3 Feb 18 1904 THE FLE6HKRT0K ADVANCE ^watdiifc Tlesbertdn Furniture 4 ^ar^rodms. SWo nva carryiiii{ tho ncwtat atyles (if 8c-.iRiiniil)lr giiouH ill all liiitii of l'"uriiilture, omaiatiug of: l^irlor and budrooin suits, lounges, siilolxuirila, oxtuiisicii mid centre liilili.-.", chairb, wiiiduw .sliadrs and curtain jiolfs, pictures, caiels, etc., Which we ofTer at LOWSET PRICES 5 Picture FriiTiiiiiji; mid General Ke- \ ]i-iiriiig. IJiidortiiliin^ Jii all its v ^ iiiMiiclioa. Siitififuclion guarantce'l. ^ ^ W. rt. Bunt, - - Prop. ^ Falling out lair ir thlali» tho cuno., cull Hiid 1100 UB and wo win provi'Dt it doiuu uo by upiilyiiig our woxidar^ lul louioily. Highly Recommend Wohavoupoil itti wondnrfiii; â- on inanv in tlilH town riii'l Burrouruir dlRtriot iLiid 111! wlio havo nii<1oi'{joiio ti'otitm rocotu- iiioud it vfi y hijjlily. No Cure â€" No Pay A. WILSON KLtSSriEUTON Barber I'ri'piiratinn ia iicci^ssary if you wish to mcjced. If yc)U intud to fraiisnct busiilnNS of any kind jim would l)u aidly haiidicii)i- ui without II liusiiioss vdncalinn. Tliu luuat thoi'uimh trainiiiL; nf thin kind jun hu ohtaiiiod at tliu (^;/^m.^T//£m/l0 W^Ml(:m<^^^ DWENSOUNIJ, ONT. Winter term coninientoi .Ian. 4tli. Cat Hloyae ficc liy uddrcasins C A. FLEMING - Principal 5T0CK \Vu bavo just rucuivod in Rtock one of tlie.finebt aesoi*tindnts of BLANKETS AND ROBES ill tho iiiai'kot anil euii fivor you with Ktiy ru(jui)'uiiiuutH you will iieud iu thut liue. Ahoa If.ri^t) cousii^ninont of Imitation PERSIAN LAMB COATS. \Voliavo aflne culloctloa of coats to to select ffoni. All Sold at Lowet Living Prices mr iwr. ivi o o ]R E Bg Barg'ains - â€" AT Rearing Chickctts on the Farm Feed your hair; nourish it{ give It something to live on. Then it will stop falling, and will grow long and heavy. Aycr's Hair Vigor Is the only hair food you can buy. For 60 ye^rs it has been doing just what we claim it will do. It will not disappoint you. " My hair ni?ri to be Tory fcliort. But aftor lisiliK Ay.)r'6 Miilr Vipor a iliorl time It beKiiQ to Kro^y. uitd now it is futirtnen iiichoM ImtK. Tills Moeiiiu li e)i)oiH(id redult ttimoiittur beltig HlinoHt without utiy hair." Mus. J. U. I'irca, Culoriido Springs, Colo, I fi M a bottla. J All flruftirtsn. EiBlBMaMBaai for J. C. AVER CO., I.nwpll. Muss. Short Hair 1 lioroughbred Durham Bull lor Service Cord mmto, 20068. Tho undorfilRned has a Hno nRod Durham r.iill for sorvico on lot 141, T. mid K. It. Toruieâ€" SI for n>'a(lo cowh, ©3 for thoroufih- brudb. I'udigrue on application JAC015 JbtlVKU Flesherton P.O Business Cakds â- jT'CUIiLOUOn & YOUNG *â- "• Mankor Mnrkdalo Jo a f'cjijcral baukiuR buHinenB. Money loauoo a ruasouublo rato Culi oa utj. a J SPliOUIiE PodtniaHtcr, FloHborton voiuinisflioiior la H.C.I., Anctionoer Con vu.,ai:ct*r, Apin-aiser uud Money Louder Utial KHtatti and Insiiraiicu Agent. DondH ivoit,i!nyos. loaBus and wIIIh cuiffully drawn iin an 1 v.ilnatio«H tiiado on choiteHt, notice. ii'»;n(!y to loan at lowtjst ratos of iiiterust. Col i)!CU)(js attomlod to wiili proinptncBs chairoa low, At,'ont for Ociiaii Ouiuiuioti Stftauiship Coniii&ny. A call solicited. Societies A O U \V ineetfl oij ibo laftt Monday ^* in oHon month, in thuiv longo ronin. Cliriritou'a block. li'leHtiurton. at 8 p.m. M. \V., A. Ha> risoM ; Kucoidor, Jas. KolsCuad ; Fiuan- oier, W.J. Hebamy. VisitiuR brutlireLi luvltud. PKINCIQ ATtTHTU IjODGK, Ko. :i33.A. A r.I, iiieotH in tho MaHontohall. ^train's blfick. Klosliwrtou, every Friday on or before tliu riiU inocu. KlI W Iliukling W M. Chau Mu.iuhaw, tiot-reiftry. noUUT KLKRHRTITON. T. O. F. tiipota in u (Mn'iston'H lUoeU the last Friday evo.niiiR each month. Visitinn I'^n-rHtcif* hf^irtilv rnbwuno. (Mi.. C. W. Hi-llfliny ; K. C. W. Ittiskiti ; Kiu.Scc.Dr K- Mnnay. il'ay dnuHto Dr. Murray on or before luRt.day of each month.) Medical R. Kinnear & Sons .... MA X W KLL .... WATCH . . This Space Next Week The Markets. Carcfullr t'orrcrted Enrli Wrclt (•at!. '2(> -o 27 VeM . 02 o fl« Wheat 70 to 72 lUrh'y . 45 to 4R Jiuttur 16 to 15 KuRS f reah 20 .n 80 IWk 6 OO tn 6 00 (^hiulteiis p»r lb 8 to 10 Pucka fier lb 7 to 7 I'uckoy* p<-r lb IS tc 13 Oaeaa without head*.. • *e bay I 00 lo 6 00 i'oMttx* l»« M to U Dll CAUTUR M C 1' & S Ont. Plivflldlan, Rurpoon, otc Ofilcti and rodidouue â€" Petor St., Flenhurton DK. 80OTT, M. B., Maxtrell, Ont. U. M. KKin, M.D.C.M,, I'livnician.tHuruoon and Acioiiclicnr, Into of N. Y. roHturad. Modicol Kcho.il, N. Y. liji.iL'-in [l0H]i{tul and Kt. Luku'ii (ieueral Houiiital, Ottawa T r ottbwmltj * Votoilnary Surfioon OrRiluate of Ontario Votorinary College, roHiduiico â€" B'jcond door south wost on Marv strodb. Tliia atreot ruuB aoutli ProBbytoriuii UliurcU. n VILSON '*• iradnnte of tlie Yoierinarv Hcioncn .\nsooiation. UoKidonco, Durhaiu itreut, op- lio.itu iluyd, niolilii.g'u hardnare. Legal J. W. PR08T, L Ii. H. narriBtei', Holioitor lloiiveyancer. eto olBcn â€" Next to iiostoincn, tipioiilu'a Idonk k; jiliorton. overy ThiiTHdo and, oonvt dayi* N l»â€" Owen Hound ollicu, Ftosv' block Poulott atroet oast. LITOAS, WRIGHT * MfABDMil Harridturs Uolicttoia ('oiivuyaiicerB, eto ontconâ€" Ow.u Sound, Onk and MarkdalnOnt. W H WllKiUT, McAHOI.K 1 It LtJOAB N II -FloBhorton office, Mltoball's Itauk •vary Baturdaf. MACKAV4SAIHPS0N .Hanl«ler«. KolicltorR. OKKKJKH :â€" Owon Hrunrt. Merchanfn liank lllook, N. nf Patturaoti House. Lnndalk ain Btreut. every Satiiiday Money to loao al 4) percent. A. O. M.iCKAY.M A.. II. P. SAMPSON, li.MI Alwava in attendaiica at KletbertoD and Doodalk Diiltion Coarta. Dentistry DR. B C. MURRAY, V, I). B. dantkl anrneon honor (raduata of Toronto tInlTaralty and BoTal rollei. of Dantal Hiir«eon> of Ontario. ('fl)rt>â€" Ofpoallt Armatrnn«'« Jewailary Stora Will 'i«il Maxwell the last Wednctday and Daadalk 1 *a4 > Tbareday â- MMk â- • There is every indication that there will he a great cuuKuinjition of poultry in Can- ada thitijodr. The demand for every cla.'iN shows a litriliiug iiioreiise during the j last few yeara. Mr. F. C. Hare, Chief of • ihe Dtiininion Pnultry T)ivi8ioii, does not lieliL've it poHsililc fur tho farmers to rear, for ath'ast fivo vntirs to coiue,iiior*) Utility type chickens than can be aoM with profit nn the Ciiiiadia.t iiiaikets Alone. More- over, coinniis.-iiiii niurchanla in Great lirilniti can handle proiltalily at lea^t 81,000,000 vorth of our pnultry yearly L;i«t year ihe export of chickens to Groal I Britain waa iimtcriully reduced on account cif the (jieat demand in Canada. The poultry exports fhdii Canada to Great ; Ihitain were only $160,513, a small pro- portion of tlie 4*5,154,093 imported by t'le niotlior cnuntry. The L'reatesfc value of poultiy was exported from Russia, Belgium, Franco and the United Scales. Kach of these countries aliipped ovtr ?1,000,COO worih. It la a slun-t sighted ]iolicy on the part of our farmers to neg- lect this industry, when tliere ia an un- satlKtind demand for poultry. Informa- tiun with repaid lo ai.y binnch of tho Inisiness can he had grutisi, and the bus:- ne-s is a profitable one. It will pay almost every farmer to im- prove liiaHnck befovo the breeding sea.son bi'gina. The old fowls nhould be killed. There ia a greatly increased profit in bri'ljdiiiL' fi'dii utility-typo fpecimeng rather ihan from comuion hnriiyard s'ock. It is pieteiiihle to Nelect the egya for hatching from a breeding pen of the heal ton or twelve hens and one cockeral rath'Br llian fr'ini ihe laig;;r number of laying he IKS o'l tho farm. As a general rule, tht( egilH that are incubated «n the farm ate tho ejgs from llie poorer layers A utihry type I'lymouth Rock cockerel should be boUiiht and placed at the bead of tho breeding pen. A great improvement will be iioticeti in any Hock of farm fowls by cri'Ssiiig wiih the Plyniouili Uock. Tho eg!;N for Imtchina should bo kept in a cool place (40 lo CO degrees.) Tne chickens should not be hatched later than the middle of ,Iuno. .May-hatched cliickotis aro preferable. It i.s quite po.s- sible for almost, every farmer to increase the iiuinl er of chickens reared wiih little extra labor. Sitting hens should liot be allowed to li.itoli cliickens in any place they choose aliidit tlie farm buildings. They should be in one pen, set apart fortius purpose. The nest buxes shuukl \io made without a lloiT and placed around the ."idus of tho pen. Two or three shovelfuls of earth .sliiuld be tliMwii into each nest box and a hollow H[)nce scooped out for the eggs. The earlli nhould be coveted spaiiii-ly with straw A b.inid is rupiirid in front of the nest to contine ihe lien «t will. This nest will give outdnor ronditious in an indoor pen. The sitting Inn ahouM be Iboronglily dusted with unlpliur to kill the vermin. All of tlieui slionlil bo fed on whole grain onil grit, and watered at one time. The hens sIiouIl be placed en the nest:! and closed iu when they finish feeding. It ij ailvisblo to start BovenU liens together. The infertile eu'g.s can be tested out on ilie ninth day and one or more of tho liens reset. Tberei.ta ureal lo.ss in fatni-rearcd chiekeus, caused by the mother ben hav- ing licr liberty. The hon wanders through tlie wot lil-tss ; tho ehiekeiia ollow her and lieeome eliidtd and the weaker ones die. This loss can be prevented by eon- tining the hens in « l.rood ci^op. It is mote »-itmfHct>iry to bavo a hirao Irood coop ubat will bo a nbelter during inulo- iiieiit wenlher. A pai king I ox of three or four feet, each (liineiiRion, is none too large. The cover i.i reversed (opened end on the ground) and an ipeiiing one lo.d high is made across one Bide of tho Imj against tho open end Two one inch by two inch clents are muled on tho two tinla of tlio box at the yrouhd. The eiivor or lloor is itdueed in size so that it will slide in on these chats This tillows iho tlour to be removed for eleaninii. The bux should bo cover-jd with lar paper to make it water linht and there should bo a 10 by 14 pane of tila-s in the fiont. This glass should alido ill cleats for ven- tilation. In front of the one foot open- ing at ihe giouiid iho'O should bo a erate 15 inohos high covered with laths, two inches apart. Tho hen comes out into the laih crate to be fed and water, d ; the chickens run through the laths. This foi III of coop will huise safely ono hen and 30 chickens. The mniibor of coops is thus reduced. Tho hen and chickens khould he placed in ii wrasa field. This will reduce the niortaliiy due to the chickens being reared on infected fjround around liie farm budainus. A number of caHes have beenrep-u'ted to the I'tiultry Division of chickens and lurkeya dyiot; because ' f focdiig on around provinusly infested by diseatiil fowls. \'oiiri! very tiuly, W. A CLEMONS. Publication Clerk. * A sad event occurred on Tuesday opn- ing about nine oV-hnk, by wliieh h little chilli lost its life. The scene of tho oc- currence waaat ilio residence of Mr. and Mrc. MeLmd, .Mill K..«d, Thrir litHo I oy elevtn months old was sittiiii! on the lloor and picked up a screw nail which it put in Its inoiitli. When noticed it was in a dying loiifhlii II. ^nd alth< uuh Ihu parentH Concluded I bat it was ehokiuK ftoii) Home cause nothing could \w done until it. was loo late, Drs. Muldlebro and Dow Were hotb aumnioned lut before ciibrr arrived the child was dead. The r.ail >VH» found to he lodged in lh» wind- pi[ie, the widened head heiii)/ too large lo pa«n donii, and conipletrly cInainK the (laaKaue like a valve. It wna haalily re- moved and elToita made tv r««tore anima- tion hut without aue4:em. Thu parenii will hare mu<h ayiiipHthy in ibeir lier- eavrinent.â€" U. B. Ad>itrtia«r, LIFTING TME BURDEN With a Gentle Hand â€" ANTI-PILl. Woinan'a life la a battle with ndTrea that iaf strcnstlt antl eneriTy. Bliutt.ercd nervea ag^ravato andjiri^iuDta*;^ clironic trottblea,. ^Iiero ia iio'tiaa* In a wonian*a l^ AiiU-riU fails to do good. Wllen tho eloep ii restles.i, food daiiiics lUstreM, liend- ^ aelic or JizziDesn, pains In tlio sule or back, liidlgeeliou, p.il- pitation, aiipeUle poor, con- stipated, all tired out, de- pressed â€" Just one trial of br. Leo'iharrft's Ajvti-Pii,l will "lighten the iiun'.en" that la dragging jou down. It begiua Ita work Jo the stomach from which the blood ia fed and the nerves controlled. Anti-1*u.l embraces anew "., jr I. â- â- principle. Ita clTecta are tillferent from anytblno; else, nud there Is no mistaking Itawonderful iniiiience. Ur, J^onliardt baa prepared tho formula entirely free from th<3 injurious iupredienta foinmon to presenUiay Pills, etc. It Is the ideal system treatment. Price, 50 cents per box of dealers, or by addressing Wii.soN-Fyi.B Co., Niagara Falls, Outario, who will also mail free Bam-> pie to auy address, " A correspondenr informs ustlhil a fir- mer iii-ar iMooresbiirg, in order to break a good road to his bu-nh, hitched hi.s te.iin int 1 tbc sleiuh and took a large lioap- keitlo in tow to scoop out a path, hut m the BtraniiO craft w.is too buoyant his hirdy old father seated himself in it and a3 tie team was started up anil ihe (iiiow- Hliip did Its Cowcatcher «oik he liegui a b.assi ri> sing, '-llocked in the cradle of of the deep." The kettle, lo.'ides, m.ik- ing»ainootli path, also lefr a conspicuous blad; marl; beiiiod whicit enabled ihe wea lieibeaten seamen to nivii'itte witb- oul ji c<;iiip.iSi anil prevented their horses from g.'ltingsncwMind, .Ancient stigar- kettle.s ivill now be l;iken out of the miisnuni and given a chsnee to gain pop- ularity aneiv.â€" Chesley Dntoiprise. The largest load of leather that ever left an Ow. n Sound tanii ry was moved lo the Canadian Pacitie frticht shei.'s yesterday afimioon. The consiciiin nt ttns entirely of harness 'ealh,-r for Mon- treal, Toronto and Hraii'ion and llu load was valued at S'.'.ilW'.- Tunis, TI.e Evilscf Constipation Are Well known .inil the next best thing' i» to kiio.v a leiiable cure. Mis. W. Eddies of Sti.uy Miiiinlain, Man , says : "Dr. llamilton'.i l'ill.-> are ju-ii the thing. Thfty go right to work at once.' I w^a only Dr. llauii!t,)ii't> PiUs.'' I'fica 25c. per box. Our Clubbing List *Advance, *lTerKld and *Toronto World, diily â- ?:! 25 ToroiiUiD.ily News 1 8> Weukly Globe 1 BO Mad-K.i.pire l.SO Family Herald & Star 1.81) Toronto Star 1.80 Fanners S.iii 1.8J AM above prloe.s include The A'!vancu and .Monlied Herald, if paid in i.tUanco only. Karly sub«cribcis get best >aIuo for their undiev. if -A ,^-.-.M dr^J PECUUAH TO MEN AMD WOMEN It 13 sad to conteiuplate the unfortunate condition of so many men of onr day and generatiou. At 30 they feel SO; at 40 they feel 60 and at SO when they should be in the very prime of life, they ar« ^!°i°st ^^^.4^ ^"J the crave. The fire of youth has gone out, the fountain of vit^ity is exhausted. Premature old age! No matter what Produced it, whether evU habits in yotitb. later excesses, or btisiness ^vomes, the one t^°g ] for you to do is to get back the vim, the viRor and vivacity of manhood. Don't "ose your grip on life. There are yet tnauy baPPy- K°lft"/ w for you if you only get help. We can and will not °°ly„^e P y°"' ^"* curs you to stay cured. Curing diseases and weaknesses of the neivous and sexual Bvstem has been our exclusive business for the past 30 years, during which time we have cured enough fallen men to make an army. OUR NEW METHOD TREATMENT wUl restore to you what you ^TiuriCes end enriches the BLOOD, strengthens the NERVES, vitalizes the sexaal organs, checks all unnatural drama and losses and fits a man for the active duties of life. XTm trfit nnd core Blood Poison, Vat-lcoecle. Strlctare, Gl«»t, OrlnsrT I>roio«"B"io" I WoaUoisa. Kidney and Bl.dder diseases, C<?J«»tJ»/rJBrTi<>S ruEE. if nuable to call, write lor a Uucstton | BlaolC for Hums Treatuicat. DRs.lCEIili£DY&KERGAN 14^8 Shelby St., DETROIT, MIGHm ZB Vanra In Detroit. 2»0,000 Cured. Bank Saaarlty. YOU ARE LOSING MONEY ^ >? V-I I'HOUT A 'â- M ELOTTE"§ CREAM SEPARATOR ^ Ml.OOOin Daily nso 95 The only Sepnralor titled with .Benutiful Enatiiellid ^ Howl Casing, Tbd ligbe^t running and most durable "»// Separator yet produced. Saves liii.o, labour, space, ^-j UteiisilK ice and water. Sf^ ^^ â€" ^^ Xi. Ki:EIi.R]D «S2. SOM, flesherton ^ U. McTAVli^H lit [[[SlilOII For Fiist C'a.^1 Buggio'*, Carls, Ploasmo and LumVer Wagons, cutiors, Sleighs. We korp a slock on innid to chcuve from. ALSO HOkSE SHOniNO AND GENERAL BLACKSMITHINQ and uuiranlee firit class work. <-- We keep on band IMough-* and Plough repairs, and aUo Ma<wey- (f Hams and Nnxon repairs for liiiiem, Mowers, \\l kiinla of p in»:hincry, also Binder Twina on band. ''' ^Jf^ft aib«n in town give us a call :@a '#^' 3 \