About the « ....House I feKj^ECTF.D ri;cipe;s. Vanilla Wafers. â€" Cream one-third cup of butter; add onts cup of sugar, one well-Iipatou et"t>', onn-half cup of milk, anc! two toaspoonfuls nf vanil- ia. Mix and sift two and oni-hulf cups of flour, two teaspoonfuls of bal(;;»- powdtr, a pimh of S'alt. Mix all well and set out to ehiU tlior- ouglily for a couple of liours. Lay one-iiuartor of tho aiixturi! on a board, adding (lour to urev(!nt sliclt- Ing: roll thin and i-alco in moderate oven . Tliese look well cut into luNiit or fancy .shapes. Indian I'udding'. â€" An ideal des.sert to serve with ro.ist pork is hulked Indian pudding. 'l"hl.s recijie will be found delicious. FaUo one pint of nrilU scald it and ponr it over two heaping tablespoonfuls of Indian meal, in which a saltspooni'ul of salt, one-half tenspoonfiU of cinnaiuon, one-quarter of a whole nntui!g grat- ed, have been blended. Slir briiddy, ami when perfectly smooth add one- third cup ot chopped suet, ouo-tliird cup of molasses; whim this is well mixed add one pint of cold milk. ISeat well, turn into a greased dish, set it in another contnining warm- Water aud balio three hours in a mod- erate oven. Serve hot with hard snuce. This pudding will look us if it had cream and oygs in it, and it should be stirred gvntly throe times durint^ the l^rst hour and a half. Runableil eggs. â€" Beat up three eggs with two ounces of fresh butter, add a tca.spoonful of cream or now milk. Put all in a. saucepan and iitir over tho (ire for about live minKtes, or, until it rises up, when it iiho'dd be innncdistely dish,»d on buttered toast. Shirred eggs. â€" Beat the eggs thor- oug-hlj/ and .season with liiilU;'. pep- per and salt; may be baked in one dish, or in separate di.shes for each person. 'Phe di.shes should be but- tered before the eggs are i)ut into them. Creamed Eggs. â€" Boil tho eg.!;.s> for twenty minutes. Make a cream sauce. Prepare on a hot dish a slice o( toast for each e^g and pour the sauce ujT'OU it, placing thereon part ot the whites of the eggs cut in thin na'i'row strips, and on this I'Ub part of the yolks through a sieve. Kepeat this ar.d lini.sh with a third layer of sauce. Garnish with parslo.v. Swiss Stylo. â€" Cover the bottom of a di.sih with two ounces ot fresh but- ter and on this scatter grate<l cheese; drop the eggs upon the cheese with- out breaking the yolks; season to ta.ste. Pour over the cgas i little cream and sprinkle with about two ounces of grated cheese; set in a moderate oven for about lU'teen minutes. Scrambled Eggs.â€" Break, the eggs into a warm, buttered spider, being careful to avoid broauing the yolks; add a little suit and butter or crean'i, as soon as they begin to whiten stir carefully from tlio bottom until they are cooked as desired. Potato Pie â€" One cup hot nia.shcd potato, 2 cups rich imilk, 1 teaspoon ealt, 2 eggs well huaten, 1 table- spoon butter, 2 tablespoons .sugar, jt teaspoon nutmeg or cinnamon. Bake with one crust. Bice Pudding Without eggs.â€" One- half cup of rice, nearly oiui cup of sugar, one cup of raisins, and two quarts of milk. .Stir tiuquently while baking, but do not let it get too stilT. Scalloped Salmon. â€" .\hout one-half pound of cold cooked salmon, one- half pint white sauce, om; touspoon- ful of anchovy osaer.ce, browned cruinbs. Uemove all skin and bone from tho Kabnon and break it into flakes. Butter some china (ish shells or scallop shells, and p\it in a table- spoonful of tho sauce which has been (lavore<l with the anchovy essence. Then put in some flaked (ish and cover again with the sauce. Shake l,rowned bread crumbs over .ill Tut for eight minutes in a :noderate oven. Sorvf. hot. For the sauce, take one ounce of butter, three- quarters of an ounce of (lour, one- half i>int ot milk. Ifelt the butter, slir in the (lour smoothly, add tho milk am! stir until it ijoils. .-Season an<l use If preferred, the salmon may bo served in one dish instea<l of shells. Chocolalo Cream Tie. â€" Line a deep pie plate with a good pasti-y, pi-ick- ing it in several places to let the air (lUt and prevent blist(>rs. and hake .t delicate brown. For the filling, put over the Ore in a double boil,>r one colToe-cupful of milk, .Stir together one-half cup granulated su.v'ir, a piece of butter (he fi/.c of a walnut, two tal lespoonfuls (lour mi.xod with one tallespo'onful of cold milk, the wtll-ben(en yolks â- ^f two eggs and one-quarter cake of grated chocolate. Mix thoroughly, then add to the milk when it boils. Stir ..ntil it thickens, take from the fire and flav- or with a small teaspoonful of vanil- la. Fill the baked crust with this custard, beat the whites of tho two eggs to a froth and add t«'o table- spooniuls powdered sugar. Cover the top ot tho pic with this meringue, anc! brown lightly in the oven. Always In Sip Crowdeci street. People passing by. Old and young. All eager about their own affairs and always somebody in plain sight who needs Scott's Emulsion. Now it's that white-haired old man ; weak digestion and cold blood. He needs Scott's Emulsion to warm him, feed him, and strengthen his stomach. See that pale girl ? She has thin blood. Scott's Emulsion will bring new roses to her face. There goes a young man with narrow chest. Con- sumption is his trouble. Scott's Emujsion soothes rag- ged lungs and increases flesh and strength. And here's a poor, sickly little child. Scott's Emulsion makes children growâ€" makes children happy. JAPAN'S RULE 01' LITE. Curious Doctrine That is Held by the Japanese, The Japanese army and navy will not strike Hussia hard if the pre- sent trouble in her territory should develop into a revolution, lor that would bo against tlio traditional doctrines of "Tho HushiUo," writes Hydesaburo Ohashl in Leslie's Week- ly, "The Bushido" means "the mor- al doctrines of tho Samurai" and they are obc^yed bj' all the states- men, soldiers and schoUus of tho present time with as much holy re- spect as the Christian's leverence for tho Bible and its teachings. In Japan Muddhism is the popular reli- gion, but Buddhist teachings are not respected by educated men or soldiers. In fact most of thenr are atheists or agnostics, who do not believe in any religion but the doc- trines of "The Busludo." "The Busludo," for inslance, teach- es a man or woman to have tho courage to perform any huia-kiri if he or she conunits any serious of- fence. The spirit of this doctrine is that the olTonder should kill himself ii:stend of wailing to be e.'iecuted by the law, which latter is considered in .lapan as one of the mo.st coward- ly things. "The Bushido" abso teaches that the life of a .lapanese is the gift of the holy Mikado, and if ,the country needs the lives of her people they tihould bo given gladly, for that is only to return to the Mikado what they have received from him. To die on the battlefield is tho only key for a .lapanese to tind his wa.v to his Shinto heaven, and the soldiers who were not killed on the battlefields are considered unfortun- ate. It is maintained in .lapan that if a man gives you a favor or money or pleasure, you should return it with more than what was given to you. Hilars I'^OR THE HOME. Keep tin vessels from rust by plac- ing them notir the lire after they have been washed and wiped ilr.v. To keep table glass properly alwa.vs wash it in a wooden bowl and have sufficient water to cover, then rinse in clean water. Wipe olT all the damp with one cloth, and polish with another. Salts of lemon may be made at homo as follows: Ml.'c thoroughly together one ounce of ci'cani of tar- tar and half an ounce of oxalic acid. This must be placed in a bottle corked tightly and marked "poison" in large lettoi-s. When children are allowed to handle bottles, the .salts of leuion should always be kept under lock and ke,y. To clean your stained knives, (ako a piece of raw potato, dip it into brlckdust and .scour them with it. In this way tVn: most obstinate stains ma,y be erased. Figs and fowls will alwa,ys thrive better if potato-poiings, refuse vege- tables, etc., are cooked before being given to them. .'Vi'ter cooking, na.x the wliole into a stilT paste with bai le.v-mcal, etc. To keep a French polished table nice, wipe o(T all linger marks, etc., with a slightly moistened cloth, and polish by rubbing well with a soft duster or chamois leather. Care of an oil stove.â€" The only wa.v to prevent an oil stove Prom smell- ing is to keep it scrupulously clean, washing it with soap and water when necessary, and to use a good quality oil tor burning in it. To remove stains from a walnut table. First rub the spots with a (tunnel rag'dippixl into alcohol, then, with another cloth, imnuHliately ap- pl.v oil or furniture polish. Highly I^olished furniture often only nieds to be willed with a damp cloth and rubbed with tho hand. Hefoiv taking nauseous mei.Vicino, chfw a bit of oi'on,ge or lemon peel, or a clove and the disagreeable taste will not be noticed. Persons suHer- ing from nausea can often lake beef tea if, l>efore and after taking ib, the,v suck a slice of lemon. To cleanse your chintz, take the ciirtains down, shako oil' tho loose du,st," biush carefully with a soft brush, then wipe it with a clean flan- nel and rub it nil over with dry breadcrumbs. Treated in this wa.y. v'ou will (ind voiu' curtains equol to new whin put up again. Useful gum. â€" Di.ssolve two ounces of gum aiabic and two ounces of gum trugaiauth in half a pint of vine- gar. This wdl keep good tor any length of time, and can bi- further diluted as re(|uired. Ivoop in a stoppered bottle. Copper .saucepans .should bo cK'nneu on the outside with salt ami vine- gar and on the in.s-ido with soap and water, after thoy have been tilled with water containing a small lump of soda, which nnist come to the boil. Now tins should l>o set ovoi- the (ire with boiling water in them for several hours before anything is cooke<l in them. Teach chiliiron thrifty and industri- ous habits while they are still unite young, and they will always retai;i it.hc habits. Advocate first giving small children very light; tasks, such as clearing up their to.vs, etc., be- fore going to bed, and by dogrei.'.s. as a. child grows, trv to discover what work it is naturally fond of. It is a mistnk'c to make little oi;o!* work so long rjiat Iho.v become tired ami d'.sg\istert with all work; far bitter is It to encourage them to work long enough' to accomplish some I'iven object nrnl If possihlf> make the cbihl roali/e 'hat it is hi 1i>in,n to brighten the life of some other ci>ild.- For the Sake r\--;-^|^ of Good Health UrUlK It's the purest tea in the world. Sold only in lead packets by all Grocers. Black, Mixed or Green. Hisfhest award St. Louis, 1904. WILL ADVERTISE CANADA. Motor Car Exhibit to Tour the English Countries. Mr. Preston, the Labor Connnis- sioner in London for Canada, has arranged an interesting motor wag- gon tour through the out-of-the-way places in Kngland and Wales says the London Daily Mail. The waggon was one of the exhi- bits at the St. Louis Exhibition, and is 20 feet long. It will be loaded with grain, fruit, straw, and other samples of Canadian produce, and lettered with information as to tho openings in the Dominion free grants ol land. By this means the men i]i charge will be able to provide an ob,iect -lesson to people who Would be missed on an ordinary "train and town" tour, and tho waggon, open- ing outward at will, provides quite a large area for the display of the produce. If tho first experiment proves as great a success as is anticipated, other waggons, costing £4,000 or £,''.,000 each, will bo sent on similar journeys. BLOOD WILL TELL. Rich, Pm-e Blood Will Drive Out the Most Obstinate Case of Rheumatism. Growing pains, aching joints, stilT- cned muscles, tender, swollen limbsâ€" that's rheumatism â€" a blood disease that causes ceasolesy agony and crip- ples thousands. It is acid in the blood that cau.ses •beumati.sni. Lini- ments may case tho pain temporar- ilyâ€" but thoy never cure. To cure â- rheunuitisni ,vou must ren.ove tho acid in the impure blood. iJr. Wil- liams' I'ink Pills positively cure iheunmtisni, acute or chronic. They act directly on the blood, driving till' acid out. rhey made new, warm, i)uro blood and send it throb- bing through the heart, and lungs and limbs This new blood banishes every ache and painâ€" brings gooil health and full activity. Mr, T. H. .Smith, Caledonia, Out., says: â€" "For a number of years I was bodly trou- bled with rheuniaUsin, and was so crippled up I coulcf scarcel.v^do aii.v work. I tried quite a number ot medicines, but they did not help me. Then I .saw la-. Williams' Pink Pills advertised for this trouble, and I got a number of lioxes. Before the tbu'd bo.x was used, I fouu.l m,\self improving. 1 continued to use the pills throughout th« winter and they have completely cured me. I got so that I could work on the coldest da.v wlt'"iut a coat and not feel a twinge of the trouble. 1 liavo lolil quite a few of my neighbors n!)0ut the pills, aud they are a popidar ntcdirino hero." It is bi'cau,s-o Dr. Williams' Pink Pills make, new, pure, warm blood that they have such great jjower to cure disease. Thoy positively cure rheunnii ism, seiaiica, reuralgia. St, Vitus dance, partial paralysis, ki<lney and livei- troubles, annenna. and the ailments which women alone suffer from. The purchaser must be care- ful to sue that the full name, "TJr. Williams' Pin!> Pills for Pale Peo- ple" is prirtod on tho wrapper around each box. Sold by .ill niodl- cme ripalers or sent by mail at .''iDc. a box, or six bo.ves for $2.50, h.v writing the 'Dr. Wil'laMis Medicine Co., Brockvillc, Ont. Western Assurance Company Financial Statement for the Year Ending December 3 1st, 1904. ' .\n anti-tannin teapot, which has Just btMjn placed on the markot, is a clever contrivance. Ily means of an ingeniously tonstructed air-cham- ber and a strainer all the tanidn is kept out of the brew, no mottcr how long the tea stands. ASSETS United States and .State Ltonds $ 159,39:5 20 Dominion of Canada Stock (35,;ir)0 (jO Bank, Loan Company aud other Stocks 2i!7,;i90 80 Coiiipuny's Buildings 110,000 00 Municipal Bonds and Debentures 1,180,576 tiO Railroad Bonds r)01,449 03 Cash on Hand and on Deposit 215,109 ,'!2 Bills Heceivable 98,557 21 Mortgages 21,712 00 •Due from other Companies â€" Ueinsurances 158, 3112 14 Interest Due and AcciuihI ;.... 10,288 40 Offlco Furniture, Maps, rians. etc 40,292 0.3 Branch Oilice and Agency Balances and Sundry Acts 506,723 48 S:!,;!05,504 95 LIABILITIES. Capital Stock $1,500,000 00 ' â- Less Calls in course of payment 31,254 00 ?1 .408,746 00 Lo.sBes under Adjustment 189,080 93 Dividend payable .January 5th. 1905 38.312 29 Reserve Fund ' ..^ 1,608,765 73 §3, ,305, 504 95 Capital §1,500.000 00 Reserve Fund :.. 1,608,765 73 Security to Policy ITiolders $3,108,765 73 Losses paid from organization of the company to date $40,785,765 73 DIRjECTORATE. Hon, Ceo. A. Cox, Hon. S. C. Wood, G. R. n. Cockburn, . E. R. Wood, H. N. Unird, , ' - .James Kerr Osborne, J. .1. Kenny, W. R. Brock, • Gfeo. McMurrich. HON. GEO. A. COX, President. J. .J. KBN^fY. Vice-President and Managing Director. C. C, FOSTER, Secretary. Head Offlcea â€" Coraer Wellington and Scott .Streets, Toronto. PERSONAL POINTERS. Interesting Gossip About Some Prominent People. Miss Helen Could has, at her place at Lyndhurst, on the Hudson Uiver, one of the most beautiful gardens in tho world, and engages a gardener at a .salary which rims into four figures. Together with this, tho gen- eral expenses of tho garden amount to nearly $50,000 a year, Tho King of .Sweden and Norway in. spite of his age, is an athlete, and posses,sed of groat strength. His Majesty once stopped a runaway- pair of horses on the Riviera, thereby .saving three lives, and he is capable of walking twenl,\-livo miles in six hours without in any way incon- veniencing hini.self. Mrs. Kennerle.v Rumford, bettor known perhaps as Mmo. ('lara Butt, is said to be the tallest prima donna in tho world. The great singer's marriage was quite a romance, as Mr. Keunerloy H.umford actually- pro- posed on the concert platform when they were singing tho well-known dueV, "The Keys of My Heart." Coneral Luis Terrn/as, Governor of tho .Stale of Chihuahua, is probably the largest landowner in the world, as well as the richest man in Mexico. Born Poor, he has iiuule his way gradually upwards, and now he owns land erpial in area to several of tho American Stales, It takes an eight hours' journey on a fast train to travel from one end of his property to the other. Sir GrifHth boytiton's house has its "hick." But tho "luck of Hoyn- ton Hall" is a somewhat grisly mascot. being, according to tradi- tion, nothing less than the .skull of an anceatre.sa ot the family. .So long ns this relic is in the house all goes Well; and much woe having followed •luiiie' ous attempts to gi^b it Chris- tian burial, it. wii.s finallyâ€" so says the legend â€" built into one of the walls, and good lortuno has been tho so<iuel. Tne Grand Duke ot Hessn is a man of a decitledly "si range teinperninenU lie is a wonderful shot, yet ho takes no active interest in sport of any kind. Ho is never known to miss, and his lack of interest renders him Verv cool, with the gun. Hut his favorite pastime is embroidery, and often when he has a pie<o of work on hand he will breakfast in bed and remain there working in wool or silk. He is an accomplished musi- cian, and quite a brilliant • inposer and pianist. anceii Alexandra has six pnri iciiJar favorites among her cat fniiiily. but a vflbiable Persian enjoys her special alToction. This i.'. .Sandy, who is .so nninnd Ixicnu.se iie first saw the light at Sandriiighain .Par several moiit'iH Her Majesty- is saiil to have never travelled without him, and bo is as fondlj' attached to his Royal mistress as the celebrated Irish ter- rier Jack was to the King in his alfeetionato moinciits. Sandy is priv- ileged to disport himself in the din- ing apartments, though his less for- tunate brothers and sisters have to conline their activities to the other rooms in the Royal dwellings. Lord Avcbury has a story to tell of his absent-mindedness. J''or forty years ho has been a director of a certain company. That company changed its ofTices twenty .\eurs ago â€"a period sufliciently long, one would think, for even a man of science to get accustomed to the new place ot brsiness. One morning last summer, however, tho distin- guished student of bees and ants - wont forth to attend a committee meeting at the ofllco of tho company. His mind was bu.sy. as it always is, and he calmly walked (inst the door and went on until he found himself inside the jjorch of the build- ing abandoned by the company twen- ty years before! The Mayoress ol Chatham, Eng- land, for the second year in suces- sion, is Miss Louisa Mary Dawes Driver, a young lady of four yejirs. During her first year of oilice :-,ho treated 2,000 .school children, pre- sented tho pri-.fos at Chatham re.gal- ta, opened a bazaar with thi! uuiqiio speech "Tho show's open," and jiie- scnted prizes at many meetings. She was driven to the Town Hall tho other day to receive tho honors duo to her exalted position, and was lifted into a big chair, from which .she dangled her chubby logs and smiled sweetly at 'he beiudod coun- cillors. Some of the latter woro so daring as t.o kiss tho Mayoress. AN AID TO MOTHERS. Derangement ot tho stomach o> bowels is responsihlo for most o( the ailments that alllict infants and ! young chiblren. l'"or k(vping the jstonmch and liowelrt en order nothing ' can e.pial Baby's Own Tablets, that ! is why children in the homes where i these Ta'ilets nro used are bright, good-natured anil healthy. Mrs. .loseph Wallace, .Shanley. Out,, says: "I have u.seil Hali.v's Own Tablets for in.v baby since hiu- earliest in- fancy, and have found them to bo n medicine that niw>ts all iJie m^nls ol little ones. They have kepi my lit- tle one as bright and healthy as can he. Thi'se Tablets are polil under a i guarantee to contain no opiate or • poisouoiiB "soothing " stuff. .Sold h.v , iili Hi. dioinc dealers ;»r bv mail at 25 I cents a box by writing the Dr. Wil- linniB' Mediciua Co.. i.^rockville, t^nt.