Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 11 May 1905, p. 1

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,^v Hftliana. <s TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR.' â€"" PBIXCIPLEh KOT MEN." VOL SXIv, NO l^il Plevstierton, Ont., TliLtrsday^ May 11 t90o W. H THUHST03, |;^k?etou Going To Get Mariisd ? M «•> yoa will want a nica v.-L'Idinj ring. We h^ve them lu a freat v.iriety aud r.t just the riijli: pirices. e © Going To , :- -â-  A WeddiDg ? If so you will want to take a pieaent along. Wy have t-*i»> many l_»eantjf>il BLACK WOOD CLOCKS which we will sell at cost for the next fifteen days. This means suinethinc to yon. Make a note of it. These .are sTiituble for general u^se. See t'iem. FLESHiKTUN, ONT -i^- _ .â- Â«^v - ^r-â€"^- - y j ^ -,y.!, r^r indusirial Home Notes 1 ;. {By an Inmatt) ^^ -^-^.t:â€" . '.^^"^ â€" -.^^ Tlie female portion of the statf are busy these days iu ^jonera! spiiu;; house clean iiii;. Although everyth'ng is always kept scrupulously clean and tidy about the housn, yet. with ths mtigic touch of wom- an's hand, everything kioks buth frebh and grand. Harry Harness, tha sgiiculture man- ager, will sever his conneclion with the staflf on Saturday next. He goes to Owen Sound to learn the trade of tinning, pluuibiiig and brazing with Christie & Son. Mr. J. Yarty takes his place on tha farm. Tlie nujubor of inmates in the B^jnie is gettin;^ less, SIX men and two woa;en having been recently disoharced. Thom- as Jlunders and wife of Flesherton were di.scharged on the 29th ult. and we hope, as fiifuJ J. B. says, that they will feel more contented by their ain fireside, Geo. Roy (colored) of Glenelsj, and John Roland of the same, were discharged ou the 1st inst., their term of comoiital hav- ing expired. A former employer of Rol- and w4s on hund to take him back' There on'y remains onu p.iy boarder in She home at present, aud he is expecting dai'y to leave. The number of inmates a present is, men, li>, .women, 6 â€", 2'y. ill. John Cameron, a respectable in- mate, is speiidiiig a couple of days leave of absence with Mr. CoUinsou ami fam- ily of Ceylon. Cameron was a faithful employee of Mr. Codiiiaon'a for several years and Mr. G. C.'sappreciatlou of Mr, J- C.'s service is evidouoed by the invit- ution by Mr. 0. C. to Mr. J. C. to spend a few days with Mr. G. C. and family.. We hope you will enjoy your visit, Mr. J. C. Mr. John Kennedy and the Mioses B. and K. McLeud of Ceylon, called on your Cor. on Wednesday hist. The usual Uiyine Service on Sunday last was directed by the manager, who delivered an impressive discourse from Josliua 24-15. Un Sunday next the ser- vice wid be taken (D. V.) by osie of the mild iumitcs. Subject: Tem[ior»l aud Bpiri:ual poverty and riches. C'-iamb.'rlain's Cough Remedy the Very Best '1 have been ueiuj; Cli»uiborlain> Cough Remedy aud want to .say it is the Iwit ciuah II eJicine I have ever taken," nays Geo. L. t'huWs a niercliant of Uai Inn, Mien. There U no miijtioc ab> at \'* \\-iuf the best, as it M ill eun- a coiMjh or a cold iu less titoe than any other treatment. It should alivavs be kept in the house rvady for instant use, for a Cold can be cured iu much lew timt wheu l^romptly treated. Forsaleby W.K. Kicbaid-. on. The heavy thunlersti nos which passed uver this neichhoihoi.d the past week did no damage in this vioini'y. Mrs. Millar received the std news on Thursday that her father, who lived in MeUiiCthon, near Corbettoii, was killed by li;/|itnioa on Wednesday ifternoon Tlie lid uentlomai' when the storm came went 10 look after his sheep, when he was instantly killed by a bolt. Mr. and Mrs. MiUir, Mrs Goriey, sr., aud Mrs Walker Sl-aii all attended the funeral of \Ir.s. Millar's father on Friday last. Mrs. Ben Madill,with h-r two c'lrildren, lift on Saturday to take the boa; at Owen S"und for the Canadian Soo to jnin her husband, who has been working therefor Some time past. The best wishes of a lar.;e cirele of fi lends accompany her to her new home Every one was S rry to lose them from our midst as they were very highly esteemed by all who knew them. May prosperity await them where ever they may go. Mrs. George MeXally and daughter, of Toronto, are visiting her sister, Mrs. Joseph Fenwick , of Euijenia. They m- tend to stop a couple of months. Miss Jb'lora Carr has gone on a visit to her sister, Mrs. Ruasel, of Toronto. She will be nii.s.sed by her young friends, with whom she was a favorite. Mr. Dackett has had a good time the past week. The result of his holiday ia lots of good fresh lime, to which he in- vites his paini.s. Mr. John Parsuns of Kcenans VilU in- tends moveiug with his family to Sun- ridtfe, where be and Mr. Fred Hicklinj have some good mining property. Miss Hickling intends joining her brother very soon, where he is starting a fine saw mill. Our local fishermen and boys are re- peating some woudeiful dsh stories. The boys get the larges'-. fish as a rule. Mr. R. Purvis is erecting an addition to his barn, baveing cemout floors put in, also a cistern and other needful improve- ments,. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Fenwick are . moveinj to Mr. Parsons farm at Keonans Viile. I Mr. W. Magea of the Ninth, who lost I a valuiblo mare recently, had a fine cow , die next day. Mr. Joseph Hawkins lost a fine cow recently by inflammation. . . . ^ *-* A Good Suggestion Mr. C. B. WainwriyUt.of Lemon Citr Fla , htt.< WTitteu the mauufacturers that inuoh bitter i-e.sults are obtained from the use of Chamberlains Colic, Cholera and Diarrhonea Remcdv in cases of pains in the stomach, c-olic aud cholera morbus by t»kiug it in water as hot a-s can be drank. "That wtieu Uakeu iu this , wav the effect is double iu rapidity. "I; : seems to get at the right .sj>>* instantly," he i says, lor sale by W. K. Richardson. j Mr. R. B'akeston has ^one to to reside with his son. Mr. John Paralow is preparing to build a fine brick house this summer. Some of tho residents on Elgin St. are already anticipating the pleasure in tha nesr future of being lulled to sleep by cell and shrieking; whistle of the express and rattle and roar of the heavy freight train passing so close to their dur- ^ikories. Mr and Mrs. Thos. Fisher have moved m'o their residence in Priceville lately. Mrs. Fisher's .♦ister. Miss Hambly o- Arthur, spent her eas'er vacation here* Mr. C. E. TryoD and stafl," are in Flesh- erton this wet^k painting and decorating. McFarland. Stafford & Co. s Big Store MA.RKD.-LLE, OXTJM<IO Grev Countv'3. BIGGE.ST cin.l CHEAPEST .STORE oO.OOO POUNDS WOOL WANTED We are in a posit'on to handle your wool this sea-son to your very best advantige. If you want cash we are preared to pay you the highest market value. If you want cride in exchange, store should appeal to yo i. Nothing but the best qualitie-s in Flannels, Yarn.s, Bankets, Tweeds, etc., to ot^'er, and every defjartment ir this 'oig store is crammed full of bright, new fashionabl',, up-to-aate merchandise. Remem- ber every article and every yard of uoods in this store U marked in plain figures with oae price co all. How to Ward oft Old Age. The most succes.sful way of warding off the approach of old age b to maintain a vigorous digestion This can be done by eating only food suited to your aiie aud occupation, and when anv di.->order of the jtoniach appeiu^ take a do^e of Chamberlaius Stomach and Liver Tablets to correct it. If you have a weak stomach or are troubled with indigesucn, yau wili Snd these Tablets to be just what you need. For sale by W. E. Kichardson. Ha\wiH The second aunual meeting of the W'. M. S. of Maxwell was held ai the Me;h- odist Church on Wednesday, May 3. After tho devotional e-vercises and bus- iness transaction, the election of ofiicers for the ensuiuij year took place, which resulted as fi.)llows: Pres., Mn. (Rev.) H. E. Kemp; 1st. Vice Pres., Mrs.Wm. Scuit; 2nd. Vice Pies., Mrs. Robt. Morr- iscir. Rec. Sec, Mrs. C. il. Field; Cor. Sec, Mrs- Ed. Pallister,- Treas. Mrs. Robt. Heron; Stipt. of Mite Roxes, Sirs. A. N. Brown lidge; Pre.s. oi Systematic Giving, Mrs J. Ros.-i: Members of Pro- graiume Coinmi'lee, â€" JIary Heron, Miss Laura P'riiwiirnlge Miss Edith Morr- ison, MisS Annie Heron. Elected del- egate, on beh.df of the W, M. S. . to. Branch Cou.eiitioii, to be held in St. Paul's Chute. , I'orouio, May 30 to June 1, Mrs. (Kev.) U. E. Ksmp. Elected del gate, on Sjehalf of the Mission Band, to Branch Conventiou, Miss Mary Heron Throw riedicines To The Dogs! At best they are unp'e.isant, often use- loss. You have some disease of the nose, throat or luu^.''. Tlie c. immoii root of these dtseuses is genu or microbic irritat- ion., â€" not only destroys disease germs, it docs more, it heals dis- eased and in faiii*! ti-^su.'. The dsease is not only cureTlTout i's return is furever- piev n'.ed by using Catarih^'Zone spledid alsj for cold.=, Ciiughs and irritable throa". Renieinber ynu inhale Cntarrhozone â€" Nature's own cure â€" Use no other bu" Caianimzone â€" it's the best camrrh. cuia made. Newest Style Boots A GOOD many people who have been hunes't all their lives will slip up ia swapping horses with their uei<ih- bors. Thai's a good disal the way with Boots and Shoes. Y >u almost never can tell what the quality is by what you read and the only 3;ife plan is t i buy of a store you know to be reliable. The Shoes we sell are e.victly as represeiitad and worth every penny we a.^k. These tew prices wdl L:ive you an idea how the values run this season. 00 pair Mens Buflf Laced Boots, "Amos H.ilden " make, solid leather soles, stan- dard screw, pebtle upper. Regular value Si 75. This week 1.25 CO pair Men's Plough Boots, soft pl:a':)le leather, solid soles, heavy wax-end stitch- ed, all sizes. The kind usually sold at â-  81.25 per pair. Our price 35 30 pair Men's Fine Velour Calf Liced Boots. Blutcher cut, lovely fine nualiry leather, new shaped toe,vei-y best quality, a handsi'me boot and extra wearer. Regular So. 00 kiad. Our price 3S0 60 pair women's Fine DoQscoIa laced or Button B.'ots, new toe, patent cap, solid soles. Regular $1.75 quality. Our price 1 .25 30 pair Women's Tan and Chocolate Ox- I fords, the new Gibson tie. latest tie, 'solid all through, god value ac •â- *2.c0. Our price l.'dO 30 pair Wumen's Patent Leather Laced Bouts, dull kid upjiers, newest last, a i very dressy and comfi.rt.ible boot, all ; sizes. Vsu»lly sold at §;i.00 a pai::. Our STYLISH CLOTHING ! You know this store's reputation for Clothing, but never before have we been, so well prepared co meet your Clothing need.-,. It isn't; the easiest thing in the World to mike Clothing perfect. The inclination is co cheapen the cost wher- ever possible. We buy only from c.^e. best manufaecurers, and the close scrut. iny we pay to the baying keeps us tree from cra«li in any form. This .seasi n w~ have put in a range of HIGH GRADE CLOTHING: is, clothing is eaual to tailor made in -iVory respe^'t, the shoulder and front of coat beine all finished by e.vperl tailors, with the workmanship and tit guaranteed, ai:d che prices are very little more than you have to pay for inferior made, sloppy, i'' ti't- insi oluhes. If you want to a-.n,-..- xt your best in the community, buy jvui clothes at this store. A full range of sizes in: MKNSTWEF.D SCITS at $5.00. 5.90, I5.X'. ~.0<J, S.CO, 8.9<:>, 10.00, 10.50, 11. .50, 12.1X', 12. 50 and . ?!.•]. iX>. MENS FANCY WOR.'^TED SL'ITS at .SIO.OO, 10.50. 12.0<.i. 12.50, and $1:3.50- MENS BLACK Vv'ORSTED AND CHEVIOT SUITS at §10.00. 11.00, 12.t 0, 14.00 aud 15.00. MENS SERGE SUITS in navv aad black at 5.90. 7 ."lO. S.VtO. 10 00, and 10.50. BOYS TWEED .-^L'tTS. -piect?. from prica >.15 In the different Boor sections we always j keep a full Assortment of the best makers ' such as the King Quality Shoes. The Empress Shoe, Weston's Fine Shoes, I Weston's Ironclad Boo's, Tlie McReady Shoe. Pedes Honiemade Bouts, etc.. and every pair is worth every penny we ask. There is no trick about getlii.g cheap boots, any merchant can till his. store , with low-priced bouts, but the makers i guaraniee is not behind them. What we I aim at is to get the best makes at the lowes!: po-sible prices. See our dillereni styles before you buy. 1 .50 to 5.00. 3-piece, from 2.75 to 6 50. .MENS TWEED TROUSERS from 98c. Co ?2.90. MENS- WORSTED TROUSER from S2 to 3.75. We put in stock this week nnnthsr ship- ment of chose (Ixford Grey Covert Cloth Shower- Proof R.agUia ijvercoacs, suitable fnr either sunshine or r.\iny weather, reg. flO.OO. values, this week ' 8.50 We put on Barcain Counter this week CO piir Mens Overalls, mostly Grey Deniams extra heavy weigh:^. good assortment of sizes, 'eiiuhir 7.5c, Soc, and OUc qualities. In order to soil tbeai all out in a hurry che price will be, your choice o9c. Priceville Liiuenia The r»in« of tho past week have becn^ very acceptable, «« tho ground was so dry there was no growtU, Now the fields ^ »nd bushes are getting dressed in their beautiful robes of green. Seeding will s 'on be Euished in this locality. Fall wheat looks fairly well after the spring frosts. The rarious changes in the weather has detained many farmers, who had large ; fields prepared f»t sowing, from seeding. Some had forty or more acres ready. Last Sunday quite a nuiaber from the I other ajipoiatmenta attended the Sacra- ment which was held in the Methodist church here. Gaelic S.iciameut was d'.j- ' peiised in the Presbyterian church also. Mr. Walter Nichcl, who has been at Toronto University has passed hi* roi-ent ' examinations with houors,winning a ca-ih prize of $80. and a travelling schoUrship , of S400. He is now called to the Presby- i teri in church in Woodstock as an «.s«is. | tan', to the Rev. Dr. McMuIlen. His servicj began la-'t Sunday. At a recent meeting A. O. V. W. lotlgc i^f which Mr. ' Nichid is a member, a res dutior. was pas-oi-d autborizinK an addi ess to lie sent to hira congratulating hioi upon hissuc- cecs. The new railway 8urv<-yor» arrived in loTn again t" d.-«y, (Monday) and it ."seems aa if E'gin street will be pretty badly :ut up by the railnMy. Mr. Herb W.ttson and nssis^ant4 are commencing the a^me f 'undation for a barn for Mr. Andrew Ostiauder of the .9ib, Proton. This is the third Urge l.arn that Mr. Ostrsnder has erected on the Several farms thai he baa acipireU in that neiglibcrh oyd . I While Mr. Thos. Sytnes was driving along the back line west of Barrhead; on Saturday last with a pair of youug horses and waggon the team became atfrisjhted and ran a, a furious rate. A bit broke and Mr. Siiues lost all control of the team. He managed to get off tho wag in but in doing so received a painful shsUing up, one knee lui' ;; badly torn and his body other* isi- s riou.sly injured. Mr. ELuuh Baiid. a ntiahbor, Jiiekeil him up and oohveyed him ho.-ae when Dr. Bro«n was called in and dres.<«ei.l hid wounds. He still lies ill a prwwrtous condition. The horses came to a h:dt'^ajainst a fence (>y the road, but esciu'cd sorious injury. â€" Standanl. McFAKLAXD. STAFFORD ^^ CC j PJ^OTOX STATION STOI^E W.Hockley 1905 W.Hockley , Just « few 01 our maoy bari/ains we have to .tier our patrons for the coming month. 50 paiis men's heavy all-woil socks .19- 50 suits of men's all-wool guern.sevs reaular §1.25 f .r !?•.» V2 .Men's nne Dress Overcoats 4 59 j 100 yds all Wool sheeting 2 yds.wide I great bargain 49 !â-  A large a.-wortmeot of men's win- 1 tcr caps 50 and tjOe liues for 39 Just a few ladies' short coats left to clear af 2.99 YOU ARE AH-INQ. "Sot qnitcsick, â€" hut robl ed of ambition to work â€"find it haid to think cleasly. Not ill iMiouah til think of dying, but had ciU'Ukili for life !â- â- â€¢ be pretty dull. There ia a remetty â€" â€" .that qu ckly lifts that half ilfftd i-.lorj Oracions, but Ferrozotie nitkos you foe! U'xhI: it sharp- ens the dullest oppetito, mukesi" keen us a razor. Bloojf Ferroz.ine ivakta lo's of it.'hc rich, nourishiiia; kind that vitalizes the wh-'lebixly. You'll bo wonde'fulH' quick e-iei?, imnnn.suly >.treugth. nd, f-el h.^rty and vigorous aftef usmisj Fertoz-n--. Buoyant health, surplus vito;- .ml reserve en<;rgy all Ci'ine from this s;reat restorat- ive. Fifty cents buys a box of fifty tab- lets at all dealers. .Joseph C>al«y, a ftirmer near Alton . who uf UteJuid I'ecinscli.'btly demented, took a dose of paris jreon, and ss a resu't: di«d a few hoar« af'.er. 25 .Men's and Boys' sweaters, bar- gain price - â-  • .40 A large assortment. <>f chi'.ds hooda snap at .29 15 pairs men's heavy winter pants rejjulai- $;i.00 line for 2,19 BOOTS and RUBBERS ' 25 p.iiri 3 eyitet sn.-i^ proof rublwrs 25 pairs women's felt lined boo's 1.40 â-  _ regular S2.75 line f. r 2.39 .ind 1.50 hues for 101 50 puiislxtys plain rubber. Also a larce table of working l-.ot-' sti'i;' ai . 4^ reduced to 5f^ ' - . 1 We want to impress upon your mind the gro.^t b:irgaina we are t'iving thii month in. elasswarc, such aa: i Fancy Parlor Lamps, regti'ar 2.75 line for ... 2 00 C ?.ild s!ip;le w,itfrset:i 1.75 to 2.00 lines tor 1 â- W ; 5 only tea setts, 4t piece!*, threat bargain at ..»»,«•- 2 u& "i" â-  1 4 87 piece diuucr sctis, $10.00 lines reduced to S Wfe, ~ t;- \ V GROCEI^rFS j 5 lbs fresh 6g8 for ' 7 Uis fr- «':i cnnen*s 4 laru" bottles tomato catsup special. 5 lbs go .d Japan Tea for 6 lbs g"0 1 Cej^lon Tua .... â-  ... . . K.«'. , 25 . 2--. . 11 .1 IMr 1 <y, Ktti

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