J \\ * HE FEELS AS , ,. - YOUNG AS EVER MR. CHESTEE I-OOMIS TOOK DODD'S KIDITEY PILLS. And From a Used Up Mau Ho Became As Smart as a Boy. Orhiml, f)nl., May 1â€" (Special).â€" Mr. ChcKttr J^oomiK. an old uiul re- spected furimr living in this Heclion, \h spreading liioadcait tlio good news that Itodd's Kiihuy I'ills arc u .siiiv cure for the I.auie Hack and Jvidn/y Oiseasu so coniiuon among old i)eople. Air. Looniis Kays; "I am 70 years of age and .smart nnd active us a boy. and 1 give Dodds Kidiiey I'ills all the cre<liL for it. "Heforo 1 started to uso Dodd's Kidney I'ills 1 was so used up I coulu hardly ride in a buRgy, and f could not do any work of any kind. I'A-eryliody thought 1 would not live long. liodd'.s Kidney Tills are a »'()U<Ierful remedy." 'J he Kidneys of the yo'ing may be \vr<Hig, but the Kidnoys of tho ol I must be wrong. Dodd's Kiilney I'ills make all wron;; Kidneys richt. That is why they are tho old folks' t;reatest friend. GARDEN CITY NEAK LONDON. Philanthropic Er.g;lisliraen Plan a Model 'Town. 'J'.) build a city with industries n.i Varied as to support a population of thirl y llKjusund. and tu house the people on model lines in a commun- ity «hcrc everythitig i.s done to rc- ;ain tlio advaiilacjes of the coMiitry, iS the ambition of a company of >)hilniitiiropic l'"nglishnu'n. They have liouglit thirty-eight liundrcd acres of land in Jlerlfordshiie, souie' thirty- yve miles from IjOiidon, ,anl there *hey are laving out and liuilding .'the liiKt garden city in I'.ngUind." The .situation is high and healthy. The liind is fertile, and should ])ro- vi(ie much of tho vegetables tho n -w romnmnity will requiie. From most jiarts of tho town tl'.ero will bu uu- interiupleil views of the country, and ill the town itself natural features are to be i)reserved as fur as possi- ble. For example in tho main square, round which will ho erected tlie l>uhlie building.s, stand tliree old oaks. Those are to be left and guarded. From the railway-stiititin to the sfpiare runs the nuiiii avenue, never | le.-^s than one hundci.d feet wide, and ; in all directions from tho square will j rudiat<; ro:ids from forty to sixty i feet widi! â€" thiit is to .sa.\ , as broad as the Strand nnl Cheapside, the busiest sireels in London. Wlile mar- | gins of grass will border Iheni, anil to Carry out the park-like aPliearance the huilder.s purpo o that the house- lots shall lie arranged on «hat th<'y call "the New Frigland plan," of open lav-ns and no front f.ncrs. On the eastern side of the town, be- side the railway line, has l-.een sot ^[)arL a site of about on<! liundied <icres for the factories on whicrh the .own will <lepend for its existence. Knginoers. cahiuel-maUer.s, inolor- rar buibhjrs nnd printers are already fslahlished. Tho factories are to be )iid<lcn from tho residmie.s liy a i)elt of tices, iind as tho i)rcvuiling winds nro from the wet, the snuiko anil smell will be tarried away from tlie \ionsrs. I'.very dwelling will havo a garden. Tho houses will bo so built as to s-ccnro light and air on all sides, and the factories will be constructed with thi! same object. F.verywhero there will Ix.' pulilic gardens bluI purls nnd rccreat ion-^'rounds, and nothitig ugly or unsanitary will ho allowed. Tiio compMUy will b.- able to enforce such restrii-lions bec^iu.se it will S'U no land. 'Set tho rents from which it is to draw its revenue ha^o boon fixed at le.ss than half tho average rntc-s prevailing in l'".nglish tiiie.s. Tho town il.T.lf will cover thirteen linnilie<l acres, and if tho surround- ing villages arc indmled In tho "pro[)osed total popidation," there xvill ho thirty-live thousand people in Ihe «ho1e community. That will give some twenty-three to tlio acre for th'! town, and, taking tho whole nren of the estate, nine p(;is )n.s to the acre, There are si reels in T.oiulon â€" somn <hnt one would hardly like to call (slums â€" where tliere are nearly foin- hnndri'd pcrrsons^^-to the ocro. To tcdlrrs bo crowded in the dreary metropolis the grrdon city should Bcein like a glimpse of hoaven. DEATH STRUGGLE WITH LION. Wrestling Match Nearly Cost the Traiuer His Life. While n Frunco.\moric'an athlete nanicd lioy was pracll^iuK in I'aris with u lion tinnuid Urutus for tho wro'tliiig chaiiil'ionship of I'^nrope, which was to ol'en at tht Hippo- drome, ho had u narrow e.scape o( losing his lHo. Tho lion, while its foro paws were on the trainer's ni«k and its head over his shouliier, unexpectedly fust- eniHi its teeth in hi;i jacket. The tiuiuer slojjpod wrestling, nnd liied to disengage himself hy withdrawing from the jacket and leaving it in the lion'.'i pufse-:sion. llut ho was unable to do this, and IlrutiLs, without becoming iutually savage, Wui'merl t<i the encounter, nnd begun to tear tho trainer about tho shoulderH and sides. Although blooding fi'eely from (ifty wounds, Uoy, who is a jiowertul, athletic young fellow, l;ept hir. hc;i<l, nnd realizing that ho was at tho mercy of tho brute if he fell, kept him off as best ho could. J>y this time Mr. Hostoc'k and his ai'Sislants had gathered ru'ind the fa£,c trying to rescue the trainer, and watciiod with ajil'rehen.siun ^tbe real- istic condiat lietwei-n tho man and tho lion. '1 hf' wreMliug Ijo'.it. wldcii had coinineii.ce.d in tho usual playful monnor. h..d now developed into a grim coi.test, in which oin" of the cnndjatan'ii was lighling for his life, ai'.d fo!" f'lPy t<vo niiuuU'S his fate (â- eemed sinleil. Key kept up tlio uncqunl C"ntest, but a further ciilliculty in the way of his rescue was tho fact that in a cage conunnnieating wilh lirulns a Companion lion was inakinfr desjierate efforts to force ai\ entry through a half-open door. At last Brutus w-a.T lassoecl Iiy "Wv. Postock nnd dragged into tho nd- joiriin;,' cage. After Tiey had been bandaged in the Ilip|iodrnmo inlirTU- nry he was talien to the Rothschild Hospital, where the doctors said Ih'il, thanks to his ntldetict constitu- tion, if blood poisoning did not set in they hoped to save him. ^ Manly Btrength and Womanly Doauty (lujiciid on puii'y of tin- Idooil, nnd niucll ('f tli.it juirity fit'jii'tidH oti iMirfi'f-t kithioy filtering. Jf titt'se orgiiri.s are di-scased (uul will not perform their functions, man « III stPk in vain for strength and v.-omati for beauty. .South Anieriiiui Kidney (,'uro drivea out all inipurilie* through the body's "â- lillercr.-i" â€" repairs weak spot:;. â€" iG .Jacksonâ€" "How '.s your family'.'" .Johnsonâ€" "I'rctty well, ihonk yon!" "Any of your dir.ighters married yet?" "Xo; and 1 can't un<h'rstand why they don't go o!)'. They use powder enough, goodness l.iiov.s!" "Wlmt is .Johnson's buslnoRs?" "T think ho Is a bool.-.l-<>.^ner: nf h'ii?il, ho never brought back the one ho Ijorrowod from mo Inst sunmior." A Tnnir. for tlio lli'hilitatedâ€" PnrMic- lee'B Venrtiililo I'illR hy Mcting lujlilly but tlioroiijjhly <in tho Hccrctions oi" thu rxxjy tj^i II \aluuhIo toiiu'. stoiiul.i' m.; the "lagRlnK organs to henllhrnl uctioii and rchtorlng i beui to full vigdr. 'J / ):y can be tuUuu iii griL(Iuute<l oum;s uii'.I 6o used that '.hoy can In; deu o o inued u.t auy lima without return of tr.« a'.l- ments wlauh they wiiio used lo iilUiy thcin. Shirt waists and dainty linen are made delightfully clean and fresh with Sun- light Soap. 6B No Breakftot Table complete 'without An admirable food, 'with aU ItB natural qualities intact, fitted to build up and maintain robuat health, and to resifitj •wiuter's extreme cold. It is a valuable diet for chiluron. ||#l The Most Nutritious and nconomical. A IIOYAL HOOKLET. Tho firand Trunk Railway System are distributing a very handsome booklet descriptive of tho Hoynl Mus- koka Hotel, that is situated in I.ako Rosscau, in the Sfuskoka l-akeg, "Highlands of Ontario." 'J'ho publi- cation is ono giving a fidl description of tho attractions that may be found at this popular resort, handsomely il- lustrated with colored prints of lake and island scenery, tho hotel itself, and many of tho special features that may he found tin re. It is printed on fine ciiunuled paper, tound in a cover giving tho appearance of Morocco leather, with a picture of tho hotel and surroundings on tho same, nnd the crest of the hotel embosscil in high relief, A glanco through this booklet makes one long; /or the plea- sure of Suniiivjr and outdoor life, and cojiie;; may he secured gratuit- ously by applying to any Grand Trunk ticket oHico. In nn old Virginia cemetery there is a woalhor-benlen ( ombstone bear- ing these inscriptions: â€" I aWait my husband. Mav 26lh, 1840. Hero 1 am. Jleceniber I'llh, 1861. iSomo joker ha.s added; â€" J. ale, as usual. Moscow is situated almo.st in Ihe geometrical centre of Kuropenn Uus- bla. Twitchy Muaclos and 6loopto^anoS8 â€" Tho hopol(r:ss hcrirt sicknt^ss Uiat i^et- llca on a man or wtuiiau whosu norvtrs nrrt f.h(itlt're(l by lii^tnu.o can host bn lucturiHl hi contru.st with a pjiticnt v.dio has been in tile ••dopths" iiiol ha^i hi.en iIja;.^K"d from them iiy South Aincricun N.-rviuu. (.'COCKO Wchster, of t'oioHt, Out.. Huys: **J owo my lif'r to it. i;vcrythlii(j else failml to cure."â€" 1-1 Hewltlâ€" "That fellow saved me from bankmiitcy." .Jewiltâ€" "How wn.s that.'" Howitl â€" "Jfo rrtarrieil tho exlravngant gill 1 Was engaged to." Stratford, 'Ith Au^.. 1893. iii'.s.siis. (;'. o. uu'iiARHs & CO. tienlleuienâ€" My neighbor's hoy 4 years old, fell into a tub of boiling Water and v,a\. si-al'leil tenifnlly. A few days later his legs swelled to three times llndr nnlurni sizo nnil hroke out in runnini; sori^s. His par- ents could get nothing lo help him till 1 nroniii.v,-ndcd MIN'AKir.S laNI- MIO.N'I', which, after u.sing two hol- tlas, coinpleloly cured him, anil I know of several other cases oround Ik'To ahi'.osl as remarkable, cun d by tho same Liniment nnd t ran Iridy sny 1 never liandli-d a nu-ilicine which has had us !:oo<l a .wlo or given such universal sal isfactlmi. M. Hlliinn', Uso Lover's Dry Konp (a powder) to Wash woolens and Ilannels,- you'll like ii. Wo can help to make pco[do bright by our keenness, hut we can never acecmipllsh anything towards making peoph: good I'xceiit hy our tcnderni'.ss. Miuartl's Liuiment Cures Colds, &c A fool is generally a [lerson who detects your faults wliile you are in the act of calling nttenlioii to his own. ron ovr;i^ .'-.ixty yt^atih. Mrs. Win«;l)!V'n .Southing .Syrup has been UMjd by luiliionH of uiolhers for thtir chlhlrcM whilft IcothinK. It soothes tho child, futftoii! thti f^unifl, iitlayH pain. CuiCfi windcylir, rcguIiLtos the stomach ftlui bowels, ami is the best remedy for l-ijarrhoca. Trfpnty-flvo cents ft bottle. Sold by dniKKibts throughout tho world. Ho huiM anil ask fur "Mra. Winslow'B Woothiiiii Syrup." 22â€"01 Itohinson â€" "What spoilt Archie's chance with Miss Million''" Jenkins â€" ".Shi- told him she disliked compli- ments." "And ho porsiste<l in Jiay- ing them?" "No; he was stupid cnoueh to believe her nnd slop!" I'KIUOli.S OF HUMAM GUOWTII. Children born between September and l''ehrimry nrr, some authorities state, not »o tull n:) those liorn in tho summer and sining months, and the growth of children iH much more ral>lil fi'<nn Manh till August. The extremeties grow r'lnidly up lo the sixteenth year, then Ihero ib slow growth until the thirtieth .year. The logs chliffly prow hntwocn the tenth nnd soventeoMth yrnr. Comparing the general rosult. it appears that there are six periods of growth. The lii-.'it e.vtein's up to the Bi.\th or ei};hth year. am! is one of ver.y ruiud growth: the .secan<I prriod, from eleven to fourteen years, growth is f-low; the third period, from sixteen to sevrnteen; the fourth pi-riod ^hl•T^â- «! n slow growth tip to the ago of thirty tor height, up to lifty for ehrst girlh; tho lifth ttrovsth is one of ri-st, from thirty to Ifty years: the sixth prriod \n rharncter- i/cd by a dpci-ea»o In all dimen.iion.q of I ho hoily. ItchlnKi Ournlnf? Skin Disonsee Cured for Thirtyflvo Centc. â€"Dr. Agiicw's Uiiitnicnt relieves in ono day, v\.\\\.\ cures Tetter. .Suit Ithcuiit, Scnid Mend, IOt':'nmH, lUirber's Itch, Ulcers, Ulotchcs and ull cruptiiuis uf thu skin. H Is soothing und ((uietiiig uiid uctn like magic in tho curt! uf nil baby humors. ;i5c. â€" 47 "I married for money," said the gloomy man. "Wasn't there a wo- man ntlachi'd to if?" asked the cynic. "(H course thi-re was," with increased gloom; "so much attached to it that she never parted with n cent." A DELIGHTFUL SURPRISE! fortea drinkers is to give them a hot, steaming' tup of FRAGRANT instead of some ordinary kind. Thay'll notice the difference quick enough, then nothing will do them but BLUE RISBON TEA. Back to Bicycles The liicyclo is king. Kvery person realizes now that there 5s no other vehicle so convenient in tho country, town or city as tho wheel. Tho wheels we sell are tho host in tho world. Cleveland Mass€y= Harris Brantford Wellaiid^Vale THE CUSHION FRAiMC: is tho new feature. It hns brought bicyelin,'- a.gain into po- pular favorâ€" wsakes Rough Roadi Gmcoth. The Sills' Hyaienic Handle Bar a companion invention to tlio Cusliion t'':ame. Write for our new cal'ilogues, nnd new picture cards. Mention this jiatier. lor o'y L'M.TED " Makers of tho World's Best SJcycles,'^ TORONTO Canadian Headquarters for Automobiics. Kniployer (to new oiTice boy) â€" "Has the cashier told you what you nro to do this afternoon'/" dllico Hoyâ€" "Yes, sir; I'm to wa'ke him when T see you coming." ting boots and nhocs causo corns. Ilolloway's Corn Curo is tho article to use. (let a buttle at oucu and curo your corns. llislroK!? â€" "I understand you stood for a whole hour in the doorway last night talking to the policeman, liid- dy'?" liidtlyâ€" ".Shiire, you wouldn't havo nio shtand there for an hour and say nothin', ma.'am'.'" Miuaril's Liniment Cures Diphtheria "AVhat <lid papa say?" "He show- ed me the door." "And what did you say'?" "I said it was certainly n very handsome door, but not what 1 ha'i come to talk ahout. That mudi' Iiim laugh, and a minute later you were mine." A riencrat Favorite. â€" In every place wlici-o introduced Dr. Thomas* lOcli^rlric Oil has not failed to cst.lhlish a repu- tiilion, showing that tho sterling (lual- itics which it i>osse.sse8 ore vuluml everywh<!ro when they become known. Jt is in general uso iu Cuiiada und other countries a.s a household nicili- ciuo and thu demand for it each year siiows that it is a. favorite wherever used. Jlrs. Penderâ€" "Yes, T coiddn't e.bido tho neighborhood: it was unfashion- able, you know." Mrs. Hntper â€" "And you could think of no other way to improve it than by moving'.'" To prevent It Iluttcr Than lo Itcpent. A litllft uiccliclno In tho shapo of the wontlnrlul polhUs which arc known o.u Parnicleo'B \"oi:etabIn 1*IIIm, adintni.'-.tn) i et tho proper' lime ami with tho dircc- tionfl adhorefl Ifi often prevent a serious liitnck of sickness and suvo iiione.. which woulil RO lo the iloctor. In all irregulorilie!! p( tho dlKcstlvo organs they are un invaluable rorrectivo ml by cican.sing tho blood thoy clear tho skill of iuipcrfcctiuns. Mabelâ€" "So you have broken oH Ihe engngetnenf? Have you return- ed his ring?" Anvvâ€" "Why, nol that wouldn't be reasonable. Of course I have changed my opinion of (Jeorgo, but I admire tho ring as much *ns over." ENCLISH SPAVIN LINIMENT Itcinoves all kanl snit or callouiied luiupn and blemishca from hnrioa, blooil spavin, curlis, Fplints, ringbone, swecnoy, btifn* s, Kpralnn, Boro ami FT.oll<;n tliroil, coughs, etc. .Save f.lO by use ol nnn bottle. Warranted ilio inubl wcndcrijl Ulcralsh Curo ever luiuwu. Bottor Without a Stomach than with one that's cot a roiistaut 'â- hurt" to it. Dr. Von .Stan's rinoupplo Tablets stim- ulute the digestive organs. Lot ouo en- joy thu good things of life and Icavo no bail ofrcctsâ€" carry theio with you in your vest pocketâ€" 00 in box, 35 cents. â€" Itl Whore there's a will there's delay. Words on the weather llock to- gether. Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper Ladv of Uncertain Agoâ€" "She be- haved" abominably. .She told me T was a hopeless oM ninid. Wasn't that unladylike?" Kind Vriendâ€" "U certainly was, but it's better to ho rudo than untrulhftd." llickle'H Anli-(;onsuinntlvo Syrup iiccdB no rocoiunien<latlou. 1 o nil who arc fumlliur with it. it speaks for itself "i'enrs of uso in tho treatment of colds ami coughs oud all- aflectloua of the throat has uiii|uestionahly establiKhcd It.^ pince a g tho very best luedicines lor KUcU diseases. If you give It a trial you will not roKret it. You will liud it U3 ccula well Invented. J .-^ Oil .SALlJ-l.'A.SIUO-NABt.I-", BLOni> Sc stiiliioiis of Aral), Clay, Morgan, lle.nibletoniau antl thoroutjhnr'jd iiloiul far sole, on tiuie, or iiiity he syndicnt- iMl. l-'o:- prdi^oofs and parLiculars nd- ilress John 11. tiall, 41.1)., J'JG Jarvi* >-''., Toronto. 22.'. ACKI-: KAI'.M IN TIIF, (! /.HDi;.'^ spot of the world, rural delivery at too tloor, i\.\u\ church oa tlie I'urm. til tliu main cmrily road 2^ mile-s of town. Uirtio liwelling wilh â- ; .oo'n^, 2 poiclies, 2 halN, ii..ur. plenty \nvr.\ and stable room, carriane house, lovely y large shaiio tr..ey. \vee;)iiig willow and maple. You can raise about anything \()u plant on this fariii; hail of it is clay, Imlaiice is dark bmiii. cheu'e apple and pouch orcliard, best of (^russ iaiut. healthy climate, .''»0 acres in v.-ood ard timber, can mail you ;{2 pa.eo book (leL-cribing .Maryland all Wiin by askhig, Trice fO" farm now ;i?2,(.i00. I'lico will soon double, wo farm and jdow 9 mouths in the year on this farm. Ad- dress Dr. .1. I^ce Woodcock, .lOTi .'am- deii Ave., Sulisljury, iUl. ISfPIHPsrid irga! iirs Self-archoring aD'l Stu anchored. SooxotbinK iio*v. I'liUan crdiiitry stump in 1.^ minutes. 1 to 5 ic^rtM f. t a eet- .^„^^^J rf tlIi^,'. Uarerent F*^ M^-v'^ fiizes to oui« â- .<r5r^.. Kor1!!i:str!itcrt cMalog address Pcwopfu!, Handy, Low Priccc?. Dyeing I Gleaning \ Yorth* Tcry b«il taadfoa/ work to tk« " BHITISH AMERICAN DYIINO 00." Look for Aieat la your Iovd, or Mkd Airool. Montreal, Taropto, Ottawa, QacbMSt Customer (severely) â€" "Do you sell deceasofi aiieat here?" lUitcher (blandly) â€" "Worso than that." Cus- tomer (excitedly) â€" "Mercy on ust' Ilow can that be possible'?" Itutchor (conlidentia"y) â€" "Tho incnt I sell is deadâ€" absolutely dead, sir." . inoffl's iioinieoi um ^w\ iii m\ Ho who expresses his willingness to die tor a vvouuan always reserves the right to fix the date of his de- mise. If your chlblren are troul)lcd with worms, Klvo them Mother Craves' Worni lOxtorininator; Kate. Bui'C and cIToctuai. Try it. and mark the iinproveuicnt In your child. Itita â€" "IMd you sav 'Tius i.^ so sudden!' when Jack proposed'?" ".No. I intended to, you know; but I was so flustereKl that I forgot, and cried, 'At last!' instead." EARTITQUAKKS IN HUITAIX. Karthrpiakes arc not so uncommon in tlio Hritish Isles us might bo sni>- posed. t)f tho O.Svll earthiiuakes which have been reported in tho world from tho earliest lime.s up to ]H.")t), the Th-itish Isles were respon- sible for no fewer than S.")"). 'I'hc district of comrle, in rerthshiro, is the favorite resort of tho earthquake, ^n^ . • nml in tho winter ..f ISitU, 140 earth- . Q^Q)l^S^EMl'PtlOH quakes were expericncetl in this local- â- *• ity. lloth in I'.ngland nnd Scotland tlio nulunin is the commonest time for earthquakes, there have hojn seventv -nine in autumn, seventy-four in wintiu-, forty-four iu spring, an I fifty-eight in s'lmiiier. Thoso whom neglected coughs have hilled wero once as healthy nnd robust n;; you. Don't follow in their paths of neglect. Tako s Concerts are a nl^'c thing to keep a man from having a good time. ij The Lung Tonic L right cow. It is gtiaraateed to cure. It has cured many thous- ands. Prices: £. C. Wnu s & Co. •>'« | 25c 5',v.il LcRov.N. v.. lorontp.Cnn. j ISSUE NO. 17â€"03.