Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 26 Jan 1905, p. 1

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3Fksbrrt0ti "TRUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" '• PBINCIPLEb NOT MEN. ?0L XXIv, NO 1204 Plestierton, Ont., Thursday. January 2G lOOo W. H THURSTON, I;="''^"« llonilUTOB liETTER LATE THAN NEVER to wisli yiiu A Happy New Year >lsii hMler th;in lU'Vrr ti) 1 uv joiii' WATCHES. ClOCKS "lul JEWELLERY frc.iu ili,: iin.l.f- .si'^lllll. lUit try til cjill oni'ly â€" iloii't lu;i\o it <-ii' too itite. \V« lm\e Hir hest seleclion of .silvui ttiiie f.T iire-'cntttioiis, eti'., tvuf soj'ii ill llio iiuiiiy iif Uiuy. Don't fur!>et ilii.-ii fuc'. \V. A. Armstrong, </'3W'3//er, F Issherton Industria! Hone Kotcs Mr. E.-l.t.-T,â€" Wo (lim't cx.ietly kii'iw liow lidiv !>t.uid .ill t!io lUisiJc «n;lil, liUt ill the Lluiue cvvtyMiiii}; simmii.s iliiat jii-t n<iw auJ ivo cnii sciirccly gHt-h« r ur.i)ii,h uows tii"f'nu a l>u.l<.'i.'t a:.d iiifi-uly seiiil thesijfow uot veiy inroiC'it- •ii'g items t'> Itt yoli. kunw wo are slill in the liiul uf'^tho livins. Tiiu tirit clinioully arising in cumico- jmi with tlie walor-H'orks .system nf thi-K ostalilislimeiic occurred ii'.out ill.; miildlo of the presu'it iiMiith, whon t!\c wntor ia tlu< supply pipo from tho to the vva.s soliJiy frozni, cimsiMpioiit- ly ciiinpleroly iMitiini; oil' the sujiply of water. Mr. HarniM.", howovor, after a couple of days of assiduou.s lab ir an<l ooiwtint attention, .sueeeeded in overcom- ing the difficulty by thawing out the pipe hy the aid of an oil «tovo In the ni can- time tho house waa kept supplied with n^tvr drairii iu a threshing niachiiic taiik. It is quite poKsiblj that steps will be t ikeii to prevent a reuurrenco of this drfect ill the future. We are Horry to state that Mrs. Har- has t>een, for geveiul days, and s ill i.s, «tfrioUNly ill. A trained nurse is now nlteiidin;; her, and we hope to ba able to nport her rt'covtiy in ilie ntar future. Mrs. Varty, of Caljjary, and formerly of Flesherton, wua a vi.sitor at the Home on Thursday last. The nuuiber of visitors, la.* week, was considerable f>>r tliLs time of the yi-ar. Old Wi li nil WalktT and wife, of St. Vincen', were admitted a.s iuuiatesoii the .17th inst. Mr. and .Mr«.Th<)N.Maudorn,of Klei»her- ton arrived i-n Moiid.iy of this week. The old uuuple ieeiu <(Uite pleased with thfir surroundings. Owing to the serious iUiieHs ot Mri>. Il»rues.<, Diviiif uervice wan dispeiiNud with uu Sutiduy. -IN .MATE Ulmbcrley Rfv. Mr liuillmrt, of Fletihertoii, iiri-achud to a laijje c<>ii({ret(«tiorj in the Mitliodist ehnrch hei^f on .Sunday even- in-; last. Mr. iluillmrt is an exculloiit rpi-aker and poss- s^ea the h.ippv faculty of holdlnic Ills hi aiers si'id. bound. Mr, J. ft'-tEweii, lit Colliiiawood, RJient « low day< the p ist week with friouds in Duii.'a'i ao'l Kiniliirley. Mr lvl«ai<l Faneutt, uf Heaihcotc, to ik oliar^^e of the .Sablialh school life tin Sunday last. M. , Fawcutt waa ap- uiiiiited liy tliti convention to visit the iSalihiih selioois in this to«nsIiip. llrs. L'. HoWi;i:l, of ManitoUi, sprnt Sumliy »iih .Mr. and AIih. H. V. Oaudin of »hi» [ilaco. Kev. .Mr W'usi it holdini; a s ri.s of roviial iiieetiir>s here at ureaeiit and ia keiiHI ably a.-iled by Mr. William Gainlin, of H atlicote. Mini) (Jeilie Fawcett, o{ Iliratheole, •pent Sui.Uay wi'h her cou>iii. Mi h M I ml.- Fawcftl, > i I his pl.'Ce. Mr. H. Odlespif. of Ciainleit.Ii in vi«it- g with hiii biuUio, John. oJ tljis place Measrn, C KnortanJ.I. R. F.iwce-t atteiidKl a uieeing in .'daikdale on Mon- day io ;he intereits of tlie East Cir.ty T.d.'|.h- ne Ciiinp'ny. Mr. .1. W. Kn.itt, of MarUdale, was iu (own o;i lui^ on Monday las'. Mr Doiiiilu G;llie», of Clarkshurg, r- form cim.-idate for Centre Oi"3' addn-s- sed a niLvtin;; Iu the iiitrresis of lii.s party. Mr. iind Mrs. D. Ormsliy, of Beaver- dile vi-«iti-il friends hi-re ncenlly. Mr. Hon Knot!;, of M^rkdale, spi-nt Suiid ly at Ills pireiital hinue li.'i-e. Whitney Wins IWcFarland, Stafford & Co.'s Big Store I MAt;ei<:DALK, 0NT^\1<10 The Reform Party Completely â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" ^_â€" ^ Snowed Under. . Grey County's BIGGEST amJ CHEAPEST STORE CliaiTiberlain's Cougli Remedy the Best Made. "Ill my (â- piiiiiMi'n-il liiiM Conjh l!o iiedy is ihe liest luado fm- colds," sn s Mrs. CoiM Wak-r of P.irterxill.-, 0,.lir..r- nia. There is no ilnuut alnut its b.iii;; the best. ISo othi-r will euro a co' ipi!-jKly. No uther it a sure pri-v.Mitiitivc! |-ini.'Uiiioi'ii. X') other is si pU:a-ai't a-d s-.-.U' 10 I i!(.'. Tlu'si- are go 4 reasmts why it s'li-uid 1)0 preferred |o any otii-'-. The fact is that few people a'o sa'i.Ki.l jwith 'iny other after havinir oiieo u.i^ d ilii-i For {sale by W'.E. Rich- ardson. ,:•.;.-;..;;;]. ,. -â- â€¢,"'â- .] CLEARING THE DECKS " ITIHE GATLIXtJ GUNS have been tiiniod on all Winter (Joods ,ind the prieea 'iri-' ->- biidly .shattered. Many lines of regular gomls have Imd hi;,' c;liiinl<s I; iioi-k.-il nil' ^ef' their prii-es. Coiih- in and ,si;e tli,- wieck. Tlu-re .irc p los .if lU'lir PIllCES, y^ lyint,' ari'iiiid th.a's wuitli lookiiis; at ami wdl int.-rust you «-!iellir-r .ml !nv Imvin^ or i/S^' orly for si.nht seeing, itdmsn't cost anyihiiig to look - and y..u are imiTed. i" ;? We are on the vi r^'o of Sloi-k takini.'â€" only weeks in n-e si-lhi ,r bef.n-e we take invrnt-iry The time i« sh.. it and ..ur stock .sli.-.-i'^ innst show lj!(j,OIJU less slock than they did on li'ehiu.ny liH, l.:)lj4. .y. 69. Ru cai Meiiib.r El- ct E. r Urmre Grey Csprey Council , y The luo i.beis eleuted to the council of Osiircy for the 100.5 met at iM;i.\wcll m.i iliiuday, Jan. 9, an J h ed ihtir respec- tive declanitions of ([iiMlilicalions of idhce. The council is composed as fol- lleeve, E. W. Nonnan^ Coiincil- lois, D. W.Clinton, D.15. *Vinters, W'm. L. Taylor and Mr. Utowule. The 1 ilter was absent thi'ougb illness. The iiiiiiutes of la t meeting were read and conlinued, after which the coinmun- ications an.l accounts were read: W. H. Thurstoi., bill $ly.<lO, printing and stationery; Thomas Scott, bill S"2.15, ex- press caniiige and sundrieas; Hospital for Sick Children, a|ipeal for aid; National Saiiitaiium a.sH<iciation fur Consumptives, appeal for aid. Orders were issued ou the treasurer to pay W. H. Thurston Sl.j.00,prinling and stationery; R. Brown §&.C0; 1. Rerigo, *i.<X); John Lind.say, *5.00; Thos. Scott, $5.00; T. S Kreethy, to.OO, for service as deputy rolurniug otficeis »t elojtion, Jan. '.ind; Tlios Scott, §2 \s>. express and sundiies; M. Robinson, $3 00; Dr. Scott, «2.00; A. T. Huichin.son, ?2.00; K. Weir, $2.00; F. W. Brownlee, §2 00; lor halls useda<> pidliliK boo.ha; Hospital for Sick Children, «5.00; Dr. Scott, hall used for auminutioti meeting; Ch. a. Napier, 88.(X), charity; and Muuicip. 1 World, tb.'tb, 8«»eu iiubsoript;ous. Iiy-law<i N». 451, appointiiia Alliii- <)U, a.sHosHor; So 4o'.', appoing Jas. Polta and Robert Hcr-m auditors; No. 403, ap pointing E. NV. Not man, Thoj. Scoit, D. VV. Clinton, D. B. Winters uud V. W. lirowulue as mem hers of the local Board of Health were r.-ad the re luired number of tiiuni «ntl passed, afUr which the council adj.iUined to meet at Fvvursham on Saturday, Febiuary lllh. Cured His riother of Rheumatism "My m.itlii'r has Iw.'ii a «ulf«r.!.- for many years (rom rlieuin.-itisni," flays Howard of tlunbau.l, reiinsylvaiiiiu ".\t linii-s !<h« was uuablv to uiov.; at all, while at nil t'liii-s walblni; wan painful. 1 pr.»i-iilc-d h.-r with a iMittltt uf Chaiiil>urlaiii's Cain B.M111 an.l after a few apiiUcatiiiiiH «he det'i.le.! it was tho ni.'Ht woiulerful ludii ri^Iiev.r she liwl «vpr tried, in fact, she is never without it ii.iw .ui.l in «l all tiincH able to walk. .Vii occHsional .â- cif Pain Maliii kwp.s a\»»y the pain that Mhe w.%s f.-rmerly tn-iibUd with." Fur sulu by W. K. Kirhar(l*<n. i The cleetioii on W'l-iliu'sihiy rosnltid in ihi! co.ii| di-iMiiiili!ine of t 111- Ilc- f.inn party in On'aiio. The results show Mil ovcrwlK-liiiiiiL; iiMJi.'ity tor .Mr. Whitney- The latest sunmiarj' gave Con. 07, Ref. 2(i, a Conservative iniijority of 41 in the house. CONSKRVATIVM.S KLKPTKU A.liliiiiiton, .V!;,'(iiiia, lii-aiit X, Briui.i .S, Bruce C Ciirdwell, Ciirluloii, Dutferin, Diiii- (las. Diirh.ini I'", anil W, Kl;,'iii K and W", KIkiii K. Ksi'i-x N. Kniiiti-nac, l''t. Williimi, (iicii- \iUe, (!n;v S iniil V,. Haiinltiiii K ami W.llas- tiiij;s \' and W, Ilunm S. Kent K, Lanihtnn K .iiid \V, i..aiiarl: N an.i S, Li-iin.ix. Loiidiin, .Manitmilin IHII. Miilill.-suv E and N, Muskiika. N.irf.ilk .S, .V.iitlnniiln-rlaml K, On- Sarin .S, Dtt^iwa, Oxford .S, I'arrv .Smiid, I'l-rth .N' and S, I'ct.-rbom Vi, Port Arthur, Uenfrcw N an.l S, .S nice C and W, Stiir- uiiiiit, Toisinto A, Victnria I'i an.i W', Wati-iluo N ami -S, Wcllaiiil, WelHiiifton \V, Y..rk K, N and W. ki;for.mkr.s elkctkd Brant S, linickvill... Unice N, I-:sseN .S, (Jlengariy, <!ri-y N, Hid.liniaiiil. llnrnn K, Huron \\', Kiut'stiiii, Miildlvsex W, Monck, Noithuiiilierlaiiii W, Ottawa 1 member, Ox- ford N. reel, I're.sciitt, I'rinc.; Kilwar<I,RnHHcl, .S.Hilt tit.?. -Marie, Siincoo K, Wentworih N, WVllinjctiin K. Out ..f till' '.18 seats a few could not In; re- |Kirte<l. Mr. Ituss' i'li.eti.>n is certain in West Miiltllcs.^x. His majority will 1>« imdei fifty. Mr. Urydrn is defeated in South Ontario. Fire destr-iyed the house c»ccupic<l by Mr. Alf. Nieh .Ison near Corhetti.n or, FriiUy morniiia n.-*t. .Mr Nicholvn wa.i nul nt home and Mrs. Nichidson waa at the barn milking theciwi when tho I !««« Hiarted, and so i|uick wan^he deilruutlon that nothing was aivvd. TIte lum ia con niiioi able ami »ery serj.'ws to thcin. - U.<r»lJ. Mr. C. Mcl'herson, Passenger Agi-nt of tho Canadnin I'acitic Railwiy, predieti that ii; ten years tho Tnited States will buy the Canadian wheat for home con- aumptioii. Gxcitemout has boi-n caused at Orillia by tiie disap|icuranee <if .Alexander Mc- Grimmaii, cattle dealer, and mana-^er of the D.-.lion Cattle Company, llis books show » shortage of §15.iJtlO to $20.00(1. The compiny is composed of OHllia men. Duiii'g the last year McGriintiiHO became l.iose in his m--thods, althougli he was a shrewd, caieful Scot, and hail the iinpli- eit conti.leiice of Ihe in. ml its 1 f the c<ni pany. The coiiipaiiy'.s ranch eon.sista of ten thousand acres in the township of U.dtoii, County of Oi.t.-iii", with Liruo siables at Oighy and niiothei cloao to Or- illia. .MclJriminan a iinthod of operating was to make a shipment .rf cattle, and on y account for half of it 011 hia bo..ks. The defal.a'ions have 1 cell going on Kiiicc March No town will hpoiiic a good business ceiitte as l"iig as the majority ot its biisin.-as in. 11 r. ly upon a lew merchants to bring trade to town. Too i.ffs-n nn-i. i'l a fe-v liii.-8 I'i tiaile are about the ones ihat iciuh cut after Other mcrchaiits wait uinil these men liiHneiice pcple lo town and content ihenist-lvcM with tra.!.? that natuially drifts to their to til. ir plice. \ public apiriicd iiiao lUiks hiniself Is he is doiin; his part to attract people to .Mine fi town. Any person who inilucea people t'l comn to t..iwn to traile is lielpii.u the entire couiniumty, and no town in a sueccsH unless all hnea ot trade are work ing to exlen.l bUKinuiss as far as p.HutibUi and iryiDg to bring » larger ti-rrit'>ry in the circle of which the town is the busi- ceiitre. A ICID ULOVE P.AiiiiAl.V 'A'e |.ui oil sale . Wciliies'liiy eveninix .j.S pair Liiiliis' Eino French ICid (ilnvcs. as- .-nlti-d 1 rowns, t.ii.s iilid l)l,-ic!is (MlM^^ly In-'-wns) llic popular .^liads, fom lij- i.i To These i^liives ive a line we seciiroil lit a 1-ig in pr:co and le help along the midwitil..-r sale. \Vc ha\-c made the prioo haver ihiin ever wo ^n!.! kid gloves ai before. He^'iihir values 51, Mile price ;!'.)u rilic tiENT.S'TlES FOR !,;o 20 diiisen Min's EIoauio End .Silk Tic;, a hainltomu riinoe of doigns in I'glil, dark and medium shade silks. This lot wo >-OL-u}-ed frcin a whoI'Mile hmise and wa.s the clearing up of their different lines uf .jOc ..eekwe:ir The ties are much h-.s.s ihan half regular price. This week lOo I SI LAUIE.S <; A U NTLETS FOR li'Jc j 17 pan- Wciiuoirs Iinitation Curl Gaunt- ' lets in black and Grey, uoid kid facing', long enll's, Meeey lined hands. Regular value .§1.00 per pair. Sale price 0!)c 2')c GLASS BERRY BOWL 12U 72 Glass Berry Bnwls, nicely carv.d, 7- iiich size, gond deep ^hapo, rejjular value 20c, sale price 12.J i 10c GLASS PICKLE DISH FOR 5c ' lOi) Glass Pickle Dishes, nicely carved, old'ing bhapc, regular value 10c, sale price 5c 1 2.)c WOOL HOSE FOR 12k 48 p.iir Heavy Ribbed Wool Hose, sixes <!, Gi^, 7 and 7i, very suitable for l)ny»' and uirls' school Blockings, or over- Ntockiiius Regular values 25c per pair. Sale price 2 pair for 25o I 25c CHINA CUPS and SAUCERS 8e ! 10 dozen fancy dt>corated China Cups ami ' Saucers, diHurunt sizes and shapes, nicely decorated in pink and red, regular value ' 'lac each. Sale price 8c 40c SET G L A SS W ARE FOR 2oc 50 sets glass (6 pieces) sugar bowl, butler I di'.h, spoon holder and cream jug, nice . design, large size, usually gold ut 40c set. Midwiutur sale price 25c litJe CAKK STAND.S VOW lOc 10(1 'Jiass Cake Siinnls, incliu n sizcirood (]ii:iliiy gliiss. Tln-s.- guoils wo imi.urt ili:ecl fioni the Anu-rieaii iuiinut".icliii-i-r. lligiilai- prices -'Oc, .sale price lUe 81.(1.") W( J MENS FKLT lidOT.S m •>:) •Ju p:iir W", linen's Felt lioois. Tln-si- .iru .•i.ssoit.d, nil thai is K-ft of iwn of our best .seiiiiig lines, .soiiu! all folt ^.lilclM wi h lei" ?o|es and li.-els, extra warm, oiliors hill her fii\eil h ith li-ilher heel .-uil S'.le, ad s'ze.s, ;i to 7, in tlio lui. Tia-y were gond value ai .Irl.tio a pair, .«iih) price .*1.'_".) S-1.85 MEN'S FELT BOOTS ?l.y'.) 22 pails Moi.'s Felt Gaiters, nice (|tiHlify, line felt with L'liOil ehis'ic, solid leather soles and lieeis, very iViMii and comf-U'l- alilc to wear under luWIiur or overshoe, a 1 sizes () to il, regular value SI..S5. sahi price .« g!2..50 FELT BOOTS FOR $1 G!) 12 pair Men's Extia Heavy Felt Laced Boots, extia liiLih cut leg, heavy felt Soles and lieil.s, lined with fur, the w.-inn- est footwear in the nnuket, regular value §2.50, .sale price 81-(i!t 81.00 FANCY FOOT STOOLS 48c. 25 Fancy Foot Spools, .nadc from line velvet rug, with gilt wood riiii and leys, a bii! assortment of hand.some torus, a Imndsome, useful and urnanontal novelty, regular value ^l.OO.sala price 4t4 10c PHOTO FRAMES FOR 5o 72 only haiidsoine Celluloid Photo Frames lovely designs, rcg value 10c, sale price 6 37i« PHOTO FRAMES FOR 14c 12 only handaonie Wood Franie.s. nicely carved, in big vatu-ty cidorings and de- signs, glass front, reg 37 ic, sale price 14 16c MEN'S LINEN COLLARS 7c. 20 dozen Mens Liin-n Collars, all sizes 14 to Itt.J, asaurted styles, stand up, double hands, turn corner, etc , all koo.1 3- ply English Collars, always sold at lac eatdi, snIu price 7 McFAKLAND, SXAFFOI^D Sc CO PI^OTON STATION STOI^E W. Hockley 1905 W. Hockley Now that we have entered on a new year wn take this pri\ile._'<! of nmny cusiouicrn for their libeial pstionago in the jmst. .-Vinl at t N.'W Ve*r wo arc going to give thirty days uf spi-oial bar<.:Hiiisas follows: r. lbs. good Ja|Kin Tea $1 00 3 lb. Ih.j smla biscuits Regular .'(dc. .lapan Tea 20 5 It.H. Fresh Prunes 25 5 lbs. Fr. sh Dates 25 ;! packag. 8 Til.son'n Oats ♦> 4 lbs. clean eiirranta 25 7 Ib.s. choice rice 25 lb. Fiesli Fins S large Burs Soap 1 lb pi.ckii..;e Salada T. a. . . . '{ laittlea bt-Mt extriids 3 lbs Fancy Bi.seuits . ."..,>..., 10 lbs. Sulphur .. thanking our lie lirst of the ? 2:1 25 25 pairs men's heavy winter pants good value at ?;! 25 for . . 25 pairs lieivy iwecd pants reeular 92.25 special at Great barijains in men's winter caps. Mjc lines for A niiiiibi-r of men's all wool twe.'d suits rcdnee<l to 15 Ladies winter shins, black and navy in col-u', snap .it. .. A large stock of U. A A. oorseia, regular 81 25, to be .sol-1 fo Vou out secure here tne tn-st tlaitin-h tte blmikets for Wo can make yo a stylish tui|.ir»-d suit for We h.t^e a l-iige as».ii tinent of fancy tamps. m ^s S2 4;> T !t5 :t5 4 m 2 ih'i <I5 im 12 OH Come and tiyonr jn-nnoline coal oil it is nil right. We soil Interiiaiioiial StiK:k an<l Poultry PoikI. Special prices made on lii'ge intils. \V. tlOCKLEV Proton rftutioo V:. â- '-â- ' Ii 1« V • •'J Buit<'r in rolls ami printv per lb Fresb eggs, per 1?< 2*

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