f . il E FLESHEliTON ADVANCE September 7 1905 IP SE3^2g f VICINITY , CHIPS ^ % 111! Il Characteristics of The Past Week j-. I'l Carcfullv Culled fnr the Cuii us. . . [I Carefully Culled for the Cull us. I gj Fresh liaie always on hand, J. H, D.ickett, Eugenia. For sale â€" Gm^d workir.c horse. Apply to VV. J. Caswell, Durlinni Corners. Fit Sale -8 young piRS, apply to W. Triaiblo. For No. 1 Spruce Floorin^.pto to R. P. Legate & Co., Ceylonâ€" 15,000 ft. in stock For No. 1 Spruue Sidin? go to R. P. Lig«te & Co. Ceylonâ€" 20, COO ft. in stock. Chopping done every day after Sept. 1 at 5c per ICO lbs. P. Loucks. Chopping will hot be doi.e here any day except Motidays. T. VV. Wilson. Mi38 Mubel Boyd will leave next week to take a course at ."Vlnia Ladies CoMege, St, Thom.iM. Mr. David Wriylit of the Elora Model school spout a few days of the past week in town. For Uurdwno.l Floorir.ss wo to R. P. Legate & Co , Coy Ion, 812 perM and up, 100,000 feot. in slocK. Mr. Frmk Irwin ot the Durham Chronicle fijieiit pnrt of Sunday and Mon- day with friends in town. Mrs. Trato, Mrs. J. H. Campaign and Miss Ida, all of Chicago, arc visiting with Mr. John Brown, of the East back line. For No. 1 Lath and Shingles ajo to R. P. Legate & Co., Ceylon. Prices right »nd a good stock. Lost â€" Dark, brown shawl between Fleshertou and Rockvale. Finder please leave at this office. The Kiiigs Royal Bummar hotel at Owen Soiii.d was sold last week for §16, SCO, about a fifth of its cost. Mr. C. Ltfitch, of Butfalo, spent a few days with old friends here during the past week. Rev. Mr. and Mrs. Wass returned last W'eek from a visit to friends ia Toroiitu and Ottawa. Mrs. Mark Wilson left last week for Gore Bay, where she will spend two or three weeks with her brother who issum- iiiering there. Firm for saleâ€" Fifty acres, under good state of cultivatiot; good slate of cultiva- tion; aood buildings, lot 165, oun. 1 S.W. T. & S. R. Apply to Johu Chard, Flesh- ertou, P. O. The Markdalo football juniors came down on Monday afternoon and played a aiatch with the juniors here. The score stood 2-0 in favor of Fleshoitou. The best of j^ood fetliny prevaded. The new safe for the Standard bank •irrivc'd on Monday. The little toy weighs 68,000 pounds and its stowing away proved ipiite a coiiuudruin to those wh,, had the handling of it. \V. C. Lunan of Klienbun; has been engaged as principal of the Dundalk public school to till the vacancy caused by the resinnation of W, J. Blakcston, who has secured a more lucrative position iu the Stratford public schol. Big demonstration in Markdale, Tues- day, Sept. 12, the opening of their new park and pleasure grounds. Horseraces, bicjclo races, lacrosse match, etc. See large pesters for particulars. J. H. Stephenson, Sec. Com, If the two young men who occupied rear seat, west side of the Methodist church, Sunday evening last and kept up a continued hum of talk, annoying many jieople, will repeat it again they may rcieive an invitation to appear before Squire VanDusen. â€" VV. T. A horse belonging to Mr. Alber* Stuart (4 the suburbs, driven in a buggy by the hired man, Jack McLean, and Bert Pent, while coming from the station reared up and fell over, stiikini; ils head on a stone and killing ilseU instantly. The cause o/ the animal's action has not been learned. Previous to Mr. and Mrs. Cryer's le- t urn to their homo in Illinois a family gatheiing was held at the residence of Mr- Mackenzie Duncan, west back line, when all the brothers and sisters, with one exception, were present. The day will be long remeniberetl by all present. Many little tokens were given and others received, in rciuembrance of the happy time spent among Viothers and sisters before Mr. and Mrs. Cryer, with Master Earl and Miss Faye, returned to their far-away home in Illinois. One brother drove from Heathcote, a distanoe of some SOmilcs, arriving in time to see the fam- ily rising from the breakfast table at 9.20 o'clock a.io. .An interestinsj wedding is taking place in Toronto aH we gT to press Wednesday. Miss Ma^aie Riit!edge of this place is btCMining ,Mr.s. Isaac Turner. The gnntle- uian in the ea.ie is a resident of Winnipeg aiul a sou of Mr. S(.lomou Turner of Eugenia. Th.-re will protmbly bs more purticulars next week. Clarksburg police village has put down ECi9 square feet of cement sidewalk this year at a cost of a trifle under 9 cools. Flesherton lias put down about 600 8((iiare feet. We are away luliiiid the age so tar as modern sidewalks are concerned. Other towns r.o larger in size have rai.sed â- the money and put down the substantial cement walks. This villio.-e should mov.- in the same direction. Putting down a patoh hero and thare and now and anain will never make a complete and satisfac- tory job. The tliiiig should be done in a businesslike way. The eclii H',i of the sun on Wednesday <;f hi.st weik was observed by numbjis of people heie and was a phenamonon of more tlmii usual interest and beauty. In this rc-pect FKsherton was more high- ly favored than mist points in the path of the eclipse as clouds were general over the country and prevented ibservation ex- cepting at a ew places. Here the sun ri'Se among broken clouds and was plainly visible only about one-third of the time. When fiist seen by the writer our luiiiin. aiy appeared as a crescent with the two horns pointing upward. As the shadow moved uff, this crescentappjirently rose up and stood on one horn, the effect being ipiiie beautiful. About two-thirds of tho sun's suiface was covered and the light was so "lio: I hit one eould watch it with the eye, unaided by smoked glass. â- â- â- â- 1^ How To Cure Toothache Any Hchina tooth c>n bo relieved in- stantly with Nervilino. Fill the cavity with liatting clipped in Xorvilino and rub the gums with Nerviline also. If the face is swollen and sore bathe the painful parts with Nerviline and cover with a dannel. This can't fail because Nerviline kills the pain cmtright and prevents it from returning. Stmnger, (juiuker, ui^iie satisfactory than any oilier liniini-nt, Pol- son's Nerviline has been the largest seller for nearly liity yeais; try it yourself. Not a Factor The O. S Times lias heaid something about the Eugenia waterpower. It siiys : "On most reliable authority The Tunes has it tliut I he Eu;ien;a Falls electiic power development need not now be ret'aided eeiiously as a tactor in Owtii Sound's industrial aetiviiies. When Messr.'. McLaughlin and Reasor were hero in the early spiing they expres.sed them- selves as ijuito coiitident that with modern water poAer cons' ruction, there could be bevehppid from the falls ami the aJj icent storikiie ficiliiies fully four thousand h .r.-a power. To meet the cost, of deM!o|inieirt the proposition was tti issue Ixjiids for the necessary amount. It is stated that the financial inlere.sta which would have read ily taken th>) bond is-iue first sent an ex- pert engineer to estiiii.ile the po.^.si bill lies . The result was that the report of the expert was so discouraging that the liii- aiicial assistance was not forthcoming from that .source as the po.s.«ibilitios indicated ouly about ten per cent of D.e estona'e claimed for tho power when tlie gentlenieo interested weie here last spring. Thi.s is practically :ho estimate of local engineers and it rein lins to be seen whether or not the owners of the power will spciiro cap- ital elsewhere and demonstrate their claims." Willi regard to the above, Mr. Reasor, tho engineer of the company, who is on the ground this week, authorizes us to make a geneial denial of the Times' scare article. 'If" siiys Mr. Keasor, "they say we cannot come, we deny it; if they say we will notcoino wo also deny that. Wo are going on with the project and the financial end is assured." Mr. Reesor also poin's out the absurdity contained in the latter part of the item quoted to the eflect that there is only ten per cent, of the power claimed, which would bring it down to 400 horsepower! Mr. llcasor thinks the Timeo has been iuiposed upon by interested paities fnini some unknown motive. All the same, he .says the Eugenia development is assured. â€" . »»<â- »<â- . A Rough Game We have heard of clii>giaterul e.shibi- tions of lacrosse, but a gamortcently play- ed at Shelbureby the Shelburno Bradford Club8,as ri ported by the Dundalk Herald discounts aiij thing we have seen or read ot in that lino. The Herald says: "Dur- ing the early part of the gaoie, when VVaghorue was more than a ligurehead, Bradf >rd players wore being cut down and Shelburne men were going to the fence in rehiys. This caused ."Vl.idill to heroically appeal to the crowd to got after Waghorue as ha was favoring tho visitors. Thi:i the crowd promptly did a'nd the crooked work immediately in- creased. SkeltoD was the ring!ead«r in this line and the acts ho was guilty nf bore out President Allen's expression of opinion to the effect that he was not fit to play in tho C, L. A. If he Is allowed to tial^e.lus i^laoe qo a Q.h, A. koAta ijt will be an everlasting disgrace to ihe association, Hu went to the fence once or twice but finally refused to go and his pliiying became more abominable. Hi' jiinipod with loth feot on men laying on the siround, sti^pped on their heails, hi' tliein over tho head when tho ball wan not nearthein, and on one occasion, after knocking a mm out in passing liim whil.- on liis way back to positnm.liy poking ihe handle of the .stick into a vulnerable part he turned around and struck him after lie had fallen. He was the worst offender, but there were others â€" Smith ami MeOibbon noticeablyâ€" that made a bril- liant eflort to equal him in violence. Thatisapjn picture of the match a» it occrre'l, with no exaggerations one way or another." CANADIAN o 1>ACIF1C Ky. WILL SELL HARVEST EXCURSION TICKETS . TO THE . NORTH WEST Boar tor Service ThorouKhbi-oi Tamworth boar for serrioe on lot 72. iBt rauKe E. T. & 8 B., Arteinosia, t'cruiB j^l. TROS. TAYLOR, Proprietor. Tamworths and Berkshires. I have for aalo a few olioloe young pigs of both breeds at riuUt prioaa. Write for what you want or come and soo tbom* Maxwell P. O. Geo. W. Ross. F^>^r>:j^;:^«gfe^^-^:^i^-S^i^:^.^r^*^ t"*' Winnipeg Doioraiuo Soiij is ItratidoM Lyietou Lonorti Minluta IMnsctirth MooBomitx .Areola Ketevan York ton K am Hack $30.00 Shell Ket;iiia 31.30 l.iptou Moo.sajnw 3153 HiiinboKtt Hauktttooa 32.00 Pri'.(!Q Albert Melfort »!!.a5 Ilattleford 3'2.«) MaeI..eo(l .12,50 t'alijavy R-il 15por .TI.0O Stintbcoiia }^ 6.13.50 3375 34.00 35.00 35.ii5 3li.00 3r-00 3S.U0 38.30 .f.1,50 â- 10.50 (loing Kept. 12tli, roturniDg until N'ov. :3Hi. Going Sept. 2Gtli, rutuiuing until Nov. 27tli. Full particulars from Canadian PacilloAgont. DEERING Implements Of all kinds at Wriglit'.s. The Deering binders are the lightest and best. You can ^S your save money by gettin, implements from Wm. L. WRIGHT Barnhouse's Old Stand. Tlesberton <& Ont Farm For Sale. Lot fl con. 4 Osprcy, 100 ncrc«, aliout T'? aces cleared, gooil fraiiiu barn stone stabliiiif niidcr, frroue ihvi'IIini;, 1 1-2 mill's from Ma.v- wt'U, 7 miles from l''lL'shertnii, in f^ood Ktat« <»f eiiltivatimi. For laice and terms apply to .Tiw. 11. Clinton or W. J. Bellamy, Fleshurton. July 31. '05 Farm for Sale. Lot lo. con. 3, S. D. H.. Osprov, BO acres moro or I«>BH. 7 clenrftfl. Twofrnmu Iiousch, fraiiiR barn 10x40 on stciiP wall, rilh root lumao IC.x'JU uncler drive way; atiotlier frniiio barn 22x)Vi; corlarlo^'l'ift lion"21xHl; fiamodriviiifr sbed 'Jliii.'Jll (inoii orc'hiiril of .'j'2 boarinf* trees; Rond uovor- failiiig wi 1!. Till' fann is woll foucH.i, in a Rood fitate of tMiKivHtion and free from bad weeds. For further partiunlarw a()ply to noHT. (;I^^^nIl^TT, Warulian). Out. Farm For Sale. r :r . i A Plain Tale From The Mills. We havo just, recL-ivid our second consicnnicnt of White Pine from tho North Shore and our stock is now complete iu every way. We are in a posi- tion n supply all your wants in the line of Sash, Doors, Flooring, Siding, Moiildiiis;, Scroll Work and Turning Planing $ niatcbtng done on shortest notice Give U3 the order for tint verandah; we can suit you to a T. Chopping = Mondays = Only Prices Reasonable. ' - Terms: Cash. Flesherton Planing Mills. I 1^ BOOTS AND SHOES The reputation of our Boots and fcihoes has been built up by close attention to business. Our Footwear is well know throughout all this part of the country as being the best. The proof of this is that so many always come to us for their boots and shoes. Our Spring Stock is up-to-date in style and make and is the best and most complete we have ever had to show you. me Jllways Cry Co 6ive a Dollars mortb Tor a Dollar In custom work wo are second to none. We use the best material that can be got and any order entrusted to our caro will be carefuly attended to. If you are goin<5 to travel wo have a larco stock of TRUNKS, TELE- SCOPES & SUIT C-\SES. Call and see them at ClaytOn*s « « « Tles^/erton, ^ ^eare In Ensiness FOR YOUR HEALTH. Tbo South half of lot 4, con. 3, townnhip of Eviphrasia. ooiifcainiiiB 11*0 acres, log dwellii)f>, fraipo bank barn. Turiiirt ruasonablo. l'*;>r further particulars apply tn \V, 1j. YoniiR. Haii'icr Mai'kdalo, or to .fnsoph McLood, l!0'J N. MadisLU Avuuuo, Day Cfty, Mich. 7 ho Notice Notice ia hoiobv Riven that a bylaw wns pas- sod by thft Municipal Council of tlio Townahip of Artomosia, on tho fifth day of AuRust, A.I). 1005, pro^idioR for tho issue of Dobenturna to thuritnountof Sl.OOO.OO for purpose of School Section No. 5 of Mie Haid townahip, and that such llylaw was r«Ristciod in tho Hogi-ttry olIlGoofthti South Riding of th« County of Grcvon thoiilfJt day of AuKus^ A.D. l'.K)5, Any motion to quash or sot aside thosaiuo or any part thereof Miu^t; be ina'le within throo months after tho lirst puljlieatinn of this nolice. and cannot be made fclien*rrtef. Dated tho iiJrd day of Auaurtt. A.D. VJO\ W. J JIK^LAMY, CJeiU. MEDICAL - HALL FLESH ERTOiSr THE OWEN SOUND ^Olle^iate Institute UE-OFENINU Tuesday, Sept. 5th, 1905. Tho Owen Koiinrt Colliginte Institute will ro- opoti for tho I''ftll Toi-in oil TuoHdav. Soiif.. .'i, (it n.a. in, whon pu])i'B will ho uiirollod and classi- fied, and clasBea oi'Rftiiiztid for t.ho 'Jonoral ('ourBp; tho t'oinmercial Course; for nil ftrndea for all K'-adiiS of Toachers' cortiflt-atos; lor Clausand H )aor Junior and Senior Matricula- tion, and for uutruuceiuto all tho loarnod pro-, osaioim. Staff and Fquiiiniontâ€" The Btaff cousiBtB of uino toaolicrs, ull BpotiinlistB and men ot tho IjighOHt profoKsiunal standing. Tho oouipinGut is thoru^hly niodor.i anil oltioioiit, and ainuug tho llort iu Ontario. Terms -Tlio fooB arc; For jiiipils f.-oiii tha con n tics ot Ore V. Mruce, VVi-llmijton, DiilTorin and Bimi.oe, Ton Dollars; from other countios, TwclVfc to I'itteou Dollars. For annual nuouucomout or other iuforma- tion, apply to Tho». IHurtay, Principal. Jno. Rutherford, Sec.-Troas, Ifarm forsaleT" BY TENDER Ten.Urs will b^ roooivarl up to tho flrst day of Soptombor next, for the )>urchaBe of tho foUowiuB lands, viz.: lota IW, 141) and 130, in tho third range north-oust ol tho Toronto and Sydenham Koad iu the townshi]) of Artoinnsia; i(>0 aoreB| over 70 acres cleared, a fraiuo rouKh caatnt-welling, loii bavu ind an orobnrd upou tho premises. Terms, ,10 per cont of purobaBo ptioo at tiuio of accoptanco of tondor, tho bal- nnoe on completion of title, except «G00, which ma; remain on mortgose. Tho higbost oS an; teudsr not neooHBarlly accepted, W^ 1.. BBUiAMX,. FUiBhetto The Expert Pill Hixers .st«. â- *»/> *>«. •i\t- <ii •>!«• â- i'i- -s'*- •;'«• -4'^ •^'«• •»'«• -J'^ •M<» ^ti •St?' :5'{« ^ ^ ;*!i^l«i.^l&:*!*: ^'<; S- ^ ^ W -a?^ W-'^li? W^i?^> ^i^^ii'^if vis- ti^'^it •»)«• vis- •*!«â- ")(>• •*»«• tix- •««• '/if •»!«• -/if "»»«• â- »«• w For Your Stock fi *:4 Herbageuin, International Stock Food, Columbian Uogulator. Tick De.stroyer for the sheep. 4Sf For Yourself f Patent Medichies â€" all the popular makes. Piiies and tobacco. w I For Your Wife | ^jf Spiees for cooking â€" Allspice, Cinnamon, Mixed spices, etc. ^g, W Perfumes, Corlicella Silk. W m For Your Baby 4 Soothing Svup, Sucking Bottles, auJ Teething Ring.s. ^i ^ ^ ^ s I Richardson & Son S I>RUOaiSTS 1 f. Flesherton Ontario 1 %##^###t#'#t^#t#######^^#### •mm •KIMMM