Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 12 Oct 1905, p. 1

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â- ?* ferl0ii ^iiiana. & "TliUTH BEFX)RK FAVOft." - •• PRINCIPLEb NOT MEN. VOL XXIv, KO 1237 Flesherton, 3nt., Thursday. October 12 tOOo W. a THURSTON, T''"'' h, A PXIOI'HIETOH Going To Get Married ? If m ynu will want a nic8 weildintj ling. VVb have llitin in a great variety tind nt jiwt the right pri<R;3. e Going To A Weddicg ? © Ifi?o you will want to take a present alonj^. Wuhave too niiiiv beautiful lilTj^iCK. xyooi) CLOCKS whicli we will bell ut cONt for till* next iifteeii il;i3 a. This nieaua Houiething to you. Make a unto of it. These are suitable for general use. See thein. FLi:Sll>UTON, OXT v^^OSX riutiaii-l .pi.iu.iM-UMjr-»T:râ€" "».., Artemesia Fall Fair Arteincsi I fall fiir at Priooviila was a groat succes-i. Th» receipts at the i^ato broke tho record this year. The concert wa.s also a sui'cesH, as it shuuld be with the ta!ei)t ou hand. The [jrizii list l.s as fulldw.s : Grai.\ anJ Skkos â€" Spriu^ Wheat, WLito Eussiauâ€" A Muir, TJ^icljoU. Spiiiig VVlieat.Fyfe â€" A Muir. Spi-ing Wheat, an}' otliorâ€" J Tiiiuer, C Mc- Innis. Bailey, 6 rowedâ€" A Muir, R Kicliolson. l>!irley_,2 lowo'l â€" A Miiir. Oats, Wliiteâ€" A 'Muir, Ariow- sruith. Oats, black â€" A Mair. A D McLeocl. Peas, large â€" G ArrowsQiitli, A Muir. Peas, smallâ€" D. McMillan, T Nicholl. 6' oars Corn â€" U Watson, A Mui». Tiiflotliy Seedâ€" A Muir, D McMillao. White Deansâ€" T A Fer- f;U30U. Colored Benuaâ€" J 2.'clJetli,U McCormack. Flax Seedâ€" J Turner, T A Ferguson IteoU and Vi<:oET.\nLBS. Potatoes, f-leijli^tâ€" J A MoL>ono:d,D McMillan. Potatoes, Jieauty of Hebron â€" W J ^ieJi^e(ld8, D McMillan. Colleclion of potatoes â€" Job Oliver, RMcEaclietu. Potatoes, any other kind â€" T A Fer- jjuson, D McMillan. Turnips, Swede, Jiimboâ€" D McMillan A Mnii; any other variety swedeâ€" JoLu Niclioll, J MaPhai'. Tui'nip.-f, green top â€" A Muir, D Mc.Vill'xi); any other viiieiy grecu topâ€" T A Ferguson, A JIcEacliern. Mangolds, Globe, Jno. buruett, A Muir. Mangolds, long red â€" D McCoimack, J Burnet. Sugar beets â€" A Muir,D McCormack. Field carrots, white â€" Herb Watson, \\ VVutsou. Field carrots, redâ€" U Wat son.U McEcheru. Shorthorn carrots â€" H Watson, W Watson. Table oavrots,aHy otber-H Watson, \V Wat- son; Table tmnipsâ€" T Ferguson,!) Mc Millan.neet3,long bloodâ€" R. MoEach- em, D RicCorinacli; turnip Deet â€" I) McCormack, H Watson. Parsnips â€" II Watson, G Arrowainith. Radishes black â€" A Miiir, T A Ferguson. Cab- bage, oxheart â€" W Watson, U McCor- j mack. Cabbage, an) other variety â€" Wm Watson, J) McCormack. Cauli- dowers â€" 11 Watson, Voa AcCoruiack. Onions, potatoâ€" Arch .McArthur, D â-  r-rcUormaclr, Dutch setts, T A Fort;- Crab apples,, nioiliiim. T A Feriiii.sdii, Jiis Oliver; Pluunt, H VValson; Pears, Jiii>. K-kh;iidt; U«rnpe,s, ti. W'atsun. ( Flowsrs- Ilai.d hoquet, W J Meads, |HWat.-(m; T;ii)lo boniu-t, H Waf.son; I Col!, hi. use ii'.iifftp, H Watsmi. I Daiuy GtnEn PnnDtx'Eâ€" Honey in leoiiib, li WatsDii; Honey extracted, J .Au- |Sseiu; Roll butter, D .VIoMilluii, D Harrow D McCorm.ick; .Crock buitiT, Jos Oliver ' W J Mo'ids, D Harrow; Tub buttiir, J ks. Oliver, D McMillan, W J Mends; Maplo Molaasoij. Win White T Ferguson; Heav- iest Uen egg.s, D McMillan. The jud){es made coinnient as follows : "Wi; highly ooiiimend the buiter and feel that all the oxhibita were worthy of a ! prize." Jiidm'Hâ€" D McArthur, O B Hood I Govcrniiiefit Judoe. .MANVKAi.TinEsâ€" Rii(4 Carpet, Jane Mo- Phail, (J An-owHiiiilh; b'laiiiiel, .Jane Mc- Ph.iil; BlaiikHis, Jennie Mo.Vrlhur, D Mt;MJlhiii. Judges : Mis. Oauion, Mis. .Moitiuior Ladiks' WoKKâ€" Pun^pkin pie, J Oliver A :VIcLeod: Li'iiion pie, D Hnrrow, T Fer- guson; A|)[)L- pie. D .MuMillan, A McLeod Kruir Cakn, .1 McArthur, H Walsoii; I Uitad hiiniVniade, Iv MeKiii:ion,.l Oliver; Bieail(ll n Miller's p ize), N McKinnon, D Harrow; T.irts, D McMillan, T Kernu- Son. Wm White; LSuiif, J .McMillan, Win White; Woollen yarn doulde, Wni White, John McRiie; Woollen yam .siugl-, U Mo Eichern, G Arrowsiiiiih; Men's Socks, J McMillan, (1 .\rr.iwsiniih; StockiiiCH, J McDouald, Jane Md'hail; Mens Mit's. I J MeMdIaii, Wm White; Ladies' Mitts, I .Jnue MePhail, .John Mc.-Vrthur, Quil pHlchwoik, .leiinie McArthur, Jane Me Phail; Quilt log cabin, Wm White, W.I Meads; Quilt l»nitl«d,J McArthur .leniiii MoMlhui; Qui't crn/.y, W J Meadn, .Jennie McA;tliur; Quilt, fancy, Wm Wh'te, Jennie McArthur, Berlin wool woik, raised, Jane MePhail, T A Fergu.s- on B-rliii wool work, not raised, T A [Ferguson Wreath, T .-V Ferguson (Gem's shiit, hoineinado, H Watson, W While ILioked mat, W J Meads, D Mc ^Millan Crochet ill cotton, Wm While, J Mcl-'hail Crochet in wool, J McPhail liiiittin'.5 in wool, .•Vrrowsmiih Knilt- iiin 111 coirou, Jei nie Mc\rthur, .lane M.:Phail Braidiiii;, Jane McPhail Tal tinj;, .Jane McPhail lliinb in cotton, J.n oie McArthur Umli in silk, Jennie Me Arihur, G .\rroWsiii;th Outliuo work. I) Harr-iw .leuiiie .Vlc.-Vrtliur Woollen work on cauvaa, T A Feri<u»on Toilet set, U McMillan, W J Meads Lamp cushion, T A Ferj<UHoii, D Harrow Run cushion, .Jeunie McArthur, D McCorm- ack Spider web cu.'diion, D McCormack, .leiinie McArthur Houieiiiado slippers, D Harrow Drawn thread work, Jennie McArthur Baiteiiburu', Jennie Mc.\ith ur Table centrej.ieoe, .Jennie McArthur, G .-Vrrowsmiih Sola cushion, Jano Mo P.iail, Jennie Mc.Xrlhur l)arnin<;, J A .McDonald. Donal-1 .McMill.ui Button holes, H Watson B.-st lau'idered while shirt, spccid by Wm Rcilly, _ Annie dailies. Live Stock, poiilti y, etc. is held ovoi until no.Vt week â€"Ed. Advance. Osprey Fall Fair. Till) Osprey fall fal", hold at Fevorsliaiii on Fiiday', anaiii broke the record ill alfnost every rispect, and made j;ood rtu claim of bein'4 tho best township show in ihis part of the piovince. Th^ re are some splendid stock raisers in Otiprey and their products were in evidence. .Miller, of Mcliityro ."bowed Clydes and Durhinns, and Mr. Burke of M,ix.veli sliow. d souiu choice Duihainp, while other vaiieties of .â- itiK'k were shown in abundance. One Vo kshire pig on the grounds tipped the scalrs at G;Jo pound.s The inside exhibit was oertsinly an honor to the township Tbu crowd was very la.-!ro an 1 at a 10 mid 15 cent adini.'wion nette.l 818t), while the concert nt niuht iielte-l S141. Duiidall, â-  in, . , i» VI /. I band supiJied mUHio. Those tacts would uson. U rt atsoii; lop.S U McO"rmac.k, l ^,,,^.„,^ Secretary Kemahan and froni b-ack seed, JL) McOoruiack, A Li,^, ^|i.,,^.t,,,.s in the be.t of humor and Mnir. Pumpkins, yellowâ€" G Arrow- 1 pm-o the w.-iy for .still uroater soccess-s in Btnitl), A D lyicLcod. Pumpkins, any j fuure. This society ii ahead of tiie E-isl otiier kind â€" lV] L MtjIutyre.D McCor- Grey show held here in at least one r.-s- niack. Squashâ€" A D MoLeod, H I'l-c'-they have erected cattle sheds. Watson. Ce!ery-J 01iver,J Aussem. '""''.'•-''• .'<» .''Vr ""' l''.""^ T"";? I'w ,,., -^•* ,. . â- ' • 1. 4 1. M r 1 nothiiii; in that hue and s'ock is exposed t-Uro»8-G Arrowsiiutb,A I McLeod. ^ ,„v\.«„ther that nn.y happen alon«. lotnatoesâ€" U Watson, A, B McLeod iTheEint Grey people ought to remedy Cucumbers, picklingâ€" A i) McLeod, J this shortcomii-n right away. Below we Niohol;ripoâ€" U Waisoii.T A Ferguson. 1 j^ive the OspKy p' i/.e list. Collection of Vegetables, T Forgnsou. I Uor-sbsâ€" Draught, pair, ^ Rest and largest variety field roots, J McVrthurs' special â€" 1) McMillan. U WcC^iinuck, Judges â€" Wm Smitbi J I Graham". FKriTâ€" Ktjilherii Spj*, Win Watson, C Jainc8; Gulden Uuasott, .James, C Traoii; Apple, wiMter,Hny other, C Try<iu JM«Bolh, Sucw^ C Tiyoi), .J.din T?ck- j Spring colt, R Ottewelt, tt Ol liardt, Colbert, J Eokhard^ Alexander, 1 Genernl purpose, pair, W Sedli J) McMillan, John MoRat; St. Lawrence, ' â- " CK/ James; Apples, fall, any other, H Wat.son, D McCorniick Collocti.m op- Iiltjfl, C. Tryon, C Mclnnes. Crab iipplc«, ar^fe, R,McCui nk'tcii, Archie McArthur; B S Kerr, Arinstioiig Bros Brood inaie, W Brews ler 2 year old colt, W J Lauifbee.l, W P.rcwster 1 year old colt, W Brewster, W BrewB'er Spiioj colt, W Urewstei Axiiculfcural, pair, H McDonald, W L Taylor Brood mare, W Hodgins 2 year <dd colt, J A Koniahan, R Adiuiis; 1 year Id colt, ,J A Keiuahan, H Mclnnes; Ottewoll. ey, W Hamniil'; Brood niare, R Ottcwull, J Li<i8ay; 2 year old colt, W Neft, J Wint- ers; 1 year old colt, Thos Bottn, Tho8 Retts, C Sejwicc; Spring colt, J Ring, J Liiis.)y. Hmddters, pair, W Hutobiaon, ."^ '>•' <,^ucen; Brood mare, J Adair, D Su... , .-. ycu- oM colt, H Mclunis, J Mc- I Ki ;; 1 year old colt, H McDonald; I Spung Milt, ,1 Winter, D Smith; Sin-la driver, tie > Haufihton, N D McDonald. Carriajie, pair, A Stephenson, Frault Winters; Brood mare, J Winter, J Clark; 2 year old colt, C Tuplin, R Adams; 1 year old colt, Jas Cl.ark, S ' Galloway; Spriny colt, J Adair, â- ) Clark; Single .Inv r, D .VlcTavish, H MoUonald. Oattlkâ€" Durhams, aged bull, J Miller; 1 year old huP, R Y Burke; Bull calf, J Miller, R Y Burke; Cow, R Y Bui ke; 2 year old heifer, J Miller, R Y Burk; 1 year old heifer, R Y Burke; Heifer <:.-ilf, RZ Burk; herd, RY Burk. Jer- sey, cow Mrs. J Speer, Thos Cowper. Gia.tes, cow, .1 Buckinirhani, R Y Burk; 1 year old heifer, R Y Burk; Heifer calf, R Y Burk; Steer, 2 year old, F SpolTord, Jas Buckingham; Steer, 1 year old, W Spofford, Isl and 2iid; Sleurcalf, F Spiif- ford; 2 year old heifer. Jus. Buckinj^lmm, F. Spidlbrd. SuEEi'- Shropsliires, Aged ram, J A Kefiiahan; Sheurlina ram, J A Kerii- ahaii, 1st and 2nd; Ram lamb, J .-V Kern- alian, 1 and- 2; Aged ewe, J .\ Kernahaii, 1 and 2; Sneariinj' ewe, .1 A. Ivoiunhan, 1 and 2; Ewe lanih, J A KeriiBhan; Pen, J A Kernahaii. Cotswolds, shcarliog ram, aged ewe, shearling ew.-, ewe lamb, ami pen, .-V .Muir. Leicester, ahearlinsj ram, .\ Muie, W Conn; R-im lamb, .J Stewart, i and 2; .Aged ewe and shearling ewe, A .Muir; Ewe lamb, J Stenait, 1 and 2; l\n, A .Muir. Swineâ€" Berkshire*. A^^ed boar, boar piU; and aijed sow, G W Ross; Sow pij{, J A Kornahan, G Ross. Yorkshire, Aged bonr, boar pia, »i?ed sow and sow pi(5, W .1 Liugheed. Tainwortli, «oud sow, .1 A Kernahan, (! Rosa; Sow pi^, J .-V Kernahan, 1st ana 2iid. Fiiiii' AND FujWBiiHâ€" Ben Davis Ap- pIcH, ,1 McKinnon, R Adiiiis; Duchess Ja-s Clark, .Iiis Elliott; Alexander, j Buok- in^haiii, A J Coiiron; Wolf Kiver.R Ruth- van,.! Stewait; Snows, J Elliiitt,J Clark; Russets, J McKinnon, .1 Slewart; North- ern Spies, R Adaiu>, J McKinnon; Pe- waukee, J Stewait, .J Jaiiiies<in; Fiuiiis Lonilmrd, R Ada-ns, J Stewait; Plums any other viriety, I H Perino, R A.lains; Pears B;'rtieil, R Adam-, .1 .Stewart; Clajips favorite, J Ste>vari; Collection of Fruit, R .Ailams, J .Stewart. Flowers, Beu'oiiias t{ow-orin$i,J A Konialiai.Fuschia n bloom, I H Pcri^o; Geraniums dou'^le [ H Peii!4o;ilcraniuius sinj(lo,I H Perigo; Pelur^oniuiii, 1 H Perifto; Palm, .1 A Kernahan; Auy other decorative plint, I U Peri'io, .1 A Kernahan; Collection oi plants, A Cnnroii. Dairy andOtueh Produ(;bâ€" Extracted honey, I Peri-^o, C Fawcett; Tub Butter, J Jaiuieson, J X Keruahnn; Roll Butlc, J .Aamiesoii, W J Jl<K>re; Crock of liulter J ,/aiiiiesoii, J Clark; Hume made chi'n*e, lU Perigo; Kruit cake, T Cooper, I H Pcrigo;./elly Cake, W J Moore, T Coopi r; Lemon Pie, I II Periyo, Jsi. El.iott ;Home made bread, W J Moore, J MoKinooii, Maple Sui^ar, J Elliott, W Hodons;! Maple .Syt up, J McKinnon, J Claik; jai 1 peaches, 1 H Peri'io, WJ Moore; jar c^f j plums, I H;l\'iigo, W J Moore; jar o | eirs, H T'eiiwick, lU Perifjo; j-ir of gripes, T I-f'Pcrigo, Win Uodijkini.; jar ot sir.iw hemes, W J Moore, 1 H Peii^o, Colleotinii of joiUes. T Cooper, W Hod- gins; TLonu specihl on butter, J Jamie son; C Stephens <& Co, special, W .1 .Mo .re. Ladiks W.,rk â€" Berlin w ol work, H lleitinan, I 11 Perigo, Crochet in wo.d, W H Guy, I H Peritfo; Crochet wo k in Cotton. W H (Juy. U Uoiimnti; Kmbi'oid cry in silk,./ E.liott F Spoll'ard, any other \arieiy enitroiilory, I H Perigo; netliii« fancy, J Elliott; I'al hi centrepiece em- broidery, I II Porico; Needle work ortia- nlental I' H Peiiifo; S-ifa cushion iiioiiiitod H Ueit.inan; I^in cushion, I U Poritfo; r-dlet-io , WH Guy, H Hcitinn; Whisk holder I 11 Pcri-^o; Fancy footstool, I H Poritf. ; Set T..ble Malt'*, iU Perig.i; j Knitiin.' ill Wool, T Cioopor; Knitting in Cotton, R I'uik, W H Guy; Pair vyoollen •oockin ;s, T Ooo|)H'', J .laniieson; Pair of ' >»'o- h.n socks, T opor, J J,iineson;i Pair woollen mifs L'ontR, R Pliiiiinier, T| (jooper; Pair of woollen mil ts lady '.s, T Coo.iur; Darning. I H Pori;4o, I H Peiigo, | T Cooper; Macliine sewini,', T Co-iper; ' 11' oked inatts rug, .1 Jaiiiieson; Rag oar- i pot, W Juiiiin, W Hodgens; Patch woi k ^ ipiilt silk, T Cooper, J Kllioli; PatohwmkI quilt Wold, J .lamieson, .lEbiolt; Patch- i Work ipiik cotton, J J-imie^or., F .Spoif<rd; ' Qiiiit or coiniterpaiiu knitted, J Eliolt; Hand paiiiiiin;, F Spolfard, PoULTRV-Pair white plynioutJi rocks, W Guy lat iiiid2nd;piiir bar ed plymouth locks, I H Perii{<i, M liiillmtyni'; pair chiokein, H Fenwiok, I Poriijo; llojlt of while piyiiioulh rocks, W (iuy; Hock of barred plyniouih rocks, W Guy; bo-it ohiokeii coop, W Guy, lat and 2iid; pair geese, C Fawcett, W Hndains; pair turk- eys, J Lougliced, J Adair; pair ptkin ducks, J A Kernahan, pair ducks, com- mon, C Fawcett, J A Kernahan. (iKAlN â€" Fall wheat, white, R Ruthvan, H Fenwick; fall wheat,rod, Tlioa Qooper; spring whe<kt,J .\dair,W Nclf;white uats, McFarland. Stafford & Cos. Big Store MAI^KDALE, ONTAl^IO Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE Watching the Market And being *there' with the Cash en- ables us to keep in front in our line. Ifs a Good Thing for all our Customers="Are You One? A few' of the many money saving opportunities gatnerered togerlier for this week's seUing. Dozens of others just as- interesting. Come in and investigate. Boys tweed Caps for 'Jo. 12 Boy.-i' Peak (!.ips, in bnwn anil whitu and blue and wliite, check tweed, all less than half price. Only 9 sizes. Children's Undarvests for lOc. 144 Children's Ribbed Uiider\est>',union, fleece lined, etc., in h)'i{eian Ribbed, assorted sixes and ((ualities worth up to 25c., each. Your choico 10 10 §3.00 Ladies' Skirts for Sl.9.5. only Womens Black Cloth Skirts nicely trimmed with silk strapping, med- ium weiylit cloth, assorted lenolh.s, a regular 3.U0 g.irment. On sale this weak at 1 95 82.00 Shirt Waists for 1.25 24 only Women's Fancy Shirt Waist.s. a.ssoitcd colorings, in fancy stripe pat- terns, some lustres, some fancy wool blouse materials, as-sorted sizes, nicely triiiiiiied, rexular 82.00 Blouses. We 'jOt the lot at a bargain. vVhile they last 1 20 63c Corduroy for .'JDo. .38 yai-ds Xavy Blue Corduroy, nice rich shade, hno velvet tinish, f/"od lioavv weight, worth in reirulaiwway (J5o yard. iro not a bargain and can s.iy per yard Ui) 33o Bath Towolls for 19c. .30 piiir Ba'h Towellf,sizos 20 hy 40 fancy snipe pattern, tjood quality crash, re..u- lar value 30c pair on salo this week '^I'.l Childiens Bearskin C.)ata. ?ro secured a couple of dozen Cliildron'd >Khito Bearskin Coats at a close [irice These httlo coats are very popular for little people. (Ke have lhB:,n in dilferenc qualuies, diffi;rent styles, and dilferatic sizes, prices run fi-oni f2.00 to 4.ii(> fl,25 Print JFrapperp for 89a. 18 only women's Print Wrai«por«,mediuni and dark, neat pattern-^, assorted, Kood .piahty print, reg value Ji.25 each,' sale pi ice ^<^ Jff Big Skirt Purchase «<1.00 SKIRTS FOR 33.50. Wo scoured from one if the best manufacturers 49 Diess Skirtfl at about half rocula- values. They are all this soasiui's bett styles and best cl-.tlis, Imt only a few of oao)^' si >Meft, hence this price opportunity. There are blacks, navy hjues, ereys atiU tmicy <woeds in the lot. assorted leiiyths and vaiious siyles. The regular values werw §5 and §(1.00. We pub them on sale at one priceâ€" your choice for " 3 gy McPAKLAND, STAFFOI^D 6c CC> J McKinnon, Jas Claik; black oits, A Muii ; barley, R Ruthvan, Alex *l uir; small peas, Jas. Klliott,Jas Adaii ;tiinotliy seed, .\ Muir, R Rutlivan; re.l c-ovor, R Ruthvan; alsike clover, J JamiesOii, R Ruthvan. Riots and Veqktablbs â€"Potatoes, rose type J Jamuo-on, RY Burk; liebron, W l>ollin;< .las Clark;long while,.! /aniieson, W Rolling; co'lection, </ ./amieaon; long manifolds, / ./amieson, R Adams; glide maiiyoldJ, A Muir, R .Adams; sweede turnips, C Hofy, ,//ainieaoii; abtrdoi-n C Hojjg.J Janiieson; su;;ar becl-!,.^ Muir, j jaiiiic.^oiii; blood beets, K .Ad:tms, W Ho(lgiu>; blood beoiR, any otlior kind, C Hoa;'.', W U Conn; I-.nj,' Uihlo carrot.', C Hog!{, Thos. Cooper ;e.irly horn carrots, j jaiiiiesoii. R Atlanis; (iidd {inrrots, R Adams, C II 'gg; par.siiipj, j j:\iiiie8oii, li Pluiiiiner; onions fioiii seed, j jaiiiie.son, W R-illiiii;; potii'o onions, C .Service, C Hogs; toponions,R Y I'urk;«liito beans, R Adani.-!, T 'Jooper; butter beans, A j Cmiron, T Cooper; lablj corn.Vv' j Julian, j a Kernaimn; enhilaijo corn, j Si e* art, jasCiark; winoingstea.l cabb.ij^'e, W II Conn, j janiiesoii; r.-d cibbaije, Wjiiliaii, C H >i;o; eatibage any -itliur kind, j jiui- iosofi.W H Conn; Cauliflower, j jim:oson W 11 Conn; tomntoes, R .Adams, j jamiesoii; si(iiash, j Elliott; puinj.kin, j Elliott, j jsmiesoii; vejjjttablo iinirrow, j Elliott, Will jiilieii; water melon, A j Conroii; citroiis,R Adams, j A Keiiiahan; oiicunibelii, jus Stewait, \ j Conroii, vegetable oyster.', T Cxnuir, jas Elliott; while Celery, jas Elliott, H Fuiiwick.Red Ci.lery, R F Burk. A Judicious Inquiry I A W(^I1 known travelling man who visits t!'.> <liii„' trade siiys Im hiis often bcaid drtigiribta ih<|tiiie of cnstoiners who asked for a coii«li me.ociiM!, whether it was wanted for a elijld „r an aihilt, and if foi a child ihev aBBbst ic«u'- mlily reccommend Chainberlain's fough RJiii- •â- dy. Iheiwvson for this is lluU they km w there is iio danger fion, it and that it ahvevs oiiies. I'heru IS not the least danger in giv iig It, and for coughs, coMs nnd croup it is mivn,. passed. For sale by W. K. Uichai Uoii. Koenan Br;)s. have issued a circul -r 'o hnn'^eri i iiskini; them to reduce their out for liKK), as tho ninrket is now (,vcr supplied, owinc; to tho competit,iim of thi- Americm uiillmen. Over !?10. 00 1,0(0 worth of lunibor csnie in fio.ii the States last year free of duly. ONLY ONE Cure for Asthma Some medicines deadeli the dissnsn tenipornii'y, but Cameron's Asthma Cure While threshing at HoneywoiHl tho other day a traclioii eiioine in some man- nor Kot into ^car and yanked the separa- tor out of the yard. Little damage was don*. curuB permiuiontly. It is taken in- ternally and thus cmnea in^milact with tho Iruiiolcs direjIlJ^^^lpving it from tho .sysiei.i in a natOPdl n.iin- lu-r. Price 82.00 per bottle at all drujjgiits or sent direct on receipt ofi pi ice. Prepared only by tK A. CAMERON, One 14 .Sot; Hd, Out., 'WhihJr'runt DtngSim.' * # "»

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