X: 1 -v' "% MOST REMAMABLE CASE A MAN WHO STEES SOUNDS IN VARIED COLORS. Crossed Nerves tn Brain Enable ..Him to Interchange Three Sen^ses. There is a joung man of twenty- six ut Zurich, Swilzorlnnd, with 8Uch a wonderl'ui brain that the neurologists and psychologists of I'iiris are visiting Switzerland to see witli their own eyes the marvelous porformuiiops related of hinx by the noted alienist. Dr. Alfred ijlrich. who discovered liim three years ago and who has just pul)li.shed iu a t.'nris specialists' journal a full uc- cm.dt of the reniurkuble case. The young iiinn i.i a native Swiss of poor family, and that is how he fell umler tlK- ob.sorvalion of Or. Ul- rich. who is the head of the nervous hospital at Zurich. The patient came to the hospital for treatment of u slight spasmodic affection, but Dr. ['Irich soon discovered ho had hafipened on one of the most curious and amazing cases in the annals of science. It is dilUcult to make out I ho cau.ses of the strange things this young man can do, for uri exactly !??milar case was never knoWn, al- though the patient's brother, a younger man, presents many of the same phenomena. IMATIIKilATICAL PRODIGV. L'ntll the boy was 13 years old it was believed he would make a sec- ond Newton or Gauss in mathema- tics. His ability to solve the most ditlicult problems in arithmetic was such as to amaze his teachers. At f\ years of age he could quickly per- form the solution of the hara&st kind o.'' the simpler arithmetical iiroblems; and later ho developed still more wonderful facility as a mathemati- cian. At 13, however, ho fell ill with mciisles, and upon his recovery lie lost his color, his general health, and his brilliancy of mind, but new powers cnii:o to hiui which were (juite unob.scrved, at least in their iseientihc importance, until ho fell un- der the eye of the Swiss alienist. 1 it was then learned that ever since his boyhood the young man could see .color in the sound of the human voice. After his attack of the measles all kinds of sounds were translated into color after reaching his jjiuin. Ho could hear no detinito sound without at tVio same time sensing a delinito color or combina- tion of definite colors. â- I I>r. l.'lrich discovered other strange ., things in the sensations of his pa- tient, and for three years he has 'â- been making coiitinous tests and ex- periments, the results of which ho lias now given to the scientific world. SOUND OF THK VOWELS. Thu most intense colors the young man can see are pioduced before his i\\es wlien lie hears the sound of the vowils. When the letter "a" is soiimlfd ho perceives a brilliant grei'ii. but at the .same time he has a .sen,sati!^n as of feeling .something cold and smooth, such us gla.ss. The Bound of the Icjtter "o" produces sev- triil laryiiig colors befoio his eyes, but particularly yellow or shades of |elli)W. The letter "i " Kiyes him a sensniion of dark color, 't>" is re- presented by a bright ro4." "u" is a /dark ureen. and "y" is wliito > Wiu:i\ ho looks at th(!so letters in print he .sees colors coire.'i|ion(ling nith those he sees wIumi the letters lire sotmded, l)Ut nimh less vividly. 'J'heso results %W*'e oljlaincd by cx- peiinients chiilly m.ide with the hu- (uan voice, Hut the young Swiss perceives dif- HE'S OM ONE OOT OF SCORES BUT DODD'S KIDNEY PILLS MADE HIM A NEW MAN. Richard Quirk, doctored for a dozen Years and Thought His Case Incurableâ€" Dodd's Kidney Pills Cured Him. Fortune Harbor, Nfld.. June 13. â€" (Special). â€" Scores of people in this neighborhood are living proofs that Dodd's Kidney fills euro all Kidney ailments from Backache to Uright's Disea.se. .'Viiiong the most lemark- ablo cures is that of Mr. Uichnrd Quirk, and he gives the story of it to the public as follows : "I sulTered for over twenty years from liUuibago and Kidney Disen.se nn<l at intervals was totally unable to Work. Aft:er ten or twelve years of doctors treatment, I had made up my mind that my complaint was in- curable. Itcuding of cures by* Dodd's Kidney Pills tempted me to try them. I did so with little faith, but to my groat surprise I had not taken more than half a box t)efore I felt relief and after the use of seven or eight boxes, I was fully cured and a new man. •â- yos, Dodd'fj Kidney Pills cured my Lumbago and Kidney Disease, and the- best of it is 1 have stayed cured." Unless the soap you use has this brand you are not getting the best Ask for tbe Octagon Bar. »4» TURN OVER TIME. When Natvire Hints About the Food. When there's no relish to any food .:ahd nil that one eats doesn't seem to do any good, then is the time to make a turn over in the diet, for that's Nature's way of dropping a hint thatjUio food isn't the Hind ro- .qiiin-d. V ; ••{•'or a rtiimher of years I followed railroad work, iinnh of it being of- fice v.orS of a trying n.aturi-. Meal tiiiii'M wf^e our l)Usiosl and eating too Uiui li and too quickly of food such as is ro:)imonly served in hotels and restaurants, lhe.se tosjether With the Hcdiiitary habits were not lonu- in gi\iiu; me dysi>epsia and stomach trO'ible which reduced my weight fri>iii IMt.'t to 100 |iO!Muls. "There was little relish in any food ami none of it seemed to do me any good. It seemwl the more I ate the ]M:>orer I got and w.ns alwa.va hungry iie;oie nni.ther meal, no matter how much I liad eaten. '•'Ihcn 1 commenced a fail' trial of (!i ai'i--.\iits and was surprised liow a small saucer of it woulil i-arry nie nlon;. strong and with sntislied ape- tit€', until the ncM tiionl. with no sens.Ttions of hunger, weakness or idihtr.'Sfl lis l:efi)re. "\ have been following this diet now for SiiverHl ir.ontivs nnil my iiu- provenieiit has been so great all the others in my family have taken up the use of (irapf'-Nuts with complete isatisfaction and much improvement in 'health and bruin power. "American p<!ople undoubtedly cut hurriedly. hav(« lots of worry, thus hindering digestion and therefore need a fo >il that is precliijeHt-ed and con- ceni rated In nourishment" Name glv- m liv Postum Co., liattle l'r(-ok. Mi h I ink ir. -nch imckago for the f iin- ov» little book, 'Tho »oad to Well- vlUc." ferent colors in tho cries of different animal.t. The cry of a dog produces for him a sensation of yellow; when ho hears the cry of a black-bird he perceives a red color; tho raven's voice Hashed a color of green before his eyes; tho low of a cow is fol- lowed by the perception of indigo, i while the bleat of a sheep gives him an impression of yellow. SKNStCS INTKUCUANGIOAnLi;. Uemarko'ole as all this may be, tho .young Sv\iss seems to have in his brain Sf)nie strange faculty by which almost all the senses seem to bo convertilile one into another, and this faculty rendered the best and most conclusively positive results in the experiments, for it left him en- tirely in tho hands of the oxperimem- tor. In Ills brain the senses of form, color, and sound are interchangeable. In other words, he can fool the qual- ity of roundness in a sound, of squarenes.s or roundness in a color, of color in roundness or squareness. Ho not only sees a sound and hears a color, but he sees and hears tho sha|)e or form of things. For ox- ample, for him a circle produces a .sensation of red, and when he smells iodoform he can see a liright red color and i>orceive. at the .same time, a sour or bitter sour taste. When ho touches a cold object ho can seo a grmni color, and he sees a red col- or when ho touches a hot object. SKNSF.S ICRMS OF TOUCH. Dr. Ulrich brings .^ll these interest- ing facts forward as ;iroot that all tho live senses are reaily but dilTor- ant forms of one and tho same sense â€" that is, touch. The entire busi- ness, it is claimed, is done in tho brain whore the ditTerent centres con- trolling tho sensations act like a switchboard upon which no coordin- ated method is at work. So that the sense of roundness, when a round object is seen or fcdt, is car- ried to the brain and there, by mis- placed switches of the gray matter, is converted into color, sound, or even smell and taste. Dr. Ulrich calls attention to the surprising fact that one person in every ten lias this remarkable faculty in a small degree, only tho person having it is not awurc ho is excep- tional. Ho says tho.so persons nro perfectly healthy in all respects, so far as their nerves or brain tire cou- cerried, but having lieen accustomed to the.se .seiisalions from their child- hood, think they are perfectly natur- al and lionco not niuthy of particu- lar notice. for tho borrowers include nrigliouse. with a population of under 22,000, and (llnsgow. with a population of over 700.000. If the falling off in public appeals for capital by the i.ssuo of .stock hod Ijeeri accompanied b.v an improvement in tho investment market, and by a ri.'»e in the value of gilt-edged slocks, thoro would be something to bo said for the raising of more money for urgent public works of a municipal character, but that ha.s not been the ca.se. As a matter of fact the depression has bo- come greater since the late C'hancel- lor of tho Kxchoquor thought it ne- cessary to issue a warning early in Decemhor last." £ty^^^ Wifoyâ€" "Do you recollect that once, when wo had a tiff, I said yon were just a.1 inejin n» you could be?" Hub- byâ€" "Yes. darling." VVifeyâ€" "Oh, .James, how little did I know you then!" Life is tho fruit of the pa-st and the seed of the future. Beware of Ointmonts for Caiarrh that Contain Msroury. B..S mercu.-y will surely destroy Iho scnso of tincll and compluLely tlcrniiKe tho wholo byHtL'm wtieii catering it throui;*^ tho mucous surface.s. Sucii articloa eliouir] never ha used except on prc- frcriptions from reputaMo physicians. ai tlio claiiiafTo tlioy will do i.i fen fold to the good you can pos.sihly dcrivo (rem tlietn. Hall a Catarrh Curo, mr.n- ufiictured hy I*'. .1. Cheney & Co.. To- ledo. O.. contains no mercury, auit is taken internally, acting dirnctly upon the blood and inncou.s .surfacea of *-lio system. la liuyinR Hall's Catarrh Curo 1)0 Buro you got the geniiino. It is tak- en internally and inado In Toledo. Ohio, by V. J. Cheuoy & Co. Teoti- monialB free. Sold hy Druggists. Price. 75o per bottle. Take Uatl's l''amlly Pilla for conatl- patiou. "When T was a Iioy," said tho grny-haircd physician, who hapiiened to be in a remiiiiHc<'tit mood. "I wanted to be a soldier, but my par- ents persuaded me to study medi- cine. " "Oh, well," rejoined tho sympathetic druggist, "such is life. Man.v a man with whole.s-nle aspir- ations has to content himself with a retail business." Minafd's Linlmgiit Cores Oaodrulf. Doctor â€" Well. Mrs. Muggeridge. how are you getling on? Taken the medi- cine? Mrs. M. â€" ^ es. Doctor. I've tak- en all tho tabloids you sent, and now I want a >a'W persecution. SHORT MUNICIPAL LOANS. Towns Accept Sums to be Repaid in Six Months. Tha London Aigus of a recent date, contains an interesting article on the dilliculties now experioncod liy municipalities in raising money. It draws attention to the extraor- dinary moasures Hint are being tak- en by over 30 of these bodies to prociiru ioaiib in sums ranging from i;.">0 to Xl.OOO from uny who will leiiil. Some of tho largest provlu- rinl cilie.s are included in tho list. The rates of interest are, in the ma- jority of cases, between .14 and 4 per cent. \arious terms of pa.v- iilent are olTered. Tho Argus saysâ€" "In most cast's I hero is tho condition of the loan beliiR repayable at six months' notice. This is an alternn- tivo condition, and does not mean that a live or .^even years' loan is re- payable at six months' notice. If the mnnicipnlily cannot get the money for a period of years, it will lake the money for six months (u- longer. 'Hie rates of interest range from .') up to 4 per cent, (llas- gow offers ) iier cent, formerly I J per rent. over the deposit rate of the Scotch hanks tnow 'i.\ per cent) for loans for a inon'h. whilst Hnlh. whose :\ per cent redeemable stock stands at »li. ofli^ra 4 per rent, for money for five years. The list shows that tho need for money Is general. t\mh LlnliTiEiit Cuies Burns, etc. OVER TIIK WAHA.su. To tho tiroat World's Fair St. Louis, Mo., everything is now wide open, round trip tickets on sale until December Ist, at lowest last-class ono-way fare, good lifteen days, faro and a third good sixty days. Now is tho time to sec this, the greatest of all Kxpositions in the history of tho world. 'i'lie great Wabash is the Banner Line, tho shortest and quick- est route from Canada to St. Louis. The through trains on tho Wabash are tho admiration of all travelers going to St. Louis. For time tables and dCMrriptive fol- der, address .1. A. I{ichanlson. Dis- trict I'assenger Agent, Northeast corner King und Yongo Streets, 'To- ronto. First .Student-T get all my exer- cise running to cha|>ol in th<t. morn- ing. Second Student â€" M\, 1 seo. A sort of religious exercise. Hor Over S'.itty Vfars Mrs. Winhi-ow's .Sooth r no Svrkp hafl tioftn nnl itf niiili<>t)»of Mintti'-ra for the> ohililrcn wtiitd loolhinv ItRouttK'fl the oliiM. 't'ftrnH Ihairmna. ftllay^yain, ctroi wiiuli'tnk), rusuiaLtmUietttuinRch an.t li.iwold, aiiit iithe best rf'inedy rir Di.irrhm*. rwunly tlvR o*<iiti a boti.Ii Holtl ty.lni^rsiaU tJiroii»hout Ihs worM. It« atirs an I bck lor ".Mm. Wixsl.inv .'iSooTlll.NUJiviliil*." 'iJ-Oi N'o man ne<'d hope to pa.ss through the [learly gates on the strength of the epita|)h on his tombstone. fillinard's Llnimerii Believes Heufalglii INnilOASlNlJ roWKU OF (JUN.S, 'I'ho destructive power of naval guns hC'.onies every year more terrible. Tho latest type of gun introduced in the Urit sli navy is remarkable for its great length, over :i7 feet, combined with its relatively small diameter. .'lO j inches at the breech and 1H inches at I tl muzz'e. and its comparative ilinhtiuss, as tons. Its bore is i>.2 inches. its projectile welphs .'WO 1 pounds, and nt Jl.tiOO yards this inis- isil" can he driven thniugh II inches I of Kriipp steel. Tho barrel is made jup of an inner tube, enclosed in a jjaiket of woi nd .steel wire. TliiB gun lis reclioned equal in destructive pow- 'cr to tho 1H.\-Inch bore guns that Ipreccderl it, which have more than 'cloublo its weight. 'I h« murale vclo- jrity of tha ;Tojottilo ht 2.908 feet per aoioDc*. <^^. Potatoes, Poultry, Eggs, Butter, Apples Lot US have your consignment of any of these articles and wo will get vou good prices. THE DAWSON COMMISSION CO, Limited Oor. West Market antJ Colborne Sts , TORONTO. THK KTI.^'Y MILLION DOLLAR WOrtLC'S FAIR ST. LOUIS. District Passenger Agent McDonald of the t;rand Trunk Hallway who recently returned from St. Louis, states that it is hard to f;nd suit- able language to describe the magni- tude and beauty of tho greatest Ex- jjosition ever held. Tho site of 1240 acres being two miles long and one mile wide. is covered wit*" hoautiful buildings, broken with lagoons, canals, grand courts, monuments, statuary, parks, etc., all forming a picture that must be seen to be realized. An Electrical railway, called the Intramural, makes it easy to get from one F'art of the grounds to another, and follow out the daily programme, enjoying an hour listen- ing to "Sousa's" or other famous bands, or taking in a lecture or ad- dress, or Art tJallery. When you consider 'ho immensity of tho buildings, one alone having over 20 acres of floor space, and re- flect that thiyy are filled with tho choicest of exhibits from all over the world, one exhibitor vying with another to obtain the co\etcd CI old IVTedal. it seonis to suggest tho thought of what a grand o;)portun- ity and an education it will be. to the young men and women of oiu: land, to spend a week or two at .St, I-ouis this year. Iteally no in- telligent man. woman or child can alTord to miss this great World's treat. Tho beautiful Electric lighting of the Pan American Kxposition. which few thought would ever be ai>proach- ed is entirely eclipsed by this Mon- ster Fair. One of the features of tho fair, is the "Inside Inn," a hotel accommo- dating I), 000, splendidly run, and ut rea.ionablo rates. Tho total exjicnses of a triji to St. IjOUis ba.sed on half railway rates, is within tho reach of nil and por- mit.s stop over at ("hicago. and other points, and the trip is made quicivly and ciuufoi'tulily. It is tho intention of the (Irand Trunk to run through cars from Montreal and Toronto to St. '.ouis. commencing Juno l.'Jth, and jiossibly before. Tho C'onadian Press Associ ition were unanimous in their praise of tho flrand Trunk and Illinois Central route, and with tho .Kxposition. 28-04. CLEANING LADIES'... WALKINI OR OUTINO SUITS Oia b* dan* pnfMtlr br oar Fnooh Prooeu. Ttr It â- â- â- â- nSH /tMMIO*!! DVIHO 00 . HOMTItCAIk TOKONTO, OTTAWA * QVKBCO TABLE LAMP Nickal Plated Metal Lamp. PoroaU'n tiha.'id ftod Ctiimney Completii, rl 2"), F.O B., I'yronto. If Vcur Dealer Does Hot Koop Tham, Send te Toronto, for a Sample Lamp. BEAUTIFUL LIGHT. OHe LAMP GIVES LIRHT EQUAL TO FOUS ORDINARY CAS JEIS. Three Stylos : Tsble, Pendant and Bracket. Itlii^tratod CaLiLlojuo Purii she I bo Dealers an Appllc&bion. 8(8 aico our tin) of Oil Stoves and Heatsrsi for Summer \at, WHOIyESALK 0^fLY. The (llEGM CITV OIL COY.. LTD., •^^ TORONTO. A great run of luck always begins ; for the man who doesn't get mar- ried . fcd'sLinimeotfoisaleevsiiiHknl Somehow a woman can tell when | anybody i.s looking without doing it 1 herself. ! Use Lever's Pry .Soap (a powder) | to wash vpoolcns and flannels, - you'll like it. "VTe's a despicable hypocrite!" ".Sov" "Yes. sir. Wh.v, I wouldn't puinli tho same air he breathes into my bicycle tyres!" I llelievo MINAUO'S I.IN'IM! will cure every case of llipn'.h-: Uiverdale. MU.S. UKUBF-N ll.Mvl I Believe AUNAUO'S MNI.Ml will produce growth of hair. MRS,' (HA.S. ANlMriUSO .Stanley. r.K.T. I lielievo MIN'AKD'S l.lNf.'dl is tho best household remedy earth, MA'ITirAlS FOLEY Oil City. (Int. iria. ;nt N. ONT on Mrs. Muggin.s- "My hu.sband is a perfect crank." Mrs. lUiggins â€" ".\ll husbands arc, iny dear." Mrs. TMug- gin.s- 'lUrt fancy a man who coni- plaiim that my mustard plasters are not as strong ns tho.se his mother use.l to make!" I Coughing is an outward sign of I inward di.scase. I Cure the disease with Coi^sismiption The Lung Tonic and the cough will stop. Try it to-night. If it doesn't benefit you, we'll give your money back. Pricos: S. CWbit-bACo. S.>7 ?.-.;. SOo. »1 I^Roy, N. V.. Toronto. Con. WINTON iWINTONisKINGi tong live the ^ King AUTOMOBILE UNDERWRITERS The Winton Touring Car is appre- ciated by the best informed because built on correct mechanical princi- ples, of highest grade materials. As a prospective automobile purchaser you dare not, in full justice to your- self, take chances on an inferior car. By presenting a car of such imperial merit as is the 190* Winton, we become "automobile underw ri t ers" â€" insuring you against ri.sk or losis. Have you seen our new catalog ? The Winlon Motor Carrlaiie Co CUveland. O.. U. S. A. Rttpresonled In tb« Domlnloa of Coaada by TBE AUTOMOBILE & SUPPLY CO 7a HiadSf., E.. Toronto. Ool. SuH Aiienoles In Chlel Dominion Clllas ISStJE NO. 2*-04.