Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Jan 1904, p. 8

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r \i I Jan 14 1004 THE fLfiSHBXTOM ADVANC8 «%%««^ %«%«^^^^^« ?l<»bertott Puniiturc We«r« ctrrying the newest •lylls of leaMonable goods in sU lines of Furniiture, consisting of: Psrlor ftnd bedroom suits, lounges, sideboards, oxtensiun snd centre tables, ohsirii, window shades and curtain poles, pictures, Msels, etc., Which we offer at ' LOWSET PRICES \ Picture Framing and General Re- pairing. Undertaking in all its branohes. Satisfaction guaranteed. W. rt. Bunt, - - Prop. Falling: out Hair If thii la^e cue, call sod »t» ni and ws will preveut it doing to by spplj-lng oar woadsrt luf remedy. Highly Recommend W« have lined itB wondertull powon on many In this town and aurrnunding diatriet and all vbo hare nudergoue treatment recom mend it very lilghly. No Cureâ€" NofPay A. WILSON FLBSBEBTON Barbr Preparation is necesiiarjr if you wish to •ocoeed. If you inted to transact business of any kind you would be sadly handicap- •4 withuut a business education. The BOst thorough training of this kiodsan be obtained at the OWEN SOUND, ONT. Winter term commeaces Jan, 4th. Cat- alogue free by addresaing C A. FLEMINe Principal BIG . . STOCK WehavoJoBtroooIved In stock one of the flneBt &B8ortmtiUt8 of BLANKETS AND ROBES In Ibe market aud can faror you with any requiremcuts you will need Id that line. Alao a large oonalgDment of Imitation PERSIAN LAMB COATS. We have a fine collection of coats to to select from. â- All Sold at Lowet Living Prices IVnff. BIO ORE A Merry Christmas and A HAPPY NEW YEAR. WR take thia opportunUr n( thank ingthe puhllofor tlioir liberal patron- atfo during till] puiit yuar.aod hope for a routlnnatlon of thaaama during tS04. You will find our atook of Hrooeriaa oainplete and freab tatba market will allow. We Importour Japan Tea, â- .-' •-*< <• a laadar of all teas. Juet try It it and b« eo> .liced. Vim Will take all kiook .: Farm Produce forXlooda Par which wa will pay the higheat market (•raeea. Ilring your produce early in the day and get the beat att«u>la>ioa. Take your time and azaDiiiidnur goo'li aud yon will be con- vinced that it la your intorait to buy In Max- well, Kltlier lu Dry Uoudi or Uroeerlea for kaw and up-to-date. We cannot enuioerate hut Juat ooaie aud aeo for youreclf. W« bare a harga etook nf the famnua K4NT-KRACK rub- lM<rs, alao other liuaa uf rub\>er «oade. We alao hare a nice line of Xmaa Goods ABfeBM-8 BOOTS and BHUBB Mways on band and doD'l forget oar Hardware Uue OUK COMPLIMENTS TO THE . . PUBLIC . . R. Kinnear & Sons .... MAXWKLL .... The Markets. CwretallT C*rrer cd CMtk Week «iiaii u n n Pom 68 o M Wheat 70 ta 7S Karii^y 4A to 4ft Hatter. .t 16 t« 16 B«ll« fresh 90 -m 30 I'ork e 00 ta C 10 Chickens prr lb 8 le 8 l>«uks per lb 7 lo 7 Tuckeys pt-r lb H t« JS il«i«e« without liMds. . <8 *o V Hay • 00 to 6 00 r»M'.««s bail 36 m 36 Don't try cheip cough medl- claet. Get the best|Ayer's Cherry PectoraL What a record it has, alxty years of Cherry Pectoral cureal Ask your doctor If he doesa*t use it for coughs, colds, broachitis, sod all throat aad luag troubles. .'saiafifiic;; tormJs£2^ Farmers Institute Meeting Bronchitis Oerr«e^n^«nd*no^^oen^M> Thoroughbred Durham Bull for Service -.ji:,^-.- Eord mitito, 2906$. BuJ?orrr'v7.'irio?JJ.:T.''a"n'dn °"-"" i.Jl5i'"*^'l'. '"' ^^' ""^ W for tliorenfb- brads. Pedigree on application JAUUB LBVEB FlasbertOB P.O Business Cards U'OUUiOUaH & YOONO ~ Banker Markdala Do a general banking bnalneaa. Money loaned a reasonable rate Call oo as, ' P J BFBOOI^ "• Foatmaater, Flesbertoo uommiaaiooar in H. 0. J., Auctlooeer Con- veyancer, Appraiaer and Money liender Real Batate and Inaarance Agaat. Doeda oaortgaKOB, leasoa and willa carefully drawn up and valuationa made on ehortest notice, money to loan at ioweat ratoa ol iuteroat. Col eotlona- attended to with promptneaa ohargea low. , Agent for Ocean Dominion Btaauiabip Company. A call aoUoIted . Societies A U M' meeta ou the laat Monday «• in eacu month, in their longe room, Gbrlatoe'B block. 8 p.m. M.W. Bobert best ; Recorder, 'Jaa. Felatead : Finan- oier, Wm. Behamy. Visiting brethren tovited. DBINCE ABTHTB LODGE, No. MS, A. «• A U, meetB in the MaHonicball. Straln'a block, Fleab>,rton, every Friday ou or before the tall moon. F H W Hickling W M. Cbaa Munahaw, Secretary. noURT PLESHERTON, I. 0. F. meeta in w Chriatoe'a Block the last Fridaj evening each month. Visiting Foreateia heartily ireloome. C. R.. c. W. Bellamy : B. c, W. Buaklu ;<^.,Dr E. Murray. (Pay duee to Dr. Murray on or before laat day of each month.) Medical '" TVR CABTRB nii„- ."i*^ ^.^ ^ Ont, Pbyalolan, Surgeon, etc OHcs and reaidonceâ€" Pater at., Plesbanon DR. SCOTT, M. B., Maxwell. On». , R. M. REID, M.D.O.M,, ij''v ^'.lf-'."'' ^.""S"^"? ami Aoconcheur. late of K. Y. Poatgrad. Medical School, N. Y. ZWljc-in OtTawL ""* "'â-  ^'""'' ««•"»> H&pitall T P OTTKWELL ' Vetertuary Burgeon Oraduata of Ontario Veterinary Colleia, reaidenoe - aacond door aoutb west on oK. . atraat. Thia atreet roas Preabytarian Oburch. L fouth D WILSON . ' I .. '*raduata of the Veterinary Hcianee AaaMlatlon. Beaidaooe. Durham Uraet'oi? poalla Boyd. Bieklibg-ebardwata. Lecai. Barrister, Halloitor ConTeyaDesr. ate o«aaâ€" Naxi to poatofflea, Bproala's bloak Z"^*f.*^"- •»•'» Thoreda and, eoor* daye N B-Owan Bound offlea, Proat* bloek realctl streel east. LUCAS. WBIOHT * MoARDLB Barrlatera Holleltfwa Convayaneers, eie OOaa*â€" Owen Bound, Ont andMarkdaleOal. W H Wbiobt, MaAai>i.a 1 B Looaa N Bâ€" Plaabarten efflee, MMehell's Baak •vary Salarday, MACKAVAAAMPSAN .RarrlaUrs. aellcltora. 0PPI0K8 Iâ€" Owen Rcond. Manhant'a nk Bloak. N. r>t PaMareea Boasa. Oandalk atn Btraat, every Saturday. Mouey to loan at 41 per cant. A. O. MaCKAT.M A., H.B.8AMPMU!<.I,X.D Alwava In altaudanea at ?ltaharteB and Daadalk Divlalou CoarU. Dentistry lyi. B C. MUKRAV, L,D, â- . deataVeartw>o a/ boner graduate of Toronto tTnlvnralty and BoTa! Collaga of Dental Hursanna of Oatarlo. OIBca â€" Oppoelta Arinatrnug'a Jawallary Store. Will vlalt Maiwall tha laat Wadaaaday af aaak moiiih, aud Oai4alk 1 ssi I Thuraday la eaab saeatit. The meeting of this organization hald in the town hall on Thursday last waa well attended, both afternoon and even- ing, and may be recorded aa another very Bjiccossful meeting. The afternoon sea- sion WS8 opened by Msior Sheppard with the president, R. D. (Jarruthers in the chair. Major Sheppard is a fluent speaker and tborou,{hly uonvursant with the mat- ters on which he treats. Hia introductory apee<:h was on the question of seeds and proposed Irgislation ou the same. He made the statement that the big seed houses ship all their best se«de to-£urop« and that no first clam seed can be bought frons them in Canada. A genllepasn who bought seed from several Europesn seed houses found that the seed bad originally come from Canada, and that the same gradecouldnot be purchased here. He also referred to the benefits of the ezperipieu- tal farm. C. E. Shearer of Yiitoria addresned the audience on the cream separator and but- ter making. The dairyiuK interest, he said, had grown witha&tunishing rapidity during the past few years, and we were gradually crawling to (4ie front as a cheese and butter producing country. During the cheese season this last summer s mil- lirm dollars worth of these products h:«s been shippsd from the port <of Montreal every week, representin|{ 1,C10,000 cows. Some of the speakers pointers : Stables should be kept warmâ€" 75 degreet-r-and light. The creaoi separator has come to stay, but it is not a gold mine in itself ; it needs also the cow, man and feed. Cleaniness was also very important. Never leave milk standing in stable. Milk at 98 decrees was proper temperatuie fur aeparating. Milk for churning should be 64 to 66 in summer, 62 to 65 degrees in winter. -It would pay to bay a separ- ator if you only had four cowa. He used the National, but all had their good points. ' Major Sheppard introduced the lubject of good roads, a question with which h« appears to be perfectly familiar. He said that roads were made in ten thousand diiTerent ways. Nova Scotia had thirleen different systems ; Btitiah Colarabis had govcrnsient roads, the most costly, but beat of all ; Piince Edward Island bad a mixture. Be criticized the statute system, showing up its many weak points, and declared that the beat reaults could not be derived from it. It would only lead up to a certain point, which was far from per- fection, because of the pivthmaster syitem . He asked, "What would a farmer tsy to putting a new man to run hia farm every year for twenty ye.irs f 'â-  â-  At the end of that time his farm would be .useless. Proper qualifications in patnmastera were seldom looked after. It W(M,..worse still to give money to the cua«iqi)t>raen to ex- pend. It placed them in e poaiti)^ in which they should not b« plaped. Ue did not advance any new prgp«a»l but one could read between the lines- that he favored a properly qualified, salaried road comniiasioner. The main thing wis to get fariuere thinking about and studying their roads, and good would reault. He emphasized the necessity of keeping roads properly drained and not allowing itag- nant water to remain on or beside them. In his district they had paid fl.lO per yard for crushed stone roads. The crush- ed stone between this village and the sta- tion|cost 90c. per yard. This by of wsycom- parison. The grader is a good thing but bad work can be done with it. Alter grading the road should be solidly rolled at that teams will tiavel on it and not at the side. The day of lug and plank cul- vert was gone. Concrete tile pipe for culverts and bridges was the thing now. The major's talk on the lubject was ex- tremely instructive and interesting. M. K. Riuhardnon, M. P., addiensed the meeting for a fow minutes on thewoik doue by the experimental farm in seed testing. Tiie evening n.eeiinx was opened with much eiilhusinsm shown un tt.e part of the audience. M. K. Richardson, M. P., presided. Mr. Richardson ably addressed the audience and iiitroduofd Mr. C. E. Shearer, who showed the great baiiefits derived fiom I ho Farmers' luitituta and the fine wurk going on in Ontario. Mr. Shearvr spoke very eloquently on the "Farm as a Home." First of all, be said, the gnrroundiiigtof a home went a great way towards beautifyiiig and miking it attractive and homelike. He took for example a farm that was allowed to run without the careful attention uf the owner's eye, who would allow his fences to remain down, and who would never do atiyihinK fur the better, but Itmnt every- thing ill a djiapiditted manner. Then take on the other hand the farmer who is always repairing, trying to improve and take care of his aurrotiadioga. His was a better molto then the ftret nan's. Whitewaahing, Imi aaid, althoUKh a cheap applia oe of paint, was better than the plain Imre boards not |ninl«d at all It made it homelike and tttraciive. When thia ii all done our buys and Rirls will be encouraged lo coma home once more and enjoy a viait in their old home, where they spent their happy da/a of shild- hood. Major Sheppard then gave an spprop* riate address on "Three Utftnrieal Days on the Niagara Frontiar." Thia address was delivared here by the Major once be- fore, but all were pleased to bear H again. With the singing of the Nalioiul An- them the meeting was brought to a cluae. â€" â€" 1 I m »â- * â€" â€" â€" â€" Frame house for sals, in Flesberton, eiiiht rooms together with three lot4, good cellars, ett>. For peitieulars apply to Mise Piuk, F!r*hertun, or R. Paik, Eugenia. Wantedâ€" Telegraph poles, peeled all the way through ; {ulas, H. R. ties, tan- bark, wood of all hinds , also mtt kinds of sawlogt. Highest msrket price for sny ouantiiy of above in cash, R. P. Lsgate i Co.. Ceylon, HOW ITS DONE. It's from tbe stomach the blood is fed and tbe nerves controlled. Undigested food fermeats for lack of gaatric Juice, The fermentation and putrs- factioD Id tbe Stomach and alimentary canal are tbe main causes of diaesse. It upsets the nerves. It polapos the ayatsm. Dr. LeoDbsrdt's AaU-POI Increases the necessary su^ ply of gastric Juice la quae* tity and quality to iosore perfect stomach action. It hai almllar action oa bile formatios. Anyobe can proTu this for hlmsslf by addressing XV 1 1. s o x-Fr L â-  Co., Klsgua ralli^ Oat., far free sample. Pert Law Mr. and Mrs, J. W. Bates, son and ' datigUter of Toronto, spent the holiday sea':on with Mrs Bates' mother, Mra I Jeremiah Taylor and other relanves. I We extend congratulations and go<.d wishes t<i Mr and Mts. Rolwrt Yiiun^, i who hare recently linked their fortunes | for life and will settle down in their new home on the 3rd line. | Mrt. U, Wood.A-.rended the funeral of | her step mother at Stratford, and remain- ' ed over for two week's visiting her father, who is in feeble heltlth. • Mrs. D. W. Jamieson left last Satur- day for a two weeks' visit with her sons and daui{bter-in lt»B,£Uward. and Mr. anl Mrs. David ,1. Jsminoti uf Toronto. > Miss Msbel Winters returned to her I ptudiHsatthe Colllnj^Wnod 0()ll«giate,after j spending holidays at home. At our annual school lueeting Mr. F. W. Nicholson Was returned for a third! term as trustee. Portlaw council R T of T have decided to hold their election and fnrtallRtiun of oiHcersun Thuraday evening, Jan. 21. Refreshments and s private social time are being planned tot. Storms and block- aded roadt have stood in the w«y of this taking place sooner. /One eye at a i time •y-,7 That's the way we test. Usually the eyes differ in sight A glass which suits one injures the other, and ultimately both suffer. We use modem appliances, and the greatest care to avoid a misfit A misfit would hurt your tyts and •ur reputation. VV. A. Armstrong, ltWr:LER AND OPTICIAN. FLflSHERTON. K K<vK & « K"i< K. K<!y K K ex K K «£- SIMCT CURED WITHOUT CUHING, PAIN OR LOSS OP TINE KoBatterhewloaf 7oatiaT«saffat«dorliowbarbatoesl7yonfaaTelMcatreaiadbT I sacsaoae, by cuttlaf. strctcbln g and bamlag, we ash yoato InTcatlrata our NXw UKTaOD o( carlnff tt. Our treatment Is orl(laal with onraelvea, and la tbe rcaaM ot MTwave'caperlaaea IntbesespecUldlaaaasa. Tba strictara tlaaaa la the caaal Is salatcaalw absorbed and licoce ramoTcd forever. Any discharcs, which oftaa a» CMspaalM at(let«i«,dtaaim«ars, tha Inflamed sarfaca U h«al«l up, all scaldlaw aad baniia* aeasatlOBS csaaat the Kldnsja and Bladder iMComa atrenr and normal, tiM •siaatenaas fatala â- tlgot and vluuty aad ths patlaat feels aa thoashUfe wen I wtftkUTlaw. Allcaseaare trsatsdaadere posimm auAMuna or ho PAYm Omi KBW BIBTBOD TBBJkTMBHT «m care yoo, and make a maa â- fnih OaderltslaflasaeethebraiabecoaMa active, tha blood panLec eothataU ' nlMplse. Matches sad wlcare beU ap: the acrvee beeema stroav as sIseL so that MrieBMMea,haahfalaaae and daapoaidiiancy disappears tbe syas become biteht, the face fall and elasr, saarn' ratarna to tha body, aad the mwal, physical aad aaxaal sislseiB are iavlforated; all dralaa e e a sa no aaora vital waaia from tha syataai. Tksvaxloaaoftaas become eatarat aad BanlT. Ton f eel jearaaU a man and know â- anlaaecaaaotbsafaUnra. We lavluaU the afflicted to coitanlttiSGenfidaatUUr aad ffea e< chares. Do*** let oaacha aad fahifs roh yea of year harde ar aed I "-^ JLf a:d^^«*'S55T%t%J?S.rT*^-«KUAt. wsAnn»a>Mi» MOiiL tSTPHibis. obsar, sTmcrumi; takicocu.!. kidhIct imi UtAOOXK OIOAUa^ and all diss as as pasalUr to aiaa aad woaa ea . LtMnom U aaaMe to call, writs fee 4 ifer I (Ulastiatad). DmKENNEDY&KERGAN K K A, ML K i\ K K \ A K A K YOU ARE LOSING MONEY without a. â- MELO TTE"^ CREAM SEPARATOR H.OOO in Daily ns* The only Separator titled with Beautiful EuhnielUd Bowl Casing. The ligheat running and mi>at durable 8e|>arator yet produced. Saves time. Iab<>ur, space. Utenaila ice and water. ME ARD & SON, flesh erton 13. McXAVISH For First Claas Buggies, Cans, Pleasure and Lumber XNagons, cutlers, Sleighs. We keep a auick on hand to choose from. AL50 nOkSH SHOEINO ANOOENERAL BLACKSMiTHINQ and soarantee first olass work. We keep on hand Ploughs an<] Plough repairs, and also Ma^sty- Harna and Nvzcin repairs for binders, Mowers, all kinds of maohinety, also Binder Twine on hand. » nib«n in town aHM us a call «

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