Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Dec 1905, p. 3

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- .1 i rw THE GEEHAIX AKMT. )racoiiic Sentence Imposed on Two Soldiers. A draconic sentence has been paas- }d by a court-martial siltiny at Ctjb- lenz, CJerniany, on two rillcnuin, who, irefisi'd in .civilian clothes, the better to avoid recognition, had slipped out of their quarters and, under cover of darknoEs, gone to a village restaur- ant, wliere they knew would find a certain con-commissioned ofiicer, against whom they bore a giudire. Seeing him lilting inside, thoy threw a stoneware pitcher and a piece of wood through tiie window at him, thoug-h without doing any injury. The court-martial found the accus- ed guilty of participation in a mili- tary revolt, and sentenced one to six years' imprisonment and degradation and the other to five years' ha-d labor, expulsion from the army ani five years' loss of all civil rights. No allowance v\as made for the elevr-n months .he men had been in custody awaiting trial. The sentence has created great a=- tonishment. and is com.pared wit.*! the clemency so frequently shown by courts-martial to non-commissioned officers proved guilty of treating pri- vates with gross brutaility. You cannot be huppy while you have corns. Then do not delay in getting a bottle of HoUovay's Corn Cure. It removes all kinil.s of corns without paiu. Failure vrith it is unkuown. When the cooking-school graduates casts her bread upon the waters she hopes it wilt return to her in the shape of a wedding cake. TO LIVE AND DIE Wilhout over drinking r.-.T is to die Wilhout kncwiny the 'u-1 jov of J miss the S.vriSF.ACTION of sipping a hot cup oi" this FRAURANT, REFRESHING t<9 XBA'b'too:^^'^ 3:*. Your MoMy Rafunded br t..j3 -^iet>r frOQ3 whom joii bov Sun- liflht Scftp M jou tind any cftuaa for compUist. StinligKt Soap is better tHan otKer soaps, but is best wben used in tbe $5,000 reward wiil J- frx.^ n w ii o i D j u r io a > any form of â- dulter^iicn. Simlifkc Boay ia Wttar than other soaps, Irat ii bMt wkea Mwi. in tks Easligh. way. Bay 8iudight loap asd follow dinctiaiia. THE RETORT COURTEOUS. K barrister named Buslie was trying e case in Limerick before Chief Baron O'Grady, when, in the course of the lawyers speech, an ass began to bray loudly outside tlie court-room, the win- dow of wliich opened on a pasture. "Wait a minute," Kiid the Chief Bar- on. "One at a lime, Mr. Bushe, if you please." The barrister presently hnd a good chance to retort. When O'Crady \v:is charging; the jury the ass again Ijegan lo bray, this time at a greater distance from the a)urt-room wirtdow. "I beg your Loi-Jships pardon," said Bushe. "Stay I ask you to repeat your last woi-ds? There is such an ivho here I did not quite calcli your last sen- tence." THE SHAKESPE.VRE GAUPEN. The estate of the Coimtess of War- wick, in rissex, possesses a most unique feature. In one i)art of the grountls is what is known as tbe "Shakespeure Horder." This include every flower, shrub^ and vegetable mentioned ia the works of Shakes- peare. The collection comprises ovt-r two hundred species, and every speci- men is labelled, not only with its botanic name, but ilso with t!iO quotation from the pla.v in which it is mentioned. Altogether it is a quite unique reprod\iction of the gar- ilon and lloral history of the six- teenth century. niis extensive col- lection does not include either the forget-me-not, the holly-hock, the fo.x-glove, or the lily-of-thi>-valIey: lor students of Shakespeare will lock in vain for mention of these favorite flowers in the whole of his works. £q«all7' ^ood with hard or soft water. -ILav** Ba«MIa««« X.Itnit«4l. Tvwakte MAKl.VG UP FOU LOST TIME. Mrs. Tungay â€" You can't imagine how convenient I find it to have a telephone in the house. I don't see how We ever managed to get along without it. Her Husband â€" Yes, I can imagine, withoiit an.v trouble, how conveni- ent you find it. I tried nine times to call you up to-day. and every time you Were tusy talking to somebody els« LIFE ON THE RAIL IS A HARD ONE p. E. ENGDIEEK'S EXPEE- lEN-CE WITH DODD'S KID- NEY PILLS. M.A.DE Ul'. Angel Childâ€" "Aunt Daisy, what is meant by 'a fictitious character"?" Aunt Daisj â€" "That means one that is made up, dear." Angel Childâ€" "Oh, yes! Then jou're a fictitious character, aren't you, aun-tie?" H a doc biles you (tun't be scared. Bathe the wound w;cb cold water an«t ouvor 16 with a cleth ttn wtiicti Weaver'i Cerate Ikid been freeiy (Bread. Tlie Ceiata retioTeM the pain caused bj tile stiug uf insects. fanil us r.>nr BAa>. uxi xMrwa, u>4 7«ti «tll ra»«iT« Faai ov ArriovAL, a pmr^vt aa^ lamins la'Bkrv^ .iW 13 'flitaiiu:tti Our 130S li«uera«* Blaiir or .'.mxI AiaMiiatuiK, " ainti^ ' " \^«u '-mik^' ^w^ X^r; uc i.,;ULur lud .o<Jxt:«r nun rctti ^b;«rarUAj«» umi aA l.d, ami Brrwr '..mMii W£ TRS6T rCU-NO B>OM£Y RE^UIAEa. Bell the 'iX ft.'«acl«s al *«•â- â€¢â-  dxii, msx:-ir Sl-4^ -tilAcethtr. «tut.-)i forward W OS. asA «« viU tmmi. ?\<u *c «M«. u 4 I'WATd. a iI.,aga<Ao«at UeVcT WaMh. caAr«al««d for S yran. tu- Miwr Prac«n4« at ftl^b-ciaaa J«'W«Ut_ryi vtucti jmi csji >«w.ct ttmu uur list. COLO A 0«.. lU. 2, Tkm Waick Hiium, 3oUuaor« trMMiit, UadMi, V., Cnstuid* now TO RAISE MONEY Easily and Qukkiy for Your Church ^% ttr W any oXWmt O purpoa«. RO KIVK %mA tu •ho(«ffMk(^ ^ ' .^Hj- Mat) of «hurok %aA psotor. 9r albrrsn^ j««MeuM wn wC! tmrpf^Tamn »etfcK>cr. la bMwUfni li*H câ€" t. en MO baa.-.3iiHU. BbiMuio ^onTeAlrs. \'jUR«i£ aail feiiow «oji:cr3 can iEi? VA.'^, 3:ii3 US $29,58 "J.r£5^">^^ ^â- - »> <i«UT IUar4KhS IN IBTUCC Ixit IIS-KI rii x i,>«» d cuk wKh 3r4v. r •^â- Maii iMUBli lit Ob* â€"mil*- acd toooMet '*How K> :\.^xiS«iMT-icU»n(Ui)<»,<. AiWHIiel â- â- mp^i ICc e««t. A«c'c >*-.-i,«iM aa Wvartivav aoevioilr^ for liilllllwii ii auj.. naaay iiri.v'. r/taCSa^lH MFC. CO., twt. 2l i. WmH TO WC, V »-|3. In France, out of every 1,000 in- ! habitants, 123 are old people of j more than si.xt,y j-ears. as against seventy-tiiree in England and seven'-y nine in Germany. Help your children to grow strong and robust by couutcracting anvihmg that causes ill-health. One yroat' citase of disease in children is worms. Ite- niovc them with llother Graves' Worm Exlcnuiuator. It never iails. WILLIE'S GUESS. what ai^imal Teacher- Willie weh footed'.' Willie â€" The spider. Little but Senrobing. â€" Dr. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets arc not big nau.seous doses that contain Injurious drugs or narcolics â€" Ihey are the pure veyelable pepsin â€" the niedicirjal ex- tract from this luscious ti-uit, and tl'.e tablets are pivj ared in as palatable Itorui as the frusl itself. They cure in- They Brought Back His Strength [ digestion. 60 in a box When he Cotild Neither Rest nor 35 cents.â€" 56 Sleep. .Competition is the from the viewpoint only. life of trade of the buyer Many inherit weak lungs, and oa dis- ease usually a.'--suils the weakest point, tht)8C per^on.*^ ure cuntinunlly exf^osed to attacks of cottl au<l puhiionar.v dis- turbances. 'r;.e speedy use of Uickle's Aiiti-Consuiiiptive isyrup wiM be found a preventive and n protection, strength- emiif the urf^uiis so that they are not so liable to ((urangeruent from exposure â- ^'V or abrupt atmospheric changes. Blckle's 'â- * tf^TUp is cncap and good. Solicitorâ€" "I say, doctor, why are you ilways running us lawyei'S down'?' " Doctor (dryly)â€" "Well, your profession Jocsn't make angels of men. does it?" Solicitor (Willi a wink}â€" "Why no; rou certainly have the advanlage of as there, doctor. " Winnipeg, Man., Dec. 4. â€" (Special) â€" Mr. lieu Kaffert.v, the well-known CI'. 11. enginwr, whoso homo is at 175 Maple Street, is one Winnipeg man who swears by Dodd's Kidney PilU. "Long hours on the engine and the mental strain broke down my .••â- n- stitution," Mr. KalTerty says. "My back gave out entirely. 'lV--ibI sharp, cutting pains followetl .me another, till 1 felt I was being sliced away piecemeal. I would cotnj in tired to death fi-om a run. Mv s!!i- desire would be to get rest ;iud sleep, and they were the very t'liuirs I could not get. Finally I hal to lay olT work. "Then I started to take DjtM's Kidney Piills, and the first night after using •them 1 slept soundly. ^Xn three ^ i^,^^.„y ,r«p F.v.r aad aU sick- days I threw awa.v the belt 1 have , „*« is ;iJw»t» the c».>e «lj»u •• rerrcvim " the worn for years. Dodd's Kidney Pil's i !>«»< iwnic.ia as».l. It bnilds, it strendtlieu.i, it NOT YKT. Cashier (coughing> â€" Pardon me, 1 didn't catch your last name. Kthel (blusliing) â€" 1 haven't caught it yet, myself. .V man often itiakes allowances for his wife, but uol always iu the form of a weekly stipend. cured me.' 1 giveo new life. Try it. ADEPT. S AT FRATJD. THE "COFFEE HEART." ft Is as Dangerous as the Tobacco or Whisliy Heart. "Coffee heart" is common to manv Coffee users and is liable to send the owner to his or her long home if the drug is persistetl iu. You can run 30 or 40 yards and find out if your heart is troul)led. A lady who \v^s once a victim of the "colTee heart" writes from Oregon: "I have been a habitual user of codec all my life nnd have suffered Very much in recent years from ai'- monts which 1 became satislietl wore» directly due to the poison in the bev- eroge. such as torpid liver and indi- gestion, which in turn made my com- plexion blotchy and muddy. "Then my heart became afTV-ctci. It would beat mo.^t rapidly just af- ter 1 drank my coffee, and go below normal as the coffee effect wore oC ^ometitnes my pulse would go ns high us 137 beats to the minute. M./ funiil.v were greatly alarmed at my condition and at mother per- suaded mo to begin the use of I'os- tiun l'"ood ColTce. "I gave up thc-old coffee entirely and absolutely, ami made Postuiu my sole table beverage. This wa.s (i months ago, nnd all my ills, the "i- di^estion, inactive liver and rickety heart action, have pr.ii«»e<l away, and â- niy complexion h*.i beiora* clear and natural. Tli« iuiprovoR\eiit set iu ver.v soon after I made the chanct, just as soou as tJic ct>free poison had time lo work out of my systetn. "My husband h«s also lK1>^ grent'v benefitted by the of I'ostum, and 'Wo find that a simple breakfast with Postum. is as satisfying and tnore strcnutUeniug than the old heavier meal wo u.sed to have with the other kind «f coflte." Name j;l^e'> by Postunt Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason. Head the little book, "The Road to WcUville." in pkiui. Willie â€" "I'ather, what's a spend- thrift'.'" l-'aiher â€" ".-V man who spends a great deal of mone.v fool- Man MarritS Two Rich Women i ishly." Willieâ€" "Then is a man who and Upends Forttme. I lends money foolishly a loiidthriff.'" Bv the arrest of a man named Viard, who o|>ened a marriage agenc..- RNEIHflATtSM AND PARAlYSIf . at Paris. France, and his niece. Mile ; Doens de Lancet, an e.xtraordinur.v | matrimonial swindle has bee.i I brought to liecht. | He succeeded in marrying a womnn | with $2.'>,(KHi, but in a few montbs ' he had spent her money antl deserte.l her. The woman did not prosccuui him. but contented herself with oh- ^ tnining a divorce. i Viard then succeeded in finding a- second wife in a young woman with 515,000. When he had obtained the money he deserfe<l his wife, who, like the lirst, did not prosecute him, hut obtainetl a divorce. Viard promptly began a search for n third victim, but meanwhile a young man, the well-to-do Viscount Kmaiiuel de Villcfontaine, applied to his ngenc.v tor a wife. Vinril immed- iatel.v introduce<l his niece as a very wcalth.v young lady, and the Vis- count became enamored of her. A marriage was arranged, and Viird induced the Vi.vcount to hand him $lt5,0(K) and jewelry to the value of $4.(H>0. llefore the wedding could take place however, certain information con- cerning the girl can>e to the ears of the \ i.-<count, and he broke off the match and asked for the return of his mone.v. Failing to obtain this, he applied to the police, nnd Viard and his niece were nrreste<l on charges of fraud and conspiracy to defraud. Xbeir comiilete honx© cure. Post free to readers of tliis paper. For limited period only. A liaiiHsoiiio ilhi.^trated treatise, priv* tng full dcscr:i»tioM c' Kheumatism and Paralysis.,h instri;cl:ons for a com- plete 'iiotwe cure, describing the most Kucceitsful tion-tiiieiit in the world. re- cODimeuded hy liie Miaiscry and oud*r»- 04l b.v medical men. This hifhiv In- structiTe IjooU was written b.v w. H. Veiio. a itetitleiaaii wh* has loade^ a • tudy of these disea-ses. The preface is by a gradtut'.o of tl,e tliUversity of Wurlrburj. Send pasial to-day nn4 you vrill receive the beek iree by re- turn â€" Address. Tke Vetio Drug Co., 24 King bl , >V<»»t. Tciouto PAY .\N AT7TI10RITY. Doctor (to I'at's wife, after exam- ining Pat. who had been run down by an autol â€" "Madam, I fear yoi.r hu.sbund is dead." Pat (feebly)- "No, I ainft deail y et . " Pat's Wife â€" "Hush. Pat, the gentl*- luau kuows better than you." OLD scomos. "Mi\ Deeply," said the hostess, "won't you oblige us with one more song?" "Oh, really!" replied th? eminent vocalist, "the hour is late. I'm afraid my singing will disturo the neighbors." '•Never mind that They've got a dog whoso howliug dislui-bs nie at night." Tl:a value of all kinds of fish lan'l- ed in F.nglnnil and Wales in one year is over $35,0t)0.000, and the nuinher of men and boys eiuploved over 40 - 000. ImpoesiMe to Find. K plostoreqnal t.i "The n «fc L " .Metithul, K.»r siiU ache itatiiio^ eiiuaU it. VI .v-ird ?oU cnb 7 p!».»en. biailo.l -a receipt uf price. n.iTis Jif.awreiioeOo., Montreal. All men htve an inherent ability to make mista'.ies. 30 Pmetioal Every day Lessons on FARM ACCOUNTS for 75o. oost !)»J. FARM PtiS. H»U«E, Bo. 425. (nuLbam,Oj I D. H. BAST EDO & CO. -FU8 M*NUrACTtlSEB8«= T^ . Leas' Sica^'ft, ^Tasa LADXtiS'and MEN'S FTR and FrKHNKD OOATS. KTervthini; in Furs, senil for c.ialeg. RAW FURS f^rjave'^fiir ""••â- '"• '"'"* WA«.K»M« ouTmta • UlTlt rrj 1* Baby Iliuiiors. â€" Pv. .\j:new's Oinl- menl .soothes. qi;iels, and effects quick and effective cures in all skin eruptions common to buby during teething liiue. 11 is hari!)le.<s to the hair in eases of Sculd Head, and cures Eczema. Salt Rheum and all skin Diseases of older people. 35 ''"t'tg â€" . ai - . In the palm of the hand there ar* 2,riOO pores to the sipinre inch. If these pores were united end to end they would measure about five miles. Tt%e Luxu-y of a sound throat an*! robust hiuin u most keenly enj.'ved Uy pe^.plo who, luvin;; sade.-e*! from a "latle cv>i*l, yuu kii.iw," li,\»o l>een reecued from mi...ery and d;tii^er by Alleu s Lone Baliam. CLEANING ^ LADIES'... ^ C»o be tlone petfeclly by oar Trtfivh Pi KOilTlLCAr. TOao^'lVl. Oll.vWA a tiCKBSa o '5 o FARMERS When you write to a man read .vour letter over carefully, then mail it, when .\ ou write to a woman read it over three limes, then burn it. A Cure for Hhcumatlsm. â€" ^Tho ir tru- ffioii of uric acid into the blood ^«*k5c!j ' is a fruitful cuiise of rheumatic pniiis â-  Tlii.s irrcKUliirity is owing to u derojig- cd and unhealth.v condition of the liver. An.vone sulijcct to this painful affection i will lintl a rtmedy in I'arnioleo's Vece- table I'ilLi. Their action upon the ; kidneys is pronciiiiced ond most l>enefl- cial and by r«.stonn|; liealtby actiou, j they correct impurities in tho blood. A bei' that worts onl.y by night is ; to be found in the jun.gles of Indii.-.. j It is an umisua'l.v Uu'ge insect, the \ combs being often Git. long by 4ft wide. ^. W*e ipe .ipptiiniintf one drtijisist er a^eat O V in erory town or Tillaie all ovur t?aa*da l*»r â- â™¦â-  -4' the itiUo uf our reii|.44iei. We treat *tMo*«- ^ ^ futly ilvtrsos. Cattle, sheop. ll.'i;* uud ^ .A. i*oiiltry. Young Cult^ with :i.fcvii aad joint ^ ^ tlLseikde. Y ^ Uur Free Advice and Coupon System ^ â-  tt Win t uiui e j t . â- Â»Â»â- â-  i P t«.»«»t- lut Jit tem^. .*; ^ dic3 .Vid u«»:kre3t iVTOilc.v. N » sti»ck-br.e.ier J^k n c:i:i kiHin' too mut'l) About tiio diae;:uM>i hid .a. ^ aniniiilj a^-e »ut*jet.'t t.>. ^ £t Tha VETUtHAay SP6CIALTY Ca, Limltad •*- 4" 550 DL'XBAS ^ST., TOEOXTO, ONT. § WEBSTER'S INTEBN&TIONAL OMAgY l THE BEST GIFT rscfnl, *«iiaW«. *.:- •J^J^rrsi-l'Vcl..'. ♦;*;<, «? io :^-.t\5 '**--»a ,»,uiuom.»t:Te. J*. Moer --wt w:'.I oJ 01. ea b- ,-» rm.iiiscrr ef t.'w p »>»«•. XSi* nac*.', MMO i'^ws;«u?«a.. K..Wi » ! | - caLarSMl Willi »o.»»0 new werii, a »»w (k«.ae«««'. xtti. a^'TT â- togra^fkwal B%<r«^s^>- M7. •Aivcaby'W.T. Kaiyi.^. Ph.B,, ]_!.». v. S. r j... . t <it ieaT »f B(laa;kti»n. tf*iaa4 Priae,Wwr>ii»ralr, St.L«ui». Se tttoBntt. W*l«Hf''0. n ieii l » i ui^nArr. La mu i t olowrnfcriU^-. iiiiw TTiewl.r.w^Tkiill^fcp.r«ilt<p.fc lUdHi^caoi Briijhl's Disease â€" Insidious,' dccep- titcl relc!illes>I has fi.ilod liundrtHls of trials by fiodieal science to slotii Ihelide of its ravages â€" and not uiUil Soutli .\niorican Kidney Cuiv proved beyond doubt its power to turn buck the tide, wu.^ there a gleam of anything but de spair for tlio vicliui of this dread form of kidney ilisease,â€" ai Wr-ief«r"i)l<rtiemFy V*ni*toa " - Froo. ^. & C. HXKKXAU CO., SpdacAiU,' shoes for dogs nro ma lo in Liihrador. The dogs altnche*l to siectges travel at great spet-d oven- the rough ice, and some protection for the feet is neecssiiry. Inipuritins In tho Ttlood. â€" When the action of tha kidneys becomes inipnh-p.', impurities in tee Moot! nre almost sure to follow, fvniX gcncrid dorancemeiit of the systrm enMj'.»s. Pnriuclee's Vege- table Vills will regulate the kiihieys. no tUttt they will maintain healthy acllou mill prevent tV.o couiplicatiuiis which certainly oome wiicii there is deranuo- mcnt of th.ese delicate organs. As a restorative these l-Mlls are in the first rank. XO M.\CtllNERV. "I understood you to .say," com- plained the home-se«>ker, "that the house was a brownstene front." "Oh, no," replied tho slick real- estate man, "1 merefy said it was 'a N-own front.' " "Huh! it's nothing but plaster pointed." "TVue, 1 itâ€" er â€" it's all hand painted," STRENUOUS INTKRVIEW. With a look of intense sadness on his face the young man Iiu\pod into tho parlor. "Well." (lucried the anxious maid, "what tlid papa say?" "Words caanot exp»ess it," answer- ed the youth, as he hurriedly crawl- ed into his overcoat, "but his argi^ â- leot KftV* m« » paiA.'~ "And yet," said the professor, struggling with a burnt and blacken- ed steak ul imusual toughness, wliicii the cook-lady had just brought in, "the.v say woman's work is never done!" The World is Full of Pains.â€" The nchea nnd pains thu*. alllict humanity are many and coii.vtunt, arisins Itum a nuiltitiulc of iiuMstiiiguishablo causes, but ill tho main on'tn^; to man's iiog- liucuce in lakini; cure of his health. 2>r. riiouuis' l';clectric Oil was tho out- come ul rt nnivcrsftl cry for some «!>ecl- fio which woU:d speotlily r^-liovo I'lain, and It has filled its mission to u ro> uiarkablo degree. M.VITEU OF SLI.VPE. "What have you in the shape of cucumbers?" asked tho wonld-bo cus- tomer, n.s he entered the grocery. "Nothing but bananas, sir," atk> twerei.1 tho new ci.rk. Dear Mother Your linle %tk% aie a conitant care la Fall aad V^'tnln weallier, TVy will utrh c«U. Do ymi kacAv abet.-* Sh.iloh'i Cftwiirfio C«e, the Lui^ I ouic, ami viilat it has done (« » many ? It t< said to be dte only M4iai>!o leawJy for ail (Si«a«e3 •( tKc air pajeagei in children. it i* cfciiliitrV WnicM aisj p'ieaunt lO tai^e. t! ti |.i iinrw J «» ci»e a.- your money is r>-rca<id. I i>e piae ia V>c. per bcltie^ <nd all liea U w io ac^iciae ;.^i 314 6'HILOH Tt»»te»eJy«lwMbeiDe\-ety kf»»hol[L ISSl'E NO. «»-«.

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