Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 7 Apr 1904, p. 3

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...•t^Sfc '}' t 1 t ''â- â-  *\ t 1 I'! ^HAKE OFF THAT SPRIMFEELIM •OODD'S KIDNEY PILLS WILL DO IT N-ATUEALLY AND WELL. â- ^ause and Cure of tha Tired Feel- ing That is Epidemic at This Season of the Year. The spring is here. You can feci it .'n every part of your body. Your llothes are too heavy and though ^ou are not sick, you aro too tired â- to walk, too tired to work, yes, even •',ot tired to eat. It's that â- 'spring feeling." Dt. you know the cause of it? No, all you want to know is liow to gi^ rid of it. Well, the explanation and ihe cure are alike simple. Tn the winter you 'get used" to 'J/ic cold, you think. As a matter of Jact it is tlie body that gets pri'- parod. It puts on a torlirtcation of extra tissue that keeps the cold out. In the spring time this tissue is thrown olT by the body and if the system is .all in good working order, the blood carries away the cast-ol7 tissue, which is in turn filtered out of the blood by the Kidneys, and ex- pelled from the body. Tliis means extra work for tha Kid- neys, and if they are at all tired or Worn they fail in their work. The result is clogged circulation and that tired spring feeling. The cure is to tone up the Kidneys with Dodd's Kidney Pills. Hodd's Kidney Pills make healthy X'Cidiieys. Healthy Kidneys quickly cleanse the blood of all impurities aJid the "spring feeling" is replaced with a Vigor of body and bouyancy of spirit Ihat makes work a pleasure. PEOPLE WHO FAIL. The lazy man who allows his fac- ulties to rust, doing as little as pos- sible, allowing ambition, energy, and lelf-respect to go up, literally and figuratively, in smoke. The lazy woman who shirks her tasks, whether as wife, or wage-earn- er, and slips through lite as easily aa possible. The lazy young man who gets to Iho office late. leaves early, and jrunibles continually at the firm who )mployes him. The lazy young woman who arrang- is her liair, manicures her lingcr- lails, gossips contin\ially, and takes kut a languis and haughty intetest in Ihe wants :t the customers. The lazy person who dishonestly lippropriates praise or commendations belonging to another. The young man who always spcnd.s Sis money t)efore he gets it. And there arc others. EKOXTLFED IN THE SEA. Innumerable Fortunes Waiting {or You. Many people havo hoard of the search made by Greek divers under the Turkish Government, and the treasure discovered in tlie Russian admiral's ship, sunk at Tcherman at the time of the naval battle of 1770, when the Turkish fleet was complete- ly destroyed. The search haE continued with striking success. These fortunate divers have become rich, but the Turkish Government also has ob- tained some large amounts, inas- much as it has reserved for itself the lion's share. It already has been -innouced that on the first shipment to Constanti- nople the divers obtained for tiicir part the sum of 127(5. OOO francs. The daily work of the divers amounts to from 5,000 to 10,000 pieces of gold. A special boat of the Admiralty, manned by officers af the 'I'urkish Navy and by a Government inspec- tor, is stationed continually at thjs point. Each sack drawn from the water is registered, the pieces count- ed, and a receipt given to the div- ers. It would be difficult to give even a summary of the innumerable for- tunes engulfed in the sea. Among others an Englitih barque, which foundered, in 1700, oft the coast of Holland, had on board ingots of gold and silver valued at about 30 millions, of wliich a very small part was recovered. The "Royal Char- ter" went down near the Moelfram with a cargo worth two millions, and of this, as in so uian,y of the other cases, little or none has been recovered. Btatb of Ohio, Crrr of Tockdo, > ,. Lt;uAsrouNTY, ('*• i'rank J. Cheney makes oath th»t ha Is senior partner of the ttrm of F. J. Bhuuey & Co., doing business in th« ity of Toledo, County and Stat* aforesaid and that, said firm will pay _ _ _ tha sum of ONE HUNDRKP DOLLARS l„ionir both of its coasts tor each and every case of Catarrh that ^^°"S 00'" oi its coas.i3 cannot be cured by tha use of Hall's Catarrh Cure. FKANIC J, CHENEY. Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence, this 6th day of December. A. V. 1888. CONCEHNING CABLES. Englishmen Control the Largest Mileage. There are in operation to-day 253,- 436 miles of ocean cables, of whicii only 38,797 miles, or about 15 per cent., are owned by governments, the remainder being in the hands of pri- vate owners. Englishmen opened the first cable line â€" across the Channel be- tween Dover and Calais, on August 28th, 1850 â€" and Englishmen still control a larger milciage than the capitalists of any other countiy and more than half the total length of the submarine lines. The British cables that connect London with all parts of the world have a length of 154,099 miles, of which 14.9(j.'i miles are owned by tho Government. Of tho 1.39,136 miles owned by private companies, tho longest mileage is in the Australian and Oriental lines. The Eastern Ex- tension, Australasia, and China Tele- graph Company controls 27,609 miles, and the Western Telegraph Company 19.S80 miles. The most iniportant of the British cable lines are the live that stretch across the Kurth Atlantic, and also the first line stretched across the Pa- cific, which connects Vancouver with tho Fiji Islands, Norfolk Island. Queensland and New Zealand, and which was opened on December 8th. 1903. Among the many British linos also are cables to South America and A little Sunlight Soap will clean cut glass and other articles until they shine and sparkle. Sunlight Soap win wash other things than clothes. *^ -U ^ COULD IT BE DONE ? "Before proceeding further with this duel," said one of the princi- pals, "I desire that the right arm of ray opponent and myself be measured. " Thi.s wii.'i done, and it was found tliat the -other man's arm was two inches longer. "Then," said the objector dccisely, "you will all see how nianii'estly un- fair it Is for us to light with swords unless I stand two inches nearer to hiui than he stands to me." Handsome BISQUE DOLLS ! AX%t> a LOVELY BRACELET and SOLID GIRLS \ ^^^^ Is ^ Tremendous Bargain Woliiiv* In ourfactory iiiiiidr.tln .-fbig Slecplns aind Jointed Dolls t^int urrivijl iruia tiennany loo liito lor uiir CLriatiDiis tiade. Wo dou't -vrant to carr? them over lumruer ao you caa liavo tUem Freo for a fpvr huura* work. TUey aitJ gn;at big bfaiitlca nej'lT Some women don't care what thoir husbands sai-- as long as the neigh- bors don't hear it. fl-ailes* E!o,'»Ql Cold laid J WMoh.bandBomolyoDgrar- \ edCaac-JuiTclledniDremeDt, ) Our liti!o!rit.nJi whoeara ur lovc'.r Dollscan ohtalo \thl9 beftii'iirul Wftfiti rrf*e. 1-2 YARD TALL For Over Sixty Yenrs Mrp. Winhlow"8 Soothtso Sykup hns been nsed by millions of mothers for their children whila teething IifloothuB thechiUi. Foften*i the^um?. aliuynpain. curo.i *indctiiic, regulates the fltoniricb anilbowels, kihI is tho b'-nt remeiiy for DianhtBa. Tneuty-flve cepta ft hf>tL.t« Sold bj rlmttgiatj ihrouRhout the world Uo sitro and ask for " Miirt. WiKaLoWsSooTiiixa tiVKTfp." 22-0 Nellâ€" ''Jack is always talking to me about the depth of his love." Belleâ€" "The depth wouldn't interest me so uaucii as the length." Have you Ecaz^rvsa?â€" Have yoo any skin disease or eruptions ? Are yoii subject to chafing cr scaldicj^ ? Dr. Asnew's Ointment prevents and cures any and all cf these, and cures Itching. Bleedirtr and Blind Piles besides. O:.o ?.7piic;it:on brings relief in ten nunu;c>, and casts cuicd iw ihree to six nighis. 35 cents.â€" 71 NOT UNCOMMON. Hawkins â€" You look out of sorts, old man. Whafs the trouble? Parker â€" Just lost my new silk um- brella. Hawkins â€" How did it happen? Parker â€" Fellow that owned it hap- pened to come in the ofRce and recog- nized it. hftudaoiuely .Irowed in lat.-at I'rench OfH I aahioa with Dreas and Waist In lovsly colors, trtinmod with Laca. beautifil Laci trimmed Underwwir, L-jwly bli; hit, ReJ StockingH, 31i[)pers, Buckie*. eii\ aty- Il9hl7 dresaodfironi lie&dto toa, Turnimr Uisquo lload, Fttll Jointt-d Hodr. li iiig Curly Golden Hair ^^^ : P«iii/ Toeth, Beautlf.a SleppiiiiJ ^^~ Blue Ey^i, DoHr (•m-Uo(.l»e:iJ"9t like a Roal Sweet Baby. OXRI.3. we offer nficraadbarffaln. Wo wiil gi-.-o 7"' a lovely auque X>oUs« one a lutndsosae bic X>oU as dejcriti'^a, tliR'^tlier a biantimi BiJKlUe Saby Doll â- .V7 Sterllns Silver plated uru'SoUd Oold-flnU&ed JTeweUed ) also a loveiy _ _ . !\let and a beautiru. _.„_ _ , r IUnr> *U raSJBfor BeiUne only Xtt pftdateei it lOe a ?pactiigo of Marvel Washhiff Blue, the gr^aC wash-ilay hnlr. ? K'vitt vmir name and a*idrci3 at oncft. -no moxi-y< %VE ) TRtJSTYOlTaiid aend Illiiinir by innil iinstT>:vid. Waala.i SsnuU you fv-icU tho Ulitini; hoadooiae aoXd<Axilalied |\8cAirf Pins and Broacbas. Vou giro a brou^u or£<jari C Pin Free with each pact.-ii;o of Bluin:; yon eell. Almost orory J body wl.lbiiy. Every ludy needs Bluing When B-iU return m ) tho inonuy. $1.60, aTid wawiiUeudyMU nfe onpo tho two loeelyB ) Dolls and thohaiidiome Brao-letaad Ring, Tho bc2utlfniPr« â- \ miuinj woiifTerflia not to becompared t j the cUear' Pf'^rn'onia i usually e voQ. No ot.,er linn ever offorcd auch alotof Taluahlc \ prtJiniiinufnrsoJlUlowor;:, Woaroaiel aV-lo busln^Mflrm and ) will tro.;t you fair and ii.:ht'and ex;>ectthe aamo trom you. \ GlrU aeiid ua your omor n(>\7 imd you can h-tvo oil Uioio haud- ;\ Bome pro^ftiiu In ft__fpw diys. x: Mil^ EXTRA PRSSEMTS OlvoB to you FRSE be 9i d«B tUs 3 LOVIX'S' aOIitiS. HiiiKlBomeHetiTr Elwmtit Solid *" ' Goid-linlshed JuweUod Ring. ! No money wanted, not a cent from your own pocket, aa tvo ! make arrangements to deliver these handsome presents ) right to your addrcHSlwithont coalingjou one cent. Re- StorlinK Silvei^lated Chased Curb Chaia Braoolet. Dolly Wiae ! Awake look- ( ing for Its MAinvrA , mcmher, Glrla, wo divo these lovely presenta free for selling only "! packapca of Marvel S § Wasluns Blue. .â- ^.Wdrcss, THE Marvel Bluing Co.. DoU »cpt. joS Toronfo, Out. Jg BETTER SEAL A. W. QLEASON, Notary PvhUa INSTANT RELIEF FROM GOLDS, HEADACHE AKD CATARRH, REV. FRYS STATES^ENT: llcv. p. 1. Frey. Pastor ot the Maple St Baptist Church, Buffalo, N.Y., say.s: "I have been greatly troubled with coMb, headache and catarrii. I have u«-.d Dr. Agnew's Catarrhal Powder .with best results. I-n fuel it has done wonders for me. and I wish to recoi^i- mciid it to everyone." This remedy i-s also a perfect spociiic for influenza. 21 Dr. Acnew's Ointment Xi without an equal tor SMo Diseases and Piles. Hall's Catarrh Cure is taken internal- ly, and acts directly on the blood .and mucous surfaces of tha Bystem. it^d tor testimonials free. ^ F. .1. CllBNKY & CO., Tolodo.T). Sold by all Druggists, 7,5c. Take UaU'a Ktunily Pills for constl* (latiou. t-< DISPELLING THE ILLUSION. Mrs. f'.oodheartâ€" Oh, Henry! when' I gave that tramp a piece of pie he «ras so grateful that there were actu- ally tears in his voice. Her Iltislmnd â€" NoiLSDnso! That »as only his mouth watering. 60 Specialists on ths Case.â€" In the ordinary ruu of ro^.'.ical practice a greater number than this havo treated casei of chronic dyspop.-.ia aiul have failed to cure â€" but Dr. Voa Stan's Pinc.ipplo Tablets â- fijo in a bo.K at 35 cents cost) have mad-j tl!2 cure, giving relief iu one day. These little 'â-  specialists " have proven their real nr^erit. â€" â- jx 20 Yoara of Vi :o Oat-isrr^t. â€" Chaa. 0, Brown, JQurnalsbt, oi Duluth. Minn., writes : " Ihavebueo p. sufferer from Throat and Na.-3al Catarrh for over 20 years, during which time my head ha^ been stopped up and ray condition tiuly miserable. Within 15 minutes alter using Dr. Aguew's Catarrhal Powder I obtained relief Three bottles have almost, if not entirely, cured me." 50c.â€" 73 FOUTUNE-TELLINa . "So yon think you could read my future if I would let you hold my hand?" asks the maiden. "Well, don't you think it shows more consideration for you than to go out and figure on the stars?" ho asked. Ten niinutPS later ho was holding hw hand nnd his own future had been settled. r Ticket Collector ; â€" "How old aro yoii. little si''! '?" Little CJirl : â€" "If the company doesn't object I prefer to puy my fare and keep my own statistics.'" CHEAP ONE WAY UATF.S TO THE WEST VIA GREAT NOUTH- EUN RAILWAY. lOlTcctive daily during March and April, ciicap one way Colonist ticlv- ets will be issued from all stations in Ontario to all points on the Great Northern Uy. in the States of Mon- tana, Idaho, 'Washington, and Ore- gon, also all points iu British Col- lunibia. On March 1st. Pth, 15. 22nd and 29th, and April 5th. 12th, 19th. 26th, one way second tickets will bo issued from Chicago to points in North Dakota at greatly reduced rates. Full information as to time of trains, berth rates in Tourist Sleep- er, also literature on ,any of the above States on application to Chas. \V. Graves, District Tassenger Agent, 6 King St. West. Koom 12. Toronto, or V. I. Whitney, General Passenger Agent. St. Paul, Minn. .\11 married women aro good lis- tenersâ€" when their husbands talk .in their sleep. g! For th« very b«tk aood jrour work to tha " BRlTfSH AMERICAN DYEINO CO.** Look for a^iant Id yaur sown, or saad dlrM4< Montreal, Toronto, Ottawa, Qucbftft ;2S.oo CASH iliomc, tiDii^bi; rtei»!'i : poi^arTul anil tmuOM- :.-j-.\* to oporAte ; Ktvonsi- „. .itobl ami broM; bris- Bt»el bolk-rs ; ctanot «^ plo"lc;nii;icnfKt7Tnlv-.-,s 'â- ;i;» aoim?. stoaiit I'lpOt »n»'':'> !:inii» aj.d cvcryUi.nsf c 'ii> i.iae ^ fi.My tcaltO. Snu- naino nuil silurcs;* '" ''* r.'.uc. tlM^a!; w«i' ('.jiVhriT*. lOrcU at V' ^u'ld hxaa*or.'--i Gci«' flniriied Ht-arf I'P" M.A HT-iiKlicn to ^-^ Yon fll-"'> TJOiroii^** â- '• CMiit«tii!it ft.r oui exlrarashprlzw. tb*' fiiit prJ^e ot which w »i:..iw. , >;iil:i-. V.>ion pt'lJ. return ua ii»e inoiK-y. fil.'W.aiiauoW'llaeii'i â- vou, at oni'o. .i-'i" iniulsoino Hnfflnf' a c*hU priM cortm- citte. No monoy v.antcd tUl joodn ani .-W. \Va tftbo bi'-ic - \ vou cannot pi'!'. iâ€"s Marvol 526 â€" •• *â- Â«< Siass^ssi^ t.>ur new Mi^'^'A!?'Kn':eiJ a flutJ Bt-,i:.c ^i^el S&rrcl <;uii w.'-^ c'.;;-it 8»M..colll>loto,silOJ•-^f,'-:â- ^t,J^^ •i; OTHER PRESENTS m , yoncaaenn in r\ frw !io'..rR a ciJ.'indul. Icnx disiat!''?. lutfft mod**! Air Kifio. All pnv;ti h.ierchaiiiv'- lo;cartfaUy l*t».(-"i. eis'^tcti !ind te^tid; vtir sccnroce, shots otooomo n- conttBtcnt fcr '.•nrextincohh 3^i:-eM._tKel^t prize* of whirh lofl? CO. IJjJs.Kfln'i ";^i^t! andr.'.hlreKsacnnooan(2wewiiI muu:-oa,poBtpuid, EOpnok-ifrsii '»7ii7v^l Wr-shin-t liluo,th«5Xi'oafcwa''lidcy help, to sell atiOccnts a pacbnpo. \%oalE.o6fi:d Ji'.nd- G0IJ-: nithcil Scurf Pina aud Brcoches to givo n-Tny wUli tho Blainj;. ErtTy lady aiwiM % l-'uiuc Whcp.hoid. rwmriiii3th.)iaon(-y.$a.OO, anrt we \?illrend >on. ftc onro,tliohf\ndBOT]ieKiil;i, '5-? .\ H-cpiTKB IViiARVKLi Si^UlKG CO., GunDepfc. .100 Tci'orjto, Opt. V? m.-^&<'m'^s&^&ssM. You cau't cure a cough or cold from tho outside. You must cure it through the blood. SHiloK's Consumption Cure TSSic^""« is the only remedy that will do this. It gets right to tho root of tho trouble. It is gjuaranteed to cure. Prices: S. C. Wbi,l3 & Co. SIJ 25c. 5t)o. tl LcUoy. N.Y., Toronto. Can. luevcr's Y-Z (Wise Uead) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder is bettor than other powders, as it Is both soap and disinfectant. 15â€" 04 POSTAL APPARATUS. A French postal clerk has evolved a simpio apparatus for dispensing with the postage-stamp and enabling anyone to get his letter franked af- ter oillce hours. The apparatus can be fixed to any pillnr-box. A coin is dropped into a slot, the corner of th« letter is inserted, and the ma- chine stamps the envelope with the amount paid. All you have to do then is to drop tho letter Into a pillar-bo.x tor collection. ISSUE NO 15â€" 04 A sailor was once asked by a uicss- niato not quite so well up in matters social as hiuLSelf to explain to him the third figure in a riuadrillo. "You first of all heave ahead." said he, "and pass your adversary's yardarms; then in a jidfy regain your berth on the other tack in the same kind ot order: slip along sharp, and take your station with your partner in line: back and (ill. and then fall on your heel, and bring up with your craft. She then manoeuvres ahead o(T along- side you; then make sail in company with her until nearly astern of tho other line; make a stern board; cast her oft to shift for herself; regain your place out of. the sguadrou as best you con, and let go your an- chor." Th* Oast at txa Lowaat PpIco Writ* for Tarma RE ID BROS.. M'f's Co.'y \ 32-31 !"JAiN!D30?.fl£ GOLD W.iJ.TCH AND $25.00 'ihWcli'tr^nt GU-mwindandst;* KUttmniotti ^ VVatili. Il li:i* i\ iiiafiiillitrmly miL-ihi. i »tg* Ja^> gfc^ heavv titVl iHitl CiUk-', haA.ln:>mfly i Mb WmIbCPI oialMiMlnlv cnvmviV. in ll;n iimst b<-.ii ^T \Si.'Si)5p9 fiildcBi-riiH, Ajm-r!«fli»!htait. I.mni- \v;;r.»ntfcd to hrt^p uurrfl* i Uiup. T<iu Hill tv*-\ pn.iiil to uv\ 11 Oiii o! Uiwi! miiarknMy I'lliR -iiid truly ImrkhoiinT MRttlii'i. It U:ii till ajiiiMirfi:.- ' nf ^GO_LP„!^ATCH„ ^Kv.ry \\.\\^-\\ i';Hr tjiMMiit.* % t.iiu.v.nni f.Tsf;'i(ij;nii:y;.ip.i f.;u,'-*oi Marvel Wasiiiii-^! ii.*-- lioriii t^utii?. voa «.!r tv'A il ^ ti'WtTi*. tr« »fllnl !!lHlnB \<y >r.:t roitwiid. Vi.viii'ao bi;i''>m' a t ?.._.. "^ .1, > • -. ^f -,!•;..*> t Bit I -. Twiv Willi ll'uWiilns. ^^ 'â- ' " ""'i' ^''•"" "" "'" "'"'"â- >â- â€¢ ^' ;na'^•owill«™aynllatuIllâ- eUl«l»n.lâ- "'"|•;»â- "''^.''^^"â- >.â- ; i ,lv,r i ' (i-iV l«;.li..»». M riio f^r !:!.â- â- â-  • ' â-  .lny. A*:" ' iDtoxvel Biuict; C'>:'JilI'i''-.l"''" ' ""WATCii" 1;. <â-  n ii'U :n.thi:.{: in â-  mi '.Ir.. iioijil^^'nif, (i'li.rAiiL^M.l wnN'h, \\\\\, iuiol(i);ni)t, ,;«!•] lini ft hod •lulnnt:<l charm; thin v»lch lias a Ilitonilvf r IiltUlr-tl nlf'.,*-! ci, .t\ Aitiiricnn mny ruinit. Uronj ."> nd WcU mario. Kvory Watch Gur.fantoed yniial-^o IxTfima a rniitr»fa:it (or our otfmCMh rrizpjw the l»t (f which i.s \Vnto ntonconrii wowtii Tiuilvrtii j-tmtpftul â- .'."> park-. ifTrnt v.ifchday bcln. ?<> 9(U it lit o*tif« a i»«ck»i». His uevA h«n-l- fioniu Cold (liiihliftd fcrinfMrsar I Bmooli.-5 to BlTfi aw.ivwitli ihu Hl:iiii,t. I5vpry UiAy lu^il* h;(iliip. WTier K<;d r»:lujn iifl tlio innii,*y. *'J.OO an-l n> â- vUl !tii:nn:iatolv fnr- w.^r.1 V, 11 iiio w:it<.h. and rh-iln nnrt 'barm Frf*«. (iljioar».0i ) rin ct-rtlflr»lrt. «> iftke b»ck nil vnii niUHiolj.lI. Write ow. A<!')r.R Tfco nnrv<>l D^w|||.< <â- ;,^ Wtch I I'l't •m Tor>iito, OnV Poultry, Butter, Honey, Apples. THE Dawson Commission Go., T. I. ALL Kmm 09 FRUITS And Farm Pro- duco Rcnernllyi consign it to us aal we will pet you good prict* PAGE ACME » 150-foot roll. 4 feet hlKli ISO>foot roll. 5 feat hlgr^ IS*-foot roll, e faat hlcb .$4.tO . .5.10 . 0.00 For poultry and K-ardcn. Better than old •tjle. Of loeal Jcalcrorus, Freight paM" THB PACE WWE FENOB CO. LIMITED 2M WalkcrvlUo Montreal WlnuUfp^ St.4alMi V » \ A^ i MfeHtti

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