before purchas- ing elsewhere. %Turnace vYork. Call a St dohn &. Roulston BUSINE.S8 Cards M'CULLOUOH * YOUNG llaiikur MarkdaU Do a general banking bnnlness . Money loaneo a reasonable r»M Call ou ns. T0HI8I-P.TT. • I'osi master, 'Ceylon. Coinmissi. D jr In H.f. J , Convevaucer, deeds, luurtf^aKcs, leasei>, willn etc.carefally drawn up i^blloctioni oiad*. charges reasonable. AIho g'occriea, (lour, feed etc, kept iu stock. Prices â-  igbt. RJ SPBOULB Poitniastor, rtesherton vjOininissloner iu H.C.J., Auctioneer Con veysiiccr, Appraiser and Money I;ender itnitl Kstate ami Inraranco ARsnt. Deeds u!i»t(,'n|tes, leases and Willi carefully drawn up and valuations made ou thortna notice, money to losu at lowest rates o( inieros'. I'ol iccloiis atteudod to with pri'inptuess chsrifoa low. Agent for Oooan Doniiniou Hiaauisbip Company. A call solicited. Societies AO U \r meets ou the Istt Monday IU eacu montb, in tlieir longe rooui. Cbriatoe's block. Plesliertou. at B p.m. M.W., A.IIsrrlaon ; Ilecorder, Jas. Kolstosd ; Kinan ciar, W.J. Hsl.amy. Visiting brutbrcc ILVitad. PltlN'CK ABTHUK LOD«F., No. :tn.AF4 A tl, meets in the Uaaoiiichall. Htralu't block, Plesliertou, every Kridav on or before llie full worn. John Wright, W M.; C. N. Kicliar son, HcL/etary. CorUT KLKSUKKTON, 900, I. C. K li eets In Christoe'a Block the last Krldaveveiingnf taih month. Visiting F'>""ter» lieartllv wilcome. ('. v., Dr. Mi rraj; B O. W. Loucl B Kin. 8<-c., H. A. Willrtt. PlnsKs nay dues to H. A. Wil'ott oo or before the hat ilay ol the preceediiig month. CHOSEN FhlENDB-Kleaherton Council of i^nosen Friends meets in ('layton'a ball Arst and tiiird Weilneadav olosrhmunt H p. ni Pay ansuBsiiicntH to tiie Itcf^urdfr nn or iH-fore ti'o flrat dsyo/ Bscli month. Chief Councillor, T. ISIakele):Kecorder, W. H. Hunt. Medical f\U CABTBR M C 1* A H Ont. rhysioian, flnrgeon, etc Office and reaidonce â€" Peter st , Flesbertou r\n A. T. ItOND " (Iradnste Toronto UnlTersity. Moni- lier olOntaiio College oj PhysicllniiH and Snr- geouH. Maxwell. Oir. tiucceasor to Ur. Kcott. t P OTTKWKI.t. * Veloiiuary Hiirgaon Oradnate of Ontario Veterinary College, rusldmice â€" sjcond door south west, on Marv street. This street ruus south Presbyterian Church. q Wil.HON, Illacksmith ^* Irailnate ol thu Vo'srinary Hcienoe Aaaocifttion. Uusideiicu, Durham itreut, up- poiiite rioyd, Hicklii,g's bardwaio. For the Advance. Tlie Canadian Hoo Raising Industry. Inveatiiiations liy the Lire Stock Branch of the Duniiiiion Depnrtnieiit of Agiiculturt) have ahown that for some iiioiithx past thesupi^ty of bacon h>>g8 in ^Janada lins \Hseu lulling off. Even Iwfore th<3 order was InsucJ debarring ^ackrrs from importing Uuiiod Stutes hogs to be nl uightoretl in bond, dilticulir was uxpor- ienctid by CaraJian nnrkt-rii in prucuiini( suffioi^nt hogs. The amount of the shonsf^H durinit the summur and fall is indicated by the fact tliat packers claim to have been able to secure only from 20 t.! SO per cent, of the capacity < f their fac- tories. Hog raisers, on the other hand, claim that the production is considerably nearer the normal than would appear from the statements of the packers. It is, they Bay, partly an increase in the packing liouse capacity rather than a decrease in hof; raising. In some of the dairying snciions the supplies are reported to bu Very little, if aiiy,below the normal.while in I'ther dislticts the shortage is placed at about 20 to 25 ptr cent. Enquiries as to the cause of the short- age bioughtfrom packiTs and producers a rariuty of replies. The packers claim that for tlie past three yi ars or more the cinipetiiion between buyers of hoga has been BO keen that top prices have been paid c4>ntinuou8ly and that thesu prices hare been high enough to give a piolit to the producer. Thev ctaiin therefore, to be at a loas to undera'and why there is a shnrtaue at this time. Sjieaking from the standpoint of the priiducir, well-infnrmed authorities claim that the price has not been as uniformly high as it should have been. At t<mcs of the year when packers anticipat-ed heavy runs prices dropped to a point where no probt was left to tlie feeder. This, they claim, took place last season when sows would be Ir d for the supplies of the fall just past, snd as cutrae grains were high and labor scarce at that time many brood ROWS were sent to thu market. Again it i.s argued that the majority of packers bare not encouraged the produc- tion of hogs of the bacon type and weight. For a numlier of ye ra improvement in the hog slock of the o-iuntry made satis- factoy progres', but during the past seas- on at least, the producers of the ideal sort have received no eiicournguinent to cuntinuii ihtir good work; a flat rate has been paid for good and bad alike. The hogs til only to compete with the luw price Ainrr.can stuck brought quite as much ss the sort that competes with the Iiish and Danish bacon for the highest place on thu Uiitish niarket. Whatever may be the extent of the shoriago or the real cause of it, the fact rcmtiiis that unleas producers and pack- ITS grapple in sympathetic co-operation with the situation, Canada's valuable bacon induntry which has cost years of streniiouH < Ifort to '^iiilJ up, may become seriously dcinoral.;^. In 1890 there were only two packing houst'H in the expert trade, while in 19<16 the acekly capacity of the 16 packing holmes in oporlttion was some 50,(X)0 While this limit has iiot been reached by from 10,000 to 15,000, weekly, acccrdii.g to the senson, the i:utput from Canada h IS reached alK>uc $15,000,000 annually, or 20 per cent of the total qnantily of bacon ini|)oried by Great Britain. To jeopardize an valuable an industry would lie nothing loss than a mtionnl c.ilaniily. If the farmers who have beip in the lialiit of raising hogs will accoro the bacon industry a steady persistent aupimrt be gotten of thu knowledge that b'>g raising psys yt'ar in and year cut, the future has very inrge |>os><ibiU'ie8 f<-r the Canadian Ihuoo industry. Canadian baron having alrrady won a i>Kce on the British market c iiiinaiidiiig respect, as it incruasea in q iniiti'y and iniproves in quality it will u idoubtediy become a daily necessity of tile Biiiihhcoiisunior. That it may occutiv his enviable poaiiion both farmer ai d packer niut cn-jpcn t â- , the farmir by protlucing a st- a ly supply of t lO right elites of hots, the packer by I aying a fairly uuifiam pri-.-e from month Ml mimih and from year to year; and he must give talue tier pound accoiding to the qiialiiy jf tlio product he rvceiips. Let each do his part and there will be liiile trouble ab.ut the supply of hog- for keeping ih ' fnctories going at i.oriiial capacity. What ap|>ears In be most need- ed at the present time is that relations of ctintidene bo restored and maintained bttwoen pa( kev and farmer through fair d'inling and intelligent co o|K)ration. With these nlid an appreciation on the part of the prodncer, of the pos itdlilies of tho iiidustiy, bog raiaiug CKiinot fail to ho one of ilie moat (irohlable bianohot of Canadian agriculture Live S ock Branch, Dominion De{>artiiiviii of A^'ricultura. Legal LUCAS WBionr * mcaroi.r llarriatera Holicitors Cuiiveyancera, etc Offleaaâ€" Owen Round, Ont and MnrkdaleOiit W II WaiGHT, McAnnLS I II Loess N II -Fle(><»rtcn cffloe, Mitchell's Bank every Hatiirday. Dentistry D-. n. C. MURRAY r.. D. a, dcntal aurgeo-i b<uiOi'grHdiiHLu of 't'ordiito Univerait y and o yal I'ttlleg'Mif inmlal Hnrg o»ih of Ontaiio. (I A a adiiiiuiHiiaticni for ttielb (Xtiat tion )ince at ru alliance, Toronto stroot, Klcahorton Dr. F.F. AliMflTll'^NO, 1... ll.S.Honor Oradii all- of Terniito rnlveri-lty and Itoyal Col lege of llunlal l-il'g<sina ef (.Mitftrlo. ('pposite Mra. Miil> ler'a I'hotogi apli (Istluiy. Will vibit ^laxvL':! nvat and third 'Ihinnitay of oseh inoutti A. M. Thuinbm has now a tine Hto> k ofM-U'enir postal cards. 9c. each, 6 After a lingorieg and itainful il'nei's William Oalbraith. a retired farmer of this place, (msatMl from this life on Mon- day, .Ian. 32, aged 68 years. D< ceased waa a pionoe*, having sunled on the Tor- onto I in two miles fr<m >hin place over 40vearHago. Ho was an iiiduatrious farme'. an excellent neighbor and a roan of unquestioned iiiteirrity. Some years Borne years ago he retired frmn agiicul- tural pursuits and has been shice a rnspccled citizens of nur village. He had I no family, but leaves a widow well pro- vided for. Interment takes place to tho I public c< metory this Wednesday at U o'closk. â€" Maiidard. Shelburne eight oases of scarlet fever. An pxrh: nge says the only business mm we ever met who kept busy without advort'sing whs an Arkansas grocer who wa< affli t id with the seven year itch and I ouni d a Waterhury. When he waa not Mcratch'i g he wta winding hit watch. COUGH AND CHEST PAINS Saw AJvMtlaeoaeal !â-  the CIsrIsUaa Owardlaa Three Generations use Psychine "My father, Mr. Frank Chllds, bad a very bad cough and Rheumatism through and around his cheat. For many months i* anflered great tortnre, and bad sir- en np all hop* et rseoTsry : but eTcntnallr we sent for a trial botUe of P8TCHINIL and we are pleaaed to flnd bow mneh it helped him. After osiiw PSYCHINlC for some moDtna be regained hia ttatial health and strength. Ht motner also aaed VS\ â-  CHINB and fonnd great benefit from it ; also mylittle nephew, aged seven years, who had Aaihaaa very bad, and the effect upon blm was iadeed woBderfnL" Ada M. Chilos, ^ Florence, Ont. IUrll>.>8IM. The Message of the Star n&vt you ever noticed, as the evening shadows fall, how the stars peep one by one through the black canopy of darkness, until at last the heavens arc ablaze with light ? . . . , , Sometimes night after night the sky is black and lowerinu and no light can be seen, but as sure as day is day and night is night the stars will at last appear. In the same way PSYCHIl^E has crept into thou-iands of homes and enlightened them with the light of Health and Happlneas. Sometimes the black pall of fell disease hangs o'er the home for days, but as sure as you use rSYCHINB.tha alar of Health will at lastaopear. FSYCHINE (pronounced Si-kecn) is a safe and pemaanent cure for Pnanmonla. naarisr. C»a» â- nmptloB. RroBchitls. LaGrlppa. Chills sad Fevcra. Lassltnda. NUht Sweats. Waakaess. Waatln^ dUeases. and all Throat a«d Lnai Troubles. SEEK SATEIY IN PSYCHINE The Greatest of Toalcs All Dradii*<* <>â- â€¢ Dollar Free Trial BL T. i. SUKXl. U4.. 179 infi n. W.. TOtOnO, CtHAIU. e-' "^ In Furniture The largest and best stock of furnituie ever Bhown in Flesher- ton. This without fear of contra- diction. Come and veu suiue of the nice things in Sideboards Dining Rooni Ci^airs Parlor Setts Bed Roorf\ Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order to reduce the stuck. W. H. BUNT. furniture SOeaief Flestertoii • Tor Sake '» Otr'vJ The following property in the village of Feversham will be sokl at once. House and half-acre lot, 10 rods from never-failing spriuj;; also "The Old Store" and four quartet -acre lota inbluck, two of these lots being suitable (ur biisinesaataud. For iMuticulars apply to Mrs. W. H. Colquettft, Feversham. Farms For Sale Tart I, liOta 55 and -56, con. .1 N. D. R. Oaprev. composud of inoaoies; 78 acres well toocad, b-il- snce good maple bush, II miles n-om 'i railroad) closu to schools, stores, psst oOlce, cburuh att<l desirable ueiglitirs. Part II. east half lot 7 snd lot 8, eon. « Osprev 1.50 acres; 110 seres cleared and well cuitivsteil. 2n acres j[ood butth, balance timber except'wood taken off. 2 good wells, frame houi^e and kitcheu good sUine cellar, new barn snd stono stabliuo. Close to allconreoienots. Smiles from railroail Past III lo'.a 17 and 18 con. 7 «sproy about K acres well tiinliero.1 bui-b, balance good Ftate cultivation, soil clav loam, good l>ftrn and sta- bles, 00x80 It, windnalll, eiiatlago cutter and grain cruaber attached. Krsme bouae new kit- chen never fsilingwell and wind mill attached well adapted f('r stock farm, 2 c.iles from vil- lages of Maxwell and Feversksm. Timber osn be l>cugbt separately l>eiug 1) miles from i aavuiills. Kaay bcriio. psyu^ent. Ill health cauaes owner to retire from busiueas. Hor further in'ormatinn apply to JNO. A.8COTT Lock Box OlO.rillingwood. Buggies magons If you are thinking; of buying a fine buggy, wagon ur democrat, it will surely pay yuu to call and invoatignte our stock, leriiiH, etc., before making your pur< base, Wehave a Ktiitf of expert workmen and can guarantee that you will besatiafio.1 pi:.oug:h: repairs â€" â€" â€" ALWAYS ON HAND â€" _ _ JBicyole - Sundpiea - â€" ANDUEPAIRIKGOFALL KI.NUS â€" â€" J. A. HEARD, • FLESHERTON. >^ iH[ mmm uiriii6[ mim For First Buggies, Carts, Pleasure and Lumber \\agons, cutters. Sleighs. We knep a stock on hand to cliooae trom. ALSO HORSE SHOEINQ ANDQENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and BUnranlOD Piist olaas work. Wo keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and also Ma«sey- Harris and Nojton repairs for UnHcrs, Muwuig, fill kiuds of ma'-hiiiory, aUo Bimler Twiiio on hand. Olh^n in town give US a call « • ' »U.S. 4^i^

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