March 23 1905 THE FLESIIERTON ADVANCE i The Markets. Carefully €orrertcd Each Week o«u 38 as Peas 63 to 03 Bitrley . 45 to 45 I'utiur .'.... 58 to 18 y-ege hresli 16 to 16 thickoiis 7 10 7 Ducks y to !) Oeo.e to 10 Hay to C ;'j I'oUioos bna 60 to 00 Turkeys 13 to 14 Our Clubbing List »A Jviince, ♦lleralU mid *Ton.nto World, dnily $3 25 'J'oronto Daily NeHi . 1 S5 U',-el<Iy Globii 1 80 Mnil-K'i.i)ire IW Family Horald & Star 1.80 T.riiiitn Star 180 K-iiiiiers Sun 1-80 All above prices include Tho Ai'vaiico nad Montrij:.! Herald, if paid in f-dvanuo only Eirly subscribers get best value (or their money. Fleslierton. £1! = SUB Good 1101868 â€" new rigsâ€" nttentivo drivers G. W. Hacking; WANTED Salesmen to represent •Canada's Qreatest Nurseries" Kewest varieties and speeialtieB in Hardy Fruits, Small Fruita, yiirub."!, Orna- mentals and Koscs. A perniinent situition, and territory res-ifvcd for ri^ht man. Pay weekly. IIANIJ-SOMEOUTI'IT FREE. Wnie lor part,icul:irs. Send 20c. for tlio POCKET MICROSCOPE, usoful to >;rower8 friiiisand shrulis and to farmers iu examiiiin;; yrairiH and seeds. Mr Ruhurd Allan is local agent for Flesherton. Stone & ellington (over 800 acres) Toronto - - Ontario giO() inveHtinent that d&vb dividoiuls &11 tUrougli lifo i-* a oourso or Iriiiniiin iu any of tho Depurtintiutn of tlie 04-en Kotiiul. Out, Four coinpIet« courses of litU'ly. HijKt oqiiipp'jl IJusiiiortH (Joll.-gtj premiu- ms Iti (Jiiiiailit. The only coIU-^'d owuiiii^ its own ooll^K*-' tJtiil'linf;. A liirf^d titalTof oointiuLctit «U(1 pdii) ttikiitg toaciidrv. Our Ki'fi(lii<>-ttis aro luont Hue (MRful. -luKt ask tluiiu, l.'^ull partic- iilarB Bent to any a IfJi'UB^ ftoo. C A Fleming. Principal Winter Goods cz/t ^lafnesa Oupptlea. Dells, lilankets, Robe*, imitation Persian Lamb Coat* for drivini;. Whips, LashcA, Combs, Brush- es, â€" a large vtouk of choica gouda juat in* Trunks and ValisM for IrRvellori, 'Oct your harneu supplies from â€" Wm. MOORE flesherton Stock - Taking - Sale E. N. KINNK.AR h. SONS Will tnll f»r the l>Hl»nce r>f this month tU>' fiillowiiig nnniBit irnoda at the MHT PKIOK t.> clear: All rubber f<M)twuar, nil iidd |>anta and ci>at<, jackftH and reefers, si>ckii and unilerwi^ar, priiita and flannulftta, wrai>|>ert>tt«a and (Iresa Rooda, cardigan xwaatera. Our f[r K?ary ile|iartment ia krpt well nt'H'kiMt with the very cituiccat br&nda of KtoKli poaaihle. <>len Hnmn flour nlwayann hand, if yon arK wanlinK* nice nuartar #»f ^Hwf le.-WB your on'er mith na We kmi|> freih p irk, 'Halt fihh, (Mirk A Iteaiia with chile nance within the rta;hi>fevety body. Yourdnllara will tell, ilia lialanre ofthif month at iha Cheap Store in Maxwell. It N. KINNEAR & SON fm STKACUAN OLD t<TAND Ayers If your blood is thin and im- pure, you are miserable all the time. It is pure, rich blood that invigorates, strengthens, refreshes. You certainly know Sarsaparilla the medicine that brings good health to the home, the only medicine tested and tried for 60 years. A doctor's medicine. " I owe my life, ivithoat doubt, to Ayer'a SftTsaparllU. It is the moat wonderful medi- cine ill the world for nervouineas. My cure II permanent, and 1 cannot thank you enonzti.** Mas. Delia McWkll, Jiowark, N. J. P .00 n bottle. I All dluf:>:l«H. for« 1. O. ATKR OO. Lowell, Maa». Poor Health Laxative doses of Ayer's F^Mn .^c-h ni^ht greatly aid ms Sarsaparina*' Y'" "^ s In Furniture The largest and best stock o( furnituie ever shown in Flesher- t"U. This withont fear r.f contra- diction Como and see some of the nice things in Sideboards Dining Roorq Chjairs Parlor Setts ;; Bed Rooni Setts A special reduction just now on everything in order to reduce the stock. W. H. BUNT. L ^â- ^ Flestotoi - OdI. Gx^. J Business Cards W'CULLOUGII i YOUN'O •* Hanlior Markiiale Jo a general bankiiit; busiiiosn. Monoy loaned a roAsouablo rato Cull on uk. p ./ Sl'KOULlli "â- I'oituiftatHr, Klosliortou . oiiimiBSioner In II.<\J., Auctioneer Con veyaneur, Appraiser and .Monuy Lcudor Keal Eatatn and lusuriinoo AKi'iit. Doerls ajoitRagofl. luasoK ant wills carefully drawn up and valuations made on pliorteat nntice. money to loan at lowost raten of interoBt. Col aiitiijua attoude.l to with promptneBB cliarijes luw. Agent for Ocean Dominion Stuaujahip Company. A call solioitod. Societies A O U V meets oi. the last Monday " in eaou month, in their lonRo room. Chrlatoe'a block. 8 p.m. M.W., A. Karrisnn j Itacorder, Jaa. Felstead ; Finan- cier, W.J. Hul.amy. ViaitinR bretbrri, jLVited. PKINCE ARTHUU I.ODUE, No. :08.A.F.t A M. roeeta in the Mannnicball. Strain's block. Flealiertou, every Fridav on or before tho full mocn. John Wright, W M.; C. N. llichatdiou. Secretary. nOL'BTFliKSnKHTON, DM, I. P. P. n^eetain " ChrlBtoo'a Blool< the laat Fridav evehlng of each month. ViaitluR Forestera heartily welcome. C. 11., .1. Cornfield; R.C. W. Uuakin: Kin. Bee., H. A. Willrtt. Pleaae bay dues to 11. A. WlPett on or before the laat day of the proceeding month. Medical DK OARTF.B M C P & 8 Ont, Pbyaloian. Sorgaon, ate Oflloa and reeideoca â€" Pater at , Pleaberton na A.T. HOND ** Graduate Toronto Univeraltv. Mem- tier of Ontario CulleRO o; rhyaicilana and Bur- goons. Maxwell, On', riucceaaor to Dr. bcutt. 1 P OTTfJWKl.L * Veterinary Snrgeon Graduate of Ontario Veterinary College, reaidanoa â€" a»ond door aontb weat on Mary atreet. Tbia atraat ruua aontb Presbyterian Cbnrab. n WIt.HON, ninckmiitb "• iraduate of the Veterinary Science Aaaociation. Kealdeuce, Durham Itraat, o|i- poaita Hoyd, Rioklibg'a hardware. ' Legal LUCAB WBIOHT A MrABDLE HarrlBtera bolicitora Conveyanoera, etc Oineeaâ€" Owen Hound, Unt and UarkdaleOht W H Wbiout, UcArm,! I B Lticaa N Hâ€" Pleaberton office, Mitcbell'a Bauk avary Saturday. Dentistry DR. B C. MURRAY, L.D. 8. donUi anrgeoD honor ((radaate of Toronto thilyeralty and Roval ColloDP of Dental Hurcoona of Ontario. OfBoeâ€" Oppoaito Armatrons'ii Jewellery Rtore. Will viait Maxwell the laat Wedneaday of each ninnth and Dnndalk let and Srd Tharaday of each troDth. HEADACHE ! Nceralcia and Ncrvousn«sa cured quickly by AIAV NAMMLISm HIADACHI «N» '»-''»'» NCURALQia CURB. No k««n ritpreMioB. Greum nra erer diacorered. Take no «h«r, i<ic ^nA >sc. All dealert ot direct from *iMnHaCo.Sia«x,Om. Mooty keck i( act aaiittad I Mr. Jatnes LaidUw, ex-M.P.P. for South Wellington, died on Sunday. Morley Mclntyra, 16 years of age, was sent to gaol three months fur atialing, by a Durhiini magistrate, Benjamin Allan of Owen Sound writ*-8 tlie Guardian that suedl. ss apples m^iy be gmwn liy the following method : Before buddiiig Ri^ason place grDwing branches ill clay, covering them twelve inches, li'Hving a few inches i>f the tip.s of brnoch uncovered, Koi-p earth moist and in due lime roollfts will urow on part covered. When leaves bud out cut branch a few itiches from clay toward tree. Destroy topa, place carefully in ground, and the nliootu will grow, supported by roots' in clay, nnd sap wiil run contrary tii nature, and the fruits will be seedless. Try it ; experiment is easy and not cirstly. Your Worn-Out Stomach What it nocdH is tin- Ktren>;thcnin;/ in- fluence of Dr Ilaniiltiiii'a Pills- thi-y Aork marvels where the st.)niaeh and di- '.'I'Stion uru poor. In one day the appe- tite increases and the whole .system is ta:;:dly ct-ciiL'fl-^r-ed. (-.%, „,.,,iiiach !i]irc- couM write a better peracription than Dr. Hamiltun's Pills of Mandrake and butternut. At all dialers in a yellow box, price 25c., or five boxes for $1. The spring term in the popular Elliott business college, Toronto, opens on April Srd. This school is thoroughly up-to date and enjoys a splendid attendance. The principal, Mr. \V. J. Elliott, will be pleased to send -x catalogue to all intend- ing to secDre a businebs or shorthand education. Some stranoc things come to light in horse tradini;, but the following is a case where a man sold a horse for $75 and by trading got him back for §6. .ludge Col- ter held Division Court at Rodney the ether day when this interesting case. Lusty vs. Laniont, was tried before a jury. The defendant .'hold plaintiff a horse for $75, then purchased another for $15 ; he then traded '.his one with plain- tiff for his old horse, reoeivinu ?9 to boot, eo that hu got 875 in cash and his horse back for §6. The case i cciipied all day, and at 11 p. m. the jury returned a ver- dict that it was just a horse trade and plainiifl' must abide by what lie had done â€"Giai.d Valley Star. Sell Your Cold for $i ? You .surely won't stop at a dollar bill to cure that Ijor.d, siiiflling cold '( Go to any drug>.;iHt and g.a ' C.itarrhozouc," mid your cold will be u thiiii! of the pa»t. There isalinnat witchery in tbetwift way Catarrhozoiiu kil:s colds. But when you cinsider the p.nctraiinn, healing and antiseptic qualities of Catarrhozoi.e per haps it's not so wonderful. Certainly there is no leniody half so prompt, for col.s and catarrh as Catanliozonn. Re- fuse a sulisii'ute and insibl on having only " Catarrhozonc." Friday last, while wmking in the bush nearDundalk incoinpuny with John Pat- ton, Wm. T. McDowell, son of (aamucl McDowell, of Maybnrnc, county council- or for DufTerin, met with a fatal accident. The young men were chopping down tiees and a leaning ouo in some way swunii; and struck McDowell on the back of the head knocking him senseless, Patton carried him out to thealeigh and hold him on the hind bob and took him to the nearest house, Mr.Uow ley's, about a tiiilu and a half away. He was unconscious for hours and in fact never spoke again, ah hough on Saturday he appeared to know what was said to him. Lie died Saturday aft- oriit>oii. Decease.), who was in his 24th year, was considered to be one of the fin eat young men in tho Mayburne neigh- boihood. The funeral took place to Maple Orore cemetery, Dundalk.Tuesday afternoon,â€" Shelburno Economist. Ge*. some of those souvenir poatcard^ from' A. Thurs on, Flesherton. They consist of vari<iU8 views of Fleshertonâ€" genuine photographsâ€" and also include the latest view of Eugenia falls. Call and Bee them. Six fur 25c, by mail postage extra, 2e. Why Do Women Suffer ? Such pain and endure the torture of nervous headache when 26c buys a auro cure like NerTileiie. A few drops in sweetened water brings unfailing relief. You feel better at once, you re braced up invigorated, headache gors away aftei one doie. The occasional use of Nervi- lene prerents indiuestiun arid stomach disiirdersâ€" kue|>s up healih and strHngtli. Every wmna niieeda Nervdeoe and shi^uld uieitto). In 25c. bottles everywhere. Mr. John Speers of Osprey died on Feb. 17th at the age of 7">. Mr. Speers iraa one of the early sei tiers uf Oxprey and was one of the best known men in the township The funeral took place to Buckingham's burial uround. For the p^Ht 15 months he had lirrtl in Fever- sham, having retired from the farm. Dr>ipsy was the imraediate cause of death although failini; health htd l)een eridenk for some years. Deceased left a widow and four children â€" two sons and two daughters -all ot whom live in Osprey. John, Mary and Margaret liye in Fever- sham, and James on a farm adjoiniDg tho old honeetead. Spring 5uit Time Having moved into the Christoe Hlock, opposite the Advance otHce, we will be belter prepared to attend the wants of those ru'|iiirini{ snything in the line of tine tailoring or clothes cleaning. Latest fashions always on hand. Thanking the people of Kleslietton and surrounding country for their patronage in the and solii;itiiig a fair share in the future. H. A lexan der, Tailor. Flesherton, Ontario, HIGH CLASS PICTURES, a The place to gut the Photos is at BULMKH'S PUOTUGRAPll GALLEliY. SPECIAL ATTENTION Wt! pay Special Attonlion to Cop\iiig and B.ibie.s' pictures. Pi.ture friiin. ing a specialty. Try us for any kind of pictures sn 1 we w.ll prciinise Batififactioii. 1V[x*s BULJVIEK The cold w -athor is f.i.Ht approachii^g.yoU want to provide y»u:««lf with one of our s oves. We have on hand a full line of cooking ra gos, base burners and all kinds of heater.s. Horsn blankets, robes lealher.and rope hnlter.^, axfs and c:os,scat aiiws, a largu variety to select from, washing inaohiiioa and wrins,'ers. Largestocknf tinware and graniteware, nails, locks and hinges. Stock Food.4 INTERNATK.iNAL STOCK fO(3D Fattens stuck In 30 days less time. In- creases the qnalily of milk 15 to 25 per cent. Saves corn or oats. Your money refunleil in any case of failure. You aro to bu the uslt and also the judge- Penoline oilâ€" every gallon L'uaranreed. Highest cash price for all kir.ds of raw fursâ€" mink, fo.t, coon, ef-c. THECEXTR.\L HARDWARE- C. E. Noble, mUNDALK Sydenham etrcet. Flesherton Spring Term from April 3rd. 1^ ELLIOTT TORONTO. ONT. Cotueriu n^u i D Aiexauaer streets. This Si;li iol IS making a reu'.trkable record tins year tor placing its students in g loU posili.iiis. College opi.-n the oniireyear. Enter now. Catalogue free W.J. ELLIOTT, Principal. Eye Rest For Tired Flesherton Sash, Door and Planing Mills Eyes Is obtained by our scientifically fitted glasses. They enable the eyes to do as much 'work and possibly more without tiring than they ever did. Satisfaction guar- anteed. Eyes tested free. W. A, Armstport^; 3Ji£l i n T-tljI F.Wt:LE'" 'NP> ^PTiC9Ai« ^' '??MF,RTON. ^ I i L We have received a largO car of best North Shore Wliite Pine. Parties ex- pecting to build a house next sutiitner would do well to call and see ua and arrange to have their Sash Door and Frumes made during the winter and get them home on the sleigh. We fiiruish everything needed for building a house. We will make prices and terms interesting. \Vc wont your trade and will guiirnntee first class workmanship and ma- terial. Planing and matching done promptly. T. W. WILSON Manager Chopping every day HOG PROFITS The hog is a machine to make potinds of pork. In raising hogs for the market, the profit Is rapid and healthy growth. Feeding to sunply sustain life makes you no profit. A food that will fatten your hogs in the shortest time, and with the least waste, is the profit maker. To get the most good out of its food, the hog must thoroughly digest and assimilate it. It Ls this assimilated food that makes the pounds of pork. The addition of Clydesdale .Stock Pood will enable it to do this. It creates an appetite for a full ration. Many farmers seein satisfied to let the hog "root" far itself. There is no better money maker on the farm if given half a chance. Clydesdale Stock Food will en- able you to get your hogs to the market at least thirty days sooner ; this 13 money saved. Mr. A. D. McDonald, Jericho, Out., says : " I fed it to six fattening hogs as a test and found the hogs that received Clydesdale Stock Pood m»«le a decided gain over those that received none." ThU is "WISE FE.EDING." Don't neglect the " RUNTS ", they can be made to grow, i-.nd be kept growing, by using Clydesdale Stock Food. It will also keep your hogs in such healtliy condition as will ctuible them to witlistantl Hog Cholera the greatest menace to hog raising. Keep your hogs and pens clean b^ using Carboline Antiseptic; as hogs thrive better when cleiin. If not satisfied after using, your money will be cheerfully refunded by our dealers in your district namely : liuyil, HiukliiiR ti. Co.. KlashertoD Knott Hroii , Markrtala 1'aylor A Oo., Dromore Tboa. Mathawa it Son , Markdale 1) K. Me\rtl.ivr, Hopeville. W. W. C .llingbr own, Dnndalk Biirclay & Bell, Durham 13. McTAVie^H lit wmm imm wm For First Cl»«» Buggies, Carts, Pleasure .md Lumber Wagons, cutters, Sleii-hfc. Wd keep a st"el« on ha>ul to choose from. ALSO nOKSE SnOEINQ ANOOENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and iiuorantee first olasx work. We keep on hand P4oughs and Plough repairs, and also Massey- Harrin and Noxon repairs for limlers. Mowers, ^\\ kinds of ma<;hiiiery> •l>K> Binder Twine on hand. • aih«n in town dive US a call «