Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 8 Sep 1904, p. 5

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< T il R F L E S II E R T N ADVANCE September 8 1004' ^ i ^9m Vicinity Chips ;^^^^M^^f?C^*"<*^^€X^^1C^Â¥M^??^'C'5€*^^'5§^ IMPORTA.j^rT Fall Announcement rUaractcristics of the Pnsl Week <'arrfwlly Culled for the i'lirjftijs FreMj lime aliraya on J. FT. Duciiett, Eugenia. The first gruiu nf tlie season was mar- Iceted here on Tufsday. Lalwr Day wa« not generally obseroJ â- s a holiday here. Owen Sound Imperial Gcmetit fur sale liy F. G. Karstedt. An UDUstially larse niioilwr of citizens h.<v.ire attended tho T..rrmt« fair this year. Mws Myrtle Thurston left on Monday to attend MmI<'1 Scbcol at Durham. Mr?". Rohett Slirialey, of Xewmarket, ar.d d.iu^jhier, Mi.HS Laura, are tjuesta of Mrs. Joy and fumi'.y. jr-. ai d Mrs. John Sheppard left on Tuesday for Toronto Junction. Their furni'ure was shipped la«t week. Mr. ai.d Mrs. J. E. Fawcetf, who liave been holidaying here, returned lo their home at Norwsy on Monday. Bigger lar^aius than erer at Shep- jAtd's in all lints, as the time gets short- er the bargains gtt big-.,'er. C.aII and ^ot some. Mr. Harry Stewart, who h.-w been a.s- sis'.ing hi3 brother in harrestiiig operat- ion!" left last week ft>r St. Pauls Ont, to reuew his occu"p;\tioii of cheesemaking. Ker.Mr.Wa."S and family of the Eugen- ia circuit will take possfssinn of the resi- di^nce recently vacated by Mr. Douglas, next to Mr. Bluckbarn's. One milirary riJins; s.vlJL'; 1 heavy .set mounted sfnsjle hamesa; I pnlper, new: 1 good cutter; 1 sinule wagoti and bobs'oighs to be sold. Apply to Tuok. Sheppard. Rpmeuiber gooJs are gcing fo be very much dearer this fall than in the p:Lst, so to save yourself the big price and buy away less than old prices, call at Sliep- pards. Mr. Jaok Bunt, of Hanovc, is put- ting in the week here hxiking after the furniture store,;n aljsence of hi» brutlier V.'. II. Bunt, «liO is vi.sitiiig friends in the ciiy and at Woodhridijo Mr. W. Stewart and biide of Fort Wiiham are the guests of the foroior'i paiei>!s, Mr. and Mrs. Aler. Stewart. Mr. Charlie Stewart, who has been on the boats all summer, is also at home. Mi-.>! Evelyn, the littla daughter of RcT. J. S. I.Wilsvn, uiulerwent an oper- ation, in Toronto, on Thurst ay lasf, for a growth in the nostril und enl.arced ton- siN. \Ve arc glad to state that she came through Iho ordeal very nicely. Tiiere wsis a heavy jhipraent of stock from this station ou Monday. Boyd & SohtU, who are new buyers, slrpped 43 head of cat'le. Messrs. Couk and Mc- Auliiy and Stewart and Carruthers «hi[ pcd large quantities of nn.\ed slock. Pric»s are exceedingly high this summer und stock raisers have a bonanza. The ladies of Southampton Metho<l- iit church remove their hats when thi-y jiUoiid churchâ€" this at the reque-st of the pastir. The move is a good one and uu'^ht to become universal. It would a* give the ciiU an opportunity to di?;)'ay their art in h.vir dressing, which il rather neglected in .some localities â€" not in Ftesberton, (-f course. While drillini; on the farm of J^.hn Wilson, Proton, n»-ar Kingscoto, George Beamish struck a flowinj well of pure, apatkling water at the d^-pth of forty feeK after penefratins Revcral feet of sidid rock. Thero is a volume of watcr'lo the extent of about forty barrels a day com- ing up, and a ditoh hvd to be du-; to a creek near by to keep it from irrigating the whole Uttn. Messrs. Cook anii Mc.Aulay purchased last week what wxs undoubtedly the linsst bunch of Iamb* ever shipp-fil from this p^vnt. Tlie h't con.sisted of 7 anim- •hIh, and they arera^red lOCj pound's each They were raise<t !y Mr. Alex McRne, of the Station. Mr. Mcitae understands the ecnnomy of raising the best stock and is g >'n$; in for it along all linea. A letter from Minfo, Man. informs us th:it Miss Pearl, daughter of Mr. Riuhard Strain â- â€¢! tha"- place and ^landan^hter of Mr«. Richard HoIm«n of Flesherton, h;*s achieved ^rwit suc.tcas in music. She ha« passed her exams in theory and piano, and took first class honors iti theory and has a certificate from the Toronto Con- servatory of mujic. Our informant says "•ho is the only one outsidoof Boissevaia for many miles aronnd who tuc^eeded in 4Mrex«mi.'' A A A j^-,'*'' »>., ^^^"'"''"^^^''^'^^"^' ""^'"^^•^"^" "' ' ' ri-iv3-.v^- v^- rr-rr-r^.-^-.-T^^-vi?^^ Ill buviu'' Footw^ear come where you can save money. We be^ to remind our frienrl.s that we keep a •^'•on .-ituck of Boot.s and Shoes from the maker-s and con:3tantly making additions. Besides selling factory boots don't overlook the fact that we make a specialty of hand-made Boots and Shoe.^, made out of the best material that can be got. Bring in your order. liepairing promptly attended to. "VVe have also a stock of Trunk.s, Valises and .Suit Cases selling cheap. ALso a variety of Shoe Dressing of the best that can be had. Give us a call. CLAYXON -- Flesherton 5^ A [^ 'n Just One Month P/fore The firtt really tru'y frost of the season r.ccun-ed Monday ni-ht, but it did very Utile or no damaze. Mr. C. E. VanDusen and wife.of Chic ago. have, for the p.ast week, been guises of 'h3 former's parents here. C. E h.%» been a member of the Chicago police force for the past fifteen years, and has but six years more to serve, when he will bo superar.nuateJ with the handsome allow- ance of ?oO per month. He is compara- livrly young, tixi, and looks as though he might live a great many years to enjoy his annuity when it comes. Mr. and Mrs. VaaDuacn n-lumed to Chicago on Monday. The other evening an old lady cal'ed at this office to secure direclinns. She informed the statistical editor that she was 82 years of a^e and had wa'ked all the way from Maxwell, ft distance of 9 mile;, that af'emoon. Her name is Gieen.-iway and she ia a resident yi Sitighampton. The old lady remained with Mrs. John Wright, sr., over night ai.d w»lked to JUikdale next morniog. She was the mother of ten children and li still smarter th^n many a girl of 20 years. We would like to know if our readers tan i'ive us anything more phe- noraennlthan the marvelous vipor pLiyed by this wonderful old lady. dis- FttU Fairs Flesherton 0*en Sound. Orangeville Ospr.-r, Fcversham.. A:temesi.i, Prioeville , .Sept. 2T-2S . . . Sept. 23 ..Sept. 20-30 Oct. 6 7 A Young Man Suicides S.indford Clones of L;idy Bank, 0>prey township, was found dead on the roadside ill front of bis father's farm on Wedn.-s- „ ,, , . , . , day morning of List weeik wiin s uoie [ ihroudihis left bi> and a sh â- tituii alleged damage to shade trees fronting h's property east of the village. The case was trird at the Division Court last week. Deaijle trimmed certarn t^rees when erect . ins his line nearly two years ago. Him- self and two witnesses swore that the late J. H. Heard was present and sucer- intended some of tha work, and held that it was with his consent that it was dor.e. Judge Morri.son in pronouncing judgement said he thought ihe kto J. H. Heard had supposed Mr. Deaiile had a legal riaht to trim the trees witbcci con- sent, and awarded the plaintiti $..S and costs. The case was bnjught by f.l^intilT as executor of the estate of J. H. Heard, deceased; he is nuw the owner of the property which was willed to him. Another piece of the August 13 meteor which fall near Shdburne be«n un- earthed about li miles from the farm where the other piece w*s discovered. The latest pifca weighs 28 lbs., or about twice what the former did. A family named Stewart have .irrivtd in Detroit in wagons, having travelh-d fn.m Seattle, Wiish. They l.ft Owen some years ago and are now returnii:g: dis.satLsfied with the west. All the Outario .flection protests are set down for trial within a month or six week.s. The da^es tjx.?d by the judges in Jaouary last are: â€" Xorth Perth, at Strat- ford, Sept. 6 ; Muskoka, at bracebridge. Sept. 6; Sauit S:e. M.irie, at tlie So.,' Sept. 13 ; North Grey, at Owen Sound, Se(.>t. !.â- < ; North York, ai; Newmirket, Sept. 21 ; Cffutre Bruce, iCi VV.ikerron, Sept. 20; North N )rfoU-. at Simcie, Sept. 27 ; Xonh Renfrew, at Pembroke, Sept. 27. Five of the seats an.ickv'd are held by Liberab and thrte by C oiuorvit- ires. The most complete ou'.5t ever bfoit;;h to this part of the couu^y says the SLrl n I ryNl^Qr to the STRIKE in all labor lines | ^^ in Toronto we have been delayed in ^' getting our new premise? ready and as we will be here for the month of September we will tiy and make it the red letter month of our sale. We have at present about nine thou.sand dollars worth of goods to sacrifice in Boots and Shoes, Groceries. Dry [. Goods, Ready -to-W ear- \ ^Clothing. i As the time is getting short for us to be in [ Flesherton a won I to the is sufficient to i. have thcra call and pick up some bargains, Everybody knows now that prices in lines are going to be much higher this fall to save money is to buy duced price.i. now- all so at greatly re- | We will Ije albe to save you from thirty to forty per cent on most lines from what'ytiu will pay thi.$ fall. You can depend on getting a bargain if yo'.i call as we must clear all the goods out. )H- "^^r^^=r4 T. J. S.HEPPARD Sproule's Block Fleshertov ^A fe;4 lying near by. The young man was a .son of Robert Clemes ard was 17 years of :ige. The evening previous ho went to a neighlor and borrowed a shotoun, asking the neighbor to load a shell with six buckshot, oste'nsibly to shoot a ground- hog. That was the last seen of the young nianalire. Ou Weduesilay morning he W.-.S found as sta-ed. The evidence would intimate that it wus a deliberate ca^-e ot suicide, and io> imiuest was considered necessary. Ko reist.n whitevorhaa bent assigned for tho terrible act. Death rau^e hove been almost ius'antancous as the charge passed directly through the heart. A Pitiful Case Little Jimmy, the 7 year-old son of Mr. and Mrs Wm. Scwatt, back line east, who has been ill f.>r some time, was taken to Tori>nto by his father last week to con- sult a si)cciili»t. The physician nuunccd bis ailment tuberculosis of the spine, but .»a-d it h«<l l^seii taken in tiij>e and li«ld out n.'pe of savii g the little bul's life. It will l>e neces-sary, however, that th* invalid remain strapped down on a stretcher for a year wit-hout the privi- Uge of iroving his b« in any way, in order that the spine may recover strength. It may Uke two yesrs to effect a cure. The little snfferer is wornlerfully cheerful under the prospect cf a l.->ng and weary- iiig inactivity. He was brought home on Satarday evenii.g. Sued for the Trees resday uf last week. It con.sists of a ihreshi'ig machine and traction engine. The outfit was sold by Geo. Lee of Slul. burne to a syndicate of 2G AinariTvth farmers and the price of the outti: U f2C0O. The threshing inachiue is ihe latest up to date make. It is a self feed- ing machine, cuts its own bands, a:iJ has a straw blower and dust collector. It will blow the straw out to a stack, or turn it into the ra '«-,anil uU the men have to do is to do ihe stacking or tramp the straw down in the m.o*. By pulling a lever all the straw is cut into fieil the same as was formerly lione by a cutting box and the blower will put it into the mow again without any other help. It is worth nl.ile to any one Interost^d to go and scs the machine work. John Ha»rd of this place sued Fred I>«*g)« o( the tlcclric light pUnt (or t^. HEADACHE I Neuralgia ana Ncr»oi;scess cureo qulcit'y by A I A V HARMLESS HE1DACHE AND 'VJ'*'\ NEURALGIA CURE. No h*4rt d«pr«s«ion. Grcftte*t c:-* ev«r div; j^tre-l. Fak* no oCb«r, loc aad i%c. \\\ lealer^ or direct Srom 4l»TtM&Co. Si«ct>«,Uat. Moocy back i loot 9ari$u««l Tenders mTantcd Vp to .Sec>t<.n:t>«r ICth t!i« :ir d ^rsic"* 1 »ill recQtve teiidum for the bL:1;tiDf; nf the itoa*- workofthc new Uethodiot church at C*>>un. Work to b«i '^ouirI^*t«.t thisf«r. Plans »Qd «iH.'*;iftt,-\lioii.s uiav be had by »!»• plT o^ to S. Hraiph<l', 0«>K>i.. Tho loM«-'t or »n» t«DJ«r not a«rc«»ari1]r »ce«ptef). T, CHI3I.KTT. I DOUGLASS' I F.\R-F.AnEO Hudson r'ondition Oowder â-  â- il I I nil I I ^|-^-il lllm II 111! III! .£ MB when used with any sort ef stock will alw.ays produce i> R I z js 's?iri M i^ E K s FOR SALB .iT I nEDICAL HALL | g 25c. per pound or ^1.00 for 5 pounds. S 1^ W« '/iv -Ji^ Vl^^i? vSFM. •Sfei-i <!'4 .JJ*. Jf/. -I't- .}««. .Jl!. <[«. vM!. rt SIC W TW- '/»«â-  W "SI*- '»j? W^i? '<Ji?^ ?.? ^ J We are just receiving a new supply of || 4% School Books - . . , for the opening â- >lS- # 29% ^1^ C^ <•«. Farm for Sale By TENDER Tender* will b« rcerlTed bT tb« nn>1«r*igiMj en a cash bult op to Svptxrotwr Is>. !<!>•. for I th« purehaM of Uot«64to SB, focln^iva^ coa N. P. K, ArtrniMU. a«ar Poit >.•» P.I O '. Frame barn an*. Iww ^vot Unit on the preiois I eM; a large ctearloit ; eloee to school, cl-areh I and PoMJCMc*. The toweat or aay teotter IM* ainiMirUT awe^tetl. W. J, BCLLAMT. FI?«h«rt«o. I The NEW PRMERpart i and | 3. Everything in school wants. ^ I Richardson & Son | ij DRUGOISTS ^

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