Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 2 Feb 1905, p. 4

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rEBurARY 2 1905 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^Uii^^^^M^ F, T. HILL & CO. 'mi^m^^\ JANUARY - SALE - PRICES YylNTER GOODS of every description arc now bcinj? sold hero at tlio smallest prices we've ever known, (juality and style consiflered. In two weeks we take stock and want (juantities in each department lednced to the smallest pos- sible points. That means hnying opportunities now that \vill not be repeated this season. Read on »1.75 LADIES' USDEUSKIRTW for 78j. Wo. have exiioily 27 Eadies' Mercerizuil SiU-cn ^JllU'^erHkil•t» in liuht blue, dark bluo, cerim-, etc. Those ntf ;ill lH>«Utiful, silky uoodi, huii\ily quiltw) Hnd will givo thwou^li s^itis'ao'iuu. The piioe nil Sfanon has been SI 75, but U) fU'fct 11 fipeedy oleHi'iiiicu of the bjilitico wo havo rodiiccvl tlioiii to less than liiilf. or eiiili 78c. 45o. to 75c. VELVETEliNS for 2%: pioccs plain and fancy Volvwtei'n.i, whicli niske a very a.s.fortmiMit. some ) for Shirt WaiHts, oth-rs for chiklron's dre-sus ,»nd othiun for raiicy work. lu all tliu of In all wu have al)iint 15 Ihuse an- pirticuhirly nice . - arc pi-ol.ably 250 yards, ivgular 45c., iiOo and 75c. KOi>d«. Every yard to bo cleared out at this vury isiiiall price â€"â-  ''^• MICN'S AND HOYS' OVERCO.ATS Worth S5.00 to SIO.OO, C'lrani.g at 62.^8 lo $5.00 Exactly 26 of these Men's and Boy's Di-o<s and Storm Ovrciais that enibrnco ncar'y «vory sizi> up tn 44. We want to .sell I'very one of llie.-o durinj; :lie next two wouKs, and .it the [nici-s wt.''vi! niarki-d tlieni hat should he lii'ily aceoniplishi.'d. Nf«:lv every coat is uuiiked at lui.s than liilf it.s actual value. Ovurooas noilh $b-QO_ to $ll).bO clearing now at 82.;i8 to 5.00 Due. AND 7.=3c. TWEEDS FUR 43j. This is jiart of aKlupmenl of ''mill enda" ni.imifautnred hy one nf thu la'gcst and best Cinadia:i ni leniiths of these vary from 2 lo 15 yaid--, rheclnhs iie n did g,ols, winier wiM-.'ht, and pitierns the best. In sea.sons fjone by wo have had splendid values in "Tweed Mill Ends'' but never anythini; this labl hbipuieiit. Your choice per yard ;'^' â- "â- ,'.;'.;; ; ;:>• 50c men's top shirts ssc In all we have about 5 dozen Men's Heavy Knitted ShirM, ass..rled sizes Tins is om- of the l)u*t half dollar linen of ShiitH we huve f vi r Keen, the colors and Wfaiiiig ipialii ion heiux of tho brbt. While they last you the bo«t 50 com Sliiit you have ever purchased fur only ilU. The nuwest aMil to H sarjjHss 43c. wo can give 30 ^ ^ ^ ^ S2.00 to 82 75 BOYS' COATS KOR §1 48 Some weeks ayo we bought several hunilred boys' odd cmta from the l.irL;est and lies' m iiiufacturiMs of el tiling. Those we have in siottlo and duublo breast in the best (lUalily of cloths we have ever had lu Boys Clothing. A good uBsortuioiit of sizes, your choice 1.48 Mmm MARKDALE ^m^f^. Centre Grey Election 'V^ have not received the complete »;«uri^ bj polling sub divisions for Centra «ircy,' Wut hire they are by townships, uliowuia.a majority for Lucaa of 1230 : ', Gillies ' ' A rirniesiii'. !"'•* . *!haiswa,t)fvA. 30 .t;<.UinnwJod,Vi.s;,-.j - • 1 Tu lOuphrasia ;'.>?":|!^.r'll!) .Holland .....r.Zip2 Markdale .... .'.i. irv. , . 37 O^^proy ..'. '•'^ Wullivnu II' Tl.onibury 50 Lucas 380 48 273 .•381 301 135 «68 2r)7 107 Total 021 2100 McKay ill Notth Groy had a majority of 271. __ A Wrong Impression To the Editor of tho Advance. Di:,\R Sir., â€" Allow mo through tho col- niui.s of your paper to make a correction. nr ritliei to slop falsehood and let truth roiu'ii in a C(>rt..iiii matter. Snme evil- dupo.Hod individual (a native of cmr buig) j has been tryinv; lo circulate a falso aia'e- (neut, V!Z , that Mr. (Jeorue Fisher got 1m]U' r at ihe (Jlobo hotel on tho ovoiiinif of liis death on tho railway, or M this man says, "ho got, hiKliipiorou the other t,ide ot the tra;k " Now, Sir, I a'li not not asking the people to u\i>- my word (lion • in the maltei but can lirini; hImi!.' (jooil reliable men who ciiiiu to my hotel wil^i ,\Ir. Kish T anil Inard me to >;,n; him liipior at tho bar or by the iM.itli either. H,- neier got one drop ..f liipior at my house thiil i'\eniii.!. It ia Hid eiioiiKh for iiiH to kiMW ^if tho aw.'ul ^eaili wh oh Mr. Kislicr met without be- ing blamed in the wionif, and 1 need hirdly say lint my li.-Rrtfelt Mymimthy goes lo his family and friends io their hi'iirsot hoimw. I re»|)ect truth and right ; I re^fH't t hm family and ndativo^, t id thus cannot lie midir a false state- ni.Mit mido I -y Olio « h iii wo know well AS asnenk and mischief maker llopin.' this may put an rml to the fabo xtaio- m'-nt« Lioiiig any fariher, nod hoping thiit Mr. Kisher'i. fi»mily. wlmni I alwav held in hiKli estee.ii, will res' e isy mi tho iiiatier, and ih.iiikn'g y'U, .Mi. Bdiior, f.>r »iu;o. I rema n yours for ri«l>', lUA SCUELL, Prop. Globe hiito', U.ylon. \ New Variety of Potato M. Labertigrie has huen making some rxperimeols n. Krniice u[ioii n uiw vari ety of potJi'O which nil only Ima the ad- iaxtsKo"' griwinif in dainp parth, hni giv, R ail entraordinary yield. Thia vari- o'y i-i known a-i S â- ! iniini Oommorsoni, *nd comos from Urn.'uny. H» obtained A'imo s|iecime|ii from I'lof. Davin of Ihe MaiKeillcn Imtsnieal uarden, who had re- roiitly secur, il Hoiiie of the pUnl*. M. {aahurfori* Wiiimencod planting the po- |f^}(M«, in • f«rtila and wet aoil ou Ih < b.uiks of a Btream. They bepau to grow re;.;ularly, and in 1904 he already had 11,500 plants. He finds that Hio yield is no less than UX) tons per hectare (which tigurea alioiit .30 tons [lor acre) in wet soil, and hut three ton? per acre in dry Boil. Tho piilalui-s are exceedingly large and weiuli 2.J pounds, and at the same time are of aood quality. Tho branches of the pliut are aa long as 12 foot. The potatoes contain a large proportion of •ilarcli, and ho liiids 17 piT cent, in tho present i^pecimeiis. The ta.ste ^.s uood and in this regard wi^l cuinpare very well with the ordinary varieties. Tho plant is coi.siderably innuencod by water and light. It appears that th» Solnniini was Ciinsidered formerly i*8 only good for cattle, but we now Hnd that it cm be devehipod so as to be nutritious and good lasting. .\t the sail o time it prefers wet soil whore ordinary pot.'\to«8 "will not flourish. Catnrrli, Pneumonia, Consum- ption Death's fateful trinity ihey aro often calleil Catarrh i'* the first singe, pneu- moiiia of'eii follows, niid consiiniption I'lially exuels tlie full penalty. Thi< can all be avoiied by u-,inK healing, baliainic Catiirrhozone, an antiseptic llirit jienet- rates the remoKst air cells of the lung^. Ciitarrboziini" reachts the entiie mucous Hurfiico nf the throat and lirea'hing aupar- a' us; It carries hoahh wherever it goes, brines ii slant relirf and is shpolutely eonain to euro. 1) m't d-^Iiiy. (S-t Cit- arrh zone to day. It moans beabli, eer- lain euro. Two monilii treatinont $1.00 trial i>izo 25j. Citarrlo zone is uuaraii- lOi'd. Farmers' Institute Meetings The cold weather is fa^t want to provide yourself with one of our sioves. Wo have on hanil a full line of cooking ra- ges, b:ise burners and all kinds of heaters. Hors;i bl.ankets, robes leather and rope liiilt<r.'i, axi-s and CMisscu! saws, a large variety to seli'ct from, washing machines and wringers. Ltirge slock of tiinvaro and graniteware, nails, locks and hinges. Stock Foods INTERNATIONAL STOCK FOOD Fatti ns .stock In .'iO days bss time. In- creases the quality of milk 15 to 25 per cent. S.ives corn or nnf.^. Your money lefumloil in any case of failiiro. You are lo be tho user aul also the judge Penolino oil â€" every gallon yuaranleed. Highest cash price for all kinds of raw fursâ€" mink, f.ix, cooii, et«. THE CENTRA L H ARD'.VA RE- C. E. Noble. SDUNDALK Flesherton Sash, Door and Planing Mills Centre Orey Fatmois' Inalituto hold a Holies of ihiitoun niue)im.'S in the rilling 'I'JrinE Febru iry, H.s'follows: Max wi-ll, .Ian 31. Bnluoioa Fid). 1, Dundalk Feb. 2, Veiilry Feb. 3, Pri<'e> ille Fell. 4, \I rkdalo Fnb. 11, lli.lland Centre Feb. 7 W,.Uer-' Fall-. Fel-. 8. Roeklyn Feb. it, Kiiiitn-'loy Feb 10, Ravenna Fib. 11, Hanks Feb. 13, Thornbury Feb. 14. The sp.-akirs anniiiinced are Ansnn Oroh, of Bi'rbii, T. II. Miiann, Straffordville, and for 'hs last four ineelings H. .lonos re- p'aees Mr. Gr'h. The nieotiiigs a 1 begin at !.:«) snd 7 30 p. m. 'riiin will probably constitute one of tho lU'st insiiui'tii siries of meetings ever held i" Centre drpy, aa w, uld ho infer red floni Ihe bat i>f Kiibje. ts to be fiis- piissod, which are as fidlows: "The h'g ns a money makir," "S'il moisture, its iiiiportan'-o â- ind cniiMorvalii.n," "Feed and care of daiiy osllle," ••Sv»iema'ie roti- tion ol eiiv,>s," "Tho farmer and the sun," "Chsnuini; c â- nilition? in Canadian xgriciil ure," "Tho stairway to siiccRs, " "Mow to msnago our fiuit orrhsnU," "The balance of nature," "Biril life and th'i insect woi Id," "Planlitiir, cultivatin/. fer'illiKing, harvesting, packing, etc." Tlio«o of our read'-rt who li»« in the vicinity wherw theno inorting* are to hfl held <hnulJ mklca • det«nnined efibrt « (m prevant. 3^1 \Vc liuvo refeivi'd •» liiig.- car of bcBl North tiliorc Wliito Pino. Parlies ex- peeling I,) build a lioiise next Buiiimcr would do well to call and seo ur niid arrange to have their Sash Door and Frames inado during tlio winter and get thom homo on tlio slrigji. \Vp ftirni!>)i cverytliing t.oeded for bnildiiij; a Iiousr. H'o will luiike prices and terms interesting. We wnntyoiir trade and will guarantee iiiRt cla^s workinaiisliip and lua. tcrial. Planing and matching done prompity. T. W. WILSON Manager Chopping eyery day BOYD, HICKLIMG & CO., '1 -FLESHERTON, ONT. An After Stock-Taking Clearance Sale r.en»...«,i-i. j .i y.,; â- .i.-r-. i.>.. uu jj. Furs Reduced Ladies' Astrachan Jackets Sizes .'i8 to 42 Ileguliir $27..30 values now 20.00. Regular SS.'j.OO value.s now $:^8.00. 'lloguiar $10.00 values now $32 50. All Caperines, Fur Rufs, Fur Caps and Fur Gauntlets at 25 per cent, less than regular Prices 1 Cold Weather f Footwear Reduced. vji Womon'.s Dongulii slipers, elastic front, ) vp >vool lined, fur triuinied at tops, > v^ sizes 4 to 7. liegular 8.5c quality j iL Womcn'.s and Misse^^' Goatskin comfort ] '^ slippers, wool lined, some fur trim- \ ^ metl, sizes 13 to 5, reg, 1.00 and 1.'25 ;. ?^ Women's Felt Boots, laced and gaiter "^ ^ Style, some all felt, some leather fix- \ 7^ ed, sizes 4 and 5 only |" •^ Kegular $1.35 and $ 1.50 J Special Reduction in Ladies Cloth Jackets Fourteen Ladies Cloth Jackets in black, fawn and Navy Wool Beaver Cloths, some plain, some velvet, some fur collars, beautifully made and finished, some sateen lined, others unlined. Sizes from 32 to 3S. Some of these sold as high as $15.00, none less than 5.00, which makes our ^L 'if^ Clearence Price extra special Children's Coats We offer the balance of line of navy Blue Cloth Coats, with \M capo, trimmed with fur and braid at ) n5c, 45c. and 65c Fancy Dress Goods in all the good colors disphiyed on our centre tables. { Any length cut to 25c. yard. To be Sure Of Good Bread use Good Elour The celebrated "Five Koscs" Flour is made from No. \ Hard Manitoba Wheat by the Lake of the Woods Millin" Co. at Keewatin, Man. It always gives satisfactionâ€" onco used, always used. TRY SOME I Put up in 1 2, 1-4, and 1-8 Bll. sacks. Also in stock Manitoba Bran and Shorts in 100 lb. Bags. Boyd, RicWing $f Co. - Z^ Tle$b«rtOn S^ - v ' t.

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