Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 21 Jan 1904, p. 6

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ACHES AKS I'AINS. Ar« Meraly Symptoms of Diseaae and Must be Treated Throrgh tha Blood. If you »u(Tor with palii--iiny kind of UMiDâ€" ktH'p In mind tliat pain is but la H.viuptoiii. nut a discuso; tliut what lyou mUHl flKlit Ih not thf pain bul ils caiis": tlint liniii:ent8 and olla foi' 'oxtornnt application arc ftl).solutoly liisi-losH. To ovpicoiijc the cause of pain iiittninl tivnlniont is necessary. Fnins, no matU'r where located, will dtsappcnr wlit-u yi>u purify and onricli the hluofl and Ktronnthcn tlie iicrvi-.t. Achc\s ami pnins disappear as if l)y magic wh M l>r. Wllliaiiis' I'ink I'illn are usciF. K\>-v:: actually luakeB now, rich blooil, which drives dis- ease from thu s;, stem and bnni.ihos Iiain. ThoiiHuiiils and thousands of grateful people he\e K'^cn their tes- timony to prov this. Mr. tJeorgc Cary, Tilbury, (int., says:â€" "for a Whole suiniiU'r 1 suflerod terribly from Sciatica. Thti pain was something ttWj'iil, and I could ac.ircoly bear to have any thing touch my log. I took medicine from two doctors, and tried a n^ibi.r of recommended rcmedlfiS, biit delâ- i^ed no benelil. Then I was advised to try l>r. Williams' Pink 4'iUs. and this n.edicino helped uie almost from the start, and soon re- leased 1110 from tho trouble, and I have not since had a twinge of it. I t hi rcfiire have Rront reason to praise Pr. Willinnis' Pink Pills." Sciatica, rheumatism, neuralgia and All otlinr allies and pains are com- pletely driven from the sy.stem throuprli a fair use of Pr. Williams' rink IMlIs, Pon't take any pink col- ored substitute: «cc that tho full nnmo ••Hr. Williams' J>ink Pills for rule Pcoiile" is printed on the wrap- iper nrouiid the bo.v. If in doubt send direct to the Dr. William's Modicine iCo., l'rockvil!i>, Ont., and the pills iwill be .sent by mail at 50 cents a Jbo.v or sl.x boxes for $2. .50. 4 HIPPOPOTAMUS IS DOOMED. War is Declared Aifainst Xhis Dan- gerous Atnphibiau. Tho hij>(ioj)olanius is (loomed. Tho regulations drawn up some i.inie ago to control big-ganio hunt/- er» in the Soudan are to bo revised Hhortly, and thu "liipjio" â€" whoso liutttcr.and killer was t;i.xe(l when tho Soudan was opened up â€" the "hippo," as aforesaid is doomed to "a sort of" extermination. "Ilecjiuse," .'^aid Sir Harry John- ston in conversation with a news- Paper 1 cprescnlutivc, "it's all very well for jieople to talk about exter- mination in regard to the "hippo," but it «ill prove a very difncult matter to set rid of him. Thoro are Vast marahes in Africa to which ho ran nnd will resort, juid from vi'hich will only be drivi-i! ;tt last l.y a well- e^(|ulpfoil. and doterinincd body of uion. "1 am peiliaps a little fajiatical with r<?gai<l to the proservation of lower animal life," went on Sir illajry, "bLt I should not carry my ipassion for it .so far as to let a lion lloose in Kiigland. And tho "hippo' ;in tho riveiH of Africa is as danger- ous a» llic lion would te on dry land. Let the lion alone, and ho lets you alone â€" cs;)ccially has a. terror of a vi-hito mans face â€" b\it Uio 'hippo' causes more deaths annually in Africa than tho lion and tlio leopard together. Ho constantly attacks boatB from which he has rccelvod no oftence, killed or mauling their occu- pants, and he destroys f\oUl» and gardens by the score. What ho docs uot cat lie sits on." WAKEFUL .BABIES. No baby cries (cir the mere fun of the lliirig. It cries Iiecaiise it is not well â€" fienerally i'.s little .â- stomach is sour, its bowels conKCsted, its skin hot and feiorish. '^1 his is often why babies lire wakeful and make nights misorublc for the parents. Relievo the link) one and it will sleep nil night, and let the mother got her uecdo<! rest as well. Just what mothers need for this purpose is Baby's Own Tablets â€" a meilirine that speedily relieves and jiromptly cures nil tl o ndiior ailnienls of young children. 'Jin exjicrience of tl'.ousauds of molliers lias proved the (ruth of Miis, and anuuig mothers is Mrs. James I'arrel, llanberry, Ont., who snjB: "1 think Mabj '» Own Tablets tie best mcilicina in the world for little oiu\s. iVIy baby was cross nnd gaxe me n good deal of trouble, but sinrp using (he tnblels 1 could luit wish for a healthier or better Matured child." Stronger praise could not Ijo giv- en, an«l the mother has a guarantee that the Tablets conlnin no opiate or Imrinful drug. Sold by medicino denlera or sent po^t paid nt 'J5 ccntb a box by writing the Dr. Wil- ^nnis Alcdicinc (;o., llrocKvillc. Ont. STOLE ANOTHER'S WIFE. his wi'o received a letter from Amer- ica stntuig that her husband had died on tho voyage and had been buried at Somo tiionths later she received an- other li'tfer. it was from her "h\is- t)an(l," who gave her his address and cs ed her to come to him inunodi- atcly, he l>clng then in Kugland. She did so. and there was a glad reunion. Mho believed hia declaration that he was her husband, nnd all might have gone ha[ipily if it had not been for an imtoward happening. He had como home with plenty of money, so that ho was able to pose as a physician without practising the firofession for a livelihood. Tho un- toward circumstance was the np- ssm Sunlight Soap will not burn tiie nap off woolens nor the surface off linens. SONUGHT Soap Rsovcsa KXPKNSK AmU tu lk« •£!•••> Bat. SHOULD SAY, BUT DIDN'T, poarame of another wonmn, who ,T»_..r know yotir family doesn't claimed him as her husband. This uuo ,„o, but will you bo my- wife?" was Mrs. Hubert Part. .Sho-"Well, I should say net." Ihe man was brought to trial. A ho (token aback)-"Whew! Tiiafs number of people who knew the dead rather blunt " physician brought forward to .sho-"Ml repeat. I should sav not. Identify h.m if possible. (Jnly one ^ut as a girl in love doesn't always of them did. The alleged physician ^ ^,,^1 sho should I'll say ycs!^' ilCH^m himself claimed to know thorn but all but ono of tho witne.sses clared him an itupostor. He afterwards confessed. Ho all, d(.^ Mistress (at table)â€" "Do be careful Morv. You nro Hpilling all the gravy "'^° on tho carpet." Marv, tho now ser- overheard a conversation between vant (checrfuUy)-"There'« lir. Part and .some friends previous to ,„oro in tho kitchen, muml" the piiysician s death at sea, and af- plenty Ho â€" "But if a man won't tako'no' for an answer?" She â€" "Then there to eomeonu else. terwards ho decided to take his place. Ilis knowledge of small de- tails which ho had gained bv over-,. , »u. u . i hearing this conversation aided him,!'" ^â- "i" P"" ^•""K ""' (f"-!,,""' do nnd he was able to carry out his ' •' strangely chosen part until confront- ed with his real wife. Fi o years at hard labor is the punishment ho will get. "There are some spectacles," re- markod tho man who bad travelled, "that can never bo forgotton." "Dear nro!" cxclaimod the absent-minded old lady. "I wish I had a pair of them I" WOHRY. A Sure Starter for 111 Health. Useless worrying (a form of nerv- ousness) is indirectly tho result (through the nerves) of improper feed- ing'. A furniture man of Memphis says: "About a yoai- ago I was nfllicted with nervous spells, would worry so over trivial things. "I went to consult one of the best phvsicians in Memphis and he asked among many questions if I drank cof- fee. "His advice was: 'Go to some pro- vision store and get a box of Post- um, drink it in place of coffee and OS you are conlined to .your desk to a groat extent try and get out in the open air as much as possible. I followed his instructions regarding Postum. ""At that time my weight was 142 nnd I was taking all kinds of drugs and medicines to braco me up, but all failed; to-day I weigh 165 and all of my troubles are gone, and all the credit is due to having followed this wise phyiieian's advice and cut off tho colTeo ami i.'slng Postum in its place. 'I now consider my 1'ealth perfect. I am willing to go before a notary public and testify that it was all duo to my having used Postum in place of coffee." Name given by Poslum Co., Battle Creek, Mich. There's a reason for quitting the drug-drink coffee, and there's a rea- son for drinking Postum. Trial 10 days proves them all. Look in each package for a copy of the famous little book, "The Iload to Wollville." How's This I We olTer One Hundred Dollars Reward /or any case of Catarrh that cannot bt cured by Hall'a Catarrh <:ur* F. J. CHKNKY & Co., Toled*, O. We, the undersigned, have known V. J. Cheae]' for tho lost 15 years. an< believe him perfectly honorable in all buaineaa transaction! and tinanciallj able to carry out any obligations ina«l« by their ttriu. \ , - , & i,.i AX. Wholesale Uruccista Toledo, O. WALDINO. HINNAN « HAKVIN. Wholesale Druggists, 'loledo. O. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken Inter- nally, acllnc directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces or the system. â- IV'Stlmoiiials sent free, t'rlre 70o. pel bottle. .Solil by alt druggisU. Uall's Family I'UU are tM best. KEPT HIS WORD. "I uSlhI to think you wore not a man of your word, Jonos, but I'vo changed my mind." "Ah, you understand mo now, friend Smith. Hut what led you to change your mind?" 'Vou remember that ten dollars you borrowed from mo?" "Yes." "Vou said if 1 lent it to you you would be indebted to mo tor ever.'' 'Yes." MATKIMONIAL OR OTHERWISE. "Oh, by-lho-way, v&n you cook?" said young Mr. Spudds to Miss Oar- goylo. "May I inquire if your query is prompted by a matrimonial inclina- tion".'" asked the young lady. "Wh.vâ€" orâ€" er â€" well, yes," stammer- ed tho young mau. "That being the case, I will answer you fully. Yes, I can cook pheas- ants, fowls, salmon, and vonison, biv sides steak and other delicacies. Can you provide them in their raw stat«?" THE WABASH RAILROAD Is the great winter tourist route to the south and Vi^est, including Texas, Old Mexico and California, tho lands of sun-shine and flowers. Through standard and tourist sleeping cars are now run via this great southern route. Tho new and elegant trains on tho Wabash, aro hauled by tho most powerful engines ever built. Every comfort is provided e(|ual to the best hotels, or the most luxuri- ous homes. Nothing is wanting to complete one's happiness. Tho days and nights pass only too quickly, while travelling on the great Wabash line. For information as to rates, routes, etc., address any ticket agent or J. A, Itichardsou, Diet. Pass. Agt., N. E. corner King and Yonge St»., Toronto. "His attentions to you have been marked, have thoy not?" said tho young woman's exiwrlenced friend. "Ch, yea. Ho has never taken tho price laliol oft any of his presents." MiMfii's LliiiQeet Carei Blsleapii^ Hotel Belleclaire Broadway and 77th Stre«t. New York. Lcinmoosi-r Fu7.;<i»hib Room tor pennaneot and transient gueats, at raodarate [irire*. Or.CHRTllA OF .GOLO PtikYIU, p. lU. till 1 ». ID. Ron-irBABT, Pii.ii Room ako CArt, jcib* of artJaUe perfectioo . Cii Ulna and lerflce raally dellgntfal. A 8?ecuL Fbatuks u Of » Arrma T«£at«« B9»r*>a Biluaed Pa»ia)b »o« LtBlls la another pleieaBt ftataro. Our Gallery of BeautKnl Patntlnga, rslnad al |«e,Mlt Is •pen ereulngs to rUltoti. Affability and oourteiy piarantetd froB tivrj B»i,t»- CLAiBvemplnye. AMOLCTILT FlB»MOO». f MILTON ROBLBB, Proprietor. A LOVE CHARM. A young wOinnn who thought she was losing her husband's affection to a Bo\euth daughter of a seventh daughter for a love-powdar. Tho ms'stery woman told hor: "Got a raw piece of beef, cut flat, about an inch thick. Slice an onion in two. and rub the meat on both sides with it. Put on popper and salt, and toast it on each side over a red coal lire. Drop on it three lumps of butter ard two sprigs of parsley, and got him to oat it." The .young wife did so, and her hus^ band lovod her ever afti-r SIlDaril's Linifoent Cures l\}^h\\\ Mrs. I'raggâ€" "I gave quite a nice little luncheon the other day. Didn't Mrs. Jenkins tell you?" Mrs. Slyâ€" "No." Sirs. Braggâ€" "Strange! Why, sho was one of niy guests." Mrs. Slyâ€" "Yos, she told uio that." MESSRS. C. C. niCHAUDS & CO. Oentn, â€" T have used your MIN- ARD'S [JNIMENT in my family an(l also in my stables for yoars and con- sider it tho best medicine obtainabla Yours T^ly, ALFRED HOCHAV, Propriotor Roxton Pond Hotel and Livery Stables. Ro.xton Pond, July \, '01. t-« A SUaOESTION. Clerk (at the telephone)â€" "What'a the matter, sir?" Emplojerâ€" "Why, if you can holler that loud into tho telephone, you might OS well go out in the street and holler over at the man." Lever's Y-'/ (Wise Head) Disinfect- ant Soap Powder is better than other powders, as it is both soap and disinfectant. "How did you Iwgin life?" tho young man asked the great man. "I didn't liogin it," truthfully replied tho great man. "It was hero when I got hero." .MM's LiniiBent I'm Csids. etc, Citimanâ€" "t ace you grow your own vegetables." Suburbanite â€" "Nol I siia!>ly plant a small garden so as to keep the chickens at home." "Some p.!Ople sav," remarked the spaniel, "thut when human boings rile they take the form of auimals." "• I !r ^ vTis evr a hni>ian I«>inBr." Well, you aro keeping your word replied tho cat, "I hav<» been Ilko a man." THE MOTHER UULED. A school-teacher received tho fol- lowing note from the mother of one of her pupils: "Dear Miss,â€" You writ me al out whiping Snminy: I heroby give yoti permission to boot him enytimo it la necessary to learn hiin lesons. He is juste like his fa- ther â€" you have to learn him with a club. Pound nologe into him. I wnnto him to got it, and don't pay no ntensliion to what his father says. I'll handle him." First Lawyerâ€" "Does your assistant know anything about law?" Second Lnwyorâ€" "Not a thing. Wo only keep him to draw up wills." The only way to have a friend to l>n one. IS Ctirlous Case .Tust Decided in An English Court. There ha\o been inon who have had more wives than tho law allows u man to have at one time, but there probably never Was another man who . Qf, /Snow's Catarrhal POWdOr Re< took unto himself bis second one in ,, ,_ ^^ a«i_. .*-.-. quite so Htrnngc a way as did Hub- ert Part, who has been convicted of biganiy by the Manchcsler, England, tourtB. Home time ago Dr. Hubert Part Was married to TCllen Kenahaw in England. Two weeks after his mar- riage he sailed for llru/.il, where ho had a professional ongagemant. Later The President A Slav* to Catarrh. llevM In 10 Minutes. D. T Sample. I'resldent of f^amplv's Iiistallmaiit. ('ompany. WushlngtoB, Pa.. 'For yeara I was aflllg wrIVeo: ironic cnt oy or yeara 1 was aflloted with tarrh . eclallata only gave me tarn. Chronic Catarrh. Remedies anit treat- ment by aueclalU . _ perary relief utttll I was Induced u.ra-fancier. Stop the Pain but Destroy the Stomach.- This is sadly too olten the caae. 8o many itauseoiu nostrums purporting lo etii-^ in the end do the pAtiaat immensely more harii< than good. Dr. Voa Stan's Fineapplo Tabletl aro a purely vegetable peptin preparation, as harmless as milk One after aatinf prevenia any disorder of the digestive organi. 6o In a bus, 35 cents. â€" 40 "If you notice," said Vinnlck, the poets invariably say 'she' whon referring to the earth. Why should thu earth bo considered feminine?" "Why not? Nobody knows juat how old the earth is!" COULDN'T GET AWAY. 'My dear," said the physician's wife, "why don't you take a good long rost? Go away somowbere and enjoy yourself. You're working yourself into tho grave. You haven't been out of town for live years." ".My dear," the celebrated practi- tioner said, "I dare not lea\e. If I did so most of my patients would discover they could get on just as well without mo, and my practice would' be ruined." Runnlnx Sores, th* outeom* of â- sglect, or bad blood, have a asvw-fclUnf bairn ia Dr. Agaew'a OlatmcBt. WHl heal tha most stubboia cases. Soothaairritstlea almost iastaatly after first appllcatlaa. It telievea alt itcbiag and burning skin diaa,ii«t in a day. I( curaa piles iu 3 ta 3 aighea 35 coau.â€" 39 Annieâ€" "Why did you refuse Mr. Goldust? I am sure tho presents and flowers ho has sunt you show him to bo In lovo with you." Amy â€" "I was afraid ho had spent all his mon- ey on mo already." Am kdmlrabl* S'ood of tlu EPPS'S Finest quality and flavotir. COCOA Nntritioua and Economic*!. 4f»â€" 21 ~~Y0UFOYERC0At3" tmA tmirA aulU enuta «l*k bauw ffti. It M I .el oara ia your towu, wnt« A\it^ Moatrval. Boi U4 •aiTIM* AMKNIOAN DVSINa OOi. 45â€"04 BASTEDO'S n KINS %t., lAtT. TSUONTS. M OAL •All OF Baa4 for catalog, WeglTeeO^a raluew â- aawFuraanrf Oanalns. 9enA for prise Hit 11â€" Ot Kinafdi mm\ cures vm U) eon. ASKED IT. Stung by tho coldness of her inan- nor, tho .voung man resolved that hn would be trifled with no longer. "MIbs Mildred. " ho saitl, facing her reaolutoly, "this thing of playing fnat and with nie must ond. I am going to ask you thu old, old question right now " "But, Mr. Higglnsldo," she mur- miirod, becoming coy all at onco, "idn't this auddon?" 'Not at all," bo replied, reaching for his hat. "How old Is Ann?" Kidney Oryâ€" I**>a lo fha baek is the try of tha lodueya for help. To negiacttb* call it to dslivsr tho body over to a diseasa cruel, ruthlsst, and finally life dsatrojriag. Soalh Anierican Kidney Curs haa powar akia to mlraculoti* In helpiog tha needr kidney* oat of tha mira of diaaaaa. It relieve* In six hours.â€" 38 He â€" "Wo uniBt ocononii'/e. Suppose darling, that you try your hand at making your own clothes." Sho â€" ; "Oh, Hoorgo, dcnr, I iievor could do that. Suppose I begin by trying to make yours!" , For Over 5iaty Year* Ma.. Wir<«i.owa Soornisa 8»^r«p h" >rr», "J,";!''' million, of Bioth.â„¢ for Ihe.r """W"" ,"''"'' ';^'7,i »i.J ,-olla ,«,<!•>•• tlie..ot«;oS »"'> """i* •"''^,'3! Sol'l l.»aru»Bi«« ihiLUghoiit the wnrUl. Ke Mir* »n« uk for" MR.- Wl!<ai.ow aSooiHlsu 8» »i:». Hchoolniusterâ€" "I have examined i yoUF boy on thi- results of bis school- ing, and I think 1 can »tiy he has beyond qtiestion the germs of great- ness in him." Fnthei-â€" "I nii\ dc- ,. , . . ^_ u«r.» jt Kiir ivhiit (Van ^f* a<al'^lpa Sl-at'tst littentlm hv b*,n attan to the lighted to hear it, mit w nut \^«a ^ j^^,^_^_, g,^,^"^^ ^|^,, .j.^_^j^,|^, -»-^^^^„3^,?^^ ^^ there in tiie exainination that parti- • ...... cularly emphasized this concluaion?" Schoolmasterâ€" 'The illegibility of hia handwriting." PATENTS IN ALL OtUNTRMSi RIDOUT&U9S;\.., __ ja %/ ^ ^ ^; ^ rATBIlT â- ''•*^" ^^^ taM femaiHlbeat les â€" y â- STOWWTQ â€" »»«aia>» *» I Dominion Lins Steamthlpt aiontrenl ta klverp«*l •oatoit ta klvarpoal X^rt* an4 k'ut fiUaiii.)iia>- Sitparlor Kccomniadatloa 'or all al4.lau irfD» •« ).<«'.. S^liraot and Auleroocml r«»««')f pBa.<«f.ati(t all ifartl.-o).^, ^pply tt, ^07 .J.M ' nf tba Oomaaoj. or to )*aw9n5« .|nt. %-m ! DOMINION LINK orriCB): I "* tt*% >%•... Pottaa. IT St. a^tftMAftXi^t. uaa i)'r Agnewa Catarrhal Powder Ij DolanlBt- '"I'hls, Miss \nilr«>wa. Is gave ainioat instant relief. IB (^he tobacco plant." Miss Andrewsâ€" Dr. Ainew'a Heart Cure la lor the Narvea|"How interesting' And when does " â€""•â€"-• ij^ Login to bear cigarottea?" Heatl. and Bleed Neglect a cough and con'tract consumption. SHiloK*s Consumption Cure ?^^,a^""« cures consumption, but don't iMfve it too ionf . 'rry it now. Your money back if it doaan't benefit y«u. Pr!c-?: 8. C. WtLI4 A Co. â- Â» 2ic :..> ;i LeRoy, «.â- ?.. Toronto, Caa. Poultry! Butter, ERgs, Honey, Apples, TMt Dawson Commission Co., All KINDS Of NIOITt And Farm Pre* due* generallyi consign it to ut aaJ we will get jrou good pricMk TOX«OXff'TO. T. *•. Issue Uo. 4 â€" 04.

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