Grey Highlands Newspapers

Flesherton Advance, 14 Jan 1904, p. 5

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THE FLESnSBTOH ADVANCE Jam. 14 IfOS T. %'â-  t *!' ♦ 4W, * '"i* *i ' * i < • .'• 'f- •<• >i^l Vicinity Chips ttem ot bortM for mU â€" Apyl/ to J.B. BmH, FleahertoD. :. Frash liot* •iirsya on haud. J. B, Mr. K<ig«r BelUmj ia »tt«udiog th* Own Suuixl busiiieaa eoUago. Mn. Niddria nf Forent. Ont., ia tha (tiatl of Mrs. Andrew B«nih«a>, Mr. Win. Benthamuf Thomhill, Man., fa Ttaitiog hia cousin, Mr. Andraw B«d- (ham, and other rrUtirea hera. Shaptmnl'a bis (tack aale ia tha placa to _et a tMrKain. Y»a can get aiiytbiuK in tha atore at a big reducMon. Next Sunday lh« aorrice in tha Baptist church wilt ba at 11 a. m. and tha follow- ing Suodar <U 7 p. m. aiid will eontinua In ba heU altcrnatalj Diort.iag aod cvaniog. All aceoanta and nxtea now da« nust h» yaul or •rranged in aoma wajr bj J an. 90, 1904. If not thcT will ba placed in eourt fur collection. K. P. Legate A Co., Cvylon. Mr. J. R. BogKnf Manor, Aaaa., waa % waicooae viaitor ai^ hia man/ friend* to tkia *tcinit7 during tka paat week. Mr. Hogg (i*ea afety wridene* th*t tha eiinwta of tba MortliWMt agraa* with hia oonatitatiofk Six te»aM waited to hnnldfy eardwood for Standard Knel Co. to Flnhartim ata- Hon. Wi>od ia nn valley road 1} milaa from Loacka' mill â€" one dollar per cord for hauling. Apply to John Wabar, at ooct. Mr. Riehnrd Smith haa aold hia prop- wttj lt«re, now uccupi<Kl by Dr. Bibby, to Mr. S. Colquott ut Fevaraham, who in- tende movinj; tu town aoon. Mr. Cci- quett will be a welcome addittoa to tha pupulatioQ. Wa hare jast opened ont this weak a chi'tee lot of dinner aud tea iirta wliieh will (rp aold at ««r]i dose ni»ivins daring tha aila. We hare extra piece* a<> that they can be replaced any time at Sbep- |>ard'8. Wood Wantedâ€" 4<l ci>rds ereen beoch and maple 3^ feet body wood to be de- livered at the ichiiol house, Fleahcrton, not Uter than March 15, 1904. Tendera received up to the 2(th inst. W. J. Belhmy, secretary, Meura. Geo. Shannon, Wm. Bacfaanan and J. I. Graham of Vandeleur left here oil Thursday Uit t<i take a ten days course in Mock judging at the Guelphiifricultural oolleKe. Uur fall fatra will be in a pos- itina to draw on home material hereafter • itbcut depending on the government. >. Mr. Albert J, Genoe, wife and. child, ! rHunied *laat week from New Jeraey. Mr. Geuue left here over -four yeara ago. Since then he has matried. Ha has been *uccesKful in Uncle Sam's domiainn but purposea purchasing a farm here and fteltling here to do business in hia home l-Hui. The Advance ia glad to welcome Uck. Pig strayed-On Dec. SOth, strayed from the premiaea of Mr. W. H. Guy of Max- v«U, i>no sow, medium aixe, Torkahire v> hite, owned by Edmund Pallister. A twrty, who will take care of, or give in fornuttiim as to her whereabours,. wUI be Minply lewardrd. Ediuund Palliater, MaxweU. Miss Charlotte H. Wiggin* of Toronto, organiser for the W C T U, will 8p«albi» the Methodist church, Fl^ertiio, un Wednesday, Jan. 20, at 2.30 and 8 This ii intended t<i be a union meeting iiicludinf; all dennminatiimi, and as Miaa Wiggina ia a very talented and effrctive •poakec the attendance ahould be large and xeyreaentative. At the annual meeting of Chalmera' cburch. Sabbath tchool the following .ofB- ceta were appomred ; Superintendent, J. Felitead ; asiistan^, C Stewart ; secre- tary trraiiurer, Bliu Ida Cule ; aiiaiatant, Idn Suliran; librarianv, Geo. Pairns and Walter Loucka ; niganiat. Miss Etiiel $reatley, aaaislaot Mra. John Chard. Mr. Joa. Buchanan of Vandoltar haa aold his btallion, tha well known Honor Bound, to Mrssri 8. J. and W McClaog, â-  f Eaphraaea. This animal waa sold tu Mr. Buchanan Us: iipring, and has been repurohaved at an iKdvaiM^ on the price p.'iid by Mr. BuuLanan. Meaars McClung also own another and younger auinaal. Star of the Weat, thia making a pvr of ^rat class aniuiala tu look after during the comingaeaaun. Eugenia Court I O F will give their annual concert in the Orange Hall, K<^: genia, on the evvning of Tnunday, Jaa 21. Talent of an ex^cptioaal onWr has been engigt'd for thia (>o«asionv including J P Rol>ertB, cofuediaii, and Misa Pearl O Nral, ei<«utio.nlM., Prioevillo orche«tra wiilxupply music. JAY Prealon, High Chief RtnKer, is expected to occupy the chair. A choice evening'a entertainment may be expected. A company h«8 been f >rmed tn develop the Eugenia Falls waterpower, compoaed of the Killowine gentlrmen as direotor? : A. O, Hogg, Kt<) , Oakwood ; tbomaa McLaughlin, Toronto ; Ge''>. f> Madden, IWoQtu ; H. S. Lytle, manager Outariu Dank, LindMy ; I. B. Luo«s, M. P. P., Markdale : B. F. [ie«sor, Lindsay. 'A* aecratary ia Mr. Tbos. McLaughlin, Tor^ opto, and the head uffieea of the company are at 16 King atreat w^st. Tyreato. The avcretary writeH that (ha ca^pany iDte«d inatalliiig a fir^t dafa electrical plant there daring the eomii'g svaaon. The cuwipaoy olaiaa in haVa 88^ (evt, ^ij*^ pie)«hly tha higkeat head, in 'C^t»r«<>. >^^ tkol kBow^wltat,.iiM4 pla^ tk^ company purpoaea erecting, hot prwnma it wilt be a large otie, aa the objoet >• to supply powir and lighting to aurrounding town*. Mr. McKentie of Portlaw aant ua a card of thanks ti>the alaetora who sap- C<«d him. This iias been mialaid and not turned ap at the time of gotmi to praaa. Mr. McKensie thinks the conaciottaneaa of rectitude in his acta is better than au e eiaa at the poHs. We agree with him. A happy event took place on Wad- nesday.Dec. 23rd, 1903' at the home of Mr. and Mra R. J. Noble, Stautnn, when their daughter, Mias Carrie Noble became the bride of J<>a. E. McKce, of PortLaw. The Rev. P M. Peacock, of Rosemont, tied the silken knot which made two hearts aa noe, in the presence of about 7{i gueais. The bride waa assisted by Misa Sva J. Nubia and John W. McKee aasiated the gTuom. The groom'a [veaent to the bride wasa Veautiful expan- aion bracelet and to the bridesmaid a cresceoc brooch. After congratulations had been tendered the happy couple drove to Alliaton and took the train for Sun dridffe and other places. They paawd through Sbalbum* on Thnraday on their way liome to Portlaw. â€" Shelbame I'ree I've* Preas. The annual btiaincsa meeting of tha Methodist Sabbath ach<^«l was held in the school room of the church laat Monday evening. The superintendent in present iitg his report said thsgreat need of the acbool was the lack ot consecrated mala teacbera. He ch'ougfat there shontd be at leaat two dosen mf*40 tha church upon whom God bad aaatiajig a claim a* He had upon him. Vr; 'Bunt wiahed to re- tire from the head of the idiool, {>at tha board decreed ;otherwiae. Tha oflSeeta and teachers elected aa followa : Super- intendent, W. B. Bunt ; ssiiiatant, U.K. Riehardaon, M. P. ; Sec, Mias Mahal Bnyd ; aast.-sao., Mias £lla Karatedt ; Treaa., Thnmaa Balmar ; Bible daaa teacher, Mr. Riohi^dsoa ; other teacheta, Mrs. Annatrong.-filiat Christene Richard- son, Mias Hickling, Miss Joy, Mia. Thurston, Missl^.BMlamy, Misa Clintoa, Misa Ethel Trimble, Mr. Karatedt. Yao- iuici«» to. be filled by tha luperintedant. . It was morid, sMondisd aod carried, that a donation of twenty-Gve dollais be given to the general fund of the church. It waa dpcided to purchase four dozen Can- adian Hymnai^with hoard covers,, the leacue assisting to pay..fpr the *%a3p.. Mr. Wm. Clayton gave a. flwwcial statement of the New Tear's^ABtertainment, which was oonsidei;esii:aatufactory. WjMS YotiV Appetite Fail* Any it makes yon diuy even to think of eating, you need FerroEnns, the great- est of appetising toniea. It builds up the whplo body, lbe,lMte becomea aware of new flavors i^. -food yon never noticed befsce. A' relish and after satiafsction in eating is another reault from FetcoiAoe, which improves the digestion and ooava^ everything eaten into nourishment for the blood aud,bcai« aad nerves. Joat one Ferrozooe tablet after each meal, easy to take aud pleasant. Try Fsrroxone. IMce iSOe at druggiate. B«ali«.-StoiM Aitbe reaidanoe of Mra.Rieluurd Stone, Manor, Assa., at 8. <^eloek, Wednesday .morning, Dea. Wtii; 49(13, Mias Nettie Y. Stone and 1^1^., W^ C. Banks war* united in narrtaaehv . Rev, Wellingtoo^ Bridg)gaan of SoMli^-'&i the presence of a isw.fjieods. Th4 Jnali ^"^ fli'*n aMy by her brother, Mr. wW^ Stone. lIlMi . Flossie Stone acted aa bridssaiairt; while Mr. Acheson supported the grootn. The bride and bridesmaid wore d res aaa of cream iuatre, trimmed with cream »atio and ribbon. . Mtm â€" gaaliilatlnni had been Ktven and the wedding breakfaal enjoykd the merry par{|^f^pompaoied Mr. iind Mr9. Banka to «iM^:4totion, vhera, amid wishes of man^nSotra tha happy couple I<-ft for their new home in Souris, where they will be glad to welcome any of their old or new frienda who may 6iid it convenient to call^ Jha wedding presaiito were aa«fat land very beautiful, and teetifieJ to the warm regard won by Mis^ S'one since comint^^vre laat apring Especially Wi>rthy of" OteMtiOn was the beautiful tea set from the choir, of wUcb Misa Scone had been a member. Tkay Ka«w It Thcusands of people threaghoot the country know that the ordinary remedies (or pilea â€" ointmenta, luppoaitorica aii4 appUanoea â€" will not cure. The b«>«t of them only bring noasivg relief Dr. Leonhardt's Hem-Ruid ia » taUit taken internally thak cemovea th* oasae di E^iikaa, konce, th* cure la permanent :llvery package sold carries a goarantee with it. It is perfectly harmleaa to the moat del- icate constitution. A month's tr*a(moat in each packsge. Sold at $1.00. Further information in regard to it M the drug atore. visiting her naother for soate time has retumed home. Mra Genrge Proctor ia viaitiag M«ods at Roekvale. The Kimbcricy Orangemen held tiieir annual auiiaa hm on Friday night of laat week, which waa a decided aucceas. T»m waa served in the Orange hall and a good program waa rendered. Those who took part in Um program w*re Bert Harvey, Toronto ; Miss Caesar and Mr Dundia, Markdale ; Mrs A Mylea. Camithecs Bros, and Messrs Sloan and Ford. Mrs William Fawcett viaitad frieoda in Turoato hMt weak. He Deserved Pity His suffering from sciatica was so great, but thank* to Nerviline he ia cured. " I suffered for three yeara from aciatica," writes E. S. Jenkins of Portland, "and no man ever suffered more. I spent a amalt tortune on different remediea but the only one with real merit was Nerviline. I uard a few bottles of Nerviline and was perfectly cured. I can recommend Ner- vilene aa a sure cure for sciatica; it ia also excellent for rheumatism and neuralgia." Try Nerviline, 25e. at all druggiata. Eugenia Planing Mills Get your Sash, Doors Flooring, Sheeting, New- ell Posts, Ballusters, Cor- ] ner Blocks, Hand Hailing, ' the best of Spruce Lath, No 1 and No. 2 Shingles, i Veranda and Fitting, Sid- ings, etc. Turning of all kinds done to order. New of stones forchop^ ping. Satisfaction in all our lines guaranteed. Sl Walker Sloan "^ PROPRIETOR V Our Clubbing List 'Advance, *Herald and •Toronto World, daily |3 25 Tot^to Daily Newa 1 85 I .- Weekly. Globe 180 .' Mail-Smpire 1.80 Family Herald & Star .1.80 Toronto Star L80 Khrmeis Sun 1.80 All above prices include The Advance a^d Montreal Herald, if paid in advance only. Eari/ aiilMcribers get l>e8t value for their money. ' GMk^CotlMRoot CooqmaadL eon depaoA na the tawt •aa tfane of Bead." FNparaC la two Imum «: •tiaagth. HA. 1 and Na & Ho. L-Tor erdlaary tmam te br tar the bast 4oQat •aedtelB* Kaarwa... . special 8â€" 19 *o«r dmeslat for CeatM C ^ a a paea a . t^A* a* oth*r Btstoraa aaA taaltatioa* are Ntk I aaA Mol t a*« sold aaA Uaikeriey Msoars . James Mage*. J. R. Faacett and W. T. Ellis were the delegates from Kimberley who attended ^a Liberal Con- servative cwnventioo. , aV . Markdal* on Friday last. Miss L. SeweR- of -Blantyre is visiting friends here at present. Mr. J. W. n>ad spent Sunday at the parental home.ia Markd«le. Mr George Smith, who haa been bom* Tor some time, haa retnrned to hia work in Ashland, VViac^naio.. Mr John Abercrombie ia viaithi^ at the paren'al hom* here at preaent. .. llrlLwliaPUwea.of Kirkrili* viaitad triMi<l* h*r* lis* w**%. Miaa Klna Thatakpa, *ha Ut JI*.laB«aa,tateaeMiaFI*ahartoa bf W mjHkhaadaea aad Doatlaaa^Co., pra*^*«a. CARS OF THANKS r.fM»« aaDOBwn.xKxiiâ€" Permit ma to tbaak yon tor tba haa-laome manear In wtalota voa aoppettad ne tarins tba rao«a* eontast. I (hall do my bat to •ootiniM worthy at roar eoa- Odanee. Toan ilaaeralj ^^ BogcDla, Jaanaiy It. >8B« CARD OF THANKS losna um aswTi.aicwâ€" I daam it bit duty t* tandvr too my hearty Ihaoka 0>r th* band- torn* inaaaar in whieh voa anpporad ma io the ceoaot manieipal uuat eat . WhUa vxp r aaa i na aiy (catitttad i will at tha Mm* tlma aMora yon that root iataraata wilt Iw mioa dnriac tba nnasat tmlt. I ratnaia yoara a im a r aly Ifotiea is barebv n van that tba aanaal maat- law o( tb* Blaeteral DUtriet AgrieaHural Soaiat / oTBaat Oiav wUl ba bald Io tha Town Ball, naabeitw.aNLWadBaadv.-'aa. «Mi, iaet.atl io'eloak p.m.,.tor raeatalac aad paaatn( tha Oh raatort'aad aaditara' raporta tar tha part yaar, •laetiac ofllean to' tha jaa* ISOt aad aaeb baai. aaaa aasaay baaewatdaeed lathal i ila i ai u oC tha saeiatT. As sees hut mem bars for IWlaia all- aiblatoodHa.arbave a vot* at iiMb â- aa W afc kla- ly MBd ia an* deUar to tha •aerstary ba- fore th* day of tba maetiiig. or band aaia* to bim that day aad baaoma a mMslMr aod ha ntwaarsd to take par* ia tha maatiott. B. J aPRODLB, aactatary. Dated al riaabartoo Daa. SO. 19M. CARD OF THANKS fq-ihe El^dcr* Toimship of Jri^susta : ] l.Ai>iii8 AND Okntxsmiwâ€" I tmk» oiiioh pte«i<^ ur« in UndttrlDg mr liac^ro tb«okt to tbe •tootort who ftMlfttod ia %aj wav to elerftt* me to to« hiffbevt po«itioD in tn« gift of th« luunio. {ptttilTi ftodoow tfc»« you (iftT«ft»eQ fltjtobooor m« with th« roav«fthiu I ft»«ur« yon on* Mid %)}* friend ftiid fc« alike, tbfti I tH^I do mj i>ia»o«fc during tha tUzk* I bold ofllo« to »dT»cee th« iDWr«ttt ot tb« lo«nttbip. WUhiogftU 4 b*ppf ALKX. MUtB Farm for Sule. IM acres in, lh« Township of CWnrey â€" part of let 8 aad all of lot 9, in the l^th ei'wiBsaioa. Aheat m aaraa Ba d «e aaMaaStata. Thsm Ji ' a***- A mm. c^ Taking- ^^ ^"^â- g^^"'^*"^'^^*^'^^ 'ETAKE STOCK on FEB. 10th and from now until that date w« will hold onr annual stock-taking sale and during that time we want to cleax tk good 4eal of oar stock oat â€" to do tk» we will offer a straight discount of 15 per cent tear im>h yid 10 per cent for trade. Our stock is v«tf bom- „plete in all lines, and our prices are much below what the same goods can be bought at the present time .ifri; ; - Now is Your Chance to Secure '^ ^ Some Good Barg:ain5 .J. .J. T. J. SHEPPARD ^proule's Block - new * * * "Xmas Goods" Arrived For The Ladies' We have the finest line of Xmas Presents in town for the Ladies. Albums, Work Boxes and Toilets s Tpocialty. Other articles too numerous to mention We have also s very select line of Xmas Preseota for men and children. Up-to-date Stock Try as before p'jrchsaing elsewhere. We delight in ahowioK goods. â- ' . 3^hm ^letuttr^ la oui^ tfken tfom call ajt3 ut*p**t ouf cCma* Stotk. W. J.. DOUGLASS & CO. A Happy New Year to All. . .. i^ ?•?'»«â- â€¢ ataMa aaJK,»r< We have a f^w-. Toys leftf that we are clearing out at greatly reduced prices and some at half prices. • FkslNrtoH* Out * I i r ^

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