Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 6 Jul 1905, p. 3

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DEFIASC E "BY Mll TINEEBS Admiral Unable to Compel Crews to 3ubdue Revolutionists. A despatch from Odessa says. The red flag of revolution is hoisted on the mastheads of the Kniaz Totem- kin, Russia's most powerful battle- ship in the lllack Sea, which now lies in the harbor in the hands of mutineers. The captain and most of the officers were murdered and thrown overboard in the open sea and the ship is completely in the possession of the crew omi a few ofTiccrs who have thrown in their lot with the mutineers. Thf guns of the Knia'. Totprnkin -command the city and in the streets ma.sses of striking workmen who on Tuesday flod before the volleys oi the troops are now infiamrd by the spcc- tacK- of open revolt on board an scenes of blood. The Cossacks oper- ated thirty machine guns on the main thoroughfares, and considering that these were sometimes turned on densely massed mobs, the estimates of thousands killed and whole Black Sea fleet, although, in view of the contradictory reports of the few days, a certain amount of scepticism is perhaps justiliable. If it is true, it obviously bears only one interpretation, namely, that the entire fleet is allocted by a mutinous spirit to an extent mcking it danger- ous to retain the ships in commis- sion. Meantime the mutinix-rs on board the Kniaz Poteraiin steamed awa.v, and are now oH the lloumanian coast, their future plans undecided. The Kn^az Poleir, Ta\iitchosky is now in virtual control of ih<' Black LEADING MARKETS BUE.\DSTL'FFS. - Toronto, July 4.â€" Wheatâ€" Ontario â€"No. 2 red and white. 'JSc. Goose is nominal at Hoc to 86c. MaaitoUa â€" Ic easier at Winnipeg, and locally $1.08 for No. 1 northern, $1.03 lor No. 2 northern, and 91c for No. 3 northern, lake ports; Oc more grii^ ing in transit. Flour â€" Ontario â€" 90 per cent, pa ents, S4.30, buyers' sacks, east ani k itoba â€" I-'irst patents, $5.40 to Si .0; i Sf-a, her powers for mischief being thoi'sands ""'" limited by hr ability to obtain second patents, $j.l0 to $5.20; bak wounded do not seem excessive! ihe '^"^'- P'ovisions and ammumtion. T MhlfLd-Ontal!!; lo.sses sustained by the troops are| ^''- ""'" «'f the .second war.ship |f'""^^^ """no, not known accurately, but it is ad- 1 '"'''•<^'> mutiniod. the Oeorgi Pobiedo- i " mitted that three police ofHcers, nine "oslefT. are meantime reported to ' policemen, twenty-one Cossacks, and •>ave repented of their mutiny, and eleven infantrymen were killed. The '"â- Â« negotiating with the IJovornor of mutineers do not Scvm to have^>«'»>ssa for surrender, shared in the burning of jjart of tiie ^ There is no relia' le confirmation of city and shipping. This was entirely of the ollicially reported surrender of the work of rioters. Many of the Georgi Pobicdonosteff. It is hud petroleum torches and others abundantly evident ihat n'wsppather- pocket grenades. They attacked all ing in Ode.'-sa nt the present mo- DOMINWN ^ARLlAMtNl HOTES OF PHOCEEDTJGS Dl THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. COLD-STORAGE PUOULEM. Mr. J. E. Armstrong called atten- tion to the cold-storage problem ia Canada. He gave statistics showing the great importance of the agricul- tural exports from Canada. w|tic)i amounted to $100,000 this year and $114,000 last year. Great „ , u ,-.„,,, ,, growth of fruit production made a west; choice, loc to 20c higher ilaa-ig^.^,.j. j^,^„„,i f„, ^^^eful handling $12 to 812. 50 bran and $17 to $17.50 for shorts; Manitoba, $17 for l>ran and $19 for shorts, Toronto and equal points. Oats â€" 44c to 45c for No. 2 out- side. Uarley â€" Is nominal, 4oc for No. 2, 43c for No. 2 extra, and 41c for No. 1 malting outside. I{ye â€" No demand; 60c outside. Corn â€" Canadian, 5-ic to o4c. Chat- ,ailMUM£<^ accommodation. '^'"^ but- I ter expcrrts had not increased as they should. How coiild . they Increase when butter had to "Gavel ia a car I in a temperature of 53 degrees to 58 degrees, and then 3 di-grees in ves- sels and 90 degrees aflor arriving in England, and then compete with but- ter from .Argentina and New Zealand which had been frozen and well cared for all the way? Refrigerator cars should be more thoroughly insulated and mnre care taken to keep them ice<l. Mr. Armstrong quoted figures the building.s, warehouses, dwellings iiient is an e.vceedingly diiTicult task, ^ham freights- American lacK- of open revolt on ooaru an , „„,, ^hu.ches in. the neighborhood. The sul..-taniiallon of anything but ! sharply- Vo '•^v^lQW Imperial war.-rtilp and are making a and the wooden framed elevated rail- visible facts U practically impos- yellow 6l"4c' to 65c L bold front ai^-ainst the military. road, which served the three harbors, sible freiirht's THE MUTINY from the shooting of a sailor making a .scmicircio round the heads, of the harbors. The timber work of j the railwa.v wa.s soon alight. It who was prea>nting, on l.ehall of the | i,i„7.^,,j )„ ^n dircction.s. and the cars crew, a complaint against liad food, j tumbled below. Among other pro- According to one version, this sailor, ]pertv destroyed were the offices and â- whose name was Omiltrhuk. objected j „ of thr.-e great Russian' to the quality of the "horchtch" or transport companies, containing im-; soup, and was immediatel.v shot down by a mess od'icer. The crow then rose and sei/J?d the ship, and I mcnsc stores. THE VICTIMS ni HIED, the olliceri^, < ight <f who were Omelchuk, the tailor of the Kniai spared on condition that thev would I l*"'^'^'"'''" 'I'a^'ritchesky. whose shoot- Join the mutineers. The others . '"S *^y '•''o captain of the battleship were killed ond their bodies thrown '•"â-  romplaiuing about the fo overboard. The Kniaz Potemkin n'rrive-l hero on Tuc.'xlay night accomjianicil b.v two torpedo boats. Early the body of Omiltchuk was brought ashore in one of the battleship's boats, and xvns landed on the new mole, where it Was exposed in .se-mi-state all day. It was visited by thousands of per- sons, many of whom placed coins in a basket at the head of the bod.v towards a fund to defray the cost of the funeral The authorities have made no at- tempt to remove the body, the sail- ors having served notice that the ship wo'ild open fire on anyone seek- ing to Interfere with it. A police agent visiting the spot was killed by strikers. THE REP FLAG IIOISTKn. Puring the day a rod flag was hoisteil on the Kniaz Potomkin and members of the ciew rade from ship to ship in the harbor, stopping all work the.-con. The strike is now general hero and the rioters are growing in punibers and boldness. Wcdne.sda.v night a bomb was thrown in Cathedral Place, killing itsthiow- cr and a policeman. During the day one of the torpedo boats which accompanied the Kniaz Potemkin sei^eel the liji.ssien sti-nnier E.speranza, ladi-n with two thousand tons of coal, which the battleship hag taken on board. The Knia': Potemkin is also known as the Potemkin Tavritchosky. She Is one of the most powerful Uu.ssian vessels now afloat, 12.180 tons dis- placement, and has a speed of seven- teen nnd a half knots. She cnrrietl 750 men and olBcors. AUTHORITIES IN PANIC. A despatch from St. Petersburg says: More serious in its possible ef- fects than nil the de-feats in Man- churia or the destruction of Itoje-st- vensky's fleet was the news which reached St. Pe'tersburg on Wedne-sda.v evening that the standard of open rebellion was floating on board one of the Emperor's battleships in the harbor of Odessa, nnd that with shotted gun.s the mutinous crew, heuded by eight olUce>rs, we>re holding the ship against all conu>rs. The aiithoritie-8 arc panic-stricken, nnd at the Admlrall.v consternation reigns. Admiral Wireiiius, chief of the Naval General StalT, trnnkly con- fessed that the situation was grave. OTHER WARSHIPS SEIZED. The <Xlcssn correspondent of tho London Standard sends under re.serve « rumor that four otlu<r warships mutinied at Sobastopol nnd are now on the way to Odessa to join tho Kniaz Potemkin Tavritchosky. A NIGHT OE HORROR. A despatch from Oelessa says:â€" Tho inutine>ers of tho Kniaz Potemkin Tavritchosky ha/o boon joined by tho crew of " .. .. • mutinied on !;-d to the mutiny, was burie-d on Wed-' nesday I'Vening in the city ne'cropolis. The funeral was made the occasion i of a great popular demonstration. ' i Ni'ither police nor troops showe^<l ' themselves along the route. Every- 1 thing was orderly. The inntlne'crs: had notiiied the commandant eif the port earlier in the day of their in- tention to inter their comrade with full naval honors. They addc^I that thc\y would land an evscort and the ship's band, and that if these were! interfe-reil with the battle^ship would | immediately open fire on the port. , The commandant thereupon o!ToJ-ed ' him.self as a hostage aboard the but 'DID NOT SURRENDER. Cd.ssn, .July 2. â€" ^Thore is no longer any doubt that the mutinous baltle- .ship Kniaz Potemkin Tavritchesky ; not surreiideivd. Her lowe'ring • of the red flag that she had been ll.viuif h.\s not bevn explainetl, but it is apparent tho authoriti^-s took advantage of the ceneral be-lief that that act created to announ--e the ve's- , sels surrender in order to calm the changed, city. Thero is little, if any, loss j dreamery, 'Joi-!;t -.hat the Georgi Pobiedono- '1° solids stefT has join.-d the mutiny. The o.'i.cers who were larnied from the Knia'- I'oteinkin Tavrit.hesky have since sniKd for an unknown destina- tion. The town is teeming with ru- ina.-s, nnd it is most difficult to U'arn the truth of tho situation. . . to show that only a small percentage - "^ Te'^"'^*^ "' butter, eggs, apples, bacon, etc., 6oc; J«o. 3 j „gnt from Canada in cold-storage. l*''o i^** "il He moved an amendment that Can- freights, ada annually exports a large amount Iea.sâ€" .10 to .-c for No. 2 west . ^f f^rm products, of which a consid- and east, .5c for milling. erable portion are of a perishable Rolled Oatsâ€" ?4. 75 for cars of bags 'character- that and $5 for barrels on track here 25c more for broken lots here and 40c outside. COUNTRY PRODUCE. Dutter â€" Prices all round are prints 18c to 20c 18c 19c Dairy lb. rolls, good to choice 15c 16c do large rolls 14c 15c do medium 13c 14c do tubs, good to che.l4ic 15ic do inferior 12c i;te ' Cheese â€" The market holds de'pre>ciation of value of such products during transit re- sults in great loss to the farmers of Canada: that facilities provided in contract with the Gov- ernment .should be thoroughly up to date and efficient, and should afford 'â-  an ade<iuatc return for subsidies 'granted. Hon. Mr. Fisher, in repl.v, said that, having care-fully weigti<?<l the amendment, he had faileKl to read into it an.v censure or want of con- fidence in the Government, and. be- lieving the assertions contained the'rin were quite true, he would bo glad to acce'pt it. .\t the same time. It is cstiiuatexl that the lo-ssi's by th'.' lire h.'re Wenlnesday amount to $25,000,000. Twelve steamers and tifty sailing vessels arc said to have been dcstro.vcd. ^^ q^^ ^^j^^^, Kvei,mj;-All ae-co-.nts now agree 1^,,,^ Hav-Price-s ore easier that the^ crew of the Georgi Pobk- , $7.50 to $7.75 per ton for No. dono-^-telT art either remorseful or are i timothy on track here, lac-m^ in courage. A boat con- j UaU-d Strawâ€" Quotations are taiii n^ the boatswain, who acted changed at $5.75 to $G per ton car lots on track here. ste>adv w-hile complimenting him on the at- nd is quoted unchange>d at lOJ: to j Mention he had given to the que'Stion, lOJc for job lots here. 1 he pointed out that Mr. .Vrmstrong Eggsâ€" Quotations are unchanged at (•'id unfortunately mixeel up the re- 164c to 17c. j cords of temperature's in cold-storage Potatoesâ€" Prices are easier at 80c , chambers and in cooled air cham- bers, apparently oblivious of the fact nt that these diiTerent me'thods of car- 1 I riage w-ere de'signed for entirely dis- tinct purpose-s, and under both these iiij.: methods temperature's varied accord- tleship for the safe return of the es- ' as captain of th-,- mutin.M-i-s, anel se-v cort and to ensure the safety of the eral siMir.en came tt>hore at the city. It cannot bo le-arned whether . breakwater, where, according to an his olTer was acce>pled, but in any oiliciul Ktate':nent, they de>clare>d that case tho mutineers' threat was re- 1 thj.v wished to ask tho Czar's for- specte-d. |giviness. They offered to send Although the day passed practical- forty ho.srtaces ashore. Thev said ly without disturbance, the mob the ship had not be-on djmagcvl. The again be-cnme threatening on Thurs- Covernor has announced that all day evening. Troeips hold the public buildings and guarii the approache»s to the harbor. During the â-  eve-ning the central railway station was sot on lire and is almost destroyo<l. Many persons have be-on injured, but de-tails are unobtainable. It is stated that eleven surviving otllcors of the Kniaz Pote-inkin Tav- ritchosky have landed. MUTINY HAS REACHED RALTIC. danger of a bombardment is over. MTJEDEEER MUST HANG. Slayer of Englishman In Wilder- ness Sentenced. A despatch from Edmonton. N.W.- T.. says; 'Ih- si-comi trial of Chas. Kinj;. the Wiblevn-ss niurd.'ror of Vkl- for MONTREAL MARKETS. Montreal, Jul.v 4.â€" Grainâ€" No. white oats, 50c; No. 3 white oats, 49c; No. 3 Manitoba barley, 53c; No. 4 barley, 52c. Flour â€" Manitoba spring wheat pa- tents, $5.30 to $5.40; strong bakors' $5 to $5.10; winter wheat patents. ward Ilayward. an Knglishn^an, was '$2,224 per bag. Cornnie-ai is quiet | ing to the particular article's car- ried. While agreeing as to the ne-ce-s- sity of steody tompe-ratures, Mr. Fisher pointed out that the Govern- ment had no control over steamship o I companies, contracts with which have all expire^<l. Rut tho contracts had Served the purpose intende-d. and I there was now be-tte-r ceild-storage I facilities from Canadian ports than i from any portion of the continent. j He producetl statistics to show that $5.50; straight rollers, $5 to $5.15. '*''"'V'T. f«r .f.o'''-''<^"'-aee had never an.l in bags at $2.50 to $2.45 1 '^"^•" '"">' utih/ed by Canadian ship- Millfeed-Manitoba bran, in bags. ! P"^*^' '^^'^ department had found it $17 to $tS; shorts. $20 to $21 per "<^"<^-^''a''y to a<lvise dock managers at ton: Ontario winter wheat bran, in Liverpool that if better facilities bulk. $10.50 to $17.50; shorts $19 «-<^re not afTorded for handling but- to $2(>; mouillc, $24 to $28 per ton, ' ^""^ Canadian shippers would be re- as to quality. 1 Oat.s-IVmand is still limited ^t ' ^""1'-' °*"'^'" P*""', iComme^ndenl to se-nil their butter to Mr. Fisher we>nt with some detail into the que-stion of A despatch from St. Petersburg â- â- < , â€" « . , .. > ,â€". â€" ». â€" v-. .., -i'--v^ 1 . , , 1111, savs: The mutiny has reach-d the ' cemdudeHl on Wevtnesdav afternoon, and unchanged at $1.35 to $l.-lo per j ^^^'P-i'^^'^f' ""** '^.""'^'"^'â- '^ ^^^ "Sam Daltic. The sailors at the Imperial The judge summed up strongly | bag. ^/sT-^.V "lith \ird\Zrt'J^..nt'f intT naval barracks at l.ibau revolt' <l on aealnst the prisom-r. and after The! Hay-No. 1, $9 to $9.20; No. 2. f ^'^•"'; ;^'; J^'^ departments mten- Wednesday night on the pretext that ; jury had benn out for an hour and ,ST.75 to $3.25; clover, mixed. «6--5 j "â-  '^^^ "hishedm spoke of the necessity the food served to them was not lit ! n half they returned a verdict oft" »~ 25. and pure clover, $6.50 to : *''^- "-"â- si'"'â„¢ spoke ot tne nccessitj to cat. They scH-ured rifles and am-! guilty. The judge asketl if he hadi^^'"^ per ton in car lots. I munition and wrenrked and stole frenn i anythin:; to .say. whereMipon the pris- I ll«ansâ€" Choice primes. $1.60 to: oner replied: 'Iin not guilty. The 51. 65 per bushel and $1.50 to $1.03 | houses. They attackeel th>- ofVicors' qiiarter.s, firing shots through the windows. A detachuipnt of tio'i-s, incliidinc artillery, was immediately Ofdeix-^l out. and it is reporte.! that after severe light in-;: they rer>;Ise-<I the mutine-ers, who, however, cse-apeil with their nrirs. Ct>.ssacks and a re^giiiient of infantry were sent to tho scene early Thursda.V morning. De- tails of the alTair could not bo ob- tained hero. There is an unconfirme'd report that trouble similar to that at Libau has broken out nt Revi-1. The Ministry of .Marine politely to iiive the le-Hst information concerning the last time 1 saw ilayward he a'ive, and I hope that if he's w-as (lend the murderer will soon be found." The .iiidvje sentenced in car le>ts. Honey â€" White clover, in comb, 124c per Se-ctiein in l-lb. se-ction; extract, in 10-lb. tins, 7c to 74c; in iteiiced him to be ban- ^^^ .""^V ,- . ,- 1 ' ' \'-" '"'• '" ed at the Mounted Police barracks ^'^i^' ^'"^â- <'<^ t«,.t'J<--: buckwheat. 6c at He Fo-t Saskatchewan. Aug. 31. held out no hope cif clemency. BASKETS SCATTERED. Boiler Explosion at Green River, Ontario. A despatch from Green River, Out., says: '1 ho boiler in Jo.seph IVit^n's large basket factory was tri>iibles at those jdaci-s or at Odes-] blown u;) with torrilic force just after sa, but official circle-s, especially the dinner on 'Ihiirsda.y. The boiler was Department of Police, beliove that ' lifted up and thrown fully 1(X> fe-et the outbreaks wero planned by re-vo- to the Wi-st, tho hoael being sent lutioiiists, and arc mnnife-stly about ItX) yards over buildings in alarmed. Their alarm is shareel by the higher social circles of th- capi- tal, whe-re the long established faith in tho unflinching loyalty of the Em- peror's armed forces is beginning to waver, bringing inevitaWc dre-ad that the renolution so often devlaivd fo be n;a.v yet be cd, jierhaps has already be-giM|. It Is tho transport Vedha," who' ""'^"'^^' '"""''''' ^^'^^ *â- **" occurrences n tho way herefrom Nico-l"' <'<'<;'^^« nml Libau have more the opi'osite dire-ction. The factory was badl.v wrecke-d, a gre-at portion of the side and roof being blown out. Mr. Doton and his son, who attt-nds the engine. We-re standing not more than ten fe-et from one side of it when the accident occurred, nnd miraculous to sa.v, both escaped un- injured. Thousands of bevry baskets wero scattereil in all diri-ctions. now do- di-eply impressed the ruling I here than all the defe-ots in Man- jchuria and tho destruction of the Tho ""^^.v combined. SITUATION AT OPEvSSA. London, July 8.â€" A dear view is at last obtainable as to the actual -i,w fh„ ,!...„, ♦ .K '""""^^rs situation at Odessa for the past S s^n^ ?ha ♦/„ ,n * " f ^''" • "' !t f'>'-t>-'»"'- hours. IHroct de-spatches pulsing the troops or nducing tho 'have bee-n few and hopelessly contra- lattor to join tho revolt. Mortial rfictorv until !,,>,/ ..iVK.T*!. law has thus far boon e.Tectively l"i-'„ow "nno" th-l »h . 1 /''"'' now appear that when Admiral laiolT. Tho Voelha's ofllcors arc prisoners on tho battli-ship. It would bo most dilllcult to scribo tho exact situation he-ro. Kniaz Potemkin Tavritchosky still lies olT tho harbor, but at the time of telegraphing she has not molested tho town, nor have tho<l. A^'^"?,'P''/',''"^''' !° •^««^.»» tholKrvger's squadron reached Odessa scenes of tho lighting. Any attempti , .M .â-  to pass tho soldiers who guard the'Tr, °J""*"^'Tr. ''". '"'""'^ "'^" ^'''â-  approaches to tho harbor Involves in- : ""^«'"l». I^">af I'ote-mkin refu.W to itant death. surrender. Iho admiral fe-are<l to Tho inactivity of tho mutinous sail- iV'!''"'" ""' '"'"'^""^ °' ^^° ^*'*''''" l>at"o- ora is ascribed in some quarters to'" ''* '" " "P*"* ^^olr comrades, their having no ammunition. Thol"'*'' *'"^' "'"^ "' """ of the s-hiiis. the rumor is at least plausible, inas- 1^'*'"'"*'^' I'obiedonostelT. JoineMl the much as tt has been .said that tho """'''^''''â- ''- "^^e remainder of the liluck Sea fleet was denuded of ant- munition t.> supply tho Haltic fleet. Wednesday night was one of hor- ror The rattle of riflt-8 and machine juns was inccsaant. while tho glare iotti tho burning hikrbor iUuminatod Mpiadron nt once returnee! to Seba»- topol, and accordin.v: to Russian of- ficial stories, the other vcsav-ls wore put out of commission. Thei-e Is ao reason to doubt the algniacant (iecisioD to disarm the AMBTJSHED GERMANS. Insurgent Leader in South-west Africa Scores Success. A de-spatch from Cape Town. Cape Colony, saj's: A telegram from Stein- kop. Ge^rman South-We-st Africa, says Petrus Christian, the insurge-nt leod- er, recently ambushed tho German feircc coniniandcel by Major von Kanvptz at Knre-!»lH»rg, killing 15 and wounding 26 Germans. It is rumor- ed that the insurge-nts captured six guns, but this ia ne>t confirmed. .f HTJNDBED GERMANS KILLED. Seport of Recent 'Victory of Hot- tentots is Confirmed. A despatch from Capo Town says: Confirmation has been receivod here of Chief Mare-ngo's reported victory German South-west Africa, dune L' It is said 100 Germans we»ro kilk-d to 64c. as to quality Provisions â€" He-avy Canadian short cut pork, $20 to $21; light short cut, $18 to $19; .\merican cut cloAr fat back, $1S to $18.50; compound lard. 7c to 7Jc; Canadian lard, 9jc to lOJc; kettle rendered, lOJc to lie, acceireling to quality; hams. 12c to 14c; bacon, 12c to 14c; fresh killed abattoir hog>. $9.25 to $9.50; alive. $6.50 to $6.75 for mixed lots; sel- ects, $7 to $7.15. F^jgs â€" Straight stock, 15Jc to 16c; No. 2. lie. Hutte-r â€" Choice creamery. 19}c to 20c; unde-rgrados, ISic; dairy, 164c to 163c. Choe-se â€" Ontario, 94c to 9Jc. and Quebec at 9Jc to 9;c. CATTLE MARKET. Toronto. July 4. â€" The run of cat- tle olTe^ring at the We-slern Market this iiieirning was light, anil traiK- was brisk. Expeirt Cattle â€" Choice are quotcel at $1.90 to $.5.35. good to medium at $4.75 to $4.90. bulls nt $4 to, $4.50, and cows ot S3 to S3. 75. | llutchers' Cattiv â€" Picke-d aro quoted at $4,90 to $5.20, fair to choicw at $4 to $4.90, common at $3 to $3.- 50. and cows and imlls at $2 50 to $:}..->o. Stockers nnd Fccdc-rs â€" Stockers are quoted at $2.50 to $3.80. and fe-oel- ers at $3 to $4.75. Milch Cows â€" .\re quote*! unchange-<l at a range of $30 to $50 each. Calves â€" Quotatietns are unchanged at 3|c to 5)c per lb. and $2 to $10 each . Shcop and l..ainbs â€" Export sheep are quote-d at $3 to $3.90 per cwt. culls at $2.50 to $3.50 each, spring lambs at $3.50 to $5.25. He>gsâ€" tjuotations aro unchanged at $5 to $6.65 pe-r cwt. for selects and S6.40 for lights and fats. Six Nova $^cotiA sailors who were oven.- the Germans at Karasbe-rg. imprisoiu-d in Uruguay for fishing fe>r seals olT that coast are coming home, afte-r serving the-ir sentence. for a continuous chain of ellicionl cold-storage from the faruie-r's hoim to the old country market. Mr. Derbyshire said that buttcf ! shipments are incre-asing. and cold- stornge facilities aro ne)W provided on vessels without a dollar from tho Governnie-nt, as the companie-s havi to provide them to get business. The amendment was declared car ricd. GREAT DIPLOMAT DEAD. John Hay, "United States Secre tary of State, Expires. .â- V Newbury. N.H., de-spatch sa.vs:â€" John Hay. Se-cretaiy ot State, dice' on Saturday morning at 12.25 o'clock. His last moments weret peace-ful and the end came almost witheiut a struggle, Tho sudde-nness of it all was slagge-ring. From th« peace-tui quiet of midnight "Tha Fells." Mr. Hay's beautiful Summer homo on the sheiivs of Lake Sunapco, without warning, was awake-ne-d to the bewiUle'rinj{ imminene-e of death, where» life haei bivn iVlt to bo assur- e<l. At the hour of 12 all was qtiie-t. In ane>ther moment nurses and physi* cians fouiiei thom.selve-s summemexl t<f tho bedsiile. The-re had bex-n a col« lapse. Twenty-Uvo minute-s later all was over. Tiio Se-cretary on Frielay had pa.s». o<l the most ci'mifeirtable day sii-.c^J his illness began a week ago. H» was to sit up on Saturday. The p»i- tiont had bidden his wife and physt- clan.s geiod night at 10 o'clock, .Vn hour lati>r he was sUx-ping quietly. .Miuevst at tho stroke of 12 the Se-c- rx-tar.v was seiziHl with a turn. }i« calle<l fevbly ami a nurso respondeci. The sick man was bveathing with great ilifficulty. The hou.s.-hoUl was aroused. The wife reached her hu.s- band as he was bre-athing his last. The .son, Clare-nce Ha.v. and th« daughter. Mrs. .lanu-s .\. Wadswurth. of Gene\sce-. N.Y.. hurrie-d into th« sick room, but they wore too late. Death was cause-d by pulmonar.v em- holism, causing paralysis of th« brain with more or loss of an apo ple^tic .shock. Tho Grand Jury has n-turncd i» dictnu-nts charging that the Chicago strike was ahotte>d by labor le£den for their own gain. 4 'I

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