Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 19 May 1904, p. 5

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â- Jt TilE FLESHERTOK ADVANCE Uai 19 1904 â- ViAv"' ;f f * * : -I ; Methodist Church KLESHKHXON. t-«. l.wn/soM, B 1., B. D Paator Mnrtiing â€" Chrutinn Charity ETeiiiiie â€" The Cnpititl of a wfll-npont j-outh, or hew to enjoy a good old «jie. Vicinity Chips Charnrtrrlstlcs of the Past Week i'arefiilly Culled for the furious â- < â-  B^iy Wantedâ€" it once. Apply to Boyd, Ilickling & Co. Tiwiie pap^r, crepe p«per, «U color*, low price. W. J. D<>ugla.<». Fresh lime always on hand. J. H. Duckett, £ui;eiiia- Moiicy to lo!\n at 5 % on farm property â€" expense low, A. S. VatiDiisen. Potatoes for sale -on lot 36, con. 10, Artemusia. SjIoiuou Turner, Eugenia P.O. â-  Dr. R. Henderson and wife of Toronto spent Sunday will- Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Blackburn. Mrs. J. VV. Armstrong and children and Mrs. A. Smith cf Port Arthur are the guests of Mrs. F. H. Uickling. Topic tor next Sunday in the Baptist chapel: " The future state of the hea- then." G. F. Hurlburt, pastor. For Sale Che.ipâ€" Lot 23, con. 7, Oiprny. Would rent. Apply to R.J. Sproule, Fleshertoii. 1*U({ Married â€" In Flesherton. on Tuesday, May 17, by PvCV. G. Hurlburt, Baptist niii.istei, Mr. John Nuhii of the Flesh- ertiin woollen mills to Mrs. Mary Stocks. The rains of Friday and Saturday oanie as a blesKiug to the thirsty land, which was becomiii){ l>aked as hard aa King Alfred's cakes with the dry, hot weather. "Ideal" wire fencing ii the be«t. Boyd, HIcklins; & Co. will hare a car load de- lirered in a few days. If you need fenc- ing get their prines. Rev. N. WcUwood of Dundalk preach- ed two very able sermon* in the Method- ist church on Sunday, tlie evening dis- course being especially strong. One good Reed drill, ahuoet new anl in fiiBt diss working condition, also spring- tooth harrows, for sale cheap and on oaiy terms. II. J. Sproule, Flesherton. Mr. R. J. Ho;^g has purchasxd H. M. Bowerman's reiiid«nce and property at Eugenia. Mr. Bowernaan will remove to Tonrn'o. " Idoiil " wire fencing stood the test of the sevore winter and heavy saow. Boyd, Hiokling & Co. sell it â€" get their prices. All styles for all purposes. As T. J. Shpppard has decided to go to Toronto Junction, he is offerii'g his rea'dence for sale. Possession can be givsa the first of August. The millinery department at T. J. (Sbeppard's has a boom on these times. Any lady warning a hat will do well to call aud see the display. Remember, it is not only a few lines that T. J. Sheri>ard is cutting in price, but everything in the store is cut, and that good and deep. So you will' be S|)re to get a bargain when you call. At a meci-ing of the church board of the Mothodiat church last week Mr. R. Waller w us appointed lay dalecate to the district meeting to be held in Dundalkon the 2:>th inst. Mr. Jos. Stafford, professor of biology in McGill College, Montreal, is takir)g a abort v.ication with relatives here. Prof. Stafforil will ihortly go to take up hit auronier work at the government biologi- cal station in Prince Edward island. Bandsmen wantetl for Niagara camp, June 14 to 25. Camp j>8y. Write to T. F. E. Claridge, bandmaster 36th Rett. Band, Shelburiie, giving name, iiistru- jTient, experience. K<^de of music you are ab!c to handle, etc. Mr. Frank >IcFarUnd has been pro- mite 1 to the citptainoy of No. G On , 3I»t tiattahoii, in place of Dr. K. K, Richard- son, rrsigiied. Mr. Charles Kichard.<ion has boon promoted to the Ist lieuten.tury of th • company. Dr. E. K. Richardson ha* j 'iiied the Toronto Field Battery. Tho Advance is gi-try to announce the «ovcre illness of Misa .Vniiie Ki<diardson. Wc underatand there is a «li)fht chanire for lh« better, however. Miaa Maud Richmdaon of Toronto is here aasiating ill the nursing of her sister back t- health. Mr. Fred. W. llicVling, of FJeHhertcn w«» ill town Thursday and t.K>k a trip throouli the cement work*, and felt a geniyiio astonithmeut at their magnitude. He^nH been lolling cemant for the Com- pany and tells at that it i* the best iib- ial,uablo.- Chronic'?, McKeown'i lake at Duncan ia an ideal picnic spot, and a grand picnic ia being gotten up for that placs for Hay 24. A big program of sports is arrangi^ for. A little steamer |;lien on the lake and a jolly good holiday can be spent there. See large poatert for full partictiUr* of the picnic. At the meetingof the Methodist chuich hoard last week the paator, Rev. Wilson, was granted a few weeks' leave of ahience during the tucnmer. Mr. Wilson informs The .\dvance that be has not had a lengthy holiday ainco entering the min- istf y. No doubt he » ill appreciate this one, which is well deserved. Wantedâ€" By J. E. Richards, Dundalk, successor to McFarland & Richards, 50,000 lbs. wool, cash or trade. All kinds factory sheetings, blaiikeH, etc., given in exchange. Also 10,000 dozen eg?5 at He a dozen, delivered in two weeks' time, to fill contract. It will pay you to visit Dundulk's big store. Mr. Pringle of Duncan called on the Advance Monday. That gentleman informs us that, fall wheat in Colli ugwood township was badly killed out by the severe winter, many fie'ds having been ploughed up. If fall wheat will grow anywhere it will grow in Ctdlingwood township, but that record-breaking winter was too much for it this time. .A curious effect of the dry weeks following the departure of snow is Siiid to be that the wheat which- grew did not •tool but only sent up single shoots.and in consequence of these things fall wheat will be aa exctedingly light crop in this county. The Epworth League was " at home" to their friends on Monday evening, when a thorouehly enioyable time wae spent by the goodly number who were present. The program was unique, a Great Apple Pie contest being the feature of the evening. We will not attempt a description of this contest, which called out the iutellectual faculties â€" the poetical abilities â€" to a considerable degree. The contestants were arranged into five groups each ('f whom had to manufacture a poem on a certain variety of apple. Three pies were offered as pfizei, ranging from one of miniature size to an abnormally large one. Dr. Mnrry lia« a tins moulh for pie and he worked hard, drawine in the prize for his group with a beautiful and classical poem on the apple called Maiden's Blush. That poeai took the pie. It may bo said to have been written ir; a pieous strain, which accounted for its immense popularity. Rev. Mr. Hurl- burt, Baptist pastor, gave a very highly appreciated address on League work. There was also singing and refreshments and the whole affair was voted one of the most pleasant events enjoyed for >onie time by the members of the League and their friends. FLESHERTON CEMETERY NOTICE The trustees of the Flesherton Ceme- tery Trust reiiuest pU.tliolders who have rubbish, stouee, etc. , on their plots, to have them removed at once or it will be done at their expense, sceording to regu- lations. They also invite plothoKlers generally to turn out on Victoria Day, Tuesday, 'J4th inst., to clean up their plota and beautify the graves. Beyond All Descripton Was the experience Mrs. E. V. Carter of Danaville had with rheum-itisiu whioh resiatctl overythiii>{ till Nerviliiie was tried, and it cured. "The only relief I ever (jot waa from rubbini; op Nerviliiie" writes MrH. Carter. "It i)oiiot rates after a few applications. I have used many rlieuinatio remedies but none had the soothinj-. p«in subduing power of Nerv- iliiie which I vecoinmeiid highly. ' Try Nervilineyoui-self. Good for internal use and excellent to rub on. Price 25c. Miss Alice M, Walker, one of theShuI- burne school staff, was married recently to Mr. W, 0. Sutherland, a bttrrister of S.'<skiiioon, S.^Nkaichewun. The members of the school '.xiard presented her with a silver bake dish su-tably eni^raved. Court of Revision TOWNSHIP OF ARTEMESIA NOTICI5 it liprebv Riven tlmt the flut fittini; « 'tba i!nnriof Itevi^ton on the A*ft«iuii)ent Koll nf lOiM for the Towmhiii of Art^inoni*. will be hftld attti^Tnwti Hitll. Flonhortoa OQ Satu*-<- day kh« fonrtti 'lav of Juue 19M. l>at«il Uar )8, 18P4. W. J. HeDamv. Herk. Court of Revision TOWSNHIP OF OSPREY NOTICE Islierohv Rivantliat tb« first nitklDg of ko ronrt of Hevlston on th» Auammdiil Itol j ,.f lO'l l,v tnatowimhip of Oxiirey, Will b« held lu ttaa Crane* Hall Maxwail at 19 a. m. on ViT Wtb n»it. ; DaMd Miy 18 IWM. Thot Bcourisrk, Fisliing Notice Ary p«non foaorl Aiibii.K or tr^spassinf oB tha propartr of I. Geoou, lot 3C, coo. T, wUlba proaacated to the full««t uxunt of tb<9 law. JAUK8 QBNOR Flnliertoo, Dnt. Taqders Waited The on3er»l«n»(l will reexive tenders np to June Ist ltX)4 for tbu purcbane of the brokeo down stasd >t the Or&BKe Hall, Maxwell, and total cleariag of Che ground of the same. Aluo to furnish wire and build a fence aroand the cemetaiy, the posca being provided and set in the ground. Maxwell May lOtb 1904. Alex Hudson. Joaieh Qamev. William Scntt. Bull for* Service Pedigreed ihorthom bull will stand for service OD lot 31, coa. 8, Artamasia. Terms <1. Fed- i^ree on application. Wm.C. PEDL4B. Hereford bull for Service Theandersigned ha<i a thorooRbbrod Bereford bull for service on lot Wi, 3rd west T. Jt S. B., Arteiuesia. Terras one dollar. Una Wesley Buskin HOUSE AND LOT FOR SALE Lot, four-fifths of an acre â€" comfortabla frarne bouse, kitchen, woodah»d, well. etc. fi Rood bearing apple and plum, orchard. Tor further particulars apply to Wm. Smith. Flesherton. Fis}:\iiig Notice All parties are borobv warned acainst trespass- ing on the property of the uutlersigue 1 through which the nv'^r ra-i<from Louck's mill to Geo. GrabAoj's proptir*^^T on the valley roaii. Fisher- men arn especiallv warn td to keep off this pron- ertv. Trespassers will be promptly prosecuted. W. A. Armstrong. Floaherton. April *25, 1904. BULL FOR SeRYICE The Tborougbbred Durham Bull " Emperor" will fce for service on lot 15B, E. L. and S. B., .^rtciuofiia. Terms ^l. Any cow Dot returned i»ill be charged for whether id calf or uot. Fsdigreo ou application. K. McGRUTHBB. Prop. Bulls for Service Pediffreed Shortliorn bull "Flesherton Chii>r' for swrviceon lot 140. cou. 3 N*. E. T. & 3. B.. Artemoiiia. Also a thoroughbred JerKov linll. Terms «1. JACOB THOMPSON. Dull for Service Short Horn Bull, Johany Cannck No .19788, is for servioo on Lot 169 Ist con. X. E.. T. A S. K., Artmiiesia. Terms of service ?1. Pedigree on application. GEOKGB JOHNSON. Farrq for Sale Being Lot 193 & 104 North of Toronto & SydenbHm rood, coutaininK i:*3 acres, 00 under cuItivotioD, iu splendid conditiou for crop, free of stone, well fenced and watered, free of wild weeds, having orchard and small fruits. Good barn with track and other out buildintjs. com- fortable house, 3^ Dai;os from Proton, iu Taylor aettlemcut. Apply to \V. J. MULLI.-*, Proton Station- WHLL PHPERS C. TrTOD, Priceville. hasput in a complete stock of latest patterns in wallpapers. The finest assortment ever brought iu. Will sub- mit sanjviles to prospective purcbaaors. Hang* iug promptly and satisfactorily dona. Farn\ to Rer\t 113 acres, 50 acres cleared and UT»<ier calttva- iioD. Good frame house, log baru. well watered, Suiiloatrom Flesherton. Apply to W. H. HALES, Flesherton P. 0. Imo. Notice to Creditors Iu tha mitter of the Estate of George rattor8#n, late of tho To^Tiiship of ftrfeinesm in the County of Grey, Faruier, deceAStnl. Notice is hereby Riveu pursuant to the Re- vised Statutes of Ontario, 18i>7. Chap. I'X, Uiat all creditors and others having claJniH Of^ainst the estate of the said George Vattersou, de- ceased, who died ou or about the niuuteoutb day of Jauuarv, A. D. 1904. are required, ou or before tbo2iid day of -/ime, A. 1). Id04, Co HiMid by i>o«t prepaid or deliver to Moswre. Luras, XTrifht A Mc-Vr-'K-. Owen Sound aud Klosher- tou. Out., Solicitors for David Harrow, Kxecu- tor of the last will and tet<taraeut uf the said dec*aKed, their cbri9ti>in and sarnanies. ad dr9»senand clescriptioud, theftill particulttrs of their claims, the statuiuoct of their acoountH and the nature of tho aeourities (U auy) held by thuiu. Aud further take notice that after such last uientioned date tha said Executor will proctod to distribute the assets of the decoasetl auiouK the |>artid8 entitled thereto, hsviiifj reiiariJ only to the olaiuis of which he shall then nave uo* tictf. aud that the sai't Kxecutor will uot be liable fer the said assets or any part thereof to any person or poi'Kons of whose claim uot c« aball uot have boen rsceiveJ by him at the titiie of Buch dfstributiou, Dattxl April Slst. A. D 1904. Lt'CAS. WhIGHT A McARDLE. Oweu Sound, Out.. SoUcttorB lor the Executor. Notice to Creditors In the matter of the estate of .lohn Hnnry Hf.nnl, late of tho Vi11»ko of Flrshwrton in I lie County of Gruy, KInuk- smith, deowwed. NOTICK is bcrtibv Riven imrsnant to The Fi>visfd Sta'utiis of Ontario IMi»7, Chap, la; that all creditors aud others Imv'nR claims a«;niiist the estate of the said John Honrv Heard,dt<ceas- ed, who died O". or about tho Twuuty^Arst dav of March A. l>. 10O4.arfe ret^uired on or before the Second day of .lune A. P. 1W4 to send bv |<ost prepaid or deliver to John A, Heard, Floshertun r. <).. oue of Ibo exo<:utars of tbe last will aud testamout of llie said deceas<»d, or hIe..srR, Luca^ \Vvit,'lit A .Mc.\r(Mf,0«'cn Soiiufl. solicitors for fbo e\i^cuti>rs.tbolr christian and surnaiui'S, atldresses Alid doscripkiou. tbu fullniartieularK, of tbiiir cliiiniJ.the staioment of their accounts and the uatnro of Mie saoui iti*< (It aav) bsM by (bam. ANUfurthertakenoticetbat aftrr such last mentiooed date the ssid eiccutor will procrtMl to dis tribute the »s«t>(s nt the dec«<tsed niuonK tbe pattia!<otiti*lud * hereto, bnving regard only to the claims of which he shall then have uotice and thsl the said exiKSUtor will not he liRbU* for tho said assets or any part thereof to anv l^ersou or parsoo s of whose ctaint notice shall net hsvt^ b.*en received by him at tba tiaie ot anch diittribution. Date) tpriWIat A. 1\1<IM. I,U0»8 WRIOHI* MeABDLR, UweuSoirad, BMeotonfor lieoatora. B»« â-º;> Ceaving flesberton And a $15,000.00 stock to be slanghterd T. J. Sheppard having purchased a property in Tor- onto Junction to open up in the dry goods' business we have decided to hold a Ninety Day's Sale while the repairs are being done to our building to clear out our present stock, and as we do not want to take any i^^ stock with us you can depend on getting a bargain in '>)> anything you want ; we are only going to handle dry >^ goods in the Junction so we must clear out all other lines and to do this the priceg must be cut deep en- ough to make them go. y^ Ourstocof DRY GOODS, BOOTS & SHOES, GROCERIES, READY-TO-WEAK CLOTIIIXG, and CROCKERY' is very complete. Oiir Spring Goods havin<jf all arrived before we thought uf leaving and now they must be cleared out. So you have a chance to buy all nice new spriug goods at big reductions. OUR MILLINERY DEPARTMENT which is in better sahpe this spring than ever having |. enlarged the department, our milliners are In better [â-º^ shape to attend to orders than ever before. Butter is CbeSP this spring but we will make it buy as much as ever by Selling everything else low. JVe take all kinds " f p/^duce during the sale. T. J. SHEPPARD Sproule's Block Fleshkrtox i E^^^^*^ /k .«d^^ ^^^ -^^ ^^^ ^^^ ^^^ -^^ ^^fc ^^- -^^^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^^^ ^^^_ ^ ^^ .^w ^^fc, .^^ ^^ .^^ „^^^ _ W.J.Douglass MEDICAL HALL Flesherton Makes the following prices good at the store or by letter until May 14th, 1904 : RED CLOVER, new lot, from $5 40 MAMMOTH CLOVER from 5 65 TIMOTHY SEED from „ 1 40 These are all well cleaned and extra values. AH kinds of Roots, viz., Mangol, Carrots, etc., at tho very lowest prices. M W^ We have the stock and we make the price; â€" O Inspection invited â€" Seeing insures your order. ge:9:^ce:ft:^^::9:e:^g8:e:^^:e:9:^^:e:9:^^:9:^ I JUST RECEIVED ^ ^ -AT- ^ VI? I Richardson & Son's I b Oilcake, ,..v â- -â- -,', ' Calf Meal, Corn, Garden Seeds, Best Clover & Timothy Seed from C« SteeUt Brigas Company S # m ^

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