Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Jan 1906, p. 6

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STEUGGIE WILL CONMOE Bureauorracy Will Employ Bayonets for Months to Come. ULTIMATE VICTOnY. The SI. FlUcrsburg correspondent 'it the I.otKlon Times says that the news- liapers, in reviewing events of the post year, almost uniiniiiiously predict a con- liiiuution of the revoluflonary stni(,';!le !•! 1000. 'I hey du not vi:ntiire to ques- tion the (jix)d intrntions of tlie yoverei{,'ri, l.ut recognize the fncl tlinl tlie Iturcfiu- ci-ucy, which lias so loii^' successfully Vitialed oil siiiiere iittcmpts at refuriii, remains master of the .situation, and Willi the aid of bayonets, will be able to retain its iimsU;ry for many monllw to come. 'I'liroufili the sonibro expecUi- lion, however, ring's a note of conlldencc In the lilliiiutle victory of freedom. There was a (.tiastly Incident .Satur- day at tlie .\ichola.s {'"ood .Station. A truck appeared full of corp.";es, wliirh the Moscow iiullioritles had sliipped for int'cment in the country, but which, ty nceidenl, or dc."^i(,'n, cuine to St. f'eters- burj.'. .\n nnfii-y eniwd gathered, but (<)ssttcks dispersed them. nRACriON I\ ASCr-NDANT. The St. Peletsliiirg correspondent cf the I.ondnon Times remarks upon the ni(lx-al cliant;e in the Govcrnnienl'.'S al- titude In favor of re.iclion, citing among olhc& indications, an article in the .No- vo.; \reinya, inspired by Count Wilte, declaring (hat the manifesto of October 3lith ill no wise affecLs the status of llie autocracy and warning the Douma that It will be dissolved if it altenif)ts lo meddle with tlie fundainciitul laws of the empire. Count Wilte's secretary has telegraph- ed b) Moscow, Ciinlr&dioting a statement that the Czar would swear to observe the C'lnstilution. Twilve hundred frontier guards have Lcen brought lo St. Petersburg lo eircnglhen the gurrison. The (iovi'rninent forces eonlinue slow- ly to ciiriquer the .soulti-eastern part •;! • he empire. Ndvorcjsslsk lui.<! been I'C- captured afler having lieen held by Die lnsiir>;ents lor three weeks. M. KoKovsleff, Minister of rinance. in submilling Ihc budget to Itie Council of III" lOmpJie, pointed out thai there n (li'llcit i,f about WO.fKX),0(X) rouliles (824<),(K)f),iXMj), due bi the non-inclusion of llii; war expen.scs in last yen's csli- ni(iU-s. This must be met with a loan. The Minislei' udiiiltled that Ihn tinances of the oounlry had been sliukcn by the war and llie internal crisis, but he was CuiiMdcnt Ihey would be restored it the diM>nlers ended. He nnnounced Ihiit Ihi.s would he the last budget to be I'x- amined sdli'ly hy the Council, as the Oouma would be hereafter ernjtowered t) Cij-oi"iale ill examining it. ATTACK MII.ITAHY TUAIN. A di's[ialeh tr..m Ihgn, I.ivonia says; New-i has just rf.iclie.l Oils city of a dar- ing Htti'iiipt i.f Ihc ro\olulionists lo cap- lure a inililary train conveying n large sun ol nionev from St. IVtor.sburg lo I.ibuii. A band (if rmolutlonlsts having advance infoniialion gathered at llazeii- pot. burned Iwo liridges and lore up the track. Two companies of iiifmilry which were escorting the train left the car-; and were joined by a detuclimeiil of dragiinns. This force iruirclied against the revolutionists, who. fiviiu behind improvised defences, opened lire on Ihe soldiers. The intanlry, after Hi- Ing Iwo volleys, which killeil 05 and W'ljiinded nearly lCi<) ri( the rcvohilidii- Isis, charged with the bayoiiel, and the ilrngiioiis compli'ted the rout by sabring Ihe revolutlonisLs Ihey overtook. THE Ol.lVE nitANCII. Ttin SI. lYIiTsburg correspomleni of Hie London Times snys he bears Ihe (iovernmeul has privah'ly informed Ihe labor leaders thai ft .lauunry 22nd, llie onnivei-siiry of "Itloody Sunday," pa.s.sed quieily, repre.ssi\e imasiires will be sus- pended Ihe next day. He adds that tlie l>juncil of llie I'"i)ii)lre has cdiiimenccd the di.sciLssion of ni w regulations for llie suppression of the popular uprising. Till, minority favors the preliminary use of blank cartridges, but llie inajnrily Ihiiiks this would only enikildi^n inoli.s •nd lead to gi eater bloodshed after- wards. The whole police torce of si. IVdersburg will be armed Willi rillcs shortly. Cdiiiil WItlfc, In reerlvlng a depulalion (roiii Ihc league of Ochijier ;t(llli, pin- niises the removal of the reslrlctions for which Minister of Urn Interior Duriiovn U responsible, but the i'reiiiler showi^l lliat he believed the restrictions had been necessary, lie said:- "There was a lime when I sought Ihc conlldence of Ihe people, but such illu- Blons are no longer pos.siblc 1 have al- ways opposed repression, lull have been conipiOltd lo riisort to It as the result of liuviiij; truKlcd my couMlrviiieii." OIMTCKflS AIlIUvSTKD. A despatch from ."^t. Pcdersburg lo a London pafier reports Ihe arrest of eight urlillery ollk-ers of llio SI. Peterslairg jjarrison on llu^ charge of lieing cngag>'d In a conspiracy lo blow up the Tmitsky liridge and to capture the fortress. SEMINAnV SIir.LLI^D HY inoops. dejipntch from Tiflis, Caucasia, says: Nearly .150 persons wcr killed or injurid hH an outcome of an attack mode liy Ck)8Sflcks on Thursday on the Armenian Hrminary here, following Ihc throwing of two bombs from Ihnt Institution at a pa.ssing patrol, l-'our Cos.suckB wvro wounded and a boy was killed hy the ex- plosion of Ihc bombs. Artillery was ini- mediutely called up and the seniinaiy wiis surrounded and shelled. The build- ing soon liiirsl into llamcs and the bombs and rartndges stored therein exploded. Thirly-thive persons perished during the coiid.agrali;)!! while Ihrec hundred we;e injured by lire or wounded by shells. The troops subsoqucnily shelled another .\rmcniaii hoaso wlicre bombs and weapons were hidden and killed eight I'evoluljonisls. WORST IS OVEH IN SlBEniA. A despatch from St. Pelcisburg says. The first advices received by the Gov- ernment from .Sitieria aller Ihe rcston- lion of telegraphic comiiiunieation, show that the most critical conditions pre- vailed during the recent strike, but thai now, Willi Ihe arrival of reliable troops from Muncliuria, the worst lioppily is over. Owing to the interruption of coni- launication, the local governors were unaware of their authonly lo declare martial law, which was conferred by the Emperor's ukase. Tlic paltry mlhlury forces nl llieir disposal were in open sympathy with the strikers, and many of llicin were revolutionaries, and this prevented energetic measuies being taken to restore the authority of the Emptror, which practically was non- existent for many days. Divisions under (!en. .Sukholen now have arrived and taken possession ut Irkutsk, Omsk,, and other towns, and are arrtsting Ihe lenders of the insurgenls, and disarming Ihc un- reliable troiips. The flrsl telegram arriving from a frantic appeal from Ihc linancial agent tliere for .some one to lake over the adniinislration of the city, the vice-governor, the chief of police, and all his other superior olficers having been killed or wounded during the in- surrection. He ri'ports llial for .several days the revolutionists wen in control of the entire town except Ihe admini.s- tralion building, and that this was only li<-ld of the devolioii of the cadets of the military school, wlio swore, on Ihe colors to liglit ti) the dfttlh against the revi'iTutiotiisls. Kiasnoynr.sK also was for several days in Ihc bands of Insurgenls, who eleclcl a reviilutiniiary goveri:i;ii'nl and exacleil uii oath of alic'giunee ir ^ni all cilizens. FOLIl I'EOI'Li: KlIINKI). Three Children and an .Vijed Woman Ihe Victims. A dospalch from I'oiljige In Prairie, .Man., .says : A fcTrliil hohicaust -ic- ciiiTed on .Sunday iiiniiiiiig four niilus fast of here, when the residence ot II. '\. lira/.il was destroyed by lire, and three of his ohilihen and his wife's aged aunt wiMc liurned lo death.' The hou.seluild consi.sted ot Ih-a/il, six children, and the auni, (jitheriiie yuliin, who were sleep- ing on the .second floor. lirazil, who slept down sliiirs, was awakened by one of till! youngsters yi-Hiiig lire, and not noticing il In the house, lie rushed lo llio stable, and loosened bis nine hdrses; then went to the house. Hy this lime II was full (if smoke and llanic. In the mean- lime three of the childivn had escaped, and the mother had siiuUIuhI Ihe Iwn- year-old biihy dul of bed, and laid il .ii till' wiiidiiw sill. .She climlied onto tlic porch, and slipped^ off, and the infant fell bill k Into llie burning house and perished. The eldest girl Inst her life ,ii an effort to save the olliers. The dead are; C.allitrine lirazil, 10 years old; r'rancis Hrazil,*; Cecilia flallierine Oiiiim, 1!> years. Ot the nine hoise.-, which lira- zil released, f^even stayed in Ihe stables and were deslrnjed. It Is said thai the lire was ot incendiary origin, but the police vigorously deny there is any foundutlon Ihcrelor. STIlAN(iU.:i> Willi NVIHE. Woninn Murdered in n ncvolliiio Man- ner ill ('.liieii||o. A de_spaleh from Chicago says: Mrs. lle.ssiii llollisler, wife iit I'riinkliii C. Ilollisler of lli)llister lliothers, one of the largest printing coiu'orns In this city, was miinleri'd on I'Yiday night by Ih.M- ard Ivens, a i /irpenler*V'i years old. Tlu' dc(d in all lis drlalls wasune of Ihe brutal and revdlllng in Ihe annals if crime. Ivens has inadu a full confession, and at the Cuiiiiier's inquest he told williout the slightest emotion ot his ellort.s to a.ssaull his vlcliin, whom liCi strangled lo death with a line copper wire when she resislivl liis iillaek. At the close of Ihe hearing, \V. C. II illisler. hi'utlu r-in law ot Ihe dead woman, made an uiisuiecssful effort In shoot Ivens. lie was iiinking his way towards the murderer, revolver In hand, when n policemiiii cniiglit sight ot Iho weapon and grulibiMl llollisler. Ollur IMiliceinan liiisllcd the frnnllc nyin from the room. The entlro city l« nrouged and excited over what l8 regarded an possibly the lildflouR outrage ever perpelValed in Us nildsl upnn one of Ihe most re- spected and popular of its citizens. There l.s Uiud and angry talk ot lynching. HOW TO MAKE DAMONDS. Failure of a Well-Known Dairyman ol Brockville District. A Brockville despatch .says: The fail- ure of F. M. .Sootl, a well-known dairy- man of this district, i.s a big one, and alfects the whole .section. .Scott had several fiirni properties, four cheese fac- tories and a butcher shop and butter factory in Prescolt. lie has been oper- ating the lot since last spring, ond did p big business with the farmers of Ihe Townships of Augusta and Edwards- burg.t He purchased practically all Ihc fanners' milk for thti butter factory, paying about Hi more per ton than the cheese factories. All the farmers who patronized him are ou' the price ( f Iwo months' milk, and .some are behind more, having received chcriues for pre- vious months which they neglected to It is a seve blow to many of them, and will a .severe effect on business. It is estimated that Ihe liabilities will amount to SIO.OOO. The assets consist o' four cheese factories^ four farms, and the Prescolt stock and cattle. The Trad- ers' Hank hold mortgages on one farm and two or three faclorics. I)AIR\.MEN MAY BE LICENSED. To Secure Better Sanitary Conditions in Factories. A despatch from Toronto says : It is unlikely that any Government measure will be inlroduccd at the coming session Willi regard to the liCL-nsing of cheese factories and creameries, in Iho opinion of Hon. Nelson Monleilh. Minister (f /Vgricullure. Yet in view of the imjior- lance of the project he believes llial it any measure is pas.sed it should be. a Oovermiient bill. Tlic object ot such legislalion would be to secure the ohserv- onct ot sanitary condilions inside the fuclories. At present the local Hoards of Health have power lo enforce cleanli- ness Willi regard to Iho exterior sur- roundings of the estal lislinienls by clo.s- iiig llicin it orders are not obeyed. Th-.' daily insliuitors, who arc virtually in- apeclors, can net in nn advi.sory rapa- city, but have no means of compelling obedience liy means of Ihe license sysleni :' would be possible to revoke periuils . t the manufacliirers of cheese and hulter if regulalions were not obsorvciL Tlxrie would iiLso be n rigid .sysleni ot inspec- tion. However, the id.'a wliieh has he<'n agilaled lo a considenilile txlent will Le left to iic pronounced upon by Ihc var- ious daiiyiiien's a.s.sociHtions. A private member's bill may he iiilnxliiced fur dis cussion, but no action will result foi anolher year. .. CAIXillT AI'TEIl A I.ONi; CUASE. . F.nfllisli Forqer, Who Caine lo Canada. Taken in Minneapolis. A despatch from Minneapolis .says : Afler a, wliieh exliiuled from (juc- liee, (Canada, lo the DaUoliis, George Ernest Sisling, of Nollingham, Kng. was arnsled here on Wednesday even iiig. charged Willi forgery and embezzle- inenl. The complainant is William Hagley, a lace mamifaeturer in Nolting- liam. Sisling's alleged ilefaleatuins are said to amount lo a large sum, bill the specllle charge is that of forging ,\ (:lie(pie for .Sic*"). .Sisling is alleged lo have lied from England in I'.XM, wiMi Ills wife. He went In Outliee. but, learn- ing that his whereabouls were known, lie left Canada. He lived in diflirenl l-;«slerii cities and four months agocume lo Miiinoupolis. The Itl.OW.N IIKill IN THE Ain. Terrible Fale of Aiiflust Olsen at Iluwk Ijike. .\ Winnipeg dispatch .says : A .Swe.le named August Olsen mcl a horrible fale at Peterson's camp. Hawk Lake lasl Sunday evpiilng. He was employed as furem,iii, and luid liNcd a shot (if dyiiainile, but the fuse failed lo work (iroperly. and il hung lire. Ol.sen went Id iiivesligule, and Ihe explosion .ic- eiirred jiisl as he approached il. The uiitoiliiiiiile man was blown 150 feel inlii the air, iiikI his mang!e<l Ixidy was picked up Willi the leg, skull and jaw fraclured. II is unknown why blasting (vperalions were in progress on Sunday evening. Laborlles are counled upon lo fonii n eon.'^iderable lliii-d parly In the new llri- Unl) llouM ol Coinnioiis. nKSTOHED FOtin FOLD. Man Who Misnpproprialed Money ul Kildoiiaii ManU'ipalily. A despatch from Whuilneg says: The Irensurer ot llu munieipiilily of KiUlonaii (iM Tuesday received $110 iitiiney Ii'oin a man who misaiipropriiiteil Jr'.lTi vvliilo running the municiivil ferry twenty vears ago, Imt who is now preaciiing In tlw -.vtsl. Ho desired 'ii restore loiirfnld, but hns never lieen able lo afford il. Iho munieipalily will luo- liably return the surplus i)aynient. His dcriiication was never known. TOKIU (iUEETKn OKI'. Commander ol I.ell Jnpnnese Army ArcUiinied In Capitiil. A Tokio despatch .sn.vs : General Oku, who eoMiimuidetl the lelt army during Hie war wllh Ilussia, made a Iriimiphal entry inin Ihe eapilal on Friday inom- ing. Tlu' General, who was accompan- ied by Ills staff, drove in the Imperial carriage lo the pnloce. 'fhe grealest enthusiasm was maiiife.sled by the peoplt who lined tlie route, cries of "Naiishan" and "TIeling" greeling the Oeneral who isiilaled I'orl Arthur at a critical stage of Iht caiiipal^. CONDENSED NEWS ITEMS HAPPENINGS FROM ALL OVEH THE GLOBE. Tfleoraplilc Briels From Our Own and Other Countries ol Recent Occurrence. CANADA. The Dominion surplus for the last half year is $12,129,472. Nearly $1,000,000 was spent in build- ing in London last year. Prof. Zavitz of the O. A. C, Cuclph, is taking a year's holiday. The city's share of the Toronto Hall- way Company's receipts from fares last year was $292, 70S. Last year not a single Chinairtan entered Canada. The $500 poll tax seems prohibitory. Homestead entries in Manitoba, the Territories and lirilish Columbia num- bered 2,33i in Dcctnibcr. .-\ iiumbLr of hold-ups by highwaymen armed wilh Winctieslers, are reported from Obotoks, Alberla. Two Guelph aldermen, C. E. Howitt and Ooo. Pentold, have resigned owing lo technical di.squalilicalions. The As.sociated charities of Toronto have iirolcsted againest Ihe importation of undesirable iinniigrants. Provincial Detective Greer has made several urresls of men accuseU of steal- ing ore in the Cobalt district. The Ilnmiltou Cemetary Board has been asked liy Ihe Hamilton Ministerial Association to discourage Sunil.i}' fune- rals. A contract for a O.i. 'nn 6teamcr has been pKiced by the I-'ariar Trunsporlalion (jjinpany with the (iiUingwoud .Ship- building Company. The Hrilisli Ciipjmbia salmon pack for 10O5 will be about 1.82(),<»Xt, the Lest year in the history of the business except 1901. Win. Mackenzie in OtI.iwa said by June 1st trains would be running from Toronto to Parry Sound on the James' P.ay line. A new 20-miIe loop is being surveyed by C.P.n. eng'neei-s at Field. B. C, !o overcome the heavy grade. It will cosl SI, 200,(100. iSir Wilfrid I.aiirier has b<-en invilel to Erie, Pa., lo attend a banquet of the C.liambcr of Commerce, at wliutever dale is convenient tor him. The number of liomesluul enlries ut the Ballletord ofllce tor Ihe monih if December was 309. The lolal number of entries for Ihe year 1905 was 5,198. .An advance in prices of all kinds ot luMiber is cxpeeled in British C.olumbia. .Shingles are likely lo go back lo the old price ot $1.S5 a of lltU'.-ii cents. II. Nicliol. ot lirand.iii, Man., liius sent a car of lied L'ife wlnat and one ot .\inerican llaiiiu-r oals lo .Norlliiup King .t (^o., the large seedmen ot Miniuupolis. .Ml this grain is being iisid fur seed. J. J. Hiiflman, of I'illslnirg, repvesinl- iiig an American syndieale. is leasing giild mining elaliiis on Miohipieolcn Island, making arrungemeiiLs for power, and will erect a Ijtty-slainp null in the S|iring. .An expcrl in the lumber business, vvriling for Ihe Victoria Culunisl, r.\koiis that OtKl.OOO.euo leet will he Hr.lish Columbia's liinler oulpiil lliis year. He care on the part of I'ldli the Covernnienl and eapilalisls. as the timber resourees of the province are not g;)od beyond fifty years wilh the present demands upon them. Ontario's luiiiber cut for hXH! is also esliiuated I ) be 900,000,000 (eel. CHEAT BHITAIN. ^ Liberal politicians in Great nritain are ciiiilivliiit ot a controlling iiiajorily vvitli- out Irish litlp. William Cunaed, .son o( Samuel Cu- nard, one ot the founders of llio CunarJ Line, is dead in London. The King lias di.ssolved Parlianienl and summoned the new Parliamenl lo nuel at Westminster Feb. 13. UNITICO ST. VIES. A league has been incorpornlixl In New York .stale to promote llie coiiiincreial and linancial development of the negroes of Hie Lliiilcd Stales. I .Sanla ("ruz, Cal., Jan. 0.- Siiulluirn Pacillc engineers cxeavaling for the new ("oast Line Hailway have uiu'arlliat a huge mound of siu walrus tusks. The ivory is in fine preservation, .siuiie of the tusks being from Iwo lo three feet long and from nine to twelve inches through. The pelrilled remains of a niaslodon were found In the lull. Ni'vv York, Jen. 10.â€" In Ihc presence of his children, who tried vainly lo slop his deeil, Diedrich lialiienbiirg, a re- lirod sugar sampler, comniitleU siiicido Veslerdny by cutting his tliroal Willi a knife. The Superintendent ot Weights nnd Mi-nsures in New York has unenrlhed an organized .system of fraud priietieiHl upon llie jHior. Dishonest di.Uers in some cases are giving as low as lti.«-^ oimci* for a poiiiiil. Hulte, Monl., Jan. 9.- Rob .shadwell, a gaiiililer, known all over llie wesi, who shot and killed anollier gambler a few years ago and was twice conv leled if iniirder and sentenced lo be hanged, wa.s killed in an opium den in ('lilnulovvn. Mary E. Cunniffe, formerly as.sislnnt lo Ihe poslmasler at i'orl Jervis, N. Y., pleaded guilty yeslerday lo n charge ot stealing from the mails, and was seii- leneed to one year at hard labor, in Ihc penileiilary. Siii-e ot aequillal, .she had bought a railway llckel to her home. Charges that the poor of New York re- ceive as low as 10>j ounces for a pound from dishonest dealers, and thai a prcal organized and .syslenialie scheme of ruh- bery by the use of fraudulent scales and weights Is rampnni everywhere Unit (he very poor buy Iho bare necessities of lite in small c|uantilios, vvere made on Ihursday hy the C.hiel of the Hureaii >A Weights nnd Measures, Patrick Derry, ill his annual report. LEABma MARKETS! BHtiADSTUFFS. Wheatâ€" 0«tariii-7<k: to 78%c bid for' No. 2 white outside, and less active de- mand for rvA and mixed at 77c lo 77><Jc; 73c to 74c for spring and goose. WhMlâ€" Manitobaâ€" Prices at lake ports are my^c for No. 1 bard, 85%c for No. 1 Noi-thern, and 82^c for No. 2 Norlh- era. Flour- Ontario- Dull export bidsW.lO, buyers' bags, outside, for 90 per cent- patents. The domestic market is steady, $3.40 lo .S3.55. Manitoba- .^L.'iO to .W.GO for lirsl patents, $4.10 lo $4.20 .second palents, and Si for strong bakers'. , Millteixlâ€" Ontaiio braa $15.50 to SI6 in! car lots ouLside, shorts 817 to $18., Manitoba bran SI7 to 817.50, .shorts StSI lo S19..')0 at Toronto and equal points. Oals-35c bid west for No. 2. Barleyâ€" Dull, with No. 2 4Cc, No. 3 ex- tra 44c and No. 3 41c outside. Peasâ€" Steady at 78c lo 79c outside. Bye-Finn at 70c outside. Buckwheatâ€" 51c to 52c outside. Corn-Canadian 4'2c to 4t4', Chatham frtights. .American No. 3 yellow 50c lo 50>ie at Toronto. Boiled Oatsâ€" So in barrels and $4.75 in bags on track here; 25c more for bro- ken lots here and 40c oulaiUe. CGU.NTHY PRODUCE. Butlerâ€" The tone of the market con- tinues easy, v\'ith pk-iily -of all kinds coming forwai'd. Creamery 24c to 25o do solids to 24c Dairy lb rolls, yood to choice. 21c to 22c do tubs 21c to 220. do medium 20c. to 21c do interior to 20c Cliocseâ€" 13c for irn-ge and 133^c tor- twins. Egg.s~30c for new laid, 21c lo 2'2c for fresh and cold storage, and 19c to iOo for limed. Poultryâ€" Fat chickens Sc lo 9c, thin c to Se; fttt liens U.^c lo 7>;jc, thin 5>^c to 7c; ducks lie lo 12c, thin (k> lo 8c; pcese 10c lo lie; turkeys 13c, with 13,VJc for choice small iots. Dressed Hogsâ€" Cair lots here are- quoted al $8.2.') to S8.40 per i:wt. Potatoes â€" Ontario, t>5c lo 75c [ler bag on truck here, 75c lo 85c out of store; t-aslern 75c to 80c on track and 90c to ySc oiU of sloiv. Baled Iluy â€" i.)uolftlioiis for lialed hay are S8 per ton fur No. I tiinotliy in caj lots here and SO for No. 2. lialetl Straw- -$C per ton for car lots, on track here. MONTHKAL MARKETS. Monli'oal, Jan. 16.â€" Grain â€" Very little, inipiiry for Manitoba wheat. Oais linn under small otfi rings and a fair demand for local consimiplion. Oats-.\o. 2 vv hile, ;»c lo 39J^c; No. 2 while 3Sc to 3S.'ic, and No. -i white 37c.; Peas- -78c to 1>>}:jc I.o.b. per bushel. Barkyâ€" .Manitoba, No. 3, 47,'<;c; No. 4, 46c. Cornâ€" Aniericnn, mixed, ,52*<Jc lo 53c; No. 3 yellow, 5:io to 53>ic, cx-lrnek. Flourâ€".Manitoba spring wheal patents, SL(>i) lo Si.7ii; strong bakers, .S4.20; win- ter wheal paleiils, S4.25 to $4.50; straight rollers, $1 to $4.10; do in bags, SI. 85 to .Sl.yj; extras. $1.65 lo 81.75. Millfeed- .Manitoba bran, in bags, $tS; .shorts, $;o per ton; Ontario bran, ini hulk, $14.50 to »I.S; .shorls, ^-X; milled* inouillc, $21 to S24; straight grail*; niouille, $25 to $27 per ton. T" HoIUhI OaUiâ€" Per bag, S2.40. Corniiieal â€" v.. 45 lo $1.50 pre ^ag. Hay-No. 1. $^.50 to S9; No. 2, $7.50- to $8; clover, mixed, $0 lo S^O.iO, andi pure clover, S6 per ton in car lots. ; Cheesi^ Asking 13>;c to 13,'>,c tor wes lorn unil 1 :io lo I3>.>: for eastern. j Hulter I.tx-al trade conliiiues good atf •.?Je lo iV/ic. for creamery. Eggsâ€" Fair business is passing at H)ici lo 25e tor sele<:ted and 20o lo 2lc ton Mntitreal limed and No. 2 candled. Pruvisionsâ€" siraiglit lots brought from !?ri.75 lo $7; abattoir dro.fsed hogs hava lieen eorespondingly advanced, and SiKM will lie Ihis week's price. Country tiressed liogs ar,' rather scarce, and are bringing Irum *i«..SO lo $s.75. DIFFALO MARKE'rS. Buffalo, Jan. 16. â€" Flour â€" sieadv; Whealâ€" Spring, dull; No. t Norlliern, Oi.Vjc; Winter, offerings light; No. 2 ban! Win'er, R7%c askwl. Corn Steady^ No. 2 .VPllow,^e; No. 2 corn, 48c. Out.s- Dull; No. 2 while, 36,Vie; No. S mixed, 3i>4C. Hurleyâ€" Firm; Western, ill store, M to 5Go. NEW YORK WHE.\T MARKKTS. New York, Jan. 1C.- Wheatâ€" Spot barely steady; No. 2 red, \)0%c eUwator; No. 2 red, i»5o f.o.b. ndoat; No. 1 Norlh- oni, Dululh, 95c f.o.b. alloat. CArri.E MARKET. Toronto, Jan. lt>. ThiTe was but ft. very liiailed offeriug ot export caltl<»,| though several buyers were looking out for guild loads if Ihey could have yol' them. One or two loads ,sokl al $4.40 to- $4.C5, but these were not tlni.shed ex- p^irters. Hulcliors- -Extra choice nnd picked: cattle linn nt to $4.10, with not enough lu supply Ihe demand. Medium Id giiod liulelu'ts' cattle were lirm ^t S;i.85 lo .'$1. (iooil butcher cows flriu at ?;i lo S3.MI. .Sloekersâ€" Market steady at about S;t.tO t,T $3.40 tor good slock. Fair demand. Lambs- -Miirkel very flrin and lOc higher. Hogsâ€" Market very strong nnd 15« higher. ] MISSION \IUF.S IN I'FlllL. Pn>tprtloa Agnlnsi Anti-Ioreion S«irletio8 in China. .-\ de.spnIcU from Shanghai sa.vs : Tlia missionaries In the I'lovincc ot lliipeh huve luskiHl Ihe American and Rriti.<t:i Con.siils tor pi-olivtion owing lo Ihe in- c^ea^e^l -Rclivily ot the anli-dynaslic and (kiili-torcigii soi'ielios.

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