Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 18 Aug 1904, p. 8

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August IS 1904 THE F L E S H E It T O N A JJ V A N 'C jE The Markets. X'areluIIv Corrcrted Each Week 0«U 29 lo 20 Pens 60 to (12 â- Barley 45 to 45 (Bictier 1:5 to 13 EuK" frusli 15 t* 15 •Wool, cush 16 to 17 (Hay to 6 55 Potatoes ban 75 lo 76 V Our Clubbing List •Advance, ♦Hemld and *Toront<i Wniia, daily $3 25 Toronto DhiIv News 1 85 Weekly Globo 1 80 Mail-Einpive 180 *'umily llorald & Star 1.80 Toronto Star 1.80 'Faruiiii.'t Suti 1.80 All al)ovo prices include The AdvAnf^o ;and Montvo..! Hernid, if paid in Adraiice only Kiirly Kuliscribers get bcBt value or their money. iDurham Bui! for service Tlie Ufegistercd Duilmm RuH. -'KING EDWARD" Inili., will ftMiid for si'vyicM on lot M, filJ, It., for I'.*!. KiuK KriWHni'I.Koortl i-iuy bono BUrt inUK-lfc niid w«il (lovolopexi. Ho is in only (tiir Hervicoal;ie coinlitiou und will lift the btiiin at twimtv- twoliimdreil lua. nud is jetiD Ler tWL»-yoar*oid class. « I'UDIGBEB KIdk F.ilwnril rorl. ciilveil A|iiil lOtlj. 1901. bred itiy Joliii Vouiii; Tilboulios. Mivrvcultor, Scot- Ittud. impoito I ill daui lu I'.'lO bv Cbailos Jiankili. Wyehi-lriftf, Out., ko6 bv Scotfmh PriuceTWJ.I. daiii llotlinick l:ose. iuiii., S.+JS7. • liv Alnii (Iwvui)o (•.(ifjr.l, H("l lloHi! bv Portland of Cluily Cl'.V'J.l'oiiioiilKl hv IJoclor 00016, llosia •.liv Ijieiitenmit (iJtJ-l.i. jilt I7t!i by Albert S.WJi, .Hit l.llii h\ UrnvuMiild JIWOl. Doiiside Clarub by Yernicii't 471li:i,Cli>rot 1st Uj Duliu '^Km, Clarut tiv Kcarlot ViilvKt KiJlfi, liarbiira by Uiirivallort l»UiO, iBUbcilii bv Tliu I'acbii 701;i. CloiMiN by and Duko of Ndr'liuurm! land :;tj4(;. Nore. by Killory jl.'n.fciiiilv bv tiUi^ry 5131, Kli/.a by "iounc iVostuiu Ciiijot li7.'), Liidy butty bv -Diauiiind iia.lletty by Favorito AJCby Cbar(;o'» " lioU Hull laiu. TKKUS Thorouf;libr*jd row> f5 ; grades .91. >0. All iiayablo lit.lainiary. IM.'i. Cows yervod IjV tbis uniiiiRl mid not. rflnruod wiii bo colloctod for wTicthcr in calf or not. NV. J. MEADS. Ceylon. Ont. Falling: out Hair If tliis ill tho caao, call and uoo UB and wo â- *ill prevni it<loiu^ so byaiip'yioi; our wuuder- lul I'L-inciiv, Highly Recommend Wohavuuio-l ii^ woridurfiill maiiv in tins town and Htirroiindi dis ' on and All who liav.9 nit Idr^Jllc ticatm rutrirt uiujd it very liii;iil>. oni- No Careâ€" No Pay A. WILSON Barber Fm.snEiiTo.s Flesiisrion Harness Emporium. SPEC! A LTIES tor the Season â€" .Fly Nets, Dusters, Stable Slieets, Hoof Ointrrierit, Curry Corribf;, BrU-slies arid Btrider Wl^ips. Glovoa for liarvestens and Tliresqers. TruriHo arid valises alis^ays on 1)1 a; BINDER TWING-McCorn\acK. â- FxaniLre tl^is tvJir\e and you â- will buy. , i-iACjNis^s MANtrKAcrruFji-vo in ill 1 Its lii-iiMfln'fs. in: m:. m o o k. e Must Go We Will -iell 111.) ii.;xt two weeks per yard tnnuku loom forf.Hll ifoods forilio iii'xt thirty diiyt) wb oir.r you ureal values in rciimcnt.s. MKX'S SUITS and UNDICHWEAR. Wii willni-'l for till! next Iwo weeks LADIES SKUM'iS at HI. 00 to clear out. Colingwjod Uacou on hand now. Ilakes, Forki, Soythen, Snaths, Spndei,, Iloet and olhtt line* of Hardware. I'jynmuth P.iiider turino at the uanul terrai Id louur<t your twiite before it ndvanceii in price, C^nianKST PiacE'3 paid for good huttor Slid ztK* â- ( B, Kinnear & Sons .-J* A X W E L L- Ayers This falling of your hair! Stop it, or you will soon be bald. Give your hair some Aycr's Hair Vigor. The fall- ing will stop, the hair will |f!air Vigor grow, and the scalp will be ckan and healthy. Why be satisfied with poor hair when you can make it rich? " Mr hair nearly all cam« oot. I then tr1«d k^Kt \ li»ir Vigor and only one bottle itopp«<t llie talllnic itirK lialr camclu r«*l tMok and the talllnic _ jiiit a Ituia curly." â€" Mas. I. U. SxiTB, b&r«tof;a, N. Y. flu) a boUla. j. c. JlTEB OOl, Allilrliyjrtilta. C^m. I.ow«ll. Mm â- â€¢for Thick Hair SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT A choice line of and Baby Carriages 6o=Kart$ Jtist to hand. The thing intheso yoods, and low in price. Corne and seeTl^ern. MlSEClEMlliG EEI-JISITES SUCfl AS New Shades. Curtain Poles, Fixingj. W. H.BUNT Furniture Dealer. Upholsterer and Undertaker. FLESH ERTON ONT. Bu.srxEs.s Card-s M'CULL,OUGH & YOUNCJ Ibinkor Markdalo Jo a (joneral bankiii;! bueinc-js . Money loauod a reaHouabla rato Call on ns. RJ Sf'lliJULilJ i'ooimaiibor, Flesbertoo oornraisBionur in H. C. J., Auctioneor Con- vjyancur, .^iipriiiser and Monay Londur ICoal Usttttn and Insoranoo A^nit. Deeds liioitt;«i;e». Itittsim and wiUa I'an.fuHy drawn Uli and valuations inadn nii tiii,jrt,' nrjtice. uioniiy to Joan at lowest rateH of iniurust. Col ontioun attonded to wltii iirompniptif) cliarfoa low. Ascnt for Ocan DouiinioD Stennmbip Company. A call solicited. SOCIETIE.S A O U ^v incotn on tlie lact Monday " in oftcu inontli, in tbeir loiigw room. Chrint'in's l)loi:ii. Fle^ 8 p.m. M.W., A. Honisun ; Ifocorder. .laH. Kidsti'ad ; Finan- ciar, VI.J. linbauiy. Viuitiux bietbrcu itvitod. plUNCK AUTilTK LODliK, No. X'A.\. 'â-  A if. uioelu in tliB Ntasoiiiu hall. Strain's blook. K.iiali»rtou. tivory Friday on or before â- Jio full iDocii, K H W Hickiing W M. ChiiB lluu.sliaw, .S.icriftary. nociiT FLESnEIlTON, I. o. P. moetn in ^ CliriatoB's Ulock tbe last Frlrtav evoniiiR I'acli month. Visitine Forcstom buartilv toli-oue. (}. U.. ('. \V, llnllauiy ; R. C, W. liiKlOn : Fm. ISuc.Dr R. Mnrrav. (I'uy dues to Ur. Murray on or before last day of eacli niontli. MEr)ICAL riK cahtfh " M C F & H Ont. PhvaiPian, Srrgoon, eto Oinc« and rasidnncoâ€" Peter Bt , FleBherton nu. A. T. miNI) ~ " f.rnrlnats Tornnfo I'nivprfitv. Mom- bin- of Ontario CollciiM o; riivBiciianH and Snr- yiioiis. Maxwell. On'. .SnccosRor to Dr. Hcott. T P OTTKWKLfj ' Vuturtnary f!or(;oon Graduato of Ontario Vntcvinary Colleye, resilHiico â€" e^uund door south west on .Vliirv Btroot. This streak ruas south I'l-iubvterlaii Clinrch. U WIL,b().N, niacksmitli **â-  iradiiatu of tlio Veterinary Science Ahsnciation. Ittmidimco, Duruani itreet, oil po.ito IJoyd, IlickllLK's hardware. Leual J. W. PP.OST, li r,. M. Barrister, Solicitor lonveyancer. etn riitlooâ€" Next to jiodtoinne, fipronlo's block F: :-,liuiton. evory Thnr»da and, court days N IIâ€" Ownn Sound office. Frost* block Poulott Htroet eatt. LUCAS VVRIOHT ti McATtni.R Ilarristors Holicitoro Conynyancers, eto Omcfiiâ€" Owsn Sound. (iti» andMarkdaloOnt. W n WnimiT, McAHiiLK I it i.doas N l(â€" Flesherton oDlce, Mltcliell's Bank every batniday. MACKAVASAMPSON .Harrlxfers. solleltors, OPFlCKfi i-O -an Sr.ind, Mfrclianfs lU'ili Hlnck, N. of Pattarson House, tundalk aiu btruet. ovary Hatnrday. Uonav to loan «t 4J i>«r cent. A. (I. M,tCKAY.M.A., 1I.F..KAMPS0J»,L.L.D Alwa»« io stlerdancn at Plesherton and Duudalk DItIsIou Courts. Dentistry D' R. E C. MURRAY. I,. D. B. ifental surgeon honor crudnate of Toronto linlvfirsltv and Rsval College nfllsntal H.ircB'Jns of Ontario OMpsâ€" 0|)po«lts ArnoslroMgf Jswellirr Btore Will vitit Wttwsl ih« Ust Woduendsr 1 »' ••»»» mnHtli, and Dnr.dalk 1 and I Tbarsjay •Qsach iLoatti. ' RestorinK Fertility, The problem to-day ia hg w (o re- etore the fertility of, the soil and at the samu time make a living off the land. What eysteni of cullivaliou will enable us to obtain a soil that with a fair amount of vegetable matter I o at least the depth of a few inches J Tha Oiiiario and Dominion Experi- mental Furrna Heijin to have solved the problem by adopting NliaUow cultivation and H syatenialic rotation of crops in which clover occupiea a proinineot place. Under this inethu<l, as outlined by Fruf. Reynolds, the land ij plowed only once ill every three or fmir years, all the rest of^the cultivation being done by harrows, cultivators and other implements which cut, crush, pulverize and loosen, but do not invert the soil. To show clearly the method of summer cultivation, let us Kuppose that the sec- ond year's crop has been taken off a clo- ver field. The sod i.s plowed about Aug- ust, as earl/ a.s possiblo in order to take advantage of the autninor's to de- the roots. Tlien it is harrowed to loosen the surface and prevent the e.s- cnpe of moisture, which is also required in deooniposition. After that it is culti- vated frenuently, without tearing up the' sod, the objects btfini? to destroy the woods that may be grcrwing and enable the sod to rot by keepiti'^ in the nioiftSare. As the tnanure i.n pi iwed in with the sod, it will be well decomposed before winter, thu.s ensuriiijj a ;^0'd supply of humus for the next erop. The last thitij.' in the fall tlie land should be ribbed up in the aaino manner as for turnip drillti. This ia best done wish 'a. double inoldboard plow. This ribbing protents leaobing away of the plant food, most of which is heajied into the ; exposes a great- er surface to the pulverizing action of frost ; and .dlows a more rapid drying in tlie spring, and conseiiuently earlier working and seeding. Freaks of Lightning^. The Wulkertoii Telescope says : Dur- inif the thunder storm on Wednesday evening last, there was a particularly bril- liant Hash of lightnii.g, followed by a rejiort that seemed to make every build- ing in town tioniblo. As a matter of fact the liyhtiiiiii; bolt aid strike a house in town, ami in view of the havoc it ivrouflit the wonder of it is thai: tlo! no- cupanls of til ' ;o' were not killed. Tina house is situiiled in the west end, and ill occupied liy Miss Mary Clentlen- ning and her broilior George., It was what is known amoii:; insurance men aa a dry stroke, that is to say, it did not set lliB building on firo. The lightning en- tered the room occupied by Miss Clen- deniiing a lilllo below the ceilin", making i|iiite a large hole in the wall. Then the fluid, or wlntever il is, spread all over the ceiling and walls, teaiingthc paper off in patches and puncturing the coiling full of holes about us larae as would be male with bucksliot. 'J'he sewing machiiie which was statrlitig close to the wall then came in for some attention. Four holes similar to tlioiie in the ceiling were bored through the top, ivhila the enamelinL' had been burnt off the wheel. Then the fluid had run iluwii the le^s and (icne- trated the floor beneath. Miss Clenden- niug at the lime was standing about three feet ftom the machine, and part- iiilly stunned. Her brother, sitting farther over in tho room, had one foot somewhat injured. In another room several picture frames were badly injur- ed. Outside one of the gate posts was splintered, and the ground torn up around a spruce irce, exposing the roots. Sot^ie damage, too, was done *o the stable. Altogether it was a pretty cloaa call. When Weeds Are Troublesome Surface cultivation affiu'ds tho best means of destroying weeds, depending largely upon the sort of aropa grown and the nittire of the weeds iheinselves. tine inetliod i.s lo |nt'vent the seed from ma- turing by gro«iiiga hood crop or an early niatuHng crop audi as clover. With a late maturing crop, which sllowa the weed seeds to ripen, it is advisable lo adopt surface cultivation after harvest, so a" to encourage these seeds to germiiiate the •amo season, when the young plants can be destroyed. Under such circuni-t.inces it is a too common practice to bury the seeds by deep plowing, leaving them in a condition lo couie to the lu.lace and germinate in some future crop, in wliich very likely it will be impossible to destroy tUetii. â-  I t mt I â-  That John LinUlater is still in the land ol th^ liviiii;, he owes ^lerbsps to Ibo fates. During the severe electrical itorm on Wednesday of last wjek, ho took ref- uge under 8 h»y cole at Mclnlyro's farm. ll ' -J L_l- ! -.J- "- -. [' _JJL i ULJij HEADACHE ! Nauralsiasnd Ncrvoiujicxs cur«d quickly by A I AX HARMLISS HEADACHE ANE» '»-''» â- ^ NEURALGIA CURE. Farm for Sale BY TENDER Tenders will be received bv tho nndorsignsd on a cash baEis up to Septenobnr lat, 1904. for tho purcbaneof Lot«i;4ro f,«. inclusive, coo 11 N. D. 1;., Arteineula, near I'oit l;av» P. o. Kraiiie barn and fiaiue dwel liiiK on tlio iireraiii Bs; a laruo cloariii^ ;' ulona to icbool, church and PostJDlDce. 'I'hu lowest or any teudor not nucosaarily accepted. W. .1, BF.LTjAHY, Flesbertou but seeintithe other men runnint? in aiN,h«r. dcp,««on, Gr«u.. cur. .«„ d,scov„*d. different direction left this one and got ll',*"'';fji'"'ci'y''°''^5'=- .•>"''"i«"<"'dirtctfrom , ,. .,. , , , ,. ,f 1 *""•'* Co. Sloao., Out. Monny bock if noeaatiMW under another. Shonly after a blindiDt; (lash, followed ^ a heavy report, directed tha wen's altewion to a burning colo, and it proved to be the identical one un- der which John had first taken refuge. Beneath the ashes of the hay was found a round hole about fave inches i» diame- ter where the lightning had struck. â€" Gaand Valley Star-Videtto. Tho nuestion of building a new anion station at Toronto by the G. T. R. and C. P. R., which was somewjiat compli- cated by the announcement that the n 1- X- .u Ti 1 u I All porsnim found trespaasine or pickinif Lanaclian jsorthern Kailway would ex- : nnmoB on mv propertv. lot2l,eon fl Artemesia propriate the proposed she in the bur.ied jrJIin'lotirwT'* accordlns to law. alio on district for station purposes, has been | ^Ilf_ settled by the Railway Uominission, I which after hearing tho interested parties last week decided to i.^suc an order for the expropriation by the Grand Ttuiik Railway of all lands between Yolk and Viiiige streets and Esplaimde and Front streets, except some C. P. R. lol.s near York street, and '.hat all railways shall bo Notice to Trespassers J. H. DUCKEOT, /WANTED A Local Salesman for FLESHERTOM and surrounding territory to represent 'Canada's Greatest Nurseries" Newest varieties, aiul spe.-ialties in Hardy Fruit.s, Small Froits, Slirubs,.Ornaiiietitals,and Roses, entitled to entry to the new station onl A periiiHiieiit Nituafion, and territory re- ei|ual terms. The new station will cost ! '"''"-''•J f'"' r'Sbt man. Pay weekly, Hiuid- S!1,000,000. and work is to begin in one, ?""'" '''"f'^ !'%t- ^''"'â- '' ^"'" P'*"''^"' , , .. . , . , . , wrs, and aeiKl 2j cents for our pocket year and the ata'ion completed wilhm ,„„„.,)seope, fust the tiling to use in ex- tliree yeais. Western LONDON, September 9 to 17, 1904 Kntries CJose 3th September R NevJ $10tOOO Dairy BuiUiiJ^a Improvements all alor g tha line. Exhibitions unsurpassed. ATTRACTIONS THE BEST YET Kitniuura'.< celebrated Jn]> TroHiie of 10 I»ei>i»lc, The FlyiiivT iSaiiyai'tlsiiiuI tli<- bt>st Gyniuasti^. | AtTobals, uihI otlier .siivi'ialties that luoaey eaa pro<nire. j Five Evenings of Fireworks, J concluding each evening v^ii.h a ' realistic representation cf the ' •Bcmbardment of PORT ARTHUR" ; \ holiday outing none Bhoiild miss. Sp.jcial exou rsionsover all linos of travel. Forall information prize lists, &c., ad- dress. Lt.-Col.W.M Gartshore, J.A.Nelles, President. Secretary. amiiiitig trees and plants for insects. Stone & WeHington Eonthill Nurseries (over 800 acres) â- . Toronto - - Cniaris The Fall Term !1C till o will begin on, THURSDAY, SEPT. 4th. The large iioiy wing, now being bnilt to the College will bo completed and furnish- ed during tho holidays and will be opened on that (late. The Nortliorn is the only college in Caii.-iiln owning a College buildiritj. The n"w wiiiu; will iirovide aoconiuiudation for l-'iO Hiora students. -Send fur ciicular desci'ibing our courses of study, which â- â- vre, Business <,'ourse. Shorthand aiul Typewrilin;;, Preparatory Coufae.- A dress: C. A. Fleming^. l^rincipaF OWEN sptXD, GST, HIGH CLASS PICTURES. . 'Ilie place til 2et the best Photos i* at BUbMKRS PHOTOGR.4PU UALLKRY. SPECIAL ATTENTIOM We pay Special Attention to Copvint;; and Babies' pictures. Picture fram- ing a specialty. Try us for anv kind of pictures and wo will promise K.atisfactiiiii. Mrs. IBUI-iBaER Sydenham street, Fleshertoii :^='^?^5g^^^'' i'^-^oa-G^^ haveihe separatins bowl suspended Irrim a hardened <;t3el spindle, which rexihes in a .socket lilted .villi ball bearings. It hangs quilo freely and thus is no', only pract'oally frictionlHS, luit cannot po.ssibly net out of bal- ance. Tlie gear wheels turn on ball bearings.whieh are always complete- ly Covered wilhoil. For close skimming the Melotte is unexcelled. WRITE FOR BOOKLET No. 7 S b<9c«/^ ."< :ii'^c- ^ m '^ v» :o <fl -Ji 'sS .-.^ .^'.^ A'fi -'ifi :â- /} '-m .'•^ ,"9 ss ^n MS -^^ iifimiHiimim For First Class Buggicn, Carts, I'lossuro and Lumher \A nguns, cutlers. Sleighs. VVe keep a slock on haml to choose from. ALSO HOkSE SHOEING ANrtGENERAL BLACKSAIITHINQ (^. and iruarantee tirsr class work. "iit-^ We keep on hand Ploughs and Plough repairs, and also Massey- Harns and Noxon repairs for binders, Mowers, nil kinds of "^k inaohiiiery, also Binder Twine on hand. » (Uben in town give us a call <&

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