Jt'ly 6 1905 THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE f> ' The Markets. t'arefullr CorrcrteU Eaoh Week Oath 43 4.$ PoR8 «5 to C5 B«rl«y . 45 to 45 UutKT 5*> '.o 1^ KrfgH fresh lii t.) 15 Ohickaiis Oto Ducks C to <}ee«o to H«y to 6 55 >'ota'*oe3 U? 40 to 40 Wool 25 to 18 Massey- Harris Bicycles Ono whtiol Hmt stnnJ-f f'lr all that's (,"iod iij bicyplo iiianiifac- tiire is the Blussuy-llniiis. ]t has besides yrncoful linos Bnd excellent liuisli nil the fi(\iA p.iinU of best ijunlity of timtcml and new iuvuiKioiis. riassey=Harris and inPERIAL BICYCLES Thehiyh urade modeln of the former wlii-ol Imve the Hygienic Ciishioti Fraino, KilU handle Bars and Morrow Coaster liraUe. The "Imperiiil" may he titled with the Coaster 13rake and Sills Handle Vara. Write US for particulars. Canada Cvcle antl Motor Co. Limited. Coronto = = Canada. Fleslnertori Clfi = SIIS Good homesâ€" new ri};i â€" atteutive diivon G. W. Hacking Local Agents Wanted A? oncB tor "Canjvd.VH Gren»o>t Niiraor- ie»" for tlic town of KLKSMKllTON and tti)rround>n;j couuiry, wliidi will be reser- vfil fur the rii;lil num. 8TAIIT NitVV at the lieHt iiellin« Reason, and handle our new .specialticH on lib- eral tonns, Write for pariicularH nnd siMid 250. for our h:in<'Kniiio aUi'iiiiiuiii |)oet(t'l: micro MCo;)o. (a liitle ^ein) UKofnlto : l''arii.eiK, in oxHiiiiniiiB seeds uriil ({rains; Orchard ists, ill (.'X:imiiiiii|{ Irui-s foi iiiRoctK; To'ich- er» and hi liolara in BliiJyiiiK Hotany, and fvory'joily in a liuiidreil different ways. Stone & Wellington (ovkhBOO amies) Toronto Ontario Ijoo 1 iti?(i<{tiiioiit Ihnt itlMl diviiloiidH qI 1 uu^it Ijfu U K coiiTHu of ti'iitiilnu hi buy uf tlio Uuliarlmuutii at tliu y..n--. W'hat are your friends saying about you? That your gray hair makes you look old? And yet, you are not forty I Postpone this looking old. [air Vigor Use Ayer's Hair Vigor and restore to your gray hair all the deep, dark, rich color of early life. Then be satisfied. " Ater'i H»l^ Vigor rettored th* n»tnr»l olor to IDT gnj hair, »nd I am greatlj SliU. e. J. Vaxdboau, itscbaiiluTlUa, X. T. (l.W a bottla. AUdrngKljtl. for J.C. ATIBCO., l.oir<ill. MaM. Dark Hair In Furniture The largest and best ;,tock of furnitute ever shown in Fleshor- ton. This without fonrof contra- diction.' Como and see some of the nice things in Sideboards Dining Rooiri Cl^airs Parlor Betts Bed Roorq Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order to reduce the stock. W. H. BUNT. ituf>e SDea/ef -^--^'S Fleskerlon - Out. Crâ€". J Business Cards M'OULljOUGn * YOUNG Hanker Maikdalo Jo a genoral lianliiiig boniiiciiii . Money loaned a roaHonatile rato Call ou UH. RJ srROULK l'a:<tniast>'r, KleuiiortOD iy)iiimin'<ioiior In n. C. J., Auctioneer Con voyaijoor, Appralaor atitl Money Lenrter Kual K!<tatR and InBiiiaiico Agont. Doi'de uiovti;iiKOfi. If.'aHct^ anl wlllti carufully cIvhwo ui> ami valuations made on i>hortoKt nctioo. iiiouuy to Joan ut lowest vateR of iiiteroBt. Col ootloiij attuudud tn with iirompMioiiH chartioH low. Aijcnt (or Ocean Doiiiiuloii Mtuauiabip Oompauy. A call aolloitud. Societies Ac U M uitietB 01. tho lant Monday III eaoa month, In tUoIr Iooro rnoiii, ChrUloft's block. Klealiovton.at 8 i>.m. M.W., A. IlHrrisun ; Uacoidur, Jan. Folstiiad ; Fluau oler, \V..J. Hul.amy. Viaitlnn biotbreu luvited. PllINCl! AnTHUIl UlDtiK, No. :i33.A.K.t A ?.I, uieotB in tho MaKontcliall, Strain'n hlocli, I'loflliorton. overy Kiiduy on or liofoie llui full iiiocn. John Wright, W M.; C. N. Itichar son, SDi-rutaiy. COfUTFLKHHKKTON. Oftl, I. P. F. n:oot» in CliiUtnuK niocV thn lacl FrldaveveidiiR nf each month. Vi«ltiii(( Korpstom hoaitily wtdaoiiio. ('. 11.. .1. (\iriincld; U. C. W. Huskln; I'In. Sec, II. A. Willitt. IMnaHo pay iIiiuh to H. A. Willctt ou or before the laHl (lay of the preooodlng month. CIMHKN I'lUI'.NDS-Fltishorton (VuiicM of CiiiiMfti l^'i-iitiidK inctiti ill ('lavton'ahall tlrj*t and iliiid Wodiio-iday of ofcch mimlli; H p. iii. I'tfcV u^HPsrtniontH tn tho lloi'oidor ou or hnforii liio (list dnyof piich iiiontli. Chief Councillor, T. I»l«kol«y;Urooidcr, W. II, limit. Promotion Examinations. Medical OTPn Sound. Ont. Four coniplete oourKPs c' atndy. lient ciiiiiiipud liuxiiiuM Crdli u" pii'iniH- • < In Canada. I'lio only cnlUituowninKita own oolltKo bnildinB. A largo KtalTot munpuieiit • ud pnlnktakinij teacher*. Onr (jradualua are iuoHt-in>t«Hsfiil. Juit aek thniii. I'lili panic- t.lara lent to any sddi'otn fiuu. C, A. I'lemlng, I'rinclpol FLESHERTON HARNESS EMPORIUM. (<)|j(iiisitu Arinstrcdiy'H Jcwellciy.) Everythiiiu up to dito in li.irnos*-- bviit nmtcrlul, beat workmnnsbip, beat prices. Fly hh«(dn and nets are in aeasonâ€" lot u« sho* you onrs. 'PrunltH, vnllaos, sxlo ernanc, carrla'io Axlu Kreaac. h.iinoi-H oil, wliip.^ and lurhbS, . BUGGIES. Como and xno ihii new liu)(i{ies which Wtf h.tvo oi) uxhiliiiiou. Tliuy are beaut - ' i»d and |irico8 are right. Wm, MOORE (0|i|i isitii*^rm«*r!ini/'a .lowellery) ifleslicrton. S. S. No' 6, Arteiubsia. 8r. v.â€" Sadie Fletcher. Jr. V. â€" Janet Fletcher. IV â€" Tom Butler, SyhitCollinson, Aggie flarrow, Veronica Butler. Sr. Ill â€" Bert Whittakor, Spurgcon Whiltaker. Jr. Illâ€" Stella Butler, Pearl Cairns, Willie McArthur, Maggie Boyc-e. Sr. II â€" Tommie Spicer, Frost Ptirdy and Johnnie Irwin (equal), Minnie McAr- thur. Sr. Pt. 11â€" Bert Irwin, Willie Sf^icer, Rita Boyco. Jr. Pt. II~Bert Fletcher, Gladys Hazard. Sr. Pt. I â€" Minnie Harrow. Jr. Pt.Iâ€" Stan Butlor, I. B. Whittak- or, Ben Storms, Mina Spicer. E. M. S.\iALL, teacher. Tho following promotions were made during the term. viz.. easter and .June Exams in the Ceylon pulilic school. ' Sr III to Jr IVâ€" B MoLeod.F McMul- leii. V McMnllen, W McLeod, K McLood. M Hemphill, I Butledgo, B Sproat. Sr II to IIIâ€" J»*KuUcd!.'o, P McLcod, V Fawccil, M Henipliill, V Telford. Pt II to Jr 11â€" A McMullen, E Chislptt, C Chislutt, E Whittaker, M McMullen, F Rutledge, J Hcmidiill, L Legato. Pt I to Pt IIâ€" M Ilolman, E McLcod, J D Egaii, S McL'.'od, Murray Legate, Muriel Legate, 11 Kawcett, J McMullen, U McMullen, A McUac, A English, M Schell. J. L. Wooiis, Teacher. Honor Itolls Standing of Ceylon school for term January to June. V -Robert Tucker. IV srâ€" Ottie Tucker, Laura I'iper. IV jrâ€" S McMulLn, Z McLeod, F Chislett, C Legate, ftj Stewart, R Piper, W Sproat, M Sproat. S CoUinsjjn. Ill «r-B McLkkI, M McMullen, V McMullen, \V MoL.od, K McLeod, M Hemphill I RutleducU Sproat, M Adami, III jr-'-E Rutlcdge, S Chislett, K Muir. ^ II sr-I^r Hcmjtl.ill, M Hutl.dg^ P McL.-<.d, V Telfonl, V Fawcett, S Muir, D Adams, C Adams, L Schell. II jrâ€" B Chislott, A McMullen, L Lenate, E Whittaker, F Rutledgc, M McMullen, J Hemphill, C Chi.slett. Pt 11â€" E McLc- I, MHohiuiii, S Mc- Leod, Muriel Legate, Murray Ltgate, J D E'^an, J McMulK n, A McKae, (i Mc- Mnllen, A Enslisb.U Rutkdae,M Schell. n pfiwcctt Pt Iâ€" L English, H Holman.T Adams, L Ki.iiey, O Fawcett, C Love.M McMul leii. G Muir. I. Mu;r, M Schell. _ Average altendiince for term 60. J. L. Wood, Teacher, Dll CAUTKH M Cl> & 8 Out. Physician, Riirgeon, eto onice and roitldouce â€" Puter Rt , Ploahurtoii nn A. T. IIOND " (traduatf- Toronto IJiilvci'Hily. Moni- h4)r of Ontttiio (^nlloce oj I'liyhlciluTiH and Kiir- Hiicnt*. Maxwell, On'. riucccHH>)i* to Or. Hcott, T P OTl'i;Wi;i,I. ' ' Veterinary Surpeon rtiadiiata of Ontario Vutorlnnry Collcxe. ritttideiice -- Bicoiid door Houlh West, on Miirv street. This street runs south I'li'.stiytuviaii ("hnrub. U WILSON, HLxiksnilth "• 'Ji'iiduatu 111 tho Veterinary Ftlcuoe A»KOriatioii. U('Hidt)iiou, Oiiihaui llrcct, oli- pnxite lloyd, HickliiiH's hardware. Leoai, LUCAH WKKlllT A MiAliI)l..l-: ltat-riHt(!i'-i Suiicltors Ciinveyancera, oto OmcoHâ€" Ow.ii Hound, Ont nnd MarkdaluOnt W II WlU.llIT, McARllLH I H I,uc*« N l|.-l''li'uhonon office, Mitchell's Ilauk •Tury Haturd«y. (PRONOUNCED SI-K£:EN) »*B%<ffeRB**iB«"H"i^?^ "PsYCiirsE" possesses peculiar BROrlCHlTBO l^^^^^^^^ that act promptly ft^llWll«VIII B \\a jjj o-aiiiipg the mastery over this disease. One element at once checks the fever, another the chills. The tightness across t!ie chest, the heavy breathino- and hoarseness, is rgmcvcd by another element. Its tonic properties renew the strength, and make rich blood, the cough disappears, the '•'i-n'.K-cus" is carried away, the wheezing- ceases, and after a siiort treat- ment ninety per cent, of patients are cured for ajj time. The disease seldom returns after you have begun the "Psvchine" treatment. HERIE 13 PROOF CHESLEY SCHELL, Ravenswood, writes : "I was out with the volunteers at London latt June :iiul I j^fot a heavy cold, which turned to Rroiichltis, and my lungs were severely afleirted. I h.-iJ a cough all si:mn»i-r. rSYCllINE proved a great blcssin;.; to inc. It is a positive euro lor Bronchitis." GREATEST OF ALL TOI^^iCS AT ALL DRUGGISTS â€" ONE DOLLARâ€" TRIAL FREE The Dr. T. A. Slocutn, Limited, • 179 King Street West, Toronto ^5jpap3y3ig3ig3igag38gsg^3icapag iugdies ' CUagons If you are thinking of buying a lino buggy, wagon or democrat, it will surely p.-iy you to call nnd" investigate our stock, terms, etc., before makinu your pur<-hjvso. Woliavo a statTof expert wutkmen and cm i^uaranteo that you will be sutistiecl I?ll.otjG« REF»iiIRS â€" - â€" ALWAVS ON HAND _ _ _ Bicycle Svixidries â€" â€" AND REPAIRING of Al.r, KINDS â€" Dentistry Dr. I'VF. AUMHTIIONO, 1,. 1I.M„TIoiioi' Oradu %<n o( Tniouto llniviirxity and llcival t'ot- lone of Ofjutftl huri,'w<Miti nf Ontario. Opposite Xiri. Hul •lot's PhotoRraph Oado'y. Wlil vi«lt Maxwell (IrRt and tiiird Wiidnssday of each Diunth Ckiinnienuini; -/uly Tttli, Bull Tor Service A a yrsr old, thiiron^hhiTd Itniluini hull will etarid'fitr Horvioi' on |i>t II, (ini. '2, N. I>. P., lor >•! r lie."!. Toiin <l.(IO, pavalilx I"t Kvhriiary, i'.Jiin. L'onanot retur. eJ will hechaiftud tthctli- er in cilfor not, DAVID HI.SCK8, IVlcovlHo. Don't Die Before your timo with Rhounialiam or Nouralnia, when there is a remedy at hand. Cameron's RheumatiKm Cure will cure tho most oliatiuato caise. It ia an intenml prepar'\tion, and SI. 110 % bottle. WHAT IT HAS l>ONE. This remedy 1ih« cured hundreds of people of Tnfliiniinatory and Muscular Rheumiitism, Khematic Gout and Lum- bago. Now that it has become very cx- teiiidvoly kni>wn, it is sure to biing joy to thouaandii of idher auflforers. _ It has never failed to givo imtnodiate relief, even ill the worst casos. When this diaoaso is neglected very .serious coiiaequences mny en-iue. You mny be di.icouiaged, but Cameron's Rlienmati^m Cure will cure you. Iminiru at your drui/Kist's f<ir the moil- iciuo. If lie does not keep it, send Jl.CO to the otiko of till) Ooippnny, ap.d it ii\\\ be sent to ytui (jiut up in t) ounce bottles.) Mr. Jcd'.ti Rinohiir has disposed of his team of black Prince Fries to Me.sais. Barton and Arnold to ho used as a hearse te'nu. Th.y arc a litHe heavier than roadsters and are especially suited lor the puijiose. Tho price paid was §330. Mr. .lames liist, of Proton Station, has also dis|)nsed of his Prince Erio driver and realized 82'2'2. Horses are valuable iheie daya â€" Duudalk Herald. Cholera Infantum. Clilld Niit n«pi-clad to l.ivB troni One hour to Another, hut Cured hy Chamherlala.s Colic, Cholera and liiarrhuea Remedy. Until, \\w littl'i daiuditor ivf E. N. Dcwpy of .Xi^ni'wvillL', V«., was BcrimiKly illof uholera infantum last suttlttier. "We g,ive her up and (lid not expect hei til live fiiui one liiuir to an- oilier," he say". "I Immienod to think of (â- 'hainliertiiiu'a Ciiiio, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kcmedy and (jot a Ixittlf of it troin the store. In live l\ii"-H I snw a elian^e for tho Iwtter. We ki'p', "11 uivinK it and Inifore she had taken the half of oni' Miiall bottle nhe was well." This remedy is fur hiiIp by W. K. Richardson. The piineipal cano at Divisinn Court on Wodnedny of hist week wis O'Loughlin IS. Pridoii Township. The lown.ship OJves a bonus of twenty cents a rod, to a'l porHons liuilditii» wiro feiico along the liigiiway. Mr. O'Loughlin wont to the Cuiincil and i^ot jiermisaion to build a wiro fonce, but instead of building an all wire fence, ho ran four a'.rands of wiro, and along the top two rails. It was not the kind the Cunncil were bonusiiiif and thi-y refused to . jiay the bonus. Mr. <)'T,ou«lilaii lu'otigbt suit to necure the saine, but Jiidg.i Moir son decided it was neither a wire ind-n riiit fi-nco, but a com- biiiation, and Mr. O'Loughlin wn.s i.ol eiititlod to win bis suit. The ci.so was dismissed, each paying their owh costs. â€" Dundalk Herald When yiiu «-»n» a laxative that i« easy t.« take aud eert.vih to act, use Chamberlain's i Stomach and Liver Tablets. For sale W. E. Riuhafilson, V A. HEARD. - FLESHERTON. , D. McXAVISII iiii[fimimiM[Biim For Fust Cla.ss Buggies, Cart.s, Pleasure and Lumber ^^ag<ms, eutter.s. Sleighs. We koep a stock on hand to choo.se from. ALSO HORSE SHOEING AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and euarantee first cluRS work. We keep ou hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and also Miissey- Harris and Noxon repairs for hiiidors, Mowers, nil kinds of in-i:hiiiery, also Binder Twine on hand. t> USbcii In town give US a call » t^s^m I^ELUOTT lurio::*"©. ont. "-'' Cor. Vjngo and Al exander Streets .'(iiminer Session during July and .Vnifitst for I'ulilic .School Teuoliers and others. All nf our (,'iaibiati'H get Miisjtiinis. Students admitted Bt any time. I'liii school ii iint.standhu; still or backing up, Imt ia ciiii.'it:vntly going ahead, Circulars free. W. J. ELLIorr, PrinciH- R. Kinnear&Sons MAX\NELL Wiidi ti> aiinonncD to the public that they have yit :i few reninanta of Pi hits left at the re- duced price, dniio nnd seeure one befure tlii'y all KO,us we arc forciin,' kuIis to make nioie rviom for other gixvda. Wo have le;vsed the aiore across the streit, which ia tilled with Hardware, Flour, Paint.-t, tilasa, Irtuig Cle«. il»ci>u and UiMonis, which we <dfer as cheaii, if imt elieaoer, than elsewhere. We have t.len Huron, .Singliumptoii nnd Maikilale Flour iilway.H on hand, ."o ynu can get* choice. Zi I ""1/ We are headquarters OOK -^/lere. for the famous u^li/mouth iSinder \Ju>ine Tn Osprey, No diaauuut oa the length or <iu»lity. Secure yoursilves by leaving your mdei's here in time. Highest market prioes paid for ohoioe butter and iresh egg". HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get the best Photos is at Bl'LMER'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY. R. Kinnear&Sons SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Special Attention to Copying and Babies' pictures. Piitiiro fratu. ing a specialty. Try us for any kind of picture* aud we will promise satisfacliou. IMrrs SXJI^MER Sydenham street, Fleshorton Up to Date Tailoring Why iJiiy H ready made suit wliou you can get one lor ab- out tho same or very littlo more, tailor made and good fit that will stand more wear and tear than two or three ready mades? H. ALEXANDER The Flesherton Tailor