Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 30 Jun 1904, p. 3

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f 1* FEE PUSTMASTER mm EMPHATIC BELIEVES DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS THE EIGHT MEDICINE FOE KIDNEY TEOTJBLE. T. H. Belyea, Postmaster of Low- er Windsor, N. B., Endorses an nion Canada. theruby makes a gi>od income by sinffing ijiio phonographs. duclaru.s that shir is eoiistantly receiving let- tors from all sorts and conditions of men who doclaru that tliey liava fallen in love with her voice and would like to have an :ntervi<.'W. Miss Robbins fwho in private is Sirs. Charles Uil\), in a letter to a New York paper, declares that pos- sibly the young men might be sur- prised, and even shocked, to di.scovcr . . _ ,, _, that she is short, stout, and the Opimon Popular in all Parts of mother of two line boys. It is true that Mr. Hill, who is in the musical business, knew Miss liobbins's voice before ho Lower Windsor, Carlton i'o , N i ..'uly 4.â€" (S[A!Cial).â€" r. M. Bpiv.-a. pcsvumster here, hn come out .rilh an ciLphatic statonient thiit is ily endorsed by the great majority of pco|)lo of this district. "[ believe," says the postmaster, "that Podd's Kidney Pills are the right medicine for Kidney Trouble and will do all that is claimed for them. "I had been bothered with Kidney Trouble for years and tried several kinds of plasters and other medicines but did not get much lastin;.; benefit. Then I tried Dodds Kidney Pills and would say they seem to have maile a complete cure as I feel as Well ns ever I did." There are numerous people pre- pared to make statements like that of Postmaster Uel.yea. but the case of Kidney Disease that Uodd's Kid- ney Pills will not cure has yet to be reported. long became accjuainted PflONOfiRAPHIC ROMANCES with the fair owner, though he de- clares the sound of it created in him no sentimental feelings or any par- ticular desire to become more closely acquainted with the singer. II" met Itobbiris. however, at the house of a mutual friend. and it was not until some weeks after the introduction that Mr. Hill connected the voice in the phonograph with the lad.y to whom he had been intro- duced. The marriage has been a very happy one. and Mr. Hill states that if A little Sunlight Soap will clean cut glass and other articles until they shine and sparkle. Sunlight Soap will wash other things than dothes. *3 COENS AND TEETH. How Old Wolff Carried on BCis ] Business. I It gives one rather an ache in the j mouth to reflect that a gentlenum who died recently in London has left an estate of nearly £170,000 all | from making artificial teeth says the ] St. James's Gazette. I eiAv€0 dj^xo zcnZt ayU(/tv^/6 /jayi^t^ rfia/K Sm^^o^^^Mai^ - cc-ruii/yid ^ OMA/re^ Su ^M *- â€" ' " â- â- â- â- !> I !â-  , . â- â€" M^ ., » ,., M M 1,, Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples Lot us hava your consignment of any of these ai'ticles and wo will ffft von ffood prices. THE DAWSON COMMiSSlOlM CO, LitnltsJ Oor. West Market anU CoHaornsStB, TORONTO. Better that w;iy than the fashion t'wa.sbr'ought'ahout'in any I'n «'hich his prototypes raised their BEIDES WON THROUGH ' ING MACHINES." TALK- Interesting and Eomantic Re- sults of Singing Into a V- Phonograph. Mr Kuison, the wizard of xnodern magic, would probably bo very much astonished if he were told that his wealth. Hefore the artificial tooth was created deficiencies had to be made good by tlie real article, so body snatchers ravaged the cemeter- ies at night, breaking up the jaws of the (lead to e.xtract teeth to sell to dentists for insertion in live men's mouths. An army of ghouls followed Wellington. They were li- -, _ , ,, , cen.s<'d us sutlers, but, once night fell Mr. Daly called .^ ^^„,g ^j,^;^ ^,,i^,.^ ^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^ \ the teeth of those dead and dying on the battlelieliis. It is a horrible idea, but we are not so much more refined to-day. Only eighteen mojiths ago somebody was exploiting the bones of our soldiers who had fought i an<l died under Lord Wols<;loy in the i-'Vshanti war. The poor relics were lately led to more than one wedding. yet the fact cannot be denied. At a recent bachelor dinner given by Mr. James Delaney, of 3G7 Man- hattan A,venue, Jersey City, prior to his taking on the joys and sorrows of a woddeii life, ho informed his guests that his approaching marri- age was due to his having fallen in love with his (ianceo's voice as it came through a phonograph, many month.s before he ever saw her. The young lady who pos.sesses so seduc- j live a voice, and wlioso pnifessional name is Miss Enuua Laurens, was a music teacher, and in order to in- hor income she accept.el an engagement to sing into the ma- chines of the Edison Phonograph Company. Into one slie sang a pret- ty little ballad entitled "When I Think of You," and the record be- came a very popular one. Mr. Pclauey, who. by good for- tune, is a lover of the phonograph, purchased some frenh records about a year ago. and among them was "When I Think of You." As ho listened to the sentimental song as inter[>reted by Laurene's mobile and .sympathetic voice, the freedom of a bachelor's life seemed to lose some of its glamor. He began to think about the singer, whether she was young and pretty and unmarri- ed, until at last he made up his mind to llnd hor. and, if everything .turned out well. TO M.A.KE HEK HIS WIFK. He know his enthraller's name. for it was engrjivod on the record, and so without delay he called on the Kdison Company and asked for the lady's address. This, of course, was refused, but ho obtained a promisj; to the e/Tect that if he liked to write a letter and address it care of tho company it should bo forwarded to the proper ouarter. This he did, and a tew da.vs later was astonished to receive a reply from Long Island City, where ho had many friends. Ho had written a diplomatic letter asking Miss Laur- ens if she were open to an engage- lueut (a musical one, of course), as ho was getting up a baseball con- cert and would be glad if she would Eonsent to appear on the pro- (framine. A.s the terms were satisfac- tory she agree*!, and a fortnight lat- er sang (by request) "When I Think of You" at Mr. llelancy's highly successful concert. It did not take llhe promoter of the musical enter- tainment long to discover that be- sides pi'.ssessing a remarkably sweet voice Miss Laurens was also beauti- ful, amiable, and free. In less than a month the acquaint way by the phonograph then the in- strument should KECEIVK A TESTIMONIAL. Mr. George Daly, a traveller in phonographs. tells rather a curious story in connection with these ma- chines. It appears that last year a phonograph belonging to a customer being out of repair, to put matters right. With him he took several records and after he had put everything in order he in- serted a cylinder and started the machine. The song, a beautiful bal- lad entitled "Why are Itoses Swi?et?" by C. U. Hawley, was sung by a Miss Georgie Starr. While the music was in progress a 'shipped to London, taken to an auc- lad.v entered the room and sat down tion room to be sold as "curios." to listen, with a rather amused ex- 'and only at the last moment was pression on hor I'aco. At the con- public opinion too strong to permit elusion Mr. Paly politely im[uired if the wicked transaction to be carried she had enjoye<l tho song, to which [through. jthe young ludy replied that she had. i Not so far from where the pros- though it was a somewhat curious porous tooth factor has just died GAN BE HAD IN Pails, Wash Basins, Milk Pans, &c Any FIrat-Claa* Qroa«r Can Supply You. INSIST ON GETTING EDDY'a coincidence that she should be listen- ing to her own voice. Mr. Daly was considerably aston- ished, and perhaps his expression of countenance suggested some slight incredulity, for tho lady quietly pick- ed out the very song from music ly- ing on the piano and bearing her own professional name of Georgie Starr. If he had not already been married, a man of fifty, and the fa- ther of a large family. 3Ir. Daly af- j forwards declared he might have ad- ded to the number of phonographic romances by marrying the fair song-; but, under the circumstances, the story can now only take its pla'-e among curious coincidences there used to live old Wolff. He did not aspire to the title of chiropodist â€" simply a cutter of corns. More | than a thousand clients paid him 1 â-  their 3 guineas a year. One of them i 'was an Arch-bishop, who. while he \ submitted a painful corn to tho raz- i lor. plied his persuasive tongue upon ! :the cutter. II»re was a .lew to be 'converted. "Sir. if you will go on j I talking. I shall cut you." was* tho onl.v response of Shylock. "If I make you bleed you'll die." was an- , other grim way he had of silencing \ clients. In his dingy old room, pa-: 'tronized by all the lions of the' Stock Exchange and everybody who! I was anybody with a corn, ho piled j I up a fui'tuno of over si.x figures, and . was still coining money up to the date of his death at the age of 84. WAS IT POSSIBLE? "How dusty those chairs are. Nor- aih." said the mistress. N'orah looked disturbed for a mo- \ ment, but cpiickly recovered. She ran her linger along the seat o: one of the chairs, and then regarded it closely. "Now who'd Ivor think it wud make all that difleionco to have no- body sit in em just the wan day. mum?" said Norah in amazement. "If 'twasn't for visitors Oi'd have to bo at em wid a cloth all toime." How's This the We oUcr One IIiMiclroil Dollars Reward for an;,' case of Catarrh that eaiinot ba i cured bv Hall's Catarrh Cure. i F. .r. CHKNEY & CO.. Toledo. O. We. tho uixdcrsicned. have known F J . Cheney /or tho 15 years, and ! believe hini perfectly honorable in all I huuille&u tran.saction.s. and financially able to carry out any obligations uiada ; by hi.s Orui. I WALUINO. KINNAN & MAUVI.V. I Wholesale Pruggist.s. Toledo. O I llall s Catarrh Cure is taken internal- I ly. acting flirectly upon the blood and i iiiucous surfaces of tho system. Testi- i monials sent free. Price. 75g. per bottle. Sold by all Druggists. Take llall'a Family Pnis for constl- patiun. HAUNTS OF FISH AND GAME, j Attractions for Sportsmen on the ; Line of the Grand Trunk. The Grand Trunk Uailway Company ; has issued a handsome publication. ! profusely illustrated with half-tone engraving.^, descriptive of the many attractive localities for sportsmen on their line of railwa.v. Many of tho regions reached by the Grand Trunk seem to have been spociall.v prepared for the delectation of umnkind. and where for n. brief period tho cares of business aro cast aside and life is giM'ii up to enjo.vnient. Kot only do tho "Highlands of Ontario" present unrivalled facilities for both hunting. fishing and camping, but thw 30,000 Islands of the CJeorgian Bay, Thou- sand Lilands and St. Lawrence 1{ Iv- or, Hideau River and Lukes. Lake St. John, and the many attractive lo- calities in Maine and N'ew Uamii- shirc. present equal opportunities for health, pleasure and sport. All these localities aro reached by tho Grand Trunk Uailway System, and on trains unequalled on tho continent. Abstracts of Ontario, Michigan. Que- bec, New Ifampshiro and Maine lish and game laws are inserted in tho publication for the guidance of sportsmen. Tho Grand Trunk Hail- way has also issued descriptive il- lustrated matter for each district seii- arati-Iy. which are sent free on ap- plication to tho agents of the Com- pany and to Mr. J. 1). McDonald. District Passenger Agent, G. T. K.. I nion .'-Itation, Toronto. INVESTMENTS â- for farmers and others^' that am safe and earn good rates of fntare<t. We olfer %fiKiA that are paying ^ to 4 rer cent, half yearly, or better than 7 and 3 per cent, per annum. For full part - culars address "Bx.cutor." N9. II Queen St. East. Toronto. .^fllL BUCHANAN'S UNLOADING OUTFIT Works well both on staoks aud in barna, unloads all kinds of hHyandsraln eithat loose or in sheaves. Send torcatAlofcao to M.T. BUCHANANS CO., Ingersoll.Ont 25-34. '♦*'*--«ifc^-,j«^. OHENILLE CURTAINS ftnd *X\ !un(IJ of hout^v Ilansiogs. also HOB CURTAINS °^"?.k*e ^.."ifv^.'*" Writ« to \li .bout, youn, HiTIUI AMCaieAM OYEINC Ca, Box 15S, Montreal TWO STEPS. The Last One Helps the Tirst. A sick coP.ce drinker must take two steps to be rid of his troubles atid gee strong and well again. The first is to cut off colTee abso- lutely. That removes the destroying ele- ment. The next step is to take li- cpiid f6od (and that is Postum Food C'olTce) that has in it the elements nature requires to change tho blood corpusules from pale pink or white to rich, red, and good rod blood ALW.VYS KKl'T HIS WORD. "Xow, look here. Thompson." re- marked young Brown, "it is six i weeks since you borrowed that fifty cents from me." "Seven." corrected Thompson, gravely. "Well, then, seven weeks," snorted Urown, "and you promised to give it back to me in a week. Promised faithfully, you did. to return me it in seven days, instead of weeks." "I know it." answered Thompson, .sadly, drawing a memorandum-book from his pocket. "The date of that fifty cent iviece was 138(5. 1 made THi; su^i^JY sroK ok likk. "Ditl he fall in love at first sight?" "Yes. I'irst sight of her bank ac- count." Mlnard'sLinkollsyseiitiyPlivsicians Over the Wabash DIMIOL'T TO World's Fair Gates, ST. LOUIS, MO. Come with u.'i itiid sec this. tho grt-'alesl, l-:xpo.silion ui llic history of till! worlJ. New anil elegant i)iilac» sku[ii!rs. built csiiccially for Ihia traf- lic. aro now ruriuiiig liaily bof MoiUroal. Toronto and .St. Louis, the Cunadiiin-racific-Waliash sh.irt Tins is l)y all odds tlia shortest, and only Vrue route Caiuida to ."^l. Louis. Tickols art- go>ii\ either via shorl line or via Chicago, with .stoi)-uver at Dftroil and Chicago without extra Charge All principal lr«in.< arrlvu onil depart from Worlds Fair .Station. For rates, tiiim tallies and deacriiaivo (older, addronn J. A. Richardson. Pass. ArI , corner King and Yonga yt» , Toronto. I '.veon ovor line. Iiest. iroiti builds good strong and healthy cells ; the note, and then T .spent tho luon- in place of the broken down cells do- ley. Since then I've been trying to stroyod by coffee. With well boiled I recover it." "But." howled Brown, "any other would do as well." "N'o." responded Thompson, shak- ing his head: "1 always keep to my word. When you gave me tho money I said. T will leturn this to you." and 1 meant it. Brown, old chap, just as soon us I come across that 1886 piece I'll see that you get it, for I am not the one to go back on aiy promise." ! "Does God ^'â- 'Od the summer. {John?" "Yes. miss." "Well. I do j wish he'd .send it in the winter, when We need it." j For Over 3lxty Ve«r» . Mrs. WlNfil.oWS .SooTlllsa SvRUP has b««n vwA >if ' niillionRof mothrrs for thai'' obildr^n while Io0&liiti2 Iisciotheit theohilcl, p^ift^n.^ th. gumi, nlinrKpniii. oitr«i wind colic, rrgiilai^s thoxioniaoll am) bowols, ftiiil is tb« bcBl remeUr for I>iBrrh(i»». TwooLy-JiTa cciiti a bolijj 8olU bvclniiuiist4 throiighoul Iha worliL Ho aiirft aa.l •»kfor"Mlu. WlNSLOW'sSUOIUl^u SvKup. ' rl-OI Mr. Xowlyblesscd â€" "Indi.vd. sir. a homo Without a baby is a home with- out a soul. It is an ab.solute family need. ' Singleton â€" "Yes; a crying need. I fanc.v." IN TIffiSK LATTRR DAYS Kat. drink and bo merry, for to morrow wo diet. Asli fQ( Minard's and lake no otiier. The fellow who plays the bass-drum is not the only one who boats his way through life. Postum Food Colfeo to shift to, both these steps are easy and pleas- ant. The experience of a Georgian proves how important both aro. "From 1872 to tho year 1900 my wife and I had been afflicted with sick or nervous headache and at times we suPfered untold agony. We were coffee drinkers and did not know how to get away froui it for the habit is hard to tpiit. "Uut in lOOO I read of a case simi- lar to ours where Postum Collee %va3 pme so curiously' begun had ripened u.sed in place of tho old coffee and a Into friendshif.. and from thence by complete cure resulted, so I conclud- stages it passed into mutual admiration. alTection, and love. Mr. Delaney. who is a member of tho New Jersey Poverty Club (an insti- tution which donates to each mem- ber getting n:arried a gift of S.W as K kind of consolation prize), says he is sei iously thinking of turning this phonographic romance into a short play, as ho has little doubt that it would meet with (ONSinKllAIlLK SUCCKSiS. This inti-rcstinvt and romantic ro- •idt of singing into a phonograph ha.s croatetl some amusing cornaj- ponilonce in tho and more than »ne fair scribe has written claiming to have won her husband through »inging into one of modern "talking itinchiiios." One young lady. ' Dora Uobbins. of As- ^ury Park, N. Y., who is tho po3- iMsor of a pure contralto voice, and ed to got some and try it. The result was. after three da.vs" LiANlSH HOLIDAY CUSTOM. A custom prevails among parents in Denmark of exchanging their chil- dren during the summer holidays. u<io of Postum in 'place of tho coileo 'The little ones from the villages go I never had a s.vmptom of the old trouble and in live months I had gained from 115 pounds to 163 pounds. My friends asked mo almost daily what wrought the change. My an- swer always is. leaving off coffee and drinking Postum in its place. \Vc have many friends who have bi>en benefitted by Postum. "As to whether or not I have stat- ed the facts trufafully T refer to the Bank of Cnrrollton or any busi- ness firir. in that city whore I have Uvetl for many years and am well known." Name given 'oy Postum Co.. Hnttle Creek. Mici;. "There's a rensoM." Look in each pcckago for the fam- ous little bof^ "The Koad to Well- viUe." to town, and aro all the bettor and brighter for their knowledge of city life and what the world is doing. The little city folks aro sent to be refreshed by the country air. and come hack with cheeks and ro- bust constitutions. ! Lever's Y-Z (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder dusted in tho bath, softens tho water and disla- ' focts. At the Yarmooth Y. M. C. A. Hoys' Camp held at Tusket Falls in Aug- ust. I found MINAUD'S LINIMF-NI most beneficial for sun burn, an im- mediate relief for colic and tooth- ache. ALFRED STOKfc^S. . Gonor»l Secretary. Of course things are going wrong when they don't go \ our wa.v. CHILDREN'S CHATTEK. Tom (our doctor's son) â€" I wouldn't have anything to do with Capt. Smiler if I wore you. Klla. Miss Kiln â€" Tom! what on earth do you mean? Tomâ€" Well, he's not safe! I hoard dad sn.v his ous! vor.y laugh was infccti- Minafd'sLlniflient Lumberman's FdeDd ONE ON DR. WEIR MITCHELL. Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, tho eminent nerve specialist of Philadelphia, tells of an incident of his early careor which taught him a le.sson ho has al- ways remembere<l. Kver since then there ha.s been one ijueution which he never usKs his patients. An elderly man Wiis ushered into the doctor's ofBco one afternoon. After telling him to be seated, the doctor ask- ed in his mildest manner: "Well, sir. what is the mcttor with you?" The patient quickl.v replied: "If 1 knew, doctor. 'l wou.d not come here to find out." Keep Minard's Liniment in tfie House, A UIIT NOT ON* E.KIIIBITION. Perkinsâ€" You don't speak to Simp- son? Hopkins â€" N'o: when I sent him our wedding announcement he wrote that he forgave mo that $10 I owed him. A woman's fa\oritc writer i.s a hu.<«i>and who is capable of writing Chl-Ck."}. A m;\n may be a.s honest as the da.v is long and still have a bad re- cord at Bipbt. The thousands of people who I I write to me, saying tbat Siiiloli''s Consumption cured them of chronic cough.v cannot all be mistakao. There must be soino truth in it. Try â-  bolU* (or U»t cea|h of T«ur». PrhMsi S. C. W»tLS A Co. SIO JSc.jgo. »1. LeRoy.N.Tf .Toronto. C«n. ISSUE NO. 27â€" 04. 1-38

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