August 3 1905 THE F L E S n K R T N ADVANCE The Markets. f arclullv Corrected Eucli Wc, « Pcii.s «â- > 'o BiirK-y 45 '<» Butter 5fi '•'' ~F..'«;.s fresh 13 t.) â- Cliickeim lo Ducks C to Ucecc ti) Hay t» C k'oW.oei h.^i ...... 40 ti WlHll \lo lo ek 4;{ 45 • o I f'j 40 2rf â- .^. â- -â- ); /• ^ >' â- - . .. . ' ' ' ^ ' - â- ^ J IS WALL PAPERS! Tlu!l;u*g03t stock in tlio town- ship, of liKST Quality iiml i,o\vi:sT i'iiicE.s, from :1c. j)or double roll up to .30c'. On exhibition by C. 13. Ti.-'yoi^, TlIK eKALTKL I'AINTKK it I'-iPKB HA.VUEIl. RAMPLES O.N .VITLICATIOX, Fricovillo • • - Ontario. PloEslier "ton m - siiis <iiiod liursBSâ€" iicw ri^*â€" iilteiUivo Q. W. iiacking Local Agents Wanted .M one for ••Cuii'.ili's Oro.iic.f; Xurger- i.V lor t!io town of 1''LKt<1I ERTOX and hiarnuii I11V4 ooui\ii'y, will In! rcsur- v.>il for tlie i!!;lit iiiin. STAlvT N'l »W at llio lu::st ri-Uid^ sens •!•, mil liiiii.lie our il«w M;)ct;!;illius on lil> eriil tfniiii, W'lUo for panic'iiIarH iitnl send 25c. for â- •m- hiii'lsonio ftlniiiiiuiii pocUut micro K-oim, (nlitllo (jc'in) ns-.iful to : Kuril. er.s. ill ox:imirii:ia aejdd ii'>il '^nviim; Orctiurd i-,l«, in eX'iiniiuiij.'lioosfof iiisi'cls;TeHCii- ftrn .nil s,:!ii>!ari» in slii'lyiii'.' liotiii.y, ami i)V ;iy')oily in a huiiilrml w.iys. Stone & Wellington (.ivr,p.80O ACiifc;-!) Toi'o.ib â- - O.nlario OWKX SOUNP. ONTAIIIO. lo-Mjious for tlio Pall Term, Killay, Snpt. ikt r-m lor tlifl clttoinoiitkin of nUidout*. t/l»98- 3 boKlu llnu.lny, Hf\it., 19 a. K'ltir fully iMiuliiiU'l iltpartmoiilK. Hl'MlNKMS col'KHK foi-tlioHHwliD wish to bui!0iiia I!oi>li!inti|ioi'S, liiisiasiiia umu an>l t'liLfV toin'cuio ilo tifi). SH IKTIl \NI) &TYl'F.WHITl>}a CVH.itHR for il]oy*i wi;n wirtli to h^couio fli»inO(4>'flpl>'^'i-H. TK1.KUUM"IIV CiUJU.lK for tlioBu who .il'h to hocoio* 'r.'li'craiih O|inrotori>. I'UKHAHATCiItY ' i)i:ii«l', for lliosn who lire far Iwck In tlinir erliu'tiioii a-tl who w|ih t" tinprovM In omiiion nchocl imbji^cts. Nona too far back fur this com so, \Vril« foroiiru-w illiiiitrotocl nnnonnoo- ir.diit and journul nhowiiifj irir vurio^ia tlepmt- miM>tii nt wciI*: it |8 ffrto. AthU'csEt; - C.V. Fioui- u.i. i'i'iiijijml, Owjii Suaii 1. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . TllO pU •<• to iit'i (hi! llfHt I'llOtOi \H nr mi.MKR.S rHOTUGR.VPU i;.\LLi;uv. Sl'nCI.\L ATinNTION VVi! piv .S|it'ciiil Altin ion to Copyiiii- »ml>i«'H' iiioiiaoa. I'i.luro fruiti- iiig a 8,<ccin!ly. Try im for any kin^l of picture* nn«l »v will [iniiniwrnii.sfiict ion. R)Juiilniiii htri^et, FIt'thorton Notice ti TfB.<<pa3S2i-s NOTP'K i» horoby |;ivon that anv pcrHon f itiiid U-bioL', trfripiiMitiiiu or b â- rry-f'icliioft i»u lot tM, '!oo. 7, will l>uiiroiici:utud to thu fnlleHt «Mi'M( Jl tUu Uw. I >iii; j.iM::3 acKOK, Alters Falling hair means weak hair. Then strenethen your hair ; feed it with the only hair food, Ayer's Hair Vigor It checks falling hair, makes the hair flair Vigor grow, comrletely cures dan- druf?. And it always restores color to gray hair, all the rich, dark color of early life. " Mt hair wai falllnjr out bailly and I wa» tfralil I would lo«o It all. Then I IrleJ Arer'l II»ir V'Ifur. It '|uli:kly ilapprd tli« (ulllug aiid Diftde Diy liair all Ictfuldwlih It to l)o." KEDIX'UA E. ALLXh, £Uzabetb, N. J. }].00abottl«. Alldropglftt*. for J. C. ATER CO., T-owellj MaiB. Falling Hair ^' In Furniture Tlio l.irgpst and best stock of fiiriiituie ever shown in Kltslier- ton. This without fear of eonlr.i- diction. Coino find bco .suine of the uiuu things in L^ideboards Dining Rooiri Cliairs Parlor Setts Bed Roon\ Setts .\ spuciiil rciluction just now on fvuryihin;? in ordor to luducu the stuck, W. H. BUNT, ' L. r^rO cf'ttrnitufe SDea/er FlesktoQ - Oot. G£jv>. J Bi; Cakds 'IJ'CULLOUGll & YOUNO I* [Sitiikcr Markdale Jo a Koiicriil baiiliiiif; buiiiiivMU. Monoy loauoii a roa-soiiablo rata Call on us. *â- '. Poatiuiistcr, Fleshertoq»i(intfr In II. C!. ,T., .\uoHoaoor Con ?i)aiici>r, A|>|(ralsi-r auil .Voiiav Lnnrtor llBal liatato an I Insiiraneo .A(,'eiit. Dcctie i!'.ait»;«KOM. )ims.« an 1 v.ills carefully drawn up Slid vuUifttioriB iim.lo on fhortchl notice. tmiiicy lo loan at lowest rates of intiuost. Col ootloin attuiiJo.l to with proinptuci-f clinrm-s low. A^cnt for Oecnn Dominion St«aiu»luii Company, A call solioiteil. Societies A U V nici'ts 01, till! lust Moiidaj " 111 oa.^n month, in their loiKti rooni, ('hilBtiiBB block, t'lci-hcrton. nt B p.m. M.W., A, ((.irrinoii ; Kiicoidm-, ,I»B. KclsltaJ ; I'inan- d-ir, W.J. Ilul.amy. VisHiUK bvutbrcL iLvltud pltlNCM Alil'HUlt LODUR, No. :«3, AP.A- l A .".I. iiuiitta in tlio Manonlohall. StrainV l.looli. l'';o»liorto'i, ovcry Fridav ou or befoic tliu lull uiocii. John WriiiUl, \VM.: C. Ji, lUoliar 8011, Hfic/otary. C'lfllT Fr,KSHi:KTON. W., I. 0. v. ir leU In ClnlntodK iJiocli Iho last. FridaveTiii inn of I'Rih month. Vlnltini!'Stein hoartilv wilcomo. C, 11,. .I.OornlWd: K. C. W, Hiiakln' Fill, Sic. JI. A. â- â- I'lcaso piy iliion to H. •>. Wil'utt on or boforo thf lii!<t day of tho pieceortiny laontb. P'loSKN FlvIF,NPS-Flc«l)enon Council of " ChoRoii Prionda meet" In ClavtoiiV hall ar.-^t and third Wodnosdav of ouch nibutli; K p. ni. I',iv aiooHuinmita to the Itccordcr on or burorc li'cflrHt dttvof «iii)li month. Chiuf Councillor, T. Ulftkoloy;Koeorder, W. H. Bunt. Medical D n CAItTVR M 1> & S Ont. Physician. SiirRoon, etc I'cttir 8t , Flraburtoii OlUce an. I ru^biuncB- rjR A. T, I«1N1) r .„ "ra-hiatt Toronto ITnlrnraltv, Mmn- biiroIOntaiiii Colb'Rc oj Fhvaiciians and Sur- KoniB. Jla.vwoli. Ou'. fiimjoBHoi- to Dr. ticolt 1 1' OTlMiVVr.l.I. ' Vtiturlnary SurEoon Oio.lnato of Ontario Votorinary College rcfliiiuico â€" ajuoiid door south west on Marv Bti-c.ll. Tlila atroot runa aoiitb I'rashvtnrlan ('liurch. H WII,HON, HlaolinnHh "• Jrailuato oliho Voicrinary Rcionoo Ansociation. U,.sid«n, c, Durham itrect. cii- posiln lio.vd, llichliL^H linrrlwaio. Legal Black Eye For The Khan. A writer in the Hanover Post taken Till- Khnn to task tor iha artiulu which wc ijuoted in Thu Advance le^'ardiiii .statuie lalior. Thia in the way he h.ts the writer, ftlr. Kornuhrtn, of the H-aveily s.vampa: "His h-ssc r' ioii.s aro such 'is should call forth Ihu ru.seiitinoiit niid condcmiiatlo.i jf every intuUiguiic anJ ciinsciciilious patlnntsti r who must suf- f. r thu liuiniiiHlion if belni; told liy tome "Smai t Alecs" that thu avuniae pHthnnu<- tcr tries to niako water ru^i up-hiil, an'l that he piles mud and largt rouk.s on tli«- niidd'e of the road and lc»vts ruts in the ceiitie, that nothing; but a cyc'onu Cit:i lift you out of, niid liiially callw jou ,1 Con eoitid and doininei-rinu "j'y" that kiioHS no more about ni.ikin;^ roads than his do-^ knows ahoul the "autoiio.iiy hills." He sajs ih« aveia;,'e funiier'a uuliiius are tho fail show, an (,(U1 fuileial or a circus, and tho roadwork, and .'â- oineliiiies tht iiicii "whale" the pathniister. Hi? siiHe- nitn'a, toj^ether with 1 einj< untrue, savor very of innorimco and insult, and had he pitted hla own kiiowleJj^o of the aveiagep ithiiiasterayaiiiat Ida tlou's know ledife of tlio "Auloiiomy Hills" I think it niiulit fairly be declared a draw. The abolition of Slalu'e lal or and eoinnUFa- tioii therefor has Ixeii, and is t.i-day, widely discu.8cd, both tlir-iuwli lh« preis and in ton-nship and connly council.', I y sensible and experienced inuii, and nl- ihuu^h the time may come when the |Kiih- nia.ster will ho a "past ;;r.ind ollicur," yet a i:rcat inany leiel hc.>dcd iiieii aLirec in ."ay iijii that, there aro liinu.s of t!io yo.r and places in Ontario whcvo » ch.-aije would not work with as in ich uiiitoriiiiiy and general good to the roads as uiidrr the irCHiiit flyutcni. Some of iho Khan'.s ruinatk.s iiiii;Iii hiva been applicable iiO years a^o, but all of tiiciii never. .Vn.l every paihniaator who luis only recently •so iHitiifuUy performed his duty, t-liouU drop hiiu !i line and tell hini mi. f UCAS WUIllllT A McAKTlIM " ll.urlntors Solicitors ConVByanccra, etc Oll!cof_().von Sound. Ont and MarkrtaleOiit W 11 Wniunr, .McAiiulr 1 « Locao N nâ€" Floahaitoa onico, Mitchell'! Bank •very Haturdny. Dentistry n •. n. F. AnMaTll'<NO,-I,. n.S .Honor Oradu y <ii> of Toronto Uoiver^ltv and Iloval Col- I'lfcof Onntal .SuiRiona of Ontario, fipposito Mr>. llnl-nnr'H riintocraph Oalc.y. Will vmit Maxwtili Hiat an I third Wmlnoaday of oaoh month coniinonclng July .'ith. Bull Tor Service A ;i viiiir old, thoi'ouKlibrod Diirbain bull will Htiind for a*!rvino on tit 11, con. '1. N. I>. 1',, for yii-r II) .1. term «I.0O, pavablu I»t K»briiarv, lOiW <!.iwi not rutur .cJ will b.j ohargaj whulh. tir iucalf jr not. UAViD h:;>-wSi, r.ioovUio A Aliliion Dollars Squandered. It i.s esiimatid that this f^uiii wis Mpiandered last year by people Iryio^j to liiid a cure forcatarrh. Ko oiish for aulicr CIS to cxptrioieMt when it's i>o weil known that C'atanh^zinio is the only reiiiudy which curcri permanently, Oher trea;- nn nls oi,ly relieve, but Ca.arrbozone cdrc* and prcveiitg the dtreane from ever returiiiiii.'. "Iliad catnuh in iis worst rorin." wiiltn (J. V., o.' Uoyaii, tjne. "1 was .so had that ordiuiiry ijied- leiiic didn't even relieve; hut Citarrho- /.one ciu'id [uifeetly." No ehii.ce of di^• ipin.ii.tnieiii with Oatarrlio/.eueâ€" it's -jor run as Jea'.h to cure your Cfttaribâ€" just try it. "«:» • â€" â€" BIr. Ch.irbj LoucK.s, of Sit.. Vincent, is having a statue of Ilia only .son Aubrey, who was killed by the of .a tree, Carved at Carroera,lt;ily,«r a coatot S3,'''C. Tho statue will bo brouaht bote and jilic ed in Meaford ceuielery thia f.iilâ€" Minor, Last spiiiig n cattle dealer nanuO O'Ibion, frotu Fergus or near it, was around biiyinij cattle, and pxying the veiy i:oiid price llitn troiiii^. Anion;? other.'-, he 111 niilit from Uiiiiyliain.of .\lhui I'aik, .las. Mdlvride, and the Mel'i.enzio Uios., of Ceiilick. He Bhippid ft lot a month or two aoo, i^oiiio h) tho old country .villi t'lcni and promised to be back on June 20th. This (lato arrived and no sijtn oi till! buyer and eoou after tho parlies hejan to su.'=pett tlut tho Krcat drop in the price of c.ittlo'wa.s loading him to jiiin|) his puiclias^' an I leave them in thu lurch, Actin<{ on this the Mckonaies sold their cattle, reecivinjj;, (.f eoura,', iiM'.c!) loss for theiu than at tho iirst sale. The others iiientioned had riot parted willi llu'ir.s when on Monday al.niH comes ()'llriei.,\\lio ha 1 been detained in the old couiilry Irom unforseon ciuncs, hut prepared lo pay ili.; full piiec agreed upon. 11 J yot th» catil.!, tho sellers lien- erously tliriiwin.u (df 'Jocts per cwt. This doiio Mr. O'nrion soujjlvl out AIcKcnr.ies and paid ihem the diU'ercnce in cold cai-li they w.'re out, owins; to hi.s failure to reacli here on 20th .lunc ftlr. O'Brien can do all he bu.sincft.1 ho n ns round lure now.- Review, Are Good Looks Valuable.? ]f Nature htd her way every coinplex- 1 11 would be clear and deliuhifiil. l>ut many allow their hlood to become weal; â€" hence piiiipKs, sallow sUin, dark ciiclis niuUr the oyes. Ti htv.i a beautiful completion use Kerr- /.one regularly. U brings a li.h unUly f^low to tlie cheeks, iiourishea the bh.od and theioby dfslroys humors ai.d piniiiliR. Kor beauty, health and spirits use Keirozoiio, Your appear- ance will improve a hunored fohl. Fiity 0. nta buys a box of tifiy ehucnlato-eoated li'errozone tabletsâ€" D.di't put oiFâ€" g. t Kerri.zono to-day. One yenrago lact Monday a yoiinn lady of Southampton Hwallowod a pin. It stuck in her throat and she went inimod- lately to n doctor, Tho pm, however, could not bo found, and in a few days I ho annoyance ceaaed and caused nu inoru Ir.iuhle, On Sunday last whi!u ont driv- ing', this young waa attack- oil by a fliofcuutjliiiiK, nhioli lasted several niinntoii and resultod in cougUinx up of that pin which she nvrnlhiwd oho year ago lacking one day. This story, which can be vouched fur, would not b«i believed, so improbiililu is it, if told to a oirole of pli)Kiciaiis who h'ld no peraonal know- Ictlgc of the ckso. - Soutbaiiiptuu Buaoou, (rSOMOUNCEO Sl-KSEM) P©sitiÂ¥el| Cores LaL Grippe, Luntf Trouble. Pnou- KioniBL, Niiiht Swe'j.ts, Genera.! Woa.!-.no3s,Consumption,Bron- chitis. Loss of ricsh. Short Brsc^iSlrvg. Chills end Fever. CoIUrieso of the Lir«bs, ObsH- na.f8 Coii;;hs and Colds, Slops V/okSte of L.un^ Tiasuo. THJS BOY OUHED Ktrs. A. C. Fichor'o STcccr.t &tatcmcn2rt N\'ven-.b-ef, 190a. my soil Lauren, was ^kcrt (iiiu It with t*t)cumoni'a. T vay- p\\y^'c'.r.t>^ in liMvn atlunJcd him. He lAy for lhrL-« MOti!.!::^ almi;.st lilic a dcai c'.tJJ. lim iun^s \iC' came so iwoii^a t.'ia.t. â- â- vcT tj the rig-ht 1. i Jo. Altoijctbcr I (liii.k wc paiJ£t.[o to \}iti doctuift, nr.d aU Cue time he w:.» t;ut- iin^ worse. W's'X i!io Pr. Sioctnn treat- aunt. The critf^t was won^lerfuL Vt'e w* a C'.Zcte%.&: in t.vy d&ys. Our U^y ih well ci.J ^tiong now and able to Wie to the f.i!I. aiiJ Las not taLcu a ilri»j> tvf mctiuiiic sinca t'.mt l.-mp. MRU. A. 0.?^:eH£R, rCcnvmaikct, Ont. piement s Of nil kiniLs at Wright's. The Dcering binders are the lightest and best. You can H ive money by getting your implements fiom Wm. L. WRIGHT i;.u'n!i!)u:so'.s Old Stand. yksbsrton « Oat. NEW SUITINGS, Overcoatings, and Trouser- ing;-} now in. Prices right, workmanship and fit good. H. ALEXANDER The Flesh or ton Tailor R Khmear & Sons MAXWELL (Pronouoccii Si-kcen) FiT Bale ?.t all Jruij stores. ITitso !iappens that yoKit tlru^S'^* hadn't l^KydiiiiC in sr ck.urilvr JirocC, or write fur a free Bample to Vt. T. A. Siocum, I.imitcd, 173 ICinj^ street v;^;^l, Toronto* CaiiaJo- Sl.GO Per Bottlo. '. W'.sii t'l anTnuiic." to the puldic that they h,tv« , yot ft lev remnarita of Fiinta Icit at the le- du-jed priSa. Ctrai j nnd secure one ,l>efor8 tli'-y ail jr<i,i>3 w- are forcing sales to make mor.-' rt. nil for other joirIs. AVe hai'e leirAe.i the st'i:c .i..,-riisn the «£;eet, which islJUed with U ii-.h.'ai-e. Fl >ur, f.iints. (Oo-s-s, Lonjr Clear 15 lOi-.i an 1 IJrooins, which we offer aa cheap, if IMC ciie.iuer, than e'.Hewhere. We have (jlen nai-i>:i, .SIn^ha<n|it!)n and Markda.ic Flour â- -.lvv..ys ou hand, si you can gtta ihoice. /^ / ""TJ^ ^'^' •â- "â- " hc.idipu'.rtertt 1^00 U .yiere. for the ^I.'^Ljfnaiith Minder ,Juuna III Osprey. No (iisnonr.t on the h-nptli <* r|u.ility. S.ieiii-e y.mrselvc* by Icaviii;} your orJoi-s iicre in tini-j. â- H^':iBst market prices paid for choice buttci- R. l<innear<r<Sons 5^^-^ -"^ lUggies = asagoiis If you arc lliiiikini,' of bnyiie^ a fuiH busii-y, wa:;on it deniociat, iivill sun ly pay you to call and invest'a-'iti* our, terms, etc , before iiMkiiio your piirrliase. Wo have a St. tf of expert workmen and can ouaiantoo you will 'ud Siitidiiel _ _ ._ ALW.WS ON 1!.\ND _ â€" _ ]S3c^ole - ST.isra.ciK'ies â€" â€" AND UEP.\IRISO OF.iLL KINOS - â€" .g^:aiiKw«jj«g»sM»''Wyn«»t<. A. HEARD, - FLESHERTON. 1««KK:^<^^ ^S^X^&^IS9^3&^&^9C\ D. McTiWIBII lifimiMiMBiiiii ^^ F..r Fust Cass ISui^'itS, Cart.s, I'leasuro and I.umVer \^ agon?, f^J cutters, Slei;;hM. 'CVt. keep ii 8t'>ck on hand to choose from. iS^ ALSOtlORSESHOEl.NaANDGENnRAL BLACKSMiTHIiVQ and u'Uaraiilo.i lir.<r (d;iss woik. Wo keep on hand rioiiohsand Plough rep.iir*, and also Massey- ,^..^ Harris nnd No.xon repairs for I imlers, ilosvers, -^ll hinds •â- ' '^ in-v.hiiiory, also Binder Twino on hand. lUben in feivn git?e u$ a call 'ii.-S.Oir^O. ONT. ^ Olio of the lai-Rost and be.t coinmproial Bi.hoola in ilia Doniinioii. All of inn- ijraihmtoa are absohiicly »"ro of Hi.'cnrioi' positions. Ktroiitf staff of ti-acheia; modern c.iurs.!«; every Bin. lent thoroiiRhly satiallod, Writo for our niaijiiirtt'Bot cataJoKiiii. Addrcsn: W. J, EMlott, I'liueiptil, I'.Uiott llusinoasCollimu, Cor. V'onb'o and AK.xandor bta., Toronto, Ont, ~ FARM FOR SALE.' BY TENDER Tendois witl bii rcc-^Jived up to tlio ftiwt day of 8t*(iitiiubHr next, for the pitrctmse of tlin following lAittin. v\7..\ lot« 14H. t40 titid ino, in th«) tbiifl rtiiign nortb-eftst of tho Toioiito iii»*l Svduiiham Hoarl tn tho township of Ar(enie»in; 100 aci OH, over 7:) acred clcaniJ. % frame roiiuh caat <lwoiUhg, Ioa barti, and ati orchard x\\*c>n thn pron)iBe,<^. Torm"*, 10 i>er cent of purchase price Ht tbae of acceptance of teu-ler, the bal- anoo on completio J of title, except «00C, which uiay roinain on lanrtKaffA. L'h« higheut ov Auy tttuddi not necessariiv accepted. FLESHERTON .^4'^^ I HARNESS EMPORIUM. (OiJposito AnnstrongH Jewellery.) Everythiiii{ up to dtte in harness â€" best maluriul, best w..rkuiauship, best prices. Fly sheets and iicl» ,sre in season- let lis show yi'U ours. Trunks, valises, axle I'reaso, carriajo axle urease, harno-'^s oil, whips and la'-hes. BUGGIES. Cdiio and see tha new bugnies which wo have on exhibiiion. They are beaul- ieii and prices are right. Wm. MOORE (0pi)os»t« AMnatronx's Jewellery^ KleshertoD, I im)ii 1. 1 [II II â- !â- â- â- â- â- â-