Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 27 Apr 1905, p. 8

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Apuil 27 1905 The Markets. t'arciullv <;orri'«'ted Each Week O.iU 38 38 Pea« :.... C:5 to (ill hatU-y . 45 to 45 Butler 18 to 1« Ks^K" fresh 13 t.> 13 Cl.ickeiis 7 10 7 Ducks 9 to « G.e:<e » to 10 H»y to 6 55 l'..t:it..o8 baa 60 to 60 Turkeys 13 to 14 T II E F L E S 11 E 11 T N A i) V A N C £ MASSEY- HARRIS Bicycles One wheel tlmt stands for nil tliiit»a")d In bioyclo miinufnc- turo is tliu Massoy- Harris. It has besides fjmoeful lines and excellent, liiiish nil the K^od |).)iiits of lietit ijUiilily of material and new iaveniions. r\assey=Harris and inPERIAL BICYCLES The liiyh yiade models of the fninicr wht'el liHve tilt- Hyyii'nic Cushion Frame, Sills lianille U.ira and Morrow Coaster lirali.-. The •'Inipenal" may be htted ifith the Coanter iiralte and Silla Handle Bars. Write us for particulars. Canada Cycle and Motor Co. Limited. Coronto = t^.^tn^Aii. £ Flesliertoxi (joiid lioraeg â€" now rif^s â€"attentive dliv.TH j;3 â€"attentive G, W. Hacking 'â- - - W JV N T l^ J3 S;ilc.snitn tn iipre.sent • Canada's Cireatest Nurseries" Ismv. si varieties nnd .siiiTialtii-.-, in lliirdy Fiiiiin, Sin. ill Fruils, fShruhs, t)in.i- III •nhils and I' A ii-iin inent situilion, ami tenltmy resei v.-d fur riuht in in. Pay weekly. II.VND.SDMKOI'TMT FUKK. Wn'.- lor |Mi tlciilirs. Si'ud 2.JC. for the POCKET .MlCUOSCOIMi, u.seful t.. ^rowivs fruils and sliniLs and to faruierN 111 i-xamiMJii:; aralriH and seeds. Mr Kuliard Allan i.s local agent for Flosherion. Stone & Wellington (cvkkHOO ackek) Toronto - - Ontario gou.l MivoHtraont tbat i<a.>8 divideiidtali ftbroUfjli llle U a coursfl of f r lining iu auy ol the Oepartm ...t '!t..H 0»«ij --iiiiii'l. • nt. Four cniii|il«t« couriios of â-  tudy. ilMMtftqulpiisil hiiMliKSH (;oll«){0 prbioio- M lu Canadi*. The only cuILgii owuitic Uhowii oalluRn liuil<linH. A lamn htsfrof i'onii)Btubt •ud p»lii lakiiig toacliorr. Our KraduatuB are .MioatRiii: .iwitiil. .1 lint aak than]. I'uli paitic- Ulan snnt to any addieu fieu. C. A Fleming, Principal Winter Goods ty/? â- ^tfir/tess Supp/iea. Bell*,UUnketi,Ri>ba!i, iinitstion l*or«iAn Lamb CoaU for drivinir, WhiiM, liHsheH, CiiiiibH, Drusli- •a, â€" a larite ^tock of choio« goods just in* Trunks and Vali.<iei for Irsvuller*. 9et jroMr harness supplies from â€" Wm. MOORE flesmerton Ayers Impure blood always shows somewhere. If the skin, then boils, pimples, rashes. If the nerves, then neuralgia, nerv- ousness, depression. If the Sarsaparilla stomach, then dyspepsia, biliousness, loss of appetite. Your doctor knows the remedy, used for 60 years. " Retumlnc from tba Cnbaa war, I was a gtrfact vracK. Ht blood wai bad. and mr •altb waa (osa. Bat a few bottlet ot A?*t'i SaiiapailUa eomsleteiy cured ma." H. O. DoaoLBK, ScisntM, n. (1 00 a bottle. All dni|;gl»U._ for J. C. ATXS CO., Lowell. Matt. Impure Blood Aid th« Sarsaparilla by keeping th« tMwels regular with Ayers Pilla< p.. "^ SiOii iiS in Furniture The largest and best titock of funiituie ever shown in Flesher- tnn. Tlii.s ivithdiit fear nf contra- diction Come and see SHine of the nice things in Sideboards Dining Roorr\ Chiairs Parlor Setts Bed Roonq Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order to reduce the stock W. H. BUNT, ^urnitupe ^Dealer FlesliertoD - Oet. -"00 (Xf- J BcsiN'Ess Cards .[â- OULLOUdH !c YOUNG t Hanker Maikdale ).:> a goueral banking IjuBinoss . Mouoy toaueo a ruasoaablo I'atu Cull ou Uf). i J rtPKOUbK PorftmiiBtMr, FloHliortoti oiuniiHsionor in H. C. J., Auetionoor Con voyancur. Appniisur rikI Money Leudet Kual Mhtat« ttiid InRiiraneu Aj^unt. Dutulp tuovt(,'UMOH. IcHHL's IU)-] wiIIh carnf til ly (liawii A\> ami vulnalioiu: loailo on r-hortCHi nnticu. lunujy to ioati Hi lowest rattiH of intoroBt. Col ' uioin attoiuJml to with pvmuptnfSt^ rhait'oM low. Agent for Dcoaii Dominion S'lamalup Company. A call solicited. Societies J U M niL'i'ts 01. the last Monflnv IM oii^Mi month, in thi'ir Iom^o roout. 'lirhit'M-'s block. Flutthorton. at H p.m. M.W., \. Ilairisuii ; KMcorrior, Jhs. Folstuud ; FInan â- iji", \V..I. Uel>amy. ViHitiuff bvetln-^-L ii.vittKl pllINCI*: AHT'IUK LODtJF. No. :i;i3 . A F A A M. mcHtK in tho Mawonicball. StrainV iilook. FUinhbi ton, every Friday on or boforr !ho full iDocn. John WriKht, \V M.; U. N. ''icliar Hon, SitLi'etarv n'>UKTFLI*:SHr:UTON, 005. I. P. P. irectsii. ^ Chrlstoe'a MIocV the last Frifiavevo' inR of â- ach month. ViKitine Foresters beart-Mv welcome. O. K., .). Cornfield; It. C. W. Bubkin; i'lii. Sec, H. A. I'loawo bay thu-H to H. * . Wll'ett ot) or beforo r.titt lant (lay of the proceodiug month. Medical DB CAKTKIt M U P & S Ont. Phyaloian. Rurgeon. ote ' itllca and roaideucoâ€" Peter at., Pleaherton DU A.T. 140ND (traduate Toronto University. Mem- ber of Ontat jo College oj PhyBiciians and Kur- ijuotiR. Maxwell. Oiii. rincceesor to Dr. Hcott. I P OTTEWEL.Iy ' Votarliiary Burnoon Oradaata of Ontario Veterinary College, residence â€" S9coiid door aoutb west on Mary street. Tliii street ruus aoulli PrasliytariaD Cburoh. n WILSON, lllacliiniitb "• 'Graduate ot the Veterinary Science Atiiuciatiuii. lieHidunue, Unrbain ,tr»et, op- liOHite lloyd, Hiulilii,||'a hardware. Legal I UCA8 WKKiHT A MrAHDI.E ^ Harristurs Solicitors Conveyancers, etc Omcosâ€" Owen Sound, Ont and Marlidair Ont W II vVnuiUT, McAanLB I li L.uc*a N n-Kieslieitou olUca, MIteliell'a Uauk •very Saturday. Dentistry rvH.U C. lMl!RRAV,I,,n. K. dontal surseon S' honoi- urn.iUBto (If Toroniii University and Royal CoIIkro nf Dental H.ircuoiis of Ontario. OfHreâ€" 0|ipoBite ArnistroDR's .Icwellery Store. Will visit MaTwnll tho last Wediiemlav of i-ach nKiiitl. and Dundalk let and 8rd Tliursday a( eacli n.nutta. HEADACHE I Neuralgia And Nervousness cuied quickly by A I A X MaRMLISS HCADACHC AND '\J'\'\ NCURALOIA CURE. N« h^arl (lepreaaion. Greatest cere ev«t diwrovered. Take no other, loc and 13c. All deaUrs or direct frooi AblTIK &Co. Siiucac, Ool. Money luickif R}t sati tlumao Physique in War. The physical endurance of tiie Japanese Soldier in the pieseiit wonderful campaign in Manchuria inipresacs 'American Medi- cine' as the one great ruvelatii-n nhicli has come out of the Orient. Thsre have been no authentic reports upon which we cau base estiniutoa as to bis immunity fiom disease or tlie protection fiotn infec- tion, so tlint it is entirely too goon lo form any opinion as to the orgnnizat'on and work cf the medical department of the nrniy. We do not know definilely, indc' d whether it is true that the Japs have t-s caped diseases in greater proportion than ttie Russians or than otiier soldiers in similar ciimpaigns, and if thay have so escaped, who bur it is du« tu ritcial im- munity or watchful oate of the officers. Of this much we are certain â€" the tnaii carrying the nun on liis shoulder has ac- coinpliKhed feata of physical endurance which were not Ihouglit possible by phy«- iologiaiK. 'f tie Russiaua could not estimate where the Japanese would be and were, there- fore, constantly surprised by tremendous forces at places twenty to lifty miles be- yond the point where eood atraleuy would have placed them. When Napoleon be- gan to defeat the well tried generals of Europe they complained that he w>m al- ways f»r in advance of where he siiould have been by the rules, but it was all due to hi.s better knowledge of how to get work from h:s soldiers. In the Orlont there is a new art of war depending up<in a new stylj of physique of a race which has never before been put to this work. Repeatedly the Russians have reported the Japanese to be so exhausted thai they could not pursue, yet the pursuu kept up wiih no change of vigor. â- B>^ Lilce Old Times The Bicycle is again a favorite with the public. It nmy bo that it is because of the recent improvements introduced into the wheel or th;;t the public have recently arrived at tho conclusion that it is of unusual value a.s a convenience or for exercise, but sure it is that the bicycle is again in vogue, Toronto papers report an exceptional revival in wheelini". Boulevards and Avenues of the Quern City have an old time appearance being crowded all hours of the day with bicyclists, dome apparently being bent on pleasure and others employing the wheel as a vehicle of utility Toronto nierch- ant.s claim that several times as many l.icyclea have boon sold up to the present thi.t year as during the same period for the past three or four sea-sons. Cleve- Und and Massey Harris bicycles have all the new iuiprovenients besides cushion frame, Morrow coaster trakes and Sill'.s liaiidle baisâ€" they have greatly assisted I he revival. The C. P. R. eiiRina attached to the Monday 3.50 p. m. train broke a spring buckle at Chatsworth and had to give up the train at Flosharton. Tho Orangoville yard eogino nas sent up tu take tne train to Toronto. It was over an hour and a half late in Iciving Flesh- eiton. The railway dele;.;ation were passengers :ind the Otiawa train was held for the parly at Toronto. â€" Times. » .a. * A Swede named Pe'orsin, while en - ploycMl on llie .Ss. Westiiiount, met with a lerrible accident on vVednesday after pooii "f last work. Ho was at work alof' when by Some means he lost his balance and fell In the iron deck below, ft distance of thirty feet, but stran^oio say, he land- ed on his feet and was not fatally ii.jured. lie at once removed to tho G. & M_ Ho.-pital, where it was found that his injuiies were of a very serious character, the Imnei of his feet were eproad out, several ribs were fractured and an arm broken. The patient isnowdoinK well. â€" Collingwood Enterprise. The laige structure knnw.i as the roller rkttto rink.Jowned by R- P. Butcharl & Rro., was completely consumed by fire last Tliui'sd.-iy. As the building was situated in the heart uf the business section of Owen Sound, the main part of the town wvs threatened for some time but a coiiflagrntion waa prevented by iho efforts of tho firemeu, whose newly ap- pointed chief, Mr. W. J. Carr, aci|uilted himself well. The losa is: R.P. Buteharl A Bro. . ?IO,000; B. Oreenwood, tobsc- eonist, $800; Dr. U. Howey, 300. An accident that only by the mrrest chance waa prevented from resulting very ccriouslr, occurred at the houic of Mr. John Dnliield, Norinnnby St., In^l Tiiursdav. The youngeat, son a little fellow Hgod two years, on Kettiiit( out of Cou%her«, Hawkcra, Spittersl Public eipectorBtioii ia nKHintt tl>e common law, against the lavs of hen ih also. When the thniai ticklea. tliat'a the time you need Cntarrhozuue; it soothis away the iriita'ion, cuts out tho pbleitm and loonons the tight feeling You'll ipnckly cuio that catarrh and throat trouble wiih Catarrhozone. It positively prevents new attacks and cures catarrh for h|i time to com«. Dtm'l take our W'rd for it, try Catanhozone yourself. Cnce U4ed you'll l>e dehuhiid with it a pisaaaiit and helpful influence. bed in the morning after the other mem- bers of the family had uono down stairs, got hold of some matches and sti iking : thcni set (ire to his nightgown. For- tunately Ilia mother was in hearing of thu ' child's HcrcHms and ru.shtnj; to the room fouud the little fiill'ow enveloped in I flames. Mis. Duftield suLcoeded in 1 promptly eXtinguishins; the Qaines and I a flai;nel underskirt prevented the body from being burned. One leg was blister- ed bailly clear to the body, but the little sufferer is recoveiin? and the parents have rea-Hin to be thankful the re.sult i.s no Vrorse. â€" Mt. Forest Reprejjentative. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . Tlie plaee to get the best Photos is at BULMEICS I'UOTOORAPU GALLERY. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay .''peciaT Attention to Copying and Babies' pictures. I'i:turo fram- ing a specialty. Try US for any kind of pictures and we will promise satisfaction. The Source of Neuralgia. It runs hand in hand with poor blood and weak nerves. Health runs down, nerves get Irritable, neuralgic torture follows. For the moment applicaiions may relieve â€" but to thoroughly cure, the system must be strengthened with uutrit- ioun blood. What can equal It incre.tses the appetite, forms abundance of rich life L'iving blood, supplies nutriment and building maierial for wornout nerves. Ferrozone completely cures neuraljia. Every root and branch of the disease it kills. Absolute success in every cise. Stop suffering â€" fifty cents buys Ferro- zone. Fifty chocolate coated tablets in a box at any drug store. ! Sydeuhaiii eircet. Flesherton "Truth" is a Stroni; Ariunniit ! Not one .â- â€¢â- i.'i: 1 ..'â-  'I ,. „ tiii'ar SOBOKTOa 0»T. C.J.. is out of a position t.. .my. It is the truth nh, -11 We stiitelhat, '"Our students are uniformly siicces-ful in L-ettin uood positions aft.Tgradu1ti.311." Our School is a High Class one and the best iu Canida, Enter now. Coll. egc oiHiii the entire ye,.!-. Oatilogue free W. J. ELLI:)TT Principal. George Bolton fell 70 feet off .in oil | derrick at Leamington and received fatal injuries. -V. • . 'â-  The total population of Brandon is 8,520, an increase of 1,523 this year. Spring Show of Entire Stock. East Orey Aarioultnral Society will hold a spring show for entire stock on their fair ..'rounds, Flesherton on Friday, April 28th inst. For full particulars, see posters. Flesherton Sash, Door and PJaninq WiWs [IJTLJ] That's the way we test. Usually the eyes differ in sight. A glass which suits one injures the other, and ultimately both suffer. We use modem appliances, and the greatest care to avoid a misfit. A misfit would hurt your eyes and our reputation. W. Ac As'msiponwj, r=JI H-M cur of best J^Jorth aiiore Wliite Piue. Parties ex- pecting to build a liousa next summer would do well to call and see us aud arrange to Lave their Sash Door and Frames made during the winter and get tliora liotue ou the sleigh. We fnrnisb everything heeded for building a house. Wo will inahe prict-H and teiins interesting. We vvsiityoiir tiadf and will gnarantue lirst class workmanship and ma- terial. Planing and matching,' il.jiu* pr.iuipiily, T. W. WILSON Manager ri'(i|ipiio. evevv r'-iv Steers are bought, raised, and fattened to make money ; so ju3t a feu- words as to how tiris profit cau Vie made and, in many instances, increased. The increase in weight iu steers, is due to the amount of foml that is digesled and assimilated, and Uie greater the aniount digested and assimi- lated, the greater the increase in weight. In close confinement the feed- ing ration laclcs the variety of the open field, therefore, the food must have tlie "salt, pepper and gravy" added; this ia Clydesdale Stock Food. It stands to reason, that, like a human being, if tlie food is made more palatable by the addition of the "salt, pepper and gravy " it will eat more of the thing it likes because "it makes Uie mouth water." This is "wise feeding." Furthermore, it will ilo them more good because it not only helps to digest the food, but after it is digested, it helps the blood to take up or assimilate a large proportion of it. TJiis is where the profit comes in by putting on e.xtra weight, giving them' a uicc, fat, smootli finish that brings top market price. The fewlinR period can be shorteuetl thirty days at least ; this is money saved. The increase over and above the ordinary feeding increase is, easily 1^ of a lb and over per day. You can stop fectling Clydesdale Stork I'ood at any time with- out injurious effects. If you find you cannot feed Clydesdale Stock Food at a profit your money will be cheerfully refunded by the dealer from whom you buy it. It is sold iu your district by : I>o\d, Hickllni; * Co.. Fle^bortuu Knott HroR. . Marlidalo 1'avlor 4 Co.. Prouioro Tlioti. M'lthawa ic Son. Markdaln U •>â-  . â-  ; 1.1. .; . . . W. W. C llingbr .vn. Dm. dull B'trctnx it Bell, Dill ham Jj 13. McTAVl^^H III ra[iii mimi iiiipfi tor First Class Buggies, Carts, Plcasiof »nd Lnni' e; ^^agoll-, cutlers, Slei){hs. We keep a stock on l.itn! to i boi-t from. ALSO HOkSE SHOEING ANDQUNERAL BLACKSMITHINO and guarantee first class work. Wo keep on hand Ploughs anil Plough repairs, and .!-. Harris and NoXon repairs for biiiiler«. Mowers, 'ill ni'vhiiieiy, also Binder Twine on band. \ kiiidx . ' » mbcn in town give US a call e

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