^â- IH % X trl0n ^biiance. d ^=9^ TBUTH BEFORE FAVOR." â€" " PKIXCIPLEb NOT MEN.' Vol xxiv' Fleslicrton, Ont., Tliursday. June 30 lOO-i W. H THURSTON, '^^'â- "'^^ PROPKIETCB *t Stop a rioment ! But that is ndt what our Wmc!ie» do â€" they 'â- a" "i i -r- ivi*r," like Tenuy^nn's nrookâ€" wi;h ail occaaioriiil cleKiiiiig. \\'e liave the l.K>t laloe in Wiitdics lo bu fouinl in Oni.irin. That is a I ig staitinuiit, and if you il'iu't l.elieve it ci.ine In and let us verify it. SVu make a apecialty of tiie pi-'jiuUr and perfect HAMILTON MOVEMENT - A Ilia stock of this aiovement jail ti) hand. CLOCKS !:; unmerisa van- bty and at all prices. Our ropairing department ia thciroiighly equipped and good wcrkmisijhip guaranteed. W. A. Armstrong, Jeweiler, Flesherton j â€" bchaiuic medicated vapor, â€" ni) nauseous drug i. Abiiotute cure auarantecd to users of (J.itarriiozone ; it can't fail, try it. Coinplete"outfil fl.OO ; sample size 25c. Sabbath School Convention The Annual Cuiivention of the Arto- inesia S. S. .Assdciation wna held at Eui;enia o:i alonilay, June 27. The openin/ eiercises were conduced by Rev. Ivuon Wilsoi'. after which the P.esiileiir, Rev. G. Hurlburt, t;)i)k the chair, and appointed c»iuaii;tes. Mr. J, FfU'e i], S'jperiiireudeiit of the Presby- ter! in Sa.laih School, Flesherton, intro- duced the question â- 'Ho-.v can we reach and help ncjleeted children." Neglectetl children, the speaker explained,meant in , this collection ih'ise children whose ; parents were non-church uoera and who • were c.ireless about their children at- i tending the Sabbath school, or those who , u â- •â- â- i. i i I Lciiv,.i.„ i iv u , ordinary christian, he was one who made ; lived -it too jreat a distance froni a so lool ,-•â- .â- ...- u i i . . . " m, uij I hi.s cnriatiaulty lelt, he endeavored to â-ºo attend. lho.se children who were â- , • •' â- n u . , I i â- â- 1 ij nn.ke an impression on all who came without the trainmi; tliey would receive • i • i â- â- j i c u- i . /^ , , ^ â- ' â- ,. within his influence because of hia I>)ve 'in the school were apt to "low up irreliir- , ,, , t„ ,. t- o I p j^^^ God. Tiiere was not anything too bird that GrKl'a will niiiiht be done and to be exam- ple and tind our joy in our love to God and to man. Paul not only enjoyed the must ever cojiie first, we must never try to put any thing in the place of lioiiie, the school luu-it ever be subordinate to the home. While normal school teachers are nesded. the lireati'st need in a taacln.'r is a consistent life, the teacher has to plant b'lt it is Go 1 who giveth the harvest. W e must ni.ike the best of what we have, literature, helps conveniences, etc. The | speaker thought the average home is not ' a home of piayer, as too many have not j ihe family altar. What he wished to im- | press upon the parents was threefold, i teach your children good manners so that j they may conduct themselves propeily in the .school ;teach tliein to reverence God's name and d.iy ; teach them lo pray. Be- ware lest we lose even the form of prayer. Kev. J, A. Matheaon discussed Paul as a christian worker. The effects of Paul'," labor are seen more clearly than those of the other apostles and ivould be seen as long as time husrs, ho was moie than an McFarland, Stafford & Co.'s Big Store â- <"."-, â- M^V-RKDAt-E. ONrAl<IO Grey County's BIGGEST and CHEAPEST STORE- Low Prices - â- ^-'^- : ' Both - Good Values Sides inus and would becoiua a menace to the , , , , . . , , I , . iiaru tiiat <.j'ni a win miiiuc oe iion : , church and society and we would have to ,,^,„^,„t ^^ i,i„,,j jf „.^ „,^ 1 I deal with their inHuence. The »P<--"ke^ > u is followers we must follow His 5cotti.5h 5port5 Price ville civic holiday w.is in every â- way a success. The weather during the partb^ing mm ot e.'cperieaoe. Franklin ^^ggested "District visiting." Jtr. J.I. Graham thought a go.id soluti.ju of the difficulty would be to have the children conveyed to the schools by s >nie one who coiili not or wouldn't teach. Rev. L. VV. Tlioni thought union schools t'ater part of the day w.is all that could j at convenient distances apart would be a bedesir.-d. The school grounds were good thing, but seemed to think thit be4Ut-ful!y decorated with eveigreens there were not many negleeCfd children, and bunting.' Two dancing platfoniis â- Rev. Mr. Franklin and Rev I. Wilson said eerred their purpose admirably. Every- j ihtro are neglected children and would thing was in tiptop shape. Pipe Maj'r | hko to see an organized efif(.rt t.o help Beaton of the 4Sih Highlanders, playing thorn. Mr. R. J.Hogg sugaested having Kom.' favorite and stirring marches' led lady visitors and organi.se a Home D.-part- the projession to the scene of action, ment ai.d in this way draw them to the The Duncan sisters. Highland d.tncers, school. Tlie result of the discussion was gave a sp'endi 1 i-xhibition of Scottish j iha*: a commiitee was appointed to d-a' showed thai he had the subject at heart and dealt with it in such a manner as to el'cit a leiii'thv discussion, those takin'' .. t i, i * i " i !• " - , . ' ,y ,^^ I urotJpect of heaven, but was keenly alive a of e.'cperieaoe. J.<.ev. G '^ - â- â- â- ', . . â- > i;'iickslepi, and these jjrctty la-ss-ies were inue aftur time recalled. The old man's footlKili match, with Captains Dougald McOorinack and Alex. McMillan, was - very iiiti'restiiig and funny. The teams di->p'ayod a thor-iugh knowledge of Ru-by | the township, subiui*: a list of preparefl rules, and'Referee Fred McArlhur was ! H^'^'-'"^"'*. -'"^ ''=*'^" "' "'^ with the fiuestion, who brought in tl; following report at the evening sessijn: That a be ippointed to consist of Messrs. Hogg, Pickle, Richardson, James and McKei.zic who shall visit all schools in very fair in his duties. Dougild Muie out victorious with a score of one goal made by Donald McMillan. The junior football mutch Letwecn Ceykn and Pricevilie Higli'andi»rs was hotly con- tested, and no score was made' The boys put up a nice, cle;in game. Donald McLean, South line, won out in tossing the caber, and Wes Theobald, Durham, was victor in throwing the shot. Per- haps the mcst eiithiisiastic event of the day was the tua-of-war between Ben Nevis Camp, Durham, and Scotts Greys, Pricevilla. The big Hielanmon of Scots (Jruys easily walketl away with Bun Nevis in the two trials. Raiti came on about 5.30 and pi evented the remainder of the program from being carried out. Jlf. Ed.Tiiomp.-ion Flesheitoii â€" Cater- er to the Camp â€" supplied everyone, free supplied everyone of charg:\ with a liist class supper in the Agricucultual hall. The concert ii. the ov.ening nSs pethaps the best in the history of the village. All 1 .seals were reserved and tlie coniuiitt-eo who attend school and m this way Ijnd out those who do not attend. Mr. Pickle of Matkdale dealt with the big loy problem" in a m.astcrly way showing that he is interested in the boys, lie th'uaht thit in the home the big boy does not receive enouah atention. the girls are l»ui;lit «nd carud for anc shield- ed, b'.it too often the boys are neglected. When they are little, wo compel theiu to go 10 Sabbath sehool but when they grow older we cannot do so and what then? the boy drifts from Bcho<d and ( l.iooften drif;s into sin and inio the down- â- ward path. The speaker tiiought if we brou>;lit more love and cheer and blight- neas into our school and church services it would be helpful. We should help the growing boy to overcome bashfulness and associate with others.' We must win ihem by the o'.d urocess of love, and win them for Jo us; we do not realize the importance of this, if we allow them to leave our school unconverted they are on dangerous ground .and unless some to the spiritual needs of others. Rev. Dr McLaren of Euphrasia stilted th.it he had helped to set this association atioat and congratulated the president on the large attendance and the enthusiasm which prevailed. He took as his-subject " Sinning against the child," and said there was an impression abroad that sin could only be commitle<l against God, but be proved from the Bible that we might sin against a child â€" by insane parent.al authority. Some parents do not believe their child can do wrong. Another way in which a child may be sinned against is by a bad example at home, and the worst is their imication is laying the foundation of character. The treasurer stated that there was a balance of 810. SO in the treasury. .A vita of thanks was tendered to the Eu- aeiiia ladies for their generous hospital- ity, also to the retiring otScers for the work they had done during the year. This was consiJercd the largest and most enthusi-isiic convention in the his- tory of the association. â- The ilethodist church was filled in the afternoon, and the Presbyterian church in the aveuing was taxed to its utmost capacity to provide seating accomodation tor the audience. A hearty iuvitation was extended by the Vandeleur delegates to hold the next meetiui; in Wesley church, which was accepted. Mrs Thorn and the Misses Joy a union choir rendered choice music There are two sides to the Buying question. On one side i.s Qualitif : on the other side 9?rtee. We aim to combine, as far a.s po:3.sible, the good of each for the benefit of the appreciat- ive. It's because we make this combination that om* adver- tisements always interest the intelligent buyer. -^ • ,. Many Money - Saving Opportunities Tins week we have gathered together some of the best value* we have had to offer this season. Read every item carefully. The iiualitisB and valuns are described as accurately as possible, and the mouey-saving chances perhapn the best you wilt see here or any place else this season. ALL PERFECT GOODS. "f ^3.50 to ^0.90 SilA Waists fof $/.98 15 Ladies' Silk Waists, sizes 32, 34 and 3G only, made from rich heavy Taffeta and' Eclipse Silk, nicely trimmed with medallions, tucking. h«m stitching, etc. Rich shades in pinks, blues, old rose, greens, tuscan, white, cream and black. i>"ot a waist in ihe lot but what is good value at $.3.50, and several of them $4.50 and §5 goods. This is the biga;est snap in Sdk Waisrs we have ever had to oti'er, but we want t<> turn them into money quick â€" your choice $1.98 So. 00 hadles ^ain (Boats fan $2.98 20 only Ladies' Fine Rain Coats, iu navy blue and bUck, nicely made with deep- fancy collar, perforated eyelet holes under arnis, doublu breast style with large pearl buttons, lengths 52, 54, 5G and 58 Regular .^5 coat-s, ou gale this week for. . §2.0? Two Big Drives in Dress Goods and Opening of House of Refuge. The Grey county house of refuge was opened at Mirkdalo on Friday afternoon last with considerable eclat. About 2000 people witnessed the event. Tb^ chair was occupied by the warden, Mr. Pringle, and SI. uie of the speakers were, W. J. Shorthid. reeve of .Mnrkdale ; Mr Pies- ton, ex-warden, Mr. N. McColman, ?,l. K. Richard.soii, M. P., I. B. Lucas M.L. khem la-er in l.fo thvy m ly atlasi miss the i ,v., A G. McKay M. L. A., T. I. Thorn- Pearly Gates. Mr S. Hemphill thoiiglit L,,,,,, Ji. p^ (j,,o. Brown of Moaford and one reason why the bin boys (and girls L,thers. Dr. Sproule was unavoidably too) left uur Sabbath schools is because Li,,, „(;. It was probably owing to the the parents Jo not attend, they should L^,^.i^l^.^,t which btfel" the manager jet a liood example and .s;iy "come" not ; t|,.jt „ , preparations had been '•go." Anotler thought, that we teachers j male to seat the crowd which wished to do not .=ho.v enough love and sympathy | list,,,, i„ the s|ieakers. This made the for the b .ys. The discu.-i.siot.s were bngSt „tf,iir exceedingly tii.some to m.any ladies, j.^„ I and cri.sp and we bol eve were iiio.st help- â- 'pho Markdale "band supplied music, ig. I ful. I D'jrimi the nfiernoon crowds ot people The Picsident then gave his annual , fy],.,i through the building examining address. Tlie religious training of the j ,"in,if m.^ property, and the iieneral ver- h,id everything so nicely anan.:ed that j s'f*-^"-! P''*:-''-*"';"/^ jirought to he.ir upon the people without any difliculy found their places in the hall. Mr. John Mc- Anhur ab'y olheiitid as cliairnian. The order could Uot have been better. ilr. Donald McGregor is a favorite still. Miss Ma« Dickenson â€" guitar and soprano solo- i-t is imleed deserving of the piaise she receivid. She has bcci'ine very p.'pular in PriCfcviile. Mr. James Fix was up to the work as usual. The people alwty-i depend on Fax for pure tinea humor. Duncan s.bters, highland dancers. Toronto aie smait and can .â- 15 CEKT DRESS GOODS FOR locts. 12 pieces Dresi Goods, comprising wool urtans, wool serges, zebilmo, etc , 40 and 32 inches wide, ricii, handsome, styl- iih Dress Fabrics, and well worth 25c and 35o each yard. We secured them at a bar'.'ain and turn them o- er to our pat- rons the same wav. ^u sale Thursday laoruing at your choice per yard .... 15 Aboat 15 patterns in handsome wool coveit cloth, tina sjrges, cashmeres, tweeds -repoline, etc , rich, fashionable shades in pure all wool fabri -s, suitable fot dresses, skirt* or full costumes. These> are no doubt the be»t dress cUitbs we ever offered at this popular price. Ou sale Thursdiiy raoroinu. Regular 40c., 50c. and 60c. nualities for 25 25o SILK GLOVES for 5c 200 pairs Ladies' and Children's Silk, Lisle and Cishmere Gloves, all sizes, in black, tans, ureys, etc., not maiv of each shade or quality, leguUr values 15 to 50c i pair, your choice only 5c 6fDa LACE .MITTS 25c 78 pair Women's Heavy Silk Lnce Mitts (or half gloves) ricli, heavy pure silk lace ;n black only, a.ssorted sizes. These are cool, comfortable and fashionable for hot weath. price . jr, regular tJOc ((ualities. our 25 LIN'EX TOWELING FOR 5c 10 pdeces, 50 yards. Linen Crash Towel ing, 1(5 inch wide, good heavy crea.n cloth with wide border, good value in the regular way at 7c per yard, cur price 5 35c LADIES' FANCY COLLARS IDc GO Ladies' Fancy Collars, made in the latest styles, from tha most fashionibls fabrics, ox blood, blue, linen and white, canvas cloths with fancy triinminijs aad tab", washitig goods, regular 25c and oJC values. Your choice Thur8d.4y m >rning at 19c XIcFARLvAND, STAFFORD cSc Co htep oB the h yliland fling to porfeetion. ' young is in the hards of parents and the ; Jict was that the iiti-tilutiou is very c dre.s.scd j,, {uP, 1 Sabbath sch.)ol teachers, too olten 1 very nilijiigly j entirely to the latter, a great responsiWi i the Scottish! ''>â- â- â- »•'»'* "^"" ''""*"**-â- ''"='â- "'"^ "'" '" I.Hon Haw ,.,s -should bo to had till m to Christ. } l*ipe-m :<jor licatou was liigliland costume. II played tho inu-sic .so near to Iicurts. Of Mrs. Ada Hud.sou ttaw, as aecompaiiist, too much cannot be nald. Wb are proud to have in our m dit such an accouiplished uiusiciaii. Her selec- tions were of lier own cotiiposili on. Tlie Sons .)f Scotland are making rsi.id pro- tfr. ss throu,'houl Can d i. It is without doubt one of the safest fraternal Isnsur- auces. We uuderaaiid that Scof.v (i.ey's ' P'^"'^'^"'*"^ "" ""'â- >' w'»"'<^' Ciinp initiated t.»eive new members "»""""-''•• ino avociatiou ad]. Utvly. It's What it Leads to That makes Ca'arrh such a dreaded dis e.'vse. If you hiive Catarrh taint, droop ing in tlic throat, if you hawk and spit i cars elcct««J,.were as follows: ri-t-s, R J and have \ stuffed up feeliiti; in yi.vr no?- Hogg, Eugenia; 'V P,R Allen, .Xttenuviia; j trils you should use fiaijnint healinu Cat- ami Secretary treasurer, W H Bunt,! ft kil- iii should bo to lead till m to Christ. He thouglit there should be normil classes ftu- the training of teachers but a tea-.-her could lenrii by cNperience if he had the spiiit to go to work and study, and had the Spiiit to gu deh i.n. Mr llurlburi then »p 'ke on thetemper- an,-c nuestiou and thought we could get " "it badly eiiougli. vne aiociatiou adjourned to uipfcl in the Pieabyterirn church at 7.30 EVKMNG SBSSIO.NS The.«on< service was conducted by Rev. I.Wil.soii attor»hicli the nominating com- mittee bi ought ill their report. The oth- Special Inducements For Current Trade . . piece, and an Imnor to the couu'y. .\ Sin(C03 county gentleman is authority for the siiteuient that in so:no respects our house of refuge is ahead of that of Siuiooe, liailt at Bcetor,, l-i:t the latter cost very much more. It has, h.iwavef, a Uuspitsl ill coniicctio'i, which ours lacks. A bantpiet had bee-i nirmged f ir the oveniii-4 at which a iiunilwr of uroiiiin<"nt speakers were expnctod to he prosen', but this proved rather a ti v--e>. Thcrj was no spe-ik ii'i, the toasis hi.iiply being read off. The press of the coun'y w is not invited, conse<,(uenlly we liave to rely somewhat on second hand iuforma tion. Notwithstanding thi< â- >versi;dir on the part of the ofS -ials we un lerst mJ that 8»«veral county iiewspap-rs were re- pivaentetl. 1 10 .Men's all-wool Tweed Suits «7 and SS for 5.00 12 Ladies' Fme Coa's, for.. S7.50 and SiLOO. V>.Wi- .\ l-ipge a.ssortmont of carpets, arranginK in price irom 2.V. to 8.125 per yd .\n.extra good slock of Hoi-so F.'.ankets oti haiiid.aiid weare selliiit: them at ihblowe.st living prices km-wn. Also a full range' of Men's Heavy Footwear, such as Felt U.iots, Heavy Rubbers, Moecasius, Ltg- L'lngs, etc. 20 Men's Heavy I'Uters.go.id valve at $(> 12 only Men's Pea J.ickets,on sale at 3 90 2t) all-wool Men's Svv-eaters, worth 51.00 for 65c. 50 yds. cra.sh tow.dins,v,-orth S;.yd. for 7 6 pr. gray wool Blankets, to clear out at $1.00 pnit 12 .Men's Cardig.ln Jacke's, reg. $1.50, for '. ....1.1'.> Men's Kid G'.ovef?, resuUr price Wo. and ' #l.i,K), f-.,r 60c. per pivr A Reduction in Groceries Mirhouine ht once atnl get cured. Thous- tiiids have bton saved from Corsuiiiption and coiiiplo'ely cured by Catirrhozone, an there is no reason why slxiuld't stamp "Ut vonr Carlai rh al-o. ('atarrhozi'iie will FieshciioM. I - Rev. G. Franklin spoke on therelaUon i Will of th'.' «<iluM>l to the home and vice verjm. ' piles A Satisfactory pile Remedy cure the conditiim* cnustna the Trv Dr. Hamilton's Pills of Mau- ri iHg good .Tapin lea for 5LC0 5 lb* Coy ion Dlaok tea 1.00 13 lbs. best 8cl«jtetl raisins . » 1 00 25 lbs. l.'e»t Tapoic.i l.'.H) I 25 Ihfl. frofih Figi l.CO I CO '•"'•J'' l^'rs soap, re j. 12^0 tor 0.\pr.h\r A nice assortment of Faucy Cila.'Sware Tie tirst imprensions aro received in the drake and Butternut ; their fre<|ueiit use , (i^ Chotse for .Xmas (jiftt. . . 1 home and are greater than any that may prevents piles. No case ever kni wn â- , " where the use of Dr. H-vnilton's P lis Y\^ HOCTIvLEY failed. Price 35c. I rea ly cute you and prevent the disease ! be received In any Sabh.a'h«chol however from returuin;-. U'» v--rjt pleft<i.in, just we'l regulated \t niaj- be. The boiue Highest prices p-»id Fowl and Butter.. . . F*roton Stulioo J^A