^» T it E F L E S 11 E R T N ADVANCE September 15 1904 9NE Vicinity Chips riiaractcrlstics of tkc Tast Week OrvhiHy C«ll«d f«r the Curious â- «»«â€" Fresh Hums a!naya on hand. J.H. Diickett, Eugenia. Owen Siiund Imporial Gemeiit for salo \>y F. G. Kiirstedf. The Globe nnnoutices that * Domini' iii vlection iu provable in November. Youni; pins jiigs for Siile, lour weeUa •old. W lo. Patoii, C«yli)n. Mr. BHd Mrs. Will Denthiin-. i.f Dun- kiik, N. y., are visiting with reladves 3iere. Iluv. Jiihn SiafFoid is vi-jitin? rtliilives liere. He has jusl returned from a trip to England. D urin'4 the balance dF this Reason ice cri-ain ttiid st-Ja wiU ho swrved only Wed- mesdiiyi! and Saturday's at the Medical Hall, Flesherton. Diedâ€" In Montclair N. Y., Aug. 21, Alfred E. the infant son of Thomas and Allies Rutledne, agnd five monthB, 2 dnys. aiitis E. CroA.slrty. who has heen visit- iiiU frienii-iu Iht: cicy-for a f«ttBight, re- turned homo on Sal-urduy. MisH Chriatene Richardson, irho has Veen viniiing wiih friends ni Owen Si-und tor some weeks, returned home Monday. For some wneks wc havo been struggling with an overplus of job work, but thig week will sec the slite cleared and the conditions normal once more. Send in your entries for East Grey falj f.iir at Flesherton, 27th and 23th inst . All entries inu.st be made at least a day lUi&iro goods to be exhibited ar-a shown. Sir. and Mrs, John Hargrove, sr , g>-av. el road east, have returned home after making a pleasant visit with Mia. Dun gsn iMcDrjnald of Toronto. Bliss Zilla Trimble, who ha.s baen liv- ing with her grandma in Detroit for a «(mple of years, is visitini; her parents licr-j at present. IMl-, p. H ron, of L >ndon, Mrs. J. D, Morgan and Miss Minnie and Miss Manila Egiui, of DundalU. called on Mr. and ilrs. Uuaatadler one day recently. Si-nce July 1.5 last this office has turned out lUl printed pascea <i.'t pamphlet work anil 2000 copies of bound pnmphlet.s, in s4Ji'ion to other tra nsieiit ji'b printing. -One steam grain threshing o«tlit coin, jilewi, also dover threeher, tank and wag on, for sale cheap. For particulars coin' ifiuniuate with Fieghan Bros., Eugenia. The Ospiey prize list thii year made a j)am|ihlet of 41 piigos. The oxiiibitioii is at Feversham on Oct. C aud 7. The prize list is now being distributed by olie Kecreiiary, J. A.. Keruahan, Feversham. Mr. Charley Boyce, of Stone's lino, bad a pitch fork accidentally run through the palm of his hand at a threshing one day jccent'y. While the wound is a paiufu^ one it does not kacii Chartoy ia bed. Word ti.-rs been . received that Mr. Charley Richardson wou'd sail from Eng- land on the 15ih inst., accompanied by his sister, Miss Joshie, who ha.s been with relatives in Enpland for several years past. ' Mr. \V. Caswell of tho Toronto line South banded iu a fiinuus of the pulFball variety on Monday which discounts any- thing we have ever seen in that lino for diinerihions. The liune ball measured fifty .seven inches iu circumference and weighed IPi pounds. The diopping of a in tho couiici' minutes 1 •«! is-Ui> made a motion appear ridiculous. Mr Lawrenee was pail ten doliars for the job at the Boyne bridge near the station, not ono dollar as the motion made it read. As printed tho pub! c would think a dollar was imid fcir uv erseeing a dollar job. Miss Maud- Richardson, wh i for a lotjs ti me has been f-tudying art under MclJil. vuryKnowhs and Forster of Toronto, lia."" been offered and has accepted a po»i- t on as art prufcstor in Alii'a ladies' coi- Joiie, St. ThomaR. She entered upon her duties this week. This is cestsiqly a tri - \\ inph for one of our Floshcrtoii (>irU and i.un';ratulatioijs are in order. Owing to diHiculty U) securing s teacher f<« the llockvale public school, Miss iUnnah Sthfford, who has taught the «cho<j| for the past three years, Kuppliid for the few wctiks since schiml npanud Thtt trustees have now engitKed the ser- vices of Mr. Halo of Fever.ham, who cntviid upitD his duties Ittkt weak. Miss Kyffuid It>ft on Monday tf this week to ktttfMl jIvrjnkUS chuol in Toronto. S5' ^ }§ ^ ^ ^ Fall Announcement In buying Footwear come where you can save money. We beg to remind our friends that wo keep a good stock of Boots aiu\ Shoes from the bestmaker.s and constantly making additions. Besides seHing factory boots don't overkwk the fact that we make a specialty of hand-made Bocts antl Shoes, nrjuie out of the best material that can be got. Bring in your order. Eepairing protnptly attended to. We have also a stock of Trunks, Valises and Suit Cases selling cheap. iUso a r;uietyof Shoe Dressiag ©f tlie best that can be had. Give us a call. CLAYXONT - - Fl-csherton l^^^V^ ^ ^ ^ ^ The Advance h»tes an oki item *s bad- ^ ly as a Udy dues last year's Bui«iery. i Give us personals and other items while they are fresh. Dou't wait until your fiiciids have been with you several weeks befure telling us. It's a courtesy you owe your visitors to see that their arrival is mentioned, and in seaSiU. Mr. George Stuart and wife, lat< of Kimberley, moved to town on Monday o this V eek and took possession of tho residence lately occupied by Mr. Jolin Slieppard oviposit e tluj Presliytadan .church. Wo eiteud the ricUt ha«d of fellowship to Mr. and Mrs. Stewart. Canada has reached another Biilefitonfi. It can now boast ^ tcaiu robbei-y aU ite own. Of course it was ne&r the boi'dor and tho bold robbers got away hom« with 810,000, but the event occured ou Cana- di;in Territory. This is a growing lime. Arteniesia fall fair prize list will be in tho hands of the secretary, Mr. Neil Mc- Kimion. Pricevillo. whon this issue reach- es its readeri'. The date of the show is uufortunately tho same as Osprey, Out. C and 7. It \& iKjw a matter of only two w<!eka until the E.i.st Grey fall fair is with us. Large lulls were printed last week giving spectal ainiouncements. The usual speed- ing contests will be he!d again this yoan Get your exhibits ready, and don't forget to bring them to the East Grey fair at Fleahcrcon on Sept 27-28. Something like an epidemic of fever appears to have taken a hold of this sec- tiou, there being four cases in the villuge, Tho.se who are suffering from the attack are Mr. .John Whittoi, Mr. tierb. Smith, Mr. Win, Wright and Mra, W. H. Bunt. Tho fev.ur JK of S.U mtermitlent natuie iind appears hard to cope with. .â- Vmong the xietims Mr. Ili-rb. Smith appears to ba suffering most, and is quite low. Two li;tlu sons of Mr. John Chard of the Toronto 1 ue are also suftcrin,' from a similar fever. D:-. Carter has all the cases in hand. Mos.-!i.s. Boyce and R. Wriuht purchr asid a new thresher and engine this sea- sonâ€" ono of the liowiii-,' threshers which stacks its own straw. Messrs. Boyce and Wiiglit are oow, and jii.stifiably, of the blowing kind tliemselves, and think they have a pretty nice thing. At any rate the niachine works to [lerfection and the proprietors have ail tho work cut out that tliey can a'.tcnU to, Tho AdvMice ijKii the plea.'Ui'C of teuiii:; the machine at work Satur.lay on ths farm of Sir. James Muutgoji^eiy, Orange Valley. It is a labor saver and a pieco of machinery thi.t fit pioprietor.s must take pleasure in running. Fall Fairs ^lectric Railway Matters. Mf. R. J. Sproule altendiid a uieetin{{ <if directors of the Huron and Ontario electric raihvay eoiuijjany luUd io Walker; ten ou Tiiesiay of last week, tjie burliness bei4)^' a rcorg»nii'Mlion of the boaiKl, On Tliurnlay t incuting of tlm fiew board was held in Tor^>nto when coiiditaiops of transfer of thu charter were accepted and r«orgnui7.ali'>ii ci'inpletod. Wo have not a compluto list of names of the new board, of which I hero are ftftcen nieni' born, but a partial lisi is as follows : Messrs. Milpe, May, Ellis, tiowelU and Murray, Toronto; Messrs. MoNainsrs, Robvrt.son and Judge Klino, Walkerton ; Cimeton of Meafurd, and U. J. Sproule. FUsherioD. Enghioera will go ovar ths cruund before the 2f)ih inst., aud Mr. May, the contractor, has given aecurily to begin conatractioo b«for«Juljr 1, 1906^ Flesherton, Owen Sound Orangeville Osprey, Feversham.. Atrcmesia, Priceville -Sept. 27-28 . . . . Sept. 23 ^ . Sept. 29-30 Oct, f>-7 Oct. 6-7 Oavis~Ross A pretty wedding took place at the residence of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Ross, Toronto Junction, on Wedocaday, Sept. 7. when l4ieir eldest daughter, iVI.iy, was uiiitod in matrinn'ny to Mr. George Oaris of Ha-volock. Jliw Rosa liv*d at Flesherton Station soma years ago with her parents and is wel' known hero. The ceremony was per^ foKued by Rev_ Mr. Pigeon of the J.unc- tion. The bride wcs asstst^xl by hesr sister, Miss Olive, and the groum by ibo bride's broihtr, Mr. Edward Ro,s8. Tho house was beautifully decorated with fliiwers and fernery, and the cero-noiiy tookplace under a boll wreath of flowers. The bride carried a handsome bonrjiii't of orange blossoms and maidenhair fern. Tite lajdal costume was very Irfcudtome, ike brees being of drab silk triiumod wirli lace and chiffon. The bride.sinaid c.irriod a bouiiuet of pink carnations and ferns. I'ho bridesmaid's costume was of ladies' cloth trimmed with silk and chitf'iii. The presents were unusually handsome and numerous, the list beijjg too lengthy to publish. TliO wedding party lefc tho 6>me evening for their homo art Havelock amid the congratuj-itiona «f many friends .^niong the guests preseut fioiu a distance i vei'e Mrs. J<;bn Buss and Mrs. R. Heron of Max«el1, i\iui Mr. and Mn>. H. .\lox snder of I'l'Iesbei-ton. heiaoache: ! Neuralgia and NcrvoMsness curcjJ tjuickly by A I A Y HARMLESS HEADACHE ANQ »! J ' 1 /\ NEURALGIA CURE. No heart depre«kion. Greatest cure ever discovered. Take no other, loc and 35c. All dealers or direct from 4UST1M &Cu. Simcoe, Out. Money batjcif i).ot saiisfud Notice Notice iH hovoby i^ivon fchat a romfc will Ip luilcJ, purt^unnt to tho Cntnrio Voitr.-i' l.ihts A<^t, by bis Honour tho juIko of tho ''(nii.ty Court of the County of Groy at iho '('own Hull Klehborton.on Hio ;WLb day of ^eptonbtir. P.ti-l, at tou o'olocl;, n. 111.. to boiir and tbitei tiunt] thu F^voie) coiii^'liiiiits of tirroiH mid oininiusioiiH in Votct-H' Litit of thu Muuici|iAlity- u( ArtmnuBta for 1004. AH i»arROo« bavin;; htitiiiicKS at tbo Court aro reqii;;ftte(l to H^.tund tM^ t\iti (^aid tiiiiu uiid \>\tiCi , W, J, HK;^LAMY,CJerk of Artomosia. DfUad Kept. 1:% L>->i)it STUDENTS ADMITThD Al TIME. ANY XOEONTO, ONT. A High Grade Commercial School. Strictly first-el iss in all departments. Magnificent catalogue free. Write for one. W. J. ELLIOTT, Principa', CoiQor \oU(;u fmd Ajoxaoder streots. HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . The place to get Ihti best Pli«t>^ is at BULMBR5 I'HaTUfiR.iPH GALLERY. SPECIAL ATTENTION We pay Special Atteutiopt4> C()pying and Babies' pictures. ^i.:ture fram- ing a specialty'. Try us for any kind of pictures aud wa will proniisesatisfaction. Sydeuhsni street. FI««h«rt«B f'k!:k^^^'>^?l^:k:Z-2?ji: ,i:a^i^ml^if^r-;^iij7^^^^ Just One Month More r 1 -'^-ifc-a< /^WING to the STRIKE in all labor lines ^> f in Toronto we have been delayed in f getting our new premises ready and as ? we will be here for the month of September we will try and make it the red letter month of our sale. We have at present about nine thousand dollars worth of goods to sacrifice in Boots and Shoes, Groceries, Dry- Goods, Ready-to-Wear- Clothing. As the time is getting short for us to be in Flesherton a word to the wise is sufficient to have them call and pick up some bargains. Everybody knows now that prices in all lines are going to be much higher this fall, so to save money is to buy now at greatly re- duced prices. ^ We will be albe to save you from thirty to j forty per cent on mo.st lines from what you ,) will pay this fall. You can depend on getting \ ), a bargain if yon call as we must clear all the i >> I goods out. J.^ ^wâ€" JW,â€" B.-J5,- "T-^r=^T^^^ T. J. SHEPPARD Sproule's Block Fleshkrton Ki § DO U G L ASS' FAR-FAHED |[-| udson (C ondition Oowder when usu'l with any sort ef stock will always produce FOB .SAiaS A-t nEOlCAL HALL g 25c. per pound or $1.00 for 5 pounds, i^- ;; â- ) . If We are just receiving a new supply of ^ I School Books - # for the opening ; "f^^^â€"-""- Th3 NEW PRMERpart i and | 3. Everything in school wants. J Richardson & Son 1 DRXJOOISTS ^