Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 31 Aug 1905, p. 3

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SOME FAMOUS MUTINIES WHEN BRITISH SAILOES WENT ON SIHIKE. Sichard Parktf Bose From Sea- man to be "President of the Floating Eepublie." Somewhat over a century ago, when Kngland was lighting for her life, a mutinous spirit sproad liko the plague through a great part of the licet. And, atrauge to Bay, our. Government was almost as helpless in face of the outbreak as Russia found herself. Our famous mutiny of the Nore coniiiienced on April 14th, 1797. <iuite unsuspicious of disaffection among his men, Admiral BriUport gave the order for the Channel Squadron to proceed to sea. But the seamen of his own ship, instead of obeying the order, ran up the shrouds, and gave three cheers â€" the appointed signal of rebellion to the whole Ueet. The men then made a dpmand for an advance in wages, to the amount of 30s. per month; and an increase in their allowance of provisions. We were at war with Spain, Franco, and Holland, and no- thing remained to the Government but to yield to the men's demands. Order was quickly restored, and the ships set sailâ€" all but three, which Were left behind. But, curiously, our Government was as slow to carry out its prom- ise as the Russian hierarchy. On May 7th, a much more serious mu- tiny broke out on the ships moored at the Nore. It began when Admir- al Colpoys ordered the men to go below and remain quiet. They obey- ed at first, but very soon tried to force their way on deck. Admiral Colpoys thereupon ordered the Ma- rines to fire. Only a few officers obeyedâ€" KILLING FIVE MEN. The Marines threw down their arms and, the men, coming on deck, seized Lieutenant Bover, put a rope round his ni'ck. and prepared to hang him. But, with fine bravery, the admiral stepped forward, saying: "If anyone is to blame it is I. I gave the order to lire." lie and his officers were .seized and locked in their cabins for twenty- four hours, after which they were Bent ashore. Then followed a terrible state of things, under the leadership of Rich- ard Parker, who, from an able- seaman, suddenly rose to be 'Tre- sident of the Floating Republic." The mutineers paraded Sheernesss with red Hags, took ships out of the harbor, .sent boats up the river to win over the ships lying at Long Reach. They stopped mer- chant ships going up and down, and effected a veritable blockade of London. By this ttBiC the mutinous ficot was a very strong forceâ€" thirteen sail of the line, together with many sloops, frigates and ifunboats. One of the favorite amusements of the men was to tie the officers to the end of a rope, attach a cannon ball to their feet, hoist them lo the yard-arm, and then suddenly IDROP THEM INTO THE'WATEn. What the Government did in these circumstances seems curious. They offered pardon to the men if they would return to their duty. And on. May 29th they sent down three Lords of the Admiralty to treat with the rebels; but the latter be- haved with such insolence that the Admiralty Lords returned without doing anything. Soon, however, three mutinous ships deserted. Then, on June 9th. when "President" Parker gave the order to sail, no ship obeyed it. Next day the officers of the Leopard with a few lo,yal seamen, succeeded in cowing the mutineers aboard, and bringing away *the ship. On May 13th Parker's own ship, the Sand- wich, surrendered, and that was the end of the mutiny. Parker and a number of the lead- ing spirits were tried by court-mar- tial, and hanged on June 30th. The men of the whole fleet, however, got their "rise" in wages of ."Js. 6d. a month. an increased allowance of provisicns, full i>ay while suffering from Wounds, and other advant- ages. In 1801. at Bantry Bay, in lie- land, the men, complaining of had food and other grievances, deter- mined that they would refuse to sail to the West Indies whenever the or- der .should be given. It never came to anything more than a general agreement to mutiny. But this was considered sutticient to ju.'itify the haiicing of thirteen men. The men of the frigate Dauae mu- HE FEELS AS YOUNG AS EVER MR. CHESTER LOOMIS TOOK D ODD'S KIDITEY PILLS. And Prom a Used Tip Man He Be- came as Smart as a Boy. Orland, Ont., Aug. 23â€" (Special ).â€" Mr. Chesiter Loom is, an old and re- spected fanner living in this section, is spreading broadcast the good news that Uodd's Kidney Pills ore a sure cure for the Lame Back and Kidney Disease so common among old people. Mr. Loomis says: "I am 76 years of age and as snmrt and active as a boy and I give Dodd's Kidney Pills all the credit for it. "Before I started to Dodd's Kidney Pills I wa» so used up I could hardly ride in a buggy and I could not do any work oC any kind. Everybody thought I would not live long. Dodd's â- Kidney Pills are a wonderful remedy." The kidneys of the young may be wrong, but the kidneys of the old must 'le wrong. Dodd's Kidney Pills make all ~.;,ng Kidneys right. That is why they are the old folks greatest friend. tinied in 1800, and took the ship into the enemy's port. And at Mal- ta, in 1807, a mutiny broke out, which had a terrible ending for the men. Tt commenced on .\pril 4th, and last^id till the I2th, on which day, fearing the consequences, the mutineers exploded £00 barrels of gunpowder, and BLEW THFaiSF.LVES INTO ETERNITY. Perhaps the most interesting of all Bsitisli mulinirs was that of H.M.S. Bounty, in 1789, which gave us the little colony of Pitcairn Island. The Bounty, «inder the command of Ad- miral Bligh, went to Otaheite, for the purpose of bringing away some bread-fruit for acclimitisation in the West Indies. For six months the ship lav there, and the luxurious and free life demoralized the men. Soon after the Bounty sailed with her cargo, twenty-three of the men seiz- ed the captain while asleep, with eighteen of the cr;,'W, put them in a small, open boat, with only 150 lbs. of bread, .'12 lbs. of pork, and 28 gallons of water, and cast them adrift. It seemed virtual murder. But, by the skill and courage of Ad- miral Bligh, the frail craft was kept aflcat for three months, and travel- led 3,«18 miles to the island of Timor, off Java. From hero, Cap- tain Bligh and the twelve surviving men sailed to London. The mutineers, meanwhilo, made for Tahiti. I'liey quarrelled violent- ly among themselves, and half of them deserted on touching land. Many of these were captured later on by the Pandora, and brought to Portsmouth, where three of thi- ring- leaders were hanged. Those who re- mained in the Bounty disappeared, no one knew whither. But twenty years later a British ship stopped by accident at Pitcairn Island, and the crew were itstonish- ed to find a happy conmiunity of half-breeds there, with one white man â€" all of whom spoke English. Then the terrible history was tokl them how the nine mutineers, with eighteen natives of Tahiti, landed, in 1790. burned the Bo'inty, and ccnnnenced a life of drunkenness, treachery and murder. â€" London An- swers. The satisfaction of havifig tl'.e W2 hing dene early in the day and well done, belongs to ever;, user of Sunlight Soap. job How to C]>?an>.^ the System â€"Parme- le«'a Vegetttblu Pills are the result ol scicntitic study of tlte efTcct-s ui ex- tracts of certain roots and herba upon the digestive organs. Their use lias demotistrated in many instances that they regulate the action of the liver anU the kidneys, purily the blood, and carry off all morbid accumulations froui the system. They are easy to take and their action is mild and bcne- fUtial. The Richi Clear Color of TEA is suggestive of its PURITY AND STRENGTH. If« DELICIOUS FRAGRANCE is still more enticing. Fresh from th9 Plantaticn in Lead Sealed Packets TRY THE RED LABEL. For sale at all live grocers. Belindaâ€" "I love this excessively hot weather don't you Mr. Bore- bam?" Mr. B. â€" â- â- >fo; I can't stand it. I shall go away if it continues." Belinda â€" "I do hope it willl" Not a Nauseatinij Pill.â€" The exciplent of a pill is the substance which enfolds tae ingredients and makes up the pill mass. That of Farmelee's Vegetable Pills is so compounded as to preserve their moisture, and they can bo carried into any latitude wit!)out impairing their strength. M.iny pills, in order to keep them from adhering, are rolled in powders, which prove nauseatinij to the taste. Parmelee's Vegetal)le Pills are so prejiared that they are agreeable to th« must delicate. "A horseshoe is supposed to t)e a sign of good luck." "And so it is," replied the sport, "if it ijoes under the wire first on your horse." Lifebuoy Soap â€" disinfectant â€" Is strongly recommended by the medical profession as a safeguard against in- fectious diseases. 23 c-0-<»-o*-o-^o«-a 04-0 RAILWAY 's a line business lor a young man. $4000 to $60.00 a monlh to start. Best place lo learn is in Y CENTR/\L TELEGRAPHY SCHOOL T TORONTa ^ Free (!it»ioiueT lent on request. Write. T. J. ilehnston, w, h. SHAW 7- Mmniiter. Pre«ideii'. i^ 0K)-»<>-f<>-*-O-»^>H>*-(>*-O4-O-«-<>*. SCOTCH FISHERY FAILS. The failure of the herring fishery in Scotland during recent years has thrown out of employment great ! nunabers of persons, among them women and girls who have no oth-r sources of employment. This prom)t- ed the Duchess of Sutherland and other philantrophic ladies to e-starj- lish at Helmsdale, in Sutherlandshire a carpet-weaving manufactory which bids fair to develop into a highly im- portant industry. The first carpft tinned olT from the loom has just arrived in London, and is being ex- j hibited at the offices of Messrs. Wai- \ ing & Gillow. 'ITie Duke of Portland, ; however, has purchased the carp- 1, I liich closely re.seiublcs that of a' Tuikish carpet, a gre-?n center being covered being of a rich red color. FOHEST-LIKE CEMETERIES. When once filled in, a Moslem grave is never reopened on any ac- count. To remove the faintest chance of it thus being defiled, a cypress tree is planted after each in- terment, so that the cemeteries re- semble forests more than anything else WILSON'S FLY PADS WILL CLEAR THEIVI OUT BEWARE OF SUSSTITUTEB Miss Vereâ€" "Mr. Desmond, why did you go to the dining-room before you greeted the hostess'?" Mr. Des- mondâ€" "Well, the hostess will keej), but the refreshments seemed to be getting away." He â€" "Why do you persist in your refusal to marry me when I have de- clared my inability lo live without you?" She â€" " you have arous.^d my curio.>-ity. I want to seo how long you will be able to sur- vive." DODffS '^ IKJDNEY HOW TO CLEAN YOUR FACE. As the face is more exposed to sun and dust than any other part of the body, more care should be taken in cleansing it. Soften the skin with clcths wrung out of warm water, then apply thoroughly a good cold cream, after which a thorough rubb- ing with a camel'.s-hair brush will leave a few impurities in the pores. 80/.., loz. of borax, and 2oz. ol Btraiiie<l lemon juice make .a lotion excellent for removing tan and sunburn. HiKTS coxcERNiNG n.vrns. Eveiyone can take a tepid bath without injurious eOV^ts; not every- one can take a cold sponge bath or a hot bath with inipunitj. The safe rule to follow is to begin the daily bath with tepid water. Castile or olive-.soap, a rough, and plenty of friction. After the bath rub and rub. and still rub, with a Turkish towel of generous size, un- til the skin is thoioughly dry, red, and tingling. It acts as a splendid tonic. '-f^ A LINSEED POULTICE. i Warm your basin by pouring a lit- ; tlo hot water into it; then put a [snail quaiitity of finely ground lin- jseed meal into the basin, pour a 'it- I lie hot v.ater on it, and stir it round I briskly until you have well inc.v.-- i pcrated thcni; add a little more moal land a little more water, then stir it 1 again. I'o not let any lumps remain \ in the basin, but stir thi- poulti-o jwell, and do not lx> sparing of your trouble. Wh.nt you should do next is to take us much of it out of the basin as you ma.v retpiiiv. and loy it oil a piece of soft linen, letting it be atoul a quarter of an inch thick. OUST THE DEMON. A Tussle With Coffee. There is something fairly demoni- acal in the way coCToe sometimes wreaks its fiendish malice on thos^ who use it. A lady writing from Calif, says:â€" "My husband and I, both lovers of coffee", sulTered for some time from a very anno.ying form of nervou.s- uess. occDiiipanit d by most frightful headaches. In my own case there was eventually developed some sort of affection of the nerves leading from the spine to the head. "I was unable lo hold my head up straight, the tension of the nerves drew it to one side, causing me the most intense pain. We got no relief froKi medicine, and were puzi.led as : to what caused the trouble, till a I friend suggested that possibly the 'coffee we drank had something to do â- with it, and advised that we quit it jan<l try I'ostum CoRee. i "We followed his advice, and from 'thi> day that we began to use Pos- !tum we both began to improve, and : in a vciy short time both of us were I entirely relieved. The nerves be- ! came steady once more, the head- aches ceased, the muscles in the back of m.v neck relaxed, m.y head 'straightened up and the dreadful I pain that had so punished me while T u.sed the old kind of co(Te«? van- isticd . j "W.. have never resumed the use o' the old cofiee, but our Pn^iuin every day as well as we did the I former beverage. And we are de- : lighted to Hnd that wi- can give it freely to our chililren also, soaie- i thing we never dared to do with lh(! â- ,,!<! l<iiid of colYw." Name given !by Postum Co.. IJatlle Creek. Mich. j Postum CofTee contains 'iu> drugs of any kind, but i-elieves jthe colfet! drinker from the old drug i po i-'-^ou . ' There's a reason. PACIFIC COAST EXCURSIONS. During June, July, August and September the Chicago and North Western Hy. will sell from Chicago, round trip excursion tickets to San Francisco, Lcs Angeles, Portland. Ore. (Lewis & Clarke lOxcursion), .Se- attle, Victoria, Vancouver at very low rates. Correspondingly . cheap fares from all points in Canada. Choice of routes, best of train ser- vice, favorable stopovers and liberal return limits. Rates, folders and full Information can be obtained from li. It. Bennett, (Jcneral Agent, 2 East King St., Toronto, Out. 31 Jenks â€" "Well, there was one thing I remarked about > our wife the first time I saw herâ€" she was undoubtedly outspcken.'' Peckâ€" "You don't suy so! Uy whom?" It Lays a Stilling Han<l on Pain â€" For pains in the joint.s and limbs and for rheumatic paius. neuralgia and lum- 1 bavo, Iir. Thomos' Kclectric Oil is without a peer. Well rubbed in. the skin absorbs it a.-d it iiuickly and per- i nianenlly relievos tlin arfecled part. Its value lies in it.s ma^i.s p.-operty of re- ' muvini; pain from the body, and for that good ((ualivy it is prized. A lady who teaches a select school for girls, in looking over the copy- book of little Fanny, aged eleven, discovered an envelope addressed to that young lady. "I hope, Fanny," said the teaclier, holding up the en- velop<', "that, this does not contain a love-letter." "Why, what an idea," replied Fanny; "I have out- grown all that foolishness years and years ago." FOR SALI'^SPECIAL BARGAIN in land. We own and ofler for sale five sections oi land near Craik, Assinihoia, at prices that cannot b« duplicated. This is all choice, gently rolling, prairie. Write for information P. O. Box 433. Winnipeg. Manitoba. FOIt .SAI.R.â€" EVKHVBODY WHO keeps hens or pets should send 30c at once and get the best practical latoriuation and latest news about poultry and pet stock keeping, every month for the next 16 months. Money back, if not satisAed. AgenUi wanted. Address, Poultry News. Owen Sound. Superfluous Hair Parmanently Removed ' While tiaveling in Me.tico I d!sco>e"-- I ed a drug wh:cb removes hair from face, arms, neck, or any part ol the body iiistantly and permanently. so will send to any one afllicted wiUiout \ any expense but a postage stamp. Uon't judKC my treatment bv unsuccess- ful attempts of others. 1 have sullered for veara with this attliction ami now my lire's work is to help others from this humiliating trouble. Mt treat- ment is easy and accomplished °at home, and X will /orteit JauO ir it fails to remove hair. Don't suiter longer Re- lief Is now yours for the asking Write now lest you forget my address. DOHij'l'HY Hl..^rT• im - \orth Six- teenth Street, Philadelphia. Pa. FAK.M AT Aii.i'i.ii.. Alt" 'A â€" 2598 acreaâ€" 2a miles north 0/ Calgary; 3 miles from Airdrie railway depot; convenient to church, schools, stores, etc ; splendidly situated: niagoi- licciit view: first-class soil: Kood water 6u|i|>ly: up-to-date improvements: well- built house of eight rooms, fitted with all modern conveniences and drainage system: stable, cuttle sheds. bufffry shed. workshop, corrals, etc.; good fences, all new and substantial: wfu be sold as a going concern, with steeji. crops, machinery, tools and hooae fut* niNhiiips; this (arm is all plowable. and is c.-iDecially adapted (or growing hard ! (all wiieat and (or mWed faraiing. Full particulars on application to Gray Bros-. Airdrie. .Mta. Furniture Free For your assistance in introducing our hou.sehold goods we give, with- out charge, fine Household Furniture, Silverware, Watches, etc. This is Your Opportunity to Furnisli Your Home Without Any Gash Outlay. Wo pay freight. Don't wait. Send for debcriptivG catalogue to-day. THE COLONIAL SALES Co Toronto, On*. CARPET DYEING BRITISH AMERICAN OYEINO CQl Mim BosiM, MsiHrwIi Those two rlesirablc qualifications, pleasant to the taste and at the some time enectual. are to he found in Mo- ther Graves' Worm Kxturniiiiator. Chil- dren J.Uu it. A beautiful young lady and her once beautiful mother were walking down (he street together when they met two gentlemen whom the mo- ther knew. "How much your dau- ghter resembles you!" exclaimed one. "How closely you resemble your daughter!'.' exclaimed the other. Now. which of tliese two gentlemen do you think was invited home to tea? We have no hesitation In saying tlsa* Dr. J. D. Kello(o<'s Dysentery Cordial is without tlnubt the best medicine ever Introduced for dysentery, diarrhoea, cholera anrl all s.iiiiin^r complaints, sea sickness, etc. It promptly gives relief and never (ails to elTcct a positive cure. Mothers should never- be without a bot- tle w'.icu their children are teething. ^^^ Lamp Oil Ece^iOMY Sarnia USE Prime OIL White No real need to buy the more expensive oils il tiOOD BURNER i* used and KEPT CLaA.N. If you want a BIG LIGHTâ€" THRBK OR FOUR GAS JETS IN ONE â€" TRY A Queen Citv X,! «AWTIFUJ Oil LIGHT Lamp The Choicest Oil MaJe is PRATT'S ASTRAL For Sale by Uealern. "â-  Queen City Oil Ca., ^I^rr." "I wish Mrs. Urown," said the boarder to his landlady, "I wish you'd give me the receipt for that pudiling We had yesterday." "I'd much rather give you a receipt for the board you had Ia«t mouth," re- turned ihe landlady, tartly. When 8.11 other corn preparations (nil. try llolloway's Corn Cure. No pain whatever, and no Inconvenience in Uo.i. it. GIIU. PANNED GOLD. Miss Pearl Hall, a Dawson girl, hus arrived at Vancouver to enter school, and is proud be<;ause a portion 'jf her expenses are to be paid from money she her.self panned from Mio gold lands on the Yukon, says T.ho Colonist. Her father is a prominont miner of the Kloudykc and her moth- er owns a Dawson hotel. Miss Hall said; "A portion of my educational expenses are to be defrayed by my- self I am especially proud of fact because my father nnd mother arc both amply able to pay my tui- tion, but I want to be as indepen- dent as possible. I'art of the money I am going to use while in school I marie by panning gold. I did not dig dirt, but men did that for me, and I washe<l it out. It you are n miner you know that panning is often the hardest part of the acquiring of gold. I panned lots of it, and kept it to help defray iny school expetis.'S. Habit may bo one of our best al- lies as well as one of our worst una- niies. "Pa." .9aid the boy. looking up from his book, "what docs a man's 'better half mean?" "Usually, my son," replied the fathei: from be- hind till' pvvning paper, "she means exactly what she saysl" A Suxntner Cou^K Is the hnnlcRt kind to ijet rid of and the moat dangerous kind to neglecU ShiloH's Consumption Cure Tonic'-""^ will cure you quickly and sur-!;- -slop the fevor. sirentfthen tbo lungs aud make yuu well ogaiD. At all dmcncists, 36c, SOo luiil %\sa a licit'.*, 4«l ISSUE NO. 35â€"03.

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