â- wv wm ^â- "•.^ DID THEIR DUTY • -^ IM EVERY CASE HOW DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS BANISH PAIN IN THE BACK. Cured Mrs. Jas. Murphy and Everj-ine Else She Recommended Tbem To. Itiver (Jat'iioii, Uuc, April 24â€" (SpecialJ.â€" No coiiiplnlnt is so conv- mon among woiiii'ii a.s I'uin-in-tht^ Uuck. It is a stife estimate that fully half the women in Canada ai'o afflicted with it. For that reason every cvidouce that there is a sure and coiiiph'tc cure in existence is thiinkfiilly received. And there is abundant evidence that I'odd'ti Kid- ney Tills is just such a cure. This district could furnish a dozen cures, but one is enough for an e.xfunple. The one is that of Mrs. -Jas. Mui-- phy. She .says: '"I KUlTered for thirty-clj;lit months with a pain in my back. 1 took just one box of Hodd's Kidney I'ills and 1 have never been trouljkil witli the pain since. 1 also recomjiiendetl â- Ooibd's Kidney I'ilis to other people, who toiupluined us J did and in every case the Pills did their duty and brought relief." "BEUISERS" BY THE DAY. Protectors For Hire at a London Boxing- School. There now exists in Hethnal Green an e.stablishnient where professional lUfhtiiig men ujay be hired by timoi- ous souls who desire "i)rotectlon," says the London Kxprcss. Naturally, this emporium tor the supply of "bruisers" is not openiy advertised, and those who wish to Be<:ure the services of a pugilist have to proc(«d by devious jiaths. Armed, however, with satisfactory credentials, a representative of the ICxpress called on the proi)rietor of the business â€" a gentleman of extiei.ie- ly put;ilistic apfiearance. At tirwt the purveyor of "bruisers" was Inelmed to be reticient, but presently he took the representative of the Express in- to his conlldence. "You would be surprised," he said impressively, "to know how many meinbcrs of Parliament come to mo for 'protection' during election tinw!. â- They slmjily inform nie, through their agents, how many men they need to secure their safety at meet- ings, and no fortli, and I send down suitable men by train. When the geneial election coinos we shall have our bands full, nn'l not a man to Bi'are. "Again, younjf gentlemen of the nobility, who have got into awkward posiiions and are likely to be black- maili'd. seek my aid. If the man to be feare<l is a big man, 1 send a big man; if he is a little man, I send n lift I., nuin; so that when it cu:iie3 to the lighting tliero in no question of bullying. "All that my man requires is to be Khown the man he has to deal with. Ife brushes aguinst him in a bar or in the stre<-t; there is troulile â€"and there you arc. "I'or thi.-j sort of job our prices ore very low, ranging from 5s. to £1, b<it, of course, there are some bran<h(s of the busiivss which come more expensive. "For instance, many bookmakers have two or three of my men aUvays attached to them. Often, too, my 1r<Ih ar<! employed in law cases when witnesses have bei-n intimidated. 1 have Kupflied them both to plaintilT •ind defendant. DOGS AND DEEB Travellers' Adventure in the Wilda of Siberia. The strength of heredity, both In wild and in dome.sticaUKl aiiimal.s, is brought into clear light by an inci- dent related in a recent book, "In Search of a Siberian Klondike." Tlio aiithorj of the hook were travelling by dog-team through the wilds of Siberia. At four o'clock in the afternoon the dogs suddenly broke into a swift run, and we knew they had scented something that interesteil them. We soon perceived that wo had struck a deer train, and that we were nearlng an encampment. We turned n bend in the road, and there, a hundred yards ahead of us, we saw the cause of the d.^gs' excitement. A team of reindeer were running for their lives. Their Tungu.s driver wu.s lushing them with the whip, and Was urging them with all his might, for he knew as well as we that if our dogs overtook them before the camp Was reached, we .seven men would bo utterly i>owerIess to prevent the dogs from tearing the <lcer to pieces. Oiir driver put on the lirnke with all his might, but. it bed not the least ef- fect. The fourteen dogs had become wolves in the turn of a hiuiJ, and no brake lotdd stop thein. There were inuny :timps niiil other obstructions along our way, and my {lri\er had great dilliculty in provently a smash- up. For a short lime the deer held their own, and in fact gained on us; but before the yurta (vilhige) dime in sight we were gaining rapidly. While we were still at nonie distance the people of the village, warned by the cries of the dogs, comprehended what was the matter, and arming themselves with sticks and spears, came running toward us. As they came on they spread out in a fan- lilie fornuUion across the trail. When th' tenilied deer re-.iclied the lino, the men siue.id out nud and let th<' teani through, anil instantly closed again to dispute the passage of our <logs. ()\ir driver^ was nowise minded to let the natives club his dogs, and perhaps injure the vulualile animals, so he resorted to the last exi)edient. (living a shout of warning to me, he suihlenly, by a deft motion, turned our sledge completely over, landing me in a snow-drilt on my head. In this position the sledge was all brake, and the dogs were forced to stop. They were le.iping in their har- ness and yelling like liends incarnate. I sat iip in the snow-bank aiul laughed. The other ilrivcrs hud fol- lowed our example, and the strug- gling tangle of sledges, harness, dogs and men formc<I a scene that to the novice at least was highly ludicrous 'I'he drivers and the village people were belaboring the dogs, and the entire herd of reindeer belonging to the village was escaping in all direc- tions up the hills. The reader may well ask how the natives can u.so both dogs and rein- deer, if the sight of a deer has such a nuuldening cffe<t on the dogs. 'Hio explanation is simple. The two never go together. There is the dog coun- try and the deer country, but they do not overlap. Confusion is often unavoidably cau.s<il by travelling with dogs through a deer country, but the natives do not take it in ill Part, knowing that if they them- selves ha\e to travel with deer through a dog country they will cau.se (piite as nuich inconvenience. Sunlight Soap will not burn tiie nap off woolens nor the surface off linens. SUNUGIT Sow R.KDUCES CXPSNSS Aik far the Octnson Bur. •Tapan is fifty times smaller than Uussia in superlicial area, and her total population is about one-third that of the liussian Empire. Some jjersouE aro more susceptible to colds than others, contracting clerangc- iiieiits of tlio pulmonary organs Ironi t,ho HiiKhlest cauKcs. Tlicw nhoulil alwuy.s luivo at haiul u. bottle of Dickies Anti-L'on.';umi)tive Syrup, the present (lay Kovereigii remedy tor coughs, ca- tarrh and inflainmation of the lungs. It will elTect o. cure no matter how severe the colil nuiy be, You cannot nITord to bo without a remedy like liicklc's, for it is the best. "i don't core how severe a cold is" said the man who was not sullering from one, "1 can get rid of it in one day." "So can 1," replied the man who was carrying three piicket-hand- kerchiefs; "but suicide is repugnant to me." A CLEVER ADVERTISEMENT May induce you to buy and try a packet of TEA. But after that it's UNVARYING GOOD QUALITY will succeed in hoi Jing- your irade. •XfXl'Sr VfJBtXi XCXIX> X.Jk.XtJBXM. ONLY ONE B€ST TEA-BLUE RIBBON'S BT Head of Fori ign Trade Olhcoâ€" "Where would you i)rei'er to go as our agcnt'.>" Young Travellerâ€" "Well, if possible, where the natives are vegetarians." -, ; ENGLISH Jtcjuoves luiiipn untl SPAVIN all hard blemishes LINIMENT yoft ur callou.-^efl from horses, blood spavin, curb.s, splints, ringbone. Sweeney, stidl.is, .sprains, Boro and swollen throat, coughs, etc. .Save by use of one bottle. Warranted most. wonderljl Itlcnii:<h Cure known. $50 the ever Hiitterdics are so nuiijerous in iig.inoa that they may be seen cov- eriui. ilie ground in dense white or yellow clumps. - . . um Goroii 10 m] William â€" "There's one thing about Miss Charming's house I don't like." Arthurâ€" "Whafs that?" Williamâ€" "Her father." atop the Patn but Oeatroy th« Stomach â€" Thi.s is ."iadly too often the ca.se. So many nau.seous nostrums purporting to cure, in the end do the patient im- uion.sely more liarin than Kood. Ur. Von Stan's Pineapple Tablets arc a purel.v vegetable pepsin preparation, as harndosH as milk. One alter eating |)re- vents any disorder of the digestive or- gans, 00 in a box, ,S5 ccntsfâ€" 40 Something More Than a rurgative.- To [lurge is the only cfTect of many pills now on the market. Parmelee's Vcgetalde Pill.s are more than tlve. They strengthen the stomacli where otlu-.» jiills weaken it. They cleanse the blood by regulating the liv- er and kidneys, and they stimulate where other pill compounds depress. No- thing of an Injurious nature, used for merely purgative powers, enters into their composition. Fon ovi?;i^ tnxTY yra^is. Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrvi[> ba3 been used by millions of uiotlicrs for their children wiiile teething. It soothes the child, softeni the gunis. allays pain, cures windcolic, regulates the stomach and bowels, and is the best remedy for lUarrhoea. I'wenty-flve cents a bottle, tjold by druggii-ts throughout the world. Bo sure and ask for "Mrs. WiDslow's Soothing Syrup." 2;!â€" 04 Stump and Tree Pullers Belf-aiK-horlng and Stnmp- an';horc<!. HomcthlaK new. Pullan ordinary stump la J mlr.utes, 1 toO n-res at a sot- ting*. Did'crcnt itiP.B to suit all ktndi of ' For Illustrated cabUogadOreiB Powerful, Handyf Low Priced. Milne Mfg. Go. ^75 ninth St.. Monmouth. Ill, CARPET DYEINQ ^^ and Ulauing. Thit li a ipcdalir witb Oio ^-" BRITISH AMERICAN DYEING OOL laud putlouUiii br foil auU ws an luro lo aa/ lit j JtMrtM lox IM. MantrMU. T The Norwegian lakes sometimes fice/e with such rapidity that it is po.s.'-:lilc to cross them on ice formed in a swingle night. Pale, sickly children should use Mother Graves' Worm Kxtcrniinator. AVornis are one of the principal causes of sutTering in children and should be expelled from the system. WO SI'lLKCr H.\LF SKCTIONS IN Saskatchewan, near new railway, for sale, cheap; easy terms; migfit ex- change for city or farm property in Ontario. Jl. (.'ralmin &. Son, 43 Vic- toria street, Toronto Hojacicâ€" "Why arc you consulting the dictionary'.> 1 thought you knew purgn- i how to spell." TomdiU â€" "I do. I am not looking for information, but for corroboration-" The population of Itnssia in Kurope is a little more than twice that of the llnitc<l Kingdom, de- spite its enormous superiority in size. Minard's Liniment Cures Colds, &c GllEAT MKN AT THE TABLE. HONEST CONFESSION. A Doctor's Talk on Food. There nrcr no fairer s<l of men on earth than the doctors, and when '.hey lind they liave twn in erior they are usually apt lo make honest and manlv confession of the fact. A cas(^ in point is that of an em- inent practitioner, one of I In- gooil old school, who lives in Ti-xas, His plain, unvarnished tale needs no dressing up; "I had always had an intense pre- judice, which I cnn now we was im- warrantnblo and unreasonable, against all muchly ndverli.si'd foods, llence. 1 never read a line of the manv 'h.Is.' of Clrnpe-Niits, nor test- ed the food till last wintiT. 'While in Corpus Chris'li for my health, nnil visiting my youngest son, w'ho has four of the ruddiest, hettJIhiest little boys I ever .s«\w. F ate my brst dish of <lra|)i^-Niits food for Biiprer with my little grandsons. I became exceedingly fond of it and have eaten a package of it every week since, and llnd it a flelicious, refreshing and strengtheidng fooil, leaving no ill efTccts whatever, caus- ing no eructations (with which I WB.s formerly much Iroubhtl), no sense of fullness, nausi-a, nor dis- tress of stomacli in any way. "There is no other food that Mrs. many pedlar cure." about Stub!) â€" "It is remarkable how things that patent medicine claimed his remedy would Mr. Stublj â€" "Yes; ho was to tell nie it would cure a ham, and I set Towser on him. and Paralyzed. â€" "I disease of the heart," S. CJoode. of Truro, N. terribly and was often partially paralyzed. One Agnew's Cure for the Heart relief, and before 1 finished one bottle I was able to go about. To-day 1 am a well woman." â€" 4H apo«chlaas had valvular writuM Mrs. .J. S. "I «\dTered speechless and dose of Ur. gave mo "A plague on your bill of fare! Show me your bill of company!" Such was the remark made by Swift when tempted to dine with lloling- broke by a recital of the good dishes which would be »"t before him. It is, iievertheli'ss, a fact that great literary men of the past have shown strong desires for particular dishes. Alexander I'ope would always suc- cumb to stewed lampreys, and Dr. •lohnson had kt>en relish for a leg of mutton ami veal-pie. Steak-pudding was his greatest treat, however. Dry- den, de:iining an invitation from a lady lo an all rai live supper, wrote; "If beggars might be choosers, a | that ho does chine of honest bacon would please 1 over a year, my apiietile more than all the mnr- toW-puildingH, for I li' e them better jilain, having a vulgar stomach." Dr. I'arr, the great (Ireek scholar, re- lished "hot boiled lobster, with a profusion of slirimi)-sauce," and llyron was inordinate y fond of bacon and eggs, which he freoly indulge<l in, in spite of what hi' knew would be the inevitable result â€" an attack of indigestion. I.eigh Hunt's late sup- pers o( iiuligestlble foods produced "things that had lusaily killed him," and lleethoven cared for little else but soup. Potienc« â€" "He really must have a soft spot in his heart for me." May â€""How do you know that'?" Patienceâ€" "Ho sa.xs ho is always thinking of me." Mayâ€" "Ihit you know a man doesn't think with his heart. The soft place must be in his head." Minard's Liniment Cures Distemper "What-? Fell downstairs! How did it happen'.'" "Why, you see, I start- ed to go down, and my wife said, 'De careful, John!' And I'm not the man to be dictated lo by any woman so down I went." Catarrh and Colds Relievad in 10 to 60 Minutea. â€" One short pud of the breath through the blower supplied with each bottle of I'r. Agnew's I'a- tarrhal Powder dilTu.ses this powiler over the surface of the nasal pas.,agcs. rainless and delightful lo use. It re- lieves instantlv, and i)ermauently ciues catarrh, buy fever, colds, headache, sore throat, tonsilitis and deafness cents. â€" 41 A KOYAL noOKLET. The Grand Trunk Railway System are distributing a very handsome booklet descriptive of the Royal Mus- koka Motel, that is situated in Lake Hos.seau, in the Muskoka Lakes, I "Highlands of Dntario." The publi- j cation is one giving a full description ' of the attractions that may be found I at this popular resort, handsomely il- ! lustrated with colored prints of lake land island scenery, the hotel it.s-elf, and many of the special features that may be found there. It is printed on line enameled paper, uound in a cover giving the appearance of Morocco- leather, with a pictme of the hotel and siu-rouiidings on the same, "and the crest of the hotel embossed in high relief. A glance through this- booklet makes one long for the plea- sure of Sumnvjr and outdoor life, and copie.". may be secured gratuit- ously by applying to any Grand Trunk ticket office. 50 Mount Everest in the Himalayas â€" 29,002 feetâ€" is the highest mountain, in the world; Den Nevis is 4, -106 feet. Wife (reading)â€" "This says that handsome men bially disagreeable." "Ibit, my dear, I'm sure best to be pleasant at all times. England magazine ire pio\ er- Hiisband â€" I try my Halloway's Corn Cure is a spccilc for the removal of corns and warts. Wu have never heard of its failing to re- move even the worst kind. HEM A UK A H LI''. M I'iMO R Y . A wealthy South London omnibus proprietor who takes a great interest in his horses is in the habit of per- sonally christening each by name, and, allhough it sometimes oecirs not sec an animal for ho never fails at once to remember its name. As he is the owner of •''"OO horses this may be acknowledged as a remarkable feat of mcniori'. .Snow, even in the tropics, never melts, but remains continuously all the year round above a height of agrees with iiMj so well, or sits as lightly or pleosantly upon my stom- ach as thi.s does. I am strongiM- ami more active since 1 began the use of Grape-Nuts that T have hi'f-n for 10 years, nml am no longer troubled with nausea anil indigestion." Name given by Tostuin <"<>., Hattle Crook, Mich. There's « rea.Min. Look in coch pa»kage for the fani- niiR little book, "The Uoad to H/?!!- MAHUl.E mill.E OK lU'UMA. Gieat as has been the amount of labor exjH'nded on the vario'is Uiblos of the world, tlie iialm for execution must be given to the Kutho-daw, which is a UmUlhist monument near Mandalay, in llurma. It consists of about 7(MI temple^, each conlaiidng a ^lab of white marble, on which the whcdc of this lluddhi^t ilible, con- tainin, over H,(HpO,()0<> syllables, has been engravoil. The llurmese alpha- bet is used, b\it the langtinge is I'ali. Till.-* wonderful Ilible is abso- hitelv miii|Ue. The Kulho-daw was erected in 1H.'>7 by Mindon-min, the last King but one of Ilui'ma. The vn.st collection of ti'mples together form a s<|"an-, with a dominaling temple in the ci-ulrc. Each of the luiirble (.labs on "hiih the sacred text Is insiril-ed is surmounted by on ornamcninl canopy in pagoda form 10. (KM) fivt; "snow line" in colder dimes the is much lower than this. Kiml lady water. Cer that." Tra got an Iron water would -"Htfio Is a rUiss of tnlnly you can drink m|> â€" "No, nuim. I've con.stitution, an<l the rust It." For the OverworUnd.â€" What arc tlie causes of despondency and melancholy? A disordered liver is one cause and a prime one. A disoriler<'d liver means a disordered stomach, and a disordered stonuich means <listurl)nnce of the nerv- ous svstem. This brings the whole body into subicction and the victim :c.;ls sick all over. I'armelccs Vegctallu Idl.- are a recognized rcniedy in this state and relief will follow their u.se. "I .see that you have shut oPf all the gas in your house and aro us-ing nothing b\it candles. What i.s that for'?" "Merely out of curiosity. I Want to see if it will make any dii- feronce in my gas bills." Bh^ST EXCURSION TO NEW YORK Goes via Lackawanna, April 2'.ith. $<,1.00, Round Trip from Huffalo. $9.00. Full particulars. A. Leadlay, Toronto, or Ere<l P. Vox. lluUalo, N. Y. The area of the groups of islands of which .)ai>an is composcnl is about two-thirds greater than that of Great llritain. HORSEMEN, READ THIS. I have usiHl MINARIVS LINIMENT in my stable for over a year, and consiiler it the VERY REST for hor.*^ Ilcsh I cai\ get. and would trongly retrommend it to all hor.':e- men. GEO. HOUGH. Livery HIables, Quebec, OS to ion Ann St. Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Uisinfect- ant Soap Powder is a boon to any borne. It disinfects and cleans at the same time. "Money talks'.:' only thing I ever 'Good-bye!' " "Hoes it'.' heard it sav The was- Tha Covernor'a Wife a Prlaonorâ€" Mrs. Z. A. Van Luven is the wife of" the governor of the county jail, Nap- aneo, Oat., and was a great sufferer from rheumatism. When the best doc- tors in the cononunity and "specialists" (ailed to help her, she buried her sceptism of proj)rictary remedies and purchased t'outh American Uheuniatic Cure 4 botllos cured her. â€" 42 Miss i'laneâ€" ">Ji.Av, get as pretty a. picture of me as you possibly can." l'hi>lo,.^raPher â€" "Ne'ver fear, ma'am; whe:i this is touched up you won't know yourself." Minard's Liniment Cures Diphtlierla Abstracted Schoolmaster â€" "I have been seriously thinking of punishing you, Timson, as you have invariably been behind before, but you hav» arrived earlier of late, and this morning, for a wonder, at last you are (irst." MALAYAN TREK 1>WELI,ERS. The sakais, or tre.? dwellers, of the Malay IVninstila build their houses in forked trees a do/en feet above ground, and reach them by means of bamboo ladders, which thev draw up when safely housecl out of harm's way. The house itself is a rude kin I of shack, made of bamboo, and the flooring is lashinl together piece by piece and bound securely lo the tree lindis bv rattan. Th.se curious people are rather snmll and lighter in complexion than the Malays, though much uglier. They have no form of rell.;lon at all â€" not e\en ido'.t^ â€" no wiltten language and K|H-ak a corrupt form of Malay. Pains Disappear Uei'ore It. â€" No one= need suffer paui when they have avail- able l>r. Thomas" Kcbrctric Oil. If not in the house when retiuired it can hn procured at the nearest store, as ail merchants keeji it for siile. Uheuma- tisirt and all ' Viodily puiiis disappear when it is apjtlietl, and should they at any time rctinn, experience teaches, the user of the Oil how to deal with Complaint Is nia<le of th<' men be- cavme th'y do not take their wives flowers as Ihey did in their courting days. Ihit every woman knows that if her husbaml brought home a. cost- ly luiU(iuet sh(! Would tell him it would ha\e beon more sensible to- h.ive lirousiht home a new teaPot or a ham. Coughing is an out'vard sign of inward di.sease. Cure the disea.->e with SKiloK's stisEiption and Uic cough will stop. Try it to-night. If it doesn't benefit you, we'll give your money back. Prlccii: S. C. WEit.« * Co. 80/ 2.SC. 5»c. tl L«Roy. N. "Y., Toroato, Can. -''*'-f ISSUE NO. 16â€"05.