\ JT WAS NOT A FAITH CURE BODD'S KIDNEY PILLS CURED MRS. ADAMS' BRIGHT DISEASE. She Did Not Believe in Them, but To-day She is Strong and Well. ColliMt-TvofrW, Out., Nov. 27 (Special). â€" Mrs. Thos. Adams, who moved hiTo iihout two years* ago from Uurk'.s Kalis, is one of the many CanudianH who once had Hright's l)i.s<'aHo and arc now strong and woU. Laku all the others .she ua.'i cured by Dodd's Kidn<'y Pills. "1 wa.s eight months an invalid," says Mrs. Adamu, "and no one can tell what 1 Buriercd. Mv doctor said 1 had IJrifihl's Disc^Sf and Sciatica, but I got no relief from anything lie (^avo me. At last a friend of my hubhand induced ine to give Dodd's Kidney Tills a trial. I had no faith 'in tlK^m, for 1 thought J. never would gi^t betti'r, but after taking three boxes of them I wn.s able to do my work. 1 have had good heoUh ever since I used Dodd's Kid- ney ruiB." «♦ BlJBnLK.«^. Time honored â€" the grandfather's clock. I'arts of speech â€" "Ladies and gen- tlemen." With some people idle words arc o\erworkcd. The moneyed man docs not nlway.s have the true rinjj. Would you call the stingy pugili.nt close fisted? Tongues run, so a wagon's tongue is part of tl>e running gear. The wheel of forttino sometimes goes wrong even for the wheel- wright. In a war of words the combatants ginifdy shoot off their mouths. It's more than a crook can do to keep himself stralj^ht. In thinking he fools others a man often .'hiiws what a fool he is. Th(! hangman doe.'.n't siehi to hove many admirers on the string. A f'liam fit of drunkenness may look like the real thing. (ila.KS eyes are not always for drinkmi; in the beauties of the scene. A little dilTcrpnco in opinion be- tween two friends often makes a big iifferenco. To a woman nobody to talk to is It situation of unspeakable misery. An invoice some merchants know little aboutâ€" the vohe of ronscicnce. Mxcept f(ir their non<-s there are people who cannot be snubbed. ESCAPED ARREST IN COFFIN. Strange and Gruesome Device Re- sorted to by Swindler. A strange and somewhat gruesome device, by which a man nam.jd Baker, charged the other day with fraud, succteiled in once evading ar- rest, and a second time in dodging a summons, was described at th^ West Ham I'oiice Court, LoudjJi England... On one occasion, when "wanted," Baker was understood to be at an undertaker's shop at Manor I'ark, and the oflicers of the court went there to apprehend him. But ho could not be found, though the pin 'u v.as thoroughly searched. On trestles in the shop was a cof- fin, in which the I)olico were inform- ed there lay a body. In the preseii'j of tile ofllcers the coffin was screwed up and taken away to, as was inti- mated, a public mortuary. A day or so later it was discover- ed that the suppo.sed dead man in the colFm was no other than Mr. Baker, whose friends had collaborat- ed with him in this way of evading arrest. On the second occasion a judgment summons was to be served. Thi'i time a womati at the house said thn' Mr. Baker was very ill and could not bo seen. When the ofllcers next called the blinds were all down, and they were told that the <iefen<lant had died that morning. 'J'hen came a collin, aiu' the "liod.v" was again removed. After each of these adventures Mr. Baker stprted business in another part of London. fie has now bi-en sent for trial on the charge of fravid. NOT YKT. Tcrriflod Toperâ€" Tiicy ain't a-goin" to hang me, arc they? No, not ikjw. Better without a Stomach than witli one that';; got a constant "hurt" to it. 'I>r, Von Stan's Pine- apple 'J'ablcis stimtdate the diges- liv.' organs. Ixt one enjoy the j^xjod things of life and leave no bad ef- fectsâ€"carry them with you in your test pocki't â€" CO in box, ',ir> cents. â€" 48 "Mr. Manton says he never spoke a harsh word to his wife." "Yes," reinark«l a lady, "but was that due to kindness or caution? That's Rhat I should like to know." Mild In Their Action â€"rnrm'lM'a Veiretahlis I'lll.? are very mild In lnoir ncllon. Tliey do not cauHe KilppInK In the (itomncli or ruimo disluiliunccH I'lere as RO ninny plll.i ilo 'I'hcrcforr. llic Ino.'it delicate ran tiikc them willmiil feur o? unplrn^innt results. 'I'hcy cam too, lio adminisltrfil to ililldrcn wilh- nut iiiipdhing tilt! peiiultieii which (ol- K>w llin Ubu of f>ills not »o carefully piC'liitrud. • HA.RM8W0RTH SELF-EDUCATCR." First English Periodical Firm to Publish in Canada. The latest, and according to all accounts, the best of any publica- tion that Sir .Alfred Ilarmsworth has ever had anything to do with, has Ijicpn STloctC'<l as the first ptrbli- cation of thnt famous publishing house to be jirinted and publishi-d in Canada. At the same moment that the announcement is nmdc in Kngland that the Ilarmsworth peri- odicals are paying -10 per cent. «li- vidend this year, is made public the fact tli;it o number of the ilarms- worth men have coninwnced jjublish- ing from the Janes Building in To- ronto. Mr. Murrny is in charge of 0|M"rutions and he describes the Ilannsworth .S»'lf-l/<iucator as being ri'ally the most remarkable publica- tion of its kind ever attempted. He .says that every po.ssible subject tip- on which a man or woman ran nei^l linforinat ion is indiKled within it.s pngi-s, being a practical guide to all professions and trades with the last word upon all arts and sciences in addition to teaching six languages. sh(u-thund, typewriting and all the practical details of everyday life at home, school or at work. The pub- licution will be sold in scmi-monlhly parts for fifteen cents each, costing altogether less than eight dollurs. ^ . When a fellow has discovered thiil nil his loose change hiis lillercd through n hole in liiti tio;isers pock- et, it is nejirly impossible to tret hjm to accept the scientific proposjv*./?' that nothing is ever lost. ' RIWARB win . aid lo ?. pcTtion ivlio proves tluit btiiiii^ht Soap contains any injurious rhrmir.ils or any form of a^iultcration. Life Is Bhort at best â€" and perhaps Ihat is the best thing that can be laid about it. is a perfect cleaner and will not injure anything. Best for all household pur' poses. Sunlight Soap's super' ioriiy is n|ost conspicuous in the washing gf clothes. Common soaps destroy the painted or varnished surfaces of woodwork and take the color out of clothes. Even the daintiest linen or lace, or the most delicate colors may be safely washed with Sunlight Soap in the Sunlight way (follow direc' tions). Equally good with hard or soft water. Yonr mosey refunded by the dealer from wlioni you buy Sunlight Soap if you find any cau:>e for ixmplaint. Lavcr DroUwrs limited. Toronto A Pleasant Surprise For tea drinkers is to give them a hot, steaming^ cup of fragrSint KXTEUNALLY. I 11 vt^ on water once tt)r A Great Combination, " porrnvlra " tho twif toiiir In. It hlicuhl he taken bv all InviiMili. ty kII wIm &r« run ilown or out of aurta. It tiulUlj up, sivofl uew lifo. BEKOKKHAND. Harryâ€" Whisky is said to be a good antidote for snake bites, isn't itV .lackâ€" 1 don't know. I firij;! it an excellent preventive. â- "â- "•MlEil Br.nlight Boap ii bettor than other leapt, but ia be«t when uud in the Sunligli way. Buy e-JoUiht Soap und follow direotiocs. First Lawyerâ€" "It Be<>ms to nio ^ou let that last witness down pret- ty easily in 'your cro.'fs-e\aiiilna- lion." Sccontl Lawyer- "I hatl to. He is my tailor, and 1 owe him a Big bill.'"' Many Tltanke .ire duo tmm tlu' pr iprlrtt"pi rf tVem. • i«T»to ti frienrti «h.> lixvo written to tall nf tliB (:Bml<iiii:iii.il tvonMn riirlnn icmfulous humure, sciild lio.ij andj,'>#r»«m n. â- â- â- 'â- ox â- jitMAKlO A BA1!().MKTKI{. A siinlilo barometer that can bo mailo for one'.t self, and whirii though olfl, iniiy be now to Honit,>, ij madi! as foPowa: 'i'wo drachms of camphor, half drachm of pure salt- petre, hiilf drachm of muriate of nrii- nionia, and two ouiiccs of proid spirits, in a glnss tube or narro'v phial, v.ill ninl^e a very goiid wenth- i.r guide. In iliy weather the stilu- tion will remain cl<<ar. f)n the up proach of change, minute stars will ri«e tip in the liipiiil, while stormy weather will be indicaleil by the very cIlKlurbeil conilition o( the chemical comblniilion. A .Sontlilnp Oilâ€" To throw oil upon th<! ti'Ufil>l''<l vrii4i!rH iiiimiiiii In nnliduo tr> culinness tlitj luo.st lioiHicreiis .•^eji. To apply l>r. Thonms' Kclectric Oil to the triiulileil body wlicn it in rnrkert wltli pain means speedy KiihjuKntioii vi the nioBt refrnctory oloinonts. It cures pain, hi'iils liniiscs, tuki's tlio (Iro from Ininei. and fin a general houxchoUl iiicrii- cliu) Ih useful in many uilinunta. It la worth much. Customerâ€" "Nt)t long ago T came in here and bought a porous idaster to helj) ine get riil of the lumbago." Clerkâ€" "Ves, sir. What can 1 do for yoti now?" Custoini^râ€" "1 want Honndhing now lo help mb gel xid of the plaster." Tram I .>iK month" l4idyâ€" Well look it. Tramp â€" I uster bo a sailor I must sny you don't Allen'* LnitK BalMin. hi which Itioro 1' no «niuni, runj< x.ire llir»,it and srnru liewn iu< It alluys thii iiillaromation aul riili you uf the lUuooiM Mutt Ktupii up tlio air pu sa£a4. 26o., AOc, II.UO buttlea. TEA instead of the ordinary kind. They'll notice the difference quick 4^B enough, then nothing will do them but Blue Ribbon Tea, "% rriEfc-s- ^EnsiEa ere: 33 n-^a-issEax.. HOW TO RAiSE MQHVl Easiiy and Qulckty for Your Church A'j^S^a^^r'S^t;°^; No Risk i-'f »e *l'. HiH?. otlof oii«orBc«crtad; nJUne«,etr.,l»ttftrKl u fiirw^t«d. Mako Usiu.*.,ril, B*latlo couTeoixa. Voar&oif fcad fcUow workora con Eep «o.oeTsilb us s2o.oo'"in';rLiJj^t-sisS: ^'' so MaVXT XFOrraES re ttnULO, tat 8.».00 »ooepl«l cash with Riiio* Honey" (IlO»B»MO)fr««. AddiUcnal MmplMlCeoarh. Ahora artlclM aa adfartljiltlt «>uv«ilr» for tnc.-cliaau. ct.-.. Bam* prlca. WiSOONSIN MFG. CO., fU|:l ;05. M ANITOWOC, Wt8. jPUJfUF^ â- MACHrhE CO v.^^.^jC Ki^f1ilL'f©?8 Oif<3r. Remington Typcwrller NEW MODELS NOW READY Kverv model o( Reini?i;.'.tjn Typewriter h.vi b?en 11 Rnoeaaa. 'ITierg no.ur »ai a iCt'tniBfrtnii fu>ar». THE NKW UOBKLf' r«pn»int the unm i^nd MilK-^anca wf all K«uiinfft'):i bKcer.*^*â€" Clu« au years of exiwrieuce in t)T«* ri'*' uiltliu^. We will l>e eI.vI t.) h»TO y.iu ciH at nnr nffVce :tnd see Uie new mntlot^ or i*«ud for illuKtraloJ luijUet da.icribiiig the new featured. Remiagton Typewriter iCo. 23 AdflaMo St. C. Tersnto, Oanncia AM> KVKKYWllKn'r;. / I O I C'k, 2 months old, IPS. Silver's I hiifhesf-priccil btrain. Op)y be!?t pigs .shipped. CKOSSRD.MIS FARM, riatlsburg, N. Y. pon SALE â€" FinST - CLASS â- 'â- lifly-acre fruit farm; only one mile from city limits of Niagara Falls, a. Co'.e, South Knd, Qnt. \Vf AXIIOf)- HKLIAliLE r.MUTES to do machine knitting for us at home: $7 to SIO per wi>ek easily earned; woo!, etc., furnished free; di.slance no hindrance. For full par- ticulars adilr.-Ks the I'oininion Knit- ting Co., Dept. M, Oriilia, Ont. Free to Ladies A HAKDSOME STICK PIN. Send no money. Simply name and addro.s.s to COUNTY SUPPLY CO., Ch.itham, Ont. Praettoal Evory iljiy Lejaons on FARRfl ACCOUNTS Torlio. (»}t iiiid. FARM PUD. I40USE, Bot 12». f:!ijthtra Oi OHENILLE CURTAINa ^aA all kii.t'hS ot b<M»* Haup^ts, 4U0 LiCI CUETAlKS '^^''^.k*. ^.'•â- » V>'ri'.a Co VII mbout your*. QBiTiaM AUmOAN 3Y&JN& C&, Btx tS8. Uontr-)sa D. H. BASTblDO & CO. r CUa iAAHTtW'*^ w: ;^->aiiM-; Truaroaat-fe^ LAmi.S »•';'„ ;^^;,^ i„ f^ and FltR.Ll.SF.D coA-rs. Tody â€" "Jennie tells me yloung Wootiby proposed to her last niglfit. " Violaâ€" "I don't think 1 know . jint. Is he well ollV" Todyâ€" "He ccrliVin- Iv is. She refused him." Soud for catalu.:;* ixhiMt prices. Soail " t. " Resrtihjr PraotttJonerâ€" No nesult.' Mm. Annie V. flii»tiu\t, of Whittiy, w.-is nHntbna rlieuinalic victim, but South American r.Lounatir ("lire tlumced the son fmra " dsspair" to-}o.v." She nays: " I siitferoil unt/>ia tnijery from rheumatismâ€" doctors' niodicliifts ilid t"0 "'> KimmIâ€" two lM<ltla.i of South Amerirau UliBUtnatlc (;iiro cured lue-roliof twj hours after the first duoe.â€" 60 YOU CAN'T T1;LL. Life is not always what it seem.s, for there's many a silver watch on the end of a gold chain. Cllvo lloUoway'a Corn Cure n trlnl. It roinovt^tl l«n corn.** from one puir of feet wtlliout any ptiln. Wltut It iuxs iluno oiico it will (1(1 ngain. HEU UNSEEMLY PERVERSITY. Mrs. Hunksâ€" I wi.-^h you wouldn't be so imsilhe. There arc two sides tt) every queKtiim. OIil Hunk.-< (with a roar)â€" Well, that's no reinon why you should al- ways he on the wronj; side! Tht^y A in ft Powerful Norvlno. â€" Myf- pcpsliv cnUKC.4 ileinni.'Pi.iont of tlio ni^rv- iuH nysteni, nnil him voua ilcl>lliiy oiiie en|{(<"il<TCil iK (liinru't lo ileni with, 'i'lioin nio ninny le.tiinoiilnlH im lo tl." rlllitacv (if I'm incli'f'H VesetKlilo IMllrt Iv trvatiiitf thiH iliaonler, Hhi)nlnK .1","' ahoy never full to preHuco pootl r.-«a »«. lly elvliiK proper lonu to Iho i1ik<;!<Iivo oiKttn'i ^"'y 'CBtuio I'nuillhrUuii to II. o luirvu coiitrsa. Tli3 Prosident a Slawe to Catarrh.â€" 1). '1'. Hnmple, president o( .Sample's Instalment Company, Washington, Pa., wrjlDs: "For years I was «.!"ii:i,i,fl with Chronic CatarHi. Heme- dies mifl iivat merit by speclnlisla only gave mo ttsmporary relief until I was induciid lo use Or. Apnew's Ctitnrrhal Powder. It Rave almost instant relief. 50 cents.â€" 40. A HANDSOME SOUVENIR. Tlie (Jraiid Trunk Uaihvay Kystcni have issued a beaut Hul sot of pl-i.'- in({ canlB which contain lifty-twj views of scenes on their lines, re- produced in half-lone engravinijsâ€" pn illustration on the face of each catil. Th« stock o( which the cards aio mnile is the best that can be obtalii- I3i\ for tlii) purpo.se, prepared by a wnlerprotif proctiss by Iho well known English lirm of Ct.odall & Sons. Lon- don "nie backs contain a handsome design beautifully lllhographeil in eiRht colors. The cards have (;i''' cdctes and nrn neatly bi>xcil. 'I'h -y me for sale by news n«;ents tin Crnnil 'I'runk trains, anil at the news slantls and make an luleivstlng souvenir n iS. only for tme's homo but lo nend to dlblaut frientls. "My Heart was Thumulng; my Life out" '«thc \v.iy Mi-H. It. II. UVichl, of llrociivillo, Ont., de8<.Ti>)«!i hei .â- :nfferiiig» fr>m nmntherl";;, finite''* ing and ^>.vlpil.tti.in. .Vfter tryin;; tnxiy roin.^dio* » llh^ut Imaolll. fix li.iltlaJ of l>r. ,\i;iiow> I'nro for the Iloiot rentorotl hor In liealtli. The Unit doi'O earo ulnioet luet.int loliol, and In a ilay suf- fering ceastnl alto',{ethjr.~31 UKilC. "I 'sped," saitl little Tommy after tt Htutly hour in his nature class, "that llowers thoot up because th y have pistils insiile of 'cm." A woTian's icoo of frankness is to hn\e â- t>rne man tell her how nice he thinks bhe is. Often wliut oppcnr to bo the j.iost trivtol ticcinrencv tJl life prove lo be the most inuinentons. Many arc tiis- posetl to ri'tcard ti ct>ltl as a .sliglit thing, <li.'K,frvinfr of little cOMsitlertttion, and tills iieglt'Ct often rc-iults tii ino.it KL'tious tiihnents fiitailinp your.'^ of suf- iLM-ill|£. l>ri\c exit colt!^ Ulitl coU|{lia with ilirklo'9 Aiili-t'onsuniplu o Syrup, lliu rccoKUizod renicd.v for nil oncclieiis of thu tbrutit and Ium|;»- DODIXS \ fK I D N EY % PILLS "PlUolKr is Iho niosl bashful man I ever knew." "How on eorth. then did he come to get married?" "He was too bashful to refuse." DIdyau iMllcethit old ra»n IlmplnR al'm? ft tUy or so w."1 ^Vell. it ho will put on lliu b;nK " The I) .1 T. " Menthol PUstur, iu a weo'u he will «>Uk aa at.-iilKlit lu any uuo. POUCHKINIVS I'UOPHECY. .\proiuis o( the present tUsorders in llu.^sio, the Mnnche.'der "llunrd- inn" recalls the prophetic uttiranco Ot one of the most brilliant of Uus- sian poets- .Mexander I'ouchl;iiie. For his bold talk he was banishjd lo the southern prt)\inccs: "Think you," he said, "lo dai'ile for ever those heavy-e.ved, drowsy mullllutUs by the splenilor of thn Czar's trtiwn! Error. Thnt splen- dor will fade, and just. too. at a liiuo when it will bo most neetled. These si.tty millions of swinish serfs sleep still, you say! True; but they will awake! Not certainly in our tone, nor perhaps in that of our children, but awake they will; niul \vh(-Ti that moment com-u the Em- peror's sceptre will be a child's play- thing; his divine right a jest; the supremacy of lUissia a vahi.shod drcani! lU" wnrntnl, anil let the work that must be done bo timely set about. The army, do you say? Ptioh! On the ilay I speak of the extii giMshers will be on fire, too." This was uticivtl more than thrctv (lunrters tu' a century aso, and it now lot^ks as tt time were to (five it ]U'Ot)f. If yo\i succec<l in gctling your above iho crowdâ€" expect to ha' hit. o; â- ♦- In oroiv t';"'y iiiE one drucni^t or agent « i, . /'' ofe** vilWo all ovor f-inada lor •♦• *â€" »-ti*3 V \;ij^^iiKHtiefl. Wo trvat mtcoffin- Cj OMl" "\.'^' '•'•*"'•• Sh<>«ii. ll'«« »»d T ^^'â- *- , ^i:.j: Coit5 with uaval uud joint ^ ^ fikt fn.i Advlcj and Coupon Sytteai ^ » "ill iBt«r»^t yon. Write for l»t of rem*. ^ ^ Jun aiul uoare^ u;ou<-y. No ntofk-br^teder Q IS cau knov tjo iniira at»ut the dkitKuoj his j£ ^ &niu>al» aru .nii«;»ct to. ^ JQtIm VETaRIMABY SMCIM.TV CO., LImltod 4- "^ iM! DU.NDAS ST., Tl«ONTO. ONI'. Q Nrtlit? â€" "A p-irl doesn't often mar- ry the man who is the be.st hiLSimnd for her." -Ned â€" •'Of course not. If he is a good husband there is no occasion to marry hhn imyrc-ti^r once." Plca-sant as svrup: nothintr C(|U>.i, ^ as ti worm nietlicine; the nuine i.s (f.^. tiler tiiuics' Worm Kxlermiiialor. The greuteat irorni destroyer of th« e.^<i. TIME ENOUGH. Uorroughs â€" Say, old man, there Was a time when you pr.imi.setl to share your last dollar witli me. I'ichleyâ€" That :s all right; I haven't got down to it yet. for 33 Years SKiJol»'» ConsuciptJon Cure, ihc LuM Tonic, has bce« before the public, ana litis, to^RtSer with tSe (ad that its sale* have itcaiiily inaeaKd year by year, it iho best pfooi of tlie laeiil of ti a cure (er Cou(ih% CoM<, am] all tJiieascs of iha lungs and nil pa»a^«. Tho;- who have (nd Shiloh woulJ nol be w.tiioiit it. Tlio»e who have nerct used it diould lutow that every bottle is >oU with a positive guaiant«e that, if it doein't cure you. the denltr will refuod what you paid for it. Shjloh Has Cured i ihoutancU of t!>e rooti obMinate cttel ol Co'.>g!i>, Cc'ida aud Lunj tiouMet. Lei il cuie you. "Litl vinlcr I cnn^KeJ (of llirc« monlhi wA thMuM I Wat ^i'lg i.>ta Conmiai.-^'ioTi. 1 U»V au nrtt of Bwt^em'^ l>«il nulKins Old me ta/ v^'wd OMill wed Skilt*/ Coii-j::atU>:i C-ic. rou» brtttcs cuted iDf . 'V\\a winter 1 haJ a vec bu4 tokl, wit IK* able tj (peak, r-y kiiir< VWT5 (ofe OB llxi liJr and I'* k. Sit bo:;'.-j of K'^IoK made nie well again. 1 have ci\ca it to K-«vral .^'«^>plo aM vivt ona cl them have bcao ^atcd.â€" D. Jenik, Su HyaciailM, Que.' ' «<" SHILOH 25c. with g uontntee at aU A ';zi<t». ISSUE NO. 4&-05. "' â- " c K' i ,jmK m m i fcW '.