December, 251902 THE FLESHERTON ADVANCE ^m^M-m I RT. HiLL&co I ^m^mmm^^ t % -i ,. â- â- We extend to our numerous and local customers oneand all The Season's Greetings. In the good will, cheer and fiiendship which characterize A Real CANADIAN CHRISTMAS We trust you may all largely participate. %. F.T. HILL & CO Marconi has been successful in es- tablisliing coiiipletu transatlantic wireless telegraphy. This is the one important, event of the year just clos- ing. The bye election for North Grey >M'ill bo held on Jan. 7, with the same .old candidatesâ€" Boyd and Maokay â€" in the fluid. Nortli I'erth and Mortli Norfolk elections will also be held on that date. In North Groy the cam- liargii lias opened with a rush which .augurs well for one of the warnicbt caiupaigns ever held in the riding, and thai is Raying a great deal. At Mr. Jiliickay'e noiuination raeeiing he Made charges aijainst certain individ- uals which have already resulted in a >vrit for slander being issued against .that gentii'inuii lor $10,000. Things •will be so wdiiu in North Grey for the next two weeks that overcoats will bo ,al a discount and sleighing nowhere. "It wuU be a liiu feclit," astlic ibcotchnian said. eoniniuiiirai- is on road allowHnco known asCauifibell's jyjy liill and also on road between lots 26 and coufirmod. The f.illiiwin!» tiona were presenlt'd .ind read: T. U â€" -|„- ,, p„„,; , • • T-« T. <. 11- o il-^'i '^<^"- 11- â€" learned. Kenzie, resijinatioiiasDK.U. Uiv. 8,ftncl| Boydâ€" .Muir-That the crdlectora for Jnnies rlempliill, Div. 4; the Clerk of the: li)02, not having niturned their several Peace, Co. Grey, certificate of report of rolls as required l»y the 14th inst., re- Belectionof jurors, 1902; repnrts of com- 1 sol''^ ' th'it the .said collectors be, and •i . . „ ] they are liereliy authorizea, to contniue mi.sioners of Diviai..ns 1 and i were prc- j^,^^. j^^.^ ,^^j eollection of unpaid ta.xes in eented and tiloil. bylaw No, (ili), appointing the folio ] the milliner and with the powers provided ; by l.iw, up to the 26th ilay 'if December, inK deputy returning officers, wa-s read a! !;><;'-- but n..tliing in tbi.s resolution shall " ' â- ' alter or adect the duties of .said C(dleet"r.s I to return their soi-^nil rolls, or invalidate tlio .Slid coUootor.s' suretii's. â€" Carried. .Mu r â€" Gdisoii â€" That the reeve, Mr. D. tlnrd time, finally passed and ordered to be entered in bylaw book, viz. : H. D MeLnughrey, W. .). Belliiny. T. M. Banii.m, Doniild McLcd jr., G. Tiy.n, i ^IcTavish, is he. eby tendered the hearty S Odbert, Jamea Widiamson and F. 11. l t 'â- â- iiK.s of the mL-nibera of iliia council for Thoniison | the able and courteous manner in which Mmrâ€",nâ€" That W. H. Thurs- ' '"= '>â- '« """^ 'he ollioe of reeve for the toil be paid $12.75, bein;.' balance of iy^'-"' ""»' ^'osi"^'- heliovinn that he hn.s piinlin.' contract .I!l02-Oi.rried, |f'''Kon a Kveiit interest in the aflairs of the Muii-Oibson-That the followiny iio-t""'""''!!' during h's temi of office, counts be paid : lioyd, Hiekbng & Co., .""« <=""»"! cod oil, 88c., and 1). McTavidi, repairs to ruadtrrader. .?iri 70. - CVirried. and IS a whole extend their thanks to the clerk and treasurer for tlu' way in which they liavo fulfilled their lioyd- Mnir- That ccmimissionera be several duties aa township officials during paid for special wnrk as follows : A. I "'ii.>>''""' Muir, J. (iibson, .1. Boyd, S2 each; G. A Denial 'To The Kdilor oj fif: Ado^ince. Dear Siii â€" A paragraph appeared in year i^sue of tUo Will iiiit , anion;^ the I'ricoviUe notes, in which cortKin parlies have been vit;nrouily assailed on accuuiil of liiu part they are alleged to liavu taken in the Referendum. 1 have been Hcenned in a public plucu of beiiii; it.s authur a few days ngo and though I hive cieniod in the presiinco of nevoral witness- ,03 I ntill hear tint 1 must have assisted .soiuabndy either in furniHUiiu; the con- .Iciilsoriii tlio coiiipo^itiuii tlieio.f. Now II and 1). McTavinh, §4 caeli.- Tliis motion was put by Mr. Gibson, as c!iairman pro tern, ai.d unanimously cirried. The ci.uncil then adjourned. Tlioinpsi Carried. c;!!!.--!!!!â€" Muirâ€" That the tioasurer be paid 810 for preparing financial st'itonieut for 11»02 -Chrrie.l. Thmnpson â€" liiydâ€" That John Weber bo paid fifty dollara on account of build- in!' culvert.s oi. valley roail. â- Carried. i r „ ., , „ . ... IJoyd-Gibson -That the mcMibe.s of j«'"i-ef»nv torrcr cd Karl. l»c«'h The Markets. Soya the local board of lualth bo paid as fol lows : M Uiley $(!, D.McTavi.sli ?2, W. | .1. liellamy 82 00, .1. 1'. Otiewell §2, S. | W. $2. â€" Carried. i Gilison â€" Muirâ€" That the following ac , cuuiits for giavel, as certified hy over- R.ers, be paid : .lolin Fed'ar 81.60, 1'. Muir SI 25, and (iBorye Moore 87.70, 8;'..20 of Oeor^e Motu'e's account to be charged to I'rot'ti council as tlm gravel waa use 1 rni the town line. â€" Carried. Mnir -Thoinpaoii â€" That .John r>c>yd be paid 8IJ'i 77, beiiii; his eomuiission on ex- penditure Div. No. 15 as per lii.s rcpoit. â€" Oavried. Bnydâ€" Muirâ€" That Win. Osburn be refunrli d $i, being statute labor of 1!!02 1 wii,li to «,iy, once for all. ihal I did not. f,„. |„,^ 140-1.(7, ;i N. K.. the same hav- .doviie, scheiii J, contrive nor ooiieoet one im; been porforiiled as cei tilled by over- ningle Heiiteiiee, 1 ne nor word of tliu ol>- seer. -Carried. jectiunnble par.igiaph.nor do I know who .did, and tho Haiiie can lusnid of everyone .elsu in this liouxu. I have nii idea thvt the ruiiron there in an ell'ort to bring this matter lionie to mu, and thu:i, if poiaibl :, tu lessen my iiilluence with cert;iiii parli<jK,iH l)OutiU40 I intud as ag. Qt for the iiBiriiiaiivo un thudiy of the Voting. Lot iiie nay th it 1 neillior soU;<ht after nor (lea rod that pnsltmn. ] w.ia appointed by ill.' ShorilF ol tile c nnity of (Iroy.afti r Milir â€" IJoydâ€" That the aeoount of the Munieipal World, 85, for sub cripti.uis, be paiil - Carried. (iilisiiii â€" Muirâ€" Thai the ear.taker of â- liall ho paid 81.50 for attondancM at hall for three sessions of Division Court as per byl.iw. -- Cairied. TInniipsoii -Mnirâ€" That the Mdeolors of jiiroiM for 1002 be paid as follows : the reeve 84, asie.ssor 84, elerk 84 - Carried. Thompson â€" Muirâ€" 'I'liat A. Sheriat lui paid 810 anil (Juorije Kinhur 8(5, for ivoik on O.pruy and Arieiiiesia town line, 1 S 1). It , beiii4 work on'.oiod by county CMniiiiissioiiur, one half of sird ninniiiit to Oats Peas Wii,»t Ihirley Butler Eirgs freah I'oik Chickens per pair. Duek.s per pair . . . Tuckeys per lb. . . Geese pur lb Hay E'olatoes hai; 28 -o 28 72 o 73 G5 to 05 45 to 45 17 o 17 â- 20 -.o 20 7. 00 to 7 00 25 to 50 40 to 60 11 tL 12 8 -o 8 B 00 to 5 00 67 -.0 75 Bovd,l)icIiliti9^go. Soame Useful Hints To XMAS BUYERS Thi.s .store has never before had sucli an array of hanflsome articles just .suitable for u.seful present-s as we show now for the needs of the Xmas Holiday Trade. We can merely give you a few hints in these columns â€" you .should come and see the goods for yourself â€" they'll not disup{)oint you in quality and besides the prices ai-e Right too, so that you'll find it easy to make a pleasing and satisfactory selection. Xmas Present Offerings. Kmas ?ur$. Ladies' Cupel inea in a bii? variety of Stylish Fur Combina- tions. From 83.75 to $15 00. Fur Gp.nnttlet3 for Ladies or Gents, to matcli any Coat. From 8-2.25 to $.i.00. Astracban Capes, large size, full sweep. From $12 50 to 815. Astrachan .Jackets, rich elosssy curl, quality guaranteed, all sizes from 32â€"46, bust, $25 00 to $40.00. Gents' Fur t;oal«, Do/^, Corsican Lamb, Wombat, Coon, Kangaroo, Wallaby, Goat, Etc., all sizes, from $15 00 to 815.00. Children's White Ruff.s, from 25c. Xmas l>atidkcrcbief$* Colored Brocaded feilk Handkerchiefs, from 25c to (30c. Vv'hite Hemsiiched Silk Handkerchiefs, from 25c. to COc. Irish Lawn Handkerchiefs, fiora 5c. to 25c. Lace and Embroidered Linen Handkerchiefs, 25c. Children's Picture Handkerchiefs, from 3c. to oc. XMAS NECKWEAR tJents' Silk and 8atin Ties, in all new styles,from 50c Gents' Silk and Satin .Mufflei?, all colors, from 25c. to 81.00 Ladies' Fancy filk Mufflers, very stylish, froju 50c. to 81,50 Ladies' Fancy Silk Collars, all shades, from 5'lc. to $1.00. Ladies' Silk Ties, new stj^es, new colors, from 2jc. to $1.00 XriAS LINENS Linen Damask Napkins, new patterns,per doz., 85o. to $2 25 Table Cloths, border all round, laige sizes, from 8L25 to 82.75 Linen Tray Clctlis, lovely designs, from 30c. to 81,00. Linen Sideboard Scarp, new patterns, from 25c. to oOc. 3[ai$and$c Silk Drapes All pure Japanesse Silk Chair Drapes, Piano Drapes, Mmtel Drapes, Cushion Tops, etc. New Goods, all hand embroidered in gold and colored silks. Prices from One. 81.5. ' ' , ' . >..i . :â- :â- .'â- â- â- ::â- 'â- â- â- :' ^ Fancy Shawls . r , Reversible Wool Shawls, new patterns, fror>i 75c. to 84 25. Wool Shoulder Sliaw's, all popular shades, from oOs. to 81.50 Umbrella Shawls, hand made, from 81.00 to 81.50. Wool Hoods, Wool Toques, Bootees, Wool Mitts, ror the little ones, all prices. Xmas. Footwear Gents' Felt Slippers, new German goods, fix)al';-10c, to Too. Ladies' Felt Slippers, very comfortable, from 40c, to $1.0(1 liadies' Velvet Slippers, fur trimmed, from Sl-25. Gents" Fine Ijeatlier Slipperj?, from 75c, to 81.25. \ TUsberton Furniture » aiarero(dm$* We arj carry iii:^ the newest styles of Hoa.sonable gooja in all lim.a of Kurnituro, consisHnH (>f : Parlor and bedroom suits, lounges, sidebo,iril», oxteiisirii and centre tablef, ehaii'n, window ahades »ml curtain poleo, pieturo-", easels, oto , VVliieh we otter at tliat 11 Wis my own bajincHii. As to my vi'^KoU lliu li.iuiir<pieHti..nâ€" it' ihey Rre ho chained lo Ospoy eonnod â€" Ciirrieil. i Muir -Gibson -'rh,'. U. iVIol'avish bo, LOWEST PRICES b'jt ^ iiu' veiiionl to auyliudy I iiiii Hiary tlie> Imll nevi-r la oiningeil J. A. Matiiehon. ] viijo, Dea. in, 1!)02. 'fuwnship Ci u^cll 1 II . ii council II, el III the town hall, V\ on, on Deo. ^VJl. 1J02. Aloni- dx preaeiit, ill ' iii,ve ii tli-j elinir. Tl" .VI Oh"' 1 11 .rs.yii yiere read and piiiil ?8 45 for repiiiri t. (Iiirrioil cruder in 1001. 'rh.enp'«)ii--lV.vdâ€" Tliiit til" reqiieRt i of U I'liint 1111:1 |{. Piirvii lie glaired by (( iiwilin S iiiinel .V'le ., who in ill HI linont e.riiiinslniiee!!, ti per inoieli, ilu'Hiino tobu p'ii.ed 111 the inu (I ol IJeiiiy Wil- liams f..r dlHt nbntion â€" ('iirre'l. tiibsoi â€" Tho'ii|rNi.ii â€" That the reiior s if ooiiiiniMNioiieiN of ilivisi.iiis I ninl 3 on ejpindifure 111 10);^ lie reeoivd C'airied. I'l'OnipsOM -H yil- Thnt ,1. hn \fil- hiiiiis liB all'iwoil «lnic»M.- tinj'iiT there PictiUo Framing and Ounonl Ro pairing. Umlertakiii',' in all its branelnw. Sati.sfaclion giiHraiiteen W. tl. Bunt, Prop. %/%/%^»/%% ^-^^^^^^^ %^ »^%^« FREE! LADIES. IZlS:. ' ntiil volt will rccrtvff • «.\mpl.. ,if Sl.OCl'M'S lOMl(HINl) PENNYROYAL TEA. Krary motlirr anil Ivty \\\mM ii» It. IN-it tiircmfiilly t.y UmB. •ana* of*-*. •-,:. ,l<f> f'.f »itfl hv ..'1 OrurKl'l*. <'t nlrecl, TlIK T. A. M-OCUMCHtMICAL to.. TORONIO, CAN, Hardware Department Xmas China New Dinner Setts, 97 pieces, new designs. §7.50 to $15.00. New Tea Setts, 41 pieces, elegant patterns, $i 25 to S'3 50. New 'i'oilet Setts, 12 pieces, new colorings, 82.50 to $(5.00. Xmas Lamps Â¥ Fancy Hanging Laiups, Daniiutt Lamps, Hall Lamps, Reading Lamps, Table Lamps, Bed Koom Lamps, Children's Toy Lamps, An immense selection, From 10c. to 86.00. Xmas Silverware Pickle CriHts, Cruets. Butter Dishes, Berry Dishes, Celery Glasses, Cake Baskets, Card Receivers, Salt Cellars, Spoon Hold- ers, Sugar Bowls, Prices tc suit all Purses, Fancy China Novelties for Xmas Water uiid Lemonade Setts, new designs, $l.'25 and 81.50 Fancy Gla.^s l-'petignes, very lmndsonie,OOc. to 82.50. Porridge Setts, lovely china goods, 25o. to $1.50. Monstache t'ups, novel piitterns, 15c. to $1.00. Shaving Mug.-i, el.gaiilly decorated, lOo. to 50c, Cheese Dishes, rew shapes and colors, oOo. to §1.00. Fancy Gilt Glass Setts, vmy rich effects, 10c. i& 82,00 Vatch Safes, Syrup Juljs, Butter Dishes, Tootii Pick Holders, Spoon l>islies. Ash Tinys, '1 rinket, Flower Pots. Fern Hold- ers, .Tapaneae China Novelties, Berry Dishes, Candlestieks, Fancy Wedgewood China, Fancy Plaques Collar Boxes, Glove Boxes, Tie Boxes and a host of other Fancy articles auitablo fur Presents. Xmas Cutlery Caiver Setts, ShefHeld make, 81,00 to 8t) 00. Knives and Forks, steel and phiied, 75o. to 88.00, Tea. Desert and Table Spoons, 10c. lo 88.00. Butter Knives, new Designs, 25o. to $2.00, m ^'â- :.i