January 19 1905 THE FLESHEHTOH AIjVANCB !^5»- WWWWWW F. T. HILL & CO. WWWWWW^ JANUARY - SALE - PRICES Y^i^INTER GOODS of every description are now being sold here at the smallest prices we've ever known, quality and style considered. In two weeks we take stock and want quantities in each department i educed to the smallest pos- sible points. That means buying opportunities now that will not be repeated this season. Kead on 81.76 LADIES' UNDERSKIRTS for 78a. We liave exactly 27 Ladies' Mercerized Sateoti Uiinderakirts in liijht blue, dark blue, ceriao, etc. These are all beautiful, silky goods, heavily quilted and will give thorough BatisFaciuu. The price all setisoa has been Â¥1 75, but to effect a speedy clearaucu uf the buhiDce we haro reduced them to leas than half, or each 78c. 45o. to 75c. VELVETEENS for 29c. In all we have about 15 pieeca plain and fancy Velveteens, which make a very cnmpletn assortment, some of the&e are particularly nice for Shirt Waists, others for children's dresses and othera for fancy work. In all there are probably 250 yards, regular 45c., oOc and 75c. goods. Every yard to be cleared out at this Very small price 29c. MEN'S AND BOYS' OVERCOATS Worth $5.00 to $10.00, Clearing at f 2.38 to $5.00. Exactly 26 of these Men's anJ B'ly's Drees and Storm O\?ercoats that embrace nearly every size up to 44. We want to sell every one c theee during the next two weeks, and at the prices we've marked them ihat should be easily accomplished. Ntarly every coat is marked at less than half its actual value. Overcoats worth $5.00 to $10.00 clearing now at $2.38 to 5.00 56c. AND 75c. TWEEDS FOR 43e. This is part of a shipment of "mill ends" manufactured by one of the largest and best Canadian mills. The lengths of these vary from 2 to 15 yards, the cloths are solid goods, winter wei);ht, and patterns the newest and beat. In beasnns gone by we have had splendid values in " Tweed Hiil Enda " but never anythin(( to s surpass this last fihipmeut. Your choice per yard 43c. 60c MEN'S TOP SHIRTS 3Sc 'I In all we have about 5 dozen Men's Heavy Knitted Shir's, assorted sizes. This is one of the best half dollar lines of Shirts we bbve ever seen, the colors and wearing qualities being of tb« best. While they last we can give you the beat 50 cent Shirt you have ever purchased for only 39 $2.00 to $2 75 BOYS' COATS FOR $1.48 Some weeks ago we bought several hundred boys' ndd cuata from the lari;est and best manufacturers of Canadian Cl'ithiiig. These we have in single and double breast in the best quality of cloths we hare ever bad iu Boys Clothing. A good assortment of sizes, youi choice 1.48 \ww MARKDALE IWW,W^ LUCAS-GILLIES No Third Party in This Election The nominations for East Grey for the f>ending provincial elections were held in the town hall on Wednesday, Sheriff Moore of Owen Sound presiding. The names submitted were : Donald Gillies of Olarksburp, nominrted by Dr. Bibby, seconded by W. W. Trimble j I. B. Lucas of the village of Markdale, nomi- nated by J. A. Boyd, seconded by Lou- don Wright. A public meeting was held at 2 p.m. as which Mr. Uitlios, the He- iorm candidate, and Dr. Sproule on be- half of Mr, Lucas, addressed the audience. A Seedless Apple Canadian orchardists should keep their -eye on the Spencer apple, tho new seed- less and corelos* apple which is desfined to be to the apple market what the navel orange is to tbo orange nmrkets â€" the leading favorite. That the Spencer apple is a well-flavored, winter-keeping fruit, absolutely and pernianenlly seaJless and ourelcss is now a well-established fact. There are now about two thousand trees in existence, all sprung from the first live and iu a short time no doubt the number will largely iiicroise, Tho Nineteenth (.'entury and After, in the last number, had a very interesting article on this new evclution of the iipple-grower's artâ€" for such it appears to be. And the patient and skillful urclmrdist who brought it to perfection, claims, if we rend aright, that h-j can render any of the leading varieties Heedless, It is a ijueslion of time and tare and patient "breeding". Ami among its advantages is reckoned the fact that, as the tree has no bright-colored, scented blossom, but only a rudimentary and green substitute for one, the codlin moth one of the apple-grower's great post!<, is not tempted to it. Those n ho know what (he seedless orange is as compurad with other varieties, can realize wlint tlir seed- iest apple will bo a* compared with other apples. As we said at tho beginning, uur orcbsrdists will d} well to keep their cys on it, and prepare for tho coming icvulation in tho apple luaiket. â€" Guar- dian. Mr. Edward Kidd, M.P. for Carleton, will resign in favor of Mr. R. L. Bnrden if the electors of the riding consent, snd ^he new alcetion will be held immediately The Northern Navigation Co. haatin •uoii % writ gainst the exMutors of the ^te J. J. Long for $87,000. The Elora Poultry ai\d Fni; Farm C ). has been incorporated with $40,000 cap- ital of $100 shares. Thay plirpose going into tho poultry business extensively, and have secured a section of land adjoining Elora. Cured His flother of Rheumatisin "My mother ha» been a sufferer for many years from rheumatism," saya W.II. Howard of Husband, reniiHylvania. "At times sh« was unable to move ut all, while at all t.ines wftlkinu was [.ainfij. I preseutedthcr with a bottle of Chamberlain's Pain Balm and aftiT a few applicitions sho decided it was tho most wonderful pain reliever she bad iver tried, in fact, iihe is never without it now *nd is at all tiniOB able to walk. An occasional api)lication of Pain Balm keeps away the pain that she was formerly troubled with." For sale by W. E. Ru-hardaon. How Many Ballots Will Be Polled? The Mall and Empire OtUra Elchty Scvtn Cash Prl»* Worth $500. It (lays just now to be a close student of public events, with some knowledge of the theory of probabilities. There is money in it. This fact has become wide- ly apparent of late, as is shown by the hundreds of persons in Canada who have sent their predicti'ins of the total rote to be polled at the Ontario Election on January 25th to The Mail and Emiiire Oflice, Toronto, with the hope of obtain- ing the first prize of 1100 in cash for the closest guess, or one of tho 80 other cash prizes. These predictions vary widely, anil tho perplexing features of present contest make almost all of them eijually probubln. As a matter of fact tho Hcien- tilic politician stands in very little advan- tage over the casual estimator. The details of this competition will bo found in the current issues of Tho Toroiiro Daily and Woekly Mail and Empire. Prediciions will be received up to midnight of January 24th. Tho vote on (he statute labor queMtion in Derby Bt.oo<l 241 in favor of the new system of abolishing statute labor and 08 in favor of returning to the old system of statute labor. Stomach 1 roubles and Constipa- tion. "Chamberlain's Stomach and Liver Tablets am the best thing for stumach troubles and constipation I have ever sold," ssys J. R Cullman, a druggist of I'oltervillc, Mich. Thoy are easy to take and always give a.itisfaction. I tell my customers to try them and if noisUiafac- t'.ry to tome back and gel their money, hut have never had a complaint." For sale by W. E. Richardson. The cold weather is fast approachir.g.you Wiint to provide yourself with one of our stoves. We have on hand a full line of cooking ranges, base burners and all kinds of heaters. Horse blankets, robes leather and rope halters, a.xes and crosscut saws, a large variety to select from, washing uiachinos and wrinpiers. Large stock of tinware and graniteware, nails, locks and hinges. Stock Foods INTEUNATIC'.VAL STOCK FOOD Fattens stock In .30 days less time. In- creases the quality of milk 15 to 25 per cent. Saves corn or oats. Your money refunded in any case of failure. You are to be the user and also the judge* Penoline oil â€" every gallon guaranteed. Highest cash price for all kinds of raw furs â€" mink, fox, coon, etc. THE CENTRAL HARDWARE- C. E. Noble. SDUNDALK Flesherton Sash, Door and Planing Mills OLJlJl We liavo received 4 large car of best North Shore White Pine. Parties ex- pecting ta build a house next Butntner would do well to call and see us and arraugo to Lave their Sash Door and Frames made during the winter and get them home on tho sleigh . We furnish everything needed for btiilding a Iionse. We will make prices and terms interesting. We want your trade, and will guarantee first clabS workmanship and ma- terial. Planing and matching done promptly. T. W. WII.SON Manager Chopping every day 7 /iwi'.;is^$'v/l's/f\/fv/V^,T»,!l /f./Tv>F!./F./lf..^fl/f^V/T/l^?»\^.l'/fv7R T ^ p. BOYD, HICKLING & CO., 1 FLESHERTON, ONT. Some Money Savers Ladies' $1.50 and $1.75 Boots FOR ONE DOLLAR 35 pairs Ladies' Fine Boots â€" some lace â€" some buttonâ€" in dongola and box calf^new lastsâ€" meda ium and wideâ€" patent and self toes â€" broken sizes, but 2^, 3, d^, 4, 5 and 7 are included. Regular $1.50 and $1.75 lines. One Dollar A Special in Dress Goods at 25c A selection of 25 patterns of Fancy Dress Goods â€"double widthâ€" 40 to 45 inches wideâ€" in wool, silk and wool, and fancy mixturesâ€" good colors,iucluding reds, greens, greys, fawns and blues in two tone effectsâ€" suitable for any purpose, but particularly for children's dressesâ€" any desired length cut. These goods sold in the regular way from 45c to 75c yard. >^// at one (Blearing ^rice, 25c -^ Special Prices in Furs ^ Bargains in â€" v|^ Men's Fur Coats ^ Ladies' Fur Mantles, X Caperines Kuffs Stoles Capes ft To be Sure of Good Bread use Good Flour The celebrated "Five Roses" Flour is made from No 1 Hard Manitoba Wheat by the Lake of the Woods Milliner Co. at Keewatin, Man. ** It always gives satisfactionâ€" once used, always used. TRY SOME I Put up in 1 2, 1-4, and 1-8 Bbl. sacks. Also in stock Manitoba Bran and Shorts in 100 lb. Bags. Boyd, l^icklind $ eo.