July 7 1904 t It E t L jfe S il fe 11 1 N A b V A Is C £ ht .^ mmwm I Fi T. HILL & CO. $i.dO Wrappers for 68c. vvwwwvywi <z utaies r ini i riiic y> rnppera, an «izoi, niaae ot ooautiiui iHSt colored gooas, iignc ana ciarK irrounu nun in » vtiriety of [laliorna and combinatioiiH rarely mot with. Theso wj have di^cidcd to suit ([uiukly, nil are spluiididi y made haudsumo garments â€" the regnlnr Dollar quality wherever you gn, each only 68o. 75c. Corsets for 48c. 10 di)zpn Ladies Corsots, assorted Rizes, being a niiiiuifacturora clearing linfl. These are made of fiiio Cot illo #£ ji'an, Rto«l filled, of medium leiiath, cxcullunt wearers and perfect fitting. This- small lot will not last loii^ Imt ^ while they're here you can have your choice for only 48c. Jp A Carpet Samples (yard lengths) 15c. Wo have a very nice collection of Union Carpet s;inn>lo.s, 1 yard sijuare, in ijUalities that nro alway^ sold at 35 to 40c. These will not long remain uuiiold as they are constantly in denxand and the values exceptionally good. Kach for your choice . . •..•,., i''"- Linen Sailor Hats at Half Price. '8 Ladies Sailors, in whites and bhicks mu.st bi3 cleared out during the next ton days. Fur geleral serviceahility there is prolmhly nothing that surpasses a nice jaunty sailor. With practically all the Huiiiiner ahfad of us this HALF-PRICE oflForing will unhoubtedly ba appreciated. (In our Milliiiory Dopartmont.) ao per cent Reduction off all Parasols. 70 parasols that must bo disposed of during the next two weeks. Some of the.so are pure silk, some .silk and wiiol, and others farmers satin covered. All have the celebrated piirnjion frames iiiid at the regular sellin-^ prices aie as good value as one cuu'd hope to get anywhere. Ilowevor we do not cfiro to tnko any chance of carryintj these to another .soa.son and have made tho prices such that any person requiring a parasol should not ntias this opportunity. Any parasol in the lot at a discount of . 20 Per Cent 10 and 13 I-2C Wrapperettes for 8 1-3 750-y.irds of bpautiful, fast-colored Wrapperetts, full widths and excellent cloths. Thc^e to-tUy would cost a pood deal more money at the mill but that is no concern of yours or ours. What is of more importanc-o 13 the fact that so long as they last you cau have any quantity at jjer yard only 8J In Our Hardware Department ,^0 0-quait Granite Preserving Kettles, sold rpgiilarly at 4r)c, our pricn 2."o. DO 2-qiiart Ciranite Tea Pots, sold regularly at 50 cents, (}ur price now 21c. Thousands of dollars worth of McCLARY'S GUANITEWEAPv all kiud.=, at prices conesponding exactly with above. 'j'herc's not a wholesale house in Canada sollin;? Granitewenr for as little nnney as we. Please remember that fact when you recjuire to buy any, 3r m:' i ^BOYD, HICKILNG & CO.,1 | FLESHERTON, ONL ! | July Milliner Reduced | To wind up a most successful and bu.\V Millinery ^ Season we oft'cr Keduced Prices on all Trimmed and ai Untrimmed Millinery to July purchasers, ^ * MARKDALE PMW*^^ M^MMOMMf £iis;ciiia Dominion D«y passed i.ff very j)lca.s- autl y. Picnics frcin i-everal points came to spend the holiday. It was pleasiint to iiolice the quiet, (jrderly behavior of the young people â€" no drunkenness or rowdyism to bo seen. It is certainly a credit to the young peotile and also to our town. Eugenia people still extend acordi.il welcome to all who can visit her pleasant, shady croves. Mr. and Mrs. John Walker and little daughter are visiting their parents here. Mrs. Slack and her two little girls of Toronto are vLsiting relatives here. Mr. Hugh Pedlar, formerly of The Advance atafiF, has returned home to as (list his father with the crops, the Utter bein;.' almost disabled with rheumatism. Mrs. Wiggins of Toronto is the guest <if Mrs. Walker Sloan. Mi.is Abbie McMullen is homa.spsnd- ing holidays with her mother. Her ;nany young friends are pleased to have her Imme aijain fnrnt the city. Mrs. ( (Icott of Toronto is the gue.st of M rs, Plantt for a few weeks. Rev. Mr. Wass of the Methodist church J'.as arrived to take charge of this circuit A lar<«o congrogalion awaited him hero Sunday evening. AH were pleased to meet him and all hope he may find this )i;ut of the Master's vineyard a prolitable iield of. labor. May h3 have many souls for his hire. The Presbyterian Kabbaih school will pxnic at Duncin on Friday first. All woltome. the doors, and listened to a good pro- gramme rendered by the following talent: Maikdale .silver band ; Mi.ss Glassford, I Caloilon ; nnd local talent. Mr. Strong, ! oi'unnizer fill the C.O.F., gave a very! pli:a.siiig aildross in the interests of the i order. Mr. Charles Crow, IM;ii!;dale, cavB a vocal selection. Rev. Paul Flint of Gait gave a short address. The pro- gram was brought tn a close by the Maik- dale i)and jilaying the National Antlieui. ! The inoceeds ainouiited to .*7ri. i Mr. Matthew Richardson very ably | tilled the pulpit hero on Sunday in the ; absence of the pastor. j A goodlv number froTa hero attended! the service at EI)onezer on Sunday even- ing. Rev. Barry guvc a stirring tetnpdr- anoe addiess. 11,- leaves for his new field of labor this week. EXAM i NATION EE Wedded at Kimberley Defects scarcely noticeable in children assume dangerous proportions with advancing years. A proper correction now will prevent serious complica- tions later. Wu A. Armstrong, • i^WELER AND OPTJClAK Vandftlcnr Mr Ernest Buchanan is home from O. S. Business College for hii holijaya. Miss (Slassford of Caledim and Mr. and Mrs Parr of Toronto visited at Mr. Joliu BoUnd'a u few days recently, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Carson of To- ronto aro spending their honeymoon with friends in this vicinity. Mrs. Oeo. Prilchard has relumed fron* • (rip to Orillia Mr. Hugh Walkim of Toronto and Mr. Hiimphillof Dundalk spent Sunday at Mr. John Warling'a. The vrardsn party held hor» on Jnlyi, under the auspices of C«)urt Vanduleur, CO v., waa, not«iili»Undin«Hie inotem- ency of the weather, • decided lucoess. During the aftemivin the Markdale hand rendered music in thsir usually excellent manner. Ilia tt-a, which waa aerved in I !)« CO P. hall, was thoroufihly enjnyrd j idging >jf the m inner in which the eat- .|^>h-s disappeared. After tea all ropainid \fi til J achjo'hiu**, which waa packvd to Fi FSHCRTQN. Flesherton Sash, Door and Planing Mills AFTEll much labor a n d e x - j pense we lH?ve reop- ened our actory and have just [erected a kiln, w hich puts us in a Novelties in White. Waists | .$1.00 to $2.25 ^ ir Wohave just placed in stock .six lines of very ^ pretty "White tuxncy Lawn Wai.st.-, including some of ^ the latest styles produced this .season, beautifully ^ made and finished. Sizes 32 to 40. Prices â€" ^ ijil.OO, !i<1.25, ,sl.50, Jfi2.00, $2.25 ^ A pretty home weddina took place at the lesidencB of Mr. and Mrs. D. Wal- lace, " Riverside," Kimberley, ivt 0.30 o'clock Wednesday eTcnin?, Juno 29, when their eldest daughter, Minnie, was united in marriage to Mr. John Pioctor of Duncan, son of Mr. George Proctor of Redwing. The bridal party entered the vei-andah ovcrlo'iking the lawn, which was decorated for the occasion, to the strains of the Wedding March played by Miss Lizzie Weber, and stood under .in evergreen arch. The brido was hand- somely gowned in white silk tiinun(!d| with ovorlace inscrsion and lace ; llifl! bridesmaid. Miss Christena Proctor,sister of the groom, was gowned in cream luKtro| (rimmed with satir. and lace. Mr. An-, drew W'allace, brother of the bride, eup- jiorted the groom. The ceremony was . . ..,, ,-. performed by Rev. D. D. Franks of P,"'"^"'*'" **^ "'', ''^" Orders for Heathcte in the presence of abrut 100, »^''l'^l>) L)oors, FraiUeS, Mould- guests. After the usual congraiuiatious ings, ]>asc, st<iir materials aiul weia showered on the young couple the niachiue WOl'k SUcb 0,8 plan- guests sat down to a sumptuous wrddingj jnjr and matching, scrpU and supper. The bride was the recipient of ^,.^,J^^ rawing and turning of many useful and valuable presents. Wo i • x. • r\ *? , â- • -.i, .1 *• , • ... every description. Our stock join with the nnny friends in wishing: » "' .i i' v^m >nj\.n. j, Mr.andMia.Proctoralongandp-osperous|Of "Orth shore whltC puiC IS Toysgo through life. Ammg tho.so from, complete, We also caiTy a a distance who witnessed the ceremony ' gOOtl StOCk of panol doors and were Mr. Victor and Mia-, Cecilia Atkins, |. sash and Can fill all Orders Owen Sound; Mr. and Mrs. Tijoma.j promptly and wiU guarantee Wallace. Chippewa Hill; Mr. and Mrs.LatisfaClion tO OUr CUStomer.S Tliomas Hutchinson, Redwing; Miss'- ..n i;,.„„ ^f ^.,„ i • , Kdna Thurston. Wood.trK.k ; a;d Mr.'" ^'" luies of OUr bu.SineSS and and Mrs. David Medium, Redwing. ""I' P''»«eS W«ll bo found as â€" â-ºâ™¦ reasonable as any. The Verdict of Publk Opinion. ' Q^r Chopping Department ThVf.'JLy rt'nwa cS e^^LS,:,' ^^^^ ^'^'^ O"*" ^'^^' attention. has Iteen in the lead for ]h(i last h«lf-r«n- { -_ T" i-,» tury. It curescT-iapasnlo-Mlyin tw»nty, ri rs A W^llcrkn four hour, and nwr f.iU. Uai only Pui- 1 * â- â- P' ^^' * â-¼ 1 1 *UII nam's for corns and wwtl "^ â- â- '«... 1 W. Wilson, Manager WARM WEATHER MUSLINS Our range of Fancy Muslins is the finest thi.s season we have ever shown and embraces a wide variety in lovelv desiirns aud coloring's. Spot iMusIins Fancy Stripe Muslins Fancy Ori^fandies White and colored Dimities Fancy colored Muslins White and black Organdies Fine white Lawns An elegant choice of suitable Laces and Liscrtions in Valenciennes, Torchon, Cluny and Ouipure, also white, cream and black all-over Luces â€" designs and prices correct. • y Prices From 10c to Soc a Yard Next Week of We expect to show an enta-ely new assortment 4^ Ready-to-wear Shirty â€" ANDâ€" „i Kyvdin" J, roof L^oats % Just ordered and now in course of manufacturo, thus y^ ensuring the latest and most correct designs â€" all X perfectly new and stylish. The prices will bp ip interesting, too. ,,-;â- ..,..... ^ *. HARDWARE - DEPARTMENT. 4 ULY GOODS Scythes 5naths Machine Oil 5cythe Stones Grind Stones Oilers Hay Raises Forks Hayfork Pulleys Manilla Eope â€" all sizes. If it's anything in Hardware, we sell it , N »i â- •*â- S . :i ..-, •â- • ' .«..•%